Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 1890
COLLECTIONS StaffordshireFOR A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE SampleEDITEDCounty BY Studies VOLUME XI. 18 9 0 . LONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN’S LANE, 1 8 9 0 . StaffordshireCOUNCIL. Trustees of the William Salt Library. T he R ig h t H on. L ord WROTTESLEY. T he H on. and R ev . Canon BRIDGEMAN. T he Y e n . A rchdeacon LANE. H. SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK. Ca ptain CONGREVE. Elected by the Members of the Society. M ajo r-G eneral T he H on. GEORGE WROTTESLEY. T he V ert R e v . the D ean of L ic h f ie l d . T he R ev . P. P. PARKER. PRANCIS WHITGREAYE. THOMAS SALT,Sample M.P. County EDITORIAL COMMITTEE. T he H on. and R ev . Canon BRIDGEMAN, The Hall, Wigan. M ajor-G eneral T he H on. GEORGE WROTTESLEY, 26, Cadogan Gardens. T he R e v. F. P. PARKER, The Rectory, Colton, Rugeley. FRANCIS WHITGREAYE, Burton Manor, Stafford. H. "SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK, Middleton Villa, Grove Park, Chiswick. T he R e v . D r . CHARLES J. COX, Barton-le-Street Rectory,Studies Malton, Yorkshire. TREASURER. PERCEVAL HANBURY HARSTON. AUDITOR. WILLIAM MORGAN. HONORARY SECRETARY. M a jo r-G en eral T he H on. GEORGE WROTTESLEY. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. T. J. d e MAZZINGHI, M.A., F.S.A. BANKERS. LLOYD’S, BARNETT’S, & BOSANQUET’S BANK (L im ite d ) , Sta f fo r d . RULES OF THE SOCIETY. I.—That the Society be called the " W i l l i a m S a l t A rcheological S o c i e t y ” II.—The leading object of the Society shall be the editing and printing of original Staffordshiredocuments relating to the County of Stafford, to which, however, may be added papers selected by an Editorial Committee, illustrative of the same, or coming under any of the eight following heads : (a) Abstracts of the Monastic Chartularies, and of Ancient Family Deeds, with the names of witnesses and fac-similies of seals 5 Genealogies of Nobility and Gentry (accompanied by proofs), Heraldic Visitations, and other papers touching the general history and descent of properties and families.
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