City of Mississauga Agenda MISSISSaUGa General Committee Date September 9, 2015 Time 9:00 AM Location Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre, 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, ON L5B3Cl Members Mayor Bonnie Crombie Councillor Jim Tovey Ward 1 Councillor Karen Ras Ward 2 Councillor Chris Fonseca Ward 3 (Chair) Councillor John Kovac Ward 4 Councillor Carolyn Parrish Ward 5 Councillor Ron Starr Ward 6 -- ----- - - Councillor Nando lannicca Ward 7 Councillor Matt Mahoney Ward 8 Councillor Pat Saito Ward 9 Councillor Sue McFadden Ward 10 Councillor Georg e Carlson Ward 11 Contact Sacha Smith, Legislative Coordinator, Legislative Services 905-615-3200 ext. 4516 Email
[email protected] Find it online mi~si~saugavideos Meetings of General Committee streamed Mv on aironhne live and archived at General Committee 9/9/2015 2 INDEX - GENERAL COMMITTEE - SEPTEMBER 9. 2015 CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST PRESENTATIONS DEPUTATIONS A. Amrita Kumar-Ratta, Project Lead - Diversity and Inclusion Charter of Peel and Varsha Naik, Chair, Regional Diversity Roundtable, Varsha Naik with respect to the City's endorsement of the Diversity & Inclusion Charter of Peel. B. Haris Yaqeen, Chairman, University of Toronto Branch, Monarchist League of Canada with respect to acknowledgement of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll's reign on September 9, 2015 at 12 noon. C. Elliott Silverstein, Manager, Government Relations, CAA South Central Ontario (Information Item A) MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED - --- -- ------- 1. All-Way Stop - Foxwood Avenue and Lisgar Drive (Ward 10) 2. Speed Limit Review - Hickory Drive (Ward 3) 3.