Southern Africa voL 12 No. 4 lD) ~ GllJlDJ@lD) GlnJ ~ ~0 ~ 2__S . September 1997 Neo-Liberalism & AIJl it's Works o· D Se~ rvices · o EPZs 0 The S .A. Budget September 1997 Vol. 12 No.4 Contents l Editorial: Of Crime ... and Neo-liberalism . 1 Private Gain, Public Loss? Service Delivery in the New S.A. .. 3 Giving South Africans the GEARs Southern Africa The '97 Budget . .. 7 REPORT is produced quarterly by a collective Regional Mirage: Southern Africa and the EPZ . 11 of TCLSAC, the Toronto Committee for Links between Southern Africa & Canada The Menace of the Market 427 Bloor St. West Land and Labour in Southern Africa 16 Toronto, Ontario M5S 1X7 Tel. (416) 967-5562 email:
[email protected] Debating Globalization: Critique of Colin Leys . web site: www.web.n et /~tclsac/ 20 Submissions, suggestions and help in production are welcome and invited ISSN 0820-5582 Going it Alone: Opposition Politics in Zimbabwe . 24 Member: Canadian Magazine Publishers Association Reviews: Indexed in : Canadian Index; Canadian Business & Current Affairs Family Matters 27 A ll rights reversed Whites Only 30 Subscriptions Southern Africa Report subscription & TCLSAC membership rates: SUBSCRIPTION: SAR Collective Individual (per year) $18.00 Institution (per year) $40.00 Margie Adam, Stephen Allen, Carolyn Bassett, Christine Beckermann, Lois Browne, Marlea Clarke, MEMBERSHIP: (includes subscription) Dav id Cooke, Thaddeus Gacii, David Galbraith, David Hartman, Regular . $35.00 John S. Saul, Marit Stiles, Lauren Swenarchuk , Unemployed Joe Vise, Mary Vi se, Student . $18.00 Senior Sustainer . over $100.00 CoveT photo: the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Overseas add $10 .00 Cover design by Art Work Cover pho t o by Philip Schedler- LINK/Impact Visuals Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement No.