Gping.] to Grow. the Okanagan Realty Co., Ltd
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DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SUMMERLAND, PEACHLAND AND NARAMATA Vol. 6, No. 24 SUMMERLAND, B.C., JANUARY 9, 1914. Whole No. 284 To Open K.V.R. by Next Autumn,Th e Summerland Launching of " The Mystery* Ship." Telephone Co. Route via Merritt Will be Ready For Traffic Late This Year. Good Work by Construction Gang. Direct railway connection be• ing links by the autumn. From tween the Kootenay, Boundary and Otter Summit, thirty miles to Mer• To many of our readers it will Okanagan districts and Vancouver ritt, the southern terminus of the be a pleasant surprise to learn that will probably; be established next Nicola Branch of the CP.R; from the construction work on the var autumn, according to a statement Spences Bridge, the Kettle Valley ious.pole lines of the Summerland made last week by Mr. J. J. War• Railway has its line already in Telephone CompanyMs rapidly, near ren, president' of the Kettle Val• operation. ing; completion. As" has''already ley Railway. The contractors ex• Work is progressing well on the been stated in these columns the pect to be able to inaugurate a Coquihalla section, which is being cable lines have been run, and coast service via Merritt and Spen- built jointly by the Kettle Valley most of the joints, have now been ces Bridge late in 1914, and that and the V.V. & E. railways. On made. The poling and wiring on the short line via Hope will be the 39 mile portion to be recon• Jones Flat is complete, as|is also ready for operation .the year fol• structed between Coldwater Junc• that at West Summerland, and^the tion, about twenty-five miles south line to the headf: of Garnett Valley lowing. of Merritt, -thirteen miles of grad• A portion of the Kettle Valley was finished on Wednesday: Poles ing have been done, and eleven and wires -have been "stretched to line is already in service and ano• miles of steel have. been laid. The ther extensive section will be-fin* I Trout Creek and -around Giant's contractors have more .than one Head.- Practically the only sec ished at an early date. From Mid• thousand men at work and have way, the present western terminus tions now remaining to be built promised completion of the section are those of Prairie Valley and of the Kettle Valley Railway, by November 1st next. seventy-five miles of steel have Peach Valley, which will be com •Operations on substructure of the pleted in a few days. The com been laid to the summit between bridge which will afford connec• the Kettle River and the Okanagan. pany is confident of having all its tions between the Hope.*Mountain linework finished by the time the Valleys, and will be continued ah routes and the mam line of the additional ten miles as [soon as a switchboard arrives, and while the ; CP.R. near Hope are well advan- bridge at that point has:beeri com• Kellogg' Company's engineers are ; ced, and the structure is expected! i nstal 1 i ng the sw i tchboard, i ns tru pleted. Grading has been finished to be finished before the end of the through to-Penticton with the ex• ments will be put in the homes year. On the different sections of stores and offices of subscribers, ception of a few gaps where tun• the Kettle Valley line no less than nelling and extensive excavations and connections made with the one' hundred and eighty-two miles trunk line and laterals.. the name of -"mystery ship" .ow• have been found necessary. This of track have been laid altogether. [It does not seem possible in this a feat should escape the notice of ing to the secrecy wjth which the work is expected to be completed The exchange building is now in day of alert espionage .for a na• some of our sleuthful newspaper the hands of the carpenters and work was surrounded^ No one was by March 1st next. TERMINAL- : tion to design ,. and completely correspondents. Yet this very allowed to visit it, and not until it IMPROVEMENTS. other artisans who are busily pre build a fighting, vessel without thing has happened. This picture OKANAGAN - paring the interior of the building was launched did it become known the fact becoming known to the shows H.M.S. "Tiger" just after that England had constructed the 1 In conjunction with the C.P;R. for its new use. ••• Many favorable she had slid off her ways at Clyde• SECTION. ..-.v^'v-V'.'--.: war departments of all nations. largest and swiftest cruiser in the the Kettle Valley has greatly im• comments are heard of the excel It also seems impossible that such bank. The "Tiger" has gamed A fifteen mile section of track proved the terminal facilities at lency of the newly constructed world. • will be laid in the Naramata dis• Grand Forks.'s The provincial gov• lines. Material used throughout trict this month, it is estimated, ernment has arranged to establish has been of the best. The poles leaving a gap of less than •thirty- a demonstration; farm at Carmi in have. been treated : with carbolin Manual Training This Fall five miles to be linked up between order to assist' in settling up the ium, and have been well set, and Civic Nominations Penticton and Midway. West of ri: h and productive territorywhich those who should be in a position is being opened up by the1 new line.*k¿ unce it an and Elections. Okanagan Lake the forty mile po'r-- know> pron0 exce Seemingly Not Widely Favored. tion to Osprey Lake is entirely' Tracks and spurs to afford con-o lent job, and "one which is likely completed. The contract for. the nection; mines at Merritt, to last for some years with8 but On Monday next, the 12th inst., - section ^west^Qf Osprey ,.Lake to where..the -Kettle Valley joins the small"maintenance expense; v Itibminations for :-the civic offices '.Otter Summit, sixty-five; miles C.B^R.,i and. it .is anticipated that of Reeve, Councillor, and School if rom^Pentictori, i s -expected to' be' large ? quantises' of ;c^l w^ll^^be' Trustee are calledfor. The rate• Feeling oT School Board Public Meeting let at an early date, and will .be shippedtóthe Coast via Coldwater 5a|e Centre for Can-payers will meet in Empire Hall rushed to completion in order- to Junction and Hope on the short | at twelve o'clock noon., when nom• Opposes Any Increase of Expenditure. have it ready to afford the connect- route. inations, filed in.due order, wilU-be adían Apples; received by the Returning Officer, L. Logie. * The attendance was far from at the orchard city and two days Debenture By-Law Shippers of B.C., Ontario and N.B. So far as. can be foreseen there satisfactory at the annual meeting here. It was confidently expected "Rowena" Is will be few elections!; necessary. called by the Board, of School Trus• that the Fruit Union Warehouse Now Tied Up. Slightly Altered. to Establish One in London. A petition has been circulating re• tees for the public discussion of near the Central School could be questing Mr. Jas. Ritchie to accept local educational problems, in the rented reasonably, and adapted to A London press despatch of Jan• suit the needs of manual training. Council In Final Session. nomination for ,the reeveship. This Men's Club, on Saturday afternoon The Okanagan Lake Boat Com• uary 7 says:—It is stated'thata is extensively signed, throughout last. Scarcely two dozen ratepay• The estimated initial cost included ' pany > received the surprise of movement is on foot among those the municpality, and unless further ers were present. There was op•the-adaptation of a portion of this their.lives last night when, on the The Municipal Couhcil held a concerned, with the sale of Cana• nominations are sprung upon the portunity for learning future pol• building to the purpose. The am• arrival of the "Okanagan Vat Nar• short session on Monday to finally dian apples in the London market public at the meeting oh Monday, icy, gathering public opinion, and ount-was the minimum upon which amata a Customs authority stepped deal with the cancelling of deben-; to break down the combine which Mr. Ritchie will, by acclamation, of .„erilightenment generally on the experiment could be tried out. off and announced that" he was tures, and attend to any other nec• exists among London dealers un be elected to the head of the Couri school matters, that warranted as Mr. Robinson strongly favored authorized to tie up their ferry essary business, and also to sit as der .which Canadian apples are cil. He relinquished the same pos• large an attendance as at the mun• the introduction of manual train• boat., v' , • Court of Revision. sold practically at any price the ition two years ago. icipal meeting of a week previous. ing as a great factor in the all- The only excuse or explanation Only ope name was added to the combine chooses to fix.. Arrange Petitions have also gone' the The discussion centred chiefly round development of the child forthcoming was that this action list of- voters, he being a resident ments are being made on behalf rounds seeking to place R. H. about manual training, which it is mind. Its chief value would be was due to the fact that it had been of Ward III. of the apple shippers of NewEnglis h on the Council to repre proposed to incorporate into the, as conducive to thought on the part reported by someone that the E.