Entering Post-Otaku
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YuJia Zhang Entering Post-Otaku -Approaching the Internet Era in the Light of Otaku Master Program in Digital Culture Department of Art and Culture Studies University of Jyväskylä [email protected] 10/03/2014 2 JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO Faculty Department Faculty of Humanities Department of Art and Culture Author YuJia Zhang Title Entering Post-Otaku - Approaching the Internet Era in the Light of Otaku Subject Level Digital Culture Master‘s Thesis Month and year Number of pages March 2014 107 p. + 13 p. Appendix Abstract This thesis raises a hypothesis that we have entered the post-Otaku era. In order to prove this hypothesis, a survey has been conducted in which 30 participants gave answers regarding their Internet habits. It is said that each time when science and technology make one step forward, it increases the capacity of our organs. Compared with the impact of the industrial revolution on human beings, the influence of Internet technology seems far more tremendous as the former extends the power of our limbs while the latter enhances the competence of our brain. The significance of the present study is trying to explore the unknown future in the light of the Otaku phenomenon which is something having existed previously. The results obtained from this study reveal the fact that the daily Internet habits of many people now tend to resemble a small number of people referred to as Otaku, whose life style was viewed negatively in early stage. This finding can show us how far have we strayed away from the social norms and conventions established in the past. So viewing the Internet-oriented society in the light of Otaku can help us to obtain profound understanding of the role the Internet technology has played on the evolution of human civilization. The findings of this research might be able to throw some light on the future studies of anthropology, sociology and psychology. Keywords: deconstruction, Internet, online behaviour, post-Otaku, postmodernity, social relationships Depository University of Jyväskylä Additional information 2 3 JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO Tiedekunta Laitos Humanistinen tiedekunta Taiteiden ja kulttuurin tutkimuksen laitos Tekijä YuJia Zhang Työn nimi Kohti post-Otaku -aikaa – internet-aikakausi Otaku-näkökulmasta Oppiaine Työn laji Digitaalinen kulttuuri Pro gradu -tutkielma Aika Sivumäärä 2014 107 s. + 13 s. liite Tiivistelmä Tämä opinnäytetyö esittää hypoteesin, että olemme siirtyneet post-Otaku aikakauteen. Todistaakseni hypoteesia olen tehnyt tutkimuksen, jossa 30 osallistujaa vastasivat kysymyksiin Internet-tottumuksistaan. Sanotaan, että joka kerta kun tiede ja teknologia tekevät yhden askeleen eteenpäin, se lisää meidän elimemme kapasiteettia. Verrattuna teollisen vallankumouksen vaikutuksista ihmisiin, internet-teknologian vaikutus on suunnaton. Teollinen vallankumous vahvistaa raajojamme kun taas internet-teknologia parantaa aivojemme kykyjä.Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on yrittää lähestyä tuntematonta tulevaisuutta Otaku-ilmiön valossa, mikä on jotain jo ennestään olemassa. Tästä tutkimuksesta saadut tulokset paljastavat, että monien päivittäiset Internet-tottumukset muistuttavat Otaku nimellä tunnettua ryhmittymää, joiden elämäntavat pidettiin alkuvaiheessa negatiivisena. Tämä havainto voi näyttää meille, miten pitkälle olemme vieraantuneet aikaisemmista sosiaalisista normeista ja yleissopimuksista. Internet suuntautuneen yhteiskunnan tarkastelu Otakun valossa voi auttaa meitä saavuttamaan syvällistä ymmärrystä internet-teknologian roolista inhimillisen sivistyksen kehityksessä. Tutkimuksen tulokset voivat mahdollisesti valottaa tulevia tutkimuksia antropologian, sosiologian ja psykologian alalla. Asiasanat:dekonstruktio, internet, online käyttäytyminen, postmodernismi, post-Otaku, sosiaaliset suhteet Säilytyspaikka Jyväskylän Yliopisto Muita tietoja 3 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks and great appreciation to the department for having offered me such an amazing academic journey through which I have learned and grown, becoming mature in terms of both language proficiency and academic thinking and I am really grateful to every teacher who has inspired and helped me through the years of study. None of what I have achieved now would have happened without them. Most importantly, I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Raine Koskimaa, who guided me through the whole process of writing with insightful suggestions, critical comments and tolerant patience. Without his support and encouragement, this thesis would not have been possible. I would also like to convey my deepest love and gratitude to my dear friends who have spiritually accompanied me through past few years. Friends back home, thank you all for the love and warmth. My crazy digital families, you guys are magical. Only you guys can make the Finnish winter less intimidating. Dear Ljiljana, I especially want to thank you for always being there whenever I needed your help. In the end, I want to dedicate this thesis to my parents. I’m so grateful to their unconditional love. Thank you mum for being the best mum a daughter could ever want. Thank you for being my biggest fan, solid support and best friend, indulging me to grow into the person I want and live the kind of life I prefer to. Thank you Dad for teaching me how to read and intriguing my curiosity in reading. And thank you Fatty for being there and making me laugh. 4 5 Content ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................ 4 Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................... 7 1.1 Noticing a new phenomenon ............................................................................................ 7 1.1.1 Introducing the general idea of Otaku ............................................................................................ 9 1.1.2 The characteristics of the new phenomenon ............................................................................. 12 1.1.3 Proving the new phenomenon: post-Otaku ................................................................................ 16 1.2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 17 1.3 Research targets, goal and questions .......................................................................... 18 1.4 Overall structure of the thesis ....................................................................................... 20 Chapter2. Literature Review of Otaku ................................ 22 2.1 The historical background of Otaku ............................................................................ 24 2.2 The previous study of Otaku .......................................................................................... 26 2.3The development of Otaku ............................................................................................... 32 2.3.1The origin of Otaku ................................................................................................................................ 32 2.3.2 The rise of Otaku .................................................................................................................................... 35 2.3.3 The death of Otaku ................................................................................................................................ 37 2.3 The influence of Otaku ..................................................................................................... 40 2.4.1 Positive factors ........................................................................................................................................ 40 2.3.2 Negative factors ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Chapter 3. Approaching the Internet Era in the light of Otaku .......................................................................................... 45 3.1 The Necessity of approaching the Internet Era in the light of Otaku ................ 45 3.2 The Design of the Survey ................................................................................................. 47 3.2.1 The Age of the Target Group ............................................................................................................. 48 3.2.2 Gender and the Language .................................................................................................................. 49 3.2.3 The Design of the Questionnaire ..................................................................................................... 50 5 6 3.3 The findings on Internet behavior ............................................................................... 51 3.3.1The purpose of using the Internet ................................................................................................... 52 3.3.2 The habit of using Internet ................................................................................................................ 53 3.3.3The role of Internet in daily life ........................................................................................................ 55 3.3.4 The replacement of Internet in daily activities ......................................................................... 56 3.4 The findings on Otaku ....................................................................................................... 57 Chapter 4:The Discovery of Post-Otaku Phenomenon