Micrabaciidae 1 PART F, REVISED, VOLUME 2, CHAPTER 11: SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS OF THE FAMILY MICRABACIIDAE Rosemarie C. Baron-Szabo1,2 and Stephen D. Cairns1 [1Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA, [email protected] and [email protected]; 2Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, [email protected]]

INTRODUCTION tion and was even called pseudo-bifurcate by Janiszewska, Jaroszewicz, and Stolarski The Micrabaciidae is one of the smallest (2013). The unique microstructural skeletal and least diverse scleractinian families, composition was first described by Janiszew- consisting of the five genera: Micrabacia ska and others (2011) and later elaborated Milne Edwards & Haime (20 fossil species), by Janiszewska and others (2015). The Moseley (four extant species), Leptopenus molecular monophyly, based exclusively on Yabe & Eguchi (four extant Letepsammia the mitochondrial gene CO1, was discussed species), Rhombopsammia Owens (two extant by Kitahara and others (2010), and based species), and Michelin Stephanophyllia on four genes, both mitochondrial and (three extant and ten fossil species). Thus, nuclear, by Stolarski and others (2011). nearly 40 valid species pertain to this family According to Kitahara and others (2010) (Cairns, 1989, p. 13–24; Baron-Szabo, and Stolarski and others (2011), the Micra- 2002, p. 130–131; 2008, p. 147–153), most baciidae, along with the Gardineriidae, form of which (30) are known exclusively as fossils. a deeply diverging basal clade, equivalent to Only the two genera, Moseley, Leptopenus the robust and complex clades that encom- 1881 and Owens, 1986 are Rhombopsammia pass all other Scleractinia. as yet known exclusively from the Holocene. This chapter gives an overview of the The monophyly of the family is supported , stratigraphy, and geography of by macromorphological, microstructural, the genera currently included in the family and molecular evidence. The macromorpho- Micrabaciidae. The diagnosis of the family is logical evidence includes a unique pattern followed by the description of its nominate of septal and costal insertion, alternating genus, and then descriptions of the other septa and costae, and the frequent presence genera in alphabetical order. Table 1 (p. 7) of a marginal shelf. These characters are best provides a synopsis of micrabaciid genera, illustrated and discussed by Cairns (1989), including key characteristics and stratigraphic who also supplied a key to four (those with ranges. living species) of the five genera. The unique pattern of septal insertion, once thought to Family MICRABACIIDAE be a repeated bifurcation of the third cycle Vaughan, 1905, p. 386 septa (Cairns, 1989), was shown by Janisze- [Micrabaciidae Vaughan, 1905, p. 386] [=Stephanophylliidae Yabe & Eguchi, 1934, p. 281] wska, Jaroszewicz, and Stolarski (2013) to be accomplished by unequal-length invagi- Simple, free, cupolate, ahermatypic, azoo- nations of the wall between septa at the xanthellate, non-epithecate sensu lato; wall peripheral edge of the calice, and thus could solid in earliest juvenile stages, becoming not originate from bifurcation. Nonetheless, porous in later ontogenetical stages; porosity the result in adult corals resembles bifurca- of wall achieved by development of concentric

© 2017, The University of Kansas, Paleontological Institute, ISSN (online) 2153-4012 Baron-Szabo, R. C., & S. D. Cairns. 2017. Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 11: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinia family Micrabaciidae. Treatise Online 98:1–8, 5 fig., 1 table. 2 Treatise Online, number 98

1 mm

a b Micrabacia

1 mm

c d

Fig. 1. Micrabaciidae (p. 2–3). rows of pillars that are part of invaginated septa; septa perforate or compact, margins wall (sensu Janiszewska, Jaroszewicz, & highly or slightly dentate; dissepiments Stolarski, 2013), which occurs between absent; synapticulae present or absent; wall septa of preceding cycles; septa represent probably marginotheca; columella composed vertical continuations of wall invaginations; of processes of thickening deposits, loose, septa of all cycles fused with nearest ones of spongy, or compact, often elongate; pali former cycle, resulting in pseudo-bifurcation absent; microstructure in thickening deposits pattern; septa of fourth cycle and higher do composed of thin (around 100–300 nm) and not appear simultaneously but are inserted short (1–2 µm) fibers arranged in chip-like in pairs whereby the septum adjacent to bundles; polyp completely invests corallum. older septa arises first; septa composed of Lower Cretaceous (Aptian)–Holocene. thickening deposits unique to this group; Micrabacia Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849, p. 71 not in crystallographic continuation with [*Fungia coronula Goldfuss, 1826–1827, p. 50; SD Rapid Accretion Deposits (RAD) or tradi- Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849, p. 71] [=Cycla- tional calcification centers; costae beaded or bacia Bölsche, 1866, p. 474 (type, C. stellifera; SD Vaughan, 1905, p. 409); =Discopsammia smooth, alternate in position with septa by d’Orbigny, 1850, p. 180 (type, Stephanophyllia successive bifurcation, and match number of bowerbankii Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848, p. Micrabaciidae 3

a c 4.5 mm d 3.5 mm 4.5 mm Micrabacia

e b 3.5 mm

Fig. 2. Micrabaciidae (p. 2–3).

94; M)]. Solitary, cupolate to discoidal with flat missing, presumably housed at IPB), base (d) and to slightly concave base; marginal shelf narrow; lateral view (e) of corallum. (Milne Edwards & corallum free, small, usually less than 15 mm Haime, 1850, pl. 10,4a,c). in diameter; septa lamellar and perforate; septal Leptopenus Moseley, 1881, p. 204 [*L. discus margins nearly vertical peripherally, finely granu- Moseley, 1881, p. 205; SD Wells, 1936, p. 115, lated laterally; synapticulae present; columella syntypes, NHMUK 1880.11.25.158–159]. Solitary, trabecular, papillose, or composed of lamellar discoidal with flat base; corallum extremely fragile segments; thecal pillars often not aligned in contin- and highly porous; costae composed of thin dentate uous concentric rings but in an alternating fashion. ridges that extend far beyond calice to form a [The holotype is assumed to be lost; type material delicate marginal shelf; septa rudimentary, porous, is presumably housed at the IPB (Bonn), but composed primarily of a series of tall spines; synap- repeated attempts by Baron-Szabo to trace the ticulae absent; columella large, spongy or variable specimens have failed. Genus is well described and in shape, composed of loose mass of spines. [Genus discussed in Wells, 1933, p. 153–171; Cairns, is well described and discussed by Cairns, 1989, p. 1989, p. 13; Baron-Szabo, 2008, p. 147–153; 13–15.] Holocene: worldwide, including Antarctic, and Janiszewska, Jaroszewicz, & Stolarski, 2013, 221–5000 m depth.——Fig. 3,1a–b. *L. discus, p. 244–256.] Lower Cretaceous (Aptian)–Eocene: syntype, NHMUK 1880.11.25.159, Holocene, western Europe, Aptian–Paleocene; South Asia, southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Challenger Station Albian; Central Asia, Cenomanian; West Asia, 323, 3473 m depth; a, skeleton surface, cross-section Turonian; eastern Europe, Upper Cretaceous; Central view; b, close-up view of a (new, images courtesy of America, Santonian; northern Europe, Campanian; Ken Johnson). North America, Campanian–Maastrichtian; North Letepsammia Yabe & Eguchi, 1932, p. 58 [*Stepha- Africa, Paleocene–Eocene.——Fig. 1a–d. *M. coro- nophyllia formosissima Moseley, 1876, p 561; nula (Goldfuss, 1826–1827), Cenomanian (Essen OD; syntype, NHMUK 1880.11.25.156]. Solitary, Greensand), Germany (North-Rhine Westphalia); cupolate with flat, highly porous base; corallum a–b, topotype, GPIH–4842, upper surface (a) and porous but sturdy; costae consist of thin, delicate base (b) of corallum; c–d, topotype, GPIH–4843, ridges; intercostal spaces broader than costae and upper surface (c) and base (d) of corallum (new, penetrated by large pores; thin marginal shelf images by Baron-Szabo).——Fig. 2a–e. *M. coro- present; septa lamellar and highly porous, with nula (Goldfuss, 1826–1827), Cenomanian (Essen complex dentition; small synapticulae present, Greensand), Germany (North-Rhine Westphalia); uniting lower, outer edges of all septa; columella a–c, topotype, MB K.2990–1, upper surface (a) and spongy, well developed. [Type and original material base (b) of corallum; c, topotype, MB K.2990–3, are well described by Cairns, 1989, p. 15–18, pl. upper surface of corallum (new, from Münster 6,j, 7,g–i, and 8,a–d]. Pliocene–Holocene: East Asia, collection, possibly original type collection, images Pliocene–Pleistocene; Indian and Pacific Oceans, by Baron-Szabo); d–e, sketch of holotype (specimen 97–710 m depth, Holocene.——Fig. 3,2a–b. L. 4 Treatise Online, number 98


6.5 mm


5 mm


2.5 mm 7 mm 1b 3a Leptopenus Rhombopsammia

5 mm 2b 3b 6.5 mm Letepsammia

Fig. 3. Micrabaciidae (p. 3–5). Micrabaciidae 5

4.5 mm 1 10 mm 2 Letepsammia Rhombopsammia

Fig. 4. Micrabaciidae (p. 3–6).

formosissima (Moseley, 1876), syntype, NHMUK but sturdy; costae have two rows of aligned gran- 1880.11.25.156, Holocene, Indo-Pacific Ocean, ules, granules equal to or thicker than intercostal 170 m depth, Challenger Station 209; upper spaces; marginal shelf narrow, developed regularly surface (a) and lateral view (b) of corallum (new, or irregularly, absent in some places; septa lamellar images courtesy of Ken Johnson).——Fig. 4,1. L. and perforate only near base; synapticulae present; formosissima (Moseley, 1876), syntype, NHMUK columella solid and compact, lamellar or lenticular. 1880.11.25.156, base of corallum, Holocene, Indo- [According to Chevalier (1962, p. 434), holotype is Pacific Ocean, 170 m depth, Challenger Station lost, and thus he designated a neotype, a specimen 209 (new, image courtesy of Ken Johnson). figured byM ichelin, 1841, pl. 8,2. The type species Rhombopsammia Owens, 1986, p. 249 [*R. squiresi was well described and illustrated by Chevalier, Owens, 1986, p. 250; OD]. Solitary, cupolate 1962, p. 433–435, fig. 155–157. Microstructural with convex, highly porous base; corallum porous studies on various Miocene and Pliocene Stephano- but sturdy; costae consist of thin, dentate ridges; phyllia specimens were carried out by Janiszewska intercostal spaces broader than costae; marginal and others, 2015. New data by Baron-Szabo (in shelf present; septa lamellar and imperforate, with press) identifies upper Aptian origins of Stepha- complex dentition; small synapticulae present; nophyllia.] Lower Cretaceous (Aptian)–Holocene: columella spongy. [Holotype USNM 72797, as well western Europe, upper Aptian–Turonian; Central as five paratypes are deposited at the USNM. The America, Santonian–Campanian; North America, genus was well described originally by Owens and Santonian–Maastrichtian; ?eastern Europe, Campa- re-described by Cairns, 1989, p. 18–19, pl. 8,e–j, nian; eastern Africa, Campanian–Maastrichtian; pl. 9,a–d.] Holocene: Pacific Ocean (off Philip- eastern and western Europe, North Africa, South pines and Timor Sea), 68–1401 m depth.——Fig. Asia, Paleocene; North America, South Asia, western 3,3a–b. R. squiresi Owens, 1986, holotype, USNM Europe, Eocene; eastern and western Europe, Oligo- 72797, Holocene, Indo-Pacific, 929 m depth;a, cene–Miocene; North Africa, southern Europe, upper surface of corallum, oblique (Cairns, 1989, Miocene–Pliocene; East Asia, Pliocene–Pleistocene; pl. 8,e); b, lateral view of corallum (Cairns, 1989, Melanesia, Pleistocene; Indo-Pacific Ocean, 15–700 pl. 8,g.)——Fig. 4,2. R. squiresi Owens, 1986, m depth, Holocene.——Fig. 5,2a–c. S. nysti Milne holotype, USNM 72797, Holocene, Indo-Pacific Edwards & Haime, 1850, BSPG 2014/I/30, lower Ocean, 929 m depth, base of corallum (Cairns, Miocene (Hemmor), The Netherlands (Miste at 1989, pl. 8,f .——Fig. 5,1. R. squiresi Owens, 1986, Winterwijk); lateral view (a), upper surface (b) of paratype, USNM 72800, costal granulation, Holo- corallum, and oblique view (c) of upper surface, cene, Indo-Pacific Ocean, 907 m depth, Albatross showing porosity of wall (new, images by Baron- station 545425 (Cairns, 1989, pl. 9,b). Szabo).——Fig. 5,2d–e. S. imperialis (Michelin, Stephanophyllia Michelin, 1841, p. 32 [*Fungia 1841), NHMW 1846/0037/0980, Miocene (Bade- elegans Bronn, 1838, p. 900; OD] [=Stepha- nian), Austria; upper surface (d ) and base (e) of nopsammia Yabe & Eguchi, 1932, p. 58 (type, S. corallum (new, images by Baron-Szabo of original discoides Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848; OD]. material used to figure specimen in Reuss, 1872, pl. Solitary, cupolate with flat base; corallum porous 14,1a and 14,2a). 6 Treatise Online, number 98

1 0.1 mm Rhombopsammia 2b

5.5 mm

2a 8 mm 2c


2d 2e

11.5 mm 11.5 mm

Fig. 5. Micrabaciidae (p. 5–7). Micrabaciidae 7

Table 1. Synopsis of micrabaciid genera, including key characteristics and stratigraphic ranges.

Micrabaciidae genus Key characteristics Stratigraphic ranges Remarks Micrabacia Milne Edwards Corallum robust and Lower Cretaceous Together with Stephanophyllia, this & Haime, 1849, p. 71 relatively small (usually less (upper Aptian)– genus has the largest stratigraphic [*Fungia coronula Goldfuss, than 15 mm in diameter); Eocene range of the micrabaciid genera; 1826–1827, p. 50; SD marginal shelf narrow; septa contains the junior synonyms Milne Edwards & Haime, lamellar and perforate Cyclabacia Bölsche, 1866, and 1849, p. 71] Discopsammia d’Orbigny, 1850.

Leptopenus Moseley, 1881, Corallum extremely fragile; Holocene This genus was revised by Cairns p. 204 [*L. discus Moseley, marginal shelf spinose; (1989). Except for Fungiacyathus, 1881, p. 205; SD Wells, intercostal spaces extremely this is the deepest living 1936, p. 115] porous; septa rudimen- scleractinian coral. tary, composed of a series of spines

Letepsammia Yabe Corallum delicate; thin Pliocene–Holocene Type and original material of the & Eguchi, 1932, p. marginal shelf present; genus well described and partially 58 [*Stephanophyllia intercostal spaces extremely revised by Cairns (1989). There are formosissima Moseley, 1876, porous; septa lamellar and four valid species, one having a p 561; OD] highly porous fossil record.

Rhombopsammia Owens, Corallum robust; thick Holocene The genus, consisting of two 1986, p. 249 [*R. squiresi marginal shelf present; exclusively extant species, was Owens, 1986, p. 250; OD] intercostal spaces extremely revised by Cairns (1989). porous; septa lamellar and imperforate

Stephanophyllia Michelin, Corallum robust; marginal Lower Cretaceous Type species well described and 1841, p. 32 [*Fungia elegans shelf narrow; septa lamellar (upper Aptian)– illustrated by Chevalier, 1962; Bronn, 1838, p. 900; OD] and perforate; columella Holocene additional microstructural infor- solid, often lamellar; mation on the genus by Janiszewska generally no endotheca & others, 2015; contains junior synonym Stephanopsammia Yabe & Eguchi, 1932.

ABBREVIATION FOR Baron-Szabo, R. C. 2008. Corals of the K/T-boundary: Scleractinian corals of the suborders Dendrophyl- MUSEUM REPOSITORIES liina, Caryophylliina, Fungiina, Microsolenina, and BMNH: The Natural History Museum, London, UK Stylinina. Zootaxa 1952:1–244. BSPG: Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie Baron-Szabo, R. C. In press. Scleractinian corals from und historische Geologie, Munich, Germany the upper Aptian–Albian of the Garschella Formation GPIH: Institut für Geologie, Universität Hamburg, of central Europe (western Austria; eastern Switzer- Hamburg, Germany land). Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt IPB: Institut für Paläontologie der Universität Bonn, Wien 157 p. Bonn, Germany Bölsche, Wilhelm. 1866. Die Korallen des nord- MB: Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany deutschen Jura- und Kreide-Gebirges. Zeitschrift der NHMUK: Natural History Museum, London, UK Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 18:439–486, NHMW: Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria pl. 437–439. USNM: United States National Museum of Natural Bronn, H. G. 1838. Lethaea Geognostica. Zweiter History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Band. E. Schweizerbart. Stuttgart. p. 545–1346. USA (now NMNH) Cairns, S. D. 1982. Antarctic and Subantarctic Sclerac- tinia. Antarctic Research Series 34(1):1–74. Cairns, S. D. 1989. A Revision of the Ahermatypic REFERENCES Scleractinia of the Philippine Islands and Adjacent Waters, Part I: Fungiacyathidae, Micrabaciidae, Baron-Szabo, R. C. 2002. Scleractinian Corals of the Turbinoliinae, , and . Smith- Cretaceous. A Compilation of Cretaceous Forms sonian Contributions to Zoology 486:1–136, fig. with Descriptions, Illustrations and Remarks on 1–3, pl. 1–42. Their Taxonomic Position. Published by the author. Chevalier, J.-P. 1962. Recherches sur les Madrépo- Knoxville. 538 p., 86 fig., 142 pl. raires et les Formations Récifales Miocènes de la 8 Treatise Online, number 98

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