Oregon secretary of state elections manual

Continue When you file your California business tax returns, the California Franchise Tax Board requires that you put your filing number on tax forms. The application number is not your company's tax identification number. This is a separate number that was appointed by the Secretary of State of California when you registered in this office. If you don't know the filing number, there are several ways to watch it. Find any receipt or documents from the California Secretary of State related to your business. Look for a 12-digit number that starts from the year your organization was registered as Secretary of State. For example, if your business was registered in 2006, look for a number that starts in 2006. That's your filing number. Call or email the Secretary of State's office to request a filing number for your company. Take your full name, company name, address and tax identification number. Office staff will look for a room and give it to you. Secretaries ease the burden on the managers they support by taking on a wide range of clerical and administrative tasks. Their duties are similar to those of administrative assistants and assistants to the executive branch. They call, manage calendars, coordinate meetings, and support application systems and databases on the ground. They often have a great responsibility as a spokesperson and gatekeeper for access to their managers. The best secretaries are experienced office administrators, familiar with all the tools and processes of the modern workplace. They are detail-oriented, organized and articulate written and oral communicators. If there are specific qualifications that you need, such as travel experience, or knowledge of your industry, be sure to add questions about it to the list below. To hire the right secretary for your organization, ask open, process-based questions. These types of questions are sometimes best used to assess their experience and interpersonal skills. Prospective candidates will investigate your company and ask prepared and spontaneous questions themselves. Operational and Situational Questions How is your previous experience related to this work? What are you interested in being a secretary in this company? If you tell multiple managers how to prioritize your work? How do you keep your managers informed of their work schedule? In your previous position, what queries did you usually respond to? What software do you use on a daily basis? How would you evaluate your computer skills? What documents or correspondence have you prepared? Describe in detail the steps you could take to plan a meeting for ten people. Describe a project you've been working on with a group. What was the purpose, and how did you work with others to achieve this goal? What have you done with the handling or expense reporting? You can do it. process that you use to record costs? What steps do you take to protect sensitive information? Who is the most difficult external or internal client that you have? What is the most effective way to work with this person? Independent, reliable guide to online education for more than 22 years! Copyright ©2020 GetEducated.com; Approved Colleges, LLC All Rights Reserved Independent, a trusted guide to online education for over 22 years! Copyright ©2020 GetEducated.com; Approved Colleges, LLC All Rights Reserved Secretary of State is the head of the State Department in the executive branch of the United States federal government. This department deals with all foreign affairs and relations for the nation. The Secretary of State is appointed by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. The Secretary of State's primary responsibility is to conduct American diplomacy and foreign policy. On January 13, 1781, the Second Continental Congress was originally established as Foreign Minister as head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On September 15, 1781, President George Washington signed into law the renaming of the Department and The Secretary of State to the Department and Secretary of State. British by birth, the role of Secretary of State was a senior adviser to the King of England. The Secretary of State is one of the highest positions in the United States government that can be held by someone who is not a natural born U.S. citizen. To date, only two naturalized citizens have served as Secretary of State. was born in Germany and was born in Czechoslovakia. As a result of their foreign birth, both were excluded from the lineage of presidential succession. As the most senior member of the Presidential Cabinet, the Secretary of State ranks fourth in the presidential succession after the Vice President, Speaker of the House of Representatives and President in the Senate. Although no one took office through continuity, six former secretaries of state went on to be elected president. These were: (in 1800); (in 1808); (in 1816); John C. Adams (in 1824); Martin Van Buuren (1836); and (in 1856). Other former secretaries of state, including , William Seward, James Blaine, , and unsuccessfully ran for president, either before or after the end of the Secretary of State's term. of Kansas is currently Secretary of State. Pompeo was nominated by President Donald Trump in March 2018 to replace of Texas, who has served as secretary of state since February 1, 2017. Mister was approved by the Senate by a 57-42 vote on 26 April 2018. United States. United States. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the White House on January 10, 2020. Alex Wong/Getty Images Since taking over as Secretary of State has become more complex as the global geopolitical sphere has changed. These responsibilities include advising the President on foreign affairs and immigration policy, negotiating and terminating contracts with foreign countries, issuing passports, overseeing the State Department and Office of Foreign Affairs, and maximizing the protection of the lives and property of U.S. citizens living or traveling in foreign countries. The Secretary of State also advises the President on the appointment and expulsion of U.S. ambassadors and diplomats, and, if necessary, represents the United States at international conferences, organizations, and agencies. Secretaries of State also have some internal responsibilities that have been rescheduled since 1789. From the rather esoteric to the very substantial, they include the guardianship and protection of the Great Seal of the United States and the preparation of some presidential declarations. The Secretary of State is also tasked with preserving the journals and articles of the 1774 Continental Congress, including original copies of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. More importantly, the Secretary of State represents the well-being of the American people in the process of extraditing fugitives to or from the United States. Another rarely used but important duty of the Secretary of State involves the resignation of current presidents or vice presidents. Under federal law, the resignation of a president or vice president becomes effective only after it has been announced in a written statement submitted to the Secretary of State's office. In this capacity, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger received and formalized the resignations of Vice President Spiro Agnew in 1973 and President Richard Nixon in 1974. Because of their direct involvement in international affairs, secretaries of state have historically been required to actively travel abroad. The record for the number of foreign countries visited by the Secretary of State belongs to Hillary Clinton, who visited 112 countries during her four years as Secretary of State Barack Obama. Second place in the travel category belongs to Secretary Madeleine Albright, who visited 96 countries between 1997 and 2001. The record for the number of air miles traveled during the Secretary of State's tenure belongs to Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew 1,417,576 miles. Secretary entered 1,059,247 miles, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's 956,733 miles in the air ranked third. Although the Constitution does not provide qualifications for the position of Secretary of State, founding father John Adams let them down when he told the delegates of the Continental Congress: What qualifications for secretary of state? He must be a man of universal reading in laws, governments, history. Our entire earthly universe must be comprehended in his Mind. The following table lists the U.S. Secretary of State, the President to whom they were appointed, their home state, and the year in which they were appointed. Secretary of State Appointments Thomas Jefferson George Washington Virginia 1789 George Washington Virginia 1794 George WashingtonJohn Adams Pennsylvania 1795, 1797 John Adams Virginia 1800 James Madison Thomas Jefferson Virginia 1801 Robert Smith James Madison Maryland 1809 James Monroe James Madison Virginia 1811 James Monroe Massachusetts 1817 Henry Clay John quincy Adams Kentucky 1825 Andrew Jackson New York 1829 Edward Andrew Jackson John Forsyth Andrew JacksonMartin Van Buren Georgia 1834, 1837 William Henry HarrisonJohn Tyler Massachusetts 1841 Abel P Upshur John Tyler Virginia 1843 John C. Calhoun John TylerJames Polk South Carolina 1844, 1845 James Buchanan James Polk'hari Taylor Pennsylvania 1849 John M. Clayton zachary TaylorMillard Fillmore Delaware 1849, 1850 Daniel Webster Millard Fillmore Massachusetts 1850 Millard Fillmore Massachusetts 1852 William L. Marcy Franklin PierceJamsan New York 1853 , 1857 James Buchanan Michigan 1857 Jeremiah S. Black James BuchananAbraham Lincoln Pennsylvania 1860, 1861 William H. Seward Abraham LincolnAndu Johnson New York 1861, 1865 Elihu B. Washburn Ulysses S. Grant Illinois 1869 Ulysses S. GrantRutherford B. Hayes New York 1869, 1877 William M. Evarts Rutherford B. Hayes James Garfield New York 1877, 1881 James G. Blaine James GarfieldChester Man 1881 F.T. Frelinghuysen Chester Chester 18181 , 1885 Thomas F. Byard Grover ClevelandBenjamin Harrison Delaware 1885, 1889 James G. Blaine Benjamin Harrison Maine 1889 John W. Foster Benjamin Harrison Indiana 1892 Walter S. Gresham Grover Cleveland Indiana 1893 Grover ClevelandWilliam McKinley 1895, 1897 William McKinley Ohio 1897 William R. Day William McKinley Ohio 1898 McKinley Theodore Washington, D.C. , 1901 Theodore Roosevelt New York 1905 Theodore RooseveltWilliam Howard Taft New York 1909 Philander K. Knox William Howard TaftWoodro Wilson Pennsylvania 1909, 1913 William J. Brian Nebraska 1913 Woodrow Wilson New York 1915 Bainbridge Colby Woodrow Wilson New York 1920 Charles E. Hughes Warren HardingKwin Coolidge New York 1921, 1923 Frank B. Kellogg Kelvin CoolidgeHerHerbert Hoover Minnesota 1925 , 1929 Henry L. Stimson Hoover New York 1929 Franklin D. Roosevelt Tennessee 1933 E.R. Stettinius, Junior Franklin D. RooseveltHarry Truman New York 1944, 1945 James F. Byrnes Harry Truman South Carolina 1945 George K. Marshall Harry Truman Pennsylvania 1947 Dean G. Acheson Harry Truman Connecticut 1949 Dwight Eisenhower New York 1953 Christian A. Gerter Dwight Eisenhower Massachusetts 1959, Dean 1963 William. Rogers Richard Nixon New York 1969 Henry A. Kissinger Richard NixonGerald Ford Washington, D.C. 1973, 1974 Cyrus R. Vance Jimmy Carter New York 1977 Edmund S. Masks Jimmy Carter Maine 1980 Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Ronald Reagan Connecticut 1981 George. Schultz Ronald Reagan California 1982 James A. Baker 3rd George H.W. Bush Texas 1989 Lawrence S. Eagleburger George W. Bush Michigan 1992 Warren M. Christopher William Clinton California 1993 York 1997 George W. Bush New York 2001 Condoleezza Rice George Bush Alabama 2005 Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Illinois 2009 John Kerry Barack Obama Massachusetts 2013 Rex Tillerson Donald Trump Texas 2017 Mike Pompeo Donald Trump Kansas 2018 2018

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