One day a very smart man asked Jesus, “How do I get to be with God forever? (parvatasana - hill pose - arms up, breathe in)

Jesus answered, “What does the Bible say? What do you think?” (pranamasana - arms in prayer position - breathe out)

And the man answered, “The Bible says to love God with all your heart (bitilasana - cow position - breathe in) and to love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.” (marjariasana - cat position - breathe out)

Then the smart man asked Jesus, “But Jesus, who exactly is my neighbor?” Jesus answered with a story so that the man could understand. (bharmanasana - table top position - breathe in and out)

One day a man was walking from one town to another town. (a dho mukha shvanasanad own - dog breathing out and in - use walking feet)

Suddenly he was attacked by robbers. The robbers hurt the man and stole from him. ( II - warrior 2 - step one leg through hands when in down dog position to transition into warrior two position - breathe in and out)

They left him on the road alone and sad, without any help. (padottanasana B - step legs out into wide-legged forward bend - breathe in and then breathe out when bending over)

Luckily, a man from the church came down the road. (Wide leg stance to prepare for the next posture. Face forward with hands up hips, breathe in)

But when he saw the hurting man, he just passed him by. (parivrtta prasarita padottanasana - straddle fold twist - breathe out)

Then, another church man came down the road. (Wide leg stance to prepare for the next posture. Face forward with hands up hips - breathe in)

When he saw the hurting man, he just passed him by, too. (parivrtta prasarita padottanasana - straddle fold twist with second arm down - breathe out)

Then, a third man f came down the road. He was called a Samaritan because he was from the town of Samaria. (prepare for janu sirsasana - come to seated with one leg out - breathe in)

When the Samaritan saw the hurting man, his heart went out to him. (janu sirsasana - head to knee, one leg forward bend - breathe out)

He began to take care of the man and put bandages on his wounds. (continue janu sirsasana - continue forward fold and pretend to bandage the hurt man - breathe in and out)

Then he picked up the man and put him on his donkey. (prepare for janu sirsasana on the second leg - come to seated with one leg out - breathe in)

Then he carried the man to a hotel so he could rest and heal. The kind Samaritan even paid for the hotel room. (continue janu sirsasana - continue forward fold and pretend to pay for the inn - breathe in and out)

After Jesus told this story, he asked the smart man, which one of these people was a neighbor to the hurt man? ( - buttery position - breathing in and out)

The rst man, the second man, or the third man, the Samaritan? (baddha konasana - buttery position with forward fold and pretend to point to the three options of who was a neighbor - breathe in and out to forward fold)

The smart man answered, “The Samaritan was the neighbor.” ( - seated criss cross position - breathe in and out)

“Yes,” Jesus replied. “Go and be like him.” (pranamasana - arms in prayer position - breathe in and out)