
Ordering Prints & Framing

Available Photo E-Surface (Standard Photographic Finish) *Recommended E-Surface Paper is our most popular photographic paper. Accurate color, lifelike skin tones, archival quality and a traditional photo finish are just a few reasons why customers love E-Surface Prints. *No glass required as photo is backed with photo backing board. Great look!

Fuji Pearl Paper (Smooth Metallic Finish) *Very metallic & shinny Fuji Pearl Paper uses a patented combination of film and laminate layers resulting in a striking metallic shine. Its ultra-bright backgrounds and smooth photo finish will make your special moments last a lifetime. *No glass is recommended with Fuji Pearl Paper.

True B&W Paper (Classic Matte Finish) True Black & White offers rich black continuous-tone prints, avoiding any tints of color. Perfect for all of your shots, this matte photo paper creates beautiful prints that will last for a lifetime.

Fine-Art Paper Fine Art prints are printed on large format inkjet printers on Fine Art Paper. Fine Art paper is similar in look and feel to watercolor paper and is a great alternative to fiber-based . This paper is more fragile than traditional photographic prints and must be handled with care.

Frames Choose from a large selection of frame styles and have your print custom-framed today!

Choose from no glass, regular glass and non-glare glass.

Black and White Mats come in 2" width and are optional.

Adding to a framed print increases the width and height by 4", for example, an 8" x 10" print that is framed and has a mat will end up being 12" x 14" plus the width of the frame.

With mat, glass is required and mounting option is not available. With no mat, mounting is required and glass is optional. Mpix frames require no glass unless you choose a mat border. Pictures have great durable finish!