BRIEFING PAPER Number 8289, 19 April 2018 Brexit: new guidelines on By Library subject the framework for future specialists EU-UK relations Contents: 1. The new guidelines: background 2. Economic relationship 3. Climate change, sustainable development and cross- border pollution 4. Reciprocal access to fishing waters 5. Free movement 6. Transport 7. UK participation in EU agencies and programmes 8. Regulatory alignment and adherence to standards 9. Enforcement and dispute settlement 10. Other areas of cooperation 11. Areas of agreement and disagreement | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary 2 Brexit: new guidelines on the framework for future EU-UK relations Contents Summary 5 1. The new guidelines: background 8 1.1 The Article 50 process 8 Drafts and revisions 8 New guidelines are adopted 9 General principles are retained 10 1.2 Political Declaration on the framework for future relations 10 What will be in it? 10 Not legally binding 11 2. Economic relationship 12 2.1 Ambitious and wide-ranging free trade agreement 12 2.2 Trade in goods 14 2.3 Appropriate customs cooperation 16 2.4 Technical barriers to trade and SPS measures 17 2.5 Voluntary regulatory cooperation 20 2.6 Trade in services 20 2.7 Public procurement markets 24 2.8 Investments 27 2.9 Protection of intellectual property rights 29 3. Climate change, sustainable development and cross- border pollution 32 UK position 32 European Parliament position 32 3.1 Climate change 33 UK position 33 European Commission position on climate change 34 3.2 Sustainable Development 35 The Sustainable Development Goals 35 EU trade policy and sustainable development 36 3.3 Cross-border pollution 37 4.