Runnymede Borough Council
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RBC C.S. 150617 Runnymede Borough Council COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 15 June 2017 at 7.30 pm Members of the Councillors Miss M N Heath (Chairman), P J Waddell (Vice-Chairman), Committee Present: D E Anderson-Bassey, Mrs D V Clarke, Miss D Khalique, B W Pitt and Mrs G Warner. Members of the Committee absent: Councillors Mrs M T Harnden, N M King and S M Mackay. 56 FIRE PRECAUTIONS The Chairman read out the Fire Precautions. 57 PRESENTATION BY EMMA WARREN, CURATOR, CHERTSEY MUSEUM The Committee received an informative presentation about Chertsey Museum, from its curator, Emma Warren. Emma gave Members a brief history of the museum, covering its earliest days in the 1970s at the Old Town Hall, up to the present day, with illustrations of the new redesigned garden, shortly opening at their current home, ‘The Cedars’, in Chertsey. Members were impressed with the range of activities, exhibitions and innovative marketing ideas which contributed to the success of the museum, all provided within a limited budget and by a small number of dedicated staff and volunteers. The significant support of the Olive Matthews Trust and the Friends of Chertsey Museum was noted with appreciation by the Committee. Notable projects included the continuation of the 1st World War related works, the borough history ‘app’, ‘Fashion and Freedom’ (Women in Society) the River Festival; celebrating the River Thames and a project/exhibition on the creation of Victory Park in Addlestone. The museum’s valued outreach and educational work, as well as its participation in loaning and borrowing important pieces nationwide was commended. The Committee was also pleased to note close working with Egham Museum on several projects such as the forthcoming festival to celebrate the River Thames. Members were encouraged to visit Chertsey Museum and enjoy their work first hand as well as seeing the newly re-designed garden when it was complete. 58 NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES TO COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The Group mentioned below had notified the Chief Executive of its wish that the change listed below would be made to the membership of the Committee. The change was for a fixed period ending on the day after the meeting and thereafter the Councillor removed would be reappointed. Group Remove from Membership Appoint Instead Conservative Councillor S A Lewis Councillor D E Anderson-Bassey The Chief Executive had given effect to this request in accordance with Section 16(2) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. - 49 - RBC C.S. 150617 59 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9 March 2017 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. 60 APLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs M T Harnden, N M King and S M Mackay. 61 HM QUEEN STATUE – RUNNYMEDE PLEASURE GROUNDS The Committee, sitting as Trustees of Runnymede Pleasure Grounds, considered a report setting out proposals developed by Runnymede Magna Carta Legacy Limited (RMCLL) for completion of complementary works to the surrounds of the HM Queen Statue; installed in the Pleasure Grounds in June 2015 to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta. Members were advised that RMCLL wanted the Council to accept the statue as a gift in perpetuity and take on responsibility for its future maintenance and insurance. The Committee viewed a plan which showed a new path linking the statue with the car park and installing additional seating and path leading towards the river bank. There would be a timeline of improved quality to make the site inviting and attractive to visitors. The works would be paid for by RMCLL. The Committee was advised that since its installation there had been no significant difference to the numbers of visitors to the Pleasure Grounds nor had the statue suffered any vandalism. This meant that maintenance costs had been minimal. Members considered that the planned improvements would raise the profile of the site and they appreciated the educational aspects of the works such as the timeline of Kings and Queens. The Committee was also pleased by the plans for additional seating for visitors. Officers set out the conditional arrangements which RMCLL had put forward in relation to acceptance of the gift. These were that the gift was in perpetuity, that the company would donate £25,000 (in two instalments) to the Trust to cover insurance and maintenance costs for the first five years only and that the company would be given access to the site 3 to 4 times per year to undertake various commemorative, celebratory events. For the latter, Officers confirmed that the company would be subject to the usual conditions which applied for the use of Council land. The legal and financial implications were noted. This gave rise to concern expressed by some Members about the potential risks of accepting the statue. The Committee was reminded that the Council’s insurers, Zurich, had not felt able to insure the statue but that RMCLL had received a quote via a broker; the terms of which meant that the Trust would be liable for significant costs should the statue be vandalised or otherwise damaged by for example, flooding, given its position by the river bank, in the flood plain. Officers were asked to consider whether at the end of 5 years the RPG Trust could choose not to insure the statue specifically. This was thought unlikely unless RMCLL agreed. Officers were asked to investigate whether the public liability element of the statue’s insurance could be taken on as a part of the Council’s existing public liability insurance. Some Members also speculated what position the Trust would be in if the company ceased to exist. In order to resolve these issues, Officers would need to check the detail of the legal agreement with RMCLL and the insurance arrangements accordingly. The Committee - 50 - RBC C.S. 150617 decided to revise the recommendation before them to reflect the need to review the arrangements with RCMLL once the five years had elapsed. RESOLVED that – i) the gift of the HM Queen statue from Runnymede Magna Carta Legacy Limited be accepted subject to:- a) the transfer of a sum of £25,000 to maintain and insure the statue for a period of 5 years, to be re-negotiated at the end of 5 years with Magna Carta Legacy Limited b) the arrangement be in perpetuity; and ii) the phase 2 works as set out in the report and in Appendix ‘A’ be approved; the full cost of which to be met by Runnymede Magna Carta Legacy Limited. 62 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT KEY PERFORMANCE/ACTIVITY INDICATORS QUARTER 4 2016/17 The Committee reviewed the final quarter’s figures for services within its remit for 2016/17. Members were pleased to note that following the new promotion of Meals at Home there had been an increase in the number of meals delivered. An update on Community Meals would be brought to the meeting of the Committee in September 2017. The Community Transport contracts were proving successful and more young people had signed up for the Surrey Youth Games in 2017; some sports including Squash had been oversubscribed due to the limited court capacity and had waiting lists. 63 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS CENTRE PLAN 2017/18 - UPDATE The Committee noted the various strands of Community Development and how their significant projects, priorities and work streams were progressing since the last meeting. With regard to Green Space, it was reported that Officers planned to bring the business plan for Runnymede Pleasure Grounds improvements to the meeting of the Committee in September 2017. There would be a special briefing for Members on this prior to the report being considered on the evening of Full Council in July. It was noted that a new inspection regime for cemetery memorials was due to commence shortly. Members were pleased to note some forthcoming entertainment events in the parks and open spaces and progress with new play areas and potential new income streams. In Community Development, the Family Support Programme was on target to deliver year three, working with 104 families in Runnymede and Surrey Heath. The first Syrian refugee family had been settled locally and work had started on the various exhibitions and celebrations as outlined in the presentation on Chertsey Museum. Officers would submit a new Playing Pitch Strategy to the meeting of the Committee in January 2018. Officers were asked to consider within the review of Halls the potential for a shared booking system with Addlestone Community Association which Members considered might be of mutual benefit. As this service was shared with Customer Services, they would need to be involved in any discussions. Officers reported that the new Franklands Flyer bus service was growing in popularity and the Promotions Officer had completed a number of positive campaigns to raise awareness of the various services to Older People. Members observed that some work relating to Older People might be grouped together and that it might be useful to review those - 51 - RBC C.S. 150617 activities, as they appeared in different places on the business plan. Officers confirmed that the partnership with Surrey Heath was working well. Officers confirmed that the CCTV contract with Elmbridge and Epsom had now concluded but that the Police Crime Commissioner funding for 2017/18 of up to £60,000 had now been received; this was news welcomed by the Committee. Members also looked forward to hearing about progress with Safer Runnymede’s joint working with Surrey Heath on the alarms monitoring service and contracts within the Addlestone One development. 64 COMMUNITY FIRST UPDATE The Committee’s endorsement of the Community First work programme for 2017/18 was sought and Members were updated on the many achievements to date, all delivered within budget.