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INDEX See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. AKAL Airport, 79 GENERAL INDEX aby Bedwell Lake, 119 Alder Grove Trail, 68 B Backcountry Tours, 144 Alexander Mackenzie Heri- bbott, Mount, 225 Baden-Powell Trail, 44, 48 A tage Trail (Nuxalk–Carrier Abbott Ridge, 225 Baker, Mount, 60, 214 Grease Trail), 167, 168 Abbott Ridge Trail, Glacier Balancing Rock, 132, 134 Alpha Pool, 180 National Park, 222–225 Bald eagles Alpine Club of Canada, 252 Acadia Beach, 56 Meares Island, 116 American Automobile Asso- Access America, 257 Vancouver Island, 81 ciation (AAA), 14, 254 Accommodations. See also Bald Mountain, 175 American Camp (San Juan Accommodations Index Bandanas, 10 Island), 98–102 best mountain lodges, 4–5 Banff, 248 Amphitrite Lighthouse, 113 Canadian Rockies and the Bare Buns Run, 56 Angel Staircase Falls, 232 Kootenays hikes, Barely Legal Motorsports, Annual Discovery 251–252 144 Package, 13 Cariboo Country, 188–189 Barkerville, gold rush and, Antler Creek, 175 green-friendly, 15 174 Apex Lookout, 201 Okanagan Valley hikes, Barkerville to Summit Rock & Arbutus Trail, 38 216–217 Groundhog Lake, 172–175 Area codes, 254 toll-free numbers and Barkley Sound, 113 Asking Rock, 147 websites, 262 Barred Owl Path, 38 Association of Canadian Vancouver and the Sun- Bate Point, 110 Mountain Guides, 19 shine Coast, 72–75 BC Ferries, 30 Atlin Provincial Park, 180 Vancouver Island, 120–122 BC Orchard Industry Atlin Quest, 180 Whistler area, 149–150 Museum, (Kelowna), 192 ATM networks/cash Admiralty Trail, 54 Beach Access A (West Coast points,
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