Federated (Mobile) Social Networking

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Federated (Mobile) Social Networking GRUPPO TELECOM ITALIA May 2012 Università di Bologna Federated (Mobile) Social Networking • The past, present & future of the next generation of social communications Telecom Italia /Innovation & Industry Relations – Laurent-Walter Goix laurentwalter.goix@telecomitalia .it Table of contents ► Part 1: Introduction to the Social Networking topic, current trends & issues ► Part 2: Technical overview of the Social Network “standards” landscape ► Part 3: Internal “Research & Prototyping “activities Part 1: Introduction to the Social Networking topic, current trends & issues The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking Source: http://makemesocialblog.wordpress.com/2011/02/17/where-were-you/ May 2012 The FbkFacebook story The new communication ppgaradigm, the “wall”, is introduced in September 2006 http://mashable.com/2006/09/05/facebooks-facelift-mini-feeds- and-news-feeds/ GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP 4 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 Fundamental #1: what is the “wall” about? • For its owner, the “wall” (and its usual settings) can be considered –As the history of private/public activities (social, but potentially SMS sent, calls, etc) –As a privacy filter when propagating information (based on followers/circles/lists) The “wall” (or stream) is an always-on virtual presence on the Internet • For a viewer –Access to *authorized* content anytime, anywhere (without being seen, no real-time constraints) –Notification settings The “wall” is a new way of communicating: asynchronous, indirect • The wall may only be a virtual artifact –But, the wall centralizes and dispatches content & communications (no peer-to-peer) Who cont ro ls ttehe “wall” cont ro ls ttehe user,,t th ecoe comm uni ty,adtty, and th ebuse busin ess GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP 5 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 Exampl e: tex tin g fri end s via SMS vs through a “wall” Replier Replier Sender Sender SMS (Direct, explicit) Wall (Indirect, implicit) Initial message Dashed black lines are based on user’s explicit audience selection Replies Dashed red lines are based on user’s knowledge of initial recipients GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP(usually not known) 6 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 Fundamental #2: what is “federation”? •SdiSending emails !... –Users who own an email account from one provider… •…can send emails to users on other providers! •And reply, forward, etc •Federation is a “web-based” name for interconnection GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP 7 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 Mobile (Federated) Social Networks? • ...MbilMobile NtNetwor ks ! X –6Bn+ users worldwide –Native federation (interconnection) across operators •For voice, video, sms, mms services BUT nowadays… X –Address book (“social” component) is decentralized Æ on SIM / device –Only an “explicit” communication mode is supported (recipients are well identified) –Most of the communication services offered through mobile networks are “real-time” Mobile Social Networking is an additional way of communicating provided to our mobile subscribers, on the same network, reusing their existing identity and friends to share their social experiences. GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP 8 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 The market around us • At the end of Marc h 2012, FbkFacebook announced 901 Mn users worldwide (nearly 520Mn active daily), with 50% monthly active through mobile • Twitter reached 580 Mn users in May 2012 (140Mn active) • GlGoogle+ reache d 100Mn users in Apr il 2012 • 87% of consumers in the U.S. access at least one social network regularly (68% in 2008), and more than 50% do so from a smarthtphone or a tblttablet (eVoc Insi ght s, January 2012). GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP 9 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 Web Sociale = Web 2.0? Web Sociale != Ʃ ( club sociali ) Il problema dei walled garden Principali limitazioni: 1. Portabilità del ‘grafo sociale’ 2. Comunicazione inter-community 3. Controllo e ppyrivacy GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 TdTowards a “li”“regulation” of SilSocial NkiNetworking Standardization initiatives, and the web industry, are focusing on solutions (protocols, data models & architectures) for social network interoppyerability In this context, increasing care is given to tackle data privacy issues from a technical perspective, in particul ar with respect to discovery, sharing and deletion of users’ data In January 2012, Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission, EU Justice Commissioner has announced her commitment to give back users the control over their Source: http://ec.europa .eu/justice/data -protection/minisite/ • Youpersonal will have data: an effective "right to be forgotten" so that you can remove your personal information from any site if you so wish; • Web operators must provide 'privacy by default'. The default settings for all services should be the most privacy-friendly; • You will have the right to know how your personal data will be used and where your consent is required, you must give it explicitly; • You will be able to move your personal data from one service provider to another more easily ("data portability”); • Organizations processing your personal data must inform you as soon as possible if your data has been compromised; • Your personal data will enjoy the same level of protection if it is transferred outside the EU as applies within the EU - vital in this age of instant global dataGOIX flows. Laurent-Walter / II.RP 11 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 From SN Aggregation to Federated SNs •Social Network Aggregation services are popular entry doors to the social activities of users having multiple accounts over the Internet •Aggregates messages, status feeds, content and friends from various standalone Bob’ Bob’’ SNs •Used when providing valuable features , e.g.cross-posting (outbound) Bob •Federated Social Networks are the future of the Social Web •Users can communicate with each other across domains through global identifiers having only one account •User data portability is easier: users can choose their favorite social network and migrate Bob •Provides major scaling & robustness of the overall Social Web (no single point of failure) •This concept is becoming an important industrial trend supported by large players GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP 12 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 The concept of Federated Social Networks http://www.w3.org/Talks/Deck/identity/Social-Web- Landscape.png GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP Part 2: Technical overview of the Social Network “standards” landscape The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 State-of-the-art of the SN standard community (1/4) CtlCurrently the main community in itia tives reltdlated to SilSocial NtkNetwork standardization and interoperability pertain to 2 different areas Client-server interoperability (intra-domain) Federation / interworking (cross-domain) OpenSocial is a popular specification for both Web APIs and Device /Jav ascript APIs for interactions between client applications and servers (intra-domain) OStatus (and its “variants“, e.g. Diaspora [1]) is a specification emerging as reference for SN federation In various cases such specifications are backed up by (and/or being discussed within) standardization bodies, and by one or more open source projects implementing and contributing the specification (e.g. Apache Shindig, Status.net) [1] https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/wiki/Diaspora%27s-federation-protocol GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP 15 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 State-of-the-art of the SN standard community (2/4) W3C & IETF • W3C is focused on server-to-server federation aspects through the Federated Social Web (FSW) Group [1] –This is mostly a discussion group where developers from various initiatives around federated social networks (and protocols) can exchange ideas. • In January 2012, W3C also launc he d the PbSbHbbbPubSubHubbub [2 ] and the OStat us [3] Community Groups to discuss in details the evolution of such specifications • A W3C Social Business Community Group [4] has also launched in February 2012 • Some activity has been undertaken within IETF APPSAWG wrt Social Networks, mainly through high-level lightweight frameworks addressing discovery of user information –Host-Meta RFC6415 –WebFinger I-D (personal draft from Cisco & Google) [5] –Enum Service for mapping phone numbers to Social Networking accounts [6] [1] http://www.w3.org/community/fedsocweb/ [2] http://www.w3.org/community/pubsub/ [3] http://www.w3.org/community/ostatus/ [4] http:// www.w3 .org /commun ity /socbizcg/ [5] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-appsawg- webfinger-04 GOIX Laurent-Walter / II.RP [6] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-goix-appsawg- 16 enum-sn-service-01 The value of Federated (Mobile) Social Networking May 2012 Stat e-of-the-art of the SN stand ard community (3/4) OpenSocial Foundation • De dica ted to Soc ia l Ne twor king stan dar dizati on –Initiated by Google (“iGoogle Gadgets”) –Current board members are IBM, MySpace, GoogleGoogle,, Yahoo!, Jive + 2 community representatives (including OStatus founder) • Goal: enable developers to create “Social Apps” write once, run everywhere –Focused on client-server interactions (Web API) as well as Device APIs towards 3rd party applications (or web “gadgets”). –Provides specifications and reference open-source implementations
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