BASICS p. 100

Sequence 3 p. 154 Focus on Hip openers And side bends Simple seat Even breathing Warm up Extended triangle Goddess pose Wide-leg-standing Sukasana Let your intuition Utthita Utkata konasana forward bend Focus on an intention for Four-count inhale, be your guide Right and left side your practice, chant OM four-count exhale; optional: breath

Twisted triangle Warrior I Eagle posture Half butterfly, Half butterfly to side, Full butterfly, Wide-angle seated Recline on back, Parivrtta trikonasana I head to knee knee angled out to side bound angle forward bend eye of the needle pose Right and left side Right and left side Right and left side Janu sirsasana Parsva janu sirsasana Upavishta konasana (prep for one-leg Right and left side Right and left side king pigeon)

One-leg king pigeon Child’s pose Teepee twist Boat pose Reverse tabletop Bridge Legs up the wall Child’s pose pose on forearms Right and left side OR Eastern intense Setu Balasana stretch option: Elevate hips Bring awareness to space Right and left side Purvottanasana with block; hold for between eyebrows 3 to 5 minutes deepening your intuition


Crown Awareness Corpse pose Fetal position to seated Meditate, Chant Om, Bring awareness to the top of Remember intention and goal Namaste head deepening the connection Relax for 8-12 minutes of all yogic practices to your authentic self