FIND YOGA OM at HOME … Ashtanga First Series Asanas
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FIND YOGA OM AT HOME … Ashtanga First Series Asanas Hi Brussels Yoga Loft Yogis, This document contains all the asanas of the Full Primary Series of Ashtanga. These asanas are the basis of many of our classes such as the ashtanga first series (short), the gentle flow, the Ashtanga+ and others. Maybe these images will help you in your home practice. As always in any of our yoga classes please make sure that you listen carefully to your body. Yoga is not about pushing yourself into positions that do not feel right not is it about achieving something. Yoga is about letting go, listening to what your body tells you feels good and allowing only that to happen, nothing more. You have no goal, nothing to prove, no-one to impress. All you look for is to ensure that your muscles stay healthy and fit, that you breathe with full intention and intensity and enjoy your practice. No need to stress !! Barbara and I hope that this guide is useluf and that you will enjoy it often during the self isolation. Barbara and Marc Please note that all images are our copyright and that you may not replicate or duplicate them without our prior written approval. 1 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft A FEW SANSKRIT WORDS … Sanskrit Counting/Poses for Surya Namaskar A 1 ekam urdhva hastasana upward salute inhale 2 dve uttanasana forward fold exhale 3 trīṇi ardha uttanasana spine extension inhale 4 catvāri chaturanga dandasana plank to low plank exhale 5 pañca urdhva mukha svanasana upward facing dag inhale 6 ṣaṭ adho mukha svanasana downward facing dog exhale 7 sapta ardha uttanasana spine extension inhale 8 aṣṭau uttanasana forward fold exhale 9 nava urdhva hastasana upward salute inhale 10 daśa tadasana standing with hands at heart/sides exhale Sanskrit Counting/Poses for Surya Namaskar B 1 ekam utkatasana fierce pose (chair) inhale 2 dve uttanasana forward fold exhale 3 trīṇi ardha uttanasana spine extension inhale 4 catvāri chaturanga dandasana plank to low plank exhale 5 pañca urdhva mukha svanasana upward facing dog inhale 6 ṣaṭ adho mukha svanasana downward facing dog exhale 7 sapta virabhadrasana 1 (daksina) warrior A (right side) inhale 8 aṣṭau chaturanga dandasana plank to low plank exhale 9 nava urdhva mukha svanasana upward facing dog inhale 10 daśa adho mukha svanasana downward facing dog exhale 11 ekādaśa virabhadrasana 1 (vama) warrior A (left side) inhale 12 dvādaśa chaturanga dandasana plank to low plank exhale 13 trayodaśa urdhva mukha svanasana upward facing dog inhale 14 caturdaśa adho mukha svanasana downward facing dog exhale 15 pañcadaśa ardha uttanasana float to top of mat, spine extension inhale 16 ṣoḍaśa uttanasana forward fold exhale 17 saptadaśa utkatasana fierce pose (chair) inhale 18 aṣṭādaśa tadasana standing with hands at heart/sides exhale 2 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft THE ASHTANGA SEQUENCE ASHTANG FIRST SERIES (SHORT) 1: STANDING ASANAS Samasthiti Standing still Surya Namaskara (A & B) Sun salutation Padangushtasana Thumb to foot pose Pada hastasana Hand to foot pose Utthita Trikonasana Extended triangle pose Parivritta Trikonasana Revolved extended triangle pose Utthita Parshvakonasana Extended side way angle pose Parivritta Parshvakonasana Revolved extended side way angle pose Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C & D) Spread feet stretching pose Parshvottanasana Sideways stretching pose Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana Extended triangle pose Utkatanasana Uneven pose Virabhadrasana (A & B) Warrior pose 2: SEATED ASANAS Dandasana (Chaturanga Dandasana) Four-Limbed Staff Pose (staff = spine, body support) Paschimattanasana (3 types) West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose Purvatanasana East-Front (extended-intense) stretching pose Triang Mukhaekapada Paschima – ttanasana One foot transversely facing back forward stretch Janu Shirshasana (A, B & C) Head to knee pose Marichyasana (A, B, C & D) Marichya (Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose Navasana Boat pose Baddha Konasana Bound angle pose Supta Padangushtasana Lateral sleeping thumb to foot pose Setu Bandhasana Bridge configuration (construction) pose Urdhva Dhanurasana Elevated bow pose Paschimattanasana West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose 3:FINISHING ASANAS Baddha Padmasana Bound lotus pose Yoga Mudra Yoga gesture Padmasana Lotus pose Uth Pluthi (Tolasana) Sprung up Shavasana Corpse pose 3 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft THE ASANAS … Samasthiti or Tadasana Standing Pose / Mountain Posture Samastitihi or Tadasana 4 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Urdhva Hastasana Upward Hand Pose Urdvha Hastasana 5 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Uttanasana Intense Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana 6 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Chaturanga Dandasana Four-Limbed Stick Posture Chatturanga Dandasana 7 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Upward Facing Dog Posture Urdvha Mukha Svanasana 8 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Facing Dog Adho Mukha Svanasana 9 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Utkatasana Fierce Posture Utkatasana 10 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft STANDING ASANAS Padanghustasana and Padahastasana Foot and Big Toe Posture Padanghustasana 11 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Padahastasana 12 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Utthita Trikonasana – Three Triangle Pose Utthita = extended / Tri = three Kona = angle Uthita Trikonasana 13 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Parivrtta Trikonasana – Revolving Triangle Parivrtta=revolved Tri=three Kona=angle Parivrrta Trikonasana 14 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Utthita Parsvakonasana – Extended Side Angle Utthita = extended / Parsva = side / Kona = angle Utthita Parsvakonasana 15 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Parivrtta Parsvakonasana – Revolving Side Angle Parivrita = revolved / Parsva = side / Kona = angle Parivrrta Parsvakonasana 16 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Prasarita Padottanasana A - D – Intense Wide Leg Stretch Prasarita = spread out / Pada = foot / Uttana = intense stretch Prasarita Padotanasana A Prasarita Padotanasana B Prasarita Padotanasana C 17 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Prasarita Padotanasana D 18 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Parsvottanasana Intense side angle stretch posture Parsvottanasana 19 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Vrksasana Tree Pose Vrksasana 20 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Utthita Hasta Padanghustasana – Hand to Big Toe Utthita = extended / Hasta = hand / Pada = foot Padangustha = big toe Utthita Hasta Padanghustasana 21 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana – Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend Ardha = half / Baddha = bound / Padma = lotus / Uttana = intense stretch Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana 22 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Utkatasana – Fierce Pose Utka = fierce or powerful Utkatasana 23 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Virabhadrasana A-B - Warrior Vira = hero Virabhadra was a powerful warrior the Lord Shiva created from his matted hair. Virabhadrasana A 24 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Virabhadrasana B 25 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft VINYASA: Vinyasas link the asanas together in the ashtanga primary series to create a continuous flow of poses and movements. Vinyasa does not mean simply doing updog / downdog between the postures . Vinyasa is a systematic progression of movements used to join or develop into another posture, linking them together in a continuous flow using the ujjayi breath and bandhas. The mind is continually engaged without break as one joins the postures together. The joining process is just as important as the postures. Scientifically placed, vinyasa is a Pratikriya to rebalance the energy system after the preceding asana and prepare the yogi for the next asana. PRACTICE From a seated posture lift the legs, cross the ankles, bend and lift the knees bringing them towards the chest. Press the hands into the floor in front of the hips. Straighten the arms and lift the body off the floor. Lean forwards pulling the ankles backwards under the body while lifting the hips. Shoot the legs back landing on the ball of the toes as the chest lowers down to chatturanga dandasana. If this is too difficult, you may start from a cross-legged seated posture. Inhale, lean forwards placing the hands on the floor m front of the legs. Lift the hips by pressing the feet off the floor. Exhale as you kick or step the legs back on the balls of the toes and bring the chest forwards into chatturanga dandasana. Vinyasa helps to: - Re-align you with your breath - Move in rhythm to your breath to calm the mind and energize the body - Maintain heat or increase heat - Realign the body between postures - Build strength 26 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft SEATED ASANAS: Dandasana – Staff Pose Danda = staff, rod Dandasana 27 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Paschimottanasana A-C – Intense West Stretch / Sitting Forward Bend Paschima = west / Uttana = intense stretch - West Extension Posture The west refers to the back side of the body i.e hamstrings, back, etc. Paschimottanasana A Paschimottanasana B 28 All images are copyright of The Brussels Yoga Loft Purvottanasana - Intense East Stretch Purva = east / Uttana = intense stretch Eastside