Submitted to: San Mateo County Harbor District

Submitted by: Questa Engineering Corporation

In Association with: Ware Associates Zeiger Engineers, Inc. mack5

October 7, 2019

October 7, 2019

San Mateo County Harbor District Attn: Deputy Secretary of the District 504 Ave Alhambra, Ste. 200 El Granada, CA 94018

Subject: Proposal for Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design, Engineering, Permitting and Construction Support Services

Dear Mr. Moren:

Questa Engineering Corporation is pleased to present this Proposal for the Pillar Point Project. We have assembled a highly qualified team, including Ware Associates (architecture/engineering services), Zeiger Engineers, Inc. (electrical engineering), and mack5 (cost estimating).

Questa is widely recognized as one of ’s leading park and trail planning and engineering design firms for open space and natural park areas in constrained and challenging sites, including coastal and beach areas. We also have extensive experience in trail planning and design in parks, and sites with complex environmental and geotechnical issues. Questa provides complete services in planning, landscape architecture and engineering design of recreational improvement projects, from preliminary engineering investigations/feasibility studies and constraints analysis, development of concept plans, CEQA environmental analysis and regulatory permitting, through final plans and design drawings, bid assistance, and construction management. We have specialized expertise in more complicated aspects of park planning and design, including complex environmental issues, liability and safety, green energy and small-scale water wastewater, and accessibility issues. Our team’s careful consideration of environmental issues and creative design to minimize potential impacts are keys to our implementation success. We also routinely work with multiple agencies stakeholders and partners to achieve effective design solutions that the public supports. Our team of civil, environmental, geotechnical, and electrical engineers, architects, landscape architects, biologists, ecologists, hydrologists, engineering geologists, and permit specialists has worked closely together on many difficult and challenging projects over the years, including many projects similar to the Pillar Point Project. We have planned and designed low-impact multi-use paths, parks, and open space areas in many communities throughout Northern and Central California, including recent work on the Green Valley Trail for the Coastal Conservancy and San Mateo Parks, the Bodega Dunes Campground, with Sonoma County Regional Parks and State Parks, the North Coast Trail for Sonoma County Parks, and the Albany Beach, Breuner/Dotson Marsh and Coyote Hills Regional Park/Patterson Ranch Projects for East Bay Regional Park District.

We are excited to have the opportunity to provide assistance to San Mateo County Harbor District. As a Principal of Questa, I am authorized to negotiate on behalf of and contractually bind the firm. This Proposal is binding for 120 calendar days. We have reviewed the Sample Agreement contained in the RFP and take no exceptions. We are not aware of any conflicts of interest that would limit our ability to provide the requested services. Please contact me at (510) 236-6114, ext. 206, or by email at [email protected], if you have any questions regarding this proposal.


Jeffrey H. Peters Principal

Box 70356, 1220 Rd. Suite 206 Pt. Richmond, CA 94807 T: 510/236.6114 F: 510/236.2423 E: [email protected]

Proposal for Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design, Engineering, Permitting and Construction Support Services

Submitted to:

San Mateo County Harbor District Attn: Deputy Secretary of the District 504 Ave Alhambra, Ste. 200 El Granada, CA 94018 E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted by:

Jeffrey H. Peters, Principal Questa Engineering Corporation 1220 Brickyard Cove Road, Suite 206 Point Richmond, California 94801 Tel: (510) 236.6114 Fax: (510) 236.2423 E-mail: [email protected]

In Association with:

Ware Associates Zeiger Engineers, Inc. mack5

Questa Project No. 1900136

October 7, 2019

Proposal | Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design Table of Contents A. COVER LETTER B. APPROACH TO SCOPE OF SERVICES ...... 1 Project Understanding and Approach ...... 1 Scope of Work Task List ...... 3 Task A - Design Development ...... 3 Task B - Technical Specifications Documents ...... 4 Task C - Permitting/Bid Support/Construction Support ...... 7 Task D - Project Funding Assistance ...... 10 Level of Effort...... 11 Timeline ...... 11 C. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ...... 12 Firm Overviews ...... 12 Questa Engineering Corporation...... 12 Ware Associates ...... 15 Zeiger Engineers, Inc...... 16 mack5...... 16 Relevant Projects ...... 18 Questa ...... 18 Ware Associates ...... 36 Key Personnel ...... 41 Questa ...... 41 Ware Associates ...... 43 Zeiger Engineers ...... 44 mack5...... 44 Firm References ...... 44 D. SIZE, STRUCTURE, AND LOCATIONS OF FIRMS ...... 45 E. FINANCIAL STABILITY ...... 46 F. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA G. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE H. COST PROPOSAL (SEPARATE ENVELOPE) APPENDIX A: RESUMES

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B. Approach to Scope of Services Project Understanding and Approach Questa Engineering is pleased to present this proposal to provide design services for the Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design Project. We have teamed with Ware Associates to provide architectural design for the restroom, Zeiger Engineers for electrical engineering, and mack5 for cost estimating services. This Project will construct a new public restroom facility adjacent to the Pillar Point RV Park to include three ADA-accessible bathroom stalls, an outdoor shower, drinking fountains, seating areas, and informational/educational signage. The public parking area will be reconfigured to accommodate at least eight ADA-compliant parking spaces, provide an ADA-compliant pathway leading to the restroom and re-located/redesigned Coastal Trail, accommodating a 200-foot segment of Trail to address sea cliff retreat and provide a landscape buffer area. We understand that the Project is widely supported by the community to improve recreation and public beach access along Half Moon Bay’s spectacular shoreline. A goal of the Project is to seamlessly implement the Plan within the City’s Coastal Development Permit regulatory framework. To accomplish this, we have assembled a talented team that has the experience, creativity, commitment and resolve to ensure a successful result. Our work entails providing all site planning/landscape architecture, architecture, civil and electrical engineering, geological, and permitting services for the Project in a collaborative fashion, in addition to bidding and construction support, and grant funding application. Our interdisciplinary team has worked together on other similar projects and can assure the City and Harbor District of an integrated and streamlined approach. The provision of improved recreation opportunities, public access, and environmental protection along the shoreline is an important goal of the City of Half Moon Bay, the Harbor District, and the surrounding community. We will achieve this by compiling and interpreting existing environmental and coastal information as a basis for decision-making and develop a plan that recognizes the unique ecological integrity and interconnectivity of the area. The implementation of sensitive resource-based and community supported design fits perfectly with our personal and professional interests. We are dedicated to balancing recreational improvements with environmental protection/enhancement to create opportunities for area residents and visitors to enjoy the outdoors, and become educated in the importance of environmental protection in a vital ecosystem. We have been involved with the enhancement and restoration of waterfront lands within the greater Bay Area for many years, and regard this involvement as among the most important projects and highest priorities of our careers. Our approach to completing this project includes:

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. Evaluation of baseline environmental conditions, including existing geology/soils and hydrology within a shoreline/sea bluff context and with respect to sea level rise and bluff retreat, and evaluation of maintenance issues. . Review of access, circulation, and project amenities, including review of previous project documents and research. . Analysis of preliminary costs and grant funding opportunities. . Preparation of a Draft and Final Plan, including site elements, visual and aesthetic considerations, restoration and enhancement, public access, and project cost estimates, utilizing green concepts wherever possible. . Development of appropriate management and maintenance guidelines, to provide stormwater management components, plant with native species, provide direction for the maintenance and management of the restored area, with consideration for future sea level rise, and a program for long-term monitoring. Our project team is experienced in designing park and trail facilities, including staging areas and restrooms that avoid sensitive areas. We are equally capable of defining appropriate, cost-effective design, restoration, and mitigation measures where required. Our staff has completed numerous public access facility projects with that comply with ADA, local coastal plans, Caltrans and other design requirements while conserving site resources. Our staff is certified by the National Highway Institute for bicycle and pedestrian facility design. Our team is exceptionally qualified to complete the project. Our strengths include: • Experience in park, trail, and natural resource planning, restoration, and implementation, especially along shorelines and in sites with existing design constraints or use conflicts. • Public open space park facility design, including trails, parking areas, restrooms, showers, kiosks, amphitheaters, interpretive facilities, fishing piers, landscaping, camping, picnic areas, water supply, and other site improvements. • Design to minimize environmental impacts, be cost-effective, minimize maintenance needs, and use recycled or non-toxic materials where feasible. • Compliance with ADA requirements and universal access needs. • Close working relationships with local and State regulatory agencies to assure project success. • Multitasking to meet project schedules and comply with funding requirements and grant responsibilities. • Phasing, cost analysis, and grant assistance to enable incremental implementation of the project. • A successful history of meeting deadlines, fast-tracking project task completion, and an understanding of community concerns and achieving project resolution.

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Our team has implemented many public access, trail, park, environmental restoration, education, and resource interpretation planning projects. We enjoy projects that offer opportunities to guide appropriate land use and provide resource-based design strategies. Our varied expertise is a good fit for this project, including work on projects with significant resource management opportunities and challenges.

Scope of Work Task List Task A - Design Development A.1 - Kickoff Meeting This meeting with Harbor District and City of Half Moon Bay staff will review Project goals, work scope, deliverables, and the project schedule, as well as the existing conceptual drawings and Coastal Development conditions of approval. This meeting will establish Project expectations, further identify specific work tasks, introduce key staff accessible to the Design Team, and finalize the response schedule and reporting times. The Kickoff meeting will also establish communication protocols between the Park District/City and the Team to minimize disruption to the regular work of staff. A.2 - Refined Preliminary Plan Based on input from the Kickoff Meeting and existing plans/sketches, we will develop a refined Preliminary Plan, applying sustainable/green development concepts wherever practicable. We will review the Preliminary Plan with the Harbor District/City to obtain input to guide further design development. A.3 – Technical Studies Questa will complete the following technical design studies in house, using out staff/associate civil engineers/surveyors, engineering geologists and geotechnical staff, and landscape architects/arborists, as referenced in the RFP. . Topographic and boundary survey . Geotechnical investigation for restroom foundation design . Sea level rise/coastal bluff retreat using information from San Mateo County Sustainability Office and City/Harbor District information, USGS, Cosmos Model and Scripps Institute coastal bluff retreat analysis methodology . Tree health/safety analysis of trees fronting along Cabrillo Highway.

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A.4 - Construction Cost Estimates and Deliverables Schedule We will prepare construction cost estimates and an implementation schedule based on the refined Preliminary Plan. An outline of Project deliverables, including format, content, organization, graphics, and a critical flow path, will also be prepared by the Design Team. We will use the latest unit costs experienced by the District, Caltrans, the City of Half Moon Bay, and San Mateo County Public Works to achieve cost estimates that are as accurate as possible. The cost estimates will include detailed information for each of the project components. The costs will be separated between design and engineering costs, permitting, construction management, construction costs, operation and maintenance costs, and any needed environmental monitoring /mitigation costs. We will also identify and explain any assumptions used in preparing the estimates, including quantity take- offs and unit rates. Task A Deliverables: . Refined Preliminary Plan . Construction Cost Estimates . Updated Project schedule

Task B - Technical Specifications Documents The work will proceed through three design review stages, submitting progressively more detailed drawings and specifications at the 35%, 65% and 95% design completion stages, to be reviewed by Harbor District/City staff, including in-person meeting(s) to review comments. In general, engineering designs will follow the standards of the Harbor District/City, or where supplementation is needed, utilize the Caltrans Highway Design Manual design standards for bridges and structures, AASHTO Guide for Bicycle Facilities, California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and City of Half Moon Bay/San Mateo County and Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications. All proposed improvement plans would be designed to be fully ADA compliant and meet HDM Chapter 1000 standards. Other published design criteria will be used as appropriate, with an emphasis on sustainable/green components wherever feasible. Plans and Specifications will include, but not be limited to, the following components, as detailed in the RFP: . Landscape Layout Plan . Planting Plan . Irrigation Plan . Grading and Drainage Plan

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. Stormwater Treatment Plan . Site Layout Plan . Lighting Plan . Signage Plan . Architectural & Structural Plans, with the following details: • Maximum building height of 14.5 feet from finished grade; • Final exterior colors and materials, including non-reflective roof materials and neutral colors compatible with the coastal setting; • Locations and cut sheets of any exterior lighting fixtures; and • A reduced wall height at the location of the proposed information board and adjacent bench such that it is maximum 3 feet tall. . Final Construction Plan . Topographic/Site Boundary Survey . Geological Report . Final Cost Estimate

B.1 - 35% Design Development Based on the completed preliminary site investigations, surveys, and environmental and engineering studies, as well as input from the Harbor District/City, we will revise the Preliminary Plans to develop 35% Conceptual Plans. We will address several design elements in the 35% Plan, including finalizing the layout of the restroom, parking and other amenities, identifying construction staging and mobilization areas. The Preliminary Plans will include a detailed site plan showing the location of the restroom facilities, outdoor shower, ADA-compliant parking stalls, drinking fountains, seating areas, and informational/educational signage, utilities, coastal trail location, cross sections, location of plantings, and other details. The Preliminary Site Plans will also include a detailed layout at a scale of 1”=20’ Measures to avoid or minimize environmental impacts will be incorporated into Project Plans. The updated Conceptual Plans will be fully suitable for project permitting. B.2 - 65% Construction Documents We will further develop the 35% Plans, as modified from Harbor District/City input and any permit conditions received at this stage, into 65% engineering Plans for construction, including measures that avoid or minimize environmental impacts. We will update preliminary cost estimates and implementation schedule to develop more precise estimates of probable construction costs. The estimate will be in the form of a completed bid sheet or schedule, showing quantities, unit prices, and totals for all items of work. The basis for any recommended lump sum bid items will also be provided. We will also prepare an estimated construction schedule in this task, updated with each progress design submittal. B.3 - 95% Construction Documents We will further develop the 65% Plans, as modified from Harbor District/City input and any agency permit conditions, into 99% Plans to be reviewed by Harbor District/City staff, including an in-person meeting or phone conference to review comments. We will prepare 95% Specifications in the latest Harbor District/City formats, supplementing with San Mateo County Standard Plans and Special Provisions, as needed. The Specifications will also address

Questa Engineering Corporation | 5 | October 7, 2019 Proposal | Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design required stormwater, C.3, and erosion control, permitting requirements from the environmental permits, miscellaneous items, and Permit requirements, to be reviewed by Harbor District/City staff, including an in-person meeting or phone conference to review comments. We will further develop the 65% Cost Estimate and Construction Schedule, as modified from Harbor District/City input and agency permit conditions into a 95% Engineer’s Estimate. Prices used will be based on the latest available data, reflecting the location of the Project and the quantity of each item. The estimate will be prepared in Microsoft Excel We will develop a Project Construction Schedule documenting a logical sequence of construction to determine number of working days and a timeline for completion of project milestones. Project scheduling will employ a critical flow path methodology. Project milestones will be identified and a detailed schedule developed and agreed upon. B.4 - Final Construction Documents The Final (100%) Plans and Specifications will incorporate comments from Harbor District/City staff, and any other agency review, and refinements based on our continued design efforts. These documents will be prepared as Construction Documents and shall provide clear design intent of the project as well as clear direction to the Contractor. These plans will include general notes, identification of the existing conditions and, resources to be protected, an overview and detailed sheets, including cross sections, profiles, design details showing all project components, as well as all contract requirements. We will prepare Bid Documents and Construction Specifications in accordance with Harbor District/City standards and best engineering practices. The Bid Documents will allow for a meaningful cost comparison between the bidding contractors. These will include general provisions, technical specifications, bid instructions and bid sheets, etc. We will further develop the 95% Engineer’s Estimate and Schedule, as modified from Harbor District/City input and agency permit conditions into a Final Engineer’s Estimate and Construction Schedule. B.5 – Project Team Meetings Throughout the course of the Project we anticipate conducting a minimum of four progress/coordination meetings with Harbor District/City staff. These meetings will allow Harbor District/City staff and the Design Team to review progress and explore issues, problems/problem resolutions, and recommendations. Some progress meetings may use Web-based tools such as “GoToMeeting” to save costs, with the resultant savings devoted to a more in-depth study of the Project area. Time is also budgeted within this task for internal team meetings and project management. Day- to-day correspondence by phone and e-mail will be conducted as part of each project task. Meeting minutes will be prepared for all Project meetings. Issues that arise throughout the life of the Project will be addressed (along with proposed solutions) during progress meetings, in monthly progress

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reports (accompanying invoices), and in follow-up discussions and meetings with designated Harbor District/City staff, as needed. Any recommendations for revision of scope, study methodology, meetings, budget or schedule will be reviewed directly with the Harbor District/City. We will also consult individually with interested parties as needed to determine specific concerns and optimize solutions. At the initial progress meeting, preliminary site plan alternatives will be presented for review, and selected project elements will be presented at a level of detail to facilitate subsequent discussion of environmental review, design, permitting, cost analysis, etc. Task B Deliverables: • 35%, 65%, 95%, and 100% Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimate/Schedule, in digital format • Review meetings and spreadsheet tracking plan edits/changes

Task C - Permitting/Bid Support/Construction Support C.1 – Bid Support We will provide assistance during the bidding stage of the project in this task, including attending the pre-bid meeting, identifying qualified contractors, responding to bidder’s questions and issuing any clarifications or revisions to Drawings or Specifications, and providing bid review and tabulation. C.2 – Building Permit Processing We will assist with the permitting process including: . Subtask C.2a – Prepare Coastal Development Permit Compliance Materials. We will prepare any materials required to verify compliance with the Coastal Development Permit and coordinate the submittal and permit approval process. . Subtask C.2b – Prepare Building Permit/Encroachment Permit Applications. We will prepare and submit the building permit application, including encroachment permit, to the City of Half Moon Bay, including all supporting and necessary studies, on behalf of the District. ADA compliance, grading, setback, and stormwater management under C.3 are all important components of the City’s final project approval process.

This task includes as needed meetings with agency representatives and follow-up correspondence to clarify project and mitigation strategies and discuss any needed permit issues. This task also includes preparation of draft permit applications and making any needed revisions to the draft applications. We will also provide copies of all agency correspondence and telephone/email documentation to Harbor District/City staff. We will be available to represent Harbor District/City staff with regulatory agencies regarding clarification as needed for any project issues and permit requirements, and mitigation needs and proposals.

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Our intent is to prepare the final design of the project to minimize regulatory concerns and permit issues. Any potential project issues identified during the permitting process will include appropriate avoidance/minimization or mitigation strategies developed in consultation with Harbor District/City staff. Coordination and permit processing will be initiated after the 35% design is completed and concurrent with Task 2 Technical Specifications Documents to the extent feasible, recognizing that ongoing agency and staff discussion and input on the plan will be important to assure agency approval. We will prepare and submit all necessary draft permit applications and associated materials for Harbor District/City review and approval prior to submittal. All permit applications will contain information on the proposed activity, the anticipated impacts to federal, state and local jurisdiction, the environmental/wetland impacts associated with the proposed project, and a detailed description of any necessary mitigation measures. Figures will be included that show site location and proposed project design elements, regulatory impacts, and mitigations. C.3 – Construction Support We will provide support during construction, including the following sub-tasks: • 3.3a – Attend Pre-Construction Meeting(s) • 3.3b – Ensure Contractor Compliance to BMPs, Permit & Environmental Standards, and Plans & Specifications • 3.3c – Hold Coordination/Construction Meetings (as needed) • 3.3d – Coordinate/Meet with Local & Government Agencies • 3.3e – Perform Bi-Monthly Site Inspections, Final Inspection & Punch List • 3.3f – Coordinate Contractor Close-out • 3.3g – Prepare As-Built Drawings

During the construction phase, Questa will work closely with the Construction Manager to assist and advise the Harbor District/City on construction issues, including plan and permit compliance and construction compliance quality control. This will be done in order to minimize construction conflicts and to expedite project completion. Questa will review and approve submittals and shop drawings, answer RFIs, and review and recommend actions on change order requests and progress payments. In

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addition, we will verify compliance with permit conditions, including erosion control and SWPPP compliance. We anticipate maintaining at least a twice weekly interaction with the Contractor and Construction Manager and will be fully aware of all construction activities with periodic unannounced observations of all areas related to the project. These types of projects usually also need close supervision at key points of construction. Formal weekly construction meetings (with agenda, minutes, etc.) are also planned, along with bi-monthly site inspections. We suggest following the Caltrans Local Assistance Program Manual (LAPM) in completing the construction documentation and management. This includes completion of a daily log and field notes, procedures for reviewing and approving/recommending approval of submittals, shop drawings, and change orders or material quantity requests, and other procedures such as time of work delays for rain or other e vents. Project Engineer and Construction Manager Carl Nelson, PE, has extensive training and experience in LAPM and will be a valuable resource in completing this aspect of the project. As needed, Questa will prepare additional drawings and change order supporting documents. Any such additional drawings could potentially constitute extra work; so prior approval from Harbor District/City staff would be required.

Final inspection and closeout will include: • Preparation of punch list and final project acceptance/walk through

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• Preparation/digitization of As-Built Plans and Completion Letter

Task C Deliverables: . Responses/clarifications to requests for information (RFI’s) from prospective bidders related to the bid documents. . Addenda and drawing and/or specifications revisions that may be required to be issued during the bid process. . Respond to Requests for Information (RFIs) . Submittals review . Preparation or review of change order request documents, including preparation and issuance of revised stamped construction drawings if needed in the event of differing site conditions or modifications are required to the design bid drawings during construction. . Review of change order costs . Progress and final inspection, punch list development, and follow-up inspections . Preparation of As-built plans.

Task D - Project Funding Assistance D.1 – Identify Grant Funding Opportunities We will research and identify potential Federal/State grant funding and subsidized loan opportunities for constructing the project. D.2 – Present Findings to District We will present our findings on funding opportunities to the District, including application deadlines, specific requirements, and recommendations regarding prioritization. D.3 – Lead Grant Application Process Upon District selection of funding opportunities to pursue, we will lead the application efforts and prepare all required materials, presented for District review and approval prior to submission. Task D Deliverables: . Analysis of Funding Opportunities . Preparation of Grant/Loan Applications and Supporting Materials

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Level of Effort Contribution levels towards the Project for Key Staff and Subconsultants are indicated as percentages of total hours in Table 1. Our hourly estimate assumes architectural design of the restroom. If a prefabricated/pre-engineered restroom option is selected, we estimate that it would require approximately one-third of the effort. Timeline Figure 1 presents the proposed Project Schedule. The schedule assumes completion of the 90% design within 90 days of Notice to Proceed, as required in the RFP.

Weeks After Notice to Proceed TASKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Task A - Design Development M A.1 - Kickoff Meeting A.2 - Refined Preliminary Plan A.3 - Technical Studies A.4 - Construction Cost Estimates & Schedule Task B - Technical Specifications Documents B.1 - 35% Design Development B.2 - 65% Construction Documents B.3 - 95% Construction Documents D B.4 - Final Construction Documents F B.5 - Project Team Meetings M M M M Task C - Permitting/Bid Support/Construction Support C.1 – Bid Support C.2 – Building Permit Processing C.2 – Construction Support Task D - Project Funding Assistance D.1 – Identify Grant Funding Opportunities D.2 – Present Findings to District D.3 – Lead Grant Application Process

M = Meetings D = Draft Deliverable F = Final Deliverable

Questa Engineering Corporation | 11 | October 7, 2019 TABLE 1. LEVEL OF EFFORT Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design


Questa Engineering Staff/Hourly Rates Ware A&E Staff/Hourly Rates TOTALS

Principal- Staff Landsc. Total Sr. Lanscape Sr. Engineering Project Tech. Writer/ GIS/CAD/ Engineer/ TASKS in-Charge/ Arch./Engineer/ Principal Designer Draftsperson Hours by Arch.. Geologist Engineer, PE Editor Graphics Architect Overall PM Geol. Task

Task A - Design Development A.1 - Kickoff Meeting 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 26.00 A.2 - Refined Preliminary Plan 6.00 16.00 12.00 24.00 4.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 130.00 A.3 - Technical Studies (Survey, Geotech., Arborist) 4.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 60.00 4.00 108.00 A.4 - Construction Cost Estimates & Schedule 2.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 Task A Subtotal 18.00 34.00 12.00 46.00 84.00 16.00 16.00 4.00 28.00 16.00 20.00 294.00 Task B - Technical Specifications Documents B.1 - 35% Design Development 6.00 12.00 12.00 24.00 36.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 20.00 32.00 174.00 B.2 - 65% Construction Documents 4.00 6.00 6.00 16.00 24.00 16.00 8.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 142.00 B.3 - 95% Construction Documents 4.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 2.00 18.00 24.00 32.00 126.00 B.4 - Final Construction Documents 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 12.00 18.00 78.00 B.5 - Project Team Meetings 12.00 12.00 20.00 12.00 8.00 64.00 Task B Subtotal 30.00 42.00 18.00 80.00 96.00 52.00 20.00 4.00 52.00 76.00 114.00 584.00 Task C - Permitting/Bid Support/Construction Support C.1 – Bid Support 2.00 2.00 12.00 16.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 48.00 C.2 – Building Permit Processing C.2a –Coastal Dev. Permit Compliance Materials 2.00 16.00 4.00 24.00 8.00 12.00 66.00 C.2b –Building/Encroachment Permit Applications 2.00 4.00 8.00 16.00 4.00 8.00 42.00 Task C.2 Subtotal 4.00 20.00 0.00 12.00 40.00 12.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 108.00 C.3 – Construction Support C.3a – Attend Pre-Construction Meeting(s) 4.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 24.00 C.3b – Ensure Contractor Compliance 2.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 38.00 C.3c – Hold Coordination/Construction Meetings 24.00 24.00 16.00 48.00 C.3d –Local & Government Agency Coordination/Mtgs. 8.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 40.00 C.3e –Bi-Monthly Site Inspections, Final Inspection 4.00 4.00 24.00 36.00 12.00 80.00 C.3f – Coordinate Contractor Close-out 4.00 4.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 36.00 C.3g – Prepare As-Built Drawings 1.00 6.00 12.00 16.00 6.00 10.00 51.00 Task C.3 Subtotal 23.00 20.00 0.00 90.00 116.00 16.00 16.00 0.00 42.00 0.00 10.00 317.00 Task C Subtotal 29.00 42.00 0.00 114.00 172.00 32.00 40.00 0.00 46.00 0.00 14.00 473.00 Task D - Project Funding Assistance D.1 – Identify Grant Funding Opportunities 1.00 16.00 6.00 12.00 35.00 D.2 – Present Findings to District 4.00 4.00 8.00 D.3 – Lead Grant Application Process 1.00 4.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 41.00 Task D Subtotal 6.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 24.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.00 SUBTOTAL HOURS 83.00 142.00 30.00 240.00 370.00 124.00 88.00 8.00 126.00 92.00 148.00 1,435.00

SUBCONSULTANTS Electrical Engineering (Zeiger Engineers - 70 hrs.) Cost Estimating (mack5 - 60 hrs.) Proposal | Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design

C. Qualifications and Experience Firm Overviews Questa Engineering Corporation Questa is a small civil, environmental, and water resources engineering and landscape architecture firm with specialized expertise in trail and open space park planning and design, founded in 1982 and based in Pt. Richmond. Our staff of approximately 20 includes professionals registered in civil engineering, engineering geology, and landscape architecture, as well as hydrologists, geomorphologists, planners, environmental scientists, and technical specialists with diverse project experience throughout California, including several projects in San Mateo County. Open Space Park and Trail Planning and Design: Questa provides complete services in planning and engineering aspects of recreational park and trail projects, from preliminary engineering investigations/feasibility studies and constraints analysis, development of concept plans, CEQA environmental analysis and regulatory permitting, through final plans and design drawings, bid assistance, and supervision of implementation and construction. We place a strong emphasis on incorporating design elements into our public access projects to make projects cost-effective, minimize engineering and design conflicts and to minimize wildlife disturbance. This includes locating facilities in areas that will avoid sensitive resources, using materials that will allow cost-effective maintenance, incorporating buffers and overlooks to improve visitor experience and minimize disturbance to neighbors, providing interpretive opportunities to guide appropriate visitor behavior, and using materials that fit the surroundings, such as recycled wood, logs and composite, boulders, and native plantings, as well as unique bridge and boardwalk designs for sensitive wetlands and riparian areas. We have completed numerous projects integrating public access with agency coordination, and public involvement in planning, permitting, and environmental review. Our projects have included restrooms, parking and visitor service facilities, open space preservation, campgrounds, boardwalks, overlooks, benches, site furnishings, landscaping, environmental education and interpretive facilities, outdoor classrooms, fishing piers, signs, in addition to design of onsite wastewater systems and water systems, as well as waterway/watershed restoration, enhancement and management. Engineering Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimates: We routinely complete Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates (PS&Es) for our park and trail projects. We often coordinate our engineering planning and design work with local agencies and districts, and have prepared many PS&Es for city and county public works/engineering departments following their Standard Plans and Specifications, as well as standards employed by Caltrans. We have amassed a substantial library of typical construction details, construction specifications, and design concepts. This library, together with our field construction expertise, allows for a streamlined design and process. We can quickly develop conceptual designs and cost estimates. Our designs and drawings are continually evolving based on our project construction experience. Virtually all of Questa’s planning and engineering design projects involve the preparation of an Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs. We pride ourselves on the fact that our cost estimates prepared at the feasibility level are solid and accurate. We have completed a large number of trail projects recently where final construction costs were within 10 to 15% of our feasibility cost projections. This is important, as grant funding applications and programming costs are often based on cost projections developed at the feasibility/preliminary engineering stage.

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Construction Management. We are skilled in providing bidding assistance and full construction management, as well as post-construction maintenance and monitoring. We take great pride in seeing our projects go from design to construction, and feel working closely with clients and contractors is the best way to ensure overall high project quality. We understand the importance of representing clients in construction management, both with the construction contractor and in discussions with other project stakeholders. Permitting Assistance: As public works engineers, landscape architects, and contractors, virtually all of our projects are located on public lands and involve working for and coordinating with multiple government agencies and other interested stakeholders. Questa is familiar with the regulatory agency coordination required to integrate permit timelines with construction schedules, comply with permit mitigation requirements, and perform monitoring reports and other regulatory post-construction tasks. We have extensive experience in obtaining local building and encroachment permits and coastal development permits. We have also coordinated with the California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG), the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the various Regional Water Quality Control Boards of California (RWQCB), the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Coastal Conservancy (CC) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), as well as local, city and county regulatory agencies. We have prepared application packages for CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreements, USACE Section 404 discharge permits, RWQCB Water Quality Certifications, SWRCB NPDES Construction Storm Water Discharge Permit and associated Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), and consultations with USFWS and NMFS regarding federally protected species. Storm Water Management, Hydrologic Studies, and Stream Restoration: Questa has expertise in watershed and stream channel restoration, including hydrologic/hydraulic assessments in riparian environments, environmentally sensitive bank stabilization plans, detention and retention facilities, surface runoff pollution control, wetland/vegetative treatment systems, and bioswale/bio-retention facility design. Wastewater and Water Supply Planning: Questa is also well known for its work with small water supply and wastewater system planning and development, especially alternative wastewater systems. Since 1983, Questa has been providing engineering services to government agencies, parks, campgrounds, individual homeowners, developers, and other clients throughout California for site-suitability evaluations, environmental analysis, permitting assistance, design and construction management and inspection/monitoring of small-scale and on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems, as well as overseeing water well drilling investigations, conducting pump tests, and specifying water wells. Questa has served as on-site wastewater disposal consultant in nearly all counties in Northern California. Over the past ten years, the firm has completed over 1,000 feasibility and design projects for on-site wastewater disposal, averaging approximately 75 to 100 on-site wastewater engineering projects per year. We have a dedicated working group (including civil engineers, environmental health specialists, soil scientists, geologists, hydrologists, and designer/drafters) who work almost exclusively with these types of projects.

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Our project experience includes planning and design for: • Camp Berryessa Environmental Education • Breuner (Dotson Family) & Giant Marsh Facility (Master plan) Restoration and Public Access Plan, Richmond • Tomodachi Park/Campground and Skategarden (Master Plan, Preliminary Engineering & CEQA Park, Sebastopol (Master Plan and PS&E) for 2 miles of trail through marsh) • Capay Open Space Park, Yolo County (Master • Petaluma River Access & Restoration Plan, Plan , PS&E and Construction Assistance) Denman Reach Trailhead (Master Plan, PS&E and • Albany Beach Restoration & Public Access Plan Construction Management for 2 reaches) (Environmental Review & PS&E) • Napa River and Bay Trail, Wetlands Edge Park • Bodega Bay Trail – Coastal North Harbor (PS&E, (Feasibility Study and PS&E, Construction Permitting) Management for three segments of 8-mile river • Patterson Ranch at Coyote Hills Regional Park - trail) Public Access and Habitat Restoration Project, • Newell Open Space Preserve, American Canyon Fremont, California (Land Use Plan Update, (Master Plan, CEQA, permitting, design) Environmental Review) • Ojai Meadows Restoration Plan (PS&E and • Olema RV Resort and Campground Wastewater construction assistance) Facilities Plan • Cloverdale River Park, Russian River, Cloverdale • Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Wastewater (PS&E and Construction Assistance) Facility Design • Shollenberger Wetlands Park, Petaluma, (Master • Lawson’s Landing, Dillon Beach, Campground Plan, PS&E and Construction Management) Master Plan • Rancho Potrero Equestrian Facility, Thousand • Green Valley Trail Feasibility Study, Plans, Oaks (Master plan and PS&E) Specifications & Cost Estimates, CEQA and • West Little Llagas Creek Linear Park, Morgan Hill, Permitting - California Coastal Trail, Devil’s Slide California (PS&E and Construction Management) Tunnel • Sears Point Trail and Headquarters Plan, San • Laguna de Santa Rosa Wetlands Preserve, Pablo Bay (Master Plan, PS&E and Construction Sebastopol, (Master Plan, PS&E and Management Construction Management) • Cross Marin Project (Trail Plan with Marin • Grasslands Park, Yolo County (Master Plan) County Parks & Open Space and GGNRA

Why Choose Our Team? We have implemented many public access, trail, park, environmental restoration, education, and resource enhancement projects. We enjoy projects that offer opportunities to guide appropriate land use and provide resource-based design strategies. Our varied expertise is a good fit for this project. Our unique qualifications include: . Experience in, trail, park and natural resource projects, especially along waterways and in sites with existing environmental design constraints or use conflicts; . Public facility design, including trails, restrooms, parking areas, kiosks, amphitheaters, interpretive facilities, camping, picnic areas, water/wastewater supply, and other site improvements; . Sustainable design to minimize environmental impacts, be cost-effective, minimize maintenance needs, and use green, recycled or non-toxic materials where feasible; . Compliance with ADA requirements and universal access needs; . Close working relationships with project partners, including community, County, State and Federal regulatory agencies, to ensure project success; . Multitasking to meet project schedules and comply with permitting requirements and responsibilities;

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. Cost analysis and grant assistance to enable incremental implementation of projects; . In-house technical staff to complete project tasks, including geotechnical engineering, hydrology and geology, with superior coordination capabilities; . A successful history of meeting deadlines, fast-tracking project task completion, and an understanding of community concerns and achieving project resolution.

Ware Associates Ware Associates will provide architectural/engineering services for the public restroom facility. Ware Associates is an award-winning design firm that transcends the traditional boundaries between architecture and engineering, designing buildings whose craft and detail spring from an intimate understanding of materials and fabrication. Ware Associates offers a complete and integrated range of architectural and structural engineering services from initial site evaluation and schematic design through to construction documents and contract administration services. The firm has built its reputation upon creative, on-time and on-budget commercial and civic projects ranging from community centers to public park facilities and pedestrian bridges. Ware Associates has successfully collaborated with public agencies, developers and landscape architects on a variety of infrastructure and commercial projects. Collaborating with landscape architects, the firm provided architecture and structural engineering for San Mateo’s Ryder and Seal Point Shoreline Parks as well as for the Doyle Hollis Park, earning awards for excellence in park planning and innovation. With LEED Accredited Professionals on staff and as members of the U.S. Green Building Council, Ware Associates is deeply committed to providing leadership in sustainable design practices, and integrating sustainable measures into planning and design. Working with EHDD, Ware Associates designed the Lakeview Commons at El Dorado Beach project in South Lake Tahoe under LEED Silver certification guidelines; the restrooms for Doyle Hollis Park included a living roof, a storm-water retention and bioswale system. Ware Associates is a City of Oakland SLBE, Alameda County SLEB, and Alameda CTC SLEB-certified consultant with a personal as well as a professional stake in the quality of the local community. The firm has long-standing, working relationships with design consultants and contractors throughout Northern California and can easily provide in-person services, when appropriate. Ware Associates’ vision is to provide clients with excellent service, to deliver creative design solutions and to care for the environment.

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Zeiger Engineers, Inc. Zeiger Engineers will provide electrical engineering consultation. Established in Northern California since 1981, Zeiger Engineers, Inc. has engineered projects throughout California and the western United States. Our firm consists of eight full time employees. We provide comprehensive electrical engineering services for commercial, public, and institutional projects. Zeiger Engineers, Inc. has been in Oakland since 1989, and is a certified Small Local Business Enterprise in the City of Oakland. Expertise includes: High Voltage Power Distribution, Low Voltage Power Systems, and Site Utilities, Lighting Design including security, area and street lighting, sports lighting for soccer, football, baseball, softball, tennis, and track; Life Safety/Fire Alarm Systems; Communications and Control Systems; Energy Conservation Studies; Emergency Power System and Engine-Generator Power Systems; PV Solar Systems; CEQA and EIR reports. The technical staff of Zeiger Engineers, Inc. is its lifeblood. Technical competence has been an important reason for our success as an engineering firm. We encourage and assist staff to participate in continuing education programs at all levels and in professional and technical societies. All our engineers are professionally registered in California with additional registration in most of the western states. Projects have included: parks, plazas, bikeways, pedestrian ways, recreational facilities, sports fields, community centers, schools, airport facilities, fire and police stations, universities buildings, commercial office and industrial facilities, libraries, resorts, hotels, retail stores, malls, shopping and strip centers, large and small multifamily housing projects, clubhouses, city street lighting, religious facilities, governmental facilities, museums, theaters, marinas, wharves, docks, CEQA and EIR reports for digital billboards, and sports fields/ballfields. mack5 mack5 will provide cost estimating services. mack5 was established by experienced design and construction professionals in 2001 to provide planning and management for complex construction projects. We specialize in public and nonprofit works, and customize our services for each project’s needs. Our purpose is to deliver not only the greatest value for our clients, but also to get the best value out of every dollar they spend – be it on planning, designing or building. Our team includes seasoned construction professionals with diverse backgrounds: cost estimators, architects, engineers, and contractors. Our staff brings unique perspectives and broad knowledge to planning for, managing and controlling costs, schedules and quality at all stages of a project’s life. By focusing on project success, we create a partnership with designers, owners, contractors, and other project stakeholders. This drives innovations, encourages team building and a “win-win” approach, and most importantly, results in optimal value of expenditures for owners. With this highly personalized support, we act as the client’s representative to plan, manage, coordinate and control cost/schedule/quality for design and construction of new and retrofit projects. Our full range of services assists owners in all aspects of the design and construction process, including: Cost Planning, Estimating & Management – Our in-house cost consultants provide comprehensive cost data for decision making. As importantly, we can develop realistic project budgets, which can help keep the project team accountable for maintaining budget. We are highly skilled in value engineering and life cycle costs. Project Management – We act as the owner’s representative, managing the entire process from inception through commissioning, including team selection, procurement and management.

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Construction Management – Our field personnel monitor construction activity to ensure that work is executed according to design/quality specifications, while keeping on schedule and budget. Scheduling – With the client, we establish a total project schedule that incorporates key milestones. We work with team members to determine and continuously maintain a reasonable project schedule. Project Controls – Our project managers employ best practice industry standards, systems and software tools to oversee, review and report on project progress. Our cost planning and estimating expertise is particularly deep in park & recreational facilities. Our experience covers new construction and renovations, master plans and needs assessments, including: . San Leandro Ballpark Restrooms & Lockers – San Leandro, CA . Dimond Park Restroom – Oakland, CA . Lake Merritt 12th Street Restrooms – Oakland, CA . Sunnyvale Park Buildings – Sunnyvale, CA . Lands End Visitor Center & Restrooms – San Francisco, CA . Moraga Library Restrooms – Moraga, CA . Laney College Restrooms Title IX Upgrades – Oakland, CA . Oakland Unified School District Restrooms – Oakland, CA . Oakland International Airport Gate 4 Restrooms – Oakland, CA . UCB Edwards Track Stadium Restroom Renovation – Berkeley, CA . Fair Oaks Park – Sunnyvale, CA . Hal Brown Park at Creekside – Greenbrae, CA . Jean Sweeney Open Space Park – Alameda, CA . Peralta Hacienda Historical Park Community Buildings – Oakland, CA . Redwood National/State Parks Maintenance Buildings – Crescent City, CA

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Relevant Projects Questa Breuner (Dotson Family) Property Restoration and Public Access Plan, Richmond, California

CLIENT: East Bay Regional Park District CONTACT: Chris Barton, Senior Planner, Environmental Programs, (510) 544-2627, [email protected], KEY STAFF: J. Peters, S. Temple, P.E., C. Nelson, P.E., W. Hopkins, CEG, M. Henderson, ASLA DATES: 2010 – 2017 COSTS: $1.3 million in fees Questa completed the Wetlands Restoration and Public Access Plan EIR in 2012 and prepared final design documents for the project. Questa also provided regulatory coordination, which included securing a BCDC Permit and USACE Section 408 Permit. The 60-acre project includes , Breuner Marsh and Giant Marsh, and is adjacent to part of the Point Pinole Regional Shoreline, providing a unique opportunity to restore, enhance and protect wetlands and sensitive species habitat, and complete a key, regionally important 1-mile gap in the Bay Trail. The project provides an opportunity for shoreline access, including fishing, passive recreation, hiking and nature viewing. The plan was developed in a sub-regional framework considering Giant Marsh and the impacts of sea level rise (high marsh inundation) on sensitive species and their habitats. Public outreach to underserved communities and public workshop facilitation are also important components of the project. Key components of the Plan include: (1) designing a new 1.2- mile trail, parking and entry area, three pedestrian bridges and over 2,000 feet of boardwalk to cross sensitive stream and wetland areas; (2) creating and enhancing sustainable tidal wetlands (30 acres), freshwater seasonal wetlands, transition zone habitats, California coastal prairie and other types of habitats; (3) developing public access designs that will be sustainable in the context of predicted future sea level rise; (4) protecting, enhancing, and creating habitat for sensitive wildlife species. The low impact ADA parking facility and trailhead feature designs utilized permeable pavements, bioswales and raingardens for stormwater management, and sustainable features in areas that may be subject to flooding. The project includes C3 and SWPPP compliance. The project was successfully constructed and the bridge and trail were opened to the public in April 2017.

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Patterson Ranch at Coyote Hills Regional Park - Public Access and Habitat Restoration Project, Fremont, California

CLIENT: East Bay Regional Park District CONTACT: Chris Barton, Senior Planner, Environmental Programs, (510) 544-2627, [email protected], 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605 KEY STAFF: J. Peters, S. Temple, P.E., M. Henderson, ASLA, C. Nelson, PE, W. Hopkins, CEG, PG, O. Reyes, S. Yan, S. Yehl, A. Boisvert, T. Hawbaker, P. Miller (2M Associates), M. Kent (Michael Kent & Associates) DATES: 2017 - present COSTS: $368,000 in fees Questa is currently developing a habitat restoration and public access plan for the former Patterson Ranch Property at Coyote Hills Regional Park. The project consists of two main components: 1) a new Land Use Plan for the 306-acre Park Expansion Area and the addition of the Land Use Unit designations for this area to the existing 2005 Coyote Hills Regional Plan Land Use Plan as an Amendment; and 2) implementing and/ or constructing, in a phased approach, the elements of a Site Program and Concept Site Plan. Questa’s role is to document existing conditions and prepare background and technical studies, to prepare a land use plan amendment, schematic design & alternatives, design development, CEQA analysis and compliance, an expedited permit strategy, and to conduct public meetings. Habitat restoration and enhancement goals focus on developing self-sustaining ecological habitats with a minimal amount of long-term human intervention. This includes 245 acres of riparian restoration. Public access goals focus on developing passive recreational facilities that are compatible with restored habitats and that require a minimum level of maintenance. These will include construction of a new staging area/parking lot with flush restrooms, relocated entry kiosk, picnic areas, and 4 miles of trails.

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Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project: Final Engineering & Environmental Design, CEQA Review, and Project Permitting

CLIENT: East Bay Regional Park District Land Division CONTACT: Chris Barton, Planning Manager, Tel: (510) 544-2627, Email: [email protected] 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605-0381 KEY STAFF: J. Peters, S. Temple, PE, C. Nelson, PE, M. Henderson, ASLA, W. Hopkins, CEG, T. Hawbaker, M. Kent DATES: 2011 - present COSTS: $406,000 in fees / ~2.5 million construction Questa, with subconsultants 2M Associates, Coast & Harbor Engineering (Mott MacDonald), and Merkel & Associates Marine Biologists, developed the restoration and public access plan and completed the EIR and project permitting. Phase 1 of the project involved design, permitting and construction assistance for stabilizing and enhancing the South Albany Neck shoreline and the lower trail at South Albany Neck, revegetating the slope below the trail with native vegetation, providing structures for sub-tidal habitat enhancement, improving trail access, and providing a picnic area at the north end of Albany Beach. Phase 1 construction was completed in 2015. Phases 2/3 of the project, constructed in 2018, involved preliminary design of a parking lot with a non-motorized watercraft staging area, an ADA- compliant beach access ramp for pedestrians and non-motorized watercraft access, a vault-type restroom, park signage, interpretive exhibits and landscaping near the parking lot, connection of the Bay Trail between Gilman Street and Buchanan Street, and enhancing beach and dunes. All of the project facilities were designed to anticipate sea level rise. The low impact ADA parking facility and trailhead feature designs utilized permeable pavements, bioswales and raingardens for stormwater management, and sustainable, resilient features in areas that may be subject to flooding and sea level rise.

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Kashia Coastal Preserve & Stewarts Point Ranch Trail & Facilities Plan

CLIENT: Sonoma County Regional Parks Department CONTACT: Mark Cleveland, (707)565-2041 / FAX (707)579-8247 / Email: Mark.Cleveland@sonoma- county.org Sonoma County Regional Parks, 2300 County Center Drive, Suite A120, Santa Rosa, California KEY STAFF: J. Peters, S. Temple, PE, C. Nelson, PE, A. Buchbinder, PE, M. Henderson, ASLA, W. Hopkins, CEG, PG, A. McDade, PE, O. Reyes, S. Yehl, T. Hawbaker DATES: 2017 - present COSTS: $211,600 in fees Questa is currently assisting Sonoma County Regional Parks in preparing a Trail & Facilities Plan, including resource studies, trail designs, community engagement, environmental documents, regulatory permit consultations and applications, and related work for the Kashia Coastal Reserve and Stewarts Point Trails. The project includes the development of a trail & facilities plan that provides parking for both trail segments, a vault type restroom, a multi-use trail for the Kashia Coastal Reserve, and a hiking only trail at Stewarts Point. Several bridges and other features along both trails will be included to provide safe, year round public access and are being designed to avoid or minimize impacts to the sensitive biological and cultural resources found along the coastal terrace. The scope includes providing the bid documents and securing the required permits for the construction of new trail staging areas and amenities to support approximately 2 miles of new trails in northwestern Sonoma County that form part of the 1,200 mile California Coastal Trail.

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Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Restroom Replacement-Geotechnical Investigation

CLIENT: Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District CONTACT: Whitney Berry, Open Space Planner, (650) 691-1200, [email protected] 330 Distel Circle, Los Altos, CA 94022 KEY STAFF: S. Temple, PE, Principal//Project Manager, W. Hopkins, CEG, Sr. Engineering Geologist DATES: 2017-present COSTS: $6,270 in fees / construction TBD Questa conducted a Geotechnical Investigation for replacement restroom facility at the Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve in San Mateo County, California. This investigation included review of geologic, soils, and seismic maps of the region and site vicinity, review of the results of a previous geotechnical investigation for a bridge crossing, a limited subsurface investigation, including the completion of hand auger holes and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests, laboratory soils testing, engineering analysis and report preparation. As part of this work Questa also reviewed the standard plans for the Tioga Chase CXT Standard Vault Toilet Building.

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Green Valley Trail Feasibility Study, Plans, Specifications & Cost Estimates, CEQA and Permitting - California Coastal Trail, Devil’s Slide Tunnel

CLIENT: California State Coastal Conservancy / San Mateo County Parks Department CONTACT: Timothy Duff, California State Coastal Conservancy, (510) 286-1015, [email protected] 1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-1401 KEY STAFF: J. Peters, M. Henderson, ASLA, S. Temple, PE, C. Nelson, PE, W. Hopkins, CEG, PG, A. McDade, PE, O. Reyes, T. Hawbaker; Subconsultants: S. McGinnis, PhD, C. Kozak (Go Native, Inc.), S. Powell (BioMaAs) DATES: 2004-2009 (Feasibility Study) COSTS: $50,000 fees (Feasibility Study) 2015– present (PS&E) $204,000 fees (PS&E) The State Coastal Conservancy retained Questa in 2004 to identify a preferred route for a pedestrian trail linking the Devil’s Slide Tunnel area on Highway 1 near Pacifica with existing trails south of Green Valley within Montara State Beach Park in northern San Mateo County. The project, initially completed in 2006, was updated in 2009 and proceeded to final design drawings in 2017, under contract with San Mateo County Parks. The planned trailhead facilities, which include parking areas and a recreational trail, will provide an important future link in the California Coastal Trail. Because of the steep slopes involved, along with a crossing of Green Valley Creek, trail construction will need a number of switchbacks, some with retaining walls, along with pedestrian bridges and boardwalks. The work included review and analysis of site biology, topography, and geotechnical issues and constraints, the identified permit requirements and regulatory permit applications and negotiations. The trailhead design included provisions for automobile and emergency vehicles, as well as accommodations for pedestrian and vehicular use. Questa coordinated the design work with the Coastal Conservancy, Caltrans, State Parks, California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, and US Fish & Wildlife Service. Caltrans will be responsible for trail construction on state lands adjacent to Highway 1, in addition to San Mateo County, and the Conservancy and County will be responsible for coordinating trail construction on Park lands.

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Montara State Beach North Accessway Feasibility Analysis and Preliminary Engineering Report

CLIENT: California State Coastal Conservancy CONTACT: Timothy Duff, California State Coastal Conservancy, (510) 286-1015, [email protected] 1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-1401 KEY STAFF: J. Peters, C. Nelson, A. Buchbinder, W. Hopkins, S. Yeihl DATES: 2018 - present COSTS: $24,0000 Questa Engineering recently completed a Feasibility Study and Preliminary Engineering Design for the replacement of a beach access stairway at Montara State Beach. This beach is located south of Pacifica and near the small San Mateo County coastal community of Montara. The lower portion of the existing wooden staircase, which lands within or near Martini Creek and its small lagoon, was destroyed by winter storms in 2017. The Scope of Work for this project included completion of a Fatal Flaw Screening Study of 6 different beach access options that would take beach visitors from the new parking lot on a coastal terrace down a drop of 45 feet in vertical elevation to beach grade, about 500 feet away. Several of the options included a new pedestrian bridge over Martini Creek. A new wooden beach access stairway that provides more direct access to the beach was selected based on a comparison of engineering, environmental, sustainability, cost and maintenance differences . Preliminary engineering plans and a construction cost estimate were then developed for the selected option, with the results of the engineering analysis described in a Feasibility Study Report.

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Camp Berryessa Environmental Education Facility

CLIENT: Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District CONTACT: John Woodbury, General Manager, Napa County Department of Conservation, Development & Planning Tel: (707) 259-5933 / FAX: (707) 253-4336 / E-mail: [email protected] 1195 Third Street, Room 210, Napa, CA 94559 KEY STAFF: J. Peters, M. Henderson, ASLA Questa Engineering Corporation completed a Master Plan/Feasibility Study on the conversion of a former Boy Scout facility on the shore of Lake Berryessa to provide LID, green building blueprint for a fully accessible outdoor recreation and environmental education facility. Facilities include an accessible swimming pier and kayak launch site. The study identified the infrastructure needed to support such a facility and included an economic analysis of capital and operating costs and revenues to determine its viability. The Master Plan has incorporated environmentally sustainable design practices to minimize resource impacts, such as use of sustainable/recycled materials, effective siting for solar access, greywater and runoff management, water conservation, and green building practices. The work included coordination with Open Space District staff, Bureau of Reclamation and other interested stakeholders.

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Bodega Bay Trail – Coastal North Harbor (Segment 2B)

CLIENT: Sonoma County Regional Parks Department CONTACT: Kenneth Tam, Tel: (707) 565‐2041, Fax: (707) 579‐8247, Email: ken.tam@sonoma‐County.org 2300 County Center Drive, Suite 120A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 KEY STAFF: J. Peters, Principal/PM, M. Henderson, ASLA, Sr. Landscape Architect/Planner, C. Nelson, PE, Project Engineer, W. Hopkins, PG, CEG, Sr. Engineering Geologist, O. Reyes, Staff Landscape Architect, S. Yehl, Staff Geologist, T. Hawbaker, Technical Writer/Editor DATES: June 2016 to present COSTS: $70,000 Questa fees / Construction TBD Questa is currently developing plans for a bicycle and pedestrian trail starting near the Bodega Bay Community Center and ending at Bay Flat Road on State Parks property in Bodega Bay. This trail segment is part of the Coastal Prairie Trail, a 1.1-mile bike and pedestrian trail between the Community Center and Keefe Avenue, which is a part of the Bodega Bay Trail System. The Coastal Prairie Trail is the northernmost portion of the proposed 3.4-mile Bodega Bay Bike & Pedestrian Trail, which ultimately will provide safe bike and pedestrian travel along Highway 1 between Salmon Creek and Doran Regional Park. The project also includes a boardwalk to be installed wetland areas. Questa’s Scope includes: 1) preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and responding to public comments; 2) conducting site topographic surveys and a geotechnical investigation; 3) preparation of Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate (PS&E) for trail; 4) attendance at meetings with the Bodega Bay Trail Citizens Advisory Committee, the Sonoma County Environmental Review Committee, and the County Board of Supervisors; and 5) coordination with State Parks and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife. Funding for the Project was provided by the Coastal Conservancy.

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Timber Cove Coastal Trail Feasibility Study

CLIENT: Sonoma County Regional Parks CONTACT: Steve Ehret, 2300 County Center Drive, 120A, Santa Rosa, California 95403, (707) 565-1107, [email protected] KEY STAFF: J. Peters, M. Henderson, C. Nelson, PE, W. Hopkins, CEG, PG DATES: 2012 - present COSTS: $56,000 in Fees Questa provided civil and geotechnical engineering, right of way identification, feasibility analysis, and land surveying services to evaluate an approximately 3.8-mile stretch of Highway 1 in Sonoma County to help determine the feasibility of using portions of the highway corridor and adjacent areas for the California Coastal Trail (CCT). The purpose of this analysis was to cost-effectively identify and document the critical engineering issues influencing the overall feasibility, including such issues as biology/wetlands, geotechnical considerations, including proximity to San Andreas Fault and sea cliff retreat, traffic, and safety considerations. The work included conceptual design, cross section drawings and cost estimation.

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Napa River Trail, American Canyon Segment: Wetlands Edge Park Trailhead Improvements, American Canyon, California

CLIENT: City of American Canyon CONTACT: Cynthia Ripley (formerly w/ City of American Canyon, now independent), 415-652-4601, [email protected] KEY STAFF: J. Peters, M. Henderson, ASLA, C. Nelson, PE, J. Martin, PE, M. Marangio, J. Valerius Questa prepared PS&Es and provided construction inspection for the American Canyon Phase I Napa River Bay Trail project, providing over 1 ½ miles of Class I multiuse path adjacent to tidal wetlands and sensitive species habitat, completing a gap in the Trail. Work included ROW coordination, NEPA environmental review and special studies, including a NESMI, project permitting, and identification of protocols/mitigations to reduce trail construction and use impacts on wetlands and sensitive species habitat, including California red-legged frog, western pond turtle, salt marsh harvest mouse, and burrowing owl. The Wetlands Edge Park Trail Improvement Project was an important element of the overall trail project. The project included design of low-impact, sustainable landscape features in keeping with the native habitat and use of native plant species and rustic design elements in keeping with the passive park site. Park improvements also included ADA access ramps, trail improvements, and site furnishings.

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Lawson’s Landing at Dillon Beach Master Plan

CLIENT: Lawson’s Landing CONTACT: Will Vogler, Owner (707) 878-2443 KEY STAFF: N. Hantzsche, PE, C. Nelson, PE, M. Woll Lawson’s Landing development at Dillon Beach, Sonoma County Coast, a mixture of residential, recreational, campground, agricultural and sand mining activities, had been operating without proper land use approvals and permits for many years. In an effort to bring the existing facilities and operations into compliance with Marin County and Water Quality Control Board standards, Questa was retained to develop a Wastewater Facilities Master Plan and Construction Plan. The Master Plan was completed and focused on developing a system that takes into account the water quality effects from disposal into the rapidly permeable dune sands balanced against costs and the potential for beneficial use of the wastewater. Usage and wastewater flow fluctuate widely from winter to summer, with peak day camping of more than 1,000 people. Preliminary screening reduced the options to a STEP collection system and recirculating sand filter, followed by drip irrigation and/or leachfield-absorption beds for either: (a) wetlands enhancement; (b) dune stabilization; or (c) managed pasture. After several years of community and environmental review, the pasture option was selected and Questa is in the process of developing the engineering designs for agency review and approval.

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Olema RV Resort and Campground Wastewater Facilities Plan

CLIENT: LED Leasing, LLC CONTACT: Mr. Jay Bronson, Managing Member, 415-663-8001 (1-office) Olema RV Resort & Campground P.O. Box 175 Olema, CA 94950 KEY STAFF: N. Hantzsche, PE, P. Pospisil, PG, M. Woll Questa was retained to design an onsite wastewater system for the expansion of Olema Ranch Campground in Marin County. Existing facilities included a general store, laundry facilities, post office, manager residences, RV spaces and campground bathhouses. Redevelopment of the Campground consisted of increasing RV spaces up to 88, adjusting the number of tent campsites to 112, upgrading some of the existing buildings, and other site restoration work. The upgraded and expanded wastewater treatment plan developed by Questa included: • Septic tank effluent pumping (STEP) system • Flow equalization tank. • AdvanTex textile filter system to provide advanced secondary treatment for removal of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), solids, and nitrogen, including UV disinfection and telemetry control system. • Wastewater holding pond (for treated water) and subsurface drip irrigation-dispersal of the treated water in different areas of the Campground. Questa provides ongoing monitoring of the existing system.

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Village Park Master Plan, Sebastopol, California

CLIENT: City of Sebastopol, Planning Department CONTACT: Kenyon Webster, Planning Director, Tel: (707) 823-6167 / E-mail: [email protected] 7120 Bodega Avenue, Sebastopol, California 95472 KEY STAFF: J. Peters, M. Henderson, ASLA, J. Martin, PE, J. Valerius, Botanist/Wetlands Specialist DATES: 2009- 2014 COSTS: $95,000 in fees; $350,000 const costs The Village Park Master plan, (now part of Tomodachi Park) is a prominent gateway to the City of Sebastopol, within the Laguna de Santa Rosa, a critical watershed in central Sonoma County. A goal of the land use planning effort was to develop a vision for phased implementation of project elements to balance resource protection, enhancement of sensitive habitat and provide recreation opportunities. The Plan documented existing conditions, including evaluation of issues related to phased transition of existing low income housing stock, and gateway elements befitting the City’s entry. Key elements of the Master Plan include sustainability, utilizing low impact design techniques and recycled materials, habitat protection, restoration and enhancement, recognizing the critical habitat that exists within the Laguna de Santa Rosa, and phased implementation that respects current land use but offers a vision for future land use. Phase 1 of the project, Tomodachi Park, was completed in 2014 and is situated in a grove of old growth native riparian trees, some of which had been impacted by previous site use activities. Work included development of native plant restoration plans and invasive species eradication. The project includes opportunities for environmental education, habitat restoration, passive park activities, and trail and path connections to the area’s trail system. The Master Plan guides implementation for a range of uses, locations, access and orientation. Trails, picnic areas, parking and site infrastructure was appropriately sited to minimize flood impacts and wetlands/wildlife conflicts, and to facilitate efficient use and management of the site. Barrier- free circulation is a key component, as well as safe ingress/egress to the site.Following completion of the Master Plan, Questa developed the implementation civil engineering and landscape architecture construction drawings and provided design and construction management assistance. The project was successfully constructed in 2014.

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Ware Associates Shoreline Parks, San Mateo, CA Ronald W. Mason, Project Manager, Park Planning & Dennis Frank, Landscape Architect , Park Planning and Development , City of San Mateo, CA, 330 W. 20th Development, San Mateo Parks and Recreation, 330 W. Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403, (650) 522-7542, 20th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403, (650) 522-7544, www.cityofsanmateo.org, [email protected] s www.cityofsanmateo.org, [email protected]

Ware Associates designed the shade structures, restrooms, maintenance buildings and entry kiosks for the park. Additionally, Ware Associates provided architectural and structural services for the 105 ft bridge connecting pedestrians and light vehicles to newly restored wetland areas of San Mateo’s Shoreline Parks. To satisfy the client’s desire to provide a visual marker for visitors to see from afar, Ware Associates chose dynamic curvilinear forms and a graceful sweeping shape that echoes the curves of the creek below. The wood deck is cantilevered from a torsion pipe beam which spans between concrete piers. It remains set back from its support, giving the illusion that the bridge is floating above the marshes.

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Mount Umunhum Summit Restoration, Santa Clara County, CA Damon Adlao, Project Manager, Department of Public Works, County of Santa Cruz, 701 Ocean Street, Room 410, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, (831) 454-2343, [email protected] The Mount Umunhum Summit Restoration Project balances public access, enjoyment, and education with environmental restoration of the summit and former Almaden Air Force Station. As architects and engineers on the project, Ware Associates investigated the creation of a “caretaker” building aesthetic for the summit shelter/visitor center and various site structures. The goal was to create structures that wouldn’t dominate the natural beauty of the site, yet were durable enough to withstand peak winds of 140 mph. The result was a new park-structure vocabulary, inspired by WPA styling and the Civilian Corps projects from the New Deal era.

The performance-based design is characterized by cantilevered concrete platform, high-strength concrete, steel moment frames, and heavy timber truss construction necessary for the Wildlife Urban Interface (WUI) site.

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Doyle Hollis Park, Emeryville, CA Michael Roberts, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer , Department of Public Works , City of Emeryville, 1333 Park Ave. Emeryville, CA 94608, (510) 596-4333, [email protected]

The public restroom facility for Doyle Hollis Park is a naturally ventilated and skylit building. The living roof and bioswale system decrease stormwater runoff while protecting the roof itself. Greywater is filtered to irrigate the landscaping nearby. Tension wires running upwards create a vertical lattice for future garden plantings. Concrete walls etched with textures of native plants and/or detailed with tiles from local artists contain high fly ash/slag content, making it a sustainable and durable material. Wooden screens pulled up from the ground and away from the ceiling allow light and air to enter the building while facilitating an organic sense of security. The project is situated in a former industrial urban infill site.

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El Dorado at Lakeview Commons, South Lake Tahoe, CA Jim Marino, Assistant Public Works Director, City of South Lake Tahoe, CA, Public Works Department, 1052 Tata Lane , South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150, (530) 542-6027, www.cityofslt.us, [email protected] The development of this 56-acre waterfront park in South Lake Tahoe includes outdoor civic space and beautiful lake views. Set against a mountainous backdrop, the waterfront park features a community fire pit, boat storage, concession stand areas, terraced seating, as well as a large-scale elevated walkway engineered by Ware Associates. Future programming for the project includes a new library, senior center, and outdoor forest amphitheater. Designed to enhance the natural beauty of the area, the project will bring together the vision of the city, county and community.

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Berkeley Bay Trail Extension, Berkeley Marina, CA Ware Associates worked closely alongside other consultants on this project involving a new master plan and environmental documentation for a one-and-a-half mile extension of the Bay Trail. The client requested a bicycle and pedestrian bridge that would improve non- vehicular/motorized access to the Berkeley Marina, provide a continuous recreational and educational experience with a series of interest points, preserve open vistas of the waterfront, and encourage the flourishing ecosystem surrounding the structure. Ware’s 110-foot low-slung design reduces the number of support piers, minimizing impact to sensitive wetland areas, while a raised base allows plants underneath adequate access to sunlight.

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Key Personnel Questa Mr. Jeffrey H. Peters, Principal, will be the Principal-in-Charge. As a working principal, Mr. Peters will also be a key investigator and planner. Mr. Peters has been with Questa since 1989 and has more than 35 years of experience in public access, open space park, and bicycle/pedestrian pathway design, engineering, planning, and project management. He has managed and implemented well over 35 open space and recreational park design, pedestrian pathway, roadway, bridge, trail, overpass, at-grade crossing, tunnel and other infrastructure projects. Most of these have included ADA accessibility design, hydrologic and geotechnical investigations for design components, working closely with Caltrans and other local and state agencies, CEQA/NEPA review and permitting, provision of community meeting facilitation services, preparation of construction documents, and construction observation. Mr. Peters has completed the National Highway Institute's Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Design coursework developed by the US Dept. of Transportation FHA, and is certified as a QSD/QSP in stormwater management with a focus on low impact design. References for Mr. Jeffrey H. Peters, Principal-in-Charge/Project Manager: Mr. John Woodbury, Napa County Regional Parks & Open Space District Tel: (707) 259-5933 / E-mail: [email protected] Various Trail Projects Mr. Mark Cleveland, Sonoma County Regional Parks Department Tel: (707)565-2041 / Email: [email protected] Project: Cloverdale River Park, Phase 3 Park Improvements and Flood Repair, and CEQA Environmental Review, Sonoma County, California

Ms. Margaret Henderson, ASLA, Senior Project Landscape Architect/Planner and Project Manager, has over 30 years of experience in landscape architecture, environmental planning and permitting, including open space park, bicycle/pedestrian pathway, streetscape, and transportation facility projects. She creates sustainable designs that provide a safe and enjoyable user experience, yet fit within the urban context. She has designed parks, plazas, public access trails, site furnishings and interpretive elements for communities throughout California. She has worked closely with Mr. Peters on most of Questa’s projects listed in this Proposal. References for Ms. Henderson: Ms. Chien Wang, P.E., Assistant Civil Engineer, Capital Projects Delivery, Alameda County Flood Control (510) 670-5552, [email protected] 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, CA 94544 Project: Chabot Creek Restoration Project (Bay-Friendly Landscape Design) Mr. Kenyon Webster, Planning Director, City of Sebastopol (707) 823-6167, [email protected] 714 Johnson Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472 Project: Skategarden and Tomodachi Park Projects (Design/PS&Es, Construction Assistance) Mr. Bond Ng, Civil Engineer, Alameda County Public Works Agency 510-670-5785, [email protected]

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Project: Stanley Boulevard Safety & Streetscape Improvement Project Mr. Carl H. Nelson, PE, Project Engineer (Registered Civil Engineer in California No. 60769), has nearly 20 years of professional experience in design, analysis, and construction management projects with special emphasis on design for open space parks, multi-modal access, sustainability, environmental stewardship, and community development. Mr. Nelson has provided design and construction management services for recreational facilities, multi-use paths, single-track trails, utility infrastructure, and site improvements including plazas, at-grade and elevated stairways, and residential and commercial facilities. He has completed National Highway Institute certification in Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design, including accessibility issues. References for Mr. Carl H. Nelson, PE, Project Engineer Mr. Hamid Shamsapour, Public Works Director, City of Larkspur Tel: (415) 927-5017, / Email: [email protected] Project: Sandra Marker Trail Access Ramps, Larkspur Steps, Lanes & Paths Project Mr. Nelson was Project Engineer for this project providing accessible ramps to connect the Sandra Marker multiuse path and adjacent connections to schools Mr. Scott Schneider, P.E., Associate Civil Engineer, Marin County Dept. of Public Works Tel: (415) 473-4362 / E-mail: [email protected] Project: Tennessee Valley Pathway Construction Management Mr. Nelson was Project Engineer, providing construction management, resident engineer, construction design. Ms. Cynthia Ripley, formerly with City of American Canyon, now Facilities Project Manager at City of Burlingame Tel: (650) 558-7670 Project: Napa River Trail, American Canyon Segment; Engineering & Environmental Services, Construction Assistance Mr. Nelson was Project Engineer for design of this Bay Trail project in American Canyon.

Mr.Amir G. Buchbinder, PE (Registered Civil Engineer in California #C 62579), will be Project Engineer and assist Mr. Nelson in completing the engineering design and cost estimating work. Mr. Buchbinder will also draw on staff level engineers and designer draftsman as appropriate for cost and work task completion efficiency. Mr. Buchbinder has over twenty years of professional experience. He has managed and participated in a variety of site and utilities design projects while maintaining his personal and professional focus in sustainable development. With a degree in engineering, and a background in various aspects of design, he brings a wide range of experience and technical knowledge to engineering. With a passion for enhancing the quality of life for future generations, he believes that sustainable design is a long-term economical and logical solution to the environmental challenges we all face today. Mr. Buchbinder’s background includes construction management, analysis and production of tentative maps, grading, erosion control, improvement plans, final maps, and engineering cost estimates for residential and commercial developments. Mr. Buchbinder’s experience includes design of roadways, stormwater, sewer and water design, hydrology analysis and hydraulic calculations, rainwater harvesting, staking calculations, as well as legal description writing. Mr. Buchbinder is currently working closely with Mr. Nelson on pedestrian improvements in several Marin County jurisdictions. Mr. Andrew McDade, PE, will be the Project Surveyor. Mr. McDade is a project environmental and civil engineer (Registered Civil Engineer in California, No. 87049) with more than 10 years of experience, with

Questa Engineering Corporation | 42 | October 7, 2019 Proposal | Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom and Green Space Design a focus on bicycle/pedestrian, trail, and public access facilities. His range of experience on these projects includes preliminary site surveys, initial site layout, trail and bicycle facility design, grading and drainage, utilities layout/relocation, erosion control and hydrologic analyses, bank stabilization, and preparation of necessary permits and applications. In addition, he has also contributed to the design of stormwater and wastewater management systems, ranging from on-site treatment systems to municipal pipe networks. Mr. McDade also has experience in geotechnical engineering, including soil sampling and characterization, data processing, and foundation design and analysis for bridges and boardwalks. Mr. McDade assisted with the design of the Soscol Ferry Trail in Napa, the Great California Delta Trail in Pittsburg, and the Coyote Creek Trail in Fremont, and is currently working closely with Mr. Peters on the civil engineering design of the Breuner Marsh Bay Trail and San Francisco Bay Trail-Castro Street to the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge projects, as well as on the evaluation of routes to the Newell Open Space Preserve in American Canyon. Mr. Willard Hopkins, PG, CEG, Senior Engineering Geologist (Professional Geologist in California No. 5161, Certified Engineering Geologist in California no. 1761), will manage geotechnical and engineering geology aspects of the project design. Mr. Hopkins has been with Questa since 1994 and has 25 years of experience as a Professional Geologist. He is currently in charge of the Geological and Geotechnical Services Group of Questa, managing and completing projects that include bicycle/pedestrian pathway, open space, park and trail planning, includin geotechnical investigation and design of pedestrian bridges, trail walls, and other structures. As such, he has worked on over two dozen bicycle/pedestrian bridge, boardwalk, and trail design projects. Mr. Hopkins has developed geotechnical design elements for concrete retaining structures, gravity walls, drilled pier and grade beam foundations, concrete stitch walls, and reinforced buttress fills, among numerous other techniques. His experience in providing geotechnical support for street and trail design includes various Bay Trails, the West Little Llagas Creek Trail, Los Ranchitos Bikeway, American Canyon Bay Trail, Shollenberger Park, and Laguna de Santa Rosa projects. References for Mr. Hopkins Mr. Tawfic Halaby, Project Engineer, City of Richmond Engineering Division, (510) 621-1612, [email protected], 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804-1630 / Project: Via Verdi Culvert Repair Project (Constructed 2012-2013) Construction Management Support- Geotechnical Testing and Inspection, Civil Engineering Review, Supplemental Recommendations (On-Call Services Contract Assignment)

Mr. Colin Barrett, Carollo Engineers, 925-932-1710, [email protected], 2700 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 / Project: Richmond Wet Weather Storage:

Ware Associates Mr. John Ware, Founding Principal, PE, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, will provide architectural/engineering design of the restroom. As Ware Associates’ managing principal, John has served as project manager on a variety of award-winning projects and feasibility studies. He has over thirty years of architecture and engineering design experience on municipal, commercial, residential, and land development projects. John has structural experience analyzing seismic, wind, earth, dead and live loading under the guidance of ICC, ANSI and CBC codes. He also has extensive engineering experience in reinforced concrete, steel, wood, and reinforced masonry, pile and pier foundations. John’s goal is to work collaboratively to consider a project’s primary systems at the inception and to ensure that potential symbiotic relationships can be delivered that improve the final design. John takes

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pride in maintaining Ware Associates’ high standards to best serve client needs and continues to develop the practice’s portfolio of innovative and diverse design projects.References for Mr. Ware are provided in the Relevant Projects Section.

Zeiger Engineers Mr. Ronald Zeiger, PE, President of Zeiger Engineers Inc. for the past 37 years, Mr. Zeiger has been actively engaged in electrical engineering since 1965. His wide-ranging experience includes: parks, community centers, sports facilities, university buildings, research and industrial manufacturing facilities, office buildings, court buildings, hospital and medical facility, performing arts facilities, museums, theaters, hotels, schools, street lighting, housing projects, churches, libraries, restaurants, high voltage utilities, and extensive experience in solar PV systems, information technology and lighting design.

mack5 Cynthia Madrid, CPE, Senior Cost Manager, will provide cost estimating services. Ms. Madrid has 30 years of experience in the building profession working on behalf of cost consulting firms. Her extensive experience includes cost estimating, preparing bills of quantities, evaluation of change orders, value engineering, post contract administration, cost reconciliation with third-party consultants/contractors, and peer review of cost estimates prepared by third- party consultants. She has expertise in public agency facilities, including assessments/feasibility/program-level cost plans and estimates, covering new construction, retrofits/remodels/renovations.

Firm References . Steve Ehret, Sonoma County Regional Parks, 2300 County Center Drive, 120A, Santa Rosa, California 95403, (707) 565-1107, [email protected] . John Woodbury, General Manager, Napa County Department of Conservation, Development & Planning, (707) 259-5933, 1195 Third Street, Room 210, Napa, CA 94559, [email protected] . Chris Barton, Senior Planner, Environmental Programs, East Bay Regional Park District, (510) 544- 2627, 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605, [email protected]

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D. Size, Structure, and Locations of Firms Questa is a corporation based in Pt. Richmond, Contra Costa County, with a staff of approximately 20, managed by four principals. Ware Associates and Zeiger Engineers are based in Oakland, and mack5 is based in Richmond. Figure 2 presents a Team Organization Chart for the Project. Figure 2: Team Organization Chart

San Mateo County Harbor District City of Half Moon Bay

Questa Engineering J. Peters Principal-in-Charge

C. Nelson, PE Assistant Project Manager

CONCEPT PLAN/ CIVIL & ARCHITECTURE ELECTRICAL COST SITE PLANNING/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING ESTIMATING PERMITTING ENGINEERING, Ware Associates SURVEY Zeiger Engineers mack5 Questa J. Ware, PE, AIA, C. Madrid Questa LEED AP BD+C R. Zeiger, PE Sr. Cost Manager M. Henderson, Principal, President/ ASLA C. Nelson, PE, Architect/ Electrical Engineer Sr. Landscape Project Engineer/ Engineer Architect/ Construction Mgr. O. Louie, PE Planner Vice-President/ A. Buchbinder, PE Electrical Engineer O. Reyes Project Engineer Staff Landscape Architect/ A. McDade, PE Graphics Survey Specialist W. Hopkins, PG, CEG, QSD Sr. Eng. Geologist

Principal-Level Project Management Approach: Jeffrey H. Peters will be the Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager. The Questa team has provided the project leadership needed to focus the energies of project stakeholders, reach consensus decisions, crystallize stakeholders’ desires, prepare design plans and construction documents, and see projects through to final construction completion on numerous similar projects. Our leadership approach is founded on the following principles and practices. We use a principal-level project management approach. With over 35 years of experience, Mr. Peters understand the demands on the staff’s and sub-consultants’ time, and knows how to make effective and efficient progress throughout the project’s phases. As a small firm, we carefully control our workload so that senior personnel can be directly involved. Unlike medium or large firms, our principals have the luxury of being able to devote most of their time to projects, rather than attending to all the administrative, human resources, and marketing tasks involved in running a sizable practice. Our clients appreciate this hands-on approach because they receive the benefit of an experienced professional who will anticipate problems, maintain quality, make very efficient use of his time, and offer both realism and creativity in the design process. The crucial element for managing a successful project team is identifying specific work scopes for each study team member, defining the budget for each task, establishing the schedule for discrete deliverables, and ensuring clear communication. To achieve these goals, Mr. Peters will fine-tune the scope of work after an initial kick-off meeting with the Harbor District and City of Half Moon Bay and distribute these scopes to each study-team member with assigned budgets, deadlines and deliverables.

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Controlling Cost and Schedule: Project scheduling and time management will employ a critical flow path methodology. For small projects we usually create a custom schedule with milestones, key meeting dates, and deliverables using an Excel template. For larger, more complicated projects, including those that have critical path items, or involve grant, permit or other deadlines for design deliverables or construction, wet typically utilize Microsoft Project. Project milestones and key deliverables will be identified at the outset of each assignment and a detailed schedule developed and agreed upon. This will be entered into a Project Manager PC-based management system, which provides reports of labor use by work task and allows comparison of work completion (%) with project estimates. The Project Manager will periodically check in with the key team members to assess the progress on specific tasks, monitor work progress, answer questions, provide technical direction, and ensure that the project stays on schedule and within the contract budget. Typically, bi-weekly meetings are held with the Team to review progress and assess schedule and labor allocation according to the project critical path flow chart. The Questa Project Manager will also chair periodic District meetings for larger projects. Any issues/problems that arise from the meetings will be addressed (along with proposed solutions) during City meetings, telephone conversations, progress reports, and follow-up discussions, as needed. Recommendations for revision of scope, study or design methodology, meetings, and schedule will be reviewed directly with the District. Revisions to the project schedule and task/sub-task budget shits and adjustments will be made as needed with District approval. While we utilize this system to assist in project management, in reality it is the dedication and experience of the overall Team Project Manager (in consultation with the client) to stay on top of the project and make necessary shifts in allocations of staff time and budget to keep the project on schedule and within budget.

E. Financial Stability Questa was incorporated as a California Corporation in 1983 and typically has a staff of 20-25 civil, environmental, and geotechnical engineers, hydrologists, biologists, landscape architects and environmental planners. Questa is managed by four principals who have been with the firm between 27 and 35 years, and some senior staff has been with the firm for 25 years. Layoffs have been extremely rare and our staff turnover rate is low. The firm is considered financially very stable and has successfully weathered several recessions, including the Great Recession of 2008-2009. There have been no bankruptcies, or historical or pending lawsuits that threaten our financial stability. Questa is conservatively managed and well run, with a long history of reasonable profitability. We also have a good credit rating and line of credit to ensure long-term stability, with no current outstanding loan or debt.

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A ~TOMOBILE LIABILITY YE~1;1~b~d~~,?NGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000


DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/ LOCATIONS/ VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space Is required) Re: Project No. 1500107, San Mateo On-Call. San Mateo County Parks and its officers, agents, employees and servants are listed as additional insured. 30 day written notice & 10 day notice of cancellation applies if cancelled for non-payment of premium.

CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SANMA-4 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. San Mateo County Parks Department AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Attn: Sam Herzberg 455 County Center IR --' r.itv r-A q,1.ni:;-.i ~/;,u~ef#.~ ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Poncy Number: BAS56726262 COMMERCIAL AUTO CA8810 0113 (2) If the Limits of Insurance of any other insurance poficy have been exhausted; or (3) To "bodily injury" or "propertY damage" that occurred before you acquired or formed the THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. organization. BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT 2. EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS

This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE, paragraph A.1. -WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include the following as an insured: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM f. Any "employee" of yours while using a covered "auto" you do not own, hire or borrow, but With respect to coverage afforded by this endorsement, the provisions of the policy apply unless modified by the endorsement. only for acts within the scope of their employment by you. Insurance provided by this endorse­ ment is excess over any other Insurance available to any "employee". COVERAGE INDEX - g. An "employee" of yours while operating an "auto" hired or borrowed under a written contract SUBJECT PROVISION NUMBER - or agreement in that "employee's" name, with your permission, while performing duties re­ = lated to the conduct of your business and within the scope of their employment. Insurance 3 - ADDITIONAL INSURED BY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PERMIT provided by this endorsement is excess over any other insurance available to the "employee". ACCIDENTAL AIRBAG DEPLOYMENT 12 •=• AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS 19 .s 3. ADDITIONAL INSURED BY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PERMJT AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEEB

© 2013 Uberty Mutual Insurance CA88100113 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office. Inc., wllh tts permission. Page 1 of7 © 2013 Uberty Mutual Insurance CA88100113 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.. with its permission. Page 2 of 7 b. Your "employee" hires or rents under a written contract or agreement in that •employee's" 9. RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT name, but only if the damage occurs while the vehicle is being used in the conduct of your SECTION Ill -PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. COVERAGE, is amended by adding the following: business, a. We will pay up to $75 per day for rental reimbursement expenses incurred by you for the rental subject to the followlng limit and deductible: of an 11auto 11 because of 11accident" or "loss", to an "auto" for whlch we also pay a 11loss 11 A. Toe most we will pay for "loss" in any oAe "accident'' or "loss" is the smallest of: under Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or Collision Coverages. We will pay only for (1) $50,000; or those expenses incurred after the first 24 hours following the "accident" or "loss" to the covered "auto. 11 (2) Toe actual cash value of the damaged or stolen property as of the time of the "loss"; or b. Rental Reimbursement will be based on the renlai of a comparable vehicle, which in many (3) The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged or stolen property with other property of cases may be substantially less than $75 per day, and will only be allowed for the period of like kind and quality, minus a deductible. time it should lake to repair or replace the vehicle with reasonable speed and similar quality, up B. Toe deductible will be equal to the largest deductible applicable to any owned "auto" for that - to a maximum of 30 days. coverage. = c. We will also pay up to $500 for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by you to remove c. Subject to the limit, deductible and excess provisions described in this provision, we will and replace your tools and equipment from the covered "auto". """""" provide coverage equal to the broadest coverage applicable to any covered 'auto" you own. . d. This coverage does not apply unless you have a business necessity that other "autos" avail­ *iii-===- ~ D. Subject to a maximum of $1,000 per "accident'', we will also cover the actual loss of use of the able for your use and operation cannot fill. hired "auto" if it results from an "accident'', you are legally liable and the lessor incurs an e. If "loss" results from the total theft of a covered "auto" of the private passenger type, we will actual financial Joss. =~ pay under this coverage only that amount of your rental reimbursement expenses which is not E. This coverage extension does not apply to: already provided under Paragraph 4. Coverage Extension. ii-- (1) Any "auto" that is hired, rented or borrowed with a driver; or ·- f. No deducfible applies to this coverage. (2) Any "auto" that is hired, rented or borrowed from your "employee". For the purposes of this endorsement provision, materials and equipment do not include "personal For the purposes of this provision, SECTION V - DEFINmONS is amended by adding the following: effects" as defined in provision 11. "Total Joss" means a "loss" in which the cost of repairs plus the salvage value exceeds the actual 10. EXTRA EXPENSE - BROADENED COVERAGE cash value. Under SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE,A. COVERAGE, we will pay for the expense of 7. TOWING AND LABOR returning a stolen ,covered "auto" to you. Toe maximum amount we will pay is $1,000. SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, paragraph A.2. Towing, is amended by the addition 11. 'PERSONAL EFFECTS COVERAGE of the following: A. SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. COVERAGE, is amended by adding the We will pay towing and labor costs incurred, up to the Omits shown below, each time a covered following: "auto" classified and rated as a private passenger type, "light truck" or "medium truck" is dis­ If you have purchased Comprehensive Coverage on this policy for an "auto" you own and that abled: "auto" is stolen, we will pay, without application of a deductible, up to $600 for "personal a. For private passenger type vehicles, we will pay up to $50 per disablement. effects'' stolen with the "auto." b. For "fight trucks", we will pay up to $50 per disablement. "Light trucks" are trucks that have a The insurance provided under this provision is excess over any other collectible insurance. gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 10,000 pounds or less. B. SECTION V - DEFJNmONS is amended by adding the following: c. For "medium trucks" , we wm pay up to $150 per disablement. "Medium trucks" are trucks that For the purposes of this provision, "personal effects" mean tangible property that is worn or have a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 10,001 - 20,000 pounds. carried by an insured." "Personal effects" does not include tools, equipment, jewelry, money However, the labor must be performed at the place of disablement. or securities. 8. PHYSICAL DAMAGE -ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE COVERAGE 12. ACCIDENTAL AIRBAG DEPLOYMENT Paragraph A.4.a., Coverage Extension of SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, is amend­ SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, B. EXCLUSIONS is amended by adding the follow­ ed to provide a fimit of $50 per day and a maximum limit of $1,500 ing: If you have purchased Comprehensive or Collision Coverage under this policy, the exclusion for '1oss" relating to mechanical breakdown does not apply to the accidental discharge of an airbag. Any insurance we provide shall be excess over any other collectible insurance or reimbursement by manufacturer's warranty. However, we agree to pay any deductible applicable to the other cov­ erage or warranty. 13. AUDIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT COVERAGE SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, B. EXCLUSIONS, exception paragraph a. to exclu­ sions 4.c. and 4.d. is deleted and replaced with the following:

© 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance © 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CA88 10 0113 Includes copyrighted material oflnsuranceServicesOff!ce, Inc., v.ith its permission. Page 3 of7 CA 88 10 0113 Jncludescopyrlghled material oflnsuranceServicesOff!ce, lnc.,wilh its pennission. Page 4 of? Exclusion 4.c. and 4.d. do not apply to: 15. GLASS REPAIR• WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE a. Electronic equipment that receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals, whether or not Paragraph D. Deductible of SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended by the designed solely for the reproduction of sound, if the equipment is permanently installed in the addition of the following: covered "auto" at the time of the "loss" and such equipment is designed to be solely operated No deductible applies to glass damage if the glass is repaired rather than replaced. by use of the power from the "auto's" electrical system, in or upon the covered "auto" and physical damage coverages are provided for the covered "auto"; or 16. PARKED AUTO COLLISION COVERAGE (WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE) If the "loss" occurs solely to audio, visual or data electronic equipment or accessories used with Paragraph D. Deductible of SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended by the this equipment, then our obligation to pay far, repair, return or replace damaged or stolen property addition of the following: will be reduced by a $100 deductible. The dedijcfible does not apply to "loss" caused by collision to such covered "auto" of the private -=== 14. LOAN/LEASEGAPCOVERAGE ~ passenger type or light weight truck with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 lbs. or less as defined by the manufacturer as maximum loaded weight !he "auto" is designed to carry while ii is: A. Paragraph C., LIMIT OF INSURANCE of SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended by adding the following: a. In the charge of an "insured"; b. Legally parked; and The most we will pay for a 'total Joss" lo a covered "auto" owned by or leased !o you in any ~ c. UnoQcupied. one ~accident'' Is the greater of the: •=~ ~ The "loss" must be reported to !he police authorities within 24 hours of known damage. 1. Balance due under the terms of the loan or lease to which the damaged covered "auto" is subject al the time of the "loss" less the amount ot = The total amount of the damage to the covered "auto" must exceed !he deductible shown in the ==;;;;;;;;;;; Declarations. a. Overdue payments and financial penalties associated with those payments as of the date of the "Joss", == This provision does not apply to any "loss" if the covered 'auto" is in !he charge of any person or •§ organization engaged in !he automobile business. b. Financial penalties Imposed under a lease due to high mileage, excessive use or ab· 17. TWO. OR MORE DEDUCTIBLES normal wear and tear, c. Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life Insurance, Health, Accident or Disability Under SECTION Ill PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, if two or more company policies or coverage Insurance purchased with the loan or lease, forms apply to the same accident, the following applies to paragraph D. Deductible: d. Transfer or rollover balances from previous loans or leases, a. If the app0cable Business Auto deductible is !he smaller (or smallest) deducfible it will be waived; or e. Final payment due under a "Balloon Loan", b. If the applicable Business Auto deductible is not !he smaller (or smallest) deductible it will be f. The dollar amount of any unrepalred damage which occurred prior to the 'total loss" reduced by the amount of the smaller (or smallest) deductible; or of a covered 11auto", c. If the loss involves two or more Business Auto coverage forms or policies !he smaller (or g. Security deposits not refunded by a lessor, smallest) deductible will be waived. h. All refunds payable or paid to you as a result of the early termination of a lease For the purpose of this endorsement company means any company !hat is part of the Liberty agreement or as a result of the early termination of any warranty or extended service Mutual Group. agreement on a covered "auto'' 1 SECTION IV • BUSINESS AUTO CONDmONS is amended as follows: i. Any amount representing taxes, 18. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS j. Loan or lease termination fees; or SECTION IV- BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, Paragraph B.2. is amended by adding the following: 2. The actual cash value of the damage or stolen property as of the time of the "lass". If you unintentionally fail to disclose any hazards, exposures or material facts existing as of !he An adjustment far depreciation and physical condition will be made in determining the actual inception date or renewal date of the Business Auto Coverage Farm, !he coverage afforded by this cash value at the time of the "lass". This adjustment is not appDcable in Texas. policy will not be prejudiced. B. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS However, you must report the undisclosed hazard of exposure as soon as practicable after its This coverage applies only to the original loan for which the covered "auto" that incurred the discovery, and we have !he right to collect additional premium for any such hazard or exposure. loss serves as collateral, or lease written on the covered "auto" that incurred the loss. 19. AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT, OR LOSS C. SECTION V - DEFINTIONS is changed by adding !he following: SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, paragraph A.2.a. is replaced in its entirety by !he As used in !his endorsement provision, the following definitions apply: following: "Total loss" means a 'loss" in which the cost of repairs plus the salvage value exceeds the a. In the event of "accident", claim, "suit'' or "loss", you must promptly notify us when it is actual cash value. known to: A "balloon· loan• Is one with periodic payments lhar are insufficient to repay the balance over 1. You, if you are an individual; the term of !he loan, !hereby requiring a large final payment 2. A partner, if you are a partnership; 3. Member, if you are a limited liability company; 4. An executive officer or the "employee" designated by the Named Insured to give such notice, lf you are a corporation.

© 2013 Uberty Mutual Insurance ® 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CA 8810 0113 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 5 of7 CA 88 10 0113 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 6 of7 To the extent possible, notice to us should Include: (1) How, when and where the "accident'' or "loss" took place; (2) The "insureds" name and address; and (3) The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses. 20. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDmONS, paragraph A.5., Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us, is amended by the addltion of the following: If the person or organization has waived those rights before an •accident" or "loss", our rights are waived also. 21. HIRED AUTO COVERAGE TERRITORY SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, p,aragraph B.7., Policy Period, Coverage Territory, is amended by the addition of the following: f. For "autos" hired 30 days or less, the coverage territory is anywhere in the wortd, provided that the insured's responsibility to pay for damages Is determined in a •suit'', on the merits, in the United States, the territories and possessions of the United States of America, Puerto Rico or Canada or in a settlement we agree to. • This extension of coverage does not apply to an "auto" hired, leased, rented or borrowed with a driver. SECTION V • DEFINITIONS is amended as follows: 22. BODILY INJURY REDEFINED Under SECTION V - DEFINTIONS, definition C. is replaced by the following: "Bodily injury'' means physical injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including mental anguish, mental injury, shock, fright or death resulting from any of these at any time. COMMMON POLICY CONDITIONS 23. EXTENDED CANCELLATION CONDITION COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS, paragraph A. - CANCELLATION condition applies except as fol­ lows: If we cancel for any reason other than nonpayment of premium, we will mail to the first Named Insured written notice of cancellation at least 60 days before the effective date of cancellation. This provision does not apply in those states which require more than 60 days prior. notice of cancella- tion. ·


DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) RE: Project #: 1500107 | San Mateo On-call All operations of the Named Insured, including the aforementioned project, if any. General Liability: San Mateo County Parks Department and its officers, agents, employees, and servants are included as Additional Insured on Primary & Non-Contributory basis with Waiver of Subrogation included, as required by written contract.



AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE San Mateo County Parks Department 455 County Center, 4th Floor Redwood City, CA 94063-1665 ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SB146968B (Ed. 6-16)



Architects, Engineers and Surveyors

This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS A. Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any person or organization whom you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or written agreement; but the written contract or written agreement must be: 1. Currently in effect or becoming effective during the term of this policy; and 2. Executed prior to the: a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage"; or b. Offense that caused the "personal and advertising injury"; for which the additional insured seeks coverage B. The insurance provided to the additional insured is limited as follows: 1. The person or organization is an additional insured only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused in whole or in part by: a. Your acts or omissions; or b. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf, in the performance of your ongoing operations specified in the written contract or written agreement; or c. "Your work" that is specified in the written contract or written agreement, but only for "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "products-completed operations hazard", and only if: (1) The written contract or written agreement requires you to provide the additional insured such coverage; and (2) This Coverage Part provides such coverage. 2. The Limits of Insurance applicable to the additional insured are those specified in the written contract or written agreement or in the Declarations of this policy, whichever is less. These Limits of Insurance are inclusive of, and not in addition to, the Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 3. The insurance provided to the additional insured does not apply to "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of an architect's, engineer's, or surveyor's rendering of or failure to render any professional services including: a. The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications by any architect, engineer or surveyor performing services on a project of which you serve as construction manager; or b. Inspection, supervision, quality control, engineering or architectural services done by you on a project of which you serve as construction manager.

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Copyright, CNA All Rights Reserved. SB146968B (Ed. 6-16)

4. The insurance provided to the additional insured does not apply to "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of construction or demolition work while you are acting as a construction or demolition contractor. C. Under Businessowners Liability Conditions, the condition entitled Duties In The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit is amended to add the following: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: 1. Give written notice of an occurrence or an offense to us which may result in a claim or "suit" under this insurance; 2. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to us for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part; 3. Except as provided for in paragraph D.2. below: a. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to any other insurer which also has insurance for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part; and b. Agree to make available any other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part. We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a claim or "suit" from the additional insured. D. With respect only to the insurance provided by this endorsement, the condition entitled Other Insurance of the BUSINESSOWNERS COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS is amended to delete paragraphs 2. and 3. and replace them with the following: 2. This insurance is excess over any other insurance available to the additional insured, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, But if required by the written contract or written agreement, this insurance will be primary and noncontributory relative to insurance on which the additional insured is a Named Insured. 3. When this insurance is excess, we will have no duty under Business Liability insurance to defend the additional insured against any "suit" if any other insurer has a duty to defend the additional insured against that "suit" If no other insurer defends, we will undertake to do so, but we will be entitled to the additional insured's rights against all those other insurers. When this insurance is excess over other insurance, we will pay only our share of the amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the sum of: (a) The total amount that all such other insurance would pay for the loss in the absence of this insurance; and (b) The total of all deductible and self-insured amounts under all that other insurance. We will share the remaining loss, if any, with any other insurance that is not described in this Excess Insurance provision and was not bought specifically to apply in excess of the Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations of this Coverage Part. E. The condition entitled Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us of the BUSINESSOWNERS COMMON

10020006360166298630767 POLICY CONDITIONS is amended to deleted paragraph 2. and replace it with the following: 2. We waive any right of recovery we may have against any person or organization with whom you have agreed to waive such right of recovery in a written contract or agreement because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or "your work" done under a contract with that person or organization and included within the "products-completed operations hazard."

All other terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged.

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Copyright, CNA All Rights Reserved.


JEFFREY H. PETERS Principal-in-Charge/Overall Project Manager M.S., Soil Science, University of California, Davis B.S., Resource Management, University of California, Davis

Mr. Jeffrey Peters is a Principal with Questa Engineering Corporation and directs the firm’s projects involving public access, trail, and bikeway planning. Mr. Peters has more than 35 years of experience in environmental planning and project management. He has managed and implemented numerous public access projects, many of which involved provision of CEQA review and permitting, preparation of Construction Documents, and construction observation. Mr. Peters has completed the National Highway Institute's Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Design coursework developed by the US Dept. of Transportation FHA, and is certified as a QSD/QSP in stormwater management with a focus on low impact design.

Representative Assignments

• Camp Berryessa Environmental Center Master Plan/Feasibility Study, Napa County, CA. Principal-in-Charge for Master Plan/Feasibility Study on conversion of a former Boy Scout facility to provide LID, green building blueprint for a fully accessible outdoor recreation and environmental education facility, including accessible swimming pier and kayak launch site. Study identified necessary infrastructure and included economic analysis of capital and operating costs and revenues to determine viability. • Green Valley Trail Design and Feasibility Study - California Coastal Trail to South of Devil’s Slide Tunnel, Montara State Beach Park, San Mateo County. Principal-in-Charge for identification and design of preferred route for trailhead facilities, including parking areas and 4-foot wide recreational trail to be constructed by Caltrans. Work included review and analysis of site biology, topography, and geotechnical issues and constraints. Trailhead design included provisions for pedestrian and vehicular use. • Tomodachi Park Campground and Open Space Conversion Master Plan, Sebastopol, CA. Principal-in-Charge for master planning and design for the conversion of existing campground and open space area to a passive recreation area and long-term re-use of the existing mobile home park. Site development focuses on sustainability, utilizing low impact design techniques and recycled materials where feasible. • Breuner Marsh Public Access and Restoration Project, Richmond, CA, for East Bay Regional Parks District. Principal-in-Charge for wetlands restoration and trail design at Giant Marsh and Point Pinole Regional Shoreline. Project includes new 1.2-mile trail, parking and entry area, three pedestrian bridges and over 2,000 ft. of boardwalk crossing sensitive streams/wetlands, designed to be sustainable with predicted sea level rise; creating and enhancing sustainable tidal and freshwater seasonal wetlands, and protecting, enhancing, and creating habitat for sensitive wildlife species. • Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project, Albany and Berkeley, CA. Principal-in-Charge for this plan for park improvements, site improvements for shoreline stabilization, Bay Trail, ADA access, non- motorized watercraft staging area, beach access, restroom, bicycle racks, park signage, interpretive exhibits, landscaping, beach improvements and picnic facility. Project included EIR preparation. • Petaluma Sebastopol Trail Feasibility Study, Sonoma County Regional Parks Department. Principal-in-Charge for Study providing recommendations for paved trail connecting Petaluma and Sebastopol. The Study evaluated engineering and environmental feasibility, public support through community outreach workshops and online surveys, and cost evaluations of the options analyzed. • Grasslands Park Master Plan, Yolo County, California. Principal-in-Charge for the 320-acre park Master Plan, south of Davis, California. The site mixes naturalized grassland areas, leased active recreation facilities (model plane soaring, horseshoe pits, and an archery course), and natural/created habitat areas. • Sonoma Valley Trail Feasibility Study, Sonoma County Regional Parks Department. Principal-in-Charge for Study providing recommendations for continuous and seamless multi-use path for cyclists and pedestrians connecting the Cities of Sonoma and Santa Rosa along Highway 12. The Study evaluated engineering and environmental feasibility, public support through community outreach workshops and online surveys, and cost evaluations of the options analyzed. • Shollenberger Park, Adobe Creek. Principal-in-Charge for development of public access, pedestrian bridge, biotechnical bank stabilization, and habitat restoration/planting plan for tributary channel to Petaluma River. The project included design of levee top and marsh, streetscape elements, and interpretive program. • Capay Open-Space Park, Yolo County, California. Principal-in-Charge to develop a Master Plan for a 42-acre park and natural area straddling Cache Creek. The Master Plan includes a trail system, creek restoration, interpretive elements, educational pavilion, and visitor serving facilities, including parking, picnic and shade shelter areas, restrooms, an outdoor education area, and signage and interpretive elements. • Ojai Meadows Open Space Park Restoration. City of Ojai. Principal-in-Charge and contributor to conceptual design and construction oversight for the development and implementation of a 64-acre passive open space park and trail system, including creek and floodplain restoration. • Davis Park Master Plan - Wildcat Creek Restoration Plan, San Pablo, California. Provided QA/QC for development of a restoration plan for creek running beneath park baseball fields. Project included preliminary hydrologic/hydraulic analysis, opportunities and constraints analysis, community workshops, and development of a Conceptual Plan for creek restoration, enhancement, and daylighting. • Wetlands Edge Trailhead Park Trailhead Improvements. City of American Canyon. Principal-in-Charge for improvements including parking area, streetscape elements, multi-use path, accessibility features, site furnishings and landscape and irrigation components for 20-acre site connecting the City of American Canyon with the Napa River, the community’s sole shoreline access. • Kimberly Park Bay Trail Feasibility Study, City of American Canyon. Principal-in-Charge for Study evaluating engineering feasibility and alignment options for shoreline trail access and connections to existing and planned trails. The Study identified a preferred alignment and implementation options, infrastructure requirements, project costs, permitting needs, management issues and potential use conflicts with neighboring land uses, sensitive wildlife habitat, and trail users. • South Bay Salt Pond Restoration/Bay Trail. Lead investigator for project feasibility and concept design for public access components of project, including alternatives development, evaluation, preliminary design and environmental analysis. • Preliminary Environmental and Engineering Study - Great California Delta Trail: Bay Park Wetlands to Marina Park, Pittsburg. Principal-in-Charge for preliminary engineering design for 4-mile trail segment between Bay Point wetlands and Pittsburg’s Marina Park. The trail, along the Delta shoreline, will link local communities, and regional connections to SF Bay Trail system and planned Sacramento River trails in Yolo and Sacramento Counties. Site challenges include drainage and flooding, right of way, sensitive biological resources, and surrounding land use issues. Experience

• 1989 - present Principal/Senior Scientist. Questa Engineering Corporation, Point Richmond, California • 1988 - 1989 Regional Director. PACE Laboratories, Novato, California • 1976 - 1988 Vice President and Founding Principal. Western Ecological Services Company. • 1976 - 1977 Engineering Staff Appointment. Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento. • 1975 - 1976 Staff Geologist and Soil Scientist. Earth Sciences Associates, Palo Alto, California • 1973 - 1975 Environmental Planner and Scientist. SWA Group Landscape Architects and Planners, Sacramento and Sausalito, CA

Peters - Page 2

CARL H. NELSON, P.E. Project Engineer M.S., Structural Engineering, Mechanics of Materials, University of California at Berkeley, 1998 B.S., Civil Engineering, University of California at Davis, 1997 Registered Civil Engineer in California No. 60769, 2000

Mr. Nelson is a civil engineer with over 15 years of professional experience in design, analysis, and construction management projects with special emphasis on sustainability, multi-modal access, environmental stewardship, and community development. Mr. Nelson has coordinated Caltrans submittals, including E-76 sets and Right of Way and Utility Certifications. Mr. Nelson has provided design and construction management services for utility infrastructure, wastewater systems, trail designs, and site improvements including plazas, stairs, and residential and commercial facilities. His background and training include study and practice in sustainable practices, structural engineering, utility infrastructure, site development, erosion control, structural engineering and appropriate technology. He has designed single-track trails, pedestrian facilities, at-grade and elevated stairways, multi-use paths and provided on the ground oversight. He has completed National Highway Institute certification in Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design, including accessibility issues. Mr. Nelson provided construction management and project engineering services for the Mill Valley Steps, Lanes, and Paths projects, the Wetlands Edge Trail in American Canyon, the Napa River & Bay Trail project, and design engineering for the Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Pathway Project (Ross), and the Sandra Marker Trail Access Ramp Project (Larkspur). Mr. Nelson recently completed full-service construction management and inspection services for the Tennessee Valley Pathway project.

Representative Assignments

• North Central Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements (San Mateo, CA). Project Engineer for improvements at eight intersections, pedestrian-scale lighting throughout the neighborhood, and rain gardens in bulb-outs and curb extensions for stormwater filtration, including design support during construction. • Tennessee Valley Pathway Project (Marin County, CA). Resident Engineer for the construction management of a boardwalk, asphalt pathway, pedestrian bridge and signalized intersection project. The project included approximately two miles of elevated boardwalk above a sensitive wetland area with environmental mitigation and monitoring. • South San Francisco Trail. Project Engineer for PS&E preparation for 10-mile urban trail. • Napa River and Bay Trail, Phase I and II (American Canyon, CA). Project Engineer for construction of multi-use pathway that included a levee trail, pedestrian bridge, and shade structures along the Napa River. The approximately 10-mile long project transforms a closed municipal landfill into a scenic recreational opportunity for pedestrians and cyclists. • Mill Valley Steps, Lanes and Paths (Mill Valley, CA). Resident Engineer for design of 6 Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program, (NTPP) pedestrian improvements including hillside stairways. • Sandra Marker Trail, (Larkspur, CA). Project Engineer for design of Safe Routes to Schools access improvements. • Timber Cove Trail. Project Engineer for feasibility study for a proposed public access trail along Highway 1 in Sonoma County. Assisted in identifying Right-of-Way and Engineering constraints for different trail types and alignments. • Green Valley Trail. Project Engineer for trail feasibility study potential through the McNee Ranch State Park in San Mateo County. • Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project: Final Engineering & Environmental Design, CEQA Review, and Project Permitting, Albany and Berkeley, CA. Project Engineer for design and permitting for park improvements, including master planning and site improvements for shoreline stabilization, Bay Trail, ADA access, non-motorized watercraft staging area, beach access, restroom, bicycle racks, park signage, interpretive exhibits, landscaping, beach improvements and picnic facility. • Wildcat Creek Bay Trail (Richmond, CA). Design of one-mile trail for the East Bay Regional Park District. Improvements include a multi-use trail and wildlife protecting measures. • American Canyon Trail System. Preparation of infrastructure improvements, permitting and coordination for a 2 mile Class I trail system to provide a riverfront trail connection for the City of American Canyon, Napa County. Work also included new trail head facility with curb-ramp, walkway, restroom, signage, and bench.

MARGARET HENDERSON Senior Landscape Architect/Planner/Project Manager B.S., Environmental Planning and Management Specialization in Landscape Architecture, University of California, Davis Registered Landscape Architect - California, License #1689 California Licensed Landscape Contractor #546437

Ms. Henderson has more than thirty years of professional experience as a landscape architect and environmental planner. Her professional focus includes park and recreation and public access planning; use of low-impact design strategies for resource conservation including native plant materials and recycled components; biotechnical creek restoration and trails assessment. She has prepared recreation designs, public access, and interpretive plans for parks and natural areas throughout the Bay Area. Her creek restoration experience spans California, and includes projects throughout the greater San Francisco Bay and its tributaries. Ms. Henderson is certified in NHI Pedestrian and Bicycles Facility Design, including accessibility regulations, as well as a certified Bay-Friendly Landscape Rater and Advisor.

Representative Assignments

• Petaluma River Denman Enhancement Plan. Inventory of existing riparian corridor plant species, preparation of maintenance and monitoring plan for creek enhancement, permitting and coordination with state and federal agencies, supervision of field crews for vegetation management activities, post-construction inventory and monitoring of activities, photo documentation and mitigation monitoring reporting. • Cloverdale River Park Phase 3 Recreation Improvements and Bank Stabilization and Restoration. Conducted CEQA environmental review and assisted in preparing (IS/MND) for boat ramp, parking and picnic areas, trail and Russian River bank stabilization and riparian restoration project. • Breuner Marsh Public Access and Restoration Project, Richmond, CA, for East Bay Regional Parks District. Sr. Landscape Architect for wetlands restoration and trail design at Giant Marsh and Point Pinole Regional Shoreline. Project includes new 1.2-mile trail, parking and entry area, three pedestrian bridges and over 2,000 ft. of boardwalk crossing sensitive streams/wetlands, designed to be sustainable with predicted sea level rise; creating and enhancing sustainable tidal and freshwater seasonal wetlands, and protecting, enhancing, and creating habitat for sensitive wildlife species. • Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project, Albany and Berkeley, CA. For East Bay Regional Park District. Project Planner and Landscape Architect for planning and engineering design for two-mile of proposed Bay Trail along the Albany and Berkeley shoreline. • San Francisco Bay Trail, Wildcat Creek to , Richmond, CA. This study was prepared to determine a recommended alignment and preliminary design of a trail segment connecting the existing Wildcat Creek Bay Trail Spur to San Pablo Creek. Responsible for coordination with agencies and landowners, including West Contra Costa Wastewater District, West County Landfill, and East Bay Regional Park District to develop an alignment, management recommendations and design that minimizes conflict between trail users and plant operations. • Sabercat Park, Fremont. Landscape architectural services for a 40-acre open space park including public access components, restoration of creek habitat, revegetation, entry landscape and demonstration garden, and habitat features. Landscape palette and irrigation system for efficient water use. • Wetlands Edge Trailhead, American Canyon. Project includes parking area, streetscape elements, multi-use path, accessibility features, picnic areas, site furnishings and landscape and irrigation components for twenty acre site connecting the city of American Canyon with the Napa River, the community’s sole shoreline access. • Castro Valley Creek Restoration and Trail. Project is a Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape. Design and implementation contractor for public access and pedestrian amenities along a 1,000 foot reach of Castro Valley Creek adjacent to Castro Valley Library. Project incorporates low water use native species, permeable pavement, water efficient irrigation, habitat features, interpretive signage, outdoor education area and other elements associated with a creek restoration project. • Shollenberger Park, Adobe Creek. Designer, and permit coordination for Shollenberger Park, along the Petaluma River shoreline, which provides passive recreation opportunities for people to hike, cycle and enjoy the diverse wildlife and shorebirds who inhabit the park. Design and plan assistance over several phases since the Park’s inception, to improve the habitat along Adobe Creek, to create new freshwater, tidal marsh, and riparian enhancement areas, improve water quality and circulation, create trails and provide environmental education opportunities for park users. The project includes approximately three miles of trails, three pedestrian bridges, boardwalks, created wetlands, habitat buffers, a fishing deck/river overlook, fencing, signage and site furnishings. Grant preparation on the City’s behalf resulted in the City in securing grant monies of over $500,000 for project implementation, land acquisition, and an interpretive guide of the area. • Laguna de Santa Rosa Wetlands Preserve, Sebastopol. Public access trail planning, permitting, grant assistance, meetings and facilitation, plans and specifications, and construction assistance for multi-phased 40-acre passive park and riparian enhancement project. Components include almost a mile of new trail over the last several years, as well as an outdoor classroom, entry arbors, public areas, riparian restoration areas, site furnishings, seasonal pedestrian bridge, water quality pond, boardwalk, interpretive elements and signage, as well as coordination with community groups and the CCC. • Hamilton Bay Trail, Novato. Trail Planning for Bay Trail Spur associated with 2,500-acre wetlands restoration project. • Napa and American Canyon Bay Trail Projects. Landscape Architect/Planner for study identifying feasible alignments, preferred alignment, agency coordination and implementation options for eight mile river oriented Class I trail along the Napa River, within American Canyon, and connecting to the City of Napa and future regional trail connections. • Wetlands Edge Trailhead, American Canyon. Project includes parking area, streetscape elements, multi-use path, accessibility features, picnic areas, site furnishings and landscape and irrigation components for twenty acre site connecting the city of American Canyon with the Napa River, the community’s sole shoreline access. • South Shoreline Bay Trail, Richmond. Landscape design for renovation of 1.5-mile trail segment to enhance neighborhood character and opportunities for outdoor activities and shoreline access, sustainable, drought- tolerant species appropriate for soils and microclimate conditions, and neighborhood coordination. • South Bay Salt Pond Restoration/Bay Trail. Landscape Architect/Planner for project feasibility and concept design for public access components of project. Work includes assistance with public access and recreation components preliminary design, alternatives identification and evaluation, and environmental analysis for public access and recreation components. • Grasslands Park Master Plan, Yolo County, California. Project Planner and Landscape Architect for 320-acre park Master Plan, south of Davis, California. The site mixes naturalized grassland areas, leased active recreation facilities (model plane soaring, horseshoe pits, and an archery course), and natural/created habitat areas. • Golden Gate Fields Interim Bay Trail Planning and Engineering Design, Albany and Berkeley, CA. For East Bay Regional Park District. Project Planner and Landscape Architect for planning and engineering design for 1- mile of proposed Bay Trail adjacent to Golden Gate Fields in Albany and Berkeley.

Professional Awards

• City of Novato General Plan Merit Award, American Planning Association • City of Hayward, De Anza Park Design Award

Henderson - Page 2

AMIR G. BUCHBINDER, P.E. Staff Engineer B.S., Civil Engineering, San Francisco State University, 1997 Registered Civil Engineer in California #C 62579, 2002

Amir Buchbinder serves as a civil engineer with over 20 years of professional design experience. Mr. Buchbinder has managed and participated in a variety of site improvements and utilities design projects while maintaining his personal and professional focus in sustainable development. With a degree in engineering, and a background in various aspects of design, he brings a wide range of experience and technical knowledge in civil engineering, including survey and layout, street, sidewalk and utility design, and public access pathways. Mr. Buchbinder’s background includes construction management, analysis and production of tentative maps, grading, drainage, utilities, erosion control, improvement plans, final maps, and engineering cost estimates for public works, residential and commercial developments. His experience includes design of roadways, storm water, sewer and water design, hydrology analysis and hydraulic calculations, rainwater harvesting, staking calculations, as well as legal description writing.

Representative Assignments

• Mount Umunhum (Santa Clara, CA). Project Engineer responsible for design of summit road restoration and redevelopment of open space area consisting of parking lot, helicopter landing pad, and turnaround. • Sir Francis Drake Pathway Pedestrian Improvements (Ross, CA). Civil Engineer responsible for sidewalk, driveway, curb-ramps and utility coordination for a 0.8 mile long project. • Mill Valley Steps, Lanes and Paths (Mill Valley, CA). Civil Engineer responsible for design and layout of six lanes of steps. • Sausalito Stairs (Sausalito, CA). Civil Engineer responsible for design and layout of two lanes of steps. • New Stanford Hospital (Palo Alto, CA). Project Engineer responsible for site development design of replacement hospital and addition. • Eastern Container Terminal (Port of Haifa, Israel). Onsite Civil Engineer responsible for supervision of 0.6 mile long terminal and crane rails rehabilitation. • Gadot South Jetty (Kishon Port, Israel). Onsite Civil Engineer responsible for onsite supervision of Jetty rehabilitation. • Bridal Gate (Brentwood, CA). Project Manager responsible for design of 166-lot residential development and commercial center. • Fairview (Salem, OR). Project Engineer responsible for preparation of 274-acre sustainable community master plan. • Atherton Ranch (Novato, CA). Civil Engineer responsible for hydrology calculations, Grading & Improvement plan/final map preparation, quantity and cost estimating. • St. Vincent (San Rafael, CA). Civil Engineer responsible for residential development stormwater design.


2017 – present Questa Engineering Corporation, Point Richmond, California 2016 – 2017 Sandis Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Oakland, California 2012 – 2015 Benjamin Engineering & Project Management, Haifa, Israel 2011 – 2012 Nibor Enterprises, Haifa, Israel 2009 – 2011 Questa Engineering Corporation, Point Richmond, California 2004 – 2008 Isakson & Associates, Walnut Creek, California 2003 – 2004 Sehome Engineering, Bellingham, Washington 2002 – 2003 2020 Engineering, Bellingham, Washington 2000 – 2002 CSW/Stuber-Stroeh, Novato, California 1998 – 2000 KCA Engineers, San Francisco, California 1997 – 1998 Telamon Engineering Consultants, San Francisco, California 1996 – 1997 Lynn Bowers & Associates, Pleasanton, California

Buchbinder - Page 2 WILLARD N. HOPKINS, P.G., C.E.G. Senior Engineering Geologist B.A. Earth Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, 1983 M.S. Geology, San Jose State University, 1987 Professional Geologist in California #5161 (1991) Certified Engineering Geologist in California #1761 (1993) Qualified SWPPP Developer

Mr. Hopkins is a Professional Geologist and Certified Engineering Geologist in the State of California with more than 20 years of experience in performing environmental impact reports and initial studies, geologic, geotechnical and environmental investigations, evaluations, design, and construction monitoring. For the past 20 years he has been employed by private consulting firms in the San Francisco Bay Region and has performed various geologic, engineering, and analytical duties. Mr. Hopkins currently is in charge of the Geological and Geotechnical Services Group of Questa Engineering and manages and completes projects that include Geological and Geotechnical analysis for Geotechnical Investigations, Pavement Rehabilitation Studies, Streetscape Projects, Bridges, Trails, Bike Lanes, Foundation Investigations, Retaining Wall Design, Environmental Impact Reports, Engineering Geologic Studies, Soil and Groundwater Contamination Studies and others.

Representative Assignments

• Geotechnical and Foundation Investigations for the Breuner Marsh Public Access Improvements • Geotechnical Investigation for Albany Bulb Public Access Improvements • Los Ranchitos Road, Marin County, Bike Lane, Geotechnical Investigation and Design Recommendations. • Trestle Glen Bikeway Study, Geotechnical Feasibility and Investigation elements. • Bay Trail Routes, Richmond, California, Geotechnical Feasibility Evaluation and Investigation. • Geotechnical Investigation for the American Canyon Green Island Levee Bridge and Loop Trail, PM • Geotechnical Investigation, Ferry Pt. to Shipyard #3 Bay Trail Gap Closure Project • Bodega Bay Trail, Geotechnical Investigation for trail, boardwalks, bridges, parking lot • Castro Street-SF Bay Trail, Geotechnical Feasibility, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation • Richmond Wet Weather Storage Facility, Geotechnical Investigation, Plan Review, Geotechnical Observations, Inspection and Testing during construction, Project Manager. • Safe Routes to Schools, Cycle 2, City of Richmond, Geotechnical Consultations, Inspections, Testing, PM • Meade Street Bypass project, Richmond, Geotechnical Investigation, Testing and Inspections, PM • Richmond BART Parking Garage Geotechnical Observations, Inspections and Testing during construction, PM • Via Verdi Culvert Repair Project Geotechnical Observations, Inspection and Testing during construction, PM • City of Richmond Sewer Line Rehabilitation Projects Materials Testing Services. • Macdonald Avenue Streetscape Projects Geotechnical Services. • Engineering Geologic and Geotechnical Services for Pedestrian Bridges, Trails, and Bike Lanes.


1994 – Pres. Senior Engineering Geologist/Project Manager. Questa Engineering 1991 - 1994 Senior Geologist/Project Manager. Van Houten Consultants, Petaluma, CA 1990 - 1991 Project Engineering Geologist. ENGEO Incorporated, San Ramon, CA 1989 - 1990 Senior Mineralogist/Project Manager. Micro Analytical Laboratories, Inc., Emeryville, CA 1988 - 1989 Staff Geologist. International Technology Corporation, Martinez, CA. 1987 Staff Geologist. Seidelman Associates Inc., Pleasant Hill, CA.

ANDREW W. McDADE, P.E. Project Engineer Registered Civil Engineer in California, License No: 87049 B.S., Civil/Environmental Engineering; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Mr. McDade serves as a staff environmental and civil engineer with 10 years of experience in civil/environmental engineering design, with a focus on land planning, public access facilities, and creek restoration. His range of experience on these projects includes preliminary site surveys, initial site layout, roadway design, grading and drainage, utilities layout/relocation, erosion control and hydrologic analyses, bank stabilization, and preparation of necessary permits and applications. In addition, he has also contributed to the design of stormwater and wastewater management systems, ranging from on-site treatment systems to municipal pipe networks. Mr. McDade also has experience in geotechnical engineering, including soil sampling and characterization, data processing, and foundation design and analysis.

Representative Assignments

• Great California Delta Trail, Pittsburg, CA. Staff Engineer for 4-mile trail segment between EBRPD’s Bay Point wetlands and Pittsburg’s Marina Park; issues evaluated include drainage and flooding, railroad ROW, sensitive biological resources, and surrounding land use. • American Canyon Trail System. Staff Engineer for a 2-mile Class I trail system to provide a riverfront trail connection for the City of American Canyon, Napa County. Work also included new trail head facility with curb-ramp, walkway, restroom, signage, and bench. • Timber Cove Trail. Staff Engineer for feasibility study for a proposed public access trail along Highway 1 in Sonoma County. Assisted in identifying Right-of-Way and Engineering constraints for different trail types and alignments. • Green Valley Trail. Staff Engineer for trail feasibility study potential through the McNee Ranch State Park in San Mateo County. • South San Francisco Trail. Staff Engineer for PS&E preparation for 10-mile urban trail. • Pismo Beach Trail. Staff Engineer for Preliminary Engineering Trail Plans. • Southern SLO County Anza Trail Corridor Plan – Edna Valley / Price Canyon. Staff Engineer for 10-mile trail feasibility study • Copeland Creek Bike Path Reconstruction Project, for City of Rohnert Park. Staff Engineer for design of trail pavement repair project for over 1 mile of trails. Work included geotechnical investigation, preparation of PS&Es, and bidding assistance. • Soscol Ferry Trail, Napa, CA Assisted in preparation of design and construction documents for installation of Soscol Ferry Trail. Public access element included design of 2/3 miles of paved trail and a concrete spillway between the lagoon and the Napa River. • San Francisco Bay Trail Castro Street to Richmond Bridge, Richmond, CA Technical design and drafting tasks for an engineering feasibility study for installation of a portion of the San Francisco Bay Trail that will close a gap in the trail between Point Richmond and Point Molate. Design considerations include alternative routes (ranging from 1/3 to 2/3 miles) that will potentially utilize raised portions of trail above the freeway shoulder, extensive earthwork and new retaining walls to accommodate portions of the trail, and a bridge reconnecting the portion of the trail on the hillside to the freeway shoulder. The portions of trail that will be constructed in the freeway should are to be bi-directional and separated from the freeway by a concrete barrier.

OLIVER REYES Staff Landscape Architect/Trail Planner/GIS &Graphics Specialist B.S., Landscape Architecture, University of California, Davis (graduated Magna cum Laude)

Mr. Reyes has 18 years of experience in graphic design, landscape architecture, engineering and drafting. He has contributed expert info-graphics, analysis mapping, and design documentation services to a wide range of public work projects. His recent projects have included open space planning, trail planning, landscape restoration, and streetscape design. Mr. Reyes has extensive experience using GIS, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Sketch Up, and has excellent hand drafting/rendering skills. His background in landscape architecture, combined with his graphic skill set, bring effective visual communication to project designs, analysis, and presentations.

Representative Assignments

• California Delta Spur Trail: Bay Point Wetlands Regional Shoreline. Assistance with mapping, design and landscape architecture for feasibility and preliminary engineering study for a 5/8-mile segment of the California Delta Trail Spur. • Sonoma Valley Trail Feasibility Study, County of Sonoma. Contributed GIS, mapping, and study reports to identify the safest and best route along 13 miles of Highway 12 to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians travelling between Sonoma and Santa Rosa. • Southern SLO County Anza Trail Corridor Plan, San Luis Obispo. Contributed GIS, mapping, and design studies for project analysis existing conditions, constraints, and alternative alignments for a 12 mile trail between San Luis Obispo and Pismo Beach. • South Branch Arroyo Conejo Multi-Use Pathway Plan, Thousand Oaks. Analysis mapping and design drawings for a planning and implementation study evaluating alignment options and incorporating public education opportunities for a 1.5 mile bicycle and pedestrian path. • Chorro Valley Trail Feasibility Study, Constraints Analysis, and Implementations Plan, San Luis Obispo. Contributed GIS, mapping, and design studies for project evaluating engineering feasibility and identifying preferred alignment for a 12 mile corridor connecting the cities of San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay. • Kimberly Park Bay Trail Feasibility Study, City of American Canyon. Assistance with mapping, design and landscape architecture for study evaluating engineering feasibility and alignment options for shoreline trail access and connections to existing and planned trails. • North Central Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements (San Mateo, CA). Staff Landscape Architect and drafter for improvements at eight intersections, pedestrian-scale lighting throughout the neighborhood, and rain gardens in bulb-outs and curb extensions for stormwater filtration, including design support during construction. • Tomodachi Park, Sebastopol. Assistance with landscape architecture Plans & Specifications for park in the City of Sebastopol, adjacent to the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Project includes plans, specifications and implementation assistance for City’s gateway design and passive park, as well as master plan for future park improvements, and environmental documentation in sensitive habitat area. Experience

2012-present GIS/Graphics Specialist, Questa Engineering Corporation, Point Richmond, CA 2010-2011 Landscape Architect Intern, San Francisco Department of Public Works, Landscape Architecture Section, San Francisco, CA. 2005-2007 Engineering Consultant, Create Technologies, Berkeley, CA 1999-2005 Engineering Technician, FP International/Novus Packaging, Redwood City, CA 1998-1999 Drafter, Pinnacle Engineering, San Francisco, CA

TOM W. HAWBAKER Technical Writer Certificate of Completion, Introduction to the California Environmental Quality Act, EOS Alliance, 2010 Certificate in Technical Writing, Webster Institute, 2000 B.A. Anthropology, University of Southern California, 1992

Mr. Hawbaker researches, writes, and edits documentation for a variety of projects at Questa, in addition to providing quality control review and management of document production. Since joining Questa in 2002, Mr. Hawbaker has prepared numerous technical specifications, feasibility studies, environmental review documents (EIR sections and Initial Studies), design reports, operation and maintenance manuals, proposals/statements of qualifications, and visual presentations. He is also experienced in creating and manipulating graphics using a variety of software packages, including CorelPhoto, CorelDraw, and Adobe Photoshop. In addition to earning a Certificate in Technical Writing from the Webster Institute, Mr. Hawbaker has utilized strong writing and editing skills throughout more than 25 years of administrative and managerial experience in a wide range of settings, including corporate, legal, non-profit, educational, and telecommunications organizations. In addition, Mr. Hawbaker designed and maintains Questa’s Website and document templates.

Representative Assignments

• Coordinated preparation of contract documents and specifications for the Green Valley Trail Plan and North Central Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements in San Mateo County, the Las Virgenes Creek Restoration and Trail Project in Calabasas, the Denman Reach Stream Enhancement and Public Access Project in Petaluma, the Breuner Marsh and Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Plans, South Shoreline Bay Trail in Richmond, Skategarden Park in Sebastopol, and the Sabercat Creek Public Access and Riparian Improvement Project in Fremont. • Edited and coordinated preparation of numerous trail feasibility study and preliminary engineering reports, including: the Agoura Hills Trail, Chorro Valley Trail, Sonoma Valley Trail, Napa River and Bay Trail, Sears Point Trail, Fremont Union Pacific Rail Trail, and Livermore Iron Horse Trail, as well as the Edna Valley / Price Canyon Trail, Community-Based Transportation Plan, Camp Berryessa Operations, Design and Preliminary Engineering Study, Jameson Canyon Corridor Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections Plan, Novato Master Trails Plan, and Sonoma Baylands Trail Plan • Researched, co-wrote, and edited portions of several EIRs and Initial Studies, including: the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Plan EIR, the Water Resources, Potable Water Supply, and Geology sections of the Monterey County General Plan Update EIR, the Water Resources Section of the Sonoma County General Plan 2020 EIR, and the Hydrology and Water Quality section of the Nystrom Village Initial Study in Richmond, California. • Analyzed data and prepared Annual Water Monitoring Program Report for Cañada Woods Water Company, Monterey County, California.


2002 - present Technical Writer. Questa Engineering Corporation, Point Richmond, California. 2002 Case Assistant. Certified Personnel / Heller Ehrman White and McAuliffe, San Francisco, California. 2000 - 2001 Senior Technical Writer. M-Code Software, Emeryville, California. 2000 Documentation Specialist, Project Management Office. Corestaff Technology Group / California State Automobile Association, San Francisco, California. John Ware Principal, PE, AIA, LEED AP BD+C


As Ware Associates’ managing principal, John has served as project manager on a variety of award- winning projects and feasibility studies. He has over thirty years of architecture and engineering design experience on municipal, commercial, residential, and land development projects. John has structural experience analyzing seismic, wind, earth, dead and live loading under the guidance of ICC, ANSI and CBC codes. He also has extensive engineering experience in reinforced concrete, steel, wood, and reinforced masonry, pile and pier foundations.

John’s goal is to work collaboratively to consider a project’s primary systems at the inception and to ensure that potential symbiotic relationships can be delivered that improve the final design. John takes pride in maintaining Ware Associates’ high standards to best serve client needs and continues to develop the practice’s portfolio of innovative and diverse design projects.


Professional Engineer, CA: #46323 Mount Umunhum Summit Restoration, Santa Clara County, CA Registered Architect, CA: #32436 Managed the architectural and structural design of the Mount Umunhum summit shelter/visitor center. Professional Engineer, FL: #44615 Worked closely with the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District to develop a “caretaker” building Professional Engineer, WA: # 41715 aesthetic that would withstand peak winds of 140 mph without dominating the natural beauty of the site. The performance-based design is characterized by a cantilevered concrete platform, cantilevered columns, PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS and heavy timber truss construction requisite for the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) site. Doyle Hollis Park, City of Emeryville, CA American Institute of Architects (AIA) Project Manager for the design of an urban infill park; led the design for a naturally-ventilated restroom LEED BD+C Professional (USGBC) with green roof and green screen sides. Developed sustainablility initiative for the project to include grey American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) water runoff system, natural vent systems, plant life on roofs and drainage system to nearby landscaping. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Coordinated sustainable material selection such as high fly ash concrete, sustainably forested wood, etc. U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Shoreline Parks Pedestrian Bridge and Parks, City of San Mateo, CA Project Manager for the design and implementation of several key architectural elements of the $5.2 million EDUCATION conversion of 2.5 miles of coastline into a nature area and park. Structures include a new maintenance building, public restrooms, picnic/shade shelters at Ryder Park, and a 105’-span bridge connecting MArch pedestrians and light vehicles to newly restored wetland areas. University of California, Berkeley (1995) El Dorado Beach at Lakeview Commons, City of South Lake Tahoe, CA MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering, Managed the structural design and construction support of a multi-use boathouse, stone terraces, plaza, Cornell University (1987) and beach access ramps in collaboration with prime RHAA and architect EHDD. The project is part of a grand vision for a new civic and recreational center for the City of South Lake Tahoe. BS Engineering Cornell University (1986) Berkeley Bay Trail Extension Project, City of Berkeley, CA Managed the design and construction support of this 1.5-mile extension of the Bay Trail. The client requested a bicycle and pedestrian bridge that would improve non-vehicular/motorized access to the Berkeley Marina, preserve open vistas of the waterfront, and encourage the flourishing ecosystem around the structure. Ware’s 110-foot low-slung design reduces the number of support piers, minimizing impact to sensitive wetland areas, while a raised base allows plants underneath adequate access to sunlight.

Yountville Town Center and Library, City of Yountville, CA Managed structural design for the project, including renovations and additions to the existing community hall and affiliated buildings, as well as the design and construction of a new community center. The structural design focuses on attaining an air of weightlessness, most notably in the form and visual impression of the four roof trusses of the main multi-purpose space. The project achieved LEED registered certification from the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). Winner of the 2011 AIA East Bay Design Award.

Unity Park, City of Richmond, CA Managed architectural and structural design for the park shelter, art column, and pedestrian crossing. Worked closely with Richmond community and Vallier Design Associates to create a cost-efficient shade structure for neighborhood picnics/events as part of larger effort to activate Richmond Greenway for health and greater civic engagement.

RONALD ZEIGER, P.E. President of Zeiger Engineers Inc. for the past thirty-six years, Mr. Zeiger has been actively engaged in electrical engineering since 1965. His wide-ranging experience includes: parks, community centers, sports facilities, university buildings, research and industrial manufacturing facilities, office buildings, court buildings, hospital and medical facility, performing arts facilities, museums, theaters, hotels, schools, street lighting, housing projects, churches, libraries, restaurants, high voltage utilities, and extensive experience in solar PV systems, information technology and lighting design.

EDUCATION: University of California, Berkeley-B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1965

REGISTRATION: Professional Electrical Engineer, 1969, California

RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Lake Merritt Park and Master Plan Improvements, Oakland KTVU Bay Trail Improvements, Oakland Begin Plaza, Oakland St. Andrews Plaza, Oakland Durant Mini Park, Oakland Dimond Park Restroom and Creek Restoration, Oakland Pedestrian and Bicycle Pathways, Emeryville and Berkeley 771 N. Rengstorff Avenue Park, Mountain View Bay Trail Improvements, Richmond Alviso Marina and Boat Launch Facility Stojanovich Family Park, Campbell Ravenswood Historic Park, East Palo Alto Vista Montana Mini Park, San Jose Vista Montana Soccer Park, San Jose Del Monte Park, San Jose Cordelia Community Park, Fairfield

Cynthia Madrid, CPE Senior Cost Manager

education B.S. Civil Engineering, Adamson University, Philippines B.S. Sanitary Engineering, National University, Philippines

licenses/certifications Certified Professional Estimator American Society of Professional Estimators - member

Ms. Madrid has 30 years of experience in the building profession working on behalf of cost consulting firms. Her extensive experience includes cost estimating, preparing bills of quantities, evaluation of change orders, value engineering, post contract administration, cost reconciliation with third-party consultants/contractors, and peer review of cost estimates prepared by third- party consultants. She has expertise in public agency facilities, including assessments/feasibility/program-level cost plans and estimates, covering new

construction, retrofits/remodels/renovations, and.

select Laney College Restrooms Title IX Upgrades – Oakland, CA project experience Oakland Unified School District Restrooms – Oakland, CA

Oakland International Airport Gate 4 Restrooms – Oakland, CA

Sunnyvale Park Buildings– Sunnyvale, CA Jean Sweeney Open Space Park – Alameda, CA

Andy’s Unity Park & Dog Park – Santa Rosa, CA

Victor Jones Park – San Rafael, CA Unity Park – Richmond, CA

Via Toledo Park – San Lorenzo, CA sunnyvale park buildings Alice Chalmers Park – San Francisco, CA

Linda Beach Park – Piedmont, CA

Fair Oaks Park – Sunnyvale, CA McLaren Bike Park – San Francisco, CA

Urban Tilth North Richmond Farm – Richmond, CA Helen Diller Civic Center Playgrounds (Trust for Public Land) – San Francisco, CA

Palega Playground and Recreation Center – San Francisco, CA jean sweeney open space park Gene Friend Recreation Center Master Plan (Trust for Public Land) – San

Francisco, CA El Cerrito Parks/Recreation Master Plan (with RHAA) – El Cerrito, CA

Menlo Park Park/Rec Facilities Master Plan – Menlo Park, CA

Livermore Hagemann Ranch – Livermore, CA

Livermore Railroad Depot – Livermore, CA Incline Village Beach House – Incline Village, NV laney college restroom title ix upgrades Coyote Valley Open Space Outdoor Learning Center – Coyote Valley, CA