*How to subscribe to an RSS feed using Reader:

Many times you come across a great web site or blog you really like to read, and it would be great to be notified when something new is posted to it. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) might sound like a complicated term, but it will help you do just that, and you don’t really even have to know what it means! Often blogs and some web sites have an RSS “feed” you can subscribe to. There are different ways to subscribe to an RSS feed, and Google Reader is only one of them, but it’s really easy to set up and use. It’s one of Google’s free applications, so you only need to have a Google account to begin with. Once you are logged into Gmail, you will see "Reader" on the menu bar on the top left. Click on it to open it. This is where your RSS feeds will show up when you subscribe. Just click on each link to see the new page posting. Now let's subscribe to the TECH BITS blog! If a web page has an RSS feed, you will see either a little icon on the right side of the address bar or an RSS icon somewhere near the top of the page. (The TECH BITS blog has the RSS Subscribe button you see here.)

To subscribe, just click on the icon and you will be able to choose Subscribe to RSS. When you select this, you will see the option to subscribe using Google. Click on Subscribe Now, and you will see a page that asks you to choose "Add to Google Homepage" or "Add to Google Reader."

Choose Google Reader, and you will be taken to your Google Reader page where you will see the blog listed, and you will see a new listing with each update so you can keep track of them. To check on your web page updates, you just have to log into Gmail/Reader to see your complete listing. PLEASE let me know if you have any questions about doing this! I’m happy to help!