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8-6-1966 Kabul Times (August 6, 1966, vol. 5, no. 113) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 6, 1966, vol. 5, no. 113)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1284.

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I ..'» " 'FdlrEc~'lJiiidli~- 111" tmR~n~ Uf Ziayee said a delegation headed by government's pohcy • team of French desire ,: ,. ,(c;P, Ipued fromflldl' I) North Vietnam cbarJeAfghanIStan a,o cas~ and tbe l"eop)e'. Republic of ChUla was cussed the projects which could be short·(erm which give qwck results and honour has been bestowed on thQ peo­ ID free elechons Climbodian border was the only m the news leiter of the rul­ N,Umerous ,I, ,ages ong , e" ay launched Zlayee said Fortunately, It IS hoped With their Implementation ple of the area With the VISit of Ky has saId he WIll not be a can- actIon reported by U S mlhtary llig \Cbnstlan Denio\:ratic Party of Co~er . IE· . diSCUssed ) 10 tile International and By A Stali Writer the plannmg ex-pens agree on the some of the Wishes of the people of Hts Majesty here The dedication and dldate m next year's elections, headquarters 'which 'he IS tbe Chairman' Ziayee Lays Stone FHor ospita ; d MIRlster Foreign RelatJobs comnuttco of the KABUL, August 6 -The Mm18lry m the country attachment of these people to the coun­ 'the fcaslblhty of some eighty (0 nmety per­ the area will have been realised Thl, wbo left South VIetnam with In raids over North V,etnam necessary laws could no PrOmISe~.K b· T·b MR·OVI~ S h I Me.brano Jtrgab, Thursday, of Finance WIll ,ssue natIOnal de- However required holdmg of cent of the projects proposed by the try, and the constitutIOnal monarcby ia the permisSi~n of Ky's regime, Was Tuesday, U.S, ~avy plan"" hit an longer be delayed If ecori~nllc "'!CU­ ,. QC I P es ore COOS 'Noor All, Mlnt.t.... of Commerce velopment bond for sale, Zia Ha- the bonds IS one half of the perIod esteemed parllamentanans of Hazara IDr. Anwari uOlmaglnoble, he said tn Lyncbburg to VISIt two of his 011 depot two miles (3km) northweSt rily IS 10 be preserved and tbe future i l ' DIZANGI, ,/\ulMlst 6 (Bakhtar),.- appeared berore the committee to ans- mayoun Nourzal president of the of the present maturIty of the ,al he added Education MIDI,ter Dr Mohammad cblldren, Nguyen Chanh Lac, II, of HaIphong and pIlots reported be mastered, Professor Erbard, said t;' - Wer questions . treasurey to thc M 100s~ry Of FlOnDCe bonds Osman Anwan SBld the Education Our people, who ltve m an era of and Nhuyen Cbanh Minh, 10, who leaving the tnstallabon In smoke The father hf the "German eco­ On instructions fromD!s Majesty the King representatives of t-'e government ID a The Mlntster was accqmpanoed by (old a Kabul Times reportl:r today When asked by the reporter on Educational oppottunltles Will be Ministry In accordance With the Wishes new order and democracy arc takinl altended a local school and flames Domu; miracle" Said a"'reductlon of meeting yesterday With the residents of Panjab, WarM and XBkauiang outlined Sayell Mohammad Zubalr DIrector· The mterest rate of the bonds the way the bond~ WIll be dlstn­ greatly expanded here Zmyce said of HIS Majesty the Kmg, and 10 hne gigantic steps towards progfes! and the The deposed general, wbo plans to The navy bombers reported flying expenditure by the Federal German the country's tpird five year develop m/ent plan and, expla....ed thll basic polICy Oeneral of rorelgn trade m the Corn- wlll be higher than those of the buted to the publlc Nourzal saId Through launching of rural develop with government policy has prepared people of Hazar8jat heartily welcomes undergo treatment of a SIR us con- through the heaViest antl·slrcraft government was not enough The , .... Eld t mere<:: Muustry banks ptud on savmgs depOSits, that all the banks and theIr res- principles of Prime ~sterMai dwaI s-governmen., of he spoke of The c'fnmluec was preSIded over by Olenl projects construction of roads plans for full development of education thiS movement towards advancementa, dlUon, saId he will be m Washtngton fire so far encountered They also prOVInCIal and local governments wan ers area he s&ld pecllve branches throughout the tbree montbs, after whtcb be WIll sighted one Sovtet·made surface-to- had to cUt down theIr pubhc spend­ their own desires which wer~ noted down by government omclals accoinpanylng His Senator ~bdul Hsdl Daw., preSIdent of The Mmlstry of Fmance hopes country WIll handle the sale of IIld overall Improvements of means of m the area [h the course of the cur­ he a:; seTlOUS Icg Injunes 10 US lsi air mobile cavalry diVISion by the government of Paklstan SIX fll: In artist Dr Walter A Simon Will Mayor, PreSident of the Construc namese ml1Jtarv Units stIll were ral fnendly countnes Then elders Defore HIS Majcsty lunched the fmancmg of small productIve InflatIOnary prc!Osurcs In AfghanIstan At least 14 firemen and two years ago and ja.ded as a political be presented Saturday at 5 00 pm tton Department of the MUnICIpal the zone mto the rugged terram to bolster o[ Waras, Panjab, and KochIs of WIth Elders of Hazara and Kochi projects 10 the country and to caml Icssened I.:llnsaler lbly la!Ol year as the by the (ultural Department of the policemen were among the Injured CorporatIon, the SOVlet Amhassa­ Both the Norlh Vletna.mese gOY 25th diVISion troops and bnng Ame­ the area dmed w,th HIS MaJesty lnbes, he received In audlCDce a &yal Audiena prisoner In Lahore Recently he died profits from such patronage,' government s rehanl,;c on the bankmg mo~t of whom had cuts and abra­ MinIstry of Information and CuI dor In Kabul as well as members ernment and the South Vietnamese ncan forces (0 10,000 men or more Accordmg to another report, number of elders and expressed In the Jail at Lahore Nourzal saId system was rcou(ctJ through Increases sIons have lodged protests With the mer Al the same tIme, B 52 bombers KABUL Aug 6, '(Balchtar)-The fhe honds Will carry variouS lure of the SovIet Embassy The Mos­ yesterday afternoon HIS MaJesty debght at being WIth them In t I~CS .\00 llmltathln of government The blast was beheved caused by followmg were received 10 audle~ce by 1 he display WIll be shown 10 the cow MUnlctpal delegatIon w,lI nauona! control commISSIOn charg ramed bombs Wednesday on the watched tent peggmg performance HIS Malesty conSIdered stren­ denommatlons starling With the expendItures I herc was also a reVISIOn gas escaping In a Testaurant 109 Violations of the neutral zone suspected North VLetnamese troops HIS Majesty the King dunng the week Wolesi Jirgah Discusses Kabul Nandan I heatre 2nd Roor stay In Kabul for a week by the Isa Ahmadzal nders ghtenmg nalional uOIty to be value of 100 to 50,000 afghanIS llf tnc exdtangc system which narrow­ Passing cars were damaged and one mIle (1.6km) from the Cambo­ endmg August 4 Finance Ministry Budget ExhIbIt Gallery (Jeshan Grounds) Under the 1954 Geneva accords on At the end of perfonnance HIS the best guarantee of the welfare The small denommatlOns Nour­ ed IIll,;cnll\cs for cxports The country s police eYacute ncarby premises In Vietnam military men and equIp­ dian frontier ID support of the reIn­ Nour Ahmad Elelpadl, the FIrst zal s~ld, WIll prOVIde the pubhc ,Ind will be open dally through Majesty t ecelved the rIders, prals· of the people, KABUL Aug 6, (Bakhlar) -The Internal CI.:U!wmll: Situation and 1118 case of further explOSIOns ment are not permItted In the zone forced ground tTOOpS cd the,r sk,lls anQ encouraged Deputy Prime MiDllter and MlIU8ter of With the opportunity of a much August 10 from 2 00 pm until HIS Majesty, after lunching FlOanclal and Budgetary committee o[ h t1.IIlCC ~ll paymcnts h,lve SlOce 1m Ed. Ministry In another raid Thursday morn Tbe bombers hit In the Chu ForeIgn MaIn, Abdul Satar ShaUzi, Wider pMttclpatton The bonds. 7 00 pm them to contmue exerCISIng In w,th the elders, alTlved m Pan­ the Wolesl JIrgah on Thursday discussed provcd and Its reserve POSition has 109 other B~52 bombers raIned ex­ Phong mountalO area where at least the Scqond Deputy Prime Mmister and Will have a maturity date of one, order to refine and reVItalise these lab In the mlllst of warm shouts the budget approprtntlon of the MiniS been strcngthened The government IS Workshop To Shift plOSives on suspected Viet Cons three regIments of North Vietna­ MIOIster of lntctlor, Mohammad Osman thlee and five years anCIent sports oC welcome and long bve the Kina try of Fmance malnlalnmg cautwus fiscal and credit troop concentration and base camp mese regular army forces were H,s MaJesty the Kmg arTived Sldky, Minister of Infonnation and Nourza, said that the bonds WIll De Gaulle Homecoming To PuJi Charkhi The governors of Ghor and Uruzgan pollcles and IS workmg toward further known to be operatlDg In PanJab at 3 pm Fnday Thou­ bc redeemble short of matunty (Conld from page I) only 30 mIles (48k) northwest of came to PanJab for an audience Culture. M,u Kubra Nourzal, Minl.­ ~lmpllficatton AUS plane was shot down Wed­ sands of Waras and Pan]ab reSI· on a dIscount baSIS by the banks of the exchange system was receIved by the late Pope (Conll1l11t!d from page 3) KABUL August 4, (Bakbtar)­ Saigon WI th HIS MaJesty ter or Publie Health, M,r Aminuddln USSR Presents Vaccine nesday whIle bombing "a populated dents were on hand to receIve John Phallk heard her and shouted The Mmlstr~ of EducatIon's work ThiS area has been the scene of In an address to the people Ansari. governor of Herat; Mohammad KABUL, Aug 6, (Bakblar)-The In 1960 he VISIted Bntam, angrily I was gOing home but they renewed Vtct Cong acttvlty In re· ... suburban area" of HaIphong, the 8'; when tlle real sculflcd With the white people Two The EducatIOn MinISter, m eggs nuclear spread lOllIal sl,;rt.:":llIng he said, are S6 Wilde strcs"mg the successful Side The biggest smgle action or the ope busloads of policemen, part of the SOO presence of HIS Majesty assun:d The group, which broke from Gen lopment and IS pressmg for full nlll,t.try Illen 91 UDlverslty tear.mers. moon Is giving little or no light. Summer Schedule Although tbere .e several textde uf the operation mannc sources admit ration came when two platoons of palrolmg the tense ChIcago lawn the people that his office would sUlyo two yeurs t1~O takes the stand mvestlgatlOn, mformed SOUlces )4 Illcmbt:r~ uf pruvlncml l.:uuncIls, marines were severely mlluled by a factones m the country, their total II has heen expensive fur the leather The man-made moon would be 4 weekly flights neighbourhood plied mto the melee and do Its utmost for them The gOY' that any nudear tests hy any countnes said Thursday .lI1d Iii I lHl"illleS!'iI1lCn 1 he largest nel.:~5" production does not meet the preaent They added that Canada IS I 000 strong force of Viet Cong who a 2,OGO-foot lija,mw Inllatal>le the white persons ran ernment plans to establISh a should be censured gllHlp of l,;.ltHllli"te~ 13 I, was des hurled themselves on the small group balloon, put In ~constant orbit Tehran - Germany plessmg fellow members of the l,;IJheu as Ullllpnslng students far U S authorlIles offiCially term the International ContTol Commis­ df Amencans, screaming and blow109 22,000 miles blgh, so that It mel!'i IInu members of the ·Iabonng mar'lOc casualties moderate One marIne 6 hrs. 35 mins. SIOn-IndIa and Poland-to un- buglcs, accordlOg to Amencan sources would however over a deslgnat· t:luss officer, commentmg on fierce ground dertake the InVestIgation, but They were dflYen back when US edspotlnearth USSR Protests Alleged U.S._ Harassment Of Soviet Ships hghtlOg In which th~ mannes were Convenient connections from Kabul has the support only of IndIa so planes Ia.shed them With seaflng Napalm Such a moon, the experts MOSCOW, August 6, (DPA).­ Four US destroyers maneuvr- V,etnam accused the Untted sometimes forced to trade man for man Ing It demanded that the .,hlp States of bombmg the dams to fat said surely we lost a lot of men up and bomb attacks leavlDg an estimated say, would provide 1.1 times as Tue Thur Fn The Soviet Umon Friday 'lodged another protest with the U.S. African Nations stop produce floods, destroy the IrrI MeanwhIle the Phllppmes IS there It was a tough operahon But IllO dead much light as the real moon dOCll FG 203 IR 733 FG 205 Government at what it tenned "new provocative actions" 01 U.S, askmg ThaIland and Malays,a­ when It Is fuJI On August second, US aIr- gatlon system and rum the Press Thant To look dren new outIus or 'I we olil)' IllId for a'l~'" bnlldl Would, 't'nol be SO '- 6 30-7 00 AST 4 775 :K:cs on 62 management Bad management os now golnS throuait Ita 1ep1 pro­ .~tlon ~,liltla enouah ali we would all tate ; I iDdlih' 9i}r.;'conveo.."tj(or ..U88I&a-,1'topUnme can rUID any ~nterprlse cedures WhIle welcoRUns the step PUBLISHING AOBNG'r -Shakup.ca1e ID the wlRter In Lashknrpll What, woman keeping such illhgent ._unta 10 00+10 SO 'Pm IAST 4775 :K:ClIJ the paper hopes that other effective you ask, are Als? Well; leI me b'xplam "on'theodNimail ~s..m 10 be toldilhat Foreign oIanguage programmes mea.ures will also be adopted Our largest denomlRator of Currency each lolif~ ...tiI an AF and a half? on 62 'll hand Indian Journalisf alamlS th.s SOCIal evil " Ibe Aillhan~ affe<:tionatety mckJiam I Tblis ,.the bousewlCe, especially If oC mclude 1aclll and Iiltetnatlonal In another edltonal the paper I"I"Annin~e;ary orUlf~ellpart~I~rT;rBan"TlreatY'IUlIUlIUlII' ed the AI by those tal, lazy to usclltil rorelan 1>lrtIi IS conCounded and har.. news oornmentary talks on M­ In Kabul Enroute called upon the youog and en " proper appellation In the Pi,,?, forn> ~ bey~nd, fileas~jwblle ber accountil ghanlstan hlbtened generatIon ID the counlry August fifth marks a very Important date the Vietnam confllet The question arises and 10 which every one much: prefcl'S to run amuck and resemble tbe untlval To Paris Post to allend to responSibilities which thc society has entrusted to them In Ute history of the world quest for peace aDd In fact mallY ask Is It realistic to hope anil ex- own them Cor tho /ilIa..., the DIemer hng calcuI¥i0ns of a .Ioahtly bedeviled as the Sliymg goes ~ey arc naturally mathematician wpose sQluhon JUlt rna A ncwsman of 20 years experIence PatTlotlc young poOple should pre human survival It was on Utls date three years pect any agreenlenfl on dJsarmament and non pare themselves for dlscharglOg all ago that three big powers the Soviet U1uon, prolUeration in a geriod of heightened :world Ajs Others may thmk of i.hcm as nage :to clued hun aaam and and presently Paris correspondent for lowly, poor relations oC the lordly lbe TImes oC India M V Kannath IS the" dutoes and should cooperate the United States and Britain agreed sign tension and deteriorating US Soviet rclatlons to dollar and the DOW 'hgbtl!- decadent Nonotbeless, ~C. play their part as paym1f a short VISit to Kabul on hiS With their natIonal government a test ban treaty banning the testing of DU over the war In Vietnam poun(l sterting since ip, tbe ititcma Importantly m our everyday life, AI do SUNDAY way to Pons Thc paper says the government clear weapons on the ground and In Ute atmos I th to this Is not in the honal mllf"et and on tll4t ever flucua other currencies elsewhere A Vilit to The author of Parties and Pohtics Its power from the nation phere and space Sure y e answer tmg balance-the dlul rate f ex bur village completed except for the therefore no 10YCrnmeot can This Indicated a ray of hoPe especially negative In fact Ithj! urgency of reaching In India published m 1943 which diS change-they are trol Y worthf) little last long-drawn out farewells still in cusses pohtlc;al parties m India and achieve Its alms unless the people agreements become more obvious at the time t, I th all Y W th .he offon\!. bnnp onto the open an ARIANA AFGHAN AmLINEl\ cooperate with It since It came shortly after the world had come f rIsIs. T te th I te J hn F Kennedy o thetr role 10 Government aff8.ll'8 .and to Ute brink of anoUter catastrophe over Ute 0 c quo e a 0 Is t u 0 u• r hey are b Imp°ulrlaoL bel unaVOidable band of eager hand mal Waranga published ID Gardez of 4l. t A g ~~ d we Kandahar-Kabul co"'Cdltor of Kamatak Darshan which Bay of Pigs incident The world rejoiced at "verifiable ulsarmament agreemen are DO a ouThour I amis W ere b ? dens nod servmg men tllch With an Pakthla In 01S edltoroal urged .tiI e dec rna system tuQo ceo m Art!val-0945 contains political features of Knr the signing of the treaty and other countries fair weather phenomenon. Let no one, then, say Af h f anticipatory glmt m their eyes that Te rcaden an dother Citizen. to coope vogue In g anlstan or some time fentlessly beckons forth a good--sized Kabul Kandahar mternatlOnal Qatak and deals With cultural accepted Ute treaty one after the other The that we cannot arrive at Booh agreements In rate With the department con and we bless the Government for It. tiP My husband steeped In tbe tra Departure-1300 literate and SOCial aff8..lfS he has wntten two countries which recently have entered the troubled times for It is then that their need cerned With filhna the Corms There are a hundred Puis 10 an AF dltlons of hiS ancestors and I fear Khost-Kabul numerous articles on the economic and ISSUed for determlnm, the nuclear club France and the Peoples RepubUc Is greatest' and the usual dlVJslon IDtO coms mther revelling 10 the role of suc- ArrIval 1050 political stability of India whlcb have amount of land each land of China, have yet to agree to the articles of The most urgent road to peace at the pre o~ ~5 and 50 Ph~' There aUhalso coms cessor distnbutes largesse with a lavJSh • KabUl-Khost appeared In a number of Indian Journals owner 'possesses The paper says the treaty Both of them have carried out nuclear sent seem to be the conlliusion of a treaty on o Ive two a one AF t ouah sad hood I remain rooted In the fore Departur

, < \J "..... , 1 ~J t~ (1 ..1 ~l S, ~'Y ,f/ \ J .. '( I I .. ' , ' , Warm Reception Greets His Majesty In Panja,b' , Ni' ~ma~ BMlk:,~~id6ilisri~iJJ"~.,.... I 9 ,1. J\"' IC \ I ' J \ ne~ takaU1a~g tor Cf1IIrrhoul GOI"mll,d 'rom II' I) Bls Majesty had dmner wIth Majesty told the \ people he was car the arch m ~/ ',,- ~ affections' areas The \ headquarters tf gthe the elders of Yakaulang woles- very p]ea~ed tfo vI~:.:~;.tlC~~ h"~ showeedtIlhiliW~~:~ /:;:e ~th EffdrfS\ @f" New Goverinent \ I • j I , ,t of every kind project 's m PanJab proper The wali Thursday evenmg sque an 0 ed" His Majesty It VI com } ( j • l ' concentra~es n D~e:~~'I~a~:,nZ~~ee~~sJ:~ ~:~e, b~~hre~e;~ °sa~~ w~ LAGOS, August 6, ( GlIIorghorie Bridge --!CABUL, AURUst 7, (Ilillfar),,,"\ M;~on With scores, "if not hundreds" of In:I"'h ZARANJ, August 7, (Bakhtar)­ Malay In Jakarta ment prOject In Ynl