Variation in Value of Universal Gravitational Constant - ‘G’ And Rise of Current Universe Rohit Kumar AT + PO – Matihani, District – Begusarai, Bihar -851129
[email protected] Abstract: In 1686 Newton gave his famous gravitational equation describing movement of planets around star. He left from the conventional notion of equilibrium of mass in which all the particles revolved around their center of mass. This led to creation of 4 fundamental forces of nature. Value of ‘G’ thus created in due process is in the foundation of every astrophysical analysis whether it be Newtonian or Einstein’s gravitational field. Here, it is shown that the value of ‘G’ varies with difference position, velocity and mass. Calculation is made for difference in value of ‘G’ for each planet with variation in distance ie; apogee and perigee. Change in monthly and daily variation of “G” is also shown, along with effect of height and depth from mean sea level. Force of gravity is equivalent to Centripetal force from center of mass of planet-star system. Calculation for value of G is made for an atom which is found to be 1029, thus cancelling the concept of the separation of forces of nature on basis of size. Such concept will be very useful for space exploration activity. KEY WORDS: Centripetal force, Gravitational constant -G, Gravitational Force, Hydrostatic equilibrium, Linear acceleration, Mass, Orbital and escape velocity, Time. 1. Introduction: Inverse square is at the center of gravitational and electromagnetic theory. Squaring the distance between the center of particles are considered to compare the movement w.r.t.