Administrative Tribunals and Special Courts

Annual Report 2009

National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee

Published by Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan


Table of Contents  1. Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (lTAT) 1.1. Tribunal & Its Performance 1.2. Name of the Presiding Officer (Chairman) for the year 2009 1.3. Tribunal's Procedure 2. Environmental Protection Tribunal 2.1. Tribunals 2.2. Procedure of the Tribunal 2.3. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Karachi 2.4. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Lahore 2.5. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Peshawar 2.6. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Quetta 3. Insurance Appellate Tribunal (IAT) 3.1 Tribunals 3.2 Procedure of the Tribunal 3.3. Insurance Appellate Tribunal, Karachi 4. Customs Excise & Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal 5. Federal Service Tribunal 5.1 Federal Service Tribunal and Its Organization 5.2 Establishment of Tribunal 5.3 Branch Registries of the Tribunal 5.4 Performance of the Federal Service Tribunal 5.5 Procedure to File Appeal before the Tribunal 5.6. Appeals to Supreme Court of Pakistan 5.7. List of Honorable Chairman and Members Federal Services Tribunal Islamabad Camp Office Lahore and Karachi. 5.8. Budget of the year 2008‐09 5.9. Name of the Chairman and Members of Punjab Service Tribunal Lahore in the Year 2009 5.10. Standardized case categories in the year 2009 5.11. Annual budget of Punjab Service Tribunal Lahore in the year 2008‐09 5.12. Tenures of the Chairman, Sindh Service Tribunal. 5.13. Tenures of the Member‐I, Sindh Service Tribunal. 5.14. Tenures of the Member‐II, Sindh Service Tribunal. 5.15. Tenures of the Registrar, Sindh Service Tribunal. 5.16. Year wise total pending and decided cases before the Sindh Service Tribunal, Karachi 5.17. Department Wise Statistical Table of Appeals 2009

i 5.18. Subject wise Statistical Table of Appeals 2009 5.20. List of available books in Sindh Service Tribunal, Karachi 5.19. BUDGET ESTIMATE 2009‐10SC21001/SC24001 (001) ORGANS OF STATE (EXCL. LAW DEPTT. & OTHER) 5.30. NWFP Service Tribunal, Peshawar 5.31. Names of the Chairman and Members 5.32 Budget of NWFP Service Tribunal. 5.33. Balochistan Service Tribunal 2008‐09 5.34. List of Officers of Balochistan Service Tribunal, Quetta 5.35. Balochistan Service Tribunal, Quetta Statement showing pendency, institution and disposal of cases for the year 2009 6. Special Courts (Control of Narcotic Substances) 6.1 The Special Courts and its Performance 6.2 Statement showing the name of Presiding Officers in the Special Courts of (Control of Narcotic Substances) and its total Budget for the year 2008 6.3. Special Court‐I (Control of Narcotics Substances), Karachi 6.4. Special Court‐II (Control of Narcotics Substances), Karachi 6.5. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Lahore 6.6. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Rawalpindi 6.7. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Peshawar 6.8. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Quetta 6.9. Procedure of the Court 7. Banking Courts 7.1 Annual report in respect of Banking Courts for the year 2009 8. Special Courts (Offences In Banks) 8.1 Special Courts & its Presiding Officer 8.2. Special Courts (Custom Taxation and Anti‐Smuggling) 8.3. Special Courts 9. Special Judges (Central) 9.1 Special Judges (Central) Anti‐Corruption 9.2 Category wise data of Anti Corruption Court Balochistan, Quetta for the year, 2009 10. Drug Courts 10.1 The Drug Courts 11. Anti‐Terrorism Courts 11.1 List Of Judges/Presiding Officers In Anti‐Terrorism Courts In Punjab 11.2 List of Judges/Presiding officers in Anti‐Terrorism Courts in Punjab 11.3. Statement Showing Place of Sitting and Name of Judges Working in Sindh Province w.e.f. 01.01.2009 to 31.12.2009. 11.4 Statement showing the name of Addl. and Special Public Prosecutors of

ii Anti‐Terrorism Courts in Sindh province working on 31.12.2009. 11.6. Consolidated statement showing institution, disposal and pending of cases before the Anti‐Terrorism Courts in province of Sindh from 1st January 2009 to 31, December, 2009. 11.5. Statement showing pending cases of each Anti Terrorism Courts in Sindh for the month of December 2009 11.7. Statement showing the cases decided by Anti Terrorism Courts in Sindh w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 TO 31‐12‐ 2009 11.8. Statement showing the cases disposed of by the Special Courts (Anti Terrorism Courts) in Sindh w.e.f. 15‐09‐1997 to 11‐05‐1999 11.9. Statement showing the cases disposed of by the Special Courts (Anti Terrorism Courts) in Sindh w.e.f. 12‐05‐1999 to 31‐12‐ 2009 11.20. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Hassan Shah Bukhari Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I Karachi, w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009 11.21. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Hassan Shah Bukhari joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I, Karachi. w.e.f. 19‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.22. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Memon Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Karachi. w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 20‐11‐2009 11.23. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Memon joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Karachi. w.e.f. 16‐05‐07 to 20‐11‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.24. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Anand Ram Hotwani Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐III Karachi, w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009 11.25. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Anand Ram Hotwani joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐III, Karachi. w.e.f. 21‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.26. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Akhlaque Hussain Larik Judge Anti Terrorism Court Hyderabad w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 30‐11‐2009 11.27 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Akhlaque Hussain Larik joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court Hyderabad, w.e.f. 16‐05‐2007 TO 30‐11‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.28. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Bashir Ahmed Dargai Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Mirpurkhas w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 TO 31‐12‐2009 11.29. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Bashir Ahmed Dargai Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Mirpurkhas w.e.f. 19‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.30 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Saleemuddin A Patoli Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Badin w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 TO 31‐12‐2009 11.31. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Saleemuddin A. Patoli Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Badin w.e.f. 29‐09‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.32 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Ahmed Nawaz Sheikh Judge, Anti Terrorism Court Sukkur, w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009

iii 11.33. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Ahmed Nawaz Sheikh joined as Judge, Anti Terrorism Court Sukkur, w.e.f. 19‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.34 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sajjad Hussain Kolachi Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Khairpur. w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009 11.35 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sajjad Hussain Kolachi Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Khairpur. w.e.f. 30‐09‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full Tenure) 11.36 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Agha Ghulam Muhammad Khan Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Shaheed Benazir Abad w.e.f. 16‐01‐09 to 31‐12‐2009 11.37 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Agha Ghulam Muhammad Khan joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I Larkana w.e.f. 05‐11‐08 TO 15‐01‐2009 joined as Anti Terrorism Court Shaheed Benazir Abad w.e.f. 16‐01‐09 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.38 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Azizullah Abro Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Larkana w.e.f. 05‐11‐2008 to 16‐01‐2009 judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I, larkana w.e.f. 16‐01‐2009 TO 11.05.2009 11.39. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Azizullah Abro joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I & II, Larkana w.e.f. 05‐11‐2008 to 11‐05‐2009 (Full tenure) 11.40 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sardar Khan Chandio Judge Anti Terrorism Court Jacobabad w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009 11.41 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sardar Khan Chandio joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court Jacobabad w.e.f. 05‐11‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full Tenure) 11.42 Statement of cases disposed off w.e.f. 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2009 11.43 Antiterrorism Courts, Balochistan statement showing pendency, institution and disposal of Cases for the year, 2009. 11.44. List of Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Courts In Balochistan for the year 2009 11.45. Consolidated statement showing the cases of Accountability Courts. 12. Labour Courts 12.1 Detail of expenditure is as under 12.2. Information in respect of Labour Courts in Sindh. 12.3. Statement showing performance of Labour Courts during the year, 2009. 12.4. Pending Labour Appeals/Revisions/ Complaints at the end of June, 2009. 12.5. Annual report of administrative tribunals and special courts for the year, 2009 12.6. Labour Court, Balochistan 13. Consumer Courts 13.1 Terms & Regulations 13.2 Administration 13.3. Budget of Consumer Court Punjab 13.4. Data of Complaints Filed in District Consumer Courts w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009

iv Foreword

With great pleasure I present the Annual Report for the year 2009 on the Administrative Tribunals and Special Courts prepared by the Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan (LJCP), as mandated by the National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee (NJPMC). The Report contains useful information of Administrative Tribunals/Special Courts, sanctioned strength of the judicial as well as administrative staff and annual budget of the following Administrative Tribunals and Special Courts.

1. Income Tax Appellate Tribunal. 2. Environment Protection Tribunals. 3. Insurance Appellate Tribunal. 4. Customs, Excise & Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal. 5. Federal & Provincial Service Tribunals. 6. Special Courts (Control of Narcotic Substances). 7. Banking Courts (Recovery of Loans). 8. Special Courts (Offences in banks). 9. Special Court (Customs, taxation & Anti Smuggling). 10. Special Judges (Central). 11. Drugs Courts. 12. Anti‐Terrorism Courts. 13. Accountability Courts. 14. Labour Courts.

The importance of this Report has increased many folds especially after the implementation of the National Judicial Policy‐2009 for enabling the people to know how the courts in the country are striving to provide expeditious justice to the public. It will also enable the Courts to ensure transparency and accountability within the justice system.

The report is published after some delay due to difficulty in gathering of information, because there is no single source from which data can be gathered. The NJPMC is considering steps to streamline the process and ensure that judicial statistics is timely submitted and published. However, I am confident that the information about the performance of various Tribunals and Special Tribunals and Special Courts functioning all over the country will be useful not only to enable these Courts and other relevant institutions and agencies to make better plans for further improving their performance, but also to enable the concerned Government authorities to know the problems faced by these Courts in terms of shortage of judges, court staff and other facilities and take initiative fro resolving these problems.

I hope that the data provided in this Report will also be beneficial for researchers, judges and lawyers to analyze the performance of these Courts and give proposals for further improvement in their performance. The Secretariat of Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan will make sure that the Report reaches the libraries of public/private sector, institutions, justice system related agencies, law schools and libraries of the Courts and the Bar Councils/Associations for their valuable comments and suggestions.

(Dr. Faqir Hussain) Secretary




1. Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (lTAT).

1.1. Tribunal & its Performance.

Income Tax Appellate Tribunals are functional before partition. At present there are 20 Benches and each Bench consists of one Judicial and one Accountant Member, both in BPS‐21. There are seven Benches at Karachi. Similarly there are 9 Benches at Lahore, 3 Benches at Islamabad and one Bench at Peshawar. The Headquarter of the Tribunal is at Islamabad and headed by a Chairman who is in BPS‐22.

1.2. Name of the Presiding Officer (Chairman) for the year 2009.

S Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases # Presiding Budget 2009‐ the disposed pending Officer 2010 beginning of of the year 1. Kh. Farooq Rs. 4505 5176 5272 4409 Saeed, 12,8587,000/‐ Chairman (Bs‐ 22)

1.3. Tribunal's Procedure.

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal has the following functions:

• To hear appeals arising out of the orders of Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) Inspecting Additional Commissioners, as the case may be, regarding Income Tax, Wealth Tax Department. • To hear and dispose of stay applications. • To hear and dispose of reference applications. • To hear various types of miscellaneous appeals arising out of aforesaid proceedings.

The Tribunal discharges its functions through a Division Bench comprising a Judicial Member and an Accountant Member. It also acts through a single Member, either a Judicial or an Accountant Member, but the single Member can hear those appeals in which the total income of assessee does not exceed Rs.300,000/‐



2. Environmental Protection Tribunal. 2.1. Tribunals.

The Environmental Protection Tribunals were constituted under the Environmental Protection Act, 1997. It is headed by a Chairperson who is in BPS‐21 and two other Members one Technical (BPS‐21) and the other is Member Legal (BPS‐20), at Lahore the Chairperson and Member Legal have been posted.

2.2. Procedure of the Tribunal.

Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 provides for the protection, conversation, rehabilitation, and improvement of the environment, for the prevention and control of pollution and promotion of sustainable development. This Act extends to the whole of Pakistan.

Any person aggrieved by any order or direction of the Federal Agency or provincial agency under any provision of this Act and rules or regulations made thereunder may prefer an appeal with the Environmental Tribunal within thirty days of the date of communication of the impugned order or direction to such person.

An appeal to the Environmental Tribunal shall be in such form, contain such particulars and be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.

Any person aggrieved by any final order or by any sentence of the Environmental Tribunal passed under this Act may, within thirty days of communication of such order or sentence, prefer an appeal to the High Court.

5 2.3. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Karachi.

S # Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐ beginning of 2010 of the year 1. Ms. Ashraf Rs. 10 01 10 01 Jehan, 76,53 Chairperson ,000/‐

2.4. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Lahore.

S Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases # Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐2010 beginning of of the year 1. Khawaja Rs. 50 236 45 241 Muhammad 98,27,000/‐ Afzal, Chairperson

2.5. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Peshawar.

S # Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐ beginning of 2010 of the year 1. Ms. Mussarrat Rs. 35 44 26 53 Hilali, 74,50 Chairperson ,000/‐

2.6. Environmental Protection Tribunal, Quetta.

S # Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐ beginning of 2010 of the year 1. Vacant Rs. 18 06 24 69,56 12 ,000/‐


7 3. Insurance Appellate Tribunal (IAT).

3.1 Tribunals.

Insurance Appellate Tribunals were established under the Insurance Act, 1938 (IV of 1938). This Act was repealed and Insurance Ordinance 2000 was promulgated on 19th August, 2000. One such Tribunal is established at Karachi, which comprises of one Chairman, one Member Technical and one Member Legal. At present the Tribunal is non functioned as neither the Chairman nor any Member is posted in the Tribunal.

3.2 Procedure of the Tribunal.

A Tribunal shall in exercise of its civil jurisdiction, have in respect of a claim filed by a policy holder against an insurance company in respect of or arising out of a policy of insurance, all the powers vested in a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908);

In the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction, try the offences punishable under this Ordinance and shall, for this purpose, have the same powers as are vested in the Court of Sessions under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898);

Exercise and perform such other powers and functions as are, or may be, conferred upon or assigned to it by or under this Ordinance; and

In all matters with respect to which procedure has not been provided for in this Ordinance, follow the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908) or the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898), as the case may be. A Tribunal shall for the purpose of the trial of an application, follow such procedure as may be prescribed and have the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908) in respect of:

(a) Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath. (b) Requiring the discovery and production of documents and material objects. (c) Receiving evidence on affidavits; and (d) Issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents.

If, in the course of the trial of an application, anyone of its members ceases to hold office, or is, for any reason, unable to attend the sittings of the Tribunal, the trial shall continue notwithstanding such vacancy, and the decision may be given by the remaining Members.

If upon any matter requiring the decision of the Tribunal there is a difference of opinion among its Members, the opinion of the majority shall prevail and the decision of that Tribunal shall be expressed in terms of the views of the majority:

Provided that where the Members are equally divided on any point it shall be decided in accordance with the views of the Chairperson.

The decision of a Tribunal shall be given in writing and shall be signed by the Chairperson.

A Tribunal shall give a copy of the decision to each party to the dispute and shall also forward a copy to the Commission.

A Tribunal shall, upon an application made in this behalf by any party to a dispute adjudicated by it and on payment of such fee not exceeding one rupee for everyone hundred words, and subject to such conditions, as may be prescribed, furnish certified copies of its proceedings or of any document submitted to or produced before it.

3.3. Insurance Appellate Tribunal, Karachi.

S # Name of Presiding Officer Annual Budget 2009‐ Remarks 2010 Chairman Rs. 132,000/‐ Powers under the Vacant provision of insurance Ordinance 2000 has been conferred on the D & SJs of each province



4. Customs Excise & Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal. 4.1 Customs, Excise and Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal.

Customs, Excise and Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal established under Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969) has eight Benches, three at Karachi and two each at Lahore and Islamabad and one at Peshawar. Each Bench consists of two Members (B‐21) i.e. Judicial and Technical. Technical Members are taken from Customs and Excise Group equivalent in rank to that of a Member, CBR, while Judicial Members are appointed by the Federal Government by inviting nominations from the respective High Courts.

Section 194(2) of the Act ibid provides that a Judicial Member shall be a person who has been a Judge of the High Court, or is or has been a District Judge and is qualified to be a Judge of a High Court, or is or has been an advocate of a High Court and is qualified to be a Judge of a High Court whereas under section 194(3) a technical member shall be an officer of Customs and Excise Group equivalent in rank to that of a Member, Central Board of Revenue.

Under Section 194(4), the Federal Government shall appoint one of the members of the Appellate Tribunal to be the Chairman thereof.



5. Federal Service Tribunal.

5.1 Federal Service Tribunal and Its Organization. Till early seventies, the civil servants used to approach civil courts for the purpose of redress of their grievances in service matters. This was extremely expensive both in terms of time and money for the poor civil servants. It was partly because of multiple functions of civil courts and partly because the aggrieved civil servants had to follow a four tier court system i.e. Civil Courts, High Courts, Supreme Court and Intra‐court Appeal before the Supreme Court seeking justice in matters relating to terms and conditions of their service and the appellants had to wait for years for the decision of courts and bear considerable legal costs.

The article 212 of Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan empowered the appropriate legislature to establish one or more Administrative Courts or Tribunals to exercises exclusive jurisdictions in respect of matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of Civil Servants.

5.2 Establishment of Tribunal.

The Federal Service Tribunal was established in February 1974 under Service Tribunals Act, 1973 to have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of matters relating to terms and conditions of service of civil servants and matters connected thereto or ancillary therewith including disciplinary matters. A Civil Servant who works for the Federal Government or any attached Department or Subordinate Office can file an appeal before Federal Service Tribunal to have his grievance redressed. The jurisdiction of the High Courts and Civil Courts were ousted to that extent.

13 5.3 Branch Registries of the Tribunal.

In addition to the principal seat of the Federal Service Tribunal at Islamabad, two permanent Benches one each at Lahore and Karachi have been established to facilitate the poor civil servants of those regions. Before establishment of permanent benches the members from principal seat had to visit Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta in order to hear appeals of employees of Federal Government serving in these provinces.

Through an amendment section 2‐A has been inserted in the Service Tribunals Act, 1973 whereby the employees of corporations/ autonomous/semi autonomous bodies and other organizations in which the Federal Government has controlling share, were also declared to be civil servants for the purpose of Service Tribunals Act and all the appeals pending in all other courts stood abated and thousands of appeals pending in the Civil Courts, Labour Courts, N.I.R.C. and High Courts of all the four provinces were transferred to the Federal Service Tribunal and as a consequence thereof the pendency of cases raised in this Tribunal from 436 appeals to 14098 appeals.

5.4 Performance of the Federal Service Tribunal. A statement showing year wise Institution, Disposal and Pendency of the Federal Service Tribunal for the year 2009 is as under.

Honourable Pendency Institution Restored Disposal Pendency Chairman / Year of the during the cases after Total during at the Presiding Officer last year 2009 abatement the year end of i). Mr. Justice (R) Tanvir Bashir Ansari 2009 8399 2435 630 11464 3372 8092

ii). Mr. Justice (R) Abdul Ghani

A like statement showing No. of cases category‐wise i.e. appeals of employees of Federal Government and the appeals filed by the employees of organizations other than Federal Government including remanded cases is given below.

Organizational Chart showing the Presiding Officer i.e. Chairman of the Federal Service Tribunal alongwith other Members, Registrar, Officers and Staff is annexed as Annexure‐I.

5.5 Procedure to File Appeal before the Tribunal. The civil servants aggrieved by any order concerning term and condition of their service may present their appeals to the Registrar. Appeals may be sent to the Registrar by Registered Post or presented to him during office hour either by the appellant personally or through his Advocate. Appeals presented to or received by any Member of the Tribunal shall be deemed to be properly presented or received under rule 6 of the Service Tribunals (Procedure) Rules, 1974).

1. Every memorandum of appeal shall (a) be legibly correctly and concisely written type written or printed; (b) be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively each paragraph containing, as nearly as may be, a separate assertion averment; (c) contain the full name, official designation and place of posting of each party; (d) clearly set out the relief claimed; (e) be accompanied by (i) a copy of final order whether original or appellant and any other order of competent authority in respect of any of the terms and conditions of Service of the appellant against which the appeal is preferred (ii) copies of rules, orders and other documents on which the appellant proposes to rely in support of his claim.; (f) be signed or thumb impressed by the appellant; (g) be accompanied by three copies of the memorandum of appeal and as many other copies thereof duly signed or thumb impressed by the appellant and accompanied by documents referred to in clause (C) as there are

15 respondents: provided that where a Tribunal is satisfied that it is not possible for any appellant to produce any document referred to it may waive the provisions of the clause. 2. In every memorandum of appeal, the competent authority against whose order the appeal, is preferred and any other party to the dispute shall be shown as respondent.

3. When an appeal is presented after the period of limitation prescribed in the limitation Act, it shall be accompanied by a petition supported by an affidavit setting forth the cause of delay.

4. No court fee shall be payable for preferring an appeal to or filing, excluding or recording any documents with a Tribunal.

5. The Registrar on presentation of an appeal shall scrutinize every memorandum of appeal and shall:

(i) if it is drawn up in accordance with rule 6 cause it to be registered in the register of appeals and shall with the approval of Chairman, fix a date for its preliminary hearing before the Tribunal, and

(ii) if it is not drawn up in accordance with procedure of rRule‐6, return to the appellant for amendment within a time to be specified in an order to be recorded on the Memorandum of Appeal and in case the appeal is not resubmitted with the time specified, the appeal shall, stand dismissed. 6. (1) When the case is fixed for preliminary hearing before the Bench of the Tribunal, the Tribunal may after hearing the appellant or his Counsel, admit or dismiss the appeal in limine.

(2) In case the appeal is not dismissed in limine a notice of its admission and the date fixed for its hearing shall be served on the appellants, the respondents and on such other persons as the Tribunal may deem proper.

(3) The appellant shall, within 7 days of receipt of notice deposit cash security amounting Rs.100/‐ and cost of service @ Rs.60/‐ per respondent with the Tribunal.

7. (1) The Respondent whom the notices have been served under rule 12 may send the objections to the appeal either personally or through Advocate not later than 7 days before the date of hearing. (2) The Tribunal may after hearing the parties or their Advocates confirm, set aside, vary or modify the order appealed against (section 5).

17 5.6. Appeals to Supreme Court of Pakistan.

In case any party to the appeal is not satisfied with the order of the Tribunal, it may file appeal before the Supreme Court of Pakistan within 60 days of the date of communication of the said order / judgment.


A daily Cause List containing a list of cases fixed for hearing on a particular date is prepared in the order of date of admission under the orders of the Chairman and affixed on the Notice Board in front of Court Room of the Tribunal. Notices of the day fixed for hearing are issued to all the respective appellants, the respondents and such other persons as the Tribunal may deem proper by registered post.


A copy of judgment/order passed by the Tribunal is sent to the parties concerned free of cost by registered post. Any party to the proceedings/Advocate may obtain copies on payment of usual copying fee.

5.7. List of Honorable Chairman and Members Federal Services Tribunal Islamabad Camp Office Lahore and Karachi.

S. No. Name Designation BPS Place of Posting 1. Mr. Justice (Retd.) AbdulGhani Chairman Judge of Islamabad 2. Mr. Zaheer Ahmed Member 21 Islamabad 3. Syed Bilal Ahmed Member 22 Islamabad 4. Mr. Salim Gul Sheikh Member 22 Islamabad 5. Mr. Ismail Hassan Member 22 Islamabad 6. Mr. Ayaz H. Bokhari Member 21 Islamabad 7. Syed Mehar Hussian Shah Member 21 Karachi 8. Mr. Moazzam Hayat Member 22 Islamabad 9. Mr. G .M. Sikandar Member 22 Lahore 10. Mr. M.A. Aziz Member 22 Lahore 11. Mr. Farrakh Qayyum Member 22 Islamabad

5.8. Budget of the year 2008‐09.

Complete sets of Annual Budget one each for the Principal seat of the Tribunal, Islamabad and Camp Offices Permanent Benches at Lahore and Karachi for the year 2008‐09 is as under.

Head quarter, Islamabad Camp office, Lahore Camp office, Karachi Total Amount

Rs.42043000/‐ Rs.8463000/‐ Rs.6637000/‐ Rs.57143000/‐

19 5.9. Name of the Chairman and Members of Punjab Service Tribunal Lahore in the Year 2009.


5.10. Standardized case categories in the year 2009.

Appeals Pending Total pendency at the Total Appeals Total Decided st end of 2008 Filed Appeals on 31 Dec, 2009 2009 2503 3398 3562 2339

5.11. Annual budget of Punjab Service Tribunal Lahore in the year 2008‐09.

Year Amount (Rs) 2008‐09 18270000

5.12. Tenures of the Chairman, Sindh Service Tribunal.

S. No Name From To 01 Mr. Hamzo Khan M. Kureshi 28.11.1973 30.11.1976 02 Mr. Abdul Wali Makhdoom 01.12.1976 06.10.1977 03 Justice (Rtd) Ghulam Rasool Sheikh 12.10.1977 11.10.1980 04 Justice (Rtd) Mushtak Ali Kazi 12.10.1980 11.10.1985 05 Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Lakhiar Acting Chairman 12.10.1985 19.06.1986 06 Justice (Rtd) Munawar Ali Khan Mughal 20.06.1986 19.06.1995 07 Vacant 20.06.1996 16.10.1996 08 Justice (Rtd) Abdul Majeed Khanzada 17.10.1996 30.01.1997 09 Vacant 31.01.1997 02.05.1997 10 S. Nasim Haider Acting Chairman 03.05.1997 21.07.1997 11 Justice (Rtd) Abdul Majeed Khanzada 22.07.1997 21.07.2000 12 Vacant 22.07.2000 11.08.2000 13 Mr. Bahauddin Sirhindi 12.08.2000 14.11.2000 14 Justice (Rtd) Abdul Ghani Sheikh 15.11.2000 14.11.2007 15 Justice (Rtd) Ghulam Nabi Soomro 17.11.2007 Continue

21 5.13. Tenures of the Member‐I, Sindh Service Tribunal.

S. No Name From To 01 Mr. Abdul Kadir G. Muhammad Ali 28.03.1974 31.07.1979 02 Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Mughal 20.10.1977 27.09.1981 03 Mr. Wilayat Ahmed Khan 07.02.1980 20.12.1983 04 Mr. R. M. Ishaque 18.07.1983 15.10.1984 05 Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Lakhiar 23.01.1984 01.10.1986 06 Mr. Abdul Qavi Qazi 01.01.1986 15.03.1989 07 Mr. Mobeen Ahmed Khan 28.11.1988 14.11.1989 08 Mr. Tasnim Ahmed Siddiqui 07.03.1990 30.06.1991 09 Mr. Ghulam Mujjadad Isran 27.08.1990 26.09.1993 10 Mr. Ghulam Abbas Soomro 06.11.1993 27.01.1994 11 Syed Nasim Haider 25.07.1994 24.07.1999 12 Mr. Bahauddin Sirhindi 09.06.1997 25.05.2001 13 Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khero 16.05.2001 20.02.2002 14 Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Kazi 19.06.2001 04.06.2002 15 Mr. Yousuf Ali Mirza 27.03.2002 13.10.2004 16 Mr. Nur Ahmed Shah 28.08.2002 27.08.2005 17 Mr. Ashique Hussain Memon 21.04.2006 13.02.2008 18 Mr. Ashfaque Hussain Umrani 21.05.2008 28.07.2008 19 Mr. Qazi Qamaruddin 20.08.2008 Continued

5.14. Tenures of the Member‐II, Sindh Service Tribunal.

S. No Name From To 01 Mr. Abdul Hadi Shah 23.12.1976 06.10.1977 02 Mr. Rafique Hussain Agha 27.10.1981 18.07.1983 03 Mr. Tasnim Ahmed Siddiqui 18.10.1984 12.10.1985 04 Mr. Manzoor‐ul‐Haq Effendi 10.11.1986 17.08.1987 05 Syed Asad Pervez 10.04.1988 06.06.1988 06 Mr. Ali Nawaz Bohio 16.10.1988 27.11.1988 07 Mr. Allauddin Sabir 29.08.1991 05.11.1991 08 Mr. Abdul Rasheed Khan Sherwani 07.11.1991 03.08.1993 09 Mr. K.B. Dodani 10.08.1993 05.06.1994 10 Mr. Abdul Hafeez Soomro 08.06.1994 30.06.1994 11 Pir Abdul Haq Jan Sirhindi 13.04.1995 23.08.1995 12 Mr. Ghulam Rasool Kalwar 24.01.1996 04.12.1996 13 Mr. Abdul Hafeez Soomro 05.01.1997 24.05.1997 14 Mr. Abdul Rasheed Memon 11.11.1999 10.05.2001 15 Mr. Ashique Hussain Memon 30.11.2004 02.05.2005 16 Mr. Muhammad Ayub Sheikh 02.06.2005 18.04.2006 17 Mr. Muhammad Mohsin Qureshi 29.08.2005 31.12.2005 18 Mr. Muhammad Mohsin Qureshi 07.01.2006 27.01.2006 19 Mr. Moula Bux Khatian 26.01.2006 01.09.2006 20 Mr. Muhammad Mohsin Qureshi 01.09.2006 06.01.2007 21 Mr. Qabool Ahmed Sheikh 02.02.2007 27.08.2007 22 Mr. Nazar Muhammad Baloch 27.08.2007 18.04.2008 23 Syed Hassan Shah Bukhari 16.02.2008 09.05.2008 24 Mrs. Akhtar A. Choudhry 12.09.2008 Continued

23 5.15. Tenures of the Registrar, Sindh Service Tribunal.

S. No Name From To 01 Mr. Z.A. Pirwani 20.03.1974 16.05.1977 02 Mr. Abdul Aziz Adenwala 16.05.1977 25.05.1980 03 Mr. Muhammad Saleh Qazi 25.05.1980 18.10.1982 04 Mr. Ghulam Hussain Jafri 01.11.1982 08.02.1983 05 Mr. Abdullah Lakho 29.06.1983 17.01.1985 06 Mr. Dargahi L. Mangi 03.02.1985 03.04.1988 07 Syed Ali Muhammad Rizvi 28.06.1988 19.01.1991 08 Mr. Muhammad Shafi Arain 30.01.1991 20.11.1993 09 Syed Pir Ali Shah 16.01.1994 09.01.1995 10 Mr. Ghulam Hussain Mallah 06.02.1995 30.06.1999 11 Mr. Bashir Ahmed Memon 05.07.1999 14.11.2000 12 Mr. Jamil Ahmed Rajpar 08.01.2001 19.05.2009 13 Mr. Alis Akbar Soomro 07.07.2009 Continued

5.16. Year wise total pending and decided cases before the Sindh Service Tribunal, Karachi.


1 2007 228 214 14

2 2008 134 102 32

3 2009 170 35 135

GRAND TOTAL 532 351 181

25 Column diagram of year wise total pending and decided cases Before the Sindh Service Tribunal, Karachi

600 550 500 450 400 350 TOTAL CASES RECEIVED 300 DECIDED UPTO 31.12.2009 250 TOTAL PENDING CASES 200 150 100 50 0 2007 2008 2009 GRAND TOTAL

5.17. Department Wise Statistical Table of Appeals.

S. NO. DEPARTMENT Nos. 1 Agriculture 6 2 Auqaf 1 3 B.I.S.E. Karachi 1 4 Civil Defence 1 5 Education 53 6 Excise & Taxation 5 7 Finance 1 8 Fisheries 1 9 Food 11 10 Forest and Wild Life 2 11 Health 4 12 Home 1 13 Irrigation & Power 3 14 Law Department 1 15 Local Government 1 16 Planning & Development 1 17 Police 46 18 Population & Welfare 1 19 Revenue 6 20 S.E.S.S.I. 3 21 S.I.T.E. 1 22 SGA&CD 5 23 Works & Services 15 TOTAL 170

27 Column diagram of department wise statistics of appeals

Agriculture 2009 Auqaf 60 B.I.S.E. Karachi Civil Defence 55 Education 50 Excise & Taxation Finance 45 Fisheries Food 40 Forest and Wild Life 35 Health Home 30 Irrigation & Power Law Department 25 Local Government 20 Planning & Development Police 15 Population & Welfare Revenue 10 S.E.S.S.I. 5 S.I.T.E. SGA&CD 0 Works & Services

5.18. Subject wise Statistical Table of Appeals 2009.

S. No. Subject Nos. 1 Back Benefit 1 2 Benevolent Fund 1 3 Compulsory Retirement 2 4 Date of Birth 5 5 Discharge from Service 1 6 Dismissal 16 7 Dispensed With 1 8 Forfeiture Approved Service 3 9 Increments as personal pay 1 10 Inter‐se Seniority 1 11 Intervening Period 1 12 Move Over 1 13 Proforma Promotion 2 14 Promotion 15 15 Reduction in Rank 1 16 Regularization of Appointment 10 17 Removal 6 18 Resignation 1 19 Reversion 2 20 Salary 32 21 Seniority 43 22 Termination 9 23 Verbal Termination 12 24 W/h of annual Increments 3 Total 170

29 Column diagram of subject wise statistics of appeals‐2009


50 Back Benefit Benevolent Fund 45 Compulsory Retirement Date of Birth Discharge from Service 40 Dismissal Dispensed With 35 Forfeiture Approved Service Increments as personal pay 30 Inter-se Seniority Intervening Period Mov e Ov er 25 Proforma Promotion Promotion 20 Reduction in Rank Regularization of Appointment 15 Remov al Resignation Rev ers ion 10 Salary Seniority 5 Termination Verbal Termination W/h of annual Increments 0












A039 TOTAL GENERAL 269,000


TOTAL 42 14,249,200


5.20. List of available books in Sindh Service Tribunal, Karachi.


S. NO NAME OF BOOKS QUANTITY 1 Pakistan Labour Cases 158 2 Supreme Court Monthly Reports 100 3 National Law Reports 165 4 Tribunal Decisions 47 5 All Pakistan Legal Decisions 253 6 Pakistan Code 18 7 Sindh Balochistan Law Reports 70 8 Access to Justice in Pakistan 1 9 Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Sukkur 1 10 Board of Intermediate Karachi 1 11 Code of Civil Procedure 1908 2 12 Copy Right Laws 1 13 Criminal Major Act 1 14 Civil Service Laws in Sindh & Balochistan 1 15 Court Fees Act 1 16 Civil Service Regulation 1 17 Civil Servant Pensions Rules 1 18 Civil Services Laws in Sindh Balochistan 1 19 Constitution of Pakistan 3 20 Constitution of Pakistan Analysis 1 21 Combined Set of F.R. & S.R. V. I & II 2 22 Combined Set of of the Sindh Financial Rules 1 23 Civil Service Laws 1972 to 1977 1 24 Civil Service Rules Manual VL. II 1 25 Civil Service Laws Manual 1 26 Civil Service Laws 6 27 Civil Service Laws in Sindh 1 28 Civil Major Act 1 29 Delegation of Powers 1 30 Esta Code 1 31 Electricity Act 1910 1 32 Federal Civil Services Laws 2007 1 33 General Clauses Act 1897 1 34 G.P. Fund Rules 1938 1 35 Govt Rules of Business 1986 2

(14 ) 36 Islamic Republic of Pakistan Act 2003 1 S. NO NAME OF BOOKS QUANTITY 37 Instructions Confidential Reports 1 38 Judg Made Laws 2006 1 39 Legal Maxims 10th Edition 1 40 Land Revenue Act 1 41 Law of Departmental Inquiries 2 42 Law Relating to the Civil Services in Pakistan 1 43 Limitation Act 1982 1 44 Legal Terms & Phrases 1974‐2006 1 45 Minor Act Central and Province 1 46 Supreme Court Rules 1980 2 47 Supreme Court Words & Phrases 3 48 Sindh Civil Services Rules Manual Vol. 1 & 2 2 49 Delegation of Power Under The Financial Rules 1962 1 Digest on Fundamental Right Based on Importance 50 2 Constitutional of the Words 51 National Judicial Policy 1 TOTAL 871

33 5.30. NWFP Service Tribunal, Peshawar.

5.31. Names of the Chairman and Members:

(i) Mr. Qalandar Ali Khan Chairman (ii) Mr. Abdul Jalil Khan Member (iii) Mr. Suyltan Mahmood Member (iv) Syed Manzoor Ali Shah Member

5.32 Budget of NWFP Service Tribunal.

Head Object Amount A01 Total Establishment Charges 11,114,000 A011 Total Pay 6,004,000 A011‐1 Total Pay of Officer 3,303,000 A01101 Basic Pay of Officer 1,800,000 A01105 Qualification Pay 13,500 A01106 Pay of Contract Staff 1,489,500 A011‐2 Total Pay of Other Staff 2,701,000 A01151 Basic Pay of other Staff 2,700,000 A01153 Special Pay 1,000 A012‐1 Total Regular Allowances 4,439,000 A01201 Senior Post Allowance 33,000 A01202 House Rent Allowance 1,650,500 A01203 Conveyance Allowance 440,000 A01205 Dearness Allowance 393,000 A01207 Washing Allowance 2,300 A01208 Dress Allowance 1,600 A01209 Special Addl Allowance 170,000 A01216 Qualification Allowance 1,000 A01217 Medical Allowance 180,000 A01224 Entertainment Allowance 18,000 A01226 Computer Allowance 33,000 A01228 Orderly Allowance 81 ,000 A01239 Special Allowance 210,000 A01241 Utility Allowance 105,000 A01244 Special Adhoc Relief 314,000 A01248 Judicial Allowance 480,000

A01262 Special Relief Allowance 314,000 A01270‐14 Integrated Allowance 12,600 A012‐2 Total Other Allowance exclud:TA 671,000 A01274 Medical Charges 70,000 A01278 Leave Salary 601,000 A03 Total Operating Expenses 4,730,000 A032 Total Communication 310,000 A03201 Postage & Telegraph 10,000 A03202 Telephone & Trunk Calls 300,000 A033 Total Utilities 521,000 A03301 Gas Charges 65,000 A03302 Water Charges 6,OOO A03303 Electriccity Charges 450,000 A034 Total Occupancy Costs 1,440,00 A03402 Rent for Office Building 1,440,000 A038 Total Travel & Transportation 2,276,000 A03805 Travelling Allowance 1,100,000 A03806 Transportation 30,000 A03807 POL Charges 1,100,000 A03808 Conveyance Charges 6,000 A03809 CNG Charges 40,000 A039 Total General 183,000 A03901 Stationery 50,000 A03902 Printing & Publication 50,000 A03905 Newspapers, Periodicals, Books 45,000 A03907 Publicity & Advt; Charges 30,000 A03970 Others 40,000 A13 Total Repair & Maintenance 182,000 A130 Transport 142,000 A13001 Transport 142,000 A131 Machinery & Equipment 35,000 A13101 Machinery & Equipment 35,000 A132 Furniture & Fixture 5,000 Grand Total 16,026,000

Revised Estimate for the Year 2008 ‐ 09 Law Courts

35 5.33. Balochistan Service Tribunal 2008‐09

Function Cum Object Sanction Budget

A 01 Employee Related Expenses 4,361,955 A 011‐1 Pay of Officers 1,204,520 011‐2 Pay of Staff 1,024,940 A 12‐1 Regular Allowance 2,132,495 A 12‐2 Other Allowance(Ex.TA) 101,295 A01271 Overtime Allowance A01273 Honoraria 99,955 A01274 Medical Charges 1,340 A01278 Leave Salary A03 Operating Expenses A 032 Communication 70,000 A03201 Postage & Telegraph 10,000 A03202 Telephone & Trunk Calls 60,000 A03205 Currier Service A033 Utilities 4,250 A03301 Gas A03302 Water A03303 Electricity A03304 Hot & Cold Weather Charges 4,250 A03307 Others A 038 Travel & Transportation‐Govt:Ser 395,550 A03825 Traveling Allowance 8,150 A03826 Transportation of Goods A03827 P.O.L Charges 381,400 A03828 Conveyance Charges 6,000 039 General 64,325 A03901 Stationary 30,000 A03902 Printing 15,000 A03905 News Papers & Books 19,325 A03906 Uniform Other Expenditure 10,000 A03970 Other 10,000 063 Transfer Payment 50,000 A06301 Entertainment 50,000 A05213 Grant in Aid A09 Physical Assists ‐ A09501 Purchase of Transport

A09601 Purchase of Machinery A09701 Purchase of Furniture A09801 Other Charges A13 Repair & Maintenance 40,000 A13001 Transport 40,000 A13101 Machinery A13201 Furniture A137 Repair of Computer & Equip: Grand Total 5,097,375

37 5.34. List of Officers of Balochistan Service Tribunal, Quetta.

Name of Assumption S.# Name of Officer Remarks Posts Date Mr. Amanullah Khan Yasinzai 13.06.2000 to Mr. Muhammad Hashim 26.06.2009. I Chairman 20.10.2009 Mr. Syeda Tahira Safdar 29.06.2009 to 07.07.2009. Mr. Miran Jan Kakar from 1.1.2009 to Mr. Muhammad Naeem 2 Member‐1 20.01.2010 5.9.2009 Ghalzai Mr. Muhammad Idrees Baloch from 30.09.2009 to 19 12 2009 Syeda Tahira Safdar Mr. Muhammad Anwar 3 Member‐2 20.08.2009. from October, 1998 to Khan 29.06.2009

5.35. Balochistan Service Tribunal, Quetta. Statement showing pendency, institution and disposal of cases for the year 2009.

Sr. Particulars Pending Institution Total Disposal Balance No 1 Balochistan 283 127 410 250 160 Service Tribunal Total of cases 283 127 410 250 160



22 6. Special Courts (Control of Narcotic Substances).

6.1 The Special Courts and its Performance.

Special Courts (Control of Narcotic Substances) were constituted under the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997. Presently there are six Special Courts (Control of Narcotic Substances) two at Karachi, one each at Lahore, Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta headed by a Presiding Officer (District & Sessions Judge). All these Special Courts are fully functional. Besides these Special Courts (CNS), powers have also been conferred on most of the District and Sessions Judges of Pakistan under the said Act to try narcotics cases.

6.2 Statement showing the name of Presiding Officers in the Special Courts of (Control of Narcotic Substances) and its total Budget for the year 2009.

6.3. Special Court‐I (Control of Narcotics Substances), Karachi.

S # Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐ beginning of 2010 of the year 1. Mr. Imdad Rs. 480 194 445 229 Hussain Khoso, 3,865 Judge ,000/‐

6.4. Special Court‐II (Control of Narcotics Substances), Karachi.

S # Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐ beginning of 2010 of the year 1. M. Nuzhat Ara Rs. 735 471 286 920 Alvi, Judge 42,82 ,000/‐

23 6.5. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Lahore.

S Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases # Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐2010 beginning of of the year 1. Mr. Mujahid Rs. 155 690 348 497 Mustaqeem, 552,094/‐ Judge

6.6. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Rawalpindi.

S # Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐ beginning of 2010 of the year 1. Mr. Arshad Rs. 90 114 98 106 Mehmood 47,12 Tabassum, ,000/‐ Judge

6.7. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Peshawar.

S Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases # Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐2010 beginning of of the year 1. Syed Rafiq Rs. 105 272 260 117 Hussain Shah, 47,04,000/‐ Judge

6.8. Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances), Quetta.

S Name of the Annual Cases at Institution Cases Cases # Presiding Budget the disposed pending Officer 2009‐2010 beginning of of the year 1. Judge Vacant Rs. 32 43 17 58 35,78,000/‐

6.9. Procedure of the Court.

These courts were established in 2000 (except Special Court‐II (CNS), Karachi which was established during 2003 under Section 46 of Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997. The cases registered under CNS Act, 1997 by ANF Police and other Law Enforcing Agencies are tried by these courts. According to Section 46 of CNS Act, the trials are conducted in these Special Courts while applying the Criminal Procedure Code 1898. The appeal against the judgment of these Courts can be filed under Section 48 0f CNS Act, 1997 before the Division Bench of the High Court concerned.


Banking Courts

7. Banking Courts. 7.1 Annual report in respect of Banking Courts for the year 2009.

SUITS Executions

S. Name Of Annual No. of No. of No. of Balance Remarks

No. Judge Budget Executions Executions Executions at the (Rs.) Pending at Instituted Disposed end of Court (2009‐ the during the during the year 10) beginning year 2009 year 2009 2009

Banking of year


2009 Disposed Balance Name Pending Instituted

1. Mr. 506600 291 535 599 207 1898 440 873 828 I ‐ Muhammad Arshad KIhan,D&SJ Peshawar

2. Mr.Salim Jan 4413000 243 435 276 402 1108 329 728 709 II ‐ D&SJ Peshawar

3. Mr. Khalid 3934000 162 312 215 259 108 413 167 257 Amin Khan D&SJ Abbottabad

27 4. Malik Ghulam 4819000 816 2828 1937 1707 1112 542 676 978 Sarwar, D&SJ Rawalpindi

5. Mr. Ijaz Ali, 4373000 337 462 357 442 271 278 127 422 I ‐ D&SJ Gujranwala

6. Malik Naseem 5744000 290 422 562 401 336 428 184 362 II ‐ Hassan,D&SJ Gujranwala

7. I Mr. Abdur 5464000 1357 1959 1333 1983 822 505 321 1006 ‐ Razzak Bhatti, D&SJ Lahore

8. II Shaikh Liaqat 5471000 1224 3048 3042 1230 1887 558 486 1958 ‐ Ali, D&SJ Lahore 9. Malik Azhar‐ 4596000 1244 3514 2683 2075 1043 534 535 1042

III ul‐Haq, D&SJ ‐ Lahore

10. Ch. Khaliq Uz 4722000 2425 2675 3468 1632 1131 446 173 1404

Zaman, D&SJ IV ‐ Lahore

11. Mr. Arshad 4971000 276 271 289 258 295 204 134 365 Mehmood D&SJ Sargodha

I 12. ‐ Mr. Mazhar 4761000 381 1085 743 723 656 587 122 1122 Hussain chaudhry Faisalabad

13. Mehar 6145000 959 1433 1080 720 670 574 298 928 II ‐ Muhammad Nawaz Khan, D&SJ Faisalabad

14. I Mr. Khadim 6683000 2379 957 1244 1252 258 358 574 254 ‐ Hussain D&SJ Multan

15. II Mr. Mehboob 5816000 1400 912 609 1703 519 322 362 598 ‐ Qadir Shah, D&SJ Multan 16. Vacant. 5315000 780 1031 569 1242 722 354 243 741

III Additional ‐ charge to Judge BC‐II,

Multan Multan

29 17. Mr. 4565000 285 417 368 334 887 201 452 636 Muhammad Yousaf, D&SJ Bahawalpur


18. ‐ Mr. Viqar 3850000 13 18 17 14 999 47 475 571 Sabir, D&SJ Larkana 19. Vacant. 3698000 3 00 00 3 1069 33 381 721

II Additional ‐ charge to Judge BC‐I

Larkana Larkana

20. I Mr. Mushtaq 4311000 736 327 609 114 3985 89 1075 2997 ‐ Ahmed Kalwar, D&SJ Sukkur 21. Vacant. 3939000 141 45 87 99 3457 33 495 2995

Additional II ‐ charge to judge, BC‐I

Sukkur Sukkur‐I

22. I Mr. Ubaidullah 4766000 104 92 77 119 4419 47 455 4001 ‐ Khan D&SJ Hyderabad

23. II Miss. Farzana 4158000 185 143 79 249 3777 56 603 3251 ‐ Anwar Shah, D&SJ Hyderabad

24. I Mrs. Fehmida 5582000 185 559 237 408 653 81 65 669 ‐ Qadeer, D&SJ Karachi

25. I Syed Pir Ali 4493000 178 280 122 336 172 123 49 246 ‐ Shah, D&SJ Karachi 26. Mr. Hassan 4063000 421 714 501 634 425 239 21 651


‐ Feroz, D&SJ Karachi

27. Mr. Arshadn 4750000 369 916 612 376 397 374 116 655 IV ‐ Noor Khan, D&SJ Karachi 28. Ms. Rubina 3533000 207 216 278 142 343 184 54 471

V Khan, D&SJ ‐ Karachi 29. Mr. Rozi Khan 4073000 05 92 94 3 120 138 133 123

Barrach, D&SJ Quetta



32 8. Special Courts (Offences in Banks).

8.1 Special Courts & its Presiding Officer.

Three Special Courts (Offences in Banks), one each at Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar are functioning under Offences in Respect of Banks (Special Courts) Ordinance, 1984 (IX of 1984). The Presiding Officer, Special Court (Offences in Banks) at Lahore has been appointed on contract basis who is retired Judge of Lahore High Court, Lahore whereas the Presiding Officer of Special Court (Offences in Banks), Peshawar is a serving District & Sessions Judge who has been taken from Provincial Judiciary on deputation basis. The present position is as under: ‐

S.No Name of the Pendency Institution Total Disposal Balance Court at the during the during the 31‐12‐ beginning year year 2009 of the year 1. Special Court 460 75 535 94 441 (Offences in Banks), Karachi 2. Special Court 676 206 882 182 708 (Offences in Banks), Lahore 3. Special Court 01 09 10 01 09 (Offences in Banks), Peshawar



8.2. Special Courts (Custom Taxation and Anti‐Smuggling).

8.3. Special Courts.

Four Special Courts of Customs, Taxation and Anti‐Smuggling are functioning under Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969) each presided over by a Special Judge (B‐20). The services of Judicial Officers who are normally District & Sessions Judges are borrowed from the Provincial Judiciary on deputation basis for the post of Presiding Officer. Presently Judges in all the Courts are in position as per following detail:

S.No Name of the Pendency Institution Total Disposal Balance Fine Court at the during the during the 31‐12‐ beginning year year 2009 of the year 1. Special Court 90 52 142 108 34 ‐ (Custom, taxation and anti‐ smuggling), Peshawar 2. Special Court 36 14 50 33 17 ‐ (Custom, taxation and anti‐ smuggling), Rwp. 3. Special Court 394 273 667 445 222 69,17,500/‐ (Custom, taxation and anti‐ smuggling), Lahore 4. Special 365 39 404 75 01 328 Judge Custom, taxation and anti‐ smuggling, Karachi



9. Special Judges (Central).

9.1 Special Judges (Central) Anti‐Corruption.

Eight Courts of Special Judge (Central) Anti‐Corruption have been established under Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1958 (XL of 1958) throughout the country. For the post of Presiding Officer (B‐ 20), the services of Judges are borrowed from the respective Provincial Judiciary on deputation basis. Present position of these Courts is given below:

9.2 Category wise data of Anti Corruption Court Balochistan, Quetta for the year, 2008.

S. No Description of cases Pending Institution Total Disposal Balance 1 F.I.A 3 11 14 10 4 2 Anticorruption and 14 9 23 16 7 District Police 3 Bail Application 4 34 38 37 1 Total Cases 21 54 75 63 12

S. No Name of Court Name of Officer Assumption Remarks date 1 Anticorruption Mr. Munir Ahmed 21.10.2009 Mr. Muhammad Anwar Quetta Marri , from 5.11.2007 to 27.04.2009

Mr. Zaheer‐ud‐Din Kakar, from 29.04.2009 to 19.10.2009



10. Drug Courts.

10.1 The Drug Courts.

Nine Drug Courts are functioning under the Drugs Act, 1976 presided over by a Chairman (B‐20). In four Drug Courts at Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad and Bahawalpur, the Chairmen have been appointed by the Federal Government whereas the funds for these courts and provision of other facilities are to be arranged by the Provincial Government. The Chairmen in those Drug Courts working on full time basis, have been appointed from the Provincial Judiciary, on deputation. However, the work of part‐time Drug Court, Peshawar and Quetta has been assigned to one of our Judges in the Federal Courts at both these places in addition to their own duties. Each Drug Court also consists of two Members (part‐time) being persons, who, in the opinion of the Federal Government, are expert in the medical or pharmaceutical fields.

Name of the Court Pendency Institution Total Disposal Balance Fine 31‐12‐2009 Drug Court, Karachi 85 55 140 61 79 ‐ Drug Court, Quetta ‐ 19 19 04 15 ‐ Drug Court, Lahore 410 561 971 753 218 12191000/‐ Drug Court, Gujranwala 512 1054 1566 1566 ‐ ‐ Drug Court, Peshawar 366 107 473 ‐ 473 ‐ Drug Court, Faisalabad 222 302 524 183 341 ‐ Drug Court, Bhawalpur 277 507 784 334 450 ‐ Drug Court, Multan 836 426 1262 388 874 ‐ Drug Court, Rawalpindi 154 230 386 212 174 33,51,000/‐


No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Expired Cases of cases permission Raids accused cases fine Drugs expired prosecution granted for Conducted persons decided imposed Detected drugs launched in registration arrested by the by the launched in the Drug of FIRs. Drug Drug Drug Court Court Court Court 113 21 321 15 32 229,700/‐ 32 7 cases referred by the PQCB to Drug Inspector for prosecution in the Drug Court

S. # Name of Court Budget financial year 2008‐09 1 Drug Court Karachi Rs. 800,000/‐ of Fine Rs. 940,000/‐

Drug Cases Pending Accused Convicted Acquittal Court disposed Cases Fine imposed Rigorous off imprisonment awarded Amount No. of Period No. of persons month to persons year Drug 04 15 170000/‐ 04 5years 03 37 Court Quetta


41 11. Anti‐Terrorism Courts.

11.1 List of Judges/Presiding Officers in Anti‐Terrorism Courts in Punjab.

Decided cases during this

period Total Total Pendin


Sr. cases


decide Transfer g as on # of of

Acquittal Conviction d cases 31‐12‐ Institution Total 2009 Opening Prosecutor Name Name



23 48 71 36 8 44 19 8 ATC Lahore Mr. Sultan Masood 2

II Ali

47 48 95 39 8 47 37 11 ATC Lahore Mr. Ahmad 3

III 26 134 46 13 59 58 17 108 ATC Lahore Miss. Samina Khan 4

IV 20 130 53 14 67 45 18 110 ATC Lahore Sardar Najeeb Akbar

5 Ali


28 95 123 51 13 64 32 27 l ATC Mr. Bashir Khan Gujranw



25 95 120 60 12 72 20 28 l ATC Mr. Amjad Cheema Gujranw 7


33 60 93 15 9 24 13 56 Yasin ATC di Raja Rawalpin

42 8


16 61 77 22 9 31 10 36 Rawalpin ATC di Raja Qayyum 9


12 44 56 19 13 32 15 9 Multan Mr. Muham mad ATC




9 60 69 35 13 48 10 11 Multan Mr. Najaf Mahey ATC


70 75 145 41 21 62 17 66 Faisalaba ATC d Mr. Khalid Ghoraya


21 125 25 18 43 19 63 104 ATC Sargodh Mr. Nadeem Akram 13 ‐

86 Din 29 115 34 14 48 21 46 ‐ ATC Bahawal Mr. Naseer ud



42 59 101 26 0 26 2 73 ATC Khan Mr. Khizar Hayat

401 1454 502 165 667 318 469 1053 Total

43 11.2 List of Judges/Presiding officers in Anti‐Terrorism Courts in Punjab.

Sr. No. Name of Courts Name of Judges/Presiding Officer

1. A TC No. I, Lahore Mr. Masood Arshad, AD&SJ

2. A TC No. II, Lahore Mr. Khalid Naveed Dar, AD&SJ

3. ATC No. III, Lahore Rana Muhammad Yousaf, D&SJ.

4. ATC No. IV, Lahore Mr. Munir Ahmed, AD&SJ

5. ATC No. I, Gujranwala Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah, D&SJ.

6. ATC No. II, Gujranwala Mr. Nisar Ahmad, AD&SJ

7. A TC No. I, Rawalpindi Malik Muhammad Akram Awan, D&SJ

8. ATC No. II, Rawalpindi Mr. Baqir Ali Rana, D&SJ

9. A TC No. I, Multan. Mr. Sarwar Saleem Ullah, D&SJ.

10. A TC No. II, Multan. Mr. Javed Iqbal, D&SJ

11. A TC, Faisalabad. Raja Muhammad Arshad, D&SJ

12. ATC, Sargodha Mian Muhammad Anwar Nazir, D&SJ

13. A TC, Bahawalpur Mr. Habib Ullah Amir, D&SJ

14. A TC, D.G Khan. Mr. Pervez Ismail, AD&SJ

11.3. Statement Showing Place of Sitting and Name of Judges Working In Sindh Province w.e.f. 01.01.2009 TO 31.12.2009.


1 Syed Hassan Shah Bukhari A.T.C Karachi‐I Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Memon 2 A.T.C Karachi‐II Karachi (Vacant Since 15‐11‐2009 )

3 Mr. Anand Ram Hotwani A.T.C Karachi‐III Mr. Akhlaque Hussain Larik 4 A.T.C. Hyderabad Hyderabad (Vacant Since 15‐11‐2009 ) 5 Mr. Bashir Ahmed Dargai A.T.C. Mirpurkhas Mirpurkhas

6 Mr. Saleemuddin A. Patoli A.T.C Badin Badin

7 Mr. Ahmed Nawaz Shaikh A.T.C. Sukkur Sukkur

8 Mr. Sajjad Hussain Kolachi A.T.C. Khairpur Khairpur

Mr. Azizullah Abro (Vacant Since 12‐05‐2009 However, 9 A.T.C Larkan * Larkana Mr. Abdul Hakeem Brohi has been appointed on 09‐01‐2010 A.T.C. Shaheed ** 10 Mr. Agha Ghulam Muhammad Shaheed Benazirabad Benazir Abad

11 Mr. Sardar Khan Chandio A.T.C. Jacobabad Jacobabad Note: * ATC‐ Larkana ‐I transferred to Shaheed Benazirabad on 16‐01‐2009. ** ATC ‐Larkana‐II renamed as Larkana on 16.01.2009.

45 11.4 Statement showing the name of Addl. and special public prosecutors of Anti‐Terrorism Courts in Sindh province working on 31.12.2009.


Mr. Muhammad Khan 1 Anti terrorism Court‐I, Karachi Karachi S.P.P. Buriro

S.P.P. Mr. Ghulam Asghar Khichi

Anti terrorism Court‐II, 2 Karachi Addl. S.P.P. Mst. Tahira Pechuho Karachi

Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Sajjad Hussain Mangro

Mr. Mubashar Ahmed S.P.P. Mirza Anti terrorism Court‐III, 3 Karachi Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Talat Mehmood Lanjar Karachi Mr. Mussaf Baleegh Addl. S.P.P. Dhamro

S.P.P. Mr. Zamin Hussain Mirza

Anti terrorism Court, 4 Hyderabad Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Arshad Hussain Shaikh Hyderabad

Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Nazir Ahmed

Mr. Muhammad Bachal S.P.P. Parhiar 5 Anti terrorism Court Badin Badin Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Sikandar Ali Khawaja

S.P.P. Mr. Muzaffar Leghari

Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed Leghari Anti terrorism Court Mirpurkha 6 Mr. Saeed Ahmed M. Mirpurkhas s Shaikh Addl. S.P.P.

S.P.P. Mrs. Shahida Memon Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Ziauddin Qasmi Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Addl. S.P.P. 7 Anti terrorism Court Sukkur Sukkur Soomro Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Ghulam Akbar Soomro

Addl. S.P.P. Shakeel Ahmed Ansari S.P.P. Ms. Ghazala Siyal 8 Anti terrorism Court Khairpur Khairpur Addl. S.P.P. Ms. Rehana Soomro Shaheed Anti terrorism Court S.P.P. Mr. Bashir Ahmed Siyal 9 Benazir Shaheed Benazir Abad Abad Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Ghulam Yaseen Ansari S.P.P. Mr. Mehar Ali Abro

Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Chetan Lal

Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Shamsuddin 10 Anti terrorism Court, Larkana Larkana Addl. S.P.P. Mr.Ghulam Saghir Baloch

Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Mubashar Ali

Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Iqbal Hussain

S.P.P. Mr. Ahsan Memon

Addl. S.P.P. Mr.Qurban Ali Masoori

Anti terrorism Court Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Shaukat Ali Solangi 11 Jacobabad Jacobabad Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Hayatullah Khan Babar Addl. S.P.P. Mr. Majid Hussain Chandio Mr. Sarfraz Ahmed Addl. S.P.P. Soomro Administrative Court Mr. Arshad Iqabal 12 Karachi S.P.P. Anti terrorism Courts, Karachi Cheema

Total S.P.P. (Special Public Prosecutor) = 12 Total Addl. S.P.P. (Additional Special Public Prosecutor) = 26

47 11.5. Statement showing pending cases of each Anti Terrorism Courts in Sindh for the month of December 2009.

TOTAL S.NO. NAME OF THE COURT PENDING CASES 1 A.T.C Karachi‐I 44 2 A.T.C Karachi‐II 29 3 A.T.C. Karchi‐III 81 4 A.T.C. Hyderabad 54 5 A.T.C Badin 35 6 A.T.C Mirpurkhas 17 7 A.T.C Shaheed Benazirabad 50 9 A.T.C. Khairpur 168 8 A.T.C Sukkur 144 10 A.T.C Larkana 110 11 A.T.C Jacobabad 153 TOTAL 885

11.6. Consolidated statement showing institution, disposal and pending of cases before the anti‐terrorism courts in province of Sindh from 1st January 2009 to 31, December, 2009.

/QUISHMENT/Compromise (BY (01.01.09


TOTAL OF ‐ 12 ‐



COURT 31.12.09)


Karachi ATC‐I 35 46 81 13 7 3 1 13 0 20 37 44

Karachi ATC‐II 51 20 71 13 19 2 1 7 0 32 42 29

Karachi ATC‐III 69 36 105 6 15 0 0 3 0 21 24 81

Hyderabad ATC 58 45 103 3 27 2 2 9 6 30 49 54 Badin ATC 22 26 48 1 9 1 1 1 0 10 13 35 Mirpurkhas ATC 22 13 35 2 1 0 0 15 0 3 18 17 Shaheed Benazir 0 66 66 2 7 0 1 6 0 9 16 50 Abad ATC Sukkur ATC 105 137 242 9 18 17 0 45 9 27 98 144

49 Khairpur ATC 104 139 243 4 22 10 4 35 0 26 75 168 Larkana ATC‐I (Court transfer to 55 0 55 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 Sh.Benazir Abad on 19‐01‐09) Larkana ATC (Rename ATC 7 107 114 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 110 Larkana) Jacobabad ATC 103 63 166 1 2 3 0 7 0 3 13 153 TOTAL 631 698 1329 54 127 38 10 200 15 181 444 885

11.7. Statement showing the cases decided by Anti Terrorism Courts in Sindh w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 TO 31‐12‐2009.

July May June April March TOTAL August GRAND January October February December November September Court



I ‐

0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 2 0 2 7 4 0 4 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 20 13 A.T.C Karachi

II ‐

1 1 2 0 3 3 1 4 5 0 0 0 0 2 2 7 0 7 3 0 3 6 6 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 19 32 13 A.T.C Karachi


1 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 4 4 0 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 3 1 15 21 Karachi A.T.C

2 3 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 27 30 A.T.C. Hyderabad


0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 9 10 Badin A.T.C.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 A.T.C. Mirpurkhas


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 7 9 A.T.C. Benazir


3 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 0 6 6 3 0 3 0 2 2 0 4 4 0 1 1 22 26 A.T.C Khairpur

0 1 1 2 3 0 3 3 0 5 5 9 1 0 1 2 2 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 5 5 1 18 27 A.T.C Sukkur

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A.T.C Larkana

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A.T.C Jacobabad

4 3 2 4 7 3 7 7 5 6 2 5 3 9 7 6 5 11 15 13 16 18 20 11 10 54 12 11 17 22 24 10 15 11 14 16 11 127 181 TOTAL

53 11.8. Statement showing the cases disposed of by the special courts (Anti Terrorism Courts) in Sindh w.e.f. 15‐09‐1997 to 11‐05‐ 1999.

NUMBER OF DECIDED CASES Monthly Disposal/ Number of S.NO. NAME OF COURT Analysis since the months the CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL establishment of Courts Courts worked

Anti Terrorism Court 1 17 3 20 1.00 20.0 ( Karachi Division )

Anti Terrorism Court 2 17 15 32 1.60 20.0 ( Hyderabad & Mirpurkhas Division )

Anti Terrorism Court 3 11 3 14 0.70 20.0 (Sukkur & Larkana Division)

TOTAL 45 21 66 1.10 60.0

11.9. Statement showing the cases disposed of by the special courts (Anti Terrorism Courts) in Sindh w.e.f. 12‐05‐1999 to 31‐12‐ 2009.

NUMBER OF DECIDED CASES Monthly Disposal/ Number of Analysis since the months the S.NO. NAME OF COURT establishment of Courts CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL Courts worked Anti Terrorism Court‐I Karachi 1 (Established on 12‐05‐1999) 94 99 193 1.51 127.5 Anti Terrorism Court‐II Karachi 2 78 89 167 1.31 127.5 (Established on 12‐05‐1999) (Vacant) Anti Terrorism Court‐III Karachi 3 (Established on 12‐05‐1999) 151 86 237 1.86 127.5 Anti Terrorism Court‐IV Karachi 4 (Established on 12‐05‐1999 and 71 19 90 0.94 96.0 Transferred on 16.05.07 as ATC‐I Larkana) Anti Terrorism Court‐V Karachi 5 (Established on 12‐05‐1999 and 62 29 91 0.87 111.0 Transferred on 11.08.08 as ATC Badin) Anti Terrorism Court‐VI Karachi 6 (Established on 12‐05‐1999 and re‐notify as 15 3 18 0.57 31.5 ATC Sukkur‐III on 22.12.01) Anti Terrorism Court‐VII Karachi 7 (Established on 12‐05‐1999 and re‐notify as 3 2 5 0.16 31.5 ATC Sukkur‐IV on 22.12.01) Anti Terrorism Court Hyderabad 8 (Established on 12‐05‐1999) (Vacant) 146 172 318 2.50 127.5

55 Anti Terrorism Court Badin 9 1 9 10 0.61 16.5 (Established on 11.08.2008) Anti Terrorism Court Sukkur 10 (Established on 12‐05‐1999) 136 202 338 2.66 127.5 Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Sukkur (Established on 05‐03‐2002 and 11 141 40 181 2.37 76.5 Transferred on 19‐07‐2008 as ATC Mirpurkhas ) Anti Terrorism Court‐III Sukkur 12 (Established on 22‐12‐2001 and 137 58 195 3.28 59.5 Transferred on 15‐11‐2006 as ATC Khairpur) Anti Terrorism Court Shaheed Benazir Abad 13 (Established on 19‐01‐09 2 7 9 0.78 11.5 in place of ATC Larkana‐I) Anti Terrorism Court Mirpurkhas 14 (Established on 12‐05‐1999 and Abolished on 21 19 40 1.38 29.0 22‐09‐01) Anti Terrorism Court Mirpurkhas 15 (Established on 19‐07‐2008) 2 2 4 0.23 17.5 Anti Terrorism Court Khairpur 16 13 30 43 1.15 37.5 (Established on 15‐11‐2006) Anti Terrorism Court Larkana 17 (Established on 12‐05‐1999 20 13 33 1.29 25.5 and Abolished on 05‐07‐2001) Anti Terrorism Court Larkana *** 18 0 0 0 0.00 11.5 (Established on 19‐01‐2009) (Vacant)

Anti Terrorism Court‐I, Larkana (Established on 16‐05‐2007 19 2 1 3 0.16 19.0 and transferred on 19‐01‐09 as ATC Sh. Benazir Abad) Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Larkana *** 20 (Established on 16‐05‐2007 and 0 0 0 0.00 19.0 Renamed as ATC Larkana on 19.01.2009) Anti Terrorism Court‐III, Larkana 21 (Established on 16‐05‐2007 and 0 2 2 0.14 14.0 Transferred on 19‐07‐2008 as ATC Jacobabad

Anti Terrorism Court, Jacobabad 22 (Established on 19‐07‐2008) 1 2 3 0.17 17.5

TOTAL 1095 882 1980 1.09 1262.0

1140 903 2046 **1.09 1322.0 GRAND TOTAL NOTE: * The highlighted courts are now working in Sindh Province. ** Since the establishment of Anti‐terrorism Courts in Sindh i.e. 15.09.1997 to 31.12.2009 the courts have disposed of 2046 cases during last 12 years @ 1.09 cases per month. There are still 897 cases pending in ATCs for disposal accordingly (6.4) years more required to dispose of the backlog, if further no case is registered in AT Courts. While in the year 2009 their disposal average is 1.43 cases per month of a court. *** In the month of January 2010 Mr. Abdul Hakeem Brohi was appointed.

57 11.20. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Hassan Shah Bukhari Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I Karachi, w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009.

NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED Sr. No. MONTHS CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 4 0 4 2 Feb‐09 1 1 2 3 Mar‐09 1 0 1 4 Apr‐09 1 0 1 5 May‐09 1 1 2 6 Jun‐09 1 1 2 7 Jul‐09 1 1 2 8 Aug‐09 1 0 1 9 Sep‐09 0 0 0 10 Oct‐09 0 1 1 11 Nov‐09 0 2 2 12 Dec‐09 2 0 2 TOTAL 13 7 20

11.21. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Hassan Shah Bukhari joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I, Karachi, w.e.f. 19‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure).


Year 2008 1 1 2 3 (From 19.07.2008)

2 Year 2009 13 7 20

Total 14 9 23

59 11.22. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Memon Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Karachi. w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 20‐11‐2009.


1 Jan‐09 1 1 2 2 Feb‐09 0 3 3 3 Mar‐09 1 4 5 4 Apr‐09 0 0 0 5 May‐09 0 2 2 6 Jun‐09 7 0 7 7 Jul‐09 3 0 3 8 Aug‐09 1 1 2 9 Sep‐09 0 6 6 10 Oct‐09 0 1 1 11 Nov‐09 0 1 1 TOTAL 13 19 32 * Tenure completed on 20.11.2009.

11.23. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Memon joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Karachi. w.e.f. 16‐05‐07 to 20‐11‐2009 (Full tenure).


Year 2007 1 0 4 4 (From 16.05.2007)

2 Year 2008 7 12 19

Year 2009 3 13 19 32 (Upto 20.11.2009)

Total 20 35 55

61 11.24. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Anand Ram Hotwani Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐III Karachi, w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009.


1 Jan‐09 0 2 2 2 Feb‐09 2 0 2 3 Mar‐09 0 4 4 4 Apr‐09 0 1 1 5 May‐09 1 2 3 6 Jun‐09 0 0 0 7 Jul‐09 0 1 1 8 Aug‐09 0 3 3 9 Sep‐09 1 1 2 10 Oct‐09 1 1 2 11 Nov‐09 1 0 1 12 Dec‐09 0 0 0

TOTAL 6 15 21

11.25. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Anand Ram Hotwani joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐III, Karachi. w.e.f. 21‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure).


Year 2008 1 2 0 2 (From 21.07.2008)

2 Year 2009 6 15 21

Total 8 15 23

63 11.26. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Akhlaque Hussain Larik Judge Anti Terrorism Court Hyderabad w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 30‐11‐2009.

Sr. NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED MONTHS No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 1 1 2 2 Feb‐09 0 1 1 3 Mar‐09 0 7 7 4 Apr‐09 0 7 7 5 May‐09 0 2 2 6 Jun‐09 0 0 0 7 Jul‐09 0 1 1 8 Aug‐09 1 1 2 9 Sep‐09 1 2 3 10 Oct‐09 0 5 5 11 Nov‐09 0 0 0

TOTAL 3 27 30 * Tenure completed on 30.11.2009.

11.27 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Akhlaque Hussain Larik joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court Hyderabad, w.e.f. 16‐05‐2007 to 30‐11‐2009 (Full tenure).

Sr. NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED YEAR No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL Year 2007 1 1 11 12 (From 16.05.2007) 2 Year 2008 1 34 35 Year 2009 3 3 27 30 (Upto 30.11.09.) Total 5 72 77

11.28. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Bashir Ahmed Dargai Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Mirpurkhas W.E.F. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009.

NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED Sr. MONTHS No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 0 0 0 2 Feb‐09 0 0 0 3 Mar‐09 0 0 0 4 Apr‐09 1 0 1 5 May‐09 0 0 0 6 Jun‐09 0 0 0 7 Jul‐09 0 1 1

65 8 Aug‐09 1 0 1 9 Sep‐09 0 0 0 10 Oct‐09 0 0 0 11 Nov‐09 0 0 0 12 Dec‐09 0 0 0 TOTAL 2 1 3

11.29. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Bashir Ahmed Dargai Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Mirpurkhas w.e.f. 19‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure).


Year 2008 1 0 1 1 (From 19.07.2008) 1 Year 2009 2 1 3 Total 2 2 4

11.30 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Saleemuddin A Patoli Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Badin w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009.


2 Feb‐09 0 2 2 3 Mar‐09 0 0 0 4 Apr‐09 0 1 1 5 May‐09 0 2 2 6 Jun‐09 0 2 2 7 Jul‐09 0 0 0 8 Aug‐09 0 1 1 9 Sep‐09 0 0 0 10 Oct‐09 0 0 0 11 Nov‐09 1 0 1 12 Dec‐09 0 1 1 TOTAL 1 9 10

11.31. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Saleemuddin A. Patoli Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Badin w.e.f. 29‐09‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure).

NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED Sr. YEAR No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL Year 2008 1 0 0 0 (From 29.09.2008) 1 Year 2009 1 9 10

Total 1 9 10

67 11.32 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Ahmed Nawaz Sheikh Judge, Anti Terrorism Court Sukkur, w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009. Sr. NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED MONTHS No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 1 0 1 2 Feb‐09 2 2 4 3 Mar‐09 0 1 1 4 Apr‐09 0 0 0 5 May‐09 1 0 1 6 Jun‐09 1 0 1 7 Jul‐09 2 0 2 8 Aug‐09 0 5 5 9 Sep‐09 1 0 1 10 Oct‐09 1 2 3 11 Nov‐09 0 3 3 12 Dec‐09 0 5 5 TOTAL 9 18 27

11.33. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Ahmed Nawaz Sheikh joined as Judge, Anti Terrorism Court Sukkur, w.e.f. 19‐07‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure).


1 Year 2008 (From 19‐07‐2008) 5 2 7 2 Year 2009 9 18 27 Total 14 20 34

11.34 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sajjad Hussain Kolachi Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Khairpur. w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009.

Sr. NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED MONTH No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 0 1 1 2 Feb‐09 1 2 3 3 Mar‐09 0 6 6 4 Apr‐09 3 0 3 5 May‐09 0 2 2 6 Jun‐09 0 4 4 7 Jul‐09 0 1 1 8 Aug‐09 0 0 0 9 Sep‐09 0 3 3 10 Oct‐09 0 2 2 11 Nov‐09 0 0 0 12 Dec‐09 0 1 1 TOTAL 4 22 26

11.35 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sajjad Hussain Kolachi Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Khairpur. w.e.f. 30‐09‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full Tenure).

NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED Sr. No. YEAR CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Year 2008 (From 30.09.2008) 0 0 0 2 Year 2009 4 22 26 Total 4 22 26


11.36 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Agha Ghulam Muhammad Khan Judge Anti Terrorism Court, Shaheed Benazir Abad w.e.f. 16‐01‐09 to 31‐12‐2009. NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED Sr. No. MONTHS CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 0 0 0 2 Feb‐09 0 0 0 3 Mar‐09 0 0 0 4 Apr‐09 0 1 1 5 May‐09 0 0 0 6 Jun‐09 0 0 0 7 Jul‐09 0 0 0 8 Aug‐09 0 0 0 9 Sep‐09 0 0 0 10 Oct‐09 0 5 5 11 Nov‐09 2 1 3 12 Dec‐09 0 0 0 TOTAL 2 7 9

11.37 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Agha Ghulam Muhammad Khan joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I Larkana w.e.f. 05‐11‐08 TO 15‐01‐2009 joined as Anti Terrorism Court Shaheed Benazir Abad w.e.f. 16‐01‐ 09 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full tenure). NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED Sr. No. YEAR CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Year 2008 (From 05.11.2008) 2 0 2 2 Year 2009 2 7 9 Total 4 7 11

11.38 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Azizullah Abro Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Larkana w.e.f. 05‐11‐2008 to 16‐01‐ 2009 judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I, larkana w.e.f. 16‐01‐2009 to 11.05.2009.

Sr. NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED MONTHS No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 0 0 0 2 Feb‐09 0 0 0 3 Mar‐09 0 0 0 4 Apr‐09 0 0 0 5 May‐09 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 * Resigned on 11.05.2009.

11.39. Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Azizullah Abro joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court‐I & II, Larkana w.e.f. 05‐11‐2008 to 11‐05‐2009 (Full tenure). NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED Sr. No. YEAR CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL Year 2008 1 0 0 0 (from 05.11.2008) 2 Year 2009 (Upto 11.05.2009) 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0

71 11.40 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sardar Khan Chandio Judge Anti Terrorism Court Jacobabad w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009.

Sr. NUMBER OF CASES DECIDED MONTHS No. CONVICTION ACQUITTAL TOTAL 1 Jan‐09 0 0 0 2 Feb‐09 0 0 0 3 Mar‐09 0 0 0 4 Apr‐09 0 0 0 5 May‐09 0 0 0 6 Jun‐09 0 0 0 7 Jul‐09 0 0 0 8 Aug‐09 0 0 0 9 Sep‐09 0 1 1 10 Oct‐09 0 1 1 11 Nov‐09 0 0 0 12 Dec‐09 1 0 1 TOTAL 1 2 3

11.41 Statement showing the cases decided by Mr. Sardar Khan Chandio joined as Judge Anti Terrorism Court Jacobabad w.e.f. 05‐11‐2008 to 31‐12‐2009 (Full Tenure).


2 Year 2009 1 2 3

Total 1 2 3

73 11.42 State of cases disposed off w.e.f. 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2009

Karachi A.T.C.‐I

Disposal of Cases

Spl. FIR Sr. Police Name of Offence Under Case NO.& Remarks No. Station accused Section Sentence No. Date Name of acquittal Name of convict (Death, Life, RI etc)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 65/08 40/08 Orangi Syed Kamal Shah 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Syed Kamal Accused Accused are Town R/W 7 (e) ATA‐ Shah awarded Life convicted 1997 2. Hazar Syed Imprisonment on 31‐01‐09 3. Rawan Khan and fine of Rs. 4. Ali Mutiullah 2 lace each

2 66/08 12/08 AVCU Syed Kamal 13‐D Arms Syed Kamal Shah RI 2 years Accused is Shah Ordinance convicted on 31‐01‐09 3 67/08 13/08 AVCU Hazrat Syed 13‐D Arms Hazrat Syed RI 2 years Accused is Ordinance convicted on 31‐01‐09 4 68/08 14/08 AVCU Ali Mutiullah 13‐D Arms Ali Mutiullah RI 2 years Accused is Ordinance convicted on 31‐01‐09

5 46/07 222/07 Frere Shahzad Masih 365‐ 1. Shahzad Accused Accused are and others A/302/34/PPC Mashih awarded convicted R/W 7(E) ATA 2. Nisar Ahmed death on 14‐02‐2009 3. Munir Ahmed sentence 6 32/06 155/06 Frere Ashiq Hussain 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Ashiq Hussain Accused are and others R/W 7(E) ATA 2. Nehal Khan acquitted Talani 26‐02‐2009 3. Ashouk Kumar 7 48/07 77/07 Memon Hadi Bux and 365‐A/34/PPC 1.Hadi Bux Accused Accused are Goth others R/W 7 (e) ATA 2. Khaskheli awarded Life convicted 3. Allah Dino @ Imprisonment on 31‐03‐2009 Dino Mallah 4. Murtaza Pathan

8 129/08 616/08 Sohrab Tahseel Khan 302/365‐ 1.Tahseel Khan Accused Accused are Goth and others A/34/PPC 2. Taj awarded convicted Muhammad @ death on 30‐04‐09 Tajoo sentence 9 60/08 79/07 Rizvia 1. Muhammad 386/395/109/PPC 1. Muhammad Muhammad RI 3 years Accused is Society Shahid R/W 7 ATA Shahid Abid convicted 2. Muhammad 2. Naeemuddin 0n 28‐05‐09 Abid Hussain 3.Naeemuddin

10 100/08 65/08 Malir 1. Syed Fahim 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Syed Fahim Accused are Cantt Hussain Hussain acquitted 2. Syed Afzal Ali 2. Syed Afzal Ali 0n 30‐05‐09 3. Syed Atif 3. Syed Atif Abbas Abbas

75 11 102/08 478/08 Sachal Adnan Ahmed 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Adnan Ahmed Accused Accused convicted Khan and others Khan Imprisonment on 29‐06‐2009 2. Naila for Life

12 106/08 189/07 Azizabad 1. Muhammad 385/386/34/PPC 1. Muhammad Accused are Faisal Saleem Faisal Saleem acquitted 2. Nauman Ikram 2. Nauman Ikram on 29‐06‐09

13 21/06 343/05 Shahrah‐ Ashok Kumar 365‐A/34/PPC 7 1. Shaman Bhand Ashok Kumar @ Accused Accused is e‐Faisal and others (e) ATA 2.Ashiq Hussain Doctor awarded Life convicted Nehal Khan @ Imprisonment on 28‐07‐09 Niaz @ Ustad

14 01/99 56/98 Ibrahim uhammad Yar 302/395/324/335 . Muhammad Yar Accused is Hyderi Khan /34/PPC Khan acquitted on 24‐07‐09 15 61/09 331/09 Zaman HC Bashir 364‐ 1.HC Bashir Accused Accused are Town Ahmed and A/376/302/34/PP Ahmed awarded convicted others C r/w Seciton 7 2. Noor death on 31‐08‐09 ATA 1997 Muhammad sentence and fine of Rs. 100000/‐ each

16 46/06 70/06 Super 1. Kamran @ 302/34/PPC R/W 1. Kamran @ Kami Accused are Market Kami 7 (a) ATA 2. Farhan @ Goal acquitted 2. Farhan @ Goal on 31‐10‐09

17 1. Muhammad Accused are Kamran 41/06 62/06 Saudabad 302/34/PPC acquitted Muhammad 2. Muhammad on 26‐11‐09 Kamran and Farhan @ Goal others 18 24/09 192/06 CID Sindh Farah @ Goal @ 13‐D A.O Farah @ Goal @ Accused is Shani Shani acquitted on 26‐11‐09 19

Accused Accused is Mohammad 365‐A/PPC R/W 7 Mohammad 20/09 45/09 Kalari awarded Life convicted on Saleem ATA Saleem Imprisoment 22‐12‐09

20 21/09 10/09 AVCC Mohammad 13‐D A.O Mohammad RI 7 years Accused is Karachi Saleem Saleem convicted on 22‐ 12‐09


Karachi A.T.C.‐II

1 41/07 377/07 S.I.T.E Sultan Zaib and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Sultan Zaib Accused are others 2. Isrial acquitted on 29‐01‐09 2 87/08 223/08 Darakshan Iftikhar and 365‐ 1. Iftikhar Accsued Accused are others A/302/109/34 Ahmed awarded Life convicted /PPC 2. Muhammad Imprisonment on 31‐01‐09 Nawaz 3 42/07 195/07 SITE Karachi Abdul Wahib and 365‐A/34 PPC 1. Abdul Wahab Accused are others 2. Sultan Zab @ acquitted Jameel 12‐02‐2009

4 39/07 497/07 Korangi Sultan Zaib and 365‐A/34 PPC 1. Sultan Accused are others 2. Israil acquitted 3. Noor Bacha 27‐02‐2009

5 46/04 01/04 Sachal DSP Syed 365‐ 1. DSP Ghulam Accused are Ghulam Mustafa A/342/344/PPC Mustafa acquitted Shah and others 2. Sarfaraz 29‐02‐2009

6 82/08 295/08 Ferozabad Waseem Ahmed 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Waseem Accused Accused are and others Ahmed awarded Life convicted 2. Muhammad Imprisonment on 06‐03‐2009 Ali and forefeiture their property each

7 61/08 205/02 Garden Zubairuddin and 302/324/34/PPC` 1. Zubiruddin Accused are others 2. Muhammad acquitted Atif on 13‐03‐09 3. Muhammad Asif 4. Muhammad Wajahat 5. Muhammad Arshad 8 55/07 127/07 Garden Habib Zahid and 302/353/392/34/ 1. Habib Zahid Accused are others PPC 2. Yasir Lala acquitted on 31‐03‐09 9 56/07 261/07 Kalakot Habib Zahid 13‐D A.O Habib Zahid Accused is acquitted on 31‐03‐09 10 57/07 262/07 Kalakot Yasir @ Laloo 13‐D A.O Yasir @ Lala Accused is acquitted on 31‐03‐09 11 05/09 35/09 Mithadar Faheem Ahmed 25 Telegraph Act Faheem Ahmed Accused is /507/PPC acquitted on 14‐05‐09

12 138/0 416/08 Mominabad Amjad 365‐A/34/PPC 7 Amjad Accused is 8 ATA acquitted on 30‐05‐09

13 74/08 153/07 Gulistan‐e‐ Hussain Raza @ 302/353/324/186 1. Muhammad 1. Hasnain Raza Accused Accused are Johar Kashif and /PPC Saleem @ Kashif awarded conviicted others 2. Ghulam Rasool 2. Subtain Raza Imprisonment on 30‐06‐2009 3. Ch.Zulfiqar 3.Muhammad for Life 4. Shafqat Ashraf 4. Shoaib Raza

79 14 75/08 155/07 Gulistan‐e‐ Hasnain Raza @ 13‐D A.O Hasnain Raza @ RI 5 years Accused is Johar Khshif Khshif convicted on 29‐06‐09

15 76/08 156/07 Gulistan‐e‐ Subtain Raza 13‐D A.O Subtain Raza RI 5 years Accused is Johar convicted on 29‐06‐09 16 77/08 157/07 Gulistan‐e‐ Muhammad 13‐D A.O Muhammad RI 5 years Accused is Johar Ashraf Ashraf convicted on 29‐06‐09 17 79/08 159/07 Gulistan‐e‐ Muhammad 13‐D A.O Muhammad RI 5 years Accused is Johar Saleem Saleem convicted on 29‐06‐09 18 80/08 160/07 Gulistan‐e‐ Shoaib Raza 13‐D A.O Shoaib Raza RI 5 years Accused is Johar convicted on 29‐06‐09 19 81/08 161/07 Gulistan‐e‐ Hasnain Raza @ 13‐E A.O Hasnain Raza @ RI 5 years Accused is Johar Khshif Khshif convicted on 29‐06‐09

20 26/06 46/06 Mehrabpur Khadim Hussain 302/504./337‐ 1. Khadim Accuused Accused are and others H2/ 7 ATA Hussain awarded Life convicted 2. Akhtar Ali Imprisonment on 31‐07‐09

21 27/06 49/06 Mehrabpur Khaidm Hussain 13‐E A.O Khaidm Hussain RI.7 years Accused is convictedon 31‐ 07‐09

22 28/06 50/06 Mehrabpur Akhtar Ali 13‐E A.O Akhtar Ali RI.7 years Accused is convicted on 31‐07‐09

23 36/09 238/08 Khawaja Ajmer 1. Imran 386/384/34/PPC 1. Imran Accused are Nagri 2. Nasir Ali 2. Nasir Ali acquitted on 25‐08‐09

24 128/0 331/08 Quaidabad Muhammad 365‐ Muhammad Accused Accused is 8 Faheem A/302/34/PPC Faheem awarded Life convicted Imprisonment on 31‐08‐09

25 06/09 09/09 Bilal Colony Muhammad 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Muhammad Accused are Aamir and Aamir acquitted others 2. Ahmed Raza on 18‐09‐09 3. Mehboob Illahi 4. Muhammad Wajid 26 48/09 117/09 Korangi Saleem Bangali 365‐A/34/PPC Saleem Bangali Accused is acquitted on 26‐09‐09 27 49/09 118/09 Korangi Saleem Bangali 13‐D Saleem Bangali Accused is acquitted on 26‐09‐09 28 96/08 412/08 SITE Aamir Ali and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Aamir Ali Accused are others 2. Aamir Zia acquitted 3. Muhammad on 30‐09‐09 Khalid 29 97/09 233/09 Pakistan Bazar Aamir Ali 13‐D A.O Aamir Ali Accused is acquitted on 30‐09‐09 30 98/09 234/09 Pakistan Bazar Aamir Zia 13‐D A.O Aamir Zia Accused is acquitted on 30‐09‐09 31 07/03 92/02 Civil Line Muhammad 302/324/120‐ Muhammad Accused is Sohail B/PPC Sohail acquitted ( Sheraton Bomb on 31‐10‐09 Blast )

32 56/09 59/09 Shah Latif Town 1. Sajjan Magsi 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Sajjan Magsi Accused are 2. Mehar Ali 2. Mehar Ali Magsi acquitted Magsi on 07‐11‐09


Karachi A.T.C‐III

1 15/05 73/05 Gulberg Iqbal Hussain @ 365‐A/34/PPC Iqbal Hussain @ Accused is Munna Munna acquitted on 21‐01‐09

15‐ 73/05 Gulberg Muhammad 365‐A/34/PPC Muhammad Accused is A/05 Shiraz Shiraz acquitted on 21‐01‐09

3 63/08 159/07 Gulshan‐e‐Iqbal Shahid Reheem 386/34/PPC Shahid Reheem RI 5 years Accused is convicted on 16‐02‐09

4 05/07 34/07 Quaidabad 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Muhammad Accused Accused are Qasim awarded Life convicted 2. Muhammad Imprisonment on 28‐02‐09 Muhammad Tahir . Qasim and 3. Saqib Shah others 5 69/08 88/08 Surjani Town Rab Nawaz 365‐A/34/PPC Rab Nawaz Accused is acquitted on 17‐03‐2009

6 83/08 48/08 Baldia Town 1. Abdul Shahzad 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Abdul Shahzad Accused are 2. Muhammad 2. Muhammad acquitted Danish Danish on 28‐03‐2009 3.Muhammad 3.Muhammad Shoaib Shoaib 4. Muhammad 4. Muhammad Arif Arif 7 84/08 18/08 Chakiwara 13‐D A.O Abid Shahzad Accused is acquitted Abid Shahzad on 28‐03‐2009

8 85/08 19/08 Chakiwara Muhammad 13‐D A.O Muhammad Accused is Danish Danish acquitted on 28‐03‐2009 9 141/0 130/01 Ferozabad Liaquat Hussain 365‐A/34/PPC Liaquat Hussain Accused is 1 acquitted on 22‐04‐09 10 27/03 127/03 Defence Rustam @ Hyder 395‐ 1. Rustam @ Accused are @ Khan2. Tuseef /396/302/34/PPC Hyder @ Khan2. acquitted on 07‐ Ahmed @ 10(4) Zian 17(4) Tuseef Ahmed 05‐09 Shadab @Shahji Hudood 11 57/08 427/07 Boat asin Khan Afsar 365‐A/34/PPC 7 Khan Afsar Accused is ATA acquitted on 29‐05‐09 12 01/07 174/06 Sir Syed Muhammad 365‐ 1. Muhammad Accused Accused are Ramzan and A/395/34/PPC Ramzan awarded Life convicted others R/W 7 ATA 2. Muhammad Imprisonment on 30‐05‐09 Akbar 3. Abdul Ghafoor 4. Muhammad Asif 13 130/0 557/08 Shahra‐e‐Faisal Yaseen Ghani 365‐A/34/PPC Yaseen Ghani Accused is 8 acquitted on 26‐07‐09 14 06/07 36/07 Darakshan 1.Farooq 365‐ 1.Farooq Accused are 2. Abid A/392/34/PPC 7 2. Abid acquitted 3. Ameer Jan (e) ATA 1997 3. Ameer Jan on 31‐08‐09 15 07/09 32/07 Clifton Abid 13‐D A.O Abid Accused is acquitted on 31‐08‐09 16 08/09 33/07 Clifton Ameer 13‐D A.O Ameer Accused is acquitted on 31‐08‐09

83 17 58/08 20/08 Sharafi Goth Muhammad 365‐A/34/PPC Muhammad Accused Accused is Umar @ Imran Umar @ Imran awarded Life convicted Imprisonment on 08‐09‐2009 and fine of Rs. 1000000/‐ 18 103/0 222/08 Ibrahim Hydri 1. Ali Nawaz 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Ali Nawaz Accused are 8 2. Mureed Jatoi 2. Mureed Jatoi acquitted on 30‐09‐09

19 56/08 87/08 Taimuria 1. Saeed Alam 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Saeed Alam All accused Accused are 2. Muhammad 7(E) ATA 1997 2. Muhammad awarded Life convicted Imran Imran Imprisonment on 28‐10‐09 3. Muhammad 3. Muhammad and forfeited Zubair Zubair their moveable and Immoveable property upto Rs. 50,000/‐ each 20 105/0 392/08 Boat Basin Jehanzeb 365‐ Jehanzeb Hussain Accused is 8 Hussain A/302/34/ppc acquitted on 31‐10‐09 21 86/08 70/08 Gizari Rasool and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Muhammad Accused Accused are others Rasool awarded Life convicted 2.Tariq Hameed Imprisonment on 25‐11‐09 @ Junadi 3. Muhammad Waseem @ gitta 4. Muhammad Afzal @ Ustad 5. Gul Muneer

Hyderabad A.T.C

1 271/0 05/08 Bhit Shah Mehboob Buriro 302/365‐A/ppc Mehboob Buriro Accused Accused is 8 6/7 ATA awarded convicted death on 16‐01‐09 sentence and fine of Rs. 30000/‐ 2 31/06 97/05 Tharri Muhabat Ahmed Khan and 4 Explosive Act 1. Ahmed Khan Accused are others 6/7 ATA 2. Zulfiqar acquitted 3. Mushtaque on 19‐01‐09 Narejo 3 17/03 233/07 Kotri 1. Fazal Rabi 365‐ 1. Fazal Rabi Accused accused Phthan A/342/380/PPC Phthan with absconders 2. Bachawas 17(3) HO 2. Bachawas Khan acquitted Khan 3. Anan Pathan on 18‐02‐09 3. Anan Pathan Absconder Absconder 1. Mian Rasool 1. Mian Rasool Pathan Pathan 2. Hayat 2. Hayat Muhammad Muhammad Pathan Pathan

4 325/0 76/06 Market Rashid Minhas 302/365‐ Rashid Minhas Accused is 8 A/171/120‐B PPC acquitted 6/7 ATA on 12‐03‐09

85 5 29/07 96/07 Tando Allahyar Naveed Ahmed 324/435/341/147 1. Naveed Accused are and others /148/149/PPC Ahmed2. Aslam acquittedon 19‐ 6/7 ATA Solangi3. 03‐09 Habibullah Bhutto4. Ghulzar Ali Sargani5. Lakhi Muhammad 6 09/08 73/07 Site Hyderabad 147/148/149/ppc 1. Riaz Pathan Accused are 6/7 ATA 2. Muhammad acquitted Ameen on 21‐03‐09 Riaz Cheeta and 3. Gulam Mustafa others 4. Wali Muhammad 7 107/0 01/98 Phueli Mirza Waheed 395/427/147/148 Mirza Waheed Accused is 8 Ahmed /149/PPC 6/7ATA Ahmed acquitted on 21‐03‐09 8 53/08 20/08 Hussainabad Mushtaque and 435/427/147/148 1. Mushtaq Accused are others /149/PPC 6/7 Changar acquitted ATA 2. Ashraf Changar on 21‐03‐09 3. Muhammad Yaqoob 4. Akram Changar 5. Ali Abbas Sahto 6. Zaman Pathan 7. ImtiazSahto 9 08/08 05/08 Bhitai Nagar Kaleemullah and 435/427/147/148 1. Kaleemullah Accused are others /149/PPC 17(3) Chandio acquitted ho 6/7 ATA 2. Soomar on 21‐03‐09 Chandho

10 290/0 165/08 Qasimabad Shah Zaman and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Shah Zaman Accused are 9 others 6/7 ATA Shah acquitted 2. jYaseen on 31‐03‐09 Khaskheli 3. Muhammad Umar Rashidi 4. Sadam Hussain Rashidi

11 1. Noor Accused are Muhammad acquitted Noor Mahar on 03‐04‐09 384/506(2)/34/ 14/07 13/07 Bhittai Nagar Muhammad and 2. Munawar PPC others Chandio 3. Khadim Hussain Mugheri 12 1. Master Usman Accused are Chachar acquitted 2. Mor Chachar on 17‐04‐09 26/08 Master Usam 3. Muhammad 436/343/120‐ 17/08 29‐12‐ Chachar Chachar and Arab Chachar B149/PPC 07 others 4. Aachar Chachar 5. Ameer Chacher 6. Rahim Chachar 7. Mithal Chachar

270/07 Accused is 324/435.147/148 13 19/08 30‐12‐ Kotri Abid Jamali Abid Jamali acquitted /149/PPC 08 on 17‐04‐09

87 1. Akbar Chandio 2. Abdul Sattar Shore 3. Sher Ali Mallah 4. Munir Ahmed Shaikh 206/07 436/427/147/148 Accused are 270/0 Akbar Chandio 5. Gul Hassan 14 28‐12‐ Jamahoro /149/PPC acquitted 8 and others Abro 07 6/7/ATA on 17‐04‐09 6. Faqeer Hussain Mallah 7. Imam Bux Lashari 8. Mukhtiar Ali Mangst

05/09 19/09 Fort Raja Ali and 324 QD 1. Rajab Ali Sahito Accused are others 436/427/34/ppc 2. Assad Mubin acquitted 6/7 ATA Sahtito on 22‐04‐09 3. Khan 15 Muhammad Chandio 4. Mushtaq Ali Soomro

1. Muhammad Muhammad 324/QD Saleem Channa2. Accused are 16 06/09 22/09 Makki Shah Saleem and 436/427/147/148 Murtaza acquittedon 22‐ others /149/ppc 6/7 ATA Chandio3. Hussain 04‐09 Bux Qambrani

1. Muhammad Muhammad 324/QD/436/427 Qasim Solangi Accused are 17 07/09 30/09 Hussainabad Qasim and /147/148/149/PP 2. Ghulam acquitted others C 6/7 ATA Muhiuddin on 22‐04‐09 Qureshi

18 1. Muhammad Accused are Shaheen Malik acquitted Mohamad 2. Aijaz Bhai on 15‐05‐09 31/07 56/07 Market Shaheen and 365‐A/34/PPC Abbasi others 3. Yar Muhammad Khaskheli 19 1. Zafar Hussain Accused are Rustamani acquitted 2. Pir Najeebullah on 29‐05‐09 3. Pir Kaleemullah 4. Pir Fida 5. Pir Shazad Hussain 6. Pir Muhammad Hussan 7. Pir Mohsin 353/440/341/147 8. Shahnawaz 283/0 Zaffar Hussan 170/08 Dadu /148/149/PPC337 Chandio 8 and ohers ‐H(ii)QD 6/5 ATA 9. Abid Ghallo 10 Muhammad Hassan Jatoi 11. Saindad Lund 12. Shahid Zounr 13. Mumtaz Ali Zounr 14. Mashooq Zounr 15. Ashiq Ali Zounr 20 09/09 48/09 B.Section Khan bahadur 7(k)9/11f‐h ATA 1. Khan Bahadur Accused are Latifabad and others 34/PPC 2. Khurram acquitted 3. Muhammad on 23‐07‐09 Kashif Syed Imran Akhtar

89 21 02/09 39/09 Kotri Imdad Ali Awan 379/PPC Imdad Ali Accsued Accused are Telegraph Act 6/7 awarded 01 convicted ATA years on 21‐08‐09 22 324/0 204/08 K.N.Shah Ayaz Ayaz Accused is 8 acquitted on 28‐08‐09 23 37/08 93/09 Bhit Shah Haheed @ 392/353/411/PPC 1. Naheed Khan Accused Accused are Naveed and @ Naveed Naheed Khan convicted others 2. Nazir Ali @ Naveed on 01‐09‐09 awarded Life Imprisonment and accused Nazir Ali is RI 5 years 24 31/09 18/01 Matiari Hazoor Bux 365‐ Hazoor Bux Accused is A/302/34/PPC acquitted 17(3) HO on 17‐09‐09 25 34/07 86/07 Contonment Iftikharuddin Iftikharuddin Accused is acquitted on 29‐09‐09

26 12/09 75/09 Tharri Muhabat Nazir Ahmed and 341/147/148/149 1. NazirAhmed Accused are others /PPC 6/7 ATA 2. Taj Muhammad acquitted 3. Zulfiqar on 02‐10‐09 4. Sabir 5. Ghazi 6. Hab Ali 7. Shafqat 8. pappu 9. Dr. Mujeebur Rehman 10 Muhammad 11. Ahmed Najeeb 12. Nadeem Akhtar 13. Mushtaq Ahmed 14. Abdul jWaheed 15. Roshan Ali 16. Jan Muhammad 27 24/09 76/09 Market Noushad 302/365‐ Noshad Accused is A/171/6/7 ATA acquittedon 14‐ 10‐09 28 307/0 340/08 Dadu Abbass Batt and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Abbass Accuised are 8 others 2. Warris Khokhar acquitted on 15‐10‐09 29 27/09 26/09 Kotri Abid Hussain 324/353/147/148 Abid Hussain Accused is /149/PPC 6/7 acquitted ATA on 28‐10‐09

91 30 316/0 334/08 Mehar Abbass Metlo 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Abass Metolo Accused are 8 and others 2. Mohammad acquitted Chandio on 30‐10‐09 3. Abass Chadio 4. Bashir Ahmed

Mirpurkhas A.T.C

1 02/08 61/05 Jhudo Muhammad 402/3324/353/34 1. Muhammand Accused Accused convicted Iqbal and others /PPC 6/7 ATA Iqbal awarded RI 10 on 29‐04‐09 2. Muhammad years Ashraf 3. Muhammad Sardar 4. Asif 2 04/08 77/07 Taluka 365‐ Accused are Mirpurkhas A/109/34/PPC 1.Abdul Sattar acquitted Lashari on 07‐07‐09 2. Shaman @ Shamoo Absconders 1. Yaqoob Arain 2.Saajan Hyderi 3. Qurban Abdul Sattar and 4.Manthar Zardari others 5. Shabbir 3 02/09 08/09 Khan Ajjaz Khaskheli 324/353/34/PPC Absconder Accused Accused is 7 ATA accused Aijaz awarded 10 convicted Khaskheli years on 29‐06‐09

adin A.T.C 1 85/08 09/05 Looni Kot 379/427/PPC Accused is Munno 14(HO ) Munno acquitted on 26‐02‐09

2 86/08 06/05 Looni Kot Munno 379/427/PPC Munno Accused is 14(HO ) acquitted on 26‐02‐09

3 76/08 229/08 T.M.Khan Ashiq Ali and 365‐ 1. Ashiq Ali Accused are others A/364/A/34/PPC 2. Abdul Sattar acquitted 3. Ram Jee on 25‐04‐09

93 4 01/08 09/08 Tando Ghulam DeenMuhamma 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Din Muhammad Accused are Ali d and others 2. Sikandar Ali acquitted 3. Ghulam Abbas on 09‐05‐2009 4. Ishaque @ Angeraz 5. Bashir 6. 7. Muhammad Aslam

5 02/08 10/08 Tando Ghulam Ishaque and 353/34/PPC 1. Ishaque @ Accused are Ali otehrs Angerz acquitted 2. Bashir on 09‐05‐2009 3. Khalil

6 80/08 62/08 Daro 1. Gulzar 365‐ 1. Gulzar Accused are 2. mumtaz A/392/34/PPC 2. mumtaz acquitted 3. Quban 6/7 ATA 3. Quban on 09‐06‐09

7 62/08 53/06 Sujawal 1. Ali Hussain 302/324/353/PPC 1. Ali Hussain Accused are 2. Moula Bux 6/7 ATA 2. Moula Bux acquitted on 08‐06‐09

8 09/09 65/09 Thatta Ali Hassan and 324/353/147/148 1. Ali Hassan Accused are others /149/PPC R/W 2. Dost Ali acquitted 6/7 ATA 3. Haji Nawaz Ali on 18‐06‐09 4. Mumtaza Ali 6. Sikandar Ali 7. Sher Ali 8. Ghulam Ali 9. Irfan Ali 10. Haider Ali

9 60/08 27/08 Daro Sajjan and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Moula Bux 1. Sajjan2. Accused Accused are others Ghulam awarded convictedon 03‐ Muhammad death 11‐09 sentence

10 04/08 140/07 Tando 365‐A/34/PPC Ali Hussain Accised is Muhammad acquitted Khan on 22‐12‐09

95 Ali Hussain

Shaheed Benazir Abad

1 26/09 62/08 Taluka Sanghar Naimatullah 365‐ (Absconders) Accused are Jeho and others B/147/148/149/P 1. Naimatullah acquitted on PC 17/3 HO and Jeho 30.04.2009. 6/7 ATA 2. Nasrullah Jeho 3. Dinal Jeho 4. Sanaullah Jeho 5. Riaz Jeho 6. Gulab Jeho 7. Nek Muhammad

2 03/09 12/08 Taluka SBA 1. Punhal Domki 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Punhal Domki Accused are 2. Dilsher 337 H2 13‐D A.O. 2. Dilsher Chandio acquitted Chandio PPC 7 ATA 3. Gulsher @ on 20‐10‐09 3. Gulsher @ Gulshoo Gulshoo 4. Habibullah @ 4. Habibullah @ Haboo Haboo

3 04/09 13/08 Taluka SBA Punhal 13‐D A.O Punhal Accused is acquitted on 20‐10‐09

4 05/09 14/08 Taluka SBA Dil Sher 13‐D A.O Dil Sher Accused is acquitted on 20‐10‐09

5 06/09 15/08 Taluka SBA Ghulam Kumar 13‐D A.O Ghulam Kumar @ Accused is @ Gulshoo Gulshoo acquitted on 20‐10‐09

97 6 07/09 16/08 Taluka SBA Habibullah @ 13‐D A.O Habibullah @ Accused is Haboo Haboo acquitted on 20‐10‐09

7 02/09 22/03 60 Miles Sultand and 365‐ 1. Sultan Accused are others A/324/353/337‐ 2. Subhan Gadehi acqitted l(II) 34/PPC Absconders on 23‐11‐09 1. Ameen Arain

8 33/09 27/09 peerumal Nawab @ Akbar 324/34/PPC 1. Nawab @ Accused Accused are Ghanghiro and Akbar Ghanghiro awarded 10 convicted others 2. Punhoon @ years R.I on 13‐11‐09 Punhal Machhi Absconders 1. Mukhtiar Ali 2. Qurban Ali Malah

9 34/09 28/08 peerumal Nabwab @ Nawab @ Akbar RI 5 Years Accused is Akbar Changhiro Changhiro convicted on 13‐11‐09

Khairpur A.T.C

1 112/0 147/04 B.Section Gulzar and 365‐A/PPC 17/3 1. Gulzar Accused are 8 Khairpur others EHO & 13‐D A.O 2. Allahwarayo acquitted R/W Section 7 on 14‐01‐09 ATA

2 113/0 01/08 Gachero Gaji @ Ghazi and 324/353/PPC 1. Gaji @ Ghazi Accused are 8 N/Feroz others R/W 7 ATA 2. Ghulam Hussain acquitted 3. Zakir Hussain on 09‐02‐09 4. Mehid 5. Akbar 6. Rustom

99 3 60/03 71/03 Ranipur Mushtaq Shah 302/364/A/149/P 1. Imam Ali Shah 1. Mushtaq Accused Accused are and others PC R/W 7 ATA 2. Mst Ghulam Hussain awarded Life convicted Zainab 2. Ali Raza Shah Imprisonment on 28‐02‐09 3. Mst. Ghulam Fatima Absconder 1. Mst Robina

4 01/A/ 65/01 Ranipur Latufullah and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Lutufullah 2. Accused are 06 others Habibullah3. acquittedon 28‐ Punhal4. Qaim 02‐09

5 09/06 13/05 Baberloi Pervaiz and 302/324/353/398 1. Pervaiz Accused are others /34/PPC 2. Naseer acquitted 3. Asad on 26‐03‐09

6 10/09 14/05 Baberloi Pervaiz Ahmed 13‐D A.O Pervaiz Ahmed Accused is acquitted on 26‐03‐09

7 11/06 17/05 Baberloi Naseer Ahmed 13‐D A.O Naseer Ahmed Accused is acquitted on 26‐03‐09

8 12/06 18/05 Baberloi Asad Ali 13‐D A.O Asad Ali Accused is acquitted on 26‐03‐09

9 15/06 77/06 Ahmedpur Ali Khan and 365‐A/149/PPC 1. Ali Khan Accused are others R/W 7 ATA 2. Ghulam Hussain acquitted on 27‐03‐09

10 16/06 78/06 Ahmedpur Ali Khan and 324/353/149/PPC 1. Ali Khan Accused are others R/W 7 ATA 2. Ghulam Hussain acquitted on 27‐03‐09

101 11 40/06 41/99 Gambat Ashgar and 302/324/395/396 1. Ghulam Accused Accused are others /PPC R/W 7 ATA Asghar Narejo Ghulam convicted 2. Makhan Asghar on 30‐04‐09 Narejo Naarejo awarded 10 yeara and Accused Makhan Narejo 01 year

12 41/06 43/99 Gambat Asghar 13‐D A.O Asghar RI 07 years Accused is convicted 0n 30‐04‐09

13 42/06 44/99 Gambat Makhan 13‐D A.O Makhan RI 07 years Accused is convicted 0n 30‐04‐09

14 25/06 31/06 Pir‐jo‐Goth Mehoon and 365‐A/34/PPC 7 1. Meehon @ Accused are others ATA Mukhtiar acquitted 2. Pervaiz on 28‐05‐09 3.Abdul Latif 4. Hyder Bux

15 99/08 43/99 More Shafi 365‐A/34/PPC 7 1. Shafi Accused are Naushehro Muhammad and ATA Muhammad acquitted others Absconders on 28‐05‐09 1. Wali Muhammad 2. Mubeen

16 33/03 96/01 N/Feroze Haji and others 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Haji Khan Accused are Sikandar acquitted 2. Qabil on 25‐06‐09 3. Akbar

17 21/06 37/06 SobhoDero Nawab and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Nawab Accused are others 2. Ilyas acquitted 3. Abdul Majeed on 25‐06‐09

18 22/09 39/06 SobhoDero Nawab and 324/PPC 1. Nawab Accused are others 2. Abdul Majeed acquitted on 25‐06‐09

19 23/09 40/06 SobhoDero Nawab 13‐D A.O Nawab Accused is acquitted on 25‐06‐09

103 20 70/08 123/08 Kandiro Nazeer and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Nazeer Accused are others 2. Naseer acquitted 3. Rajab on 14‐07‐09 4. Saeed Khan Absconders 1. Doolat

21 21/09 26/09 Ranipur Hazoor Bux 13‐D A.O Hazoor Bux Accused is acquitted on 01‐09‐09

22 22/09 27/09 Ranipur Nisar Ahmed 13‐D A.O Nisar Ahmed Accused is acquitted on 01‐09‐09

23 06/09 16/01 A.R .Unar Bashir Ahmed 302/324/353/34/ Bashir Ahmed Accused is PPC acquitted on 30‐09‐09

24 49/07 249/06 Naushehro Iqbal Hussain 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Iqbal Hussain2. Accused are Feroze and others Mumtaz3. Abid 4. acquittedon 31‐ Ghulam 10‐09 Mustafa5. Rabnawaz6. Naseer

25 50/07 01/07 Naushehro Iqbal Hussain 13‐E A.O Iqbal Hussain Accused is Feroze acquitted on 31‐10‐09

26 34/09 Dorect Mohbatdero Majeed Hyder 365‐A/34/PPC 7 1. Manzoor Accused are Compla verus Manzoor ATA Hussain acquitted inant Hussain and 2. Khairuddin on 24‐12‐09 others 3. Tawakal 4. Pathan 5. Abdul Sattar

105 Sukkur A.T.C

1 88/08 94/07 P. Akil Arbab 324/PPC Arbab Accused Accused is awarded Life convicted Imprisonment on 26‐ 01‐09

2 45/06 21/04 Saleh Pat Balaksher 324/PPC Balaksher Accused Accused is awarded RI 26 convicted years on 04‐02‐09

3 04/06 116/06 Ghotki Muhammad 365‐ 1. Muhammad Accused are Farooq and A/395/171/PPC 7 Farooqeu acquitted others ATA 2. Muhammad Ali on 17‐02‐09 3. Muneer Ahmed

4 59/06 17/01 B.Sharif Abdul Ghafoor 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Abdul Ghafoor Accused are and others 2. Hajjan acquitted 3. Abdul Rauf on 26‐02‐09 4. Gulsher 5. Bachlo 6. Amanullah 7. Ali Muhammad

5 16/09 86/01 Site Sadiq @ Sadoo 324/34/ppc Sadiq @ Sadoo RI 10 years Accused is convicted on 26‐02‐09

6 81/00 13/98 Andal Sundrani Aijaz and others 365‐ 1. Aijaz Accused are A/34/344/346/PP 2. Qurban @ acquiitted C Yaseen on 18‐03‐09 3. Samano 4. Salahuddin 5. Bachoo @ Kamal

107 7 14/07 214/98 Ghotki Akbar Sundrani 302/324/PPC Fakhuruddin Shah Absconders Accused Accused are and others 1. Mir Shaikh awarded RI 10 convicted 2. Akbar years andi fine on 27‐05‐09 Sundrani of Rs. 50000 each

8 47/08 98/07 P.Akil 1. Misri and 324/353/337(H)2 1. Mistry Oragoo Accused Accused are others 147/148/149/PPC @ Rahib awarded RI 10 convicted 7 ATA 2. Mistri years each on 16‐06‐09

9 12/07 242/06 Mirpur Mathejo Manzoor Ahmed 302/324/353/392 Ghulam Nabi Manzoor Accused Accused is and others 7 ATA awarded Life convicted Imprisonemnt 0n 23‐07‐09

10 13/07 20/07 Mirpur Mathelo Manzoor 13‐D A.O Manzoor RI 7 Years Accused is convicted on 23‐07‐09

11 52/08 253/08 Daharki Mohammad 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Mohammad Accused are Arshad and Ashad acquitted others 2. Abdul Rashed on 10‐08‐09

12 67/08 119/08 A‐Section Mushtaue 365‐A/344/PPC 7 1. Mushtaque Accused are Sukkur Ahmed and ATA Ahmed acquitted others 2. Illimuddin on 11‐08‐09 3. Asad @ Asadullah 4. Ali Gul 5. Waheed 6. Muneer Ahmed @ Munoo Absconders 1. Ali Hassan 2. Hidayatullah 3. Lutuf 4. Chuttal 5. Ashfaque 6. Babar 13 83/08 357/08 Ubauro Haji Dodai and 365‐A/344/PPC 7 1. Haji Dodani Accused are othes ATA 2. Allah Jurio acquitted 3. Muhammad on 18‐08‐09 Nawaz Absconders 1. Nawab @ Nawabi 2. Adho 3. Ali Gul 4. Khadim 5. Hamid 6. Ashique 14 28/08 80/08 Ubauro Shahzad and 365‐A/34/PPC 1.Shahzado2. Accused are others Peeral3. Bakhshoo acquittedon 21‐ 08‐09

109 15 12/08 04/98 Ubauro Akbar @ Roos 302/34/PPC Akbar @ Roos Accused is acquitted on 26‐08‐09

16 107/0 66/07 Dad Leghari Liaquat 353/34/PPC 7ATA Liaquat RI 7 years Accused is 9 convicted on 29‐09‐09

17 13/09 58/09 Sarhad Chachar Pitafi 365‐A/34/PPC 7 Chachar Pitafi Accused is ATA acquitted on 30‐10‐09

18 07/07 238/06 Ghotki Amir Bux and 302/34/PPC 1. Amir Bux Accused Accused are others 2. Muhammad awarded Life convicted Ramzan Imprisonment on 27‐10‐09 Abscinders and fine of Rs. 1. Ibrahieem 50000/‐ each 2. Gul Hussain 3. Lal Bux 4. Hazooro 5. Ali Gohar 6. Suhno 7. Hadi Bux 8. Muhammad Nawaz

19 74/08 109/06 Sarhad Haji and others 365‐A/34/PPC 7 1. Haji Accused are ATA Absconders acquitted 1. Ibraheem on 31‐10‐09 2. Nasrullah 3. Ghulam Nabi 20 19/08 53/07 Sarhad Mir and others 365‐A/34/PPC Chachar Accused are Absconders acquitted 1. Mir Shaikh on 23‐11‐09 2. Wasim 3.Zaffar 4. Warrind 5. Sadare

111 21 117/0 09/98 C.Section Bachile 365A/34/PPC 1. Bachile Accused is 9 Sukkur acquitted on 25‐11‐09

22 68/08 138/07 A.Section Bismillah Khan 302/34/PPC 1. Bismillah Accused are Sukkur and others 2. Pathan acquitted on 26‐11‐09

23 20/08 136/05 Ubauro Akbar and others 324/34/PPC 1. Akbar ( Custody Accused are ) acquaitted 1. Makan on 16‐12‐09 2. Dodo 3. Shabbi 4. Khakeem 5. Hassino

24 48/08 48/08 Daharki ShaNawaz and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Shah Nawaz Accused are others 2. Bachal Shah acquaitted Absconder on 21‐12‐09 1. Mir 2. Raiaz

25 49/08 231/08 Daharki Shh Nawz and 324/34/PPC 1. Shah Nawaz Accused are others 2. Bachal acquitted Absconder on 21‐12‐09 1. Mir 2. Raiz

26 50/08 232/08 Daharki Shah Nawaz 13‐D A.O Shah Nawaz Accused is acquitted on 21‐12‐09

113 27 89/08 111/08 C Section Zulfiqar and 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Zulfiqar Accused are Sukkur others 2. Nadeem acquitted on 3.Sikandar 22‐12‐09 4. Feroze

Jacobabad A.T.C

1 36/08 54/08 City Jacobabad Muhammanad 364/365‐ Muhammad Accused is Mumtaz A/504/34/PPC Mumtaza acquitted on 30‐09‐09

2 35/08 169/07 City Jacobabad Faiz Muhammad 365‐A/34/PPC 1. Faiz Accused are and others Muhammad acquitted 2. Atta on 07‐10‐09 Muhammad

3 12/09 282/08 New Foujdari Baz Muhammad 302/324/353/148 Javed Ahmed 1. Baz RI 05 years Accused are and others /149/PPC Muhammad convicted 2. Riaz Ahmed 14‐12‐09

11.43 Antiterrorism Courts, Balochistan statement showing pendency, institution and disposal of Cases for the year, 2009.


1 Special Judge, Antiterrorism Court‐I, Quetta 23 89 112 58 10 44

2 Special Judge, Antiterrorism Court‐II, Quetta 7 33 40 31 0 9

3 Special Judge, Antiterrorism Court, Khuzdar 33 36 69 16 8 45

4 Special Judge, Antiterrorism Court, Turbat. 25 36 61 33 20 8

5 Special Judge, Antiterrorism Court, Sibi. 137 18 155 112 38 5

6 Special Judge, Antiterrorism Court, Dera Allah Yar. 0 140 140 91 4 45

Total Cases 225 352 577 341 80 156


11.44. List of Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Courts In Balochistan for the year 2009. S.No. Name of Post Name of Officer Date of Assumption Remarks 1 Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Court‐I, Quetta Mr, Najeebullah Khan 28.04.2006 2 Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Court‐II, Quetta Mr. Abdul Ghias Nausherwani 09.06.2005 3 Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Court, Khuzdar vacant 21.12.2009 Mr. Muhammad Wasay from 15.07.2008 to 05.08.2009, then the additional charge was assigned to District and Sessions Judge, Khuzdar from 05.08.2009 to 20.12.2009 and now Additional charge with ATC‐II, Quetta 4 Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Court, Turbat Mr. Khan Muhammad Nawaz 09.02.2009 Addl: Charge with District Khan and Sessions Judge, Turbat from 04.12.2008 to 08.02.2009. 5 Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Court, Sibi Mr. Muhammad Ismail 11.07.2008 6 Special Judge, Anti Terrorism Court, Dera Allah Yar Mr. Alam Mengal 04.02.2009 Court has been established on 04.02.2009


117 11.45. Consolidated statement showing the cases of Accountability Courts.

Name of Annual Remarks, (if Name of Court Presiding Budget any) Balance Disposal Officer Pendency Institution

Accountability Court‐I, 27 15 08 34 4435000 Mr. Abdul Lahore Shakoor

Accountability Court‐II, 29 08 07 30 4370000 Mr. Ahmed Lahore Nawaz Ranjha

Accountability Court‐II, 31 17 02 46 4152000 Syed Ali Lahore Hassan Rizvi

Accountability Court‐IV, 27 09 ‐‐ 36 4435000 Mr. M. Lahore younis

Accountability Court‐V, 33 14 05 42 4157000 Mian Subah Lahore Sadiq

Accountability Court‐I, 22 06 06 22 2993000 Mr. Tariq Rawalpindi/Islamabad Abbasi

Accountability Court‐II, 21 15 03 33 2884000 Mr. Wamiq Rawalpindi/Islamabad Javed

Accountability Court‐III, 19 09 04 24 3088000 Mr. Najam‐ Rawalpindi/Islamabad ul‐Hassan Najam

Accountability Court‐IV, 26 05 05 26 4136000 Abdul Vacant since Rawalpindi/Islamabad Qyyum Raja 22‐11‐09 on (Late) demise of incumbent

Accountability Court‐I, 86 07 26 67 2924000 Mr. Farooq Vacant since Karachi Ali Channa 08‐09‐09 on his repatriatation to Sindh High Court

Accountability Court‐II, 71 00 16 55 3431000 Mr. Karachi Muhammad Shaikh

Accountability Court‐III, 30 00 04 00 3929000 Mr. Ishaque Vacant since Karachi Memon 21‐07‐09 on retirement of incumbent

Accountability Court‐IV, 40 08 07 41 3283000 Mr. M. Riaz Karachi (re‐ Rajput activa ted)

Accountability Court‐V, 12 00 06 18 2767000 Mr. Vacant since Karachi Muhammad 08‐09‐09 on Hanif repatriatation Solangi of the incumbent

Accountability Court 12+3 00 47 3107000 Mr. Lal M. &

Hyderabad 5‐ Khero NRO Karac revivied hi ‐ 02 under Accountability Court‐I, 39 10 29 20 3018000 Mrs. Irshad Peshawar Qaiser

Accountability Court‐II, 32 00 01 31 2598000 Syed Kausar Peshawar Abbas Zaidi

Accountability Court‐III, 24 09 07 26 3173000 Syed Afsar Peshawar Shah

Accountability Court‐IV, 18 14 03 29 2806000 Mr. Subhan Peshawar Sher

Accountability Court‐I, 19 04 03 20 3616000 Mr. Zafa Ali Quetta Khoso

Accountability Court‐II, 19 09 04 24 3007000 Mr. Quetta Muhammad Iqbal Shahwani



120 12. Labour Courts. 12.1 Detail of expenditure is as under.

Sr. No Name of Post BPS No. of Posts 1. Member Special 1 2. Registrar 17 1 3. Private Secretary 16 1 4. Stenographer 15 2 5. Reader 14 1 6. Assistant/Accountant 9 1 7. Senior Clerk 7 2 8. Junior Clerk 5 2 9. Driver 2 1 10. Daftries 1 2 11. Process Servers 1 3 12. Naib Qasid 1 3 13. Chowkidars 1 2 14. Mali 1 1 15 Sweeper 1 1 Total: 24

Code No. Object 2009‐2010 A01101 Pay of Officers 0.448 A01151 Pay of Other Staff 1.805 Total Pay 2.253 ALLOWANCES A01202 House Rent Allowance 0.376 A01203 Conveyance Allowance 0.300 A01207 Dearness Allowance 0.360 A01209 Special Additional Allowance 0.120 A01217 Medical Allowance (1 to15) 0.180 A01244 Adhoc Relief Allowance 0.340 A01262 Special Relief Allowance 0.340 A01270 30 % Social Security Benefit in Lieu of Pension to 0.260 the contract employees Total: 2.305 OTHER ALLOWANCE A01271 Over Time Allowance 0.030 A01273 Honoraria 0.050 A01274 Medial Charges 0.250 A01278 Leave Salary 0.050 Total Other Allowances 0.380




LQ4226 Labour Courts A01 Total employees related 19,447,00 30,815,00 32,158,000 expenses. 0 0 A011 Total pay 12 116 9,829,000 12,643,00 11,649,000 6 0 A011‐1 Total Pay of Officers 14 14 3,763,000 4,795,000 5,606,000 A01101 Total Basic Pay Officers 14 14 3,699,000 5.606,000 P126‐M Presiding Officer (BPS‐20) 9 9 3,094,000 4,199,000 S282‐M Superintendent (BPS‐16) 5 5 605,000 1,407,000

A01102 Personal Pay 64,000 A01150 Others 4,795,000 001 Pay of Others (R.E) 4,795,000 A011‐2 Total pay of other staff 11 102 6,066,00 7,848,000 6,043,000 2 A01151 Total Basic Pay of Other Staff 11 112 6,066,000 6,043,000 2 A097‐M Assistant (BPS‐14) 5 5 491,000 507,000 R092‐M Reader (BPS‐14) 9 9 790,000 810,000 S216‐M Stenographer (BPS‐12) 9 9 750,000 760,000 S078‐M Senior Clerk (BPS‐07) 21 20 1,146,000 1,2000,000 D089‐M Dispatch Rider (BPS‐05) 1 86,000 D186‐M Driver (BPS‐07) 5 1 132,000 55,000 C112‐M Chokidar (BPS‐02) 1 37,000 D003‐M Daftri (BPS‐02) 3 2 111,000 95,000 M019‐M Mali (BPS‐02) 1 37,000 P148‐M Process Server (BPS‐02) 2 89,000 S311‐M Sanitary Worker (BPS‐02) 1 37,000 W019‐M Water Carrier (BPS‐02) 1 48,000 C112‐M Chokidar (BPS‐01) 6 6 260,000 270.000 M019‐M Mali (BPS‐01) 5 4 202,000 180,000

N006‐M Naib Qasid (BPS‐01) 24 24 975,000 985,000 P148‐M Process Server (BPS‐01) 8 6 325,000 270,000 S025 Sanitary Worker (BPS‐02) 1 32,000 S311‐M Sanitary Worker (BPS‐02) 4 4 167,000 177,000 W019‐M Water Carrier (BPS‐02) 1 33,000

A01170 Others 7,848,000 001 Pay of Other staff 7,848,000 (R.E) A012 Total allowances 9,618,000 18,172,00 20,509,000 0 A012‐1 Total regular allowances 9,280,000 17,885,00 20,171,000 0 A01201 Senior Post 119,000 280,000 Allowance A01202 House Rent 2,395,000 2,838,000 Allowance A01203 Conveyance 724,000 1,290,000 Allowance A01209 Special Additional 772,000 714,000 Allowance A0120D Integrated 19,000 30,000 Allowance A0120K Special Judicial 8,412,000 Allowance A01217 Medical 636,000 86,000 Allowance A01239 Entertainment 65,000 65,000 Allowance A01236 Deputation 51,000 Allowance A01239 Special Allowance 528,000 001 Special Allowance 528,000 A01244 Adhoc Relief 1,177,000 1,108,000 A01248 Judicial 756,000 1,657,000 Allowance A01262 Special Relief 1,146,000 1,149,000 Allowance A01270 Others 104,000 17,885,00 170,000 0 030 Integrated 2,000 Allowance 137 30 % Social Security Benefit in Lieu of Pension 83,000 170,000 to the contract employees 101 Regular Allowance (R.E) 19,000 17,885,00 0


A012‐2 Total allowances (excluding TA) 338,000 287,000 338,000 A01273 Honoraria 5,000 5,000 5,000 A01274 Medical Charges 300,000 262,000 300,000 A01277 Contingent Paid 32,000 20,000 32,000 Staff A01278 Leave salary 1,000 1,000 A03 Total operating expenses 4,452,000 4,788,000 4,858,000

A032 Total communications 720,000 720,000 720,000

A03201 Postage and 70.000 70,000 70,000 Telegraph A01202 House Rent 2,395,000 2,838,000 Allowance A03202 Telephone and 650,000 650,000 650,000 Trunk Calls

A033 Total utilities 632,000 458,000 742,000

A03301 Gas 60,000 36,000 70,000 A03302 Water 32,000 32,000 32,000 A03303 Electricity 500,000 350,000 600,000 001 Electricity 350,000 600,000 A01239 Hot and Cold 40,000 40,000 40,000 Water Charges A01236 Deputation 51,000 Allowance

A033 Total occupancy costs 1,015,000 1,129,000 1,015,000

A03402 Rent for Office 1,000,000 1,129,000 1,015,000 Building A03407 Rates and Taxes 15,000 9,000 15,000 A038 Total Travel & 1,578,000 1,968,000 1,858,000 Transportation A03850 Traveling 770,000 910,000 850,000 Allowance A03806 Transportation of 8,000 8,000 8,000 Goods A03807 POL Charges, 800,000 1,050,000 1,000,000 HCopter, Staff Cars, M/Cycle A039 Total general 507,000 513,000 523,000

A03901 Stationery 220,000 220,000 220,000

SA03902 Printing and Publication 40,000 40,000 40,000 001 Printing and Publication 40,000 40,000 40,000 A03905 Newspapers Periodicals and Books 70,000 70,000 70,000 001 Newspapers Periodicals and Books 70,000 70,000 70,000 A03906 Uniforms and Protective Clothing 16,000 16,000 16,000 A03907 Advertising & 7,000 15,000 8,000 Publicity 001 Advertising & 7,000 15,000 8,000 Publicity A03917 Law Charges 35,000 35,000 50,000 A03918 Exhibitions, Fairs 12,000 10,000 12,000 & Other National Celebrations A03919 Payments to 12,000 12,000 12,000 other for service Rendered A03970 Others 95,000 95,000 95,000 001 Others 95,000 95,000 95,000

A04 Total employees retirement benefit 441,000 A041 Total pension 441,000 A04114 Superannuation Encashment of L.P.R 441,000 A13 Total repairs and maintenance 512,000 512,000 512,000 A130 Total transportation 290,000 290,000 350,000 A13001 Transport 290,000 290,000 350,000 A130 Total machinery and equipment 100,000 100,000 100,000 A13101 Machinery and 100,000 100,000 100,000 Equipment A132 Total furniture & 122,000 122,000 122,000 fixture A13201 Furniture & 122,000 122,000 122,000 Fixture Labour Courts (LO4226 24,411,00 36,556,00 37,588,000 0 0

125 12.2. Information in respect of Labour Courts in Sindh.

S. No. Name of Courts Cases List Cases Cases Balance Balance Instituted Disposed of during the during the year 2009 year 2009 Sindh Labour Court 1. 698 296 688 306 No. I, Karachi. Sindh Labour Court 2. 551 319 386 484 No. II. Karachi. Sindh Labour Court 3. 250 388 414 225 No. III, Karachi. Sindh Labour Court 4. 239 306 324 221 No. IV, Karachi. Sindh Labour Court 5. 422 372 233 561 No. V. Karachi. Sindh Labour Court 6. 634 304 712 348 No. VI. Hyderabad Sindh Labour Court 7. 34 47 12 69 No. VII, Sukkur. 8. Sindh Labour Court 896 2 821 77 No. VIII, Larkana.

12.3. Statement showing performance of Labour Courts during the year, 2009.

Cases Cases Total Cases Cases Name of pending at instituted Cases disposed off pending S. No Labour the at the Courts beginning end 1 Presiding Officer 935 951 1886 649 1237 Peshawar 2 Presiding Officer 97 886 983 725 258 Mardan 3 Presiding Officer 959 2799 3758 2269 1489 Haripur

Note: ‐

Labour Appellate Tribunal, NWFP has recently been notified which has yet to dispose off 174 pending cases.

12.4. Pending Labour Appeals/Revisions/ Complaints at the end of June, 2009.

SINGLE BENCH CASES Total 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Labour Appeals 1 1 2 ‐ 3 12 4 32 103 12 170

Labour Revisions ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 1 4

Labour Complaints ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Total:‐ 1 1 2 ‐ 3 12 4 32 106 13 174

12.5. Consolidated statement showing the cases of Labour Courts NWFP

Labour Labour Labour Court Court Court Peshawar Mardan Haripur Number of cases at the beginning of the year 2009 864 174 34 Number of cases instituted during the year 2009 2287 1059 49 Total number of cases for disposal 3151 1233 83 Number of cases disposed off during the year 2009 1849 813 64 Number of cases pending at the end of the year 2009 1302 420 19


Budget Allocation during the year 2009‐10 Amount Labour Court Peshawar Rs.41,98,000/‐ Labour Court Mardan Rs.41,28,626/‐ Labour Court Haripur Rs.24,85,000/‐

12.6. Labour Court, Balochistan.

Description. Name of Court / Tribunal with Name of Presiding Officer. Area. Labour Courts. Labour Court –I Quetta constituted Ms. Shagufta Begum. in 1979 and reconstituted on 31st January, 2003 under IRO 2002 (XCI of 2002). Labour Court‐II Sibi constituted in Ms Tahira Parveen Baloch. 1979 and reconstituted on 31st January, 2003 under IRO 2002 (XCI of 2002). Labour Court‐III Hub Quetta Rashid Mehmood. constituted in 1979 and reconstituted on 31st January, 2003 under IRO 2002 (XCI of 2002) Labour Court IV Turbat constituted Vacant. on 13th February, 2007. Labour Appellate Labour Appellate ribunal with the Vacant / Tribunal was Tribubnal. Territorial Limits of the Province of established under EX Justice Balochistan. Nadir Khan on Additional Charge basis. However, on the instructions of Registrar, Supreme Court he was relieved from his additional assignment. While case for filling the post is under active consideration. Compensation Court Court of Compensation Mushtaq Jaffar. Commissioner.



13. Consumer Courts. 13.1 Terms & Regulations. 1. Funds provided for Misc: expenditure for District Consumer Protection Councils under the Access to Justice Program during the current Financial Year 2007‐08 should no circumstances exceed the allocation now placed at your disposal. 2. All officers operating the fund may kindly be informed that they will be held personally responsible for the excess expenditure, if any.

13.2 Administration. (1) The Council may: (a) Allocate and re‐appropriate funds resources for performance of its functions: (b) Draw or authorize to draw fund from the bank accounts. (c) Verify the annual and half yearly accounts of the fund. (d) Approve investment policy and schemes for investment of the Fund; provided that no scheme of investment in any entity of a company shall be approved which is rated below A 1 + for short term and AAA for long term investment by an accredited credit rating company within the preceding two years. (2) The fund shall be operated through an account to be opened in a bank as authorized by the council. (3) The fund account shall be operated jointly by the Secretary of the Council and one other member nominated for this purpose by the Chairperson of the Council. (4) All planned expenditures, including funds to be spend on any staffing needs or administration expenses shall have to be approved by the Council, or a special committee approved by the Council for this purpose, in advance: Provided that Chairperson, in consultation with the Secretary of the Council, may sanction funds up to ten thousand rupees for contingencies: (5) The Council shall cause the accounts of the fund and the Council to be audited by a Chartered Accountant every year. In addition the accounts of the Council and use fo the fund money shall be subject to routine audit by government auditors. (6) Balochistan Financial Rules shall be observed in expenditure of al moneys of the funds.

131 (7) The accounts of the council and use of the fund money shall be reviewed by the council at least twice in year. (8) In addition to the purpose outlined in the Act, the fund may be spent for hiring of legal services or rendering of professional opinion on behalf of a complaint, in the opinion of the council, public interest may be advanced by such financial and professional assistance. Expenditure on hiring of any regular staff, recurrent office expenses or buying of any moveable or immovable property shall not exceed the government grant contribution into the fund

13.3. Budget of Consumer Court Punjab.

Grand S.# Code Head Of Account Bahawalpur D.G.Khan Faisalabad Gujranwala Gujrat Lahore Multan Rawalpindi Sahiwal Sargodha Sialkot Total Total Employees 1 A01 Related 3,728,180 3,470,070 3,299,374 3,660,438 3,264,516 3,710,240 3,453,866 3,518,380 3,506,780 3,561,176 3,779,180 38,952,200

2 A011 Total Pay 1,403,380 1,219,280 1,199,790 1,290,990 1,227,940 1,187,040 1,215,240 1,279,380 1,274,380 1,232,200 1,352,380 13,882,000

Total‐Basic Pay of 3 A01101 775,000 681,340 683,270 750,110 712,780 651,580 687,920 722,000 732,000 696,000 742,000 7,834,000 Officers Presiding Officers of 4 D 144‐M 535,000 452,280 465,260 526,460 483,960 422,760 463,280 500,000 500,000 466,000 500,000 5,315,000 the DCCs

5 R 036‐M Registrar (BS‐17) 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 142,000 1,562,000

Personal Secretary 6 PI39‐M 98,000 87,060 76,010 81,650 86,820 86,820 82,640 80,000 90,000 88,000 100,000 957,000 (BS‐16) Total Basic Pay of 7 A01151 628,380 537,940 516,520 540,880 515,160 535,460 527,320 557,380 542,380 536,200 610,380 6,048,000 Other Staff Reader / Assistant 8 A 097‐M 75,380 75,380 70,820 75,380 65,880 75,380 75,380 75,380 75,380 808,000 (BS‐14) 72,640 71,000 Stenographer 9 S 216‐M 62,000 62,000 58,150 58,150 54,120 57,840 58,740 60,000 63,000 62,000 70,000 666,000 (BS‐12) Senior Clerk 10 S 078‐M 67,000 49,980 52,970 55,730 49,980 55,500 53,840 50,000 55,000 53,000 65,000 608,000 (BS‐09) Junior Clerk 11 J 019 ‐M 122,000 100,680 91,940 101,060 100,680 100,680 92,760 105,000 96,000 101,200 120,000 1,132,000 (BS‐07) Driver 12 D 186‐M 57,000 46,800 45,040 46,960 41,400 42,960 45,840 50,000 48,000 47,000 55,000 526,000 (BS‐05) Messenger 13 M 116‐M 49,000 40,620 39,520 40,720 40,620 40,620 40,900 42,000 41,000 41,000 45,000 461,000 (BS‐02) Chowkidar 14 C 112‐M 49,000 40,620 39,520 40,720 40,620 40,620 40,900 45,000 39,000 38,000 45,000 459,000 (BS‐01) Naib Qasid 15 N 006‐M 98,000 81,240 79,040 81,440 81,240 81,240 80,800 85,000 83,000 82,000 90,000 923,000 (BS‐01) Sanitary 16 S 311‐M worker/Sweeper 49,000 40,620 39,520 40,720 40,620 40,620 40,900 45,000 42,000 41,000 45,000 465,000 (BS‐01)

133 17 A012 Total Allowances 2,324,800 2,250,790 2,099,584 2,369,448 2,036,576 2,523,200 2,238,626 2,239,000 2,232,400 2,328,976 2,426,800 25,070,200

Total Regular 18 A012‐1 2,283,000 2,208,990 2,057,784 2,327,648 1,994,776 2,479,000 2,196,826 2,197,200 2,190,600 2,287,176 2,385,000 24,608,000 Allowances Senior Post 19 A01201 14,400 13,200 14,400 14,400 14,400 14,400 15,000 15,000 14,400 14,400 15,000 159,000 Allowance House Rent 20 A01202 435,000 420,938 294,732 434,508 196,104 435,000 444,718 435,000 335,000 435,000 500,000 4,366,000 Allowance Conveyance 21 A01203 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 1,980,000 Allowance 15 % Dearness 22 A01205 100,000 117,924 100,000 112,872 36,000 121,700 106,504 83,000 100,000 97,000 100,000 1,075,000 Allowance Special Additional 23 A01209 19,000 18,600 18,600 22,068 34,176 18,800 19,956 18,600 18,600 18,600 100,000 307,000 Allowance Qualification 24 AO1216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 15,000 Allowance

25 A01217 Medical Allowance 66,000 72,000 66,000 72,000 66,000 66,000 67,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 70,000 743,000

Entertainment 26 A01224 8,400 7,200 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 9,600 8,400 8,400 8,400 9,000 93,000 Allowance

27 A01228 Orderly Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Deputation 28 A01236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Allowance

29 A01239 Special Allowance 90,000 0 0 98,832 96,792 82,600 0 0 92,000 93,776 20,000 574,000

Utility Allowance for 30 A01240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas Utility Allowance for 31 A01241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Electricity

32 A01244 Adhoc Relief 30,000 34,464 34,500 38,928 18,600 195,400 22,708 34,500 34,500 33,400 30,000 507,000

33 A01248 Judicial Allowance 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 168,000 1,848,000

Special Judicial 34 A0120K 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 935,000 10,285,000 Allowance Special Relief 35 A01262 30,000 34,464 34,500 38,928 38,000 50,000 23,708 34,500 34,500 33,400 30,000 382,000 Allowance

A01270‐ Integrated 36 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 8,000 80,000 030 Allowance AO1270‐ Social Security 37 200,000 200,000 196,452 196,512 196,104 196,500 197,432 197,000 197,000 197,000 220,000 2,194,000 037 Allowance Total Other 38 A012‐2 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 44,200 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 462,200 Allowance

39 A01271 Overtime Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40 A01273 Honoraria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

41 A01274 Medical Charges 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 44,200 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 41,800 462,200

42 A01278 Leave Salary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

43 A01299 others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Operating 44 A03 1,090,030 1,023,530 1,479,530 981,350 1,593,530 1,629,915 1,042,804 1,712,671 1,232,530 1,707,530 1,707,530 15,200,950 Expenses Total 45 A032 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 62,700 689,700 Communications

46 A03201 Postage & Telegraph 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 16,150 177,650

Telephone & Trunk 47 A03202 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 46,550 512,050 Calls

48 A033 Total Utilities 148,960 148,960 148,960 148,960 148,960 150,100 148,960 148,960 148,960 148,960 148,960 1,639,700

49 A03301 Gas 19,285 19,285 19,285 19,285 19,285 19,950 19,285 19,285 19,285 19,285 19,285 212,800

50 A03302 Water 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,650 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,175 6,175 68,400

51 A03303 Electricity 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 1,254,000

Hot & Cold Weather 52 A03304 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 104,500 Charges Total Occupancy 53 A034 532,000 465,500 921,500 423,320 1,035,500 1,066,565 484,774 1,154,641 674,500 1,149,500 1,149,500 9,057,300 Cost Rent for Office 54 A03402 522,500 456,000 912,000 413,820 1,026,000 1,057,065 475,274 1,145,141 665,000 1,140,000 1,140,000 8,952,800 Building

135 55 AO3407 Rates & Taxes 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 104,500

Total Travel & 56 A038 218,120 218,120 218,120 218,120 218,120 222,300 218,120 218,120 218,120 218,120 218,120 2,403,500 Transportation

57 A03805 Traveling Allowance 54,150 54,150 54,150 54,150 54,150 57,000 54,150 54,150 54,150 54,150 54,150 598,500

Transportation of 58 A03806 4,180 4,180 4,180 4,180 4,180 4,750 4,180 4,180 4,180 4,180 4,180 46,550 Goods

59 A03807 POL charges 157,890 157,890 157,890 157,890 157,890 158,650 157,890 157,890 157,890 157,890 157,890 1,737,550

60 A03808 Conveyance Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 20,900

61 A039 Total General 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 128,250 1,410,750

62 A03901 Stationery 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 47,500 522,500

Printing & 63 A03902 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Publication Newspapers, 64 A03905 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 261,250 periodicals & Books Uniform & 65 A03906 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 52,250 Protective Cloth Advertisement & 66 A03907 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 104,500 Publicity

67 AO3917 Law Charges 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 261,250

68 A03942 Cost of Other Stores 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 104,500

69 A03970 Others 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 104,500

70 A06 Transfers 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 31,350

Entertainment & 71 A06301 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 2,850 31,350 Gifts Purchase of Physical 72 A09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assests Purchase of 73 A09201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hardware

Purchase of 74 A09202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Software Purchase of IT 75 A09203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment Purchase of 76 A09501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transport Purchase of Plant & 77 A09601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machinery

Purchase of Cold 78 A09602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Equipment

Purchase of 79 A09701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Furniture & Fixture Total Repair & 80 A13 42,275 42,275 42,275 42,275 42,275 42,750 42,275 42,275 42,275 42,275 42,275 465,500 Maintenance

81 A13001 Repair of Transport 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,750 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 23,275 256,500

Repair Machinery & 82 A13101 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 104,500 Equipment Repair of Furniture 83 A13201 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 104,500 & Fixture

84 A013701 Repair of Hardware 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

85 A013702 Repair of Software ` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Repair of I.T. 86 AO13703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment

Grand Total 4,863,335 4,538,725 4,824,029 4,686,913 4,903,171 5,385,755 4,541,795 5,276,176 4,784,435 5,313,831 5,531,835 54,650,000

4 The expenditure will be debitable under the grant No. PC21010(010)‐Industries 04‐Economic Affairs‐044 ‐Mining & Manufucturing ‐0441‐Manufucturing‐044105 ‐Administration LQ5279 District Consumer Courts (DCCs) during the financial year 2009‐10.

137 13.4. Data of Complaints Filed in District Consumer Courts w.e.f. 01‐01‐2009 to 31‐12‐2009.

Name of District S. # Pending Cases, 2008 Cases Filed, 2009 G. Total Disposed off, 2009 Pending Consumer Court

1 Gujranwala 212 294 506 358 148 2 Lahore 246 578 824 352 472 3 Sahiwal 69 314 383 196 187 4 D.G.Khan 90 415 505 318 187 5 Sargodha 11 92 103 99 4 6 Gujrat 35 93 128 65 63 7 Sialkot 55 105 160 92 68 8 Multan 30 123 153 119 34 9 Bahawalpur 148 871 1019 709 310 10 Faisalabad 195 856 1051 74 977 11 Rawalpindi 16 97 113 109 4 Total 1107 3838 4945 2491 2454