THE NORWEGIAN CONTRIBUTION THE CONTRIBUTION NORWEGIAN THE NORWEGIAN CONTRIBUTION The International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY) was one of the largest coordinated research program- mes ever implemented. Through intensive observation and data collection over the course of a two-year period the programme has laid the foundation for studies that will improve our knowledge of the Arctic and the Antarctic in the decades to come. One key topic was the significance of the polar regions for global climate. IPY was also innovative in the way it linked research with educa- tion, outreach and communication. Norway was a major contributor to IPY. This book summari- ses the results and presents the preliminary scientific findings of the Norwegian IPY programme. THE NORWEGIAN CONTRIBUTION © The Research Council of Norway 2011 Editors: Olav Orheim and Kristen Ulstein Editorial committee: Øystein Hov, Ole Arve Misund and Kirsten Broch Mathisen English translation team: Alison Coulthard, Carol B. Eckmann, Anna Godson, Darren McKellep Cover photo: Bjørn Anders Nymoen, Jenny Bytingsvik, Svein Holo/Samfoto, Per Eide/Samfoto Design: Fete typer as Printed by: 07 Number of copies: 1000 Research Council of Norway P.O. Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen 0131 OSLO Telephone: +47 22 03 70 00 Telefax: +47 22 03 70 01
[email protected] Oslo, June 2011 ISBN 978-82-12-02901-9 (printed version) ISBN 978-82-12-02934-7 (PDF) TABLE OF CONTENT The research programme 108 Sveinn Are Hanssen et al.: The common eider’s vulnerability to pollution, climate change and disease (BIRD-HEALTH)