Standing Poses Sequence

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Vrksasana (Tree Pose) Hold for 30 seconds on both sides

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Starting with your Left Side Uttitha (Triangle Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Reaching through your raised arm, draw yourself back up so that your arms are again parallel to the floor and move into: II (Warrior Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Keeping your leg bent, reach your left arm forward as you transition into (Half-Moon Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Reaching through your raised arm, draw leg back down to the floor so that you are in a wide-legged stance and your arms are again parallel to the floor. Then jump your feet together and return to: Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Starting with your Right Side Uttitha Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Reaching through your raised arm, draw yourself back up so that your arms are again parallel to the floor and move into: Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Keeping your leg bent, reach your right arm forward as you transition into: Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Reaching through your raised arm, draw your raised leg back down to the floor so that you are in a wide-legged stance and your arms are again parallel to the floor and move into: Prasarita Paddotanasana (Wide, Standing Forward Bend) Hold for 30 seconds

Raise yourself back up, walking your hands forward so that they are under your shoulders and you are looking out into the room. Then slowly walk your feet back together and fold into: (Standing Forward Bend) Hold for 30 seconds

Draw yourself back up, walking your hands forward so that they are under your shoulders and you are looking out into the room. Bend your needs and raise your arms out straight in front of you an up over your head as you move into: (Powerful Pose/Chair Pose) Hold for 30 seconds

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Hold for 30 seconds