Integrated pest management in relation to environmental sustainability Part I Ecological management of wheat pests Dana Malschi Course notes and practical applications Manual online Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Environmental Sciences 40 color plats: drawings, diagrams, photos, 14 figures, 75 tables Bioflux Publishing House Cluj-Napoca 2009 ISBN 978-606-92028-3-8 1 University Lecturer, Researcher 1st degree, Dr. biologist Dana Malschi Author’s address: Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science, Department of Life and Earth Sciences. Cluj- Napoca, Str. Fântânele, nr.30, 400294. Academy of Agricultural and Forest Sciences „Gh. Ionescu Şişeşti“, Agricultural Research Station Turda, Str. Agriculturii 27, 401100 Turda, Jud. Cluj. Home: Str. Dragalina. 12 ap. 25, 401086, Turda, jud. Cluj. Tel.: 0745 367373, e-mail:
[email protected] Book editing: This online manual is an english enlarged version of the book “Environment–agriculture- sustainable development. Optimization of integrated wheat pest management technologies under the dynamics of agroecological changes in Transylvania / Mediu-agricultură-dezvoltare durabilă. Optimizarea tehnologiilor de management integrat al dăunătorilor grâului în dinamica modificărilor agroecologice din Transilvania.”, Dana Malschi, 2008, printed in Argonaut Publishing House Cluj-Napoca, with funds from The CNCSIS Grant-Type A/1448/2008, Nr. 34, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca. Color illustrations: Drawings (water color) insects, diagrams, photos: Dana Malschi: in the drawing boards 2-38. Photos: Corina Anca Păcurar, in the cover and drawings boards 1, 12; eng. Adina Ivaş, in the boards 37-38; eng. Nicolae Tritean, eng. Romeo Şerbănescu, in the board 38. Diagrams with the help of IT eng. Gabriel Nemeş, IT eng.