A Determined Industry ATK Sporting Names 2014 T the NSSF State of the Experienced the Second-Highest Year Ever

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A Determined Industry ATK Sporting Names 2014 T the NSSF State of the Experienced the Second-Highest Year Ever SHOOTING HUNTING OUTDOOR TRADE SHOW 1979–2015 DAY 3, JANUARY 22, 2015 NEW PRODUCT REPORTS SHOT Daily scours the floor to find the latest in knives from the show P. 14. Also, see what’s new in accessories P. 28 FEATURES NEWS Q&A WITH CAM SHOOT LIKE A EDWARDS GIRL! Group aims to Defending the Second grow the number of Amendment is a full- women shooters time job SEE PAGE 54 SEE PAGE 4 BULLET LEADING THE BREAKTHROUGH WAY Conservation Federal Premium is re- remains big business writing the blackpowder at the SHOT Show rule book SEE PAGE 58 SEE PAGE 68 THE DAILY NEWS OF THE 2015 LAS VEGAS SHOT SHOW BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE BONNIER CORPORATION AND THE NSSF A Determined Industry ATK Sporting Names 2014 t the NSSF State of the experienced the second-highest year ever. Dealers of the Year Industry dinner on Tuesday “Firearms permit and safety classes report South Carolina’s Palmetto State night, NSSF president Steve long waiting lists, and the number of appren- Armory was recently named Sanetti struck a “determined” tice hunting licenses increased to well over 2014 ATK Dealer of the Year. pose. He told the audience one million this year. There are now more “Huge inventory expansions Athat “much of the public and the media are than 40 million hunters and target shooters and phenomenal sales increases, woefully misinformed about who we are and and more than 100 million firearms owners. especially with Bushnell and all the good that we do for genuine gun safe- If this is a ‘retreat,’ as those who see no Savage Arms, plus a dedication ty.” He then iterated the many efforts that appeal in what we do have alleged, I wonder to our buyer’s programs have have been undertaken by the shooting-sports what an advance would look like!” earned Palmetto State Armory industry and NSSF to confront this issue. But most of all, he said, the many Americans this title,” said ATK Sporting “We’re determined to educate the public who enjoy the shooting sports are united in Group vice president of sales through blogs, social media, op-eds, TV and the determination “of ordinary people who Jim Bruno. “Owner Jamin radio interviews, and in-person appearances want nothing more than to peacefully, lawful- McCallum endlessly strives to around the country,” he said. “This has been a ly, and responsibly exercise their constitution- give his customers the very best Reed’s Sporting Goods of team effort, and it’s working. But this effort can al right to protect their families and enjoy the products and service. His Minnesota took home the never let up.” He then tackled an ongoing shooting sports.” incredible marketing efforts, award for Ammunition Dealer misperception of the shooting-sports industry. They are also united in “their determined sales strategies, and hard work of the Year. Finally, the ATK “Some pundits state that the shooting sports rejection of the false notion of controlling are impressive.” Shooting Accessory Dealer of are ‘in retreat.’ Well, look at the facts. Last criminals by heaping even more restrictions In related news, the Firearms the Year Award went to Ohio- year’s SHOT Show, one of the fastest-growing on the law-abiding. I have never seen our Dealer of the Year Award went based retailer Goschinski’s Fin, trade shows in the nation, had its highest atten- industry more determined to succeed in its to Vance Outdoors of Ohio. Feather & Fur. dance ever. The number of federally licensed mission by working together. And may that firearms dealers is growing. Firearms sales determination never falter.” NSSF president Steve Sanetti says the indus- S&G PROTECTS SAFES try is united in its deter- Gun-safe owners and manufacturers using Sargent and mination to preserve Greenleaf, Inc., electromechanical locks are in for some the shooting sports for good news. This week at SHOT, S&G released new study all Americans. data regarding its electromechanical locks and their ability to properly open in the event of an electro- magnetic-pulse (EMP) attack or solar incident. To address this concern, S&G put its Spartan, Titan, and 6100 series electromechanical locks to the test. All three were tested at high-EMP levels in the same independent lab where S&G tests the U.S. government’s high-security 2740B locks against EMP “attacks.” “The EMP threat is a concern, and we wanted to be sure our locks passed the threat potential, testing them at the military’s highest EMP impact standards,” says mar- keting manager Nate Brown. “The locks passed with flying colors.” Booth #2816. (sargentandgreenleaf.com) FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @SHOTBUSINESS NEWS PETZAL RECEIVES AWARD Bushnell yesterday recognized career with Field & Stream, Petzal David E. Petzal with the 2015 Bill has co-hosted the “Gun Nuts” tele- McRae Lifetime Achievement vision show (which now is a video Award. Widely acknowledged as blog on the Field & Stream web- the dean of the gun-writing frater- site), penned the monthly column nity, Petzal has engaged readers by “Ask Petzal,” authored seven educating and advising them about books, and written thousands of choosing and using optics in a vari- features and erudite product ety of settings. reviews. Known for his candid Bushnell established the Bushnell approach, his vast knowledge of Bill McRae Lifetime Achievement guns, ammunition, and optics has Award to honor the legendary writ- made him the go-to source for er and photojournalist for the vast information on how to be a better contributions he has made to the shooter at both the range and in optics and outdoors industry the field. throughout his 50-year career. A graduate of Colgate University, Introduced in 2011, the annual Petzal served in the United States award was established to both Army, where he started his writing honor McRae and recognize jour- career, from 1963 to 1969. He has nalists who have made a profound Wayne Van Zwoll (right), the 2013 recipient of the Bushnell Bill McRae hunted all over the United States impact in the industry. Lifetime Achievement Award, congratulates 2015 recipient David E. Petzal at and Canada, as well as Europe, Over the span of his 42-year the Bushnell reception yesterday at the 2015 SHOT Show. Africa, and New Zealand. Girl Power! POMA/NSSF AWARD- hoot Like a Girl (SLG²) is on a mission: to grow the number of women who participate in shooting sports by empowering them with confidence. Since its founding in 2008, it has achieved that goal again and again, The Professional Outdoor Media mainly by hands-on connections with women across the country, along Association (POMA) and the National with fresh and viable social media outlets and an ever-changing website Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) that features news, pro-staff tips, and techniques. honored American Rifleman and American Rifleman Television editor-in- S chief Mark A. Keefe, IV, with the presti- The main ingredient in this eager to find new ways to get Karen Butler, president of gious POMA/NSSF Grits Gresham success story is the state-of- our products into the hands of SLG2, says the trailer is help- Shooting Sports Communicator Award, the-art 52-foot trailer where females considering a firearms ing get more women into an honor that recognizes extraordinary women can participate in a purchase. The Shoot Like a shooting. “We are growing the achievements in communications in the revolutionary introduction Girl program offers exactly number of women who partic- areas of responsible firearms use, the process, called the Test Shots that, an opportunity for ipate in shooting sports. As of shooting sports, and hunting. and Test Flights programs, as women to try our pistols in a November 2014, our surveys Tom Gresham, Grits Gresham’s son, they shoot pistols, rifles, and safe and controlled environ- show a combined gun sales of presented Keefe with the award during compound bows in a safe, con- ment. I have been very 66 percent from nearly 1,700 the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor trolled environment in a short impressed with their commit- shooters we have put through Trade (SHOT) Show’s State of the amount of time. The trailer, ment to educate women on our program. That equates to Industry dinner. which is wheelchair-accessible, safe, responsible gun owner- 1,122 guns sales as a result of “I couldn’t be happier with the com- features a military-grade fire- ship, and we are proud to be a our introductory program, mittee’s selection of Mark for this arms simulation system and a supporter of Shoot Like a with 69 percent from new, award,” said Gresham. “He’s a skilled live archery range. Girl,” says Joyce Rubino, vice infrequent, or inexperienced communicator, but he also is a true gun “Colt [Booth #12529] is president of marketing. shooters.” geek—someone who enjoys the history, Crimson Trace Corp. (Booth the details, and the workings of both old #16731), which has signed on and new firearms. I’ve been privileged to as a sponsor, sees the value of spend time in the field with Mark, hunt- encouraging more women to ing and shooting, and he is one of the take up the shooting sports. “At most knowledgeable authorities on fire- Crimson Trace, our goal is to arms I know. His integrity, loyalty, and make laser sighting systems determination make him who he is.” standard equipment on all per- The Grits Gresham Award recognizes sonal protection firearms sold those who grasp the ideals, foster the in this country,” says Kent commitment, and display the talent Thomas, director of marketing Grits Gresham showed during his career.
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