Abydos 157 Block Discovered at 154 Akhenaten Access to the Aten 15

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Abydos 157 Block Discovered at 154 Akhenaten Access to the Aten 15 Index Abydos 157 wearing of Nubian wig by 62 block discovered at 154 worshiping of the Aten by 180, 181–182 Akhenaten Akhetaten (city), worshiping of Aten by royal access to the Aten 15, 159, 199 family at 176 adoption of identity of Shu by 174 Amarna, Tell el- 160, 161, 166, 176 artistic style of 177, 179n, 186 afterlife of nonroyal dead at 150 Atenist changes of, at Karnak 202 art and artists in 26, 180, 190, 191–192, 193, belief in Nefertiti as goddess 189 202 body cartouches on 36, 37 balustrades from 181, 197–198 building program of 10, 12 building construction at 28 as child of the Aten 189 funerary cults of nonroyal at 185 daughters of 18, 146–147, 183, 189–190 grid system in 45 depiction of, as sphinx 156–157 hermetic identity of the divine triad of establishment of sunshades of Re by 160 186 figure of, on tomb of Amarna 168 house stelae found at 186–187 figures of 36–48 importance of dogmatic adherence to height of Nefertiti in relation to 194–195, ideology 182–183 197–198 inscriptions at 155 iconography of the Karnak colossi of King’s House in 146 187–188 nonroyal tombs at 183, 187 identity of 188–189 palaces at 136 ideology of 193 refurbishment at 163 as intermediary to Aten 15 reliefs at 58, 195 as manifestation of the sun god 175 religion of 183–184 marriage to Nefertiti 202 temples at 13, 82, 136 Nefertiti as equal to 183–184 tombs of 9, 30, 35–36, 48, 74, 137, 157, 168, petitioning to, for afterlife benefits 185 169, 196–197 philosophy of 191 mirror image scenes in 149 reign of 176, 177, 182, 195, 197 women in 87–88 rejuvenation of 150 Amarna period 8 religion of 26 Amarna sunshade 24 rhetoric of 193 el-Amariya 1 right-facing limestone scene of Nefertiti Amun cult 192 and 112–114 Amunhotep iii 162 role of, in sunshade of Re and the rwd ʿnḫw chapel of 160 itn 165–175 reign of 16, 173 role of sunshades in religious reforms of Ankhesenpaaten (princess) 105–106 1–2 birth of 177 sarcophagus of 17 inscription mentioning 176 as semi divine 190–191 sunshade of 136, 155 support of traditional gendered hierarchy Apy, tomb of 83, 84, 91, 148 202 Ashmolean balustrade 1922.141, fragments of on tomb of Parennefeer 170 22 use of title tit rʾ 188 Ashmunein 8 value of solar-associated structures to Ashmunein fragment no. 58 164–165 16 Asyut, talatat from 154 220 index the Aten 8, 9–10, 13, 170 Cairo Museum Akhenaten’s access to 15, 159, 199 je 87300 37, 39, 51, 52, 55–56 body catrouche of 36 No., Boundary Stele s 52 cult of 160, 203 No. 138 depiction with Shu/Akhenaten and No. 39, 55, 138 Tefnut/Nefertiti 186 Carlos Museum (Atlanta) 154 as engendering power of light 186 Cavetto cornices 121, 124, 125 hands of the 180 Chariot, limestone figures of 104–105 identity of 182–183 Coffin Text Spells 75–80, 186 rejuvenation of 150 Columns 82, 126–135, 193 royal family’s association with 194 decorative panel from limestone (recon- as source of self-generated fertility 160 struction 19) 115–118 temple to the 80–81 Courtiers 67–70, 73–74, 148 worshiping of the 176, 180, 181–182, Cultic practices 15–16 199 Aten cartouche 177 Daughters 18, 146–147, 183, 189–190. See also Aten cult Princesses, Ankhesenpaaten (princess), foundation of 165 Mertaten (princess), Meketaten Nefertiti and 203 (princess) Aten disc 29–36, 86, 89, 90–92, 92–93, 191 Deir el-Bahri 15, 162 arc of 31–32 Hatshepsut’s Sunshade of Re chapel at original dimensions of 114 17, 24, 159 Atenism 18, 161, 176 Deir el-Hinnis, inscription from 177 Hathoric elements in 187 Domain of Amun 165 involvement of Neferti in development of 201 Egyptian art status of Nefertiti within 200–201 height as indication of status and Aten religion, cosmogony of 174 importance 196–197 Atum 182 women in 195–196 association of the Aten with 186 Everyday activities, representations of 193– Axis mundi 192 194 Ay, tomb of 72–73, 80, 110, 153, 157, 159, 162– 163, 167, 172, 179n, 184, 185 Funerary implications 172 Bak, statue of 200 Gabriel, Osiris 150n Baldachin, 168 169 excavations of Kom el-Nana 1, 8 representation of 170–172 Gardens 74–75, 79 Beautiful Feast of the Valley 192 Gebel Silsila sandstone 28 Berlin family stele 179n Gender performativity, theory of 202n Body cartouches 8, 26, 36–48, 87–88, 96, Great Aten temple 6, 9, 136, 143, 162, 163–164, 98 166 decorative frieze with late Aten 102–104 Great Palace 76 directionality of 26 Great Pavement 76 Boundary Stelae 149, 163, 164, 165, 179n, 192, 198, 199–200 Hathor 173 British Museum hieratic ostracon as solar goddess 174 bm 58890 154, 165 Hathoric element of queenship 202 bm 59884 154, 165 Hatshepsut Brooklyn Museum 16.719, 154 reign of 15.

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