Diversity of Nature in Estonia Estonian Nature Conservation in 2007 Diversity of Nature in Estonia ESTONIAN NATURE CONSERVATION IN 2007 Estonian Environment Information Centre Tallinn 2008 Published as 3rd book within series “Diversity of Nature in Estonia” Editor: Lauri Klein Compiled by: Taimo Aasma, Marika Arro, Lauri Klein, Reigo Roasto, Kaire Sirel, Margit Tennokene, Rene Volt, Hanno Zingel Photographs: Arne Ader, Mati Kose, Toomas Tuul, Lauri Klein, Heiko Kruusi, Reigo Roasto, Uudo Timm, Tiina Napp, Ingmar Muusikus Cover photo: Floodplain meadow at Suitsu. Matsalu National Park. Author: Mati Kose. Design by: Tõnis Kipper Printed by: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja OÜ, Publisher: Laki 26, 12915 Tallinn, Estonia, www.trt.ee Printed on 100% recycled paper Cyclus Off set with environmentally friendly colours Copyright: Estonian Environment Estonian Environment Information Centre Information Centre, 2008 Mustmäe tee 33, 10616 Tallinn, Estonia Phone: +372 673 7577 Fax: +372 673 7599 ISSN 1406-2399
[email protected] ISBN 978-9985-881-54-5 (hard copy) www.keskkonnainfo.ee ISBN 978-9985-881-56-9 (online) 2 Foreword Dear reader, Th e book you are holding is an overview of Es- Th e purpose of this book is to provide a com- tonian nature conservation management in 2007 pact overview of Estonian nature conserva- – 16 years after the restoration of independence tion in its current state. Following accession to and three years after accession to the European international conventions, membership of the Union. It is in these most recent years of rapid European Union and updates to legal acts on economic development that nature conservation nature conservation, many innovations have been has become one of the top topics of discussion introduced in Estonian nature conservation, and a in Estonian society.