26 poses demonstrated to be safe during pregnancy

A study ‘Yoga in Pregnancy: An Examination of Maternal and fetal responses to 26 Yoga Postures’ published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynaecology (2015) and in the Harvard Health blog found that the following yoga poses are safe for mother and baby, even, in the third trimester. (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/yoga-in-pregnancy-many-poses-are- safer-than-once-thought-201512298898)

1. Easy pose, 2. Wide angle seated forward bend ,Upavistha Konasana,(with chair) 3. Cat pose, Marjaryasana & Cow pose, Bitlasana 4. Balancing Cat , Utthita Cakravakasana 5. Eagle pose, 6. Mountain pose, 7. Warrior I, I 8. Standing forward bend, 9. Chair pose, 10. Warrior I, Virabhadrasana I 11. Extended side angle pose, 12. Triangle pose, 13. Warrior II, Virabhadrasana II (with block/chair) 14. Warrior III, Virabhadrasana III (with block/chair) 15. Wide-legged forward bend, 16. Upward salute, Urdhva Hastasana 17. Tree pose, Vrksasana 18. Eagle pose, Garudasana 19. Downward-facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana* (short period 1-2 breaths)* 20. Squat pose, (with support >40cm in 3rd trimester) 21. Modified Child’s pose, 22. Open twist in easy seated pose, Arda 23. Bound angle pose, (reclining with support) 24. Hero pose, (with support) 25. Leg up wall pose, (blanket under pelvis) 26. Corpse pose, Savasana*(with support under knees)*

* These poses were previously considered to be contraindicated during pregnancy. * * Whilst is not recommended in pregnancy, there is yet no supportive evidence that it is unsafe. Overheating is considered to carry significant risks for mother & baby.

W: www.yogababy.com.au E: [email protected] M: 0424 755 763 Contact Suzanne Swan for expert advice on Pregnancy & Birth