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College Voice Vol. 31 No. 7

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VOLUMEXXXI' NUMBER 6 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2006 CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, NEW LoNDON, CT ..hoda Unger Speaks At Conn Catharsis: Dance Club Kicks Off Fall Show ," ~...======~".. ~uthor Addresses Psychology Of Women

year, there were eleven symposia of the psychology of women. Some of Staff Writer the titles were: The Evolution of Women and The Fall and Rise of On Monday, October 30, Rhoda Feminism. All these happened Unger spoke in Bill Hall about the because of the integration of the evolution of the field of Psychology activism happening at the time. of Women. Unger began her speech Such activist groups include the y talking about the lack of women AWP (Association for Women in in areas that dealt with psychology. Psychology) in 1965, CWP Not only were there no women in (Committee for Women in the' professional fields, but women as subjects were absent in most Psychology) in 1970 and Division 35 in 1973, which is now the i "feas studied by psychologists as Society for the Psychology of :~!!-Additionally, the language ff. in textbooks was a language Women. Unger emphasized the fact that ~ made women nearly invisible . ich studies. these activist groups were needed to • ~er used a quote by Joan Evans create the paradigm. ll(dner to emphasize the social In 1971, Judith Bardwick, who ,. . Unger states is "not a feminist," , l>ttIJemsduring the mid to late six- ~ ,:Gardner stated, "What can the wrote the first textbook on the psy· ehavioral sciences do to modify chology of women. It was hard, e world so that women who want therefore, to teach a course using o participate meaningfully are not Bardwick's book when it had chap- egarded as and are not in fact ters like The Psychosomatic ~deviant?" Dysfunction of the Female Unger then explained the progres- ion of new events in the years to SEE UNGER orne. In 1970, there was an emer- Continued on page si gence of a new paradigm, In that The Conn Dance Club will be performing their fall show, Catharsis, in Cro three nights this week: Thursday, November 2nd, through Saruirtay, Novemher 4th (Mitchell). A Voice Exclusive Interview ". r ., Editor-In-Chief, News Editor Sit Down t With Ned Lamont BY SOPHIE MATHEWSON BY STEVE STRAUSS AND journalism in a bigger way. I thought News Editor SOPHIE MATHEWSON cable television would be a way to Editor·In·Chief, News Editor have a 24-hour news show, and Connecticut's Democratic news wouldn't be compacted into a Senate hopeful Ned Lamont came to Editor-in-Chief Steve Strauss 3D-minute slot. So I joined a cable 'speak at Conn on Tuesday, October and News Editor Sophie Mathewson operator, and we did: we created 31, a mere six days from the sat down with Ned Lamont follow- Cablevision News 12, and we did approaching November 7 election. ing his appearance at Connecticut something there. I ended up getting In a town-hall style meeting that College on Tuesday, October 31st. more and more into the operating also drew local residents and press, side of the business. Sometimes you Lamont addressed domestic and Steve Strauss: Happy don't make choices. Sometimes you international issues, his amateur sta- Halloween! We were wondering if just get into a situation and things tus in the political arena, and his per- you had any especially memorable happen. That's how I got in that sir- ceived deficiencies of his most costumes as a child. uation: thinking I was going to PU(- 'prominent opponent, three term sue journalism. "incumbent Joseph Lieberman. Ned Lamont: Back in my day, I The chairman and president of " maybe dressed as a a couple SS: You're warm up music the successful Lamont Digital of times. My son, he might not want tonight was Bill Withers. What have Syslems, Lamont is also the great- you to know this ... but about eight you, personally, been listening to grandson of former J.P. Morgan & years ago he dressed as Maril yo lately? Co. Chairman Thomas W. Lamont. Monroe. (Lamont pointed out that it was not NL:Hal his first time on the Conn campus; SS: You dressed as Marilyn his business supplies cable and data Monroe? SM: What gets you pumped up services to many colleges). When on the campaign trail? someone at the meeting expressed NL: No, my son did. concern over whether Lamont NL: I'm a big Meatloaf fan, I intended to serve the people or line SS: On a scale of 1-10, how like Lynyrd Skynyrd, but every band his pockets, Lamont replied, "I've tough were the questions from the I name, I'm dating myself. (Asks already lined my pockets," Despite Conn students tonight? assistant) Who were we ta,Jking affluent roots and ample success in about today? Meatloaf? No! the business world, some believe NL: I think they were pretty hard , that Lamont, a relative political neo- hitting. I'd put them on the harder Lamont Assistant: Bob Madey. phyte, is ill-equipped to take office. side. These are real issues, and peo- "Lamont's inexperience in poli- ple wanted real answers, you know? NL: Bob Marley! That's right! tics is obvious by simply visiting his How come 'we don't have siijgle website," said Brendan Schwartz payer systems tomorrow? How SS: 'l'our radio ads have insisted 'O?, "He hasn't articulated policy come you want universal coverage, that you're not a politician. How do positions on many important issues but you want to do it incrementally? you, as a first term, potentially such as the death penalty/prison Democratic candidate for Senate Ned Lamont was on hand 1lJesday 10 answer questions about the upcoming election (Web). I mean, these are real questions; a minority-parry Senator plan to get reform, tax reform, and the Patriot lot better than I get at the debates I results in Washington without poli- Act, to name a few." when he said that there is "too much questioning the motives of people responses were spot on, and it just go to on TV. Don't you agree? tics? Still, the candidate expressed government intruding into our per- who doubt his policies, a lack of affirmed my full support.of him over other ideas he hopes to bring to sonallives." accountability leading 10 problems Lieberman," added Kemper. In a Sophie Mathewson: I read you NL: I think as a businessperson, Washington. Once a volunteer It is Lamont's foreign policy, "not because we've been asking too Reuters poll released November 2, used to be a newspaper man, your- I can cut through a lot of the ideo- teacher in Bridgeport, CT, Lamont however, that has been getting him many questions, but because we've Senator Lieberman, running as an self. Why did you leave the world of logical clutter they've got down emphasized the importance of edu- the most press attention, and what been asking too few." independent, had a 49 percent to 37 journalism? there and break through. We're just cation, and discussed the dire neces- perhaps caused him to triumph in According to Fred Kemper '07, percent lead on Lamont, down from talking about health care, That's a sity offixing the health care system. the primary last August. The War in Vice President of CCDems, the cam- a 20 point lead in Early October. NL: I tell you, it was one of the system that's bankrupting General He also discussed the pervasiveness Iraq, Lamont told Tuesday's audi- paign hoped for 150 students to Republican Alan Schlesinger held 6 best jobs 1 ever had. Right out of Motors as well as the workers there. of lobbyists in the current political ence, has "weakened us both home show up, a goal unquestionably met percent. college. 1 was editor of the Black Why can't we break through? Why system, a problem he considers and abroad." He went on to say that by the crowd of people (which Lamont's final remarks encour- River Tribune in Ludlow, Vermont. I is that a Republican or Democratic insidious, "I'm going to break that President George W. Bush, whom included Lamont's parents) that aged everyone to vote. "This is one loved it because everybody wel- issue? culture," he declared. Senator Lieberman has consistently filled the 1941 room. Overall, many of the most important elections comed me into their homes. It was a When asked about whether or supported in his policy of Iraq, is deemed the Tuesday night event to we've had in a long time," he said. town going through a transition and not he supported gay marriage, he "driving this country into a ditch." be a success. "You can look back and say you've I lived this town for a year and a SEE lAMoNT Lamont criticized Lieberman for "We all felt that Lamont's made a real difference." was received with hearty applause half. Then I figured I wanted to do Continued on page six NEWS SPORTS A&E

What does this student think about Who'sin and who's out of the NESCAC Checkout pages4 and 5 to read about negativecampaigning?Iurn to page 6 to Tournament?Turn to page 10 to find out, MusicProfessorArthurKreiger,as wellas find out, as Dasha Lavrennikovhit the and read about the Conn cross country EnglishProfessor Sinton Hay'sdiscussion street to as studentstheir opinions. teams' race ~arkness this pastweekend. on SirWalterSrfiJ' and the ghost st0'l

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2 • NOVl!RMBBR 3, 2006 • TUB COLLBGB VOICB , I ..


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I. With the upcoming Senatorial election looming near, students have been encour- aged by faculty, campus speakers and their peers to participate in voting. The sub- " s~antial turnout Tuesday in Cro to hear Ned Lamont speak, coupled with the enthusi- . ,i3-;smofgroups like CCDems and The College Hepubllcans, displays that political ,awareness at Conn-while perhaps not quite at a fever pitch-is certainly apparent. It is nothing new to hear the comparison between relatively low percentages of young citizens eligible to vote in the United States, and those that actually turn out when the . ,Polls open. What do these numbers mean? Are young registered voters.apathetic? Ignorant? Perhaps a widespread frustration generated by the current administration is to blame for these numbers. Whatever the reason, a decision not to participate on Ii November 7-and in any election on any scale-immediately nullifies one's voice in 'the issues at hand. <'Whether it's a question of who you want on the Judiciary Board, or who you would like to see take the Senate in Washington DC, voice matters. Students and young adults nationwide are constantly encouraged to voice their opinion on political issues-that this message is imbedded in everywhere in our culture is not a revolu- tionary claim. At Conn, it's heartening to see proactive efforts from all factions of the campus community in stimulating an awareness of important events taking place in Exp ICence Connecticut and the nation. The best-and easiest-way to rouse political awareness cult Fe n in any environment is to provide potential voters with ample information, options and e«: ideas. Even if you don't think yourself politically-savvy, having that information present ith u e tin gives you the chance to decide upon matters for yourself. 'ri AI. • :A. Mexican Restaurant a ""'atering:Hole 12 Water Street \ ' POLICIES , Oo""nto""n Mystic (860) 536-4589 'for daily at

ADVERTISEMENTS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The College Voice is an open forum. The Letters to the Editor are. due strictly by 5:00 Questions? Comments? opinions expressed by individual advertisers are p.m. on the Wednesday preceding publica- their own. In no way does The College Voice tion. The College Voice reserves the right to endorse the views expressed by individual edit letters for clarity and length. No unsigned advertisers. The College Voice will not accept or anonymous letters will be published. Concerns? ads it deems to be libelous, an incitement to However, names may be withheld upon the violence, or personally damaging. Ad rates are author's reques.t. The College Voice will not available on request by calling (860) 439-2813; publish letters deemed to be a personal attack please refer all ad inquiries to the Business on an individual. The College Voice cannot -.Manager, Allison Glassman. Tbe College guarantee the publication of any submission. Voice reserves the right to accept or reject any Letters should be .single-spaced, no longer Write a letter to the editors! ad. The Editors-in-Chief shall have final con- than 300 words, and must include a phone . tent approval. The final deadline 'for advertising number for verification. Please send all letters . is 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding publi- as a Microsoft Word attachmenr to: cation. [email protected] We would love to hear what you have to say,

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1.....-, ~.,:., ------Ir . 1 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ; • . . • ·A·····i~"·t·····································..·····..·c~~~~ti~~~·C-,;il~g;~Th~o;;i~i~~~~d'Edii~;;';i~~~;;~~. Four Day Forecast • , 1,0 e: is comprised of independent student opinions. ;"hich are •· alsonot to be confusedwiththe ConnecticutCollegeor - .Editorialsare the viewpointsof studenteditors,and the College Voice. Allcontentandeditorialdecisionsare are not to be confused with the official opinions of made by student staff members. Saturday: Sunny, High 49 ------Sunday: Partly Cloudy,. High 46 Monday: Partly Cloudy, High 5~

Tuesday: Partly Cloudy, High 55


! P'] _.~?'----- ~~~'='=~~__.;. ~T~H~.~C~OL~L:.G:.~V~O~IC~.~.~N~O:V1l:MH=.R~3,~2~O~O~6~.~3l OPINION .9LOOO WARMING: DISASfER OR BLESSING? NOT VOTING? START TRYING ON ARMY BOOTS ANDREW MEYER • I HAVE ADD FRED KEMPER • VIEWPOINT Global warming this glob- result: people became concerned This Tuesday, November 7th, support everything that the govern- tial to cure many diseases and save during the Election Day. John al warming that. .. I' m sorry, , Mr. with the way the government han- midterm election polls open. Given ment is doing and could not be hap- countless lives, or do you believe a McCain just called for an increase of Gore, but I just don't understand dled it, and decided to start paying the abysmal voter record and pier with the affairs of our country at lifeless clump of cells should be pro- 20,000 troops in Iraq. With an all Why you keep complaining. As I more attention to politics to make extreme apathy of our generation, I the time. rected by federal law? Either way, volunteer force that is already walked to class on this delightfully themselves more aware so they decided to focus this article on the I hear complaints all of the time all you need to do is vote and make stretched beyond its limits, where do .;",arm afternoon, wearing pants and a could vote more responsibly and stupidity of deciding not to vote. I about people disagreeing with the your opinion heard. you think these numbers will come t-shirt on the first day of November, bring about a positive change. If this know that most Connecticut College direction our country is heading in, Still upset over how the Republican from? It will be you, and your I began to wonder... why is everyone happened every week, the 12 surviv- students will find some reason to not or that their families have a hard Party influenced elections and tried friends in camouflage, with an M- so worried ing people at the end of the year vote. Whether time paying for health care or that to silence the minority vote in Ohio? 16. If you want the war the end, I about global would be incredibly aware of their it is that their student loans are disappearing This election, your votes will be invite you to vote for a candidate warming? desolate and demolished surround- they're too and college is becoming unafford- more influential than ever. In the such as Ned Lamont that will work We always ings. Plus, with any luck, we'd tired, over- able. The easiest solution to this race for House Representative in on getting us out of Iraq and hear the knock out whatever buildings are worked, lazy, problem is simply to vote. By not this district, progressive candidate improve our national security. nonsensical responsible for all the crappy reality a p a t he t i c , voting, you forgo all rights to com- Joe Courtney holds an extremely Voting, especially as a college stu- arguments TV that's on every night. don't believe plain about this countries' state of small lead on Bush lover and the dent, could not be easier. It will hon- of ski-fanat- People would look more attrac- in the political affairs and are sending the signal "rubber stamp man" Rob Simmons. estly take you under 10 minutes. ics and pes- tive. It's a well-known fact that the system (and that the US and the world is exactly This election will corne down to a The polling place for Connecticut simistic world is more fun when people are decide that how you want it to be even with the mere few hundred votes, giving College students is down the street, doomsday wearing less clothing. Think about doing nothing helps?), or too busy presence of rampant poverty and Connecticut College students a great literally 2 minutes away. OVCS prophets, so I think it's about time it... would you rather look at Jessica driving to Starbucks to get over- international injustices. deal of power over the future make- will be running vans all day, and I someone stood up for this wonderful Alba wearing a bikini in Into the priced coffee on their way' to buying By voting, you can push what issues up of our congress. will personally drive anyone who phenomenon. With that said, I bring Blue, or wearing a massive fur coat overpriced clothing, I understand you care about most. Finding where Most of all, vote because you don't wants to vote to the polls. My exten- you five good reasons why you in Siberia Is Cold: A Documentary that most students simply will not candidates stand is as easy as typing want to get drafted. College defer- sion is 4446, feel free to ask for a should be even more excited for on Russia's Vast and Boring vote. In the most recent midterm "election (insert your state here)" ments are over; if you welcome the ride. global warming than I was when I Territory? election in 2002, only 22% of young and reading the candidates profiles idea of war mongering Republicans discovered my cabbie in NYC last We'd find all the terrorists. It's adults voted, meaning that 78% of and issue stances. Do' you believe pulling you out of college and into weekend was named Roc Joe. And also a known fact (or a stereotype young voters, you readers included, that stem cell research has the poten- Iraq, then by all means stay at home believe me, I was pretty damn excit- that I'm too lazy to research and be ed. corrected on) that terrorists all live in ITHE GHOST OF HALLOWEEN PAST Global warming cancels out the caves in the middle of the hot desert. dreaded nuclear winter. Terrified of But what happens once their caves I CHASE HOFFBERGER AND TAYLOR KATz • CONFUCTlNG PERSPECTIVES l': a nuclear war with North Korea? get even hotter? Even the most Worried that your ski house's prop- determined fanatic can't survive in a Connor Donohue contributed to this article. of candy that your parents would never allow you to get on a normal night. I erty value is going to plummet once 394 degree cave (which, incidental- the whole world becomes cold ly, is the same temperature as the old Ah, Halloween. A day of candy, spooky things, toothaches and costumes. Chase: And don't forget that as a little kid your three months of planning enough to ski in year-round? Don't plex bathrooms in the summer; At college, we don't celebrate it the same way. We cel- gets nearly ruined because some crazy lawmaker decided to have this holi- worry. .. here comes your good before going there, I'd never stood ebrate it on the most convenient weekend, when we day in late October when you need a turtleneck and fleece jacket to go over buddy, Global "Economically in the shower looking at the floor, can dress ~p and get down. For many, however, your shiny silver shield. In college, that shield shines bright in the autumn Friendly" Warming, just in time to wondering whether more of the Halloween is a reminder of all the good times had moonlight. No parents are there to tell you to bundle up, so your costume cancel out the nuclear winter! water was water from the faucet or walking through the neighborhood, parents trailing can flourish and be seen in all its glory. Every day is a beach day. Ah, sweat dripping off me). Basically, behind by thirty yards, as you and your friends the beach... the soothing sunlight, we'd be flushing them out of their skipped from doorstep to doorstep and received Heath Taylor: But in college, there's no free candy. None! the relaxing waves, the calm caves like stools down the toilet. Bars (from Dentists), Raisins (from Ex-), full breeze ... isn't it just so peaceful? Although, as an alternative, I sup- sized Snickers (from the good neighbors), and ciga- Chase: There is, on the other hand, free beer. Personally, I prefer a beach full of pose we could always just have hel- rettes (from the heathens). bocce ball, frozen drinks, and scant- icopters fly around with gigantic Taylor: But beer blurs vision, so no one will be able to see your creative ily clad beach ,volleyball speakers blasting London Bridge Chase: Taylor, what was your favorite costume you wore as a kid? costume. players ... but whatever your fancy is, and Sexyback... once they started now imagine that you could go there echoing around the caves, they'd Taylor: I'd have to say it was my Statue of Liberty costume. Boy was I Chase: Do you remember being a kid, and getting all excited to go out i every day of the year. We can even have no choice but to flee from their patriotic, and boy did my right arm get tired holding up that torch for the for Halloween, and getting your pillow case full of candy? get lid of those pesky tiny islands of cover. tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Those were Hawaii and their pineapple arro- There you have it: five damn the days. But now that we're in college, costumes really aren't as thought Taylor: Yes! Yes, it was the best! gance, since we'll have a much big- good reasons why I'm excited for out or as well crafted. ger and cooler (but still just as global warming. Until next time, I'm Chase: Do you remember also only being able to eat one piece of candy? warm) island known as The Andrew Meyer, asking all of you Chase: How can you say that? Originality is key in college. Look at what And what about that atrocious bedtime? Corne on! It's Halloween! Let me American Continent, with way more readers: is Hillary Duff really hot, or you dress up as when you are a kid: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Fireman, stay up! beaches. does she look like she's 12? baseball player. Talk about generic. In college you can dress up as something Global warming raises the pub- Because I watched A Cinderella completely unexpected, like a Priest stuck in a sex-scandal or a police offi- Taylor: Well, all I'm saying is that Halloween at college is lacking in a lic's political awareness and increas- Story from start to finish this sum- cer busy breaking the law. The context of costumes becomes much funnier big way. I want pumpkin carving. And hot apple cider given out by my es voting. Shout-out to Chrissie for mer trying to figure it out, and 90 when you have the developed mind to comprehend them. neighbor. And shaving cream fights in the street at 9 p.m. If you can prom- sharing this brilliant idea with me ... minutes later, was just as baffled as I ise me those things, I'll convert to your college love of Halloween. With global warming around, we'd was when I started. Feel free to write Taylor: Whoa there.Jet's not condescend the creativity of little kids, Mr. have far more natural disasters. in and submit your thoughts to help College Man. Besides, Halloween is simply more fun when you're a little Chase: Deal. I'll see you next Halloween, 9 p.m, You bring the shaving Now, turn your eyes away from all me in my efforts to become uncon- kid. First of all, you plan your costume about three months in advance. And cream. the atrocious damage Katrina caused fused ([email protected], then, on Halloween, you get to go door to door and get pounds and pounds for a minute, and look at the end as always). IWHAT MAKEs AN INDEPENDENT? WHY SISSIES HALLOWEEN RUIN EVAN PIEKARA • VIEWPOINT ALEx FRECON • GET YOUR FRECON Dissatisfaction with the corrup- times forces someone to vote for from the candidates. The chains to a Democrat before and he will be a What happened to Halloween? out on Halloween? Does it seem odd tion, stanch corporate connections, "the lesser of two evils." Voting particular party are broken, as your. Democrat after. His Connecticut for Maybe it was just me, but on to you that a student would go out and general policies of the Independent means voting for the vote is no longer accepted as a fore- Lieberman party makes a mockery Tuesday night I found myself trying when they had a 9 a.m. class the next Republican Party, coupled with the best candidate at all times and not gone conclusion. This may lead to of Independent parties and of the in vain to find people to celebrate day, all in the name of a silly little lack of vision being constrained by party loyalty. It greater grassroots campaigning and Democratic Primary. Lieberman's the glorious night of witchcraft and holiday? Does it make you nervous and inability means making a vote for a particular more receptive politicians, who seek name recognition, political and ,tomfoolery. Ask anyone of your that some students o~ campus have a to articulate a candidate rather than a defensive to please constituencies rather than financial clout, and affiliation with ,friends what they did this past few beers on Wednesday AND clear plan by vote against another. Imagine going follow a blanket party platform. the Democratic Party enabled him to :. Tuesday night and you will receive Thursday nights? It's okay, you can the to an ice cream shop and only being Why aren't Independent Parties easily create a new "Independent the same easily pick up your phone and call Democrats, able to choose between vanilla or a stronger force in politics when Party," while other fledgling bland answer: Campus Safety, and they will take has led to a chocolate, or rooting for a team but there appears to be such a need for Independent Parties have been "Nothing real- care of that annoying ruckus. rapidly grow- only being able to choose between them? The reason is simple; the restricted by harsh laws. As far as I ly, you?" My point to you all is that ing movement the Yankees or Red Sox (I would Republican and Democrats hold a am concerned, Lieberman deserved What I want Connecticut College is making us of Americans somehow find a way to incorporate virtual oligopoly on the government. to lose the Democrat Primary for not to know is, feel like ·our behavior is something towards identifying themselves as these two teams into a political arti- Although the two are rivals, there is appeasing voters and not represent- since when out of the ordinary. I'm sorry to say politically independent. The abyss cle). The sad state of partisan poli- recognized interdependence ing constituencies. By running again has this people, but we are still young. fostered by this discontent with the tics and party loyalty is that you are between them. Since they hold the under a different ticket he is negat- Connecticut We can still make irrational deci- CUrrent two-party system has galva- provided with little alternatives in a power, they have the ability to pass ing his loss and cheating a system College been sions in the name of fun (as long as nized Independents, as 35% of world of choice. stringent laws that stifle the exis- that has been unsympathetic to actu- so intimidated? Sure, I know what we are moderately safe). The fact Americans are currently registered By registering as an tence and abilities of Third or al Independents. There is no you're all thinking: "Alex, you're an that the administration is tightening as Independents (along with a grow- Independent, you are demonstrating Independent Parties to compete. instance that better highlights the alcoholic, we partied on Satnrday their grip on our social life, juxta- ing number of young voters). not only a lack of political affiliation Moreover, there is also a free-rider need for political reform in partisan night." Well, you may have a point, posed with our student body's will- Independents have found them- to one of the major parties, but also problem in partisan politics. politics than the Lieberman- but it's just not the same. What hap- ingness to accept this suffocation, selves increasingly at the epicenter a desire for the candidates and par- Whenever an Independent Party Lamont-Schlesinger election. Until pened to the years when people resembles that of a spanking. of crucial votes, oftentimes holding ties to think independently as well. raises a particular issue that is divi- that reform comes, I may just have would party on Halloween? I'll tell Ladies and gentleman, you can the outcome in their hands. The fact This cultivates a much more repre- sive and controversial and was once to settle for voting for the lesser of you exactly where they went: into go ahead and get spanked. But not that a substantial number of sentative democracy, where candi- untouchable by the two dominant two evils. the grasp of the administration. me, I'm not giving in just yet. Am I Americans are Independents illumi- dates who want to be elected must parties, each party tends to adopt a For more information on I don't know if you got the mes- going to be an idiot and go out and nates a mounting need for an alter- actually listen to what voters want, position or stance in order to swal- Independents please visit sage over the past week, but appar- binge drink? NO. But I'm not going native in a system dominated by two rather than alienate them (Isn't that low the Third Parties' pillar. ently Conn students have been hav- to let this campus's conservative parties. right Mr. Lieberman?). By register- All of that being said, how come ing too much fun. Yes, that's right, views on social life dampen the few Many Independents believe in ing as an Independent, you are ask- Joe Lieberman is running as an the administration got wind of your years of actual life I have left. Pretty political reform and the necessity to ing for accountability to you as a Independent? I ask myself that very callow antics, with your binge drink- soon folks, you'll have a job, and restructure a rigid system that often- constituency and responsiveness question. Lieberman was a ing, petty vandalism, and "hook- THAT is when you stop partying on ups." So what did they do? They weeknights. This is COLLEGE. cracked down hard. They got their Does that mean anything to you peo- en puppets in SGA to send out ernails ple? COLLEGE. We are young; we and put fliers all over the stalls on thrive on debauchery and thrill, so campus, warning us of the conse- why not embrace it? What we quences of our raging enjoyment of should NOT be embracing are these life. You read the warnings, and meaningless threats and "time outs" without any forethought you nodded from our student run government Voice Your Opinion. your head and threw up your fist: and their masters. "YES! I agree! Down with fun! I'm sure the majority of you will Hooray for containment and author- think I'm an idiot and that's fine. I ity!" Well, I'm not going down like probably don't like you either! But

that. f SEE HALLOWEEN Have you noticed how all 0 [email protected] your friends at ther schools went Continued on page seven �4.NO=VBRMBBR~3'200~6.TH:'=BCOLLBG=BVOIGB:"""-_---:-A-RT-S-=&-=E~N-TE-R-TA-I-NM-E-N-T------...-- "

Never Again the Same: Kreiger's Music to Premiere SundayF

BY ARETI A. SAKELLARIS dummy it down ... it's not [just] a we can't even comprehend it. Tate's poem is dramatic as it e

,:....r Get Pulled Into 's Indie Paper Television Fiction: There's Got to be More- BY STEVEN BLOOM compositions and throwing them website.Tona and Khaela have been know. "Pile of Gold" , "True , . staff writer from blog to blog over the Internet. exploring its impossible equations Affection", "Bonjour leune Fille", BY ANDREW MARGENOT heartbeat. What if there was a wily " Since early 2004, the duo has for years. Ok, not really, but with and "The Long List of Girls" are to somehow detach yourself frdm" . staff writer , Khaela Marichich, a.k.a. been performing together under the their brilliant new full-length , some other favorites. earthly constraints, allowing you;1f' l Topchmefeelme. is a pop musician name The Blow, and as a unit, they Paper Television, released last While The Blow has been I was running today and entered even for a flash of time, to suspend and performing artist who has are fabu-,---- ,..------Tuesday, accused by some music bloggers for into a trance. Everything blended yourself above the constant stream , toured the United States as a solo lou s . it is stealing beats or clips from other together, and though my hody was of time that shoots forth? artist, as well as written a solo opera Their first sou n d s musicians such as the Yeah Yeah moving, my mind wasn't making it Hovering above, what would it 'J. entitled "Blue Sky versus Night Sky. EP, Poor very pos- Yeah's and The Police, recent New go. Some refer to this as the be like? Would you suddenly see-'- Her music used to be conversational Aim, Love sible that London performer, Girl Talk, openly Runner's High. It's more than just truly see-s-everything around yott~ yelping over minimalist weirdo- Son g s , they could does the same, and with the musical that. It's an out-of-body experience. The formation of sweat beads on acoustica Ilow-fi electronic pulses. quickly h a v e genius he possesses, this clearly is I persisted in this state while your forehead, their slow descent Khaela's lyrics dealt with every- made it solved the not necessarily a bad trait. time was neither suspended nor downwards, the ripple of the drop as day problems, but from not quite so clear that scientific The only two bands I can hon- stopped. I found myself wondering it expands in impact against a leaf; , everyday points of view. In one song the result quandary. estly compare the Blow's style with how many miles had gone by. The and all the while noticing the slow-: she asks her own molecules to of their The are underground star trail I was on was new and I dido 't rise of your chest, feeling every ~lt quickly take a vote and decide j 0 i ned key song Mirah and new female sensation Au have my watch, so I had no way of ounce of blood sucking in that pre- whether an acquaintance is worth forces to this Revoir Simone. However, I can knowing far I had actually gone. cious air of life. Wouldn't you also pursuing romantically. Her theme creates an heartfelt advise you that if you like the fun What happened in that moment? hear things in infinite detail? Like continues, but with a completely dif- ear-load album, in factors of bands like Wolf Parade or Though my physics skills are the slow clamping shut of your heart ' ferent and poppy music style. of explosions. Their music is very my opinion, is the soft and romantic, Conn's own alumni band, Clap Your severely lacking, I recall Einstein ventricles, or the sound waves of a ~ In 2004, Khaela joined forces fun and very poppy, but at the same yet danceable single, "Parentheses". Hands And Say Yeah, you will love mentioning something along the bird's chirp, or each little crackle" with YA.C.H.T, also known as Jona time, extremely unique. "When you're holding me, we make The Blow. I give Paper Television lines of how time is relative. How and snap of a dry autumn leaf as' Bechtoit, an electro glitch-hop whiz Have you ever wondered about a pair of parentheses," is a line that my highest praises, and urge you to the six minutes and thirty seconds your foot slowly press upon it in us ' kiel. who previously found satisfac- the physics of pop music? Not many will forever be engraved in my head uncover the musical styling of per mile can be eternity as well as a full gallop across the forest floor? tion in making textural dance-based people have. But according to their as one of the more catchy lyrics I Khaela and Jona yourself. " ...... '

IWANT TOMMY! throughout his childhood, including PHOENIX ROCKS PARIS they signed with Paris-based Source .PALS + BIZ = wide leg jean with polka dots on the the Acid Queen who shoots him up Records, and before they knew it, JOVOVICH-HAWK accompanying sheer wrap and bOO-' with drugs in an attempt to cure his they were performing with label- ni top. They certainly have many . deafness, dumbness, and blindness. mates Air acting as their backing ideas, but they are inundating us His cousin Kevin and uncle Ernie band on several U.K. TV appear- with far too much. A better edited' (both John Entwistle creations) ances. collection is necessary to advance to \ abuse and molest him. After being You may recall the band from the next echelon in the fashion' miraculously cured from his handi- their song, "Too Young," on the world. '., caps through the literal and symbol- soundtrack for Sofia Coppola's Lost Hawk cites Dries Van Noten's ".

ic breaking of a mirror, he becomes in Translation, who is the current clothing as inspiration because "if'&f" J a Jesus-like figure who is also a pin- girlfriend of lead singer Thomas incredible how his colors and layers- '., ball prodigy. His ultimate downfall Mars. Following the success of that and ethnic fabrics come across much v.; is caused by an uprising of his fol- song, they were able to score a more subtly together than they do if" , lowers who refuse to be blinded and recording contract for their second you look at each piece on its own,' ...... ,II

muted and do not want to play pin- album, Alphabetical. While Van Noten is on the eclectic J, ball. After the release of and earthy side, on the other end-of Bizarre, right? Alphabetical, the band went on a the spectrum is Jovovich's inspira>' ~ The Who are one of my favorite world tour playing 150 dates across tion: Coco Chanel, who she admires,:r, a&e co-editor bands because they embodied what a&e associateeditor three continents. The world tour was because of her long career. _, I,

it meant to be rock 'n' roll and followed by a live album release and The girls are also excited to talk I I will never buy and probably earned the reputation of being the then the band headed to Berlin for Imagine if you and your best bud about their dream collaborations and - ,. never listen to The Who's newest loudest band ever. Keith Moon Some bands' best work comes the summer of 2005 to record It's could be supermodels and move on this excitement demonstrates thbit'~ t. album Endless Wire because it is not would kick over his drum-kit and from their debut album and they Never Been Like That. They went to create a line of women's wear that genuine desire to make clothing l(Jn' • ~ , really "The Who" (seeing as half of pound like a caveman, Pete spend the rest of their career trying into recording without a song writ- is in the running for the 2006 their own accords- instead of riding'" I the'band is dead). Keith Moon and Townshend jumps and leaps across to reach their earliest level of sue- ten but determined to write, record CFDAINoguel Fashion Fund? Milla the way of their modeling and filrrl·".' John Entwistle were vital members. stage, windrnilling on his guitar, and Cess. Other bands spend their early and produce their third album them- Jovovich and Carmen Hawk started successes. Jovovich, perhaps thO"'" They were known for being John Entwistle would stand there career churning out solid album selves without outside participation their Jovovich-Hawk label in 2003, more practical of the two, would like>": absolutely insane (Moon) and for with an expressionless face. after solid album but without or compromises. among the ten finalists.the duo to work with either Miuccia Prada'er ' :' stoic, unmoving presence on stage And then there is Roger Daltrey. enough memorable moments. "There is a brutality to the couId win a $200,000 contribution. Donna Karan; whereas, Hawlf I. "

(Entwistle). And even though Ringo On tour, he gave Tommy a voice and Then, somehow, it all clicks and record," Mars said in an interview "You can't do something cool if would choose Karl Lagerfeld" >, • Starr's son, Zak Starkey, is Keith a face, and through this transforma- the breakthrough album is recorded, earlier this year. "This was about you don't try something crazy," because it would be "over-the-top Moon's drumming replacement, it is tion, he became the ultimate sex released and loved by. the masses. starting allover, making ourselves Jovovich says, and this fearless atti- and fun." just not the same. symbol with long curly blonde hair This is the case for Paris-based elec- scared again and telling the truth." tude is propelling Jovovich-Hawk to While they are fans of old glam- But, I will say bravo to Roger and a perfect physique. On stage, he tronic pop rockers Phoenix and their Stand out tracks include the establish itself. Their spring 2007 our icons like Marlene Dietrich and - Daltrey (singer) and Pete would spin his microphone, wrap it mid-2006 release, It's Never Been opener, "Napoleon Says" where show in New York offered mostly Louise Brooks, their roots suggest Townshend (song-writer and gui- around his body, and bounce like a Like That. Mars sings: dresses and exudes promise; howev- less-than-fabulous moments. tarist) for collaborating and creating restless boxer. And finally, he would While their first several "You know your French. Well I er, they have yet to find their own Jovovich defends fashion faux PM' •. new material. I'm sure it's fine I but unleash a scream; ferocious, exas- were enjoyable, this is tbe one that ha I didn't take any decision so far," distinctive look. Not intended to dis- because she thinks they're "charm-" I: if I want to listen to a Who rock perated, and filled with agony, it is has the band's classic contagious before agreeing to "be your count their popularity, defining a ing" and has had some truly borriffo-": opera, I'm not going to reach fnr the greatest scream in rock and roll. songs from the beginning to the end. Bonaparte." In the first single, particular look usually evolves after fashion moments of her own. She" ' Endless Wire. I want the originall Despite the crazy plot, the music Although they have not reached true "Long Distance Call," Phoenix a few seasons have passed when the was once caught in two shiny silk The. classic! The good stuff! In other ou Tommy is superb. It is epic and mainstream success, they are clearly recalls Franz Ferdinand... but designers have gauged what trans- pieces that were worn with leggings, ., words, I want Tommy! grand, displaying remarkable musi- on the verge. they're just so much better. lates well from sketches to runway which made her look like she ' Released in I 969, Tommy took cianship and astounding songs ("Go Phoenix got their touring start If you are looking for straight- to reality. "could've been a Russian drug delll- .• the concept album (which tended tn To The Mirror Boy", "Christmas", while performing Hank Williams forward and contagious - A little unity would do the girls er"! Hawk's first terrible fashiool. be a little thin on actual concept) and and "We're Not Gonna Take It"), but and Prince covers to drunken audi- rock songs that won't leave your well. Their show featured a floor- moment, happened when She'_ completely fleshed it out, turning in the life in Tommy is on stage because ences on the French bar circuit. head for weeks, then go no further length floral caftan, a floral mini- donned a Chelsea Girl crop thanl<'~' • into the first rock opera. It chroni- no record can ever embody the ener- Officially forming in 1999 in the than Phoenix's latest album, It's dress over orange leggings, and then to her mom in second grade that she gy of a live Who performance. Never Been Like That. cles the rise and fall of a "deaf, Parisian suburb of Versailles, and in a white empire-waist dress with lace wore in the Apple Festival Parade ' dumb, and blind kid" named Tommy the same scene that produced Daft trim. After prim Victorian floral with a velvet gown in IL hometown. who became some sort of a messian- Punk, they eventually took the name gowns came the parade of polka " ..." ic, rock star cult figure. He encoun- Phoenix and pressed 500 copies of a dots, then a belted minidress and SEE JOVOVICH-HAWK ,n; ters cruel and hor~ble people single on their own labeL-Soon after, cardigan combo, and a hij;h-waist 'to COn'!3Pyed on page sevef THE COLLllGE VOICE. NOVEMEER 3, 2006 • 5 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT · I~telligentFright Night: Hay Lecture Sheds Light on the Ghost Story BY:SOPHIE FITZGERALD thoughts in detail I will only muddle them. Hay dis- Gesticulating emphatically, Hay referred to Derrida staff writer cussed the origins and significance of both Sir Walter and Freud's thoughts about mouming in response to a Scott's historical novels as well as his ghost stories. listener's question. His answers were thorough, as if he . '.' This past Wednesday at the "Sir Walter Scott and the Professor Hay analyzed "how [the historical novel and .History of the Ghost Story" lecture, Professor Simon knew the query before the audience asked. The pleasure the ghost story] think history works." Both attempt to of the lecture was not just in the content of the speech, Hay, provided much to contemplate. The event also address the past, particularly its traumatic aspects, and but also in witnessing Professor Hay's obvious love for served to honor him as the Sue and Eugene Mercy how the past relates to modemity. The ghost story genre academia and analysis. His address and response to his Assistant Professor of English. This position is awarded more clearly shows the horrific way the past surfaces in audience demonstrated that he looked at Sir Walter for,l'pur year terms and Professor Hay is in his 3rd year. the present. Scott's work from all angles. T~,lect~re was both thought provoking and entertain- Professor Hay's close analysis, with three different The lecture will serve as the first chapter in the book mg,Jeavmg the audience with plenty of ideas at the end theoretical readings, of Sir Scott's ghost story, "The he is writing, which is at this point tentatively titled fOI:..the question and answer session. Tapestried Chamber," proved to be the most gripping "Haunted." In his book, Professor Hay will examine the As everyone who has taken a class with Professor part of his lecture. He drew from Freud to dissect the political history of the ghost genre, studying a wide Hay knows, it is never easy to walk away with a solid historical novel and the ghost story, and ultimately relat- array 'of horror story culture from Sir Walter Scott's, understanding of his somewhat dizzying intellect. This ed the literary genres to the transition from the feudalist short stories, like "Tapestried Chamber" to M. Night event proved to be no different, but definitely no less past to modernity, which Sir Walter Scott's work con- Shyamalan's movies, such as "Sixth Sense." The book valuable. He set the precedent for a complex lecture cerns. will undoubtedly pull in complex literary theory and ",i!Jt,his alteration of the lecture's title to "'The Term of Professor Hay delivered an entertaining and enlight- postcolonial concepts. Mourning Being Ended': Sir Walter Scott and the ening lecture. His musings provoked insightful ques- He hopes to one day teach a freshman seminar on' , Origins of the Modem English Ghost Story." Just one tions, which Hay was more than ready to answer. He is ghost stories. Although Professor Hay will be on sab- d~~ .after Halloween, after many listeners had removed clearly comfortable in not only laying out his argument, batical next year, students and faculty alike will look thj>iJ;costumes, the topic felt particularly fitting. but also stepping up to the challenge of those who are forward to his insight into the ghost story genre whether :" ~ will tactfully gloss over the main points of willing to test him. One easily gathers that it is the ques- in lecture, class or book form. Professor Hay's lecture, for if I try to restate his Professor Simon Hay lectured Wednesday (Cryan) tioning that Professor Hay really enjoys. This Isn't High School: Friday Night Lights Martin Dosh is the Loop Pedal Daredevil' BY JACOB MEADE BY DANIEL BOROUGHS the varying ways they react to their and genuine. The show, striving for staff writer hometown's obsession with foot- poignancy and sincerity, ignores the staff writer ball. sitnple fact that not all high school On Monday night I flipped to Friday Night Lights has an inter- football players are glorious prod- Watching Martin Dosh maneu- NBC to catch tltis week's Studio 60, esting political angle. Even though ucts of the American Dream. While ver and tend to the ivories behind only to find a recent episode of it's set in Texas, both its producer I understand that tltis is kind of nec- his Fender Rhodes I electric key- another new show, Friday Night and the book's author are New essary for the show to work, it board I sequencer I mixing board I Lights, in its time slot. My fear that Yorkers. This mix of reddest-red would be nice to see some of these and drums with the floor beneath 60 had been cancelled (it is getting state and bluest-blue state influence players become a little more varied him littered with loop pedal devices lousy ratings, after all) was fortu- results in a representation of Dillon in their personalities. reminded me of Dick Hyman .nately incorrect; I later learned that, while avoiding satire and con- On the other hand, what I really adjusting circuits on his Moog syn- online that the show was originally descension to its residents, still like about FNL is the well-devel- thesizer. scheduled to take this week off, so voices the negative effects of the oped position of women and girls in Strapped with headphones and the network replaced it with a rerun Reagan and Bush eras on this region Dillon. Far from being reduced to shifting like an operator at a circuit of its other decent-yet-rating-chal- of the country. As executive produc- spectators and cheerleaders, they board connecting one end of a call lenged new series. er, Berg presents Dillon as a town have their own personal motives to another, Dosh single-handedly Friday Night Lights, normally exploited in the ' 80s for its oil that often defy the football agenda at connects sounds and layers them. broadcast Tuesdays 8-9pm, is based reserves, and denied any financial the heart of their lives. In one great This was not simple fiddling to mix tapes off the radio when I was now The Lost Take, what's that pro- on the acclaimed 2004 movie of the benefit in the wake of this intrusion. scene of the episode I saw, Tami muster up a loose string of sounds, like ten. Just trying, waiting to hear gression of sound? How does the same name that starred Billy Bob Clearly there is some sort of liberal meets with Jason's girlfriend Lyla but rather an autobiographical col- that Tom Petty tune to come on, creative process work out? Thornton. The movie's director, agenda at work here. (Minka Kelly) to discuss her college lage of sound pieces (his own sound whatever I was like ten sitting down MD: Well for tltis one I had a Peter Berg, has signed on as execu- The show's conflicted political and career goals. When Lyla tells sources) come alive to be contextu- by the radio waiting for something pretty basic idea that I wanted it to tive producer of the new series. The attnosphere extends to its attitude her she plans to go wherever her alized in song form. to come on and recording when it sound more like a band. That's the film in tum was based on a best- about football itself. While there's a boyfriend lands a scholarship, Tami He begins either with a drum came on. main thing. Instead of using old sell}gg nonfiction book from 1990 pattern or a resonating chord pro- DB: I used to do that on four-track breaks that I recorded ten about, the '88 season of a high gression and then builds a cyclical Sundays. I'd have a radio show on years ago, I wanted to go into a stu- school football team in Odessa, pattern of loops, spiraling into a like rock radio that would preview dio and record myself playing Texas. The new Friday Night Lights whirl of sheer rhapsody and jazz- new bands and I'd stay up at night drums today and then sample that. I (I keep wanting to type "Friday based grooves. and record. I feel what you mean. actually didn't really end up sam- Nights Live" here), unlike the book Before he took the stage to per- Do you have a particular record that pling much stuff, I just pretty much and movie, is set in the 'present day form such a feat, I was able to chat you fell in love with? did live drums on a lot of it though town of Dillon, Texas. with him outside the PA Lounge in MD: Early on, probably the first so that kind of makes a difference, To be honest, I at first felt a bit Somerville, MA about the basics. record I really truly fell in love with DB: I've heard the first record unqualified to write my article on The following is a who, what, was Pink Floyd's Meddle when I and I've heard Pure Trash ... this show. As someone who knows where, and why profile of label was sixteen. I've listened to that MD: Yeah, most of the drums very' little about (a) football, (b) 's very own virtuoso, record hundreds of times. There's are just samples from old stuff. I lit- Texas, and (c) the movie and book, I Martin Dosh. lots of records, but that was proba- tle bit oflive stuff, but not really just was « .hesitant to get into it. Dan Boroughs: Can you please bly the first main one as a youngster. old samples. Interestingly, and to the show's introduce yourself, tell me who you DB: So what are you currently DB: When you say "sampled cr~<;lit, this did not really pose a are, and the instruments that you listening to, just to bridge a gap? drums" you mean ... problem. Friday Night Lights, with play. MD: I like uh, the last batch of MD: Samples of me recording its .restless handheld camerawork Martin Dash: My name is cds I got the new Outkast cd. I lis- myself on four-track eight years and vivid acting, has an urgency and Martin Dosh and I play drums, tened to it once. It's pretty cool. I ago, playing drums and then going poignancy that transcend its subject clear value placed in football as both convinces the straight-A student to Rhodes, samplers, loop samplers, got listen to it a few more times but, back with the cassette and sample I matter. It is surprising that the series sport and entertainment, FNL also start considering other more inde- and all kinds of weird keyboards I like Bonnie 'Prince' Billy a lot and played years ago. .has jnot found an audience yet seeks out the negative effects of the pendent options. The show is filled and vibes and stuff like that. a... DB: So you're sampling your- because it offers such a straightfor- game's complete dominance over with little subplots like this that pur- DB: flow long have been with DB: The Letting Go, you liked self? wardly emotional alternative to all the town's attention. In addition, sue what's happening beneath the Anticon and how has that relation- that? MD: All my samples are from the reality TV junk we get saddled there's a sense that the people of town's exterior. ship developed over the years? MD: That was reall y good. [myself]. I don't sample records or with-these days. Dillon are all too aware of their The show's representation of MD: They put out my first is probably one of my anytlting.ljust sample four-track shit. ,Here's the setup: Eric Taylor unhealthy fixation. At one point, the teens is not so satisfactory. While it record in 2003 so, that's like a little favorite tltings he's probably ever DB: How does it compare? How (Kyle-Chandler) is the new coach of girlfriend of one of the players is well acted and makes for involv- over three years ago they put out the done. I love that record. Other stuff does Lost Take compare to your last the promising Dillon Panthers, with describes the team as "a bunch of ing drama, Friday Night Lights cuts first record, which I released a year that I got: the new Thom Yorke two? hopes of leading them to the state overheated jocks too dumb to know out a lot of what high school is real- before that and it's been really cool. record's pretty cool, I like that one. MD: It's hard for me to say, I championships. His wife, Tami they have no future fighting over a ly like. In pursuit of a dramatized I mean they're great. They help me What else did I get? I got the new mean it's more true to like what I'm (Connie Britton, the only actor from game that has no meaning in a town vision of this town's obsession with get my stuff out to everybody else. AkronlFamily record, but I haven't doing now with this band I've been to be carried over to the from which there is no escape." football, the show misses something DB: Was it kind of a family rela- listened to that ... touring with. It's the same stuff. It's series), works at the high school as a Ouch. crucial; it omits the uneven, dys- tionship? DB: How has it been touring? the same chord progressions' and guidance counselor. The team's star What Friday Night Lights neg- functional, scattered, comedic, and MD: Oh yeah, because I have Do you look forward to these kinds same loop-based kind of compos- quarterback, Jason Street (Scott lects though as a ditnension of high dullness of high school. Friday toured with all those dudes in some of tours? ing. It's just sounds a little fuller and Port er), has been sidelined by a seri- school football's "dark side" is the Night Lights is great at showing capacity and I know all of them. MD: This is the first tour I've may be more realized as a whole ousspinal injury, and Eric is trying stereotype of the football player as They're just very supportive of ever really done, taken on by record than the other ones. It kind of to choose a new QB. Additional the egotistical bullying jerk that everybody doing their own myself. I've always opened up for came together pretty quickly. It was- SEE FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS drama comes from the teen charac- everyone resents. These boys, while thing ... [I] kind of feel free to try other artists so like being on tour n't stretched out over two or three tersjromances and break-ups, and not perfect, are shown as earnest Continued on page seven new stuff. with those kinds of dudes or with years, it was more like six months. DB: What are your primary , I've been touring with DB: If you could tour with any- influences? him for the last year, so those are all body, who would tour with? ,Fiction: There's Got to be More MD: Primary influences. pretty big shows and tltis first time MD: Like people that I would Probably, like, James Brown is a I've gone out on my own, trying to want to hang out with night after .I'j continued from page 4 pretty humungous influence. Ice see what comes of the shows. It's night. If it was up to that kind of You would be so much more lasts for long after, even for infinity, this is possible. Maybe you are dead Cube, Death Certificate. I like been kind of here and there ... New stuff I probably just want to ... As far alive". And what if you could sus- long after your body has rotted to the sweeping, forward motion of everything, I mean I was a jazz York was ok, sounded as touring with people that I know pendyourself in time even longer, away and your carbon atoms have time. With death, you are finally drummer, tried to be a jazz drummer horrible, tonight seems like it's been that I like and are cool, probably any whAt would it really be like to live been fixed into other organisms. able to experience all that you for a while so I was really into like pretty good. of the Anticon guys. I'd love to tour like.that? Fatiguing, to slowly watch Death could suddenly sweep you missed. Elvin Jones and John Bonham, DB: I like the sound so far, it with any of those guys. Hopefully everything unfold? I think it would out of time, leaving your body Maybe that's why they say death who's obviously not jazz, but John seems like the room has good that will happen again sometime be beautiful. To see everything, and behind, but allowing you to stay is a peaceful rest, Some even say it's Bonham was pretty big. Jack acoustics. What primarily got you soon. If it was like some other band not have one detail go unnoticed as labovel time itself. a sleep. It is a rest from the impossi- DeJohnette, dudes like that. writing music? Was it a record? that's like really big, you know the, world rapidly unfolds and pul- If that is the case, I do not tltink ble swift current of time. But you DB: What first got you into MD: Composing was just get- maybe like , like sates, around you in that marvelous I would mind dying. If anything, it are not asleep. If anytlting, you are music? Was there a clear recollec- ting a four-track when I was around Akron/Family, Radiohead, Tortoise. symphony of life. All of tltis is lost is sometlting to look forward to. No, more alive when you are dead. tion or moment that got you into like 23 and then I started getting I like all kinds of stuff. in the 60 seconds = I minute x 60 = stop the emo accusations. I want to Because it is then that you can see music? into that. .. that's sort of what did it. DB: What are the plans for the I hour x 24 = I day and so on and so live life now. But it is despairing to everything in this world as it MD: Not really because I was Once I figured out how to use a future? think that in every single passing unfolds. four-track I didn't do anything else forth, always into listening to the radio MD: I have six more shows on Isn't death like this? When you second, even millisecond, there lies And just think of the possibili- and took piano lessons when Iwas a in my spare time and just worked on tltis tour after tonight and doing it die, 'is it perhaps an infinite suspen- a world of potential experiences in little kid. I just loved listening to record beats. from Dash SEE DaSH INllaRVlEW sion above time? Maybe you're so the very place you stand. If you SEE THERE's GOT TO BE MORE music growing up, so listening to DB: You've gone could only~st see it all. With death, the radio I ~ed to find ... making Self- Titled, !ht'.1 Pure Trash, and sUf~.l)ded in time hat your soul t Continued on page seven 6 • NOVEMBBR 3, 2006 • TUB COLLBGB VOICH • NEWS CC Voice On The Street "Polliwogs, Pranks and Potions" At I Dasha Lavrennikov Asks About Negative Campaigning' Jazz Ensemble Fall Concert

Kyle Olson '07 Edina,MN English, Music and Technology Minor

"I've always found negative campaigning counterintuitive. It does not tell you a lot about a candidate. These candidates should try to come off as the way they are and as someone you might want to vote for rather than expressing the fault of the oppos- ing candidate. So when I start getting a lot messages on my voicemail about the cam- paign, it's irritating. The negative attitude is not the way you want to start off YOUf day."

Logan Zemetres '10 Southem,NH Undecided

"I think that politicians need to concentrate on their own issues rather than bash- ing other candidates. A candidate must present his/her own platform and look at both the positives and negatives. Instead, in the recent campaigning, the statistics have been twisted in order to attack opposing candidates. Negative campaigning does not tell you what a person stands for, and is not enough information to vote on. When a politician's message is "vote for me because I am not as bad as the other candidate," the candidate never really proves a point."

The Conn Concert Band and]azz Ensemble presented their annual fall concert on November 1in the]ohn C. Evans HaJjin Cummings (Cry:m). Sarah Melistrom '07 Northfield, MN Slavic Studies Major Lamont "I think that negative campaigning shows that people do not have faith in the form continued from page 1 NL: Near the top of my list. If of democracy that has come to exist in the US. This form of campaigning is devoid SM: Do you know Leo Higdon? we're going to have the best-educat- of content and does not explain what a candidate hopes to do. It is insubstantial infor- SS: You mentioned tonight that ed work force in the country, they mation that I don't care about. What I want to know are the policies, what will be NL: Nope. But I hear very good you intend to fix a system that no have to go beyond high school, or things about him. enacted, and how money will be allocated amongst all levels of society. The candi- longer allows for upward mobility. dates' personal lives do not concern me." else we're not going to be able to Where does putting federal money compete with India and China. SS: Thanks for your time, Mr. towards college scholarships fall on That's our biggest advantage. Its not Lamont. your priority list? so much money and it's a great investment. Gabrielle Kaminsky '09 NY, NY Undecided Unger

of such material in the other 50% of "People are smarter than having to be told what is wrong with a candidate; they continued from page 1 psychology as a whole. Psychojogy institutions. can figure this out for themselves. In reference to society and politics, Noam Reproductive System and of women takes into account nroe, Chomsky said, "The majority of people are a bewildered heard". I believe that a lot Dependence, Passivity, and "Although the field has come a ethnicity and economic class; i of the recent campaigning is based on Chomsky's idea. Candidates spell out the neg- Aggression. long way, it still needs to expand," acknowledges power as an imp f- she said. ative aspects rather than saying what they believe and represent, and that allows peo- "This of course became problemat- tant dimension for psychologies] ple to interpret what the negative aspects are themselves." ic," added Unger. She also highlighted the fact that studies. Even though it still ha ts According to Unger, "better" and people do not have a problem with problems such as focusing prinllui- more advanced books were pub- studying children, or the mentally ly and somewhat unevenly on iilest- lislied with time, including those by ill, but it is evident that some peo- em cultures, it has gone a long~ay. Julia Sherman and Naomi ple oppose having courses that "Of course if you are part of the Weisstein. Presently, nearly 50% of examine the psychology of women. problem," Unger stated, "then ::: Theodore Hendrickson universities have psychology of Unger left this problem up in the air you're to blame, but that goes I(,r New London, CT women in some form. Unger agreed for the audience to solve them- both men and women in our soaie- Photography Professor that this was a step in the right selves and then went on to mention ty." direction, but question the absence what the field has done to add to "It is pretty bad. I do follow the elections closely and I vote for the candidates I sincerely support. The aspect of negative campaigning is very disturbing to me because it takes away from the discussion of real issues, which is what a campaign should be about. I don't want to make my choice based on unsubstantial distortions Mad Science and other negative campaign strategies. I want to base my decision on potential poli- cies. In Connecticut this fall, it seems to me that there has been more negative cam- paigning then ever. It's rare to hear or see a positive ad- they sneak negative infor- needs animated instructors to conduct educa- mation in, which I find disturbing." tional and entertaining after school science: programs. "W"E'RELOOKING FOR A FEW Must have dependable car and prior experi- EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS. ence working with groups of elementary age children. Must be available AT LEAST 3 DAYS A WEB< M-F 2:30 - 5:00 PM. • We provide the training and equipment. Pay: $25 per 1hour class.

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interesting representation of teen ommend it not only to fans of foot- life. ball, but viewers looking for a I generally liked FNL, and rec- unique and provocative fall drama... I

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The College VOICecan help you stay I informed. For only $50.00, you will receive 22 I issues of the newpaper covering each week of the academic year. Campus news, sports, arts" I entertainment, and opinion, will arrive in your !VesI-~:~s~-~~n-::~~~::::::'~:~~:::c~i:~:n-t~-;h~-~~/:::-~~:.-I---· I I I, . mailbox each week. Ihave enclosed a $50 check or money order for twenty-two Issues of the newspaper. I I Imagine calling your son or daughter, and I knowing more than he or she about the opening !Mailing Address I :Name:, _ . game against Colby. Picture the surprised look :Address: _ I on your child's face when you quiz them about I:City: .------State: __ Zip: _ convocation. I I We urge you to consider subscribing to The :MAILATONCE TO: I Vo/ce. Not only will you be supporting an entirely lThe College Voice . ISox 4970 Connecticut College student-run organization, you will grow intimately I I :270 Mohegan Ave involved each week with the workings of the lNew London, CT 06320 I I Connecticut College community. I I I I Please make checks payable to The College Voice I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~------• I I I I I I I 1k!!'d.L.~~.!J • ...IIIi!II;-.I[IIL_e!l!_.....~~.,,.. .. ~~~...I.L..L ...... L...L... L...... I.L...... ,------.. The College Voice Photo Contest Chris Colter Mad Science of Southeastern CT You could win $100!!! 39 Wedgewood Dr. • Jewett CitY,.CT 06351 860 376-9451 The College Voice is having a weekly photo contest. Each week there wil.l ?e a different theme in which .. [email protected] Connecticut College students, faculty, and staff may submit up to three digital, black and white Images. The editori- " al and photography editing staff will judge and pick a weelklfiY~,innther,WhiCth~ilblbet,~rinhtoetdoicnnJ:t'heestVOwichel.Cehawchl.lwl::k. t The winners of each weekly contest will be put into a poo or e semes er s es? 0 , . Mad Science needs animated instructors to con- ~ [udged by The /IOicestaff and a Conn photography professor. A grand pnze of $100 will be awarded to this semes- duct educational and entertaining after school 'I ter 's winner. The runner up will receive $50! science programs. Must have dependable car and prior experience working with groups of ele- II How to enter: ., . mentary age children. Must be available AT Submit up to 3 (black and white only) digital photographs to [email protected] ,t LEAST 3 DAYS A WEEK M-F 2:30 - 5:00 PM. Due Wednesday by 11:59 pm , I We provide the training and equipment. Pay: Atta~h information - name, email, extension, and title of each photograph $25 per thour class, APPLY ONLINE at (Optional): Include one or two sentence description of photo or Call 860-376- . ~ j 9451 THEME FOJ{ THIS WEEK: Halloween: i.e. frightening, scary, haunting, disturbing �""""'% "",,",""~~~~-==""."'.""",'!7=""""'.'"'"-"'"ZZll!!."".---"'!!""'--- __ ...... !llISIll'l_.. __ -- ...... -·~ 'I'he Camel Fun Page

Can you guess this Hollywood couple that just called it quits?

Across May 1, 2000 - "Sea rc:;:h..:.P..;:;a:..:.rty~·r::-· --"',--r.-",,="- By Bob Klahn 1. Being broadcast 12345678910 11 12 13 5, Breakfast nook, for one 11. Abe Lincoln's boy 14 15 16 14. Tavern (Homer 17 18 Simpson hangout) 19 15. Give some slack 20 21 16. Dander 17. Controversial 24 groundwork? 29 19. Pampering, initially 20. Clavell novel set in a 31 32 34 35 Japanese POW camp 21. Beeflhief 36 23. Archenemy 38 25. First to be counted 26. Jurisprudence 29. Seine city 30. "Unbelievable" rock band f-: ""7 +-+---.1f-- 4 50 51 52 31. What flows in the veins of the unflappable? 53 33. Flat on one's back 36, Tree-shaded 56

37. Tranquluzer transport, 59 . perhaps 38. Pioneering hypnotist @ 2000 C,osSyne'gy Syndicate Franz 3. Sea swallow Continental free trade 39. Small Russian 30. 4. Churchiilian gesture consortium established turnovers 5. The Clintons' if! Yale in 1958 40. "Mystery!" letters 6. Dillydallied 32. Australian marsupial 41. Night vision? 7. Hoodwink 33.1976 Hall & Oates hit 42, Baseball great Williams . 8. Egyptian god of the 34. Zap in the microwave 43. Pacific Rim locale underworld 35. "National Velvet' author 45. Workbench tool 9. Flytrap's namesake Bagnold 47. Blue wildflower 10. Many MIT grads 37. Petered out 49, "The ShadoW' medium 11. "Thrilla in Manila," for 39. Money player 53. The bard's bedtime? one 41. Visit a bloodmobile 54. Prosecutor's mainstay 12. "Blues in the Night' 43. Operative 56. "The Science Guy' composer Harold 44. "Later!" 57. Veritable 13. Disparage 45. "_ on the Rhine" 58. Carvey of "Clean Slate" . 18. Whips up (Lillian Hellman play) 59. Black gunk 22. Entices 46. Fish in a farce 60. Ogler's "gill"? 24. Peppermint Patty, to 48. "The wOlf_ the door 61. Bohemian Marcie 50. Precious Down 26. "Schindler's ust' star 51. Aint the way it shoulo 1, Trans-Siberian Railroad Neeson be? stop 27. Farm square 52. Anthem opener 2. Reply to the Little Red 28. Spider or mystery writer 55. Street of Strasbourg Hen

u 7 6 3 9 9 4 3 7 7 8 9 7 5 2 8 3 3 4 1 , 3 4 9 1 5 5 6 8 2 9 9 7 6 3 Fill the G rid so that 3 2 5 9 7 3 8 9 2 1 5 ,every row, every 7 5 6 2 3 4 6 5 6 2 4 1 8 column and every 1 9 4 8 3 7 6 1 4 1 5 4 7 2 6 3X3 box contains 9 9 5 1 4 7 5 8 7 6 5 7 3 5 6 4 the digits 1-9. 6 1 3 2 9 4 3 1 6 9 8 ~ .. .~- Easy Medium Hard & TOB COLLBGB VOleB • NOVEllBBB 3, 2006 • 9 Women's Soccer Ends 2006 Men's Soccer Falls To Tufts Campaign On A High Note

University In Season Finale By Matt Favs Only allowing one goal, the the back of the net in the first half, Sports Writer Camels displayed their depth at the continuing her impressive ways by keeper position with their starter, tallying her team-high sixth goal of The close of Conn's season Jenna Ross' 10, unable to compete. the season. Analisse Rios '08 came brought both success as well as fore- Sarah Beaudoin '09 accounted for up with her 11th and 12th point of sight of good things to come in the the first half shut out, recording a the season, as she accounted for both face of defeat. The Camels main- total of four saves. The Camels assists in the final match of the tained control throughout their turned to Bailey Andrews '10 for Camels' 2006 campaign. match against Johnson and Wales second half efforts. In her first colle- Rubens, along with fellow Class University. The squad pulled off an giate appearance, Andrews recorded of 2007 members Sarah Chandler impressive 4-1 victory over a 7-7-1 five saves and one goal allowed and Casey Severance, end their col- Johnson and Wales side to move to through 45 minutes of play. legiate careers with a 3-10-1 record 2-9-1 on the year. Coming off a The freshman keeper continued and a ninth place NESCAC finish. stretch of just five goals in as many her impressive play, in spite of a The Camels need not dwell on the games, this four goal explosion was chipped bone and tom ligament in negative, as they can look forward to quite an impressive achievement for her, finger, into the Camels' bout good things in the coming years, in the struggling Camels. against Tufts University. Andrews addition to only losing three players Team leading scorer Jackie managed six saves against the to graduation. The immediate Wade '08 tallied her fifth goal of the NESCAC 2nd seed Jumbos, holding impacr of the incoming class of 20 10 season, with Sharon Katz '10 fol- them to a narrow 3-2 victory. With has been shown by their prowess on lowing close behind as she netted this impressive effort of 11 saves in the field, and the players from the her fourth goal. Analisse Rios '08 just one and a half games, Andrews Class of 2008 have certainly proven and Rachael Schefrin '08 also displayed the promise that the that they can flat out score. The 2007 scored in the win. Co-Captain Caeli Camels can look forward to with season is sure to provide some excit- Rubens '07 recorded assists for the three solid keepers to tum to in com- ing matches with an experienced first two goals of the game, and fel- ing seasons. squad, and the Camels have every low Captain Claire Linden '08 fed Rachael Schefrin '08 joined right to anticipate improving their the assist to Schefrin in the second Katz '10 with four goals on the sea- NESCAC standing. Winslow Robinson '08 and Rob Paniccia '08 battle for the baJJd!1ring a Iue-seeson practice on Harkness, in preparation for Tufts (Mitchell). half, while Katz's goal went unas- son, netting a first half score for sisted. Conn. Jackie Wade '08 also found By Ben Eagle Tufts' 3-5-1 record in NESCAC play on an assist from Bear Duker to give Sports Writer did not seem all that daunting. him eight points on the year. This The Jumbos got out to an early goal sealed the victory for Tufts, and Remembering Red The inclement weather that post- lead when they won a penalty shot in the men packed their cleats away poned the men's soccer game this the eighth minute, the result of a with their eyes focused on the off- continued from page 10 celebrate, that those cigars were imparted throughout the years: previous weekend was not a good Camel handball within the 18-yard season and the 2007 campaign. it was gut decisions like these that often blazing brighter than the Citgo "The Boston Celtics are not a omen. The driving rain and blustery box. But Conn was not going out The loss dropped the Camels to allowed Red to single-handedly sign overlooking Fenway Park. Red basketball team, they are a way of .wind that fell in Eastern without a fight. In the 24th minute, 1-8 in conference play to finish out compose 16 championship teams. will go down in history not only as life." Massachusetts before the Camels' Captain Winslow Robinson '08 tal- the season, but the future does not Of all the things Red will be the greatesi Celtics coach of all "You handle animals; people, tlast game of the season against Tufts lied his third goal of the season, look bleak by any stretch of the remembered for, perhaps the image time, but as one of the greatest you deal with." delayed the kickoff, and Conn even- evening the score with a decisive imagination. What this season of him lighting up an infamous vic- coaches in the history of profession- "You can't make chicken salad tually fell 2-1. strike that restored momentum and offered, apart from some exciting tory Cuban cigar will endure. the al sports. I can think of no better out of chicken s---." Once it cleared up, which it did saw the visitors apply increased wins along the way, was valuable longest (aside from the whole 16 way to-close out this column than by "If you don't have the horses, later in the afternoon, the Camels pressure. With the score deadlocked, experience for what is still predorni- championships thing). And rightful- providing readers with a couple you're not gonna win." trotted out onto the artificial turf in the two te8lps began to wear at each nantly a young team. Younger play-~ ly so - he had so many victories to examples of the wisdom Red bas Medford hoping to end their season other, searching for a hole or mis- ers like goalie Ted Lane, who had ~T~ho,...::l=.:Z:;:ey::....::.::....::::b~a:..:..:l.:;l~----==:..:..::....:::...=----==....::..:.:..:~------_-..l on a high note. It was their last take that would prove the difference three stops in the Tufts game, and ". { NESCAC game, and so far this sea- in the game. With the Camels nar- Matt Hula, who was second in son they had not fared well, a fact rowly out-shooting the Jumbos 16 to points on the season, should become evident by their 1-7 record in con- 14, neither side was able to gain a larger parts of the team next year. continued from page 10 Williams. ment, the women's volleyball team ference competition. This record clear advantage. Ultimately. in the When the leaves begin to fall next up against the winner of the In conference play this season, has enjoyed its most successful sea- was somewhat deceiving, as close 62nd minute, only one shot mat- year, and the excitement of a new Wesleyan v. Bowdoin match. The the Camels were victorious against son in over a decade and should be calls and narrow losses against tered. Mattia Chason; the senior year hangs in the air, men's soccer winner of the Williams v. Trinity, Wesleyan, Middlebury, commended on an amazing season. teams .Iike Trinity, Bates, and striker for the Jumbos and one of the will be out on Harkness Green play- Middlebury match will take on the Hamilton, Colby, Bates, and Look for an impressive effort from Wesleyan just didn't fall in the leading scorers in th NESCAC, ing hard and, Lexpect, making big winner of the Amherst v. Trinity Bowdoin and were defeated by the- Camels in the upcoming 2006 . Camels' favor. With this in mind, buried his eighth goal of the season waves in the NESCAC. match. The Finals will take place on Amherst, Williams, and Tufts. NESCAC Quarterfinals at Williams. Sunday, November 5th at 1 P.M. at Whatever the outcome of the tourna- QUINNIPIAC U: NBAPreview continued from page 10 Pacific Division: Phoenix is remain an anomaly. How could a Detroit once again. However, the going to be scary good if Amare team with Tracy McGrady and Yao . RAVE REVIEWS FOR OUR MBA Heat, Nets, and Cavs will all put up Stoudanaire can stay healthy. But, Ming not do well? I don't know, do The Quinnipiac University School of Business MBA program continues to a good fight. I see the Bulls as the this has proved to be a pretty big "if' you? They'll come in third place in big sleeper in the Eastern over the last year or so. The Los the division, an improvement over prepare business professionals for the realities of management in global, Conference. They -added a huge Angeles Clippers were the laughing last year's miserable campaign. The technology-driven work environments in specializations such as: defensive presence in Ben Wallace stock of the NBA for so many years, New Orleans/Oklahoma City • MBA WITH CONCENTRATIONS IN ACCOUNTING, CIS, FINANCE, in the off-season, and Ben Gordon is but are now legit. Elton Brand is Hornets feature an emerging star in truly coming of age. turning into a true star and will lead Chris Paul and in improving sup- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING Northwest Division: This divi- them to second place in this tough porting cast, but it will be tough for • MBA - CHARTERED FINANCIAL ANALYST'" TRACK sion is the Atlantic of the Western division. As for Kobe Bryant's Los them to finish much higher than • MBA IN HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT Conference. The Denver Nuggets Angeles Lakers, we will just have to fourth place. The Memphis Grizzlies will run away with it, despite .he wait and see. Kobe takes so many aren't that bad, but as I said before; fact that they have some holes in shots' that you never know bow his this is just a tough division. They their team. Nonetheless, I have to teammates will react, although the will come in fifth place, especially if favor any team with 5'5" Early Lakers seem to have put together a Paul Gasol is out until the winter. OUR TOP 10 Boynkins on it. The Utah Jazz and good core around the superstar. As Conference Prediction: This one GRADUATE MAJORS: the Minnesota Timberwol ves will for Golden State and Sacramento, all depends on the health of Amare MBA, Physician Assistant, compete for second place. I see the better luck next year. Stoudamire. If he stays healthy, then Jazz taking the spoils because the T- Southwest: This is the toughest Phoenix will win the conference. If Interactive Communications, wolves are built similarly to the division in the NBA. The Dallas not, Dallas and San Antonio will Teaching, Biomedical Sciences, Pacers. They have good talent but no Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs duke it out. [ see the Hornets as the character. and.Portland are are a toss up for first place. I'll give conference sleeper. Chris Paul is just Molecular/Cell Biology, both bad. The key difference is that it to Dallas because Tony Parker of that dirty. Journalism, Nursing, Portland is horrendous and the the Spurs dates Eva Longoria, and Computer Information Systems, Sonics still have Ray' Allen. I'm jealous. The Houston Rockets Accounting • =--=-=:.=.:=.I:....=:.=;=.=--=.::.....::....-=-. MASTERING THE ART OF TEACHING Sheila Wycinowski, Director of Curriculum and Staff Development at Amity Sundays, 10 p.m. High School, exploins, "Basically we look to hire Quinnipiac students. They have a clear understanding of lesson planning and classroom management and the balance belweenthem." She also characterizes Quinnipiac students as articulate, creative, able to encourage higher-level thinking in students, Questions? Call Proctor @ x3271 -and able to incorporote technology into their teaching. or email @ [email protected]. £EI YOUR NEXT MOVE Quinilipiac University offers graduate programs in 17 distinct disciplines. Whether you are interested in our A.ACSB nationally accredited business program, the master of arts In teaching (MAT) program or one of the ~ortheast's most highly regarded iou~nalism and interactive commUniCations programs, all have been desiqned to thoroughly prepare you for a profession?1 c?r;er. For more information, call 1_800-462-1944 or visit First project will air on C4TV at 8 p.m., QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY November 4th with a very special guest (tune in to find out). 1i Hamd1n,Connecticut . 1 • ~....,....,.".._,1· ---"":------~~---~~....",J· THB COLLEGB VOICB • NOVEMBBR 3, 2006 • 10 CAMELSPORTS Remember Volleyball Posts Six-Game Win Streak The Red Postseason-bound team Tinman's finishes with 7-3 NESCAC record and 19 wins. Auerbach By Chris Helms NBAPicks How do you memorialize an icon Yes, ladies and gentleman, the' who has done more for sports than Sports Writer NBA season is upon us. As always, any other athlete, coach, manager. the start of a new professional bas- etc. in the history of professional The Connecticut College ketball season brings many questions athletics? I'm not quite sure I have women's volleyball team surged with it. Who will be good? Who will the answer, but in the 700 or so into the postseason with a final over- stink it up? Who will be a surprise words allotted to me for this column, all record of 19-8 ana a conference team? Well, you're in luck if you've I'll do my best to do just that for record of 7-3. This season, the turned to the CC Voice sports page Arnold "Red" Auerbach, who passed Camels posted their highest win because I will answer all these ques- away last total since the 1994 women's volley- tions and . Saturday. ball team finished with 28 wins. more with my .. The Only Williams posted a better con- NBA 2006- Boston ference record (l0-0), and the 2007 season Celtics are not Camels were tied with Amherst, preview. I'll a basketball Tufts and Wesleyan at 7-3. The break the team, they are Camels swept all three of their league down a way of life." matches at Wesleyan on October into divisions CHRIS HELMS These were 27th and 28th and will be participat- to make ERIC DEBEAR the famous ing in the NESCAC Quarterfinals at Viewpoint things a bit VIEWPOINT words of Red Williams College. easier. Auerbach, Seeking to clinch a playoff berth Atlantic who lived his life according to this in conference play at Wesleyan, the Division: Oy. I think it's safe to say slogan to the fullest degree imagina- women's volleyball team dominated that this division will be the worst ble. The highlights of Red's career with a three-match sweep over The women's volleyball team closed out their best regular season campaign in a decade last week, sweeping several NESCACteams (Mitchell). division in the NBA this year. Again. are simply uncanny. He was respon- Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin. The College, the women's volleyball kills (344) in the Bowdoin match. tie breakers. Entering the tourna- While the New Jersey Nets are good, sible for bringing 16 championships sweep concluded a 6-game winning team clinched a playoff berth with Tomaska was backed by stellar ment as the 5th seed, the Camels and a legitimate threat to win the to the Celtics and was the team's streak, as the women's volleyball their fifth NESCAC victory (and as play from the rest of the team as will face off against 4th seeded Tufts entire eastern conference, the rest of £oach for 9 of them. To name a few team finished the season in truly I've noted, they went on to earn 2 well, Meg Christman '10 added 31 University. this division is pretty bad. ~ at his brilliant decisions, Red drafted impressive fashion. On Friday the more NESCAC wins over Bowdoin kills and 19 blocks, while Co- The other matches of the default, the Boston Celtics will~ome Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, Cedric 27th, the Camels overpowered and Bates). There were several out- Captain Amy Crespi '08 added 4 Quarterfinals will be #1 Williams vs. in second, although this won't guar- Maxwell, ReggieLewis and Danny Colby 30-24, 30-27, 30-28 to take standing players that contributed to aces, 19 kills and 4 blocks. Emma #8 Middlebury, #2 Wesleyan vs. #7 antee a playoff spot as it would in Ainge (okay, maybe he's not the best the 3-0 victory. The next day, the the Camels' success during the Matthieson '09 also contributed Bowdoin, and #3 Amherst vs.: #6 any other division. As for the other front office presence these days, but women's volleyball team walked weekend at Wesleyan. Caitlin with 6 blocks and 8 kills in the Trinity. Should Connecticut College three teams, the New York Knicks, there's no doubting he was a good away with a pair of 3-1 decisions Tomaska '09 recorded 4 aces, 46 Camels' two-day rout of Colby, beat Tufts and advance, they will go Toronto Raptors, and Philadelphia player); in addition, he traded to against Bates (30-21, 30-26, 23-30, kills, 9 blocks and 65 digs during the Bates, and Bowdoin. In regards to 76'ers ... ouch. I don't know which of acquire guys like Bill Russell, 30-20) and Bowdoin (26-30, 30-20, 11 games played. As evidence of her the postseason, the Camels received SEE VOLLEYBALL these teams will show the least Robert Parish and Bill Walton. 30-26,30-21). remarkable. season, Tomaska estab- the #5 seed in the 2006 NESCAC ------amount of futility to claim third When Red was coaching the With Friday's victory over Colby lished a new single season record for Cbampionships as a result of various Continued on page nine place in the Atlantic. What 1do know Celts in the 1950s and '60s, he basi- is that I hope the Knicks come in last cally assumed every role in the front place so the Isaiah Thomas era can . office (head coach, team president, Conn Runners Excel At Harkness Park finally come to an end in New York. head scout, general manager, etc.). Central Division: This is the anti- These days, the front offices of·NBA top 10 finishers at Harkness Atlantic division, featuring solid franchises feature dozens of people Memorial Park on its way to win- teams from top to bottom. Despite with the power of the team being ning the NESCAC Mens Cross the loss of center Ben- Wallace to divided among the different entities. Country Championship with a their division rival, I still see the The fact that Red won even one title remarkable score of 30 points, given Detroit Pistons winning the central. while having such a huge amount of the conditions. Bowdoin College Their starting lineup is just too good, responsibility in tenns of the overall finished second with 81 points and even without Wallace. However, I do success of the team is a feat in itself. Amherst was a distant third with 144 expect Lebron James and the What's more, Red wouldn't have points. Cleveland Cavaliers to give the wanted it any other way. Trinity College sophomore Pistons a run for their money. Side It tends to fly under the radar that Hunter Norte was the individual note, check out King James' new Red was one of the most revolution- champion of the event, followed by Nike TV ads, very funny. The ary figures in terms of the advance- Connecticut College sophomore Chicago Bulls-are headed in the right ment of racial equality in the NBA. Brian Murtagh, with a time of 26:26 direction as a franchise, and will In fact, he was the first coach to start on his home course. It was the high- most likely make the playoffs once five black players in a game. In an est individual finish in history for a again, although I don't see them fin- era when integration was shunned in Connecticut College men's cross ishing higher than third in this divi- most franchises, Red drafted and country runner at a NESCAC sion. The Milwaukee Bucks, Centr traded for black players because he Championship event. Brendan division bottom-dwellers, will cha knew that doing so would give the Christian finished third for Williams lenge the scandal-ridden Indian Celtics the best chance to win. For with a time of 26:31. Pacers for fourth place. The Pacers ReO, it didn't matter if you were The fight for third place was are still a good team but they are 1; white or black; as soon as you put on hotly contested, as only a mere 18 tered with "character" issues, includ- that Celtic green, it was all about tal- . points separated third place Amherst ing Stephen Jackson and his· "" ent and if you had what it took to and seventh place Connecticut mous night club extravaganza over win. College (162). Again weather the summer. In his later years with the Celtics, played a crucial part in the events Southeast Division: The defend- Red took on a much more limited which ensued this past Saturday. ing NBA Champions will win this role, serving primarily as a consult- Heavy showers, sustained chilling division again. While Shaq is a year ant for the team (while retaining his Despite a heavy rain and Wind, Conn 's cross country teams posted successful finishes against some of the nation s best runners (Mitchell). winds and standing water through- older, Dwayne Wade is just too good. position as team president). Don't By Gerald Wols sive sixth place against some of the all was a fantastic result." out the course forced runners to alter I think that the Washington Wizards get the wrong idea, though. It's not top teams in the nation. Just seven Jessamyn Cox '09 posted a time their physical as well as their mental are a virtual lock to come in second like he was the Celtics' version of Associate Sports Editor points separated the top four scoring of 24:28 en route to a 24th place run preparations for the season's biggest behind the Heat. The rest of this divi- Johnny Pesky (with the Red Sox), This past weekend, the teams. It was a highly competitive to lead the Camels home. Jill Sergi race . sion will be interesting to watch a, . allowed to hang out with the team Connecticut College men's and Championship field and the poor was 27th overall, logging a time of Aaron Wheeler '08 was the sec- several teams feature solid, young .because of his previous accomplish- women 's cross country teams played weather conditions made the course 24:34 for the Camels. Heather ond scorer for the home team, post- talent. The Orlando Magic starting 1 ments and serve mainly as a symbol host to the NESCAC a challenge for every competitor. Stanish '08 finished in 25:00 for a ing a time of 27:01. Brendan Curran line-up features three players 6'10 ' of the past; Red still had a good Championships at Harkness The Championship featured five of 42nd place finish overall and third followed and was 31st overall with a and over. In a league that seems amocm of influenc with the team Memorial Park. It proved to be a the top 12 women" s cross country for the Camels. time of 27:09. Senior captain Keith starved for height, this may work to and gave pnt ades and draft very successful weekend for both teams in the nation: #2 Amherst, #4 Elizabeth Claise crossed the fin- Drake was 43rd for the Camels, with their advantage. Atlanta and decisions. In what 'was perhaps his teams, as they ran competitively and Middlebury, #7 Tufts, #9 Williams, ish line with a time of 25:06 for 47th a time of 27:30. Charlotte will battle it out for fourth. only poor decision in the drafting placed strong finishes on their home and #12 Colby College. place. Caitrin Herdic was 52nd for Blake Marcus ' 10 crossed the Both of these teams will endure war-room, Red convinced the course. Tufts University junior duo Katy the Camels, finishing in 25:10. finish line at 79th place overall, and another tough year or two, but they Celtics hierarchy to pass on Tony Amherst College won the O'Brien and Cat Beck finished first Janneke Quick '08 was the sixth was the fifth scorer for Connecticut are headed in the right direction. Parker (yeah, that Tony Parker) NESCAC Women's Cross Country and second respectively with Camel to cross the finish line, regis- College, posting a time of 28:23. Adam Morrison needs to get rid at because he was completely sold on Championship, placing four of the Wesleyan senior Ellen Davis finish- tering a time of 25:20 which placed' Rounding up the top seven finishers the' mustache if be's going to be Joe Forte (don't worry if you don't top 15 runners. Tufts University fin- ing third. her in 58th place. Melissa Lacey were Tyler Silverman and Chris taken seriously. recognize the name). While this ished a close second with 69 points. Senior Laura Bernardi stated, was 65th overall with a time of Bannish, who finished 104th and Conference Prediction: The seems like a poor move in hindsight, Williams scored 70 points in a third "we have been working hard all sea- 25 :27 to round up the top six 105th respectively. Number 1 seed will probably be place performance and Middlebury son and to run the best race of the Camels. SEE REMEMBERING RED College was fourth with 71 points. season on the most important day is In the second event of the day, SEE NBA Preview Continued OIl page nine The Camels managed a very impres- always special. Finishing sixth over- Williams College placed five of the Continued 011 page nine Camel Scoreboard Men's soccer Field Hockey M&W CroBBCountry 11/4 (Men) ECAC 0111Championship @ Williams, 11:00 a.rn. Final Record: 4-8-2 Final Record: 6-8 11/11 New England Division III Championship @ Springfield, MA, Home: 3-3-2 Home: 3-5 Men @ 11:00 a.rn., Women @ 12:00 p.m. Away: 1-5 ,Away: 3-3

Women's Soccer Water Polo Women's Volleyball

Final Record: 3-10-1 Final Record: 2-19 I Nescac FIrst Round I Home: 0-4-1 Home: 0-6 11/3 CC vs. Tufts @ Williams, 8:00 p.m. I Away: 3-6 Away: 0,7 I Neutral: 2-6 i t ! 61 J I I ------4,.;,,' '--1 -~~~===- I