SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80
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Scientific Instrument Society Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society Index No 1 to No 80 Scientific Instrument Society Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society Index No 1 to No 80 Contents Introduction Index of Topics 3 Index of Articles 37 Index of Book Reviews 51 The Scientific Instrument Society 61 Documents Associated with the Index 61 Introduction Development of the Index of the Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society The first 40 issues of the Bulletin were indexed successively, ten issues at a time. With the advent of No 50 it was decided to amalgamate the earlier work and create a single index for all 50 issues. The work involved was a vast undertaking requiring the use of optical character recognition and other computer techniques on the earlier work, and a good deal of careful proof reading. The final product was handsomely produced in A4 size uniform with the Bulletin, running to 64 index pages. Having reached 80 issues, a similar combining exercise has been done, but with fewer categories within the Index. However, whilst the main index of individual topics remains as comprehensive as previously it is presented in a smaller typeface and makes use of more columns. At the time of printing, consideration is being given to the use of this new Index as a facility on the Society's website and also in connection with CDROMs of the Bulletin. Notes for using the 3 sections of the Bulletin Index, Issue No 1 to Issue No 80 Index of Topics Topics are arranged alphabetically by subject. References are shown as 'Issue No : Page No' eg 2:15 or 45:7-11 Index of Articles Authors of articles are listed alphabetically with the titles of their articles following in issue order. The issue in which an article may be found is referenced in italic bold, eg 76 Index of Book Reviews Authors of books, etc, reviewed are listed alphabetically with the titles of their publications listed in issue order. The reviewer's name in shown in parentheses after each title and is followed by a similar 'Issue No : Page No' reference to that used in the Index of Topics. Geoffrey Bennett Stanford in the Vale May 2004 -2- Index of Topics Abbas b Fim~s 35:18 Adams, John Couch 52:17 Allen. Elias 6:18, 47:30. 49:28, 53:19 Abbe, Ernst 36:16 Adams, London family 9:8-9 compendium 28:25-26, 68:39 Abbott. Richard. London 9:4 Adams. Nathaniel 36:6 dominant in London instrument trade Aberdeen. Copeland Collection 10:5-6 Adams 56:10 Abraham & Co, Liverpool, trade card 13:8 globes 29:20-21 guild membership 13:4 Abraham & Dancer orrery 27:28 instruments at Museum of the History Manchester 29:4 planetarium 29:20 of Science 55:16 microscope 27:34 reflecting telescope 12:26 pocket compendium 72:35 Abraham. Abraham 33:18 Adams & Dixey, microscope 11:12, pocket sundial 56:9 Absorptiometer 11:27, 14:20 portrait 78:35 Hilger 15:7-10 Adelaide Gallery, London 25:19, 58:1 six-foot radius quadrant 56:9-10 Hilger photoelectric 18:8 Adie 31:13, 33:18 with products 56:7 Academia das Ci~ncias. Lisbon 62:27 anemometer 30:13, 30:15 Almanac for 30 years (paper) 55:7 Academia del Cimento 75:1 Edinburgh, theodolite 10:27 Almanac, perpetual (paper) 55:7 Academic courses re instruments 17:1-2 garden sundial 24:10 Alpha particles, detecting and counting Academy of Science, Lisbon 55:28 polarizing microscope 30:13, 30:15 63:3 Accuracies, standard 27:3-8 Adie, Alexander 41:9 Alphabets of Freedoms (City of London) Achromatic glasses by Tecnomasio of Adies of Edinburgh 10:5, 10:7 13:4 Milan 53:26 Adler Planetarium 64:20 Alteneck, Von Hefner 37:12 Achromatic lens Anton Mensing instruments 79:28-32 Altimeter, Beatson 36:30 invention of 9:16 Chicago 14:4, 28:14 Amateur experimentation 74:41, performance 8:21 pocket sundials 54:3 75:34-36 Acoustic toroid. Watkins & Hill 12:11 Admiral. Little, with 'cross staff' Amelin, Olov 31:17, 37:15.38:16 Acoustical apparatus 24:13-14, 30:25 American Industrial Revolution, new Marloye 44:13 Admiralty Research Laboratory 34:23 gallery at Smithsonian 12:23, Marlye et Cie 29:16 Advertising of instruments, 16th - 19th 13:19. 14:15 Actinometer 9:12.21:18, 22:18 century 61:4-10 American Scene 23:19-20. 25:26, Adam, Robert, fireplace 30:24 Advertising of optical instruments in 26:16-18 Adams, C H, lecturer 25:20 1707 77:14-21 Amici, Giovanni 39:12.51:9 Adams. Dudley 21:5, 22:12 Aeroclinoscope 6:8 microscope 26:17 billhead 29:30 Aerometrical beads, patent 28:11 theodolite conceived by 16:7-9 comments 20:26 Agnew of Manchester 3:14 Ampere dates 19:19 Agricola, Georgius 39:33,40:13 commutator 2:15 'electrical medicine' 65:33 Ahaz dial table 6:6 globes 7:7.7:12, 7:14, 8:27 biblical references and assessment Amsler, Jakob. mathematician 75:12 spectacles 18:21-22 61:11-14 Amsterdam. instrument dealers in 28:26 supplier to Office of Ordnance 21:6 Harvard University 61:13 Anaethetic apparatus, Squire 78:13 Adams. George 2:8.3:20, 5:16, 6:18, Museo de Santa Cruz 61:13 Analemma, paper [planisphere] 55:7 6:26.7:6.7:9, 7:12, 7:14, 7:18, 8:23, Ahrens, C D, prism 10:15 Analysis of experimentation by Jean Paul 9:17-18.9:20, 10:4, 10:26, 22:12, Air pressure, demonstration devices 24:7 Marat 74:8-15 34:9, 35:24, 38:23.39:23, 52:10 Air pump 33:28 Anatomy theatre reconstruction 29:10 Cuff-type microscope 19:21 double barrel, Musschenbroek 58:36 Anaximander of Miletus 33:2 Culpeper-type microscope 17:25 Ducretet 16:22 Andersen, S6ren. copies of R0mer's Guild 21:4 Magdeburg hemishperes 72:16 instruments 25:13-14 instrument maker to Office of Studer 28:20-21 Andrewes, Thomas, carbon dioxide Ordnance 21:5 Van Musschenbroek 29:23 apparatus 26:13 inventory. Duke of Argyll 21:5 Air resistance, demonstration device Anemograph, Foster 40:9 magnetic recreation device 24:7 24:7 Anemometer model of eye 24:8 Airy, George Biddell 33:19, 38:7.39:9, Adie 30:13.30:15 octant 15:10 45:28 Dutch 6:8 parallel ruler 28:16 Aitchison, James 9:16 Foster 40:8 quil cutter 50:35 Aked, Charles 39:3 Josi Grasselli 42:7 steering compass 12:28 al-Battani 35:18 Kingston 40:8 sundial 17:25 al-Ibrfihim, Ibn Said 53:30 Robinson, [Yeates & Son?] 45:2 supplier to Christ's Hospital 21:5 Albion Salrnoiraghi of Milan. portable 53:25 Watt's perspective device pirated 17:4 by Richard of Wallingford 53:30 Anemovane, Patterson 40:8 Zograscope 28:18 medieval 4:18 Aneroid barometer 61:24-26 Adams. George. Senior 73:4 Algascope 54:33 miniature 61:25 artificial horizons 73:37 Allard. Karel, & Abraham, globes 7:11 tested in Australia 61:25 Adams. Hannah 9:8-9 Allegorical painting by Brueghel Angelini. A 31:18 supplier to Christ's Hospital 21:5 23:9-10 Angle measurer, Butterfield 9:6 3 .~mgstrrm, spectrometer 4:6 scaphe dial with astrolabe top planispheric Hispano-Moorish 78:5 Anorthoscope, Plateau 53:11 66:9-14, 67:2 Pregel 25:3 Anschiitz, Ottomar, moving picture Arsenius. Gualterus Regnerus 66:9 quadrant with perpetual calendar by machine 'Electrical Wonder' 56:26 Arstall, George, scale beam maker 28:9 Sutton 64:8 projecting electrotachyscope 56:26 Artefacts of time measurement 75:2-5 Rapozo 40:18 Anti-ferromagnetism 57:16 Asdic 7:3-4 Safavid Persian 75:2 Antibes. dealers in 21:24 Ash, C & Sons, London, query 4:17 Schissler 38:18 Antikythera Mechanism 77:36, 80:2~11 Aspinwall, Thomas 33:17 Shah Abbas 40:28 Antipodean update 18:7-8 Astarium, de Dondi 53:6 Sir Francis Drake 72:13 Antique Market, Portobello Road Aston & Mander. slide rule 16:22~24 spherical 71:35 [London] 56:34 Aston, T. Birmingham 3:14, 4:17 stereographic projection 69:11 Apograph 10:7 Astro compass 33:13 stolen from Rome museum 9:6 Applied science, contribution of the Arabs Astro-photometer, Zrllner, replica 58:33 symbolic value 64:3 6:5 Astrolabe 33:16, 34:17, 36:17, 36:23 Time Museum 16:22. 16:24 Appointments. Lord Chamberlain's Astrolabe book, Strffier 55:2 Tobias Volckmer 74:31 records of 21:5 Astrolabe, al-Khamaitri 36:17 Toledo 72:36 Apprentices. tax on 21:3 al-Khujandi 44:5 unusual, lecture 10:21 Apps, Alfred 36:14 and the imagination 64:3-6 use by lady 51:2, 55:3 Aquilius. Joan. engraver 7:13 Arsenius 4:11, 18:21, 18:24, 33:26, Valerius 5:28 Arab contribution to applied science 6:5 42:11, 42:13, 64:22, 64:36 von Mandem 38:28 Arago. Francois 33:8, 38:11, 53:2 as top to scaphe dial, Arsenius 66:1 I, with clock, Bommel 50:15 Arc-lights, Duboscq 51:12 67:2 Astronomical allegory in tiles, Lisbon Archimedes 35:11 Becker 21:31 55:28 Architectonic sector. [Culpeper?] 3:2 Champlain [?] 51:19 Astronomical and surveying instruments Argos Flight, pioneering navigation Cole 35:29, 78:16 in Hungary 19:8-12 62:17-18 Danti 31:14 Astronomical calendar (paper) 55:8 Argyll, Duke of. collection 21:5 de Champlain 26:19 Astronomical camera by De la Rue 53:3 Aristotle 33:2 de la Garde 28:35, 30:20, 30:22, Astronomical camera with flap shutter Arithmaurel [arithmometer].