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..age WARD MEETINGS. ^ !*«?Tcnlh Wnrd..At aldr_'t?a:)(ien'l]!:..4. 3eei252exz5e.2 ' Convention in the Old Cra- Arrest of Constable Hays YOUNG MEN'S i the Democratic Wbig Young Men of the SeretA FohI Play Somewhere. Great Wbix John CorNERS..High Ing <llo.."Nomination of Henry Clay and oi a sn«l enthusiastic meeting Ward, held at the old Wfcig Head Quarter? on Weiioejrfj» informed that, in a meel- having been informed that a large quantity CTFirwt Word..A: large We are most reliably I>avi*. street house on Wednesday even- Evming. Uth insu. Hon. Morris* presided, TRIBUNE. j Ol the Tribu:.--. and ten cent was in circu¬ held atTcresber's Broad j. TUE the General Committee of this City, Ci rresponilence counterfeit fifty pieces to the Auburu sistcd Abraham A. Dvryee an-i Thomas J. », in" of Tyler Boston, September 14,1242. and in;:, for tie purpose of selecting Delegates by Birx,' to cast the Tyler votes for Wm. C. lation in the upper eastern section of the city, Convention, EDWARD ANTHONY was called to the Vice Presidents.W. H. Bedell and S. D. Skilllv SEPTEMBER lG.lW the proposition of a issued the State Com¬ JrIDaT\10RNING? for Governor after much resist¬ In pursuance call, by also ascertained that it was uttered by men Chair,am' Alexander McDoccall appointed Se serary. Bouck prevailed, Great Convention of Massachu¬ having The following gentlemen were selected unanimously as The meeting was convened for the purpose of Donna a of one. That mittee, the Whig the of house No. 2Ö9 Stanton tin* deletes to tbe State WHIG- STATE ance and discussion, by majority occupying upper part to attend said Convention: Young Men's Conversion uj si DOMINATIONS. setts assembled in the Old Cradle of Liberty this Delegates behlat AuWurn on tbe 2lst tor the of was obtained on the of a street, thither accompanied EDWARD WILLIAMS, EDWARD VNTHi'NY insunt, purpose* £ FOR PRESIDENT, majority strength positive niied proceeded yesterday, to i that Col. morning at 10 o'clock. The hall was entirely j U.-borne, clerk of WJLLIA.M RaRTLE, FRED. WJLKIE. »;-ond:.-ig the nominatio ol HENRY CLAY äv assurance given by one of the members by Justice Malsell. Mr. police, VAN HORN FLOYD, J'MIN C. CONNOR. next President, and LothER Krmhsh an i CLAY, one of the most talented and enthusiastic body the 3d GEO ABR BROUN. Qaaaitt, HENRY was to the Administra¬ bv and officers and V. F. Smith. In JOHN T. LORTEN, Kl km an for Governor aud L eutenant Governor of OF KKMTVCKY. Bouck pledged support Tappan L. ( Ii C. WESTERVELT, ;k. of men that ever convened within its time-honored and arrested two THERON AMAN, State of New York. FOR tion Mr. Tyler and had declared himself op¬ story of the house they found JAMES WILLVER. JACOBROSEVELT, GOVERNOR, of of the Old Common¬ OHAS. McDol'GALL. DAVID HALL, The bUowing named gentlemen were uuanitnoB>.'y »n. to Mr. Van Buren President. waiis, representii g every part men. named Edward and Owen Meinte«, BKADISH, posed running for one common and tired Kelly CHAS. G. SABIN. JOHN SWAN, pointed by the meeting. LUTHER co. the wealth, actuated by impulse, of the counter¬ GEORGE FIBRE. or F-.*NKU?f We desire to call the special attention of determination to rescue the coun¬ and found on their person some $18 MORRIS FRANKLIN, JAMES E. REER* with the resolute A rt solution wa> then onered üialthis Committee luve S. I). SKILUN, J. p. FRREBORN FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR, to this matter. It strikes as that of mi-rule. feit coin in 50 and 10 cent In ditterent J s Albany Argus try from the grasp Loco-Foco pieces. full to tili *I1 vacancies that may'ocenr. J. WILLIAMSON, LEE one of Boston, was elected a considerable power W. H. BED ELL. J. u. TERRY FURMAN, Col. Bouck must have been misunderstood, "Daniel L. Gibbens, Esq. of the house they also found The meeting was then eloquently addressed by Giles M. T C. GABRIELKINtiS. was parts BARNABUS PIKE, DU A PIER-iflv OY not think the tern., after which a O.-mmittee for the coin.the and Aaiou Clark, Esqrs. DR. J. K. Dtt MORRIS 8 .(one day only.) way or the other; for we do Regency Chairman pro quantity of the material making Hillyer M. WOOD. KOD6£3M Election, November a to nominate officers of the The roh^ resolutions were then odered by Giles E T. McKlNNEY. HKM;\ McKINNRy8 would have nominated fur Governor appointed permanent or and moulds, and over the fire wing, Convention for Pres¬ tools implements and adopted. CHARLES GOLDlN, E. T. BERR1EN ' Tribune will he removed o«xt Vot if Bouck Convention. This Committee nominated Hillyer. Esq. unanimously Jr. S. C PAXSoN £7" The oriire of the known adversary of Mr. Van Buien. a skillet containing a quantity of the molten Resolved, by the Whig Young .Men of the First Ward. MORGAN MORGANS, buildin? No. 160 NASSAU-iTr-.r.r.T in ident, Hon. ABBOTT LAWRENCE, otBbston, oi the ofthe present political ALFRED in 6 Its. IS \\r DURYEE week to the new and on such assurances as¬ and his assistants That, sensible importance W «i. Jujtv the City Hall The is run under such au-piee, was chosen; and, when he metal. The High Constable we to the nominations recently McCORMICK, CROMwELI front of the Park, and nearly oj.po-.ur will who unanimously crisis, cordially respond BRADlSH GEO. c KING, tl. A HtJRi BUT and the Daily and as his vote, whether large or »mall, was received with imaasnso down to the office, made oar friends at Syracuse of LUTHER for printing publishing j the above, cended the platform, marched the prisoners police by as and Lieutenant CONRAD SWEET, L D 0.UACK1NBUS9 arrangem<*nts and such im¬ have no and. GABRIEL Ft" RH AN. Governor Weekly Tribune will be greatly extended, the late President. We The usual number of Vice-Presidents were in f*>r examination be¬ O.'NTnor ><f the State: ami that to secure their e.cction we JOHN BUCKMASTER, JOHN WIGHT insure a count against applau?e. and they lodged prison EIJvn £OPHAR.MILLS made in the paper as it is hoped will were the for¬ is due will our undivided eri^ris: VRD'CONKLIN, provements it has ! choice or wish to interfere with Mr. Bouck's poli- and Secretaries appointed. Among fore the United State- Court. Great praise give the nomination to the L. W. PIERCE, ns.VJ II IRELAND 'r continuance of the iilr-ral patronage with which of the Revolution, Thatto lienry Clay, ol Kentucky; LEV i A. D. FRY E. wo think fair man has a right to mer was a venerable Soldier and his aids due: and in'behalf of that iUnstnoas MILLS, hitherto been favored. tie-, but every to the indefatigable High Constable Presidency wasjastly antil theseeie: I s and Morgan-, so imminent Mr. Reynolds, of Boxboro, whose venerable ap¬ Si uesman we piedijr our best exertions Me?sr<. Carter, Cr<ne reported very where he stands oh a of our national «uecess. - know question with re- fur tbe?.e counterfeiters are crowned with spirited revdutious, but we have not room to insert theav XT' U'hi- loan;' .Hen Mttitr Convention, the assembly profound detecting can at the a W be pearance inspired That no true Whig falter present a 1 lre,sek AT 2ist, 1342..Tl e undersigned, as this. ill the Argus, therefore, good enough itself in enthusiastic' and the«e ar.ests. Resolved, in tue elec¬ The meeting, was eloquently by Messrs. AUBURN, September or i» spec:, which manifested coin, executing important crisis: that upon the successoroarcaaie coning Committee ol V>«un^ Men, appointed by the Clay- the whether Col. Bourk is tie the niaintainancc of our Protective Tariff. and Franklin; after which, on motion, it a.ijocrned. Whig to inform . tion* p. mis public cheers. Wor¬ honest > , Club of Auburn to make arrangements lor the Whig Youi g as candidate of \\ m. Eastward Travel..The steamboats to American] labor the reward ol industry; MORRIS FR INKLIN, IV-* not in favor of Mr. Van Buren the a most b\ Rev. ensuring ;o Stairs oi the ro- K Men's State Convention, to be held on the 21st, hereby an¬ After appropriate prayer have been the carrying out of the distribution the | ABRAHAM Ii. DURYEE. e 1 resW«n&- and that next President? We would rather of Boston, tbe President made um able cester and Cleopatra purchased by salesol the public lands, a measure comoieMd- rHOMAS J. BURNS, I nounce, that the latch stria % zvill be out on timiday, 'the party' for M. Roger;, ceedsol the ihe Ofoar control ol the Clay the Contention for Cant. Vanderbilt, who now runs the regular daily ed byjustice, policy, ami patriotism; completion W. H. REtirLL.t Secretarn all the hospitalities of the place within the i its answer than interpret its silence, though and forcible speech, thanking works oi Internal Improvement; the rescuing n; the Suite D Skill.-n, will be extended to the Delegates Irom publish him, and his line between this and Norwich, in connec¬ of Loco-Foco office-holders; and Club, cheerfully the honor conferred upon expressing city from the mismanagement :« of the we to see a the latter v. ill be deenvd rigni:icant. the the eh coon to tue Cht«: oi h e nation Ninth Ward..At meeting Democrats abroad. young men of New-York! hope vi^vv- in tu the aspect of Whig with the Railroad to Boston.