Innovation takes off n° 23 October 2017

Broadening Horizons Clean Sky Evaluations: signposting the Contents future of aeronautics research in Europe Editorial 3

Clean Sky Evaluations: signposting the future 4 of aeronautics research in Europe

Clean Sky working with Member States and Regions 5 Why early involvement of certification matters to achieve 6 4 environmental protection objectives Shift2Rail and Shift2Rail and Clean Sky: part of the multimodal and 7 Clean Sky: part of competitive future EU Transport the multimodal and SESAR and the digitalisation of aviation’s infrastructure 8 competitive future EU Transport Fuel cells and hydrogen solutions for clean transport 9

Breakthrough BLADE laminar flow demonstrator makes first flight 10

Landmark Open Rotor engine up and running 12

Clean Sky at Le Bourget 2017 14 Next events 16 7 Fuel cells and BLADE laminar flow hydrogen demonstrator makes solutions for first flight! clean transport 9 10-11 Open Rotor Clean Sky at Up and Le Bourget 2017 Running!

12-13 14-15

2 Skyline 23 | October 2017 EDITORIAL

Tiit Jürimäe Interim Executive Director, Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking

The last few months have been very important under H2020 and, even more importantly, will interested Member States and Regions. You for Clean Sky. First and foremost, tests have serve as an input for the design of the future can read about our cooperation with SESAR successfully started for two of our landmark FP9 programme and Clean Sky 3. I invite and EASA aimed at working together on issues demonstrators – flight tests for the BLADE you to read Cheryl Atkinson’s insight into of common interest such as optimisation of laminar flow test aircraft and ground tests the reviews. Cheryl was one of the experts air traffic management and early certification for the Open Rotor engine – after 10 years involved in the review process and has shared issues related to new technologies. Beyond of preparation through the collaboration of with us the main findings of the reviews. In aeronautics, Clean Sky 2 has close links to many organisations throughout Europe. The addition to these reports, Clean Sky welcomes two European Joint Undertakings, Fuel Cells strong start to these tests proves that Clean the recommendations of the Horizon 2020 and Hydrogen (FCH) in energy and Shift2Rail Sky is a successful partnership which not only evaluation report “Research & Innovation – in rail transport, whose remits share with us stimulates cross-border collaboration, but is shaping our future”, presented on 3 July under the goals of energy efficiency and reducing also able to deliver well. Read more about the leadership of Pascal Lamy. This report the environmental footprint of a number of those two Clean Sky milestones in this issue. explicitly mentions the Joint Undertakings’ strategic industrial sectors. Finally, you will ability to build long-lasting relationships find an update on our increased cooperation Another important milestone for us has been throughout the supply chain. Indeed, halfway with regions where Clean Sky has been one the completion by the independent experts through the programme, Clean Sky 2’s figures of the pioneers at the European level and the of the FP7 Clean Sky final evaluation report speak for themselves: 462 single participants concrete projects and synergies are starting and the Horizon 2020 Clean Sky 2 interim in 25 countries of which 151 are small and to bear fruit. evaluation report. This detailed review medium companies, 63 are research centres exercise, managed by the Commission, is and 61 are universities. A truly open and Finally, we are glad to report on our joint key to not only assessing the impact of Clean inclusive European partnership! presence with the Sky, but also to drawing lessons that will help at the Le Bourget Airshow in June where Clean Sky 2 to perform at its best for the rest of Encouraged by those results and among others, the Clean Sky-supported new the programme. participation figures, we continue working breakthrough fast rotorcraft RACER project on our contribution to Clean Sky’s high-level was unveiled at our stand. I hope you enjoy The overall tone of the Clean Sky reports is objectives of improving the environment your reading! very positive, with experts clearly impressed via innovative technologies and helping by the Clean Sky performance and finding the European competitiveness. However, Clean Joint Undertaking a very effective approach Sky does not operate in isolation, so we are to research management. The reports have looking at the broad horizon around Clean also delivered critical messages and points Sky 2 with a focus on those programmes for reflection which will be translated into and projects closely related to research in measures to improve Clean Sky 2’s functioning aeronautics and working together with


Cheryl Atkinson Freelance Aeronautics Consultant

y colleagues, Poitr Doerffer and Helge programme is based on years of cross border central to reducing fragmentation, avoiding MPfeiffer, and I were privileged to prepare collaboration, just as for the aeronautics duplication and capturing the industries’ the final evaluation of the Clean Sky 1 supply chain. Proportionally more funding performance in selecting development programme and the first interim evaluation has, through open calls, flowed into under- goals as well as realising them. The proud of Clean Sky 2 during the first half of this year. represented member states than to the ‘big achievements of a specific demonstrator may These reviews were timed to provide input three’ GDP producers never enter the market into the H2020 interim evaluation and the early and this will empower integrally but hundreds work on the formation of the next generation their future. We have What we most of underlying advances framework programme. The Clean Sky reviews seen that demonstrator admired, and considered in product design were part of a team effort together with the programmes are made the critical success and manufacturing SESAR and Shift2Rail reviews and it was often for SME contribution – a capability will ensure helpful to share insights with these colleagues. record participation has factor, in the Clean Sky a next generation of been realised even with programme was the globally competitive We quickly recognised that Clean Sky’s many SME contributions evidence we encountered air transport vehicles conception as a Joint Technology Initiative and not in the administrative that can meet the its management by a Joint Undertaking are ‘count’. But we have everywhere of the will to environmental standards still fairly unique to the framework programme also found that the make it work. that will be expected of scope. And the ambitious demonstrator nature of the calls for them. The metrics of a focused research agenda targets a later phase proposals that arise from successful collaborative in the research and development life cycle demonstrator programmes are so tailored and research effort on an unprecedented scale than has ever been addressed in European time sensitive that subcontracting would be remain to be invented by the Clean Sky team. Union funded research. These two features much more efficient – especially for the JU. guided our research. Thanks to the frequent The reduction of the administrative burden engagement of independent external Perhaps more significant than the based on a ‘trust-based’ relationship with reviewers of the technical programme, our technological products of Clean Sky is the beneficiaries does not seem to have come to evaluation could focus on the governance exposure of a generation of industrial, research fruition in the Horizon 2020 programme. And and programmatic aspects of the Clean Sky and academic personnel to the rhythm of the that is understandable for the broad range research programme. While it is daunting to later phases of research and development of funding instruments managed by various summarise such a broad endeavour, I will try that they would otherwise not have had agencies and directorates. But the legal to highlight our key observations here. the opportunity to experience. It has been implementation of a JTI would suggest that, with a training ground for systematic approaches more Commission trust in the JU Programme The JU is a very effective approach to research to technology down selection, assessing Office, great reduction in the time and talent management. The overhead cost is exceptionally the risk and making hard choices in research invested in administration can be realised. low and the quality of the day-to-day and hands- investments. It has taught them to expect on interventions is very, very high. We found that the obstacles that arise in realising concepts What we most admired, and considered a much lower level of Commission intervention and opportunities in performing hardware the critical success factor, in the Clean Sky would be warranted, given the dedication of within a cost-schedule framework. We have programme was the evidence we encountered the JU to ensuring that the research plans are recommended that the Clean Sky JU take everywhere of “the will to make it work”. The consistent with the societal objectives of the on a leadership role in stimulating the next Clean Sky 1 Closing Forum was clearly a family public funding contribution. We look forward generation of bright young minds to join the celebration and we hope that Eric Dautriat’s to the evolution of this research programme aeronautics community. successor as the inspirational and charismatic structure from its current focus on the leader of the Clean Sky JU will soon be in place. demonstrators to the complete management We observed that the specific management of the European Community investment instruments to monitor the most significant We have many people to thank for their in aeronautics research. The aspiration to aspects of a programme like Clean Sky, thoughtful and constructive contribution coordinate with member states’ national for which mere grant administration is to our humble efforts but our ‘honourable research funding to achieve synergy in their inadequate, are not available to the JU. And mention’ goes to Francky Callewaert in priority setting should also not be out of reach. the European Commission policy of making RTD-H3 and to Professor Michaël Dooms of IT infrastructure uniform across a broad range the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, our team leader. The research entities in the aerospace industry of funding instruments is averse to realising They kept the light at the end of tunnel shining are mature partners and the current level improved insight in the most important for us. We are honoured to have been chosen of European integration in the Clean Sky metrics. Technologies, not beneficiaries, are for this challenging assignment.


Bruno Mastantuono Legal Manager & Strategy Advisor, Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking

e are happy to report that good The dimension of synergies emerged in the their capabilities and potential to grow by pooling Wprogress is being made by Clean Sky debate on ‘Green Aviation and financing of R&I resources in the growing aviation sector linked to regarding synergies with European Structural after 2020’ which took place on 27 September Clean Sky’s research and industrial agenda. and Investment Funds (ESIF) and regional in . In this debate, the issue of post- cooperation. We are now starting to see 2020 Multiannual Financial Framework budget Therefore, it is essential to continue the effort the first impacts of the 13 Memoranda of constraints was raised, and the need to foster on communicating and sharing best practices Understanding (MoU) Clean Sky has signed cooperation with Member States and Regions among Regions, an example being the successful so far with Member States and Regions, in pooling resources on more coordinated R&I workshop with Member States and Regions with a number of dedicated ESIF calls and investments was clearly highlighted. The event organised in July by the JU with over 50 delegates instruments designed by the Regions to allow also saw the very welcome announcement by attending, as well as a number of regional info direct support to complementary projects the Czech Republic’s Deputy Minister of Industry days and local workshops taking place with to Clean Sky 2 and an increasing number of Tomáš Novotný of the launch by the end of 2017 stakeholders and regional authorities. projects being funded by ESIF. of an ESIF national call on synergies with Clean Sky, as a result of the MoU signed with the Czech At strategic level, with the ongoing preparation Some interesting cases to note include the Republic in March 2016. This call will build on the of the future Framework Programme it is crucial European Regional Development Fund Czech Republic’s fast-growing aviation sector to continue building on the experience and mechanism launched before the summer by which is contributing to jobs and growth, and it is knowledge acquired so far, bearing in mind the Andalucía Region to promote international R&I expected to show additional leverage brought by clear recommendation by the Pascal Lamy High projects, with a reserved budget to support Clean Sky and encourage more Czech businesses Level Group Report on FP9 calling for a deeper proposals with a CSJU evaluation and synergy toward European programmes and cooperation. cooperation on synergies in the future Framework label certification. Another example is the Programme. Building on the increasing MoU Portuguese national call ‘PT2020’ promoted by A number of Regions are still waiting to join Clean framework and Clean Sky’s growing network of Portugal’s National Innovation Agency to support Sky via MoU, with the Greek Region of Sterea Ellada ‘aviation regions’, a more structured framework R&I projects, demos and pilot lines including being the next to sign in November 2017. Talks of cooperation could be proposed and designed complementarities with Clean Sky: in fact CSJU are underway with Polish national and regional well before the start of a possible continuation of contributed to the evaluation of the identified authorities such as the Aviation Podkarpackie the journey under Clean Sky 3… complementary proposals. Finally, it is worth Region to build on successful membership mentioning Occitanie’s regional aeronautics call applications by Polish industry, research and At policy and legislative level, it is clear that a ‘Readynov’, which mentioned Clean Sky among academia in Clean Sky 2 and consider further friendlier regulatory framework is needed to its scope and objectives and under which some capabilities via ESIF support. The active MoU foster synergies, including a revision of state aid proposals were identified as related to Clean Sky cooperation with countries like Czech Republic rules. In the near future, a more systemic approach topics. The JU contributed to these evaluations and Romania, and the expected involvement to developing synergies could be fostered at too, sharing the Occitanie region’s aim to identify of Poland, has the potential to show how JTIs an upstream level by establishing links where more local SMEs capable of contributing to Clean like Clean Sky can play a role in fostering further relevant with a JTI already in the programming Sky’s research agenda, and to analyse possible interest and participation in H2020 among the EU- phase within the national or regional ‘Operational exploitation of the proposed technologies 13. Clean Sky has the potential to be a key factor Programmes’, and indicating clear actions and through collaboration with Clean Sky’s Leaders. in bridging the innovation gap in Europe and commitments to assure timely and consistent involving stakeholders of these countries in a truly technical contributions to the future Clean Sky The intermediate results of the JU’s action European collaborative programme, building on research agenda. plan clearly show potential for much wider and deeper cooperation with Member States Visit to learn more about our ongoing and Regions on synergies with both ESIF and work with Member States and Regions. national funds. More than 50 Regions have indicated aeronautics, clean mobility and correlated areas to Clean Sky (e.g. advanced manufacturing, systems, clean technologies, smart and integrated transport etc.) among their smart specialisation priorities. This sets the scene for a much wider action in this field to pool resources and achieve more coordinated investments and efforts in R&I by the EU, Member States and Regions.


Patrick Ky Executive Director, EASA

he European aeronautics industry has gone In the short- to mid-term Clean Sky will be for research and innovation coordination Tthrough a rapid development in the past the incubator and facilitator of the Agency’s and implementation actions, allowing it as decades, placing Europe at a key position in environmental protection and safety research well to simplify and rationalise the access the global competitive market. This growth programme. Involving EASA, and hence the to EU funding in full alignment with the and development have been supported by certification process, at very early stages of Commission‘s aviation strategy. major Research and Innovation programmes. research will strongly support the advent of Many of these programmes have been co- “ready-to-market” products. Indeed, it is very Although a number of technologies and financed by the EU’s research framework beneficial that the compliance of safety and issues are already addressed under the programme as well as by the national aviation environmental protection regulations and Clean Sky 2 public-private partnership, new research activities of the Member States and standards will already be taken into account opportunities and challenges towards 2020 by industry. as of the research stage. and beyond lie in front of us. Research and innovation is the main instrument sustaining Lighthouse projects in this context are The steering of, and early involvement in and further developing the high level of the Joint Technology Initiatives SESAR and Europe’s aviation research programmes will environmental protection and safety of the Clean Sky. On one hand, SESAR air transport system and maintaining modernises the European ATM (air the global competitiveness throughout traffic management) system by new the whole supply chain. For instance, or improved technologies, and on future aircraft types will rely on complete the other hand, Clean Sky develops digitalisation in designing, manufacturing, breakthrough technologies, systems operation etc. which requires a completely and aircraft configurations, which newly-adapted set of regulations to be significantly contribute to the developed, possibly leading also to a development of an environmentally- competition between regulators. friendly air transport system of the future. This is an area where EASA could imagine an even closer collaboration with Clean Both initiatives are of great relevance Sky in the future to bring things together to the Agency’s objectives ensuring and find and develop joint solutions for a high level of aviation safety and future issues. Positioning Europe at a high environmental protection in Europe. level in a global competiveness calls for an Consequently, EASA signed a equally competitive funding of research Memorandum of Cooperation with both Clean help to put EASA in the position to conduct and innovation aligning with the funding of Sky and SESAR to establish a coordinated certification in a timely and efficient manner. the global competitors. Future EU research exchange of information on the definition and On the other hand, reasonably developed and innovation programmes like FP9 should implementation of their technical objectives, regulations are a powerful instrument to aim at a common strategic approach bringing programmes and plans. This will enable the stimulate innovation research in a way all stakeholders, industry, research institutes, development of a strategic cooperation to comply with the newest standards, universities, and regulators closer together. process and the creation of synergies. push for the development of novel and A new form of PPP concept on aviation unique technologies and operations, and research and innovation should be envisaged The balance of Clean Sky 2’s environmental simultaneously well position innovative that would involve the European regulator target with mobility and competitiveness products on the competitive market. upstream within the governance and embrace objectives of EU policy opens up a wide range the current scope of SESAR, Clean Sky and of interaction between Clean Sky and EASA in The development of an EU innovation other collaborative research and innovation the field of environmental protection as well policy for future markets should also foresee actions. In this or another configuration, EASA as safety issues. The extension of the Call for opportunities for regulators and the research is ready to take its role as an active facilitator Proposals beyond the focussed topics to cover community to work in partnership smoothing on aviation research and innovation, making more upstream research addressing thematic the way for new technologies to a global international cooperation a trademark of topics and innovation will be an excellent competitive market. EASA is well-positioned Europe’s research and innovation activities. instrument to broaden Clean Sky 2’s horizon to federate the future research and innovation and is strongly welcomed by EASA. system by developing new instruments Learn more:


Carlo Borghini Executive Director, Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking

he Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R bringing together different stakeholders to (including autonomous) for controlling and TJU) was established in 2014 as a public- collaborate, coordinate innovation efforts, and managing the train and the network, and looks private partnership in order to promote exchange expertise. In addition, as platforms to the innovation as well as benchmarking competitiveness and attractiveness of the the JUs offer opportunities for SMEs, Research within the latest state-of-the-art avionics European railway system through increasing Centres, and Universities to join the research guidance and communication systems. and defragmenting the investment in research and innovation activities and to build and and innovation (R&I). The S2R JU is an EU consolidate new long-term relationships with S2R is also working on improved IT solutions body contributing to smart and sustainable the industries. S2R and Clean Sky also share that can be used cross-industry and that will growth and its R&I actions aim at fostering some of their key members such as Thales, help to provide passengers with smart and the achievement of a Single European Railway Aernnova Aerospace and Tecnalia Fundacion. personalised services for a seamless journey. Area. The S2R objectives are measured against The development of a truly multimodal IT the following key performance indicators: S2R and Clean Sky have synergies resulting infrastructure across different transport modes doubling of railway capacity; increasing not only from their common traits as Joint (i.e. urban and regional rail, air transport, road reliability and punctuality by as much as 50%; Undertakings, but also from their innovation transport, cycling and walking) will further and halving the life-cycle cost of railway. The projects aiming to achieve similar objectives. facilitate the development of compatible vision of the S2R Partnership is to deliver, technical solutions. through railway research and innovation, S2R may benefit from technology transfer the capabilities to bring about the most related to new materials knowhow, such as Furthermore, and more generally, both sustainable, cost-efficient, high-performing, the use of composite material in structural Joint Undertakings have common technical time driven, digital and competitive customer applications. This is the case with advanced transversal targets: for example, they both centred transport mode for Europe. techniques from the aeronautical industry work to reduce produced and perceived noise and, more specifically, with the transfer levels. While both Joint Undertakings have a Clean Sky's mission, similarly to Shift2Rail’s, of knowledge from Clean Sky innovative significant number of synergies, each performs centres around environment, sustainability, technologies related to use, production and its work under its own specificities in order to competitiveness and mobility. Both maintenance of such materials. Research deliver tailor-made solutions for the benefit of programmes offer innovative market-driven around new materials also targets the its ultimate customer, the European citizens. solutions to improve and contribute to reduction of the manufacturing and operating the leadership of the European transport costs and this is a part of both the innovation The future of European transport is sector in the global market. As in Clean Sky, programmes of S2R and Clean Sky. multimodal. S2R and Clean Sky, by exploiting demonstration activities are a priority within each other’s strengths, are set to bring S2R, as they enable the entire rail sector to Another example of synergies and potential about the innovations necessary to ensure visualise and concretely test, in operational transfer of knowledge is the work on the interoperability at all levels of the future environments, the change they are able to modularity concept of the space inside the European transport system. bring about. The S2R Technical Demonstrators aircraft or the rail coach. Moreover, S2R is (TDs), up to TRL 7, help provide a first estimate working on the next generation system Learn more: of the anticipated potential for sector improvement (at regional, national and EU transport network levels) resulting from the developed innovations. Through a mechanism of a systems approach, S2R quantifies the impact of TDs and works in a collaborative approach towards innovation, breaking down possible silos between subsystems.

As both S2R and Clean Sky are ‘joint’ initiatives – meaning they are working not only with the public but also industrial stakeholders – they generate important leverage effects: e.g. every euro invested in research and innovation by the S2R industry members is met by no more than 45 cents of taxpayers’ monies. The S2R JU, just like Clean Sky, functions as a platform


Valeria Fascione RegionalFlorian Guillermet Minister for Innovation, Startups and Internationalization ExecutiveCampania Director, Region, SESAR Italy Joint Undertaking

uropean aviation has been at the forefront wings”, not to mention balloons or even sub- innovations will continue to be delivered, Eof innovation for many decades. Some orbital aircraft. All these vehicles are edging in, accelerating the pace of change towards might think that our industry has reached claiming their share of the skies. This is nothing policy and master planning objectives in line its zenith and that it is now just a matter of short of a new frontier in aviation and a major with the EU Aviation Strategy and with aviation operating and fine tuning the system. Florian breakthrough, which will unlock tremendous stakeholders’ needs towards 2035 and beyond. Guillermet, Executive Director, SESAR Joint value and new avenues for innovation. Undertaking doesn’t share this belief. He sees Ultimately, SESAR will ensure that aircraft the opportunity and potential for the aviation The services relating to the transport of become active and efficient nodes in the industry to soar to even greater heights. The key passengers or goods are evolving. Tomorrow’s aviation ecosystem. That’s why SESAR focuses to unlocking this potential is digitalisation. In passengers will not make choices based on research on aircraft flight management, this article, he explains how SESAR is harnessing loyalty to any one airline, but primarily on their communications, navigation and surveillance digital technologies to transform the European mobility needs. They expect to get from A to systems, including aircraft safety systems like aviation and air traffic management systems B, door to door with minimal fuss. With a few TCAS and ACAS to ensure essential coordination and infrastructure. swipes of their smartphone, they can compare with ground systems and people. More recently, the best available offers and options and this research has been extended to cover 50 years ago European leaders anticipated then order the transport package that suits autonomous vehicles, such as drones, thereby that the development of commercial aviation them best. But air services are growing well ensuring safe and seamless air travel, transport was about to literally take off and to change beyond what is air transport today with “last- and leisure, no matter how you choose to fly or the world forever. With it would come new mile air delivery” projects for the fast growing transport goods in the future! opportunities and challenges requiring e-commerce, aerial surveillance services individual States to go beyond their own for infrastructure energy, agriculture and A driver of this new era for aviation is also the national interests and to team up on very tomorrow, most probably, urban air mobility. strong cooperation between SESAR and Clean strategic and ambitious decisions. Sky. Under our Memorandum of Cooperation, In SESAR, we anticipate that the underlying we are ensuring that both programmes are These decisions would bring together the aviation infrastructure and its future operations consistent and focused on synergies between brightest minds from across the continent capabilities, collectively known as the air traffic our respective and distinct areas of expertise. to build extraordinary aircraft and gradually management system, will evolve just like the This avoids any overlapping or duplicate of the tools and operating environment to rest of the air transport and aviation value effort and allows SESAR to forge ahead with make them fly. The launch of the A300 and chain. Of course, this will be driven by demand, this digital transformation of aviation and subsequent creation of is a case in but as well by technology becoming available Clean Sky to push for even greater energy point. These decisions led to what aviation is e.g. internet of things, big data, artificial efficiency in vehicle performance. As such the today, the lifeblood of our economy, the key to intelligence and quantum computing. Our cooperation will bring benefits to the overall mobility in Europe and a driver of connectivity programme is exploiting investment in these air transport and aviation system. with the rest of the world technologies and in 2016 we delivered a first set of tech solutions for which deployment Read more about SESAR and the digital But the world of aviation is changing, plans are underway. With these solutions, we transformation: starting with the aircraft itself. In the not-so- have set in motion the digital transformation distant future, air vehicles are set to become of aviation, enabling better information digitalising-europes-aviation- more autonomous, more connected, more sharing and synchronisation, and the infrastructure intelligent. That’s not all: there will be all sorts delivery of a high-performing aviation and of new vehicles, drones or should we call air traffic management system, and aviation Read about SESAR solutions: them “flight management computers with safety professionals. With SESAR 2020, new


Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

he need to decarbonise transport and reduce a very simple chemical reaction between as well. An electrified flight using hydrogen Tfossil fuels dependency is incontestable. oxygen and a fuel. This provides electricity was already tested in Germany 1. The small Climate and energy policies are among the to power electrical engines and devices. One passenger plane was powered by a hydrogen most prominent priorities in Europe’s Energy of the advantages of fuel cells, compared to fuel cell, aided by a battery during take-off. Union strategy. The tackles its combustion engines, is its silent operating decarbonisation goals via, among others, the mode. There are no moving parts, unlike in The FCH JU supported project HYCARUS 2 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking a combustion engine, and thus no noise is develops a Generic Fuel Cell System in order to (FCH JU). This Joint Undertaking is a public- produced. This mitigates another transport power non-essential aircraft applications such private partnership between industry, research challenge - noise pollution. as a galley in a commercial aircraft or to be organisations and the European Union, used as a secondary power source on-board represented by the European Commission. It Why hydrogen? business jets. It addresses the global concern aims at accelerating the deployment of fuel cell of European airlines and business jet operators and hydrogen technologies by implementing Fuel cells can be fed with different fuels. The to find alternative sources to power non- a strategic programme under the European most promising fuel is hydrogen for numerous propulsive aircraft systems in order to lower Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. So far, reasons. It is the most abundant chemical environmental impact and address future 203 projects have been funded by the FCH JU, element in the universe and is considered an emission regulations. In the near future, the with an EU contribution of over €730 million. energy carrier. It can be produced in a carbon- FCH JU aims at further developing hydrogen free way using renewable energy sources such fuel cell applications in aviation, by supporting The technology constitutes a significant as wind or solar. Greenhouse gas emissions auxiliary power units to power aircraft during opportunity to move away from fossil fuels in are completely avoided when producing taxiing at the airport. This will contribute to the energy and transport sectors. Fuel cells are hydrogen from renewable sources. Hydrogen lower pollution and noise levels at airports. versatile and have a wide range of potential uses. powered fuel cells produce no harmful tailpipe Typical applications being developed are for emissions; the only emission is water vapour. The FCH JU contributes to achieving zero- transport, including cars, buses, trucks, forklifts, emission transport where fuel cells play a boats, trams, trains and aeroplanes. As well as Fuel cells and hydrogen in aviation major part. Hydrogen as fuel can be produced transport, the FCH JU also supports energy from renewables and emits no harmful applications for heat and power generation and The most advanced applications in transport emissions when used in a fuel cell. Harnessing renewable energy generation. supported by the FCH JU are buses and cars. the power of renewables while greening They are fuel cell electric vehicles, offering mobility and the energy system therefore What is a fuel cell? similar driving range and refuelling time to becomes possible thanks to the power of fuel their diesel counterparts, with zero harmful cells and hydrogen. A fuel cell is an efficient conversion technology tailpipe emissions and significantly lower noise that produces electricity and heat through levels. Electric air mobility is on the uptake Learn more:

1. CNN, 19 Oct 2016 : The plane that runs on hydrogen and emits only water, 2.


Sébastien Dubois Project Officer for Large Passenger Aircraft, Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking

lean Sky’s Breakthrough Laminar Aircraft specialist flight-test-instrumentation (FTI) A key goal of BLADE is to be able to measure CDemonstrator in Europe (BLADE) project, station has been installed. The extensive the tolerances and imperfections which can be led by Airbus, has made its successful maiden modifications to the A340-300 test-bed aircraft present and still sustain laminarity. To this end, flight. The aircraft flew for 3 hours and 38 took place during the course of a 16-month Airbus will simulate every type of imperfection minutes on 26 September between Tarbes working party in Tarbes, with the support of in a controlled manner, so that at the end of and Toulouse in France. BLADE is part of numerous industrial partners across Europe. the campaign the tolerances for building a Clean Sky’s Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft (SFWA- The first flight marks the kick-off of the BLADE laminar wing will be fully known. The BLADE ITD) programme within the EU’s research & flight-test campaign to explore the wing’s demonstrator aircraft will perform around 150 innovation vision. characteristics in flight. flight hours in the coming months.

The BLADE project aims to improve aviation’s On the wings, there are hundreds of points to SFWA-ITD has involved a large number of ecological footprint, through a 50% reduction measure the waviness of the surface to help industrial and academic partners from across

of wing friction and up to 5% lower CO2 Airbus’ engineers ascertain its influence on the whole of Europe. All in all, BLADE features 21 emission. The BLADE demonstrator aircraft, the laminarity – the first time that Airbus has partners from around Europe including Airbus, Airbus’ A340 Flight Lab, is the first test aircraft used such a testing method on an aircraft. Dassault, Saab, Safran, Aernnova, GKN Aerospace, in the world to combine a transonic laminar Other ‘firsts’ are the use of infrared cameras Romaero, Asco, and Aritex, as well as SMEs such wing profile with a true internal primary inside a pod attached to the fin to measure as 5micron, FTI-Engineering, Sertec, and VEW, structure. wing temperature and the acoustic generator and research bodies like BIAS, DLR, DNW, Eurecat, which measures the influence of acoustics INCAS, ITAINNOVA, NLR, and ONERA. On the outside the aircraft is fitted with two on laminarity. There is also an innovative representative transonic laminar outer-wings, reflectometry system which measures overall Watch the BLADE first flight on Clean Sky’s while inside the cabin a highly complex deformation in real-time during flight. YouTube channel!

BREAKTHROUGH LAMINAR AIRCRAFT DEMONSTRATOR IN EUROPE (BLADE) Clean Sky is a European Public-Private Joint Undertaking transforming ideas into aircraft reality FLIGHT 2017 TEST WORLD FIRST TRANSONIC LAMINAR WING TESTED IN FLIGHT WITH A TRUE PRIMARY STRUCTURE A full laminar wing improves the ecological footprint of aviation 2016-17 expected laminar flow WING INSTALLATION ONTO turbulent AIRCRAFT A340

laminar A340-300 50% = 5% REDUCTION CO EMISSIONS 2 2014-16 IN WING FRICTION REDUCTION WING MANUFACTURING representation of laminar wing on A340 flying test bed & ASSEMBLY


ASSEMBLY FLIGHT TEST INSTRUMENTATION 123 flight hours BLADE is accelerating STRONG SUPPLY CHAIN & SUCCESSFUL PARTNERSHIP 8 21 € 180 million the industrialisation European participating budget, with significant of future laminar wings countries entities including self-investment made by SMEs & Research participants beyond Centres Clean Sky funding


Follow the BLADE story right from the beginning with our infographic!

10 Skyline 23 | October 2017 Today’s flight is a landmark achievement. It culminates from a truly collaborative setting involving dozens of organisations: universities, research organisations, companies large and small – and spanning the full geography of Europe – who came together on this journey: a journey led inspiringly by Airbus through ‘Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft’ in a decade-long effort.

Ron van Manen Clean Sky 2 Programme Manager


Jean-François Brouckaert Project Officer for Engines, Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking

he successful start of the ground tests of funding of €65 million over the past 8 years. specifically designed for this test with the most Tthe Contra-Rotating Open Rotor (CROR) The construction of the brand-new open- advanced state-of-the-art methods and also demonstrator was celebrated by Safran on 3 air facility in Istres, unique in Europe, was unique in the world. October in Istres, southern France, on a new supported by the regional authorities. open-air dedicated test facility. The ceremony, Another 13 projects related mainly to noise led by Philippe Petitcolin, Chief Executive The project, led by Safran, is in itself prediction and integration aspects of the CROR Officer of Safran, and Ross McInnes, Chairman an outstanding example of European concept onto short-/medium-range or regional of the Safran Board of Directors, was attended collaboration under the Clean Sky concept aircraft have also been performed under the Clean by Clara de la Torre, Director of Transport at of Public-Private Partnership: not only at Sky Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft (SFWA) ITD and the the European Commission's Directorate- the level of large industrial partners like Regional Aircraft (REG) ITD. It is worth mentioning General for Research and Innovation; Stéphane GKN, Avio Aero, Leonardo or Airbus, all of that substantial progress has been achieved in Bouillon, Prefect of the Provence-Alps-Côte whom were involved in the studies and aeroacoustic design methods for high-speed d'Azur region; François Bernardini, Mayor of development of major components of the propeller blades over the past decade, and Istres; Philippe Maurizot, regional councillor; engine prototype, but equally at the level of confirmed by numerous wind-tunnel tests on and Clean Sky representatives including Tiit the 26 sub-projects under SAGE, involving various configurations, showing that future open Jürimäe, Interim Executive Director. more than 57 participating entities (SMEs, rotor powered aircraft are expected to produce research centres, universities), also delivering noise levels compliant with ICAO’s Chapter The Open Rotor demonstrator is one of hardware to the demonstrator or making new 14 on noise regulations, with potential for further the flagships of the Clean Sky research developments in terms of design methods and improvements. programme, aiming to reduce fuel tools, manufacturing processes, and advanced consumption and CO₂ emissions by 30% materials and structures. The ground tests will now proceed in the compared with current CFM56 3 engines. It is coming months, reaching about 100 hours a major focus of propulsion system research Besides this successful transnational of engine runs, assessing the performance as a promising solution meeting aircraft cooperation at European scale, the incredible and validating the readiness level of all the manufacturers' future needs towards 2030. engineering challenge which has been technology bricks which have been developed The Open Rotor project was part of Clean overcome must be underlined. This engine and engaged to pave the way for a new Sky’s Sustainable And Green Engines (SAGE) concept features a breakthrough architecture, generation of engines and aircraft beyond 2030. ITD and started in 2008, representing a total with two counter-rotating, unducted fans, investment of over €200 million from Safran mounted on large rotating structures inside See the Open Rotor in action on Clean Sky’s and its partners. Clean Sky’s contribution the propulsion module and driven through YouTube, and visit Safran’s website to read the covered the engine development for a a differential gearbox by a power turbine, all press release.

After ten years of development efforts, we are very proud to see the Open Rotor demonstrator perform its first ground tests with success. The Open Rotor marks a major step forward in the aviation sector, since it meets two key challenges, namely to reduce fuel consumption and improve environmental performance.

Clara de la Torre, Director of Transport in DG RTD, European Commission

3. CFM56 and LEAP are registered brand names of CFM International, the 50/50 joint company between and GE

12 Skyline 23 | October 2017 The Open Rotor is a major focus of Safran's research. With the LEAP engine we proved our ability to develop and integrate new technologies. Our aim now is to push our innovation strategy even further so we can deliver the best solutions to the market in timely fashion. We are currently studying several paths, both different and complementary, to develop, along with our partners in Clean Sky, the technology building blocks for propulsion systems that will significantly improve performance on tomorrow's airplanes.

Philippe Petitcolin, CEO of Safran

This day was a real great moment of sharing, emotion and pride for the teams of Safran but also for all our partners who worked hard with us to make this Open Rotor demonstration an unquestionable success!

Nancy Maleo, Safran Research & Technology Programmes

Skyline 23 | October 2017 13 CLEAN SKY AT LE BOURGET 2017

Maria-Fernanda Fau Advocacy & Communications Manager, Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking

hank you to everyone who visited Clean TSky at the Paris International Airshow (Le Bourget) in June! Clean Sky hosted a joint stand with the European Commission that showcased a number of cutting-edge green technologies, and Clean Sky was also present in the brand- new Paris Air Lab dedicated to innovation in the aerospace sector – aptly set against the backdrop of two Concorde aircraft on permanent display.

The Clean Sky hardware on show included scale models of the RACER helicopter, BLADE demonstrator, Open Rotor propellers, Load Introduction Rib, Power Electronics Module and the MAESTRO Combustor, and also examples of hinges and additive laser melted objects.

Throughout the week Clean Sky welcomed many visitors, including European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici who inaugurated the European Commission-Clean Sky joint stand; Director- The European Commission-Clean Sky stand General for Mobility and Transport Henrik Hololei; Director of Transport in DG RTD Clara de la Torre; and MEPs Karima Delli, Anneleen Van Bossuyt, Renaud Muselier, and Monika Hohlmeier. A highlight of the week was the panel session held on Monday afternoon in the Air Lab, ‘Be part of the EU investment in aviation’, and daily information sessions were also held at the joint stand focusing on different projects within Clean Sky and how to get involved.

You can see all the news, pictures and videos from the show on our website – we hope you enjoy them! Panel session: ‘Be part of the EU investment in aviation’

RACER helicopter concept for faster rotorcraft unveiled at Le Bourget Guillaume Faury, Airbus Helicopters CEO, unveiled on Tuesday 20 June the high-speed RACER helicopter. The project is part of Clean Sky 2’s Fast Rotorcraft platform. “Today we unveil our bold vision for the future of high-speed rotorcraft. This new project, pulling together the skills and know-how of dozens of European partners through the Clean Sky 2 initiative, aims to bring increased speed and range at the right cost, thanks to a simple, safe and proven aerodynamic formula.” RACER: the new high- speed helicopter concept Guillaume Faury, Airbus Helicopters CEO

14 Skyline 23 | October 2017 Anneleen Van Bossuyt MEP visits Clean Sky in the Paris Air Lab Commissioner Pierre Moscovici inaugurates the stand

Director-General Henrik Hololei Monika Hohlmeier MEP learns about Karima Delli MEP learns more about Clean Sky visits Clean Sky the RACER helicopter with Governing Board Chairman Ric Parker

Daily presentation at the stand Renaud Muselier MEP visits the Paris Air Lab

Skyline 23 | October 2017 15 NEXT EVENTS

Innovation in 7th Call for Action at the Proposals European Parliament coming Come and meet the seven Joint Undertakings – BBI, Clean Sky, ECSEL, FCH, IMI, S2R and SESAR soon! – at the European Parliament in Strasbourg! From Monday 23 October until Thursday 26 Check Clean Sky’s October, a special exhibition will be taking Tiit Jürimäe, Interim Executive Director of website and social media place in the Emilio Colombo Gallery, presenting Clean Sky, will speak at the 3rd EU Aeronautics channels over the coming th the European public-private partnerships and Conference on 18 October in Brussels. This year’s weeks as the 7 Call for their results so far. conference focuses on the theme ‘The European Proposals will soon be announced! This will be Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ Aeronautics Sector facing growing challenges: Clean Sky 2’s biggest call cleansky_ju), LinkedIn (Clean Sky Joint How to drive innovation and competitiveness?’ ever, with an indicative Undertaking) and for Other speakers include representatives from funding of more than live updates. European institutions and the aeronautics industry, such as Antonio Tajani, President of €73 million for 73 topics. the European Parliament; Maroš Šefčovič, Vice- President of the European Commission; Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus; and Eric Trappier, ASD President & CEO of Dassault Aviation. Aerospace Europe CEAS 2017 conference The 6th CEAS Air & Space Conference will take place 23-26 OCTOBER 2017 in Bucharest, Romania, on INNOVATION 16-20 October 2017. The IN ACTION conference will promote EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT new visions and trends STRASBOURG Save the date! For the first time ever, Clean in aeronautics and space Sky is hosting an exhibition stand at ILA Berlin science and technology from 25-29 April 2018, showcasing several on the theme: “European pieces of innovative hardware developed Aerospace: Quo Vadis?”

Meet the EU’s research and innovation public-private partnerships through the programme. More information Find more information at coming soon!

Find us on : Interim Executive Director: Tiit Jürimäe Editor : Maria-Fernanda Fau, Advocacy and Communications Manager

The Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking receives funding under the Horizon 2020 Programme for research and Innovation. Copyright 2017 - Clean Sky 2 JU - Views expressed in this publication do not represent White Atrium, 4th floor, Av. de la Toison d’Or, 56-60 any official position but only those of its author. 1060 Brussels

16 Skyline 23 | October 2017