New Solutions for Waterside Security
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NEW SOLUTIONS FOR WATERSIDE SECURITY TNO’s SOBEK technology detects divers and small boats using passive sonar: smart listening without emitting any sound. This brings operational benefits: robust performance in challenging underwater port environments with technology that is covert and more cost-effective than existing products. SOBEK technology can be used stand-alone, but is also complementary to existing active sonar solutions. Using SOBEK in conjunction with other sensors makes for better waterside security solutions. SOBEK is environmentally friendly: no sound is emitted, so no harm is done to underwater life. This makes it ideally suitable for application in natural underwater environments, monitoring e.g. coral reefs, underwater archaeological sites, or the habitat of endangered species (fish, marine mammals). In March 2012, we hosted an event on Port Waterside Security, informing a broad audience of maritime port stakeholders on how innovation can contribute to better waterside security solutions. A prototype diver detection system was successfully demonstrated in the biggest operational port of Europe: Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Whereas waterside security is now largely absent in commercial ports, SOBEK technology paves a way towards affordable and environmentally friendly solutions against waterside threats, to enhance the safety of the most important infrastructure hubs in modern society. NEW SOLUTIONS FOR WATERSIDE SECURITY “Hoor, daar zwemt een drugsplukker” De Volkskrant – 7 March 2012 Text: Elsbeth Stoker, de Volkskrant Graphic: Erik d’Ailly, de Volkskrant ACHILLES HEEL sufficient performance in confined port emission. This is very relevant as worldwide Free transport of goods and persons has environments. restrictions on the use of man-generated traditionally characterized most sea ports. underwater sound (including active sonar) After September 11, 2001 all this changed In 2010, TNO started research on alterna- are becoming a serious limitation for many and legislation such as the International tive solutions. applications. Ship and Port facility Security code (2004) was enforced. SOBEK Affordable TNO is working on new security solutions Passive sonar technology makes use of Focus has been set on control procedures for the waterside based on passive sonar components that cost substantially less and enhancing security for assets on the under the name SOBEK. The key aspect is than those used in active sonar products. landside in ports (quays, terrain, premises) smart listening to almost inaudible sounds Future SOBEK solutions can there be – so-called landside security. Security of, amongst other things, divers. New considerably cheaper than those currently measures for the waterside domain are technology that is promising. Robust offered on the market. largely absent and form today’s Achilles’ performance, affordable and environmen- heel in ports. Waterside intruders can pose tally friendly. Covert a terrorist threat or engage in theft or Passive sonar does not emit sound. smuggling. The main threats come from BENEFITS Therefore, a SOBEK based system does not small, fast boats or divers. Drugs attached Performance betray itself. A small boat or diver can be to ships’ hulls for instance are routinely Contrary to current market solutions, detected without the detection system removed by divers. But what does that tell SOBEK passive sonar technology aims at revealing its presence. That also has a us about the possibilities for terrorists to detecting waterside intruders without deterrent effect on intruders - the system attach something to a ship’s hull? actively emitting sound. This approach is even ‘works’ when it is absent. better tuned to a challenging port environ- Port facilities, bridges, weirs, tunnels, ment. Conversely, sound from active sonar HOW DOES IT WORK? cargo ships, ferries and cruise liners are reflects from the sea/river bottom and The underwater domain in a port is a very potential targets. In the future EU legisla- surface, quays and ship hulls, causing noisy environment. Nevertheless, smart tion and important partners for internatio- many false alarms. listening to almost inaudible sounds of, for nal trade (such as the US) will demand instance, divers proves to be successful. more and more waterside security. Environmentally friendly Scuba divers emit high frequency signals There are many waterside security SOBEK is also environmentally friendly when they inhale air, whereas the ambient products on the market, but these are since sounds are not emitted. Power underwater noise is mainly low frequency. generally quite expensive. consumption is low and marine life does All these sounds are picked up by hydro- Furthermore, they often do not show not suffer from the impact of sound phones (underwater microphones). NEW SOLUTIONS FOR WATERSIDE SECURITY Using signal processing developed at TNO, dangerous encounters in the water and to SOBEK system, the waterside area we can distinguish between the diver perform their inspections with safety and around your port facility is monitored signals and all other underwater sounds. confidence. 24/7 during several weeks. Any presence Using a pair of hydrophones, the direction of small boats and divers is recorded and of the diver can also be determined. Even if The prototype system detects divers in an post-analyzed by TNO. This helps to the diver is behind a boat. Boats can also operational port environment. We have reveal unexpected or unwanted presence be detected, also if they are small. And by also shown that the system can detect of waterside intruders. You gather using more hydrophone nodes at different small and big boats. All this information is valuable information for your risk locations, we can determine the exact made available in the Avision environment, assessment. location of the intruder. developed by AVIC. The diver and boat 2. (Semi-)permanent monitoring. Should presence is overlaid in a Google maps the analysis point towards a need for “WHAT IS NEW?” environment on a smart phone or tablet. more waterside security, SOBEK can PASSIVE SONAR TECHNOLOGY ITSELF A real-time and secure connection ensures permanently monitor the water domain IS NOT NEW. BUT USING IT AS THE that the security information is made around your port facility. In case an SOLE METHOD TO DETECT DIVERS IN available to stakeholders as soon as intruder is present, a direct warning is AN OPERATIONAL PORT ENVIRONMENT possible, and serves a basis for counter sent to for instance security personnel. CERTAINLY IS. TNO CURRENTLY TAKES measures. A WORLDWIDE LEAD IN THIS RESEARCH FIELD. OUR AMBITION IS WHAT CAN A BASIC SOBEK SYSTEM DO TO MAKE THE BENEFITS OF SOBEK FOR YOU? TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE FOR WATER- For port facilities, the added value is in SIDE SECURITY SOLUTIONS. monitoring the underwater domain remotely and continuously. Thieves can DEMONSTRATION OF A FIRST now enter port facility terminals from the PROTOTYPE SYSTEM freely accessible waterside. TNO has developed, together with AVIC, a prototype system for diver detection. The Do I need waterside security? aim was to enhance the safety of the What are the risks for your port facility? customs divers. The system allows them to Is there a threat related to theft or assess whether or not a potentially smuggling? Are there potential threats to non-friendly diver is present in the water, critical waterside infrastructure? before they themselves enter the water to inspect ship hulls for drugs. This allows TNO offers a two-step approach: them to reduce the risk of undesired and 1. Waterside security check: with the basic NEW SOLUTIONS FOR WATERSIDE SECURITY Tracking results for two divers in an operational port environment. Tracking results for a small, fast (30 knots) boat in an operational port environment. Time progress is from blue to red. NEW SOLUTIONS FOR WATERSIDE SECURITY divers is useful for both professional and “WHAT IF THERE IS AN recreational diving activities. The natural UNFRIENDLY DIVER IN THE underwater environment can be monitored, WATER?” to protect the habitat of endangered THERE ARE DIFFERENT OPTIONS FOR species (fish, marine mammals) or coral COUNTER MEASURES, DEPENDING ON reefs. Wreck diving can be policed, and THE ‘RULES OF ENGAGEMENT’. WE archaeological underwater sites can be CAN ADVISE ON THESE OPTIONS. FOR guarded. Yachting or sailing marinas can INSTANCE, UNDERWATER LOUDHAI- benefit from an early warning system LERS CAN BE USED TO SEND COMPRE- against thieves approaching from the HENSIBLE WARNING MESSAGES TO waterside. Critical waterside infrastructure, THE DIVER OVER LONGER DISTANCES, such as tunnels, weirs and (nuclear) power PROVIDED THESE ARE PROPERLY plants can be monitored 24/7. USED. TNO HAS PERFORMED RESEARCH ON THE MOST EFFECTIVE Because of the lower costs of passive USAGE OF THESE DEVICES. sonar technology, wide area surveillance using a network of sensor nodes becomes BOOMS AND SENSORS: A NEW “WHAT ARE CURRENT more economically feasible. That can not DETECTION CONCEPT DETECTION RANGES WITH only be useful for the protection of coastal Booms are lines of floats used to make a SOBEK TECHNOLOGY?” areas, but also means added value for physical barrier on the water surface. They IN AN OPERATIONAL PORT vessel tracking systems in shipping lanes. can be used to limit the access to a harbor ENVIRONMENT: In the military context, passive sonar nodes or to part of it, or to create an exclusion UP TO 400 M FOR DIVERS quickly deployed around, for instance, a perimeter around a moored vessel. They MORE THAN 1 KM FOR SMALL FAST frigate can offer waterside security in constitute the waterside counterpart of BOATS hostile waters. A navy port can benefit from fences and barriers and share with them a waterside security, either for a large water common drawback: unless they are WHAT MORE CAN SOBEK TECHNOLOGY area, or for choke point monitoring at a equipped with further instrumentation, DO FOR YOU? port entrance. In April 2012, we will start booms and fences cannot report if The first prototype diver detection system working on a worldwide new concept for somebody is tampering with them or trying can find widespread application.