Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 2006-2007 Student Newspapers 11-3-2006 College Voice Vol. 31 No. 7 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_2006_2007 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "College Voice Vol. 31 No. 7" (2006). 2006-2007. 2. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_2006_2007/2 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2006-2007 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. First Class U.S. Postage PAID Permit #35 e New London, cr PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF CONNECTICUT COUEGE VOLUMEXXXI' NUMBER 6 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2006 CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, NEW LoNDON, CT ..hoda Unger Speaks At Conn Catharsis: Dance Club Kicks Off Fall Show ," ~...=======================~".. ~uthor Addresses Psychology Of Women year, there were eleven symposia of the psychology of women. Some of Staff Writer the titles were: The Evolution of Women and The Fall and Rise of On Monday, October 30, Rhoda Feminism. All these happened Unger spoke in Bill Hall about the because of the integration of the evolution of the field of Psychology activism happening at the time. of Women. Unger began her speech Such activist groups include the y talking about the lack of women AWP (Association for Women in in areas that dealt with psychology. Psychology) in 1965, CWP Not only were there no women in (Committee for Women in the' professional fields, but women as subjects were absent in most Psychology) in 1970 and Division 35 in 1973, which is now the i "feas studied by psychologists as Society for the Psychology of :~!!-Additionally, the language ff. in textbooks was a language Women. Unger emphasized the fact that ~ made women nearly invisible . ich studies. these activist groups were needed to • ~er used a quote by Joan Evans create the paradigm. ll(dner to emphasize the social In 1971, Judith Bardwick, who ,. Unger states is "not a feminist," , l>ttIJemsduring the mid to late six- ~ ,:Gardner stated, "What can the wrote the first textbook on the psy· ehavioral sciences do to modify chology of women. It was hard, e world so that women who want therefore, to teach a course using o participate meaningfully are not Bardwick's book when it had chap- egarded as and are not in fact ters like The Psychosomatic ~deviant?" Dysfunction of the Female Unger then explained the progres- ion of new events in the years to SEE UNGER orne. In 1970, there was an emer- Continued on page si gence of a new paradigm, In that The Conn Dance Club will be performing their fall show, Catharsis, in Cro three nights this week: Thursday, November 2nd, through Saruirtay, Novemher 4th (Mitchell). A Voice Exclusive Interview ". r ., Editor-In-Chief, News Editor Sit Down t With Ned Lamont BY SOPHIE MATHEWSON BY STEVE STRAUSS AND journalism in a bigger way. I thought News Editor SOPHIE MATHEWSON cable television would be a way to Editor·In·Chief, News Editor have a 24-hour news show, and Connecticut's Democratic news wouldn't be compacted into a Senate hopeful Ned Lamont came to Editor-in-Chief Steve Strauss 3D-minute slot. So I joined a cable 'speak at Conn on Tuesday, October and News Editor Sophie Mathewson operator, and we did: we created 31, a mere six days from the sat down with Ned Lamont follow- Cablevision News 12, and we did approaching November 7 election. ing his appearance at Connecticut something there. I ended up getting In a town-hall style meeting that College on Tuesday, October 31st. more and more into the operating also drew local residents and press, side of the business. Sometimes you Lamont addressed domestic and Steve Strauss: Happy don't make choices. Sometimes you international issues, his amateur sta- Halloween! We were wondering if just get into a situation and things tus in the political arena, and his per- you had any especially memorable happen. That's how I got in that sir- ceived deficiencies of his most costumes as a child. uation: thinking I was going to PU(- 'prominent opponent, three term sue journalism. "incumbent Joseph Lieberman. Ned Lamont: Back in my day, I The chairman and president of " maybe dressed as a Hippie a couple SS: You're warm up music the successful Lamont Digital of times. My son, he might not want tonight was Bill Withers. What have Syslems, Lamont is also the great- you to know this ... but about eight you, personally, been listening to grandson of former J.P. Morgan & years ago he dressed as Maril yo lately? Co. Chairman Thomas W. Lamont. Monroe. (Lamont pointed out that it was not NL:Hal his first time on the Conn campus; SS: You dressed as Marilyn his business supplies cable and data Monroe? SM: What gets you pumped up services to many colleges). When on the campaign trail? someone at the meeting expressed NL: No, my son did. concern over whether Lamont NL: I'm a big Meatloaf fan, I intended to serve the people or line SS: On a scale of 1-10, how like Lynyrd Skynyrd, but every band his pockets, Lamont replied, "I've tough were the questions from the I name, I'm dating myself. (Asks already lined my pockets," Despite Conn students tonight? assistant) Who were we ta,Jking affluent roots and ample success in about today? Meatloaf? No! the business world, some believe NL: I think they were pretty hard , that Lamont, a relative political neo- hitting. I'd put them on the harder Lamont Assistant: Bob Madey. phyte, is ill-equipped to take office. side. These are real issues, and peo- "Lamont's inexperience in poli- ple wanted real answers, you know? NL: Bob Marley! That's right! tics is obvious by simply visiting his How come 'we don't have siijgle website," said Brendan Schwartz payer systems tomorrow? How SS: 'l'our radio ads have insisted 'O?, "He hasn't articulated policy come you want universal coverage, that you're not a politician. How do positions on many important issues but you want to do it incrementally? you, as a first term, potentially such as the death penalty/prison Democratic candidate for Senate Ned Lamont was on hand 1lJesday 10 answer questions about the upcoming election (Web). I mean, these are real questions; a minority-parry Senator plan to get reform, tax reform, and the Patriot lot better than I get at the debates I results in Washington without poli- Act, to name a few." when he said that there is "too much questioning the motives of people responses were spot on, and it just go to on TV. Don't you agree? tics? Still, the candidate expressed government intruding into our per- who doubt his policies, a lack of affirmed my full support.of him over other ideas he hopes to bring to sonallives." accountability leading 10 problems Lieberman," added Kemper. In a Sophie Mathewson: I read you NL: I think as a businessperson, Washington. Once a volunteer It is Lamont's foreign policy, "not because we've been asking too Reuters poll released November 2, used to be a newspaper man, your- I can cut through a lot of the ideo- teacher in Bridgeport, CT, Lamont however, that has been getting him many questions, but because we've Senator Lieberman, running as an self. Why did you leave the world of logical clutter they've got down emphasized the importance of edu- the most press attention, and what been asking too few." independent, had a 49 percent to 37 journalism? there and break through. We're just cation, and discussed the dire neces- perhaps caused him to triumph in According to Fred Kemper '07, percent lead on Lamont, down from talking about health care, That's a sity offixing the health care system. the primary last August. The War in Vice President of CCDems, the cam- a 20 point lead in Early October. NL: I tell you, it was one of the system that's bankrupting General He also discussed the pervasiveness Iraq, Lamont told Tuesday's audi- paign hoped for 150 students to Republican Alan Schlesinger held 6 best jobs 1 ever had. Right out of Motors as well as the workers there. of lobbyists in the current political ence, has "weakened us both home show up, a goal unquestionably met percent. college. 1 was editor of the Black Why can't we break through? Why system, a problem he considers and abroad." He went on to say that by the crowd of people (which Lamont's final remarks encour- River Tribune in Ludlow, Vermont. I is that a Republican or Democratic insidious, "I'm going to break that President George W. Bush, whom included Lamont's parents) that aged everyone to vote. "This is one loved it because everybody wel- issue? culture," he declared. Senator Lieberman has consistently filled the 1941 room. Overall, many of the most important elections comed me into their homes. It was a When asked about whether or supported in his policy of Iraq, is deemed the Tuesday night event to we've had in a long time," he said. town going through a transition and not he supported gay marriage, he "driving this country into a ditch." be a success. "You can look back and say you've I lived this town for a year and a SEE lAMoNT Lamont criticized Lieberman for "We all felt that Lamont's made a real difference." was received with hearty applause half.
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