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GN 366 MHT £& SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ANTHROPOLOGY VOLUME 3 [Whole Volume] $ r T*. -%**•IS****--*-"&* ^•••** **g*~ a Microenvironments in the Ocos area, Guatemala, a, View of beach sand and scrub, looking north toward the village of Ocos. b, The lagoon-estuary system just north and east of Ocos. c, Stilt-rooted red mangrove forest, d, The riverine habitat, looking upstream on the Rio Naranjo toward Salinas La Blanca. e, A tidal stream running through the savannas of the Pampa La Morena. /, The Naranjo River, looking downstream from Salinas La Blanca. i Early Cultures and Human Ecology in South Coastal Guatemala *% I -r* Michael D. Coe and Kent V. Flannery SMITHSONIAN PRESS Washington 1967 A Publication of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION United States National Museum LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CARD 65-62172 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, 1967 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 • Price $3.50 Preface The program "Interrelationships of New World Cultures" was initiated in 1960 by the Insti tute of Andean Research and continued for 3 years with the support of the National Science Foundation. The investigations described in this report were carried out as Project C of the pro gram's third year. We wish to gratefully acknowledge the advice and encouragement of the formulator of the program, Dr. Clifford Evans, of the Smithsonian Institution, and the support of the treasurer of the Institute of Andean Research, Dr. Gordon F. Ekholm, of the American Museum of Natural History. Our colleagues and friends in Guatemala again provided the same generous aid which they had shown to the senior author during his previous field season of 1958.
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