Makhtesh Ramon, Israel 6 BAER, G., MIMRAN, Y
- .n ^ Geological S«°N* INIS-mf—13912 1.A8T VIKW OF (iKNl.b.VULTU. 28 FEBRUARY - 2 MARCH 1994 DOCUMENT n 11 »>*, ^ G/ <5eologlca\ ^o< ANNUAL MEETING, 1994 EDITED BY: Rivka Amit1 Yaacov Arkin,2 Francis Hirsch2 'Department of Physical Geography, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 2GeologicaI Survey of Israel, Jerusalem NOF GIINOSAR 28 FEBRUARY - 2 MARCH 1994 Isi.u'l lU' Sivu'ty Annual Mwlinj;, 1994 Chernobyl in Israel Butenko, V.,1 Ne'eman, E.,1 Brenner, S.,1 Kronfeld, J.,2 Gilat, A.3 1. Environmental Research Laboratory, Ministry of the Environment, SacklerMedical Building, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv 2.Dept. of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv 3. Geological Survey of Israel, 30 Malkhe Yisrael Street, 95501 Jerusalem The radioactive plume arrived over Israel, accompanied by a patchy rainfall, approximately ten days after the nuclear accident (April 26, 1986) at the Chernobyl reactor in the Ukraine. The first study of possible soil contamination was recently carried out. Approximately sixty samples, of soils in the Galilee region and 22 samples in the Judean Hills region including a wide range of important and/or historical sites such as the Israel Geological Survey and the Valley ol the Cross, the Hebrew University and the Old City among others were analyzed. Soil samples were collected to a depth of 5 cm. The samples were analyzed by gamma- ray spectrometry using a solid Ge detector. This enabled the precise identification of gamma-ray energy peaks. In all cases the presence of the short-lived (2 year half life) radiocesium isotope, 134Cs, identifies the presence of Chernobyl-related contamination.
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