JANDARMERIA ROMÂNĂ No. 5 / 2017 Member of ELEMENT Network summary GENDARMERIE TODAY 2. "Gendarmerie, we bow" Captain Gheorghe ENE 8. 100% CT Captain Gheorghe ENE GENDARMERIE AND PUBLIC ORDER CULTURE 12. Stability operations, the solution against threats Ernest J. HEROLD 16. NATO Stability Policing Centre of Excellence, a key role for the Romanian Gendarmerie Colonel Andrea PARIS 18. A new concept in the field of security Colonel Mihai CRISTIAN GENDARMERIE IN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT 22. Security, a challenge of this millennium Captain Casandra ILIE 25. Romanian Gendarmes abroad... Captain Casandra ILIE 30. European Union Police Services Training II Antonio ANAYA LORITE EDUCATION, TRADITIONS AND MILITARY HISTORY 32. History file Captain Casandra ILIE JANDARMERIA ROMÂNĂ Magazine published by the General Inspectorate of Romanian Gendarmerie EDITORIAL OFFICE - founded on the 15th of December 1922 Lieutenant-colonel Sorin DESPINA entitled ”Gendarmerie Magazine” - Captain Casandra ILIE General Inspectorate of Romanian Gendarmerie Captain Gheorghe ENE Magazine “Romanian Gendarmerie” NCO Cristian DUMITRU ISSN-L 1843 - 388X NCO Nicoleta SANDU Address: Strada Jandarmeriei nr. 9-11, Sector 1, Bucureşti NCO Florian GRIGORE Telephone: 0040 21 409.65.01 Fax: 0040 21 319.80.52 E-mail:
[email protected] Translation by: Captain Mihaela IVANOVICI (S.A.O.J.R.M.V.), The authors are fully responsible for the opinions/views Major Liliana RUSU (S.M.S.J. Fălticeni) expressed in this magazine. editorial Together We talk more and more about national and international security. Until lately, the risks and vulnerabilities were related to the geographical position and the size of the neighboring states. In the new era of globalization, the states, as actors of granting security, are facing new challenges, which are determined by the economic, political, financial, social relations and even by image factors.