Specimens of Ballots : [Scrapbook]
& NOTICE. i?3i An A«imasonic Meeting will be held Council this evening, aWhe late Common Room, Sfftiool-st., at half post 7 o'clock.— The Meepng wiH be addressed by HENRY D. WARD, Esq. of New York. Wednesday, June 22, 1831. > ' N. B. •The Meeting notified at No. 4, Merchant' Hall, will be omitted. WARD No. 12. For Mayor, THEODORE X.73VXAtt, JR. For Aldermen, .lolin Binney, Jabez Ellis, Henry Farnam, William Tileston, Thomas Wctmore, Samuel Fales, Joseph W. Revere, Benjamin Fiske. Warden—Thomas Hunting. Clerk—Joseph Hall. Common Council. Thomas Hunting, Joseph Harris, Jr. Josiah Dunham, James Blake. Inspectors. A. G. Smith, B. B. Kent, James tin Hand, F. F. Blood, Stephen 0*. Bass. School Committee—1). L. Child. Overseer of the Poor—Alvau Simonds. *i_^ lytS « « s- T5J /Sr-5/^ : c:^ Z^^-'Ue- "S*^ WHIG TICKET. gpi a 4^ DOST ONLY. 4pi g?> OONDITA.-D. <S?g 2=-_^r<r'T WAED 5. FOR MAYOR, John P. Biselow, FOR ALDERMEN, Billings Briggs, John-P. Ober, ,y// i -a^"? di^^s William Pope, _Lm — ' / (p W. Henry li. Rogers, Samuel S. Perkins, of S. Boston John II. ^VBis, Samuel Hall, of East Boston, FOR WARDEN, V 4 Emmons Raymond. FOR CLERK, J. Fredefici'ic Marsh, INSPECTORS, Joel W. Norcross, I E. II. Tombs E. W. Converse, I John S. Pear, James W. Hobbs, FOR COMMON COUNCIL, Francis Brown, John M. Wright, FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE, Rev. S. I-i nggTy Frederick Emerson, | FOR OVERSEER OF THE POOR. T Daniel Henchman. V A Faneuil Hall at 10 o'clock.
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