..age WARD MEETINGS. ^ !*«?Tcnlh Wnrd..At aldr_'t?a:)(ien'l]!:..4. 3eei252exz5e.2 ' Convention in the Old Cra- Arrest of Constable Hays YOUNG MEN'S i the Democratic Wbig Young Men of the SeretA FohI Play Somewhere. Great Wbix John CorNERS..High Ing avi*. street house on Wednesday even- Evming. Uth insu. Hon. Morris Fra.xk.li?* presided, TRIBUNE. j Ol the Tribu:.--. and ten cent was in circu¬ held atTcresber's Broad j. TUE the General Committee of this City, Ci rresponilence counterfeit fifty pieces to the Auburu sistcd Abraham A. Dvryee an-i Thomas J. », in" of Tyler Boston, September 14,1242. and in;:, for tie purpose of selecting Delegates by Birx,' to cast the Tyler votes for Wm. C. lation in the upper eastern section of the city, Convention, EDWARD ANTHONY was called to the Vice Presidents.W. H. Bedell and S. D. Skilllv SEPTEMBER lG.lW the proposition of a issued the State Com¬ JrIDaT\10RNING? for Governor after much resist¬ In pursuance call, by also ascertained that it was uttered by men Chair,am' Alexander McDoccall appointed Se serary. Bouck prevailed, Great Convention of Massachu¬ having The following gentlemen were selected unanimously as The meeting was convened for the purpose of Donna a of one. That mittee, the Whig the of house No. 2Ö9 Stanton tin* deletes to tbe State WHIG- STATE ance and discussion, by majority occupying upper part to attend said Convention: Young Men's Conversion uj si DOMINATIONS. setts assembled in the Old Cradle of Liberty this Delegates behlat AuWurn on tbe 2lst tor the of was obtained on the of a street, thither accompanied EDWARD WILLIAMS, EDWARD VNTHi'NY insunt, purpose* £ FOR PRESIDENT, majority strength positive niied proceeded yesterday, to i that Col. morning at 10 o'clock. The hall was entirely j U.-borne, clerk of WJLLIA.M RaRTLE, FRED. WJLKIE. »;-ond:.-ig the nominatio ol HENRY CLAY äv assurance given by one of the members by Justice Malsell. Mr. police, VAN HORN FLOYD, J'MIN C. CONNOR. next President, and LothER Krmhsh an i CLAY, one of the most talented and enthusiastic body the 3d GEO ABR BROUN. Qaaaitt, HENRY was to the Administra¬ bv and officers and V. F. Smith. In JOHN T. LORTEN, Kl km an for Governor aud L eutenant Governor of OF KKMTVCKY. Bouck pledged support Tappan L. ( Ii C. WESTERVELT, ;k. of men that ever convened within its time-honored and arrested two THERON AMAN, State of New York. FOR tion Mr. Tyler and had declared himself op¬ story of the house they found JAMES WILLVER. JACOBROSEVELT, GOVERNOR, of of the Old Common¬ OHAS. McDol'GALL. DAVID HALL, The bUowing named gentlemen were uuanitnoB>.'y »n. to Mr. Van Buren President. waiis, representii g every part men. named Edward and Owen Meinte«, BKADISH, posed running for one common and tired Kelly CHAS. G. SABIN. JOHN SWAN, pointed by the meeting. LUTHER co. the wealth, actuated by impulse, of the counter¬ GEORGE FIBRE. or F-.*NKU?f We desire to call the special attention of determination to rescue the coun¬ and found on their person some $18 MORRIS FRANKLIN, JAMES E. REER* with the resolute A rt solution wa> then onered üialthis Committee luve S. I). SKILUN, J. p. FRREBORN FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR, to this matter. It strikes as that of mi-rule. feit coin in 50 and 10 cent In ditterent J s Albany Argus try from the grasp Loco-Foco pieces. full to tili *I1 vacancies that may'ocenr. J. WILLIAMSON, LEE one of Boston, was elected a considerable power W. H. BED ELL. J. u. TERRY FURMAN, Col. Bouck must have been misunderstood, "Daniel L. Gibbens, Esq. of the house they also found The meeting was then eloquently addressed by Giles M. T C. GABRIELKINtiS. was parts BARNABUS PIKE, DU A PIER-iflv OY not think the tern., after which a O.-mmittee for the coin.the and Aaiou Clark, Esqrs. DR. J. K. Dtt MORRIS 8 .(one day only.) way or the other; for we do Regency Chairman pro quantity of the material making Hillyer M. WOOD. KOD6£3M Election, November a to nominate officers of the The roh^ resolutions were then odered by Giles E T. McKlNNEY. HKM;\ McKINNRy8 would have nominated fur Governor appointed permanent or and moulds, and over the fire wing, Convention for Pres¬ tools implements and adopted. CHARLES GOLDlN, E. T. BERR1EN ' Tribune will he removed o«xt Vot if Bouck Convention. This Committee nominated Hillyer. Esq. unanimously Jr. S. C PAXSoN £7" The oriire of the known adversary of Mr. Van Buien. a skillet containing a quantity of the molten Resolved, by the Whig Young .Men of the First Ward. MORGAN MORGANS, buildin? No. 160 NASSAU-iTr-.r.r.T in ident, Hon. , otBbston, oi the ofthe present political ALFRED in 6 Its. IS \\r DURYEE week to the new and on such assurances as¬ and his assistants That, sensible importance W «i. Jujtv the City Hall The is run under such au-piee, was chosen; and, when he metal. The High Constable we to the nominations recently McCORMICK, CROMwELI front of the Park, and nearly oj.po-.ur will who unanimously crisis, cordially respond BRADlSH GEO. c KING, tl. A HtJRi BUT and the Daily and as his vote, whether large or »mall, was received with imaasnso down to the office, made oar friends at Syracuse of LUTHER for printing publishing j the above, cended the platform, marched the prisoners police by as and Lieutenant CONRAD SWEET, L D 0.UACK1NBUS9 arrangem<*nts and such im¬ have no and. GABRIEL Ft" RH AN. Governor Weekly Tribune will be greatly extended, the late President. We The usual number of Vice-Presidents were in f*>r examination be¬ O.'NTnor >«un^ Men, appointed by the Clay- the whether Col. Bourk is tie the niaintainancc of our Protective Tariff. and Franklin; after which, on motion, it a.ijocrned. Whig to inform . tion* p. mis public cheers. Wor¬ honest > , Club of Auburn to make arrangements lor the Whig Youi g as candidate of \\ m. Eastward Travel..The steamboats to American] labor the reward ol industry; MORRIS FR INKLIN, IV-* not in favor of Mr. Van Buren the a most b\ Rev. ensuring ;o Stairs oi the ro- K Men's State Convention, to be held on the 21st, hereby an¬ After appropriate prayer have been the carrying out of the distribution the | ABRAHAM Ii. DURYEE. e 1 resW«n&- and that next President? We would rather of Boston, tbe President made um able cester and Cleopatra purchased by salesol the public lands, a measure comoieMd- rHOMAS J. BURNS, I nounce, that the latch stria % zvill be out on timiday, 'the party' for M. Roger;, ceedsol the ihe Ofoar control ol the Clay the Contention for Cant. Vanderbilt, who now runs the regular daily ed byjustice, policy, ami patriotism; completion W. H. REtirLL.t Secretarn all the hospitalities of the place within the i its answer than interpret its silence, though and forcible speech, thanking works oi Internal Improvement; the rescuing n; the Suite D Skill.-n, will be extended to the Delegates Irom publish him, and his line between this and Norwich, in connec¬ of Loco-Foco office-holders; and Club, cheerfully the honor conferred upon expressing city from the mismanagement :« of the we to see a the latter v. ill be deenvd rigni:icant. the the eh coon to tue Cht«: oi h e nation Ninth Ward..At meeting Democrats abroad. young men of New-York! hope vi^vv- in tu the aspect of Whig with the Railroad to Boston. Better buats, above all magistracy our Whig tespect present tion »f i.ENUY CLAY, ofKentucky ; that as far a* es in Whig Young -Men of the Ninth Ward, held at tbe Northen and enthusiastic rally.a full delegation from every by Jntla- fftcariot. was with an enthusiasm which or be secured. grand I" mea- Appointment* cause. He cheered better accommodations, better management these great ends of our party shall on the evening of the l4thiosL,oa motion,JA&L ',. **»»Oe Ott» r»nr CountTV.«'"" j. at N. H.in place in power .»¦!¦: Exchange COUJUv Dearooi-n, (i*o«o) Postmaster Exeter, showed the unanimity that reigned tbe commend The were ordered to be signed ;.uM LECO.MPTE was called totheCbair,and Albert G lberj sures Democratic.and victory hwaits US. Spread your of J. Robinson, Jr., (Whig) removed. [Mr. Dearborn wat perfect fare, no man can ask ; and wc heartily proceeding* Ureeze.let the voice of Uie Whig Ytung ed. The meeting then adjourned. and nn ill: am G. sterling wer« chosen Secretaries. Tt» banners t'» the the former lx>co-F<>< o P. Convention. this line to favor. and Locofocuism M.] of that tbeCon¬ public EDWARD ANTHONY, Chairman. oi the Stated, they proceeded © Men go forth in :ts strength, Federal (not JtmcsP. CV«wirr,(Loc<>) at Schnyletville, Saratoga co. N.V. Mr. Kellogg; Fittsfield,moved ruinous sb> It olject meeting being tlie Tariff) will be etiVelually repealed. Distinguished removed. vention to nominate candidates foc.Gov- We regret to learn that the opposition Alexander McDoucall, Secretary. elt-ci Delegates to the Whig Young Men's State Coarq. jn place of Stkphf-.n II. Dillingüam, (Whig) proceed a \s ill be to address you. Governor viro voce, which on the route to Boston is still at least a numerous of ticnto be held at Auburn on the 21»l inst., when the foüot- speakers present There can be no more honornble certificate than ernor und Lieuten tant kept up, HT* Third Ward..A: very meeting Dated Auburn, September 8lb, 1342. When the Pres- from Thir-i Ward, held at i!:< North tog pen-on* were unanimously chosen, vix: from office John to make room motion was carried unanimously. part of the time, cau-ingthe fare to fluctuate the Whig Young Men of the JAMES L. In behalfofthe Auburn Clay Club. a removal by Tyler and one l>. A. No. .1 WELCOME It. BEEBEE, LECOMPTE' idem called for nominations, one name, It st ems evident that the River Coffee House, Mayerau's, Washington KANE. ALBERT oiLBEKT, Eiisha Miller, David Dimon, for a Loco-Foco. The People will honor those .*1 through to >'2,ÖU. to the STEPHEN Albert H. burst from every and that was the name street, for ihe purpose of selecting Delegates Whig HORACE sI". JOHN, J<>||\ DAY, B.F.Uall, (Joss, only, lip. Litter sum is lower than a distance of 240 miles; Convention, to be held a.t Auburn, on ( CHARLES s. OAKLET Austin, whom their betrayer proscribes. of DAVIS; and when the was Young Men's State H. HOW \KD, ' Sylvester schanck, StepheuS. JOHN question Railroad, can be inn and William B. Marsh was called to WM LOUNsBERRY, CHARLES SI TTON James C. Derby, to the Convention, be whs nominated accla¬ part steamboat and part Wednesday,21st Sept ALEX. N gunn. CharlesT. Ferris, MAINE..As we have already stated, the Whigs put by the Chair, and Samuel It. Mabbatt and Corns. W. Alli¬ JOHN MILLER, W. Ho:. make a business of it, and we could wish w At G. STERLING, NELSON G. THAYER ' Philo H. Perry, Hopkins, to from mation as the Whigcandidate forGovernor. living son Secretaries. Isaac of Maine, seeing no good likely result was appointed HENRYWHITTEAiORE, JOHN N.JEWELL, Charles S. Beardilcy, Quick, Georgs Hull, the present incumbent, then that this ruinous were at an end. Is there The call of the was read and accepted ; when JOHN R. SATTERLEE, PHILEMON H SM1TR White. Committee. an election in which their rivalry meeting Lawrence opponents and with the same were ROOT. lt. LORTON. CH Cl NNINGHAM, JJL ' ^ contesting nominated in die same manner, !ix the fare at a on motion the followtug Delegates unanimously the amount to be no way to adjust all differences. ROBERT PETERSON, J. w VANDENBUIGH Convention. had every udvutituge, while enthusiasm, for Lieut. Governor. chosen, with p w< r to tiii vacancies. v» Auburn rate and it there. B P. ESTERN ELT. D. AUSTIN MUHL lo the Democratic reserved their for ;t moved that the just ketp DANIEL ULLMAN, THOMAS McKNIGHT, ROBT. Ii. iu \ HUTCHINSON The Delegates elected Whig Young gained was small, energies Mr. Newton of Pittsfield then SAMUEL R. MABBATT, BROWN, STURGKS to be Uel at Auburn on the 214 now J. N. REYNOLDS, RICHARD REED, EDMUND Men's State Convention, more occasion, ai.d staid away from the Convention in the sann; manner to nomi¬ ToAliiant..The line for Albany which WALTER K. PENNY, GEO. W. COM KLIN, S. A. CUNNINGHAM, JAMES MARSHALL,' are to meet at Uo06e THIS (Fri¬ important proceed B JOHN F CLARKSON, tiR\ inst, requested Broadway are to be cho¬ Vice President starts at 7 o'clock will, after start at 0*, JAMES SW.\|.\, SAMUEL FROST, OWEN. 16lh imt., nt 3 o'clock, P. M. Polls. (The Members of Congress nate candidates for Presidentand Tuesday, N A rU. BASSET OEORGE KRIOGS, SAMUEL GILLES JAMES W. SMITH, day) EVENING, r, WM. tf. HARSH, PIE, sen next The Loco-Foco vole will of the United States. This motion was received P. M. HORACE OR FE LEY. Tlios. ||. BROWN, COR. WENDALL, year ) proba¬ _ WHITE. Whig Senatorin! Convention*!. ! WM. WALLACE HIRAM RICH, WAHREM CALOWELL be less than lust year : the Whigs possi¬ with deafening cheers, and carried unanimously with barrels A Committee ol three (Messrs. Walter K. CHARLES C. BUXTON, ABRAHAM REQ1 \. Third District.At the Mansion House, Albany, Sept. 22d bly 5,000 New-Bedford..Feur ship-, 4,080 Withdrawing Nan ORDENJit returns we have received ate called for nominations, a B. Swain and John F. Clarkson,) was ap¬ J.Vt KSON LANVRENCE, ABM. Fourth District.At Sandy llili, Washington Co., S<-\r 22d. bly still Inwer. The and when the President of oil, arrived at New-Bedford on Saturday and Penny, James ALBERT TUCK, ISAAC REOJ \. Oct. 4th. all to draft resolutions expressive ot the leelings "t the McDonald. Fifth District.KX Ulica, Oneida Count/, as follow^ : scene was presented which beggars descrip¬ pointed joiin 23d. rnor. rur,r. Menday. who submitted the their Chair- and Eighth District.At Bataviai Genesee County, Sej)t. lf:42. Gest 1841. Gero* was of for the first meeting; following,through w. r. Beebee, Esq , offered sundry pithy i] tion. But one man thought : Pairfield. Robinson. Set. FairfielaVKem. man, which were unanimously adopted - w whichwe have oc! Couutie« wns New-Orleans..At the Hospital there aie resolut o which ere adopted, but ÜZT Central Clay Committee..A Special Meet- towns. 00 520..4,012 3.21-1 office, ana the name of HENRY CLAY Charity That ihr Young Men of ihe Third Ward tins be at National Hall on Fri¬ York, 18 ..3,1 1,701 fevercases, Resolved. Whig ro-nu to Insert jnif of committee will held 3.::i;5 of the hall. were admitted on the 6th, eightyellow rec gnize in LUTHER BRADISH and GABRIEL FUR- That the be evening, the IGth at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of Cumberland, 20 t.4,477 2,090 2-10..5,305 (.'.hoed am! re-echo< d from every part and advocates of Internal Improve¬ Ou motion, it was Rooked, proceedings pab- day inst., two and four died. MAN the able efficient W lisbed in.theTribune aud Courierit Enquirer, and thattbe electing Officers. Pv order of the Committee, Kerüiebec.!):_1,460 1.710 0 1 3.. 1 ,G69 2.18!' was and carried u thundering discharged, ments ;md a sound I'ren ctive Tarill", and that with a hiig tern. The question put by the Delegates be requested to meet at the Broadway House m CONIU'D SWEET, Chairman pro sot a Legislature we may confidently assert that Empire and also thai the hat« si5 It lVnub-c.ut. lt.... 797 695 245-1,080 1,078 ami the was called, sin¬ of W. assume station which she in* Friday evening next, Delegation James E. Beers,Secretary protem. aye, when negative Death by Lightning..The dwelling State will, again the proud wer ti» tili vacai ...».». Lincoln, 5 t. 1.422 1,02.9 40.. 1.551 1,525 maintained. p., " r, '.va< heard. The member* ef the Con¬ wus struck Utretotore The then adjourned. DTT A may obtain the information he desires by gle spohse Buyer, of Dayton, Ohio, by light¬ RcsohcJ, That we cordially respond to the nomination of meetiog Whig;*' at Total, 56 towns....11,322 ".TääT.iTTJ_lC,oT7"it,e7i at ( of Ken- JAMES L. LECOMITE, Cbairnaa, calling on the Editor of this paper 9 o'clock thismorning vention thes to their feet, the suggestion on the 4th a about 12 tiir e-fthe Empire Stäb- ol HENRY LAY ) sprang ning inst, killing daughter People of President Albert Gilbert, ^ ...., State the olden tucky, as the People's candidate for the office nn [L7* A writes complaining that tradesmen, ..The bill Districting the öf old father Clough, a Democrat of years old. States in 1314. (lliam G. sterling, correspondent their and of die Untied Whig Mem¬ i^retarie8 of this city, esttvnied respectable, nuvertisu goods for the cbeico of Members of has d to of the West NINE Resolved, Thatthecourse pursued by tbe a and enthusiastic rutt medicines in the iiltLy libertine sheets which our city is Congress passi time, and gave Harry in the arduous session ju-t closed, is en¬ IT* Tenth Ward..At large by advertise- a The Iowa at is fur- bers of Congress, the Young men ot ol the Tenth nn an), lirtiw scou Ward in the Youig "the President ofthe United Stales" at din¬ Newport, engaged to Messrs. of June and a letter of the 13th; The Govern¬ suitable persons repteseat Wbig toasting public resolutions, and another wait upon perity. Men's State Convention to be held at Auburn on the 2bt ners, and insisting on a show o.' cordiality, whet! er the imii- formation of a new State Constitution. of their nomina¬ under date of June 11th, intimated its wil¬ On the meeting or wise or >us, Davis and 11 nil to inform them ment, motion, adjourned. instnnt. ?iduaibe good bad, foolish, popularorubhoxi or the If] cent, ex¬ WILLIAM B. MARSH, Chairman. is auoff"shoot ol British Koyally, and a vt-ry absurd hypoc« Central Clay Committee..At the head of tion: after which able and eloquent speeches were lingness to reduce rescind per The committee named the following gentitaen, wbo we cannot now lind room fur an ar¬ the 5 Samuel RV Mabbatt, i G ," , ri.sy. It may he so, but Hon. Osmyn Baker, Member of Con- isting extraordinary duties on imports, and were unanimously approved of. on the our will be found a call for u made by C W. Allison, 5,6 gument subject. Editorial columns H. Jr., of and Hon. cent, on domestic experts, provided the mer¬ ^Secretaries. NATH'L G. BRADFORD, ALFRED S. i'LilDY. press, b. Walley, Roxbury, per to a recommendation JOHN cogER» meeting of this Committee this evening. We of Salem. Mr. Baker chants would come forward and subscribe '"a stim Fourth IVurd..Pursuant GEORGE E. BELCHER, Jr., For Our Candidates, in Levekett Saltosstall the Men's General Committee, BENJAMIN DRAKE, RICHARD SCOTT, 05s" Things that member will be on tliis as the hon¬ such as shall be considered sufficient to entitle of Democratic Whig Young JOHN T. DODtiE, Corn to the hope every present alluded to the Hon. Edward Stanley the Electors of the Fourth Ward assembled at the BENJAMIN K. HoRN. Philadelphia, Puddings; Keep to said concession." were Whig J H. HOB art HANNES, JAM ES ii. i'lM ENEY, occasion, as it is called for tho purpose of ored and individual by whose vole the them the Eight days corner ol William and Duane-streets, on &c. &.c. see First Page. special patriotic for this after which the Shakspeare Hotel, STEPHEN C. BUNKER, EDWARD TAYLOR, Right, officers. This Committee will form an Tariff bill was saved from defeat, which ullusion allowed them purpose, evening, the Milt inst. On motion, JAMES EDWARD S. DOUGHTY, ROBERT T. nAWES, and electing whether to rescind Wednesday CHARLES H. TAYLOR. For Naval Court Martial City elicited three cheers! Government would determine GREEN was Chairman,and Charles Cham¬ GEORGE G. TAYLOR, in our ranks at the coming appointed ofthree toaifl Intelligence, see Lust Page. important auxiliary The Convention at 1 o'clock to meet cr not. berlain Secretary. A Retiring Committee: wereappainled its influence HI Win ft-If jaet in our adjourned in an¬ were who submitted the following to the metis?, contest; only at 3, when Hon. C. M. Conrad of Lou¬ Monte Video lias been for sr>me time past Whereupon tbe following named persons appointed Resolutions, but in the State and the Union.. half-past Gen. at the this Ward in the Young Men's Stale Conven which were unanimously approved of. Farmers ami ZTiT.t-ciiii.nicM of Xcvr-TTork! City, throughout isiana is invited to speak. An evening session ticipation of an invasion by Oriba, to represent LUTHER HRADL'H Look Here ! need not the of a careful and men ; but it. that in con¬ lion, lo be held at Auburn on the 21st September instant: Rtsohcd Thatintbeuominationof We urge importance will bo held. head of 10.000 appears SMITH. for Öoverner, and GABRIEL FURMAN I'm Lieulaiot probably state of the season he GARBIT B. CRANE. SAMUEL State Convention helriattya* The Z'uion, tho organ, opposes judicioun «.eler.ii.ui of olncers, and particularly of Yours Hancock. sequence of the advanced JAMBS L. BKNJ. W RICHARDS, Governor,by the recently TylerLoca-Foco truly._ fa winter his in Santa Fe, BERRlAN, cu-e, we are presented with men vviiose lonj experifit^ai and FuRMAN be- the officer. has determined troops JAMES GAUN T, GEORGENEWCOMBE C tbrni tofiUtsf the election of Messrs. Bradish presiding The Clay Hailing in iVevr-Jersey. next Come JAMES ABEL SMITH, our Legislative >uncils eminently qualities and commences his operations spring. GREEN, stations for w hich tbey have Let u sf h cted.w nme proifJ cause are to a PROTECTIVE Tarifp of The Tribune. RUFUS ROWE EDWIN BUCKLEY, ot the Deuiocntx they friendly GCF The Whig Young men of Rochester have Correspondence 1342. when he may, he will meet with n desperate re¬ J1R"H BULL, LEWIS M. MORRISON, attachment lm the cardinal principles her share of the Lund Trenton, Sept. 15, M party ami whoseexertions in developing tbereinurtfiij and New-York's receiving had a bountiful meeting, James C. Wells, Presi¬ sistance; the Governmenthavingadopted the most FRANCIS BROWN. FRANCIS CURRY, Whig the of the Empire SiatefBtinl Tn my hurry yesterday, giving a very THOMAS M CLARK. CHARLES M. CHURCH, and advancing prosperity ami Proceeds; and supports Messrs. Bouck and Dick¬ to nominate Henry Clay for President, patriotic decisive measures for the defence of the State. In them to our gratitude and wannest ..upport, wetfrrtylA dent, .short account of the Mass Conven¬ The following Resolutions were offered by Edward D the Young Men ol the 'I'eiiili Wj/iioX on that are to a New-Jersey the event of invasion, it i< to eman¬ pledge ourselves inson the ground they opposed and form a Clay Club. They were addressed by contemplated Hall, and adopted by acclamation: devote our untiring efforts to' secure their el-jciionisie I " duties tion, 1 omitted to mention the enthusiastic recep¬ the Negro and it is said that the Stale Convention, as contesL Protective Tariff and in favor of loir suf¬ Hon. Miliord Filmote, T. J. Puterson, and John cipate population, Resolved, That Whig recently earning the wavoi'le tion of the Delegation. about 0,000 of them can be mustered to bear arms; tembled »t Syracuse, has faithfully represented the an ni Resolved, That the obstacles thrown in Revenue'1.which is New-Jersey Congressional in before the tree of a free the Presiuect,kJ ficient only for precisely C. Nash, and an able Address and Resolutions to are two thou.-and mous wishes ofth<" Whig party placing Peoph legislation people by actingrank abwof were received with open hearts and willing added which, Europeuns. ihe name of HENRY CLAY as a candidate for the fir^tol unconstitutional assumptions of power, his Air. Calhoutt's doctrine. Are you in favor of such A They u» to tiertes were reported by J. L. Stone and adopted. and and Hon. who have enrolled themselves for one lice in the Nation, n.el we hereby pledge ourselves that executive patronage, will but nerrr greater hands. Senators Dayton MlLLER, [V'arcos,] our utmost endeavors (c of the Candidate, art n? a Tariff as this 7 Committee to draft a Constitution for a Club was and about 7,000 natives. With such a furce from this time forth, we will u*e in securing the election People's ami Wm. Halstead made ad year, ' of the West' to that station for which hi- eini look forward with confidenceto when with HE.VtY J. F. Randolph elect Harry theday we »halb* All tho Loco-Foeo and Tyler journals of this next the of Roches¬ to contend with, there is very little probability of nent talents, and faithful public ser CLAY of Kentucky in the Presidential chair, The night Whigs assem¬ disinterested patriotism, ol Itcnubina appointed. dresses that were received by the thousands success. of Commerce. render him fitted lo till for the best inter enabled to carry out the principles the old are hostile to a Protective Tariff, and in numbers to hear Gov. Oriba's [Journal vices, peculiarly to jn, Jeffs«! City deadly ter assembled great bled in the The Protective Policy was esis ol the country. school and which were common NNashingi are that The last right way. Resolved, That the nomination of LOTHER BRAdish for ami Madisan. misrepresenting just passed. Morkuead of Ky., and, at the close, resolved a hard-wot me¬ Texas..The New Orleans Bulletin has advices we must the rielcmn itr of most ably discussed, ami many king Governor, aud Gaurikl Firman for Lieutenant Governor Resolved, That although regret Post clamor* loudly against the duty that the Old District should from Texas to the 29th August. The arrival of meets our decided and w? w ill spare no effort! Land Distribution Bill, yet the thanks ol the Whig p«ty Evening Eighth givo Harr) chanic his assent to the fan- approbation, hers hi »I» on and extensive present gave hearty Elliott, the British d'Affaires from on our part to ensure the election of the candidates thu; a e eminently due to the Whig tat" Congress $1 per gallon Brandy, predicts 15,000 in 1811. All's in tho " Capt. Charge brvach at the uioiu»nt of iB>!- Clay majority right damcntal and Hakrt ok the in the Houston nominated. threw themselves into the »Ä«r West. Whig principles, Gieat Britain is welcomed papers. On motion of Archibald Hall, Jr. nine cheers were ;;iven uentdanger.sacrificing their personalleeliugson tlie smuggling. incorruptible address as was done with »real enthusiasm. and se«u to the tteii- was to that West.*"1 The lute Loco-Foco advocating The Western part of Texas is represented per¬ for Henry Clny, which of public good, thereby ing people (.Thy wish father, Harry, thought.') was order to be Tariff. Election Law..We to direct attention and a "Judicious Tar¬ at Since the battle of Li- Tie- proceedings of this meeting pah vantages of a Protective All the Leco-Foco journals are clamoringagainst heg "Incidental Protection," fectly tranquil present. lished. On motion, the of this meeting wereoKtffi and the ridic¬ Ointitlan no Mexicans have made their proceedings on Cotton and to the following sections of the Election Law, iff," was dissected, limb from limb, appearance. On motion the- meeting adjourned. in The Tribune. tho duty cheap goods, asserting Texan at Lamar have been with¬ JAMES GREEN, Chairman. to be published at the first session of tho ulous of the Locos to be Tariff men, werepor- All the troops The then that a tax to their full amount on the passed present Legisla¬ piea is now the extreme frontier Charles Chamberlain, Secretary. meeting adjourned. they impose drawn, and Victoria named are lomeel SAMUEL S. DOUGHTY, CbsirsaB. cloth on ture : with a muster touch by Senator Dayton.. N. B. The above Delegates requested consumers. That is. a yard of Cotton trayed it. that quarter. at the House on evening, the lGth inst Andrew Jordan. vice Cbairwn. 9. names of all the voted for anv and Broadway Friday | is nine cents, but which sells for Sec. The persons by upon this fact, that the Mechanics Man- at 8 o'clock. s!6 Hector Morrison,5 , which the duty elector, at any flection, exr.eptiu^ of Ebctors of President Rely / arc wide awake. Never Gazette Benj. NV. Bradford, w ,_ ,. ten Cent», would cost only one cent if tliore were and Vice-President, shall be upon one ballot, which ballot ufacturers of New-Jersey Execution..The Bedford (Pa.) gives to notice a numer¬ Secretaries. j »bnll t>e rnilorse-J " State." I3~ Fifth Ward..In pursuance Edward Taylor, 'j fear the Blues! a minute account of the execution of Jus. Rice, of'.lit are r< to B*et at Broad¬ no duty ! This is the Loco-Foeo assumption, per¬ Sec. 11. If at a general electinn there he one or more va- Jersey ous and enihusistic meeting ol the Democratic Whigs The Delegates to Auburn tpic»ted and at were most cheat¬ in thai county, for the murder of James on nt3 o'clock. sisted in from to day, in the fuce of the most fancies to be suppli"d in the office of Senator, the Our Salem friends outrageously Biirnoy.. Old Fifth was held at the Marion House Wednesday way Hojse on Friday evening, the lilih io-r. day same election a Senator is to be elected f«r four years, the The prisoner attended carefully to the religious evening, the Hth inst. Mr. OLCOTT KOINES was culled term for which the voted for is bu ed out of the of this Conven¬ Fonrlcenth \Vnr«I.. At a m^eiin/of theita- unquestiotiaMo demonstrations. But the Producing person intended,shall pleasure attending exercises conducted two on the to the Messrs. Wm. H. Onderdonk and Daniel I? W«^»r designated on the ballot. [Art. 2d, Title4, Chap. ISO, Se>s. was by clergymen chair; Men »f th- Fourteenth Ward, this know better. tion. The steamer Rainbow chartered by he was asked were Secretaries. ocratic Whig Young Classes of country Laws of 13-1.».] scaffold, aud after joining in prayer, Carpenter appointed Uie 14, 1 !tJ, pursuant toüie.roo- to when »in mot on thai Broadway House, SepL .Farmers, Artisans and Laborers of New-York ! them to take the Delegates Trenton; io, by the Sheriff, while within a half a minute of The call of the meeting having been read, of the Young Me.i's General CotBtlie*i this now to select ten persons tf) represent mendation Wfajg the election of Bouck und Dickinson will he the We are glad to learn that the excess of the on were informed thut the death, whether he was guilty or not, and he sol¬ meetiug proceed Isaac was called to the Chair, and R«e»t Tuesday evening they thi> Ward at the Young Men's State Convention, to be held fryer,Esq., of the National over its i asserted his innocence, and died with the Crak;hkad and CHARLES F. OsBORN .»ere yppointscSec- overthrow of the Protective System, and will bring expenditures Intelligencer boat was sold and unable t comply with her en- emnly at Auburn on the 21st inst. The following gentlemen were almost on his rttaries. to cents a for YVo«l. the receipts does not arise from a diminution in its At leas: o(JD were thus asseveration lips. then unanimously elected: us bnck twenty pound gagement. forcibly kept On moii^n, the meeting to elect ten Dei??3"* was never so but HENRY J. HOYT, F. A. BOKEE, proceeded Cornaron full of Foreign Goods, no market for circulation, which before large, But there were some 30ot 40 choice spir- In the mtDST of Like in Death..David G CHAS. J. to represent ll.i< Ward in the Democratic Whig Country away. A. P. FUNDY SHEPARD, and the fniloamif«8* no for Fleet from the same cause which has and not he and Rhode Island, fell sud¬ WM. H. WILLIAMS, WARREN CHAPMAN, to be held at Auburn, SepL 21,1842, Home Products and price Labor. depressed its who would baffled, who, by riding Russell, Esq., ofMassfield, l" rill vsca^iö- dead from some unknown cause the day be¬ F C. WHITTENBERG, JOHN BENSON, ttensen w ere duly elected,ami empowered Braiush and FoRMAN and the Protective Policy embarrassed every sort of business, and reduced all night, arrivt d here in season to partake of our denly JOHN FORT, RICH. K. GREENWOOD. JOHN ß. JOHN F. ALLEN, fore while in his to SCOLES, will be sustained, and the of Home Pro¬ the revenue of every branch and description of in¬ Collation. Tln-y lost the salute uf yesterday morning, engaged gar¬ On me-lioH, that this committee have power to add theii WM. ENGS, JOHN CANfVAVKLU's prices Temperance den. Mr. R. was about 79 years of age, and has number and fill vacancies. ISA AC H. BROWN, A ARON C liUft ducts and your Labor will dustry. which our were a H. W illinms and Charlei JOHN SNECKNER, SAMUEL WEEKS, certainly improve.. forty guns Philadelphia Whigs fur many years been distinguished member of [Me.-srs. Warren Chapman, Wm. JAS. WEED, JR- Freemen, for YOTJRS.ki.vks! we are corn' JOHN L. MARTIN, Act, " then, A Tax at the to give them on passing; but they will the Bristol bar. [Prov. Chronicle. J. Shepard reported sundry resolutions, which and Rii 033 Payer" complains sharplv waiting to Isaac H. Brown, John Cannavello Aog. when the news pelled omiL] The Commercial's out of the Fire to the have one ofeighty arrives that they a Committee to draft resolution* expre»r»< Cabinkt CHANGES.. usually dragging Engines belonging Sudden Death..On the morning of the 12th I 'Sixth Ward..At a meeting of tbe Democratic aprxmited were ceaei- t have their County next month. 1 trust cur the sense of the meeting, and the following ¦well informed correspondent states that Mr. Wku- City for idle exhibition or parade at such Political swept inst. Alfred, son of Elizabeth and Alfred Phelps, Whig Young Men of the Sittb Ward, held at Monroe Hall ftiends will meantime hold a Mass Convention in on the Hth to nonce mnusly aoor or follows President cupies pages, per¬ 1 this city. The weapons JOHN GRAY. by selling eurawvVlW^L Cushing accompanies Tyler steel engraving, all for 25 cents. Paul Clifford' JOSEPH CARLISLE, JOSEPH BANNON, atiou; we will give them at the ensuiagelection formance. Tho writer meets ewry charge with the scene near the old Sugar Refinery.the result, 1'0'R u on a visit to the Rip-Raps, whonce he will return we L. R. BRADLEY, CHRIS SICKLES, ami undivided support. U*1'. ar.d them in a is just about the worst book in its tendencies flesh-wounds to both near the region of the JAMES GRAHAM, ELIJAH T.LEWIS, Resolved, That the recent nominationof llKf«ay 1st of October to assume the duties of great fulness of detail, puts very parties, Convention held *l SyracB*.. about tho ever read.so far as a work of and The affair was then EDWARD 11UST1S, Da WILSON. Kentucky, by the Whig different light from the witnesses on the trial genius power hip. honorably adjusted. Dh. ISRAEL theTihol inst, as the Wtlg -his new New-Orleans Bulletin. WOOD, WILLIAMS, September meets wflBrandMatewgoor station._ Considerable of is shown, as h; can be bad.and therefore wa presume it is im- Tne will meet on Friday Evening, the 16th Presidency of the United Stites, acerbity feeling Delegates an t that as Whigs we will u*aU hwory^ . Hnus*. approval, 33" The Loco-Foco papers of this have natural : and the conclusion at which we monsely popular. Pomes .A number of wild Ponies from Sable inst, at 7* o'clock, ai the Broadway means to secure his triumphant election, kio*int,'M*' City enough ALEX. M. Chairman. the will ol the will a statement that two have arrived that Lieut. Wilkcs is an officer ol^ Inland were sold in this at BURRILL, that in his hands People t^carn7,^, published young is, t£-T* The Train fr»m Boston to Norwich city yesterday, public E. Secretary. «18 and not the will ol the President; and that Uie COpRwyr» thoughtlessly Railway Wood, ^^^^ ir auction. One as a as seven Oe held sacred, and the law» lauhluhy adnUoisufrri*! work in tho Lowell factories have built talent, energy and zeal, and that the difficulties over the on Wednesday evening, brought high price a held to will women at Worcester Road, were TT Eighth Ward..Ai meeting pursuant Uie of American Industry ^ arose of tem¬ poußds, tha others all sold for much less. Com¬ pro.ecüon cause torn a neat house near Salem, Mass. out of his cruise partly from his excitability ran over a cow on the about three call oftbe Young Men's Democratic: Whig General Resolved, That although we bave no gr<»at J two-8tory lying track, Herald. of the course by had not from the of his brothet [Halifax Morning mittee, at the Howard House on Wedne dny evening, Sept. mire, «»r even to approve puffed the earnings of their labor..If these girls per, and partly jealousy miles Westof Worcester, running several cars off of Virginia, suil. as Auc-r.can cintrn*. CCJ* A of Bristol, Md.. that 14,1312. CYRL'S CHENERY, E.»q. was called to the Chain Tyler Inst tutions, we are been taxed half their earnings (according to Loco- officers at the high station given to aa officer ol' the track, and them some No one prnphet predicts lovers of onr Republican oxw»'^Lni doing damage. next winter is to be the most severe one and James M. Murray was appointed Secretary. of the respect due to ourselves and cur oi'^nwu our Protective Tariffs, such low tank. experi¬ as Dele¬ insult offered to u»e Foco logic) by former they nominally was hurt but the cow, which was killed of course. for The following narneJ gentlemen were selected and we indignantly reseat every enced He he has . dishes at or many years. says always to tbe Auburn with to rill vacan¬ sideut of the United States." . ^ would probably now be washing seventy- One two of the cars were got on again by main observed that when onions have thin is an gates Convention, power That the of tt:« meeuoj *hW O* Cart. John Clark, of the schooner Vigi¬ skins,it cies and add to their numbers. Resolved, proceedings PRYER, Cr^n*«- five cents week each, and much mure : and, after an hour and a half of hard that a winter will and lisheo. ii.AAC per paying on at strength infallible sign mild follow; WM G J. W BLMJVELT. lant, stabbed himself the 5th inst., the Ba- BUCKNOR, w Robert Craighead, \ n*crrlanes-«a,.r.,ariv« for their clothes than now. The Protective Policy, work, an engine came on from Worcester, which should have thick skins, prepare fora scream¬ JACOB (TARSEN. CHAS. WARD, t harles F OsBORN, j with a sheath a wound in hi; they S more than doubled the Itte, knife, inflicting on the and all back to cold winter. I bis he the omVi AUG-sTL BROWN. MARTIN WATERS, De*- to our certain knowledge, took others, dragged Wor¬ ing year, says, PETER. G. BARKER, JAMES H KIP. a meeu.ig of the left breast which, it is will prove fatal.. have five or six thick we look out! CT fifteenih Ward.-At wages of Female Labor uuiversally in New-Eng¬ thought, cester, where the damaged were left, and the skins.so, say, ISAAC LABAGH, EDWIN WILLIAMS cratic You Men of the Fiiteeu b Wird, It is that he was in a fit of mental de¬ man will have five or six coats to his beck. JAMES SMALL, AH STOUTKNRURG, v»ni? g liieHUiiosW within the ten which followed its adop¬ supposed whole resumed and their to Nor¬ Every P. JAMES w. v »NPELT, Constituuon Halloo Wedneviay evening, land, years completed trip RICHARD BERRIEN, e, o^**01* and n rangement when he committed the rash act. EDWARD DUVALL. HENRY BAKER. the of chooung ten Dele^a tion. Let it bo sustained and perfected, wich without further trouble. The where (Hj1" Bishop MclLYAiNE.of the Episcopal Church M for purpose *urn on u* the La¬ place of S\ J T. M. 8LEAKLEY, JAMES MURRAY, Men's Siate Convention, tobe held at A fjj general improvement in the condition of C3° Some of the are the accident took was such as to of Ohio, has been invited to the Rectorship WM. H. SWEET. WM. McCLELLAN, ol CL ;Y, BBABw Philadelphia papers sug¬ place preclude vacant inst to re-pond to the nomnations Classes will be its sure result. a Paul's Church in Cincinnati, left by the JESSE D. PRICET boring gesting as suitable candidate for Governor of the the idea of danger. Committee the following re-olu- an.t FURMAN. j resignation of Mr. Johns. It is expected that the The Retiring reported ALLEN, wascbo- b ;bainnts,«M ' Statu the name of ''the : Ou motion, JOSEPH ÖO* TAe sHn the hau - late worthy, high-minded, tions, which were unanimously adopted urges the bullies of Indignation' (£p A fire io Pittsburg consumed a row of six Bishop will accent the invitation. nv. Havens, Secretary. ^ to oi much abused Resolved, That in LUTHER BRADISH, the Democratic H ¦: to select bug attempt persooal violence upon tiw Euilors thok ami Collector, Jonathan Roberts." tenements on the meeting then proceed' which frame Market, between Third and (G" The which arrived at this Wb'g candidate for Governor, we rccugnizethre -hghiened On motion, journals oared to stale that women of bad character brig Gazelle, port statesman, the true patriot, and tbe honest man.an indi¬ when tbe following persons were -a iiy elected, seen in the Fourth-streets. we gates, were Piocessio*.. 1. not b. re a beautuu. spi ci- (CF The in the Catholic Church at on last, a female Chimpanzee, (in¬ vidual void of reproach, and whom delight ro honor. fill vacansiesin their own nnmttf f. _ tuculcauoo of controversy Sanday brought Gabriel Fcrman as tbe power to men ami reject .»r u>« laws, la a p-per called an It is of small Resolved, Thai the -election of S. I HAY CORN'S .*ORTBNDxW denounces individual New-Orleans has bet n decided bv the election oi (O3 Four extensive brick buildings are now un¬ correctly Ourang Outang ) candidate for Lieut Governor, is equally gratilying to us. JAMES ER, W 'iBKR, which conflicts as muroVroiu t Suuo- stature, with a black a DAVID S. JARVIS, P'lll.JP bas ever said that u,e to the der construction at the of the Baltimore and face, resembling very ugly as is well de»^rved by birn. WM V.BRADY. JOSRT.H iglTTON, body Krx.a.er portion of the females wardens opposed Ri-hop. Depot human ISalem Gazette. Resolved, That with the oame of HENRY CLAYinscrib- OH 1klb« AiH^INS, in that ridicuioui being. ro and HARVEY A. WEED, wbo rode Process on were not rtspecta- Ohio Railroad at Cumberland. ed upon our banner, we go forth fearle*»ly tbe rigbi, WILLIAM HARRINGTON,NVILI 1a..j ! \ >EN. and virtuous. On tue it Äa» has been visued another tre¬ in this name we wi# hie <*ulr»rj because ibey (CP Stamford by conquer. to the arc so that we p otesteu \TT Mr. F. Struve, late Professor in Tbe elected as are requested Ou motion, meeting adjourne «me and apam>. a pnpp..WlHW mendous thunder-itoi m. A tree near the house of (£F* The Wife of Morgan, the great abducted, George gentlemen Delegates JOSEPH ALLKN. Cbainnaa. for the basest i a ty purp ^ .Ipwtu ^ im. the Virginia Baptist Seminary at Richmond, has meet at the Bnudway Honseon Friday evening,September which, and the in Green¬ at and is now the of a j associations. We trust nothing 0f vhe sort Mr. Abel Ferris, sloop Atlantic, is Naavoo, better half Mr. j been Professor of Modern in at 8 rydock CYRUS CHENERY, Chairman. H. w. Havens, Secretary. proper will evw appointed Languages 16ib, American and Commercial will pie**e eopy. .again be attempted. wich Cove, were struck. No person was injured. . Harris, one of tha prophet's chosen men. Brown University. J amis M. Murray, Secretary. tZT