Usuliyya ("Jurisprudents")
USUL AL-HADITH — USULIYYA 935 Bibliography: 1. General accounts. Ibn from doubt and ikhtilaf [q.v.]. Genuine cilm derived Khaldun, Mukaddima, ii, 395-406, tr. Rosenthal, ii, from recourse to the Kur'an, the tawdtur (the tradi- 447-63; Ibn Hadjar al-cAskalam, al-Madj.mac al- tions of the Imams widely transmitted in succeeding mu'assas bi 'l-Mucjam al-mufahras, ed. Yusuf cAbd al- generations), and Twelver idj.mdc [q.v.]. Accepting the Rahman al-Marcashli, 4 vols., Beirut 1413-157 Imam's return as indefinitely postponed, however, these 1992-4, i, 185-6; idem, Mizhat al-na^ar, 3-6; Tashku- scholars evolved distinctive doctrines and practices for brfzada, Miftah al-sddda wa-misbdh al-siyddafi mawducdt use over the longer term. In the process they incor- al-culum, ed. Kamil Kamil Bakr and cAbd al-Wahhab porated elements of their opponents' jurisprudential Abu '1-Nur, 4 vols., Cairo 1968, ii, 60-2,128-49, methodologies, including recourse to cakl (rational 377-80; Hadjdjr Khalifa, i, 109, 635-41, 730; W. knowledge) as a source of cilm. Marcais, Le Taqrib de en-Nawawi, Paris 1902, pp. i- Al-TusI, for example, specified that the mufti (the xxxiv; Kattanf, al-Risdla al-mustatrafa li-baydn mashhur giver of a fatwd [q.v]) was to be conversant with the kutub al-sunna al-musharrafa, :5Damascus 1383/1964, Kur'an, the sunna, and the Imams' traditions. Although 142-3, 214-19; Fu'ad Sayyid, Fihnst al-makhtutdt: he rejected i^tihad, given its Sunn! associations, he mustalah al-hadith, Cairo 1375/1956; L.
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