The Book of St.Andrews Links
pcscrtptions of r ttW' Oreens Rules,of flie (isnie Byc-L'atvs of Hie Links RepiatioiiH'Jor' Star CioSS'tn^ Khymcs Ac, &c, '• I- ABVKimSISMUNTS. R. FORGAN W & SON, Coif Club Mailers to %s^t^ H.R.H, Prince of Wales ST ANDREWS, FIFE. Gold Medal—Highest Award for GOLF CLUBS and BALLS, International Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1886, A Large Stock of Well-Selected and Seasoned CLUHS and BALLS always on hand. Club Boxes and Waterproof Covers, Golfing Gloves, and every Requisite for the Game kept in Stock. Wholesale and Export Terms on Application. Makers of the Famous AGRI PPA GOLF BALLS (Under arrangement with the Agrippa Golf Ball Coy., Coventry). Used by the Best Players (both Amateur and Pro- fessional) all over the World. Sole Makers of Weber's Patent Waterproof Beech Heads. TOM MORRIS, golf Club <% ^all jtfaqufacturer (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL), THE LINKS, ST ANDREWS. Club Covers ano all "(Requisites for tbc (Bame of (Bolt MORRIS'S MACHINE-MADE BALLS. OLD BALLS RE-MADE. Repairs Executed by Experienced Workmen. ADVERTISEMENTS. D. & W. A.UCHTERLONIE (W. Auchterlonie, Winner of Open Golf Championship, August 1893), GOLF CLUB SPECIALISTS AND BALL MAKERS, ALBANY PLAGE—(Workshop, Union St.), ST Auehterlonle's Special Patent Approaching' Cleek kept In Stock, Price 6s 6tl.,i SPECIAL CLUBS. In Wood or Iron, made to order, or any Club Leather-Faoed to suit individual taste, REPAIRING. This Department is in charge of an Expert, and all work of this nature shall have prompt and careful attention. Grosifpaiie Si LorimBr, 6olf Club and Ball ittakm, 146 NORTH STREET (Opposite IMPERIAL HOTEL), ST AN DREWS.
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