14 Months to Turn $2M Into $4M with Your Help CONTENTS
MAGAZINE WINTER 2015 We have 14 months to turn $2M into $4M with your help CONTENTS Dean David Saunders welcomes alumni, faculty and staff to the annual Homecoming Brunch in Goodes Hall in October. ii MAGAZINE WINTERWINTER 2015 FEATURES 8 A NEW WAVE — Introducing seven new faculty members. 15 START-UPS SNAPSHOT — Alumni-led new ventures produce a treadmill desk, provide a novel income tax- preparation service and revolutionize colour 3-D printing. 18 VIVE LA RÉSISTANCE, TO CHANGE — Peter Lawton, BCom’74, uncovers a dark chapter in Parisian history. 20 BE A MATCHMAKER — Introducing a $2M gift-matching program that’s on a fixed deadline. PROFILES 22 UP AND AWAY — Inside Google’s Project Loon (“Balloon-Powered Internet for Everyone”) with Doug Wightman, BCom’04, PhD’13-Computer Science. 26 A SEAT AT THE TABLE — Brenda Trenowden, BCom’89, a 25-year international banking veteran, champions increasing the number of women on corporate boards. DEPARTMENTS 2 From the Dean 3 Inside Goodes 29 Alumni Notes 37 Alumni News MAGAZINE Queen’s School of Business’S MAGAZINE FOR ALUMNI & FRIENDS MANAGING EDITOR CONTRIBUTORS Shelley Pleiter Claire Bouvier spleiter@business.queensu.ca Yadira Gonzalez CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Andrea Gunn Amber Wallace, QSB Director of Kari Knowles Communications & External Relations Peter Lawton Tanya Ligthart DESIGN Alan Morantz ReVue Design & Communications Andrea Strike Published three times a year by Queen’s School of Business Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 Tel 613.533.3118 Fax 613.533.6978 Email QSBMagazine@business.queensu.ca Web www.qsb.ca © Copyright 2015, Queen’s University Volume 55, Winter 2015 ISSN 0714798 Available by subscription and online at www.qsb.ca/magazine amont L uzy S FROM THE DEAN QSB ADVISORY Board MEMBERS Steven Albiani, BCom’03, Managing Partner, Stratum Advisory Group Inc.
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