Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension

File No. 397

1930 October 20

Buffalo, NY - Campaign Speech lDDP.!S3 O.F GOV"~·!f)J, l'RIJl!LW ll. IOOSFVl"l.! Ar 91FHLO, 1IZll !0•.1 1 OC!OB!B 201 19)0

I •• gl~d tD COM bacll: to the City or fil!f do 'llbero I bne been ao oft en dlll'ini 111 ada1n1otrot1on or ~.., yeera o.a

Gonmor of the Swu. In raet, I haYO - to t.bis ,.....,t ~ du1triel canter no oft ao tbLt o!le of ay p ea aa we

•re eoaing in!D the city, "We h• ve e11terocl a.r ralo rroa o.ll dlreo­

Uows. le bl!ve coae i n ft'Oa the South, Eut and llortbl i t 1a obout. plenure tiM t o COlli" 1n by boRt or in ao •lrpl c urln& July lllleo thr Deaocn tic P or Brie Cowtty held it• unotficid. convonti~n. the>oa of aHtin&, th l•rro attondbnca und t.ho Wl£niaous encors011cat of our preoent Deroocretic Stlto odollniatr

'llbat I now r""ff1ra, tb•t in this county the lleeeratlc caocll detaa

ll7 last ..taU. to &ffDlo in thl' zontb or ~lliuat. wee to

attend o convention of the Gut• Feda.-.tlon of I.obor. Thla e1ty

prortd•s • lor,. pere.,wce or tho """'\>1-rabip of tbr t }'edcrt:tlon.

Tbr aocond 1Mustrhl canter or tbe ot• t e, t• hao rurniohed throllib

ito p-ert bod7 of woUDd

induatry wlllch acto• u a ao proud o t >ur atat•. llo.ffolo olll! ita

citi tona ...t or neco.. tty be d"ply 1nt nee!Aid i n the oco:>oaic and

uUoa. I bLn open~ ...,,. nete during ~ · loot ~"" JMra t n 'f81,-

1Dc erouad ~ · a~h hnd beooain& acqu:int.«l at f1rst.hond ..i ~ 1ta needa. 1 hhYe aet .nr1ou3 groupa tind cl..e.aaes of 11.• eitJ.aeoa end thia disc~Jaoecl With ~.,. tbe1r desire• o.nd up1rat1ons. I ba-.. done aa "" U.tqral p<>rt or -t I conaidar the du~,. ot the GoTen>or to l tMU'D not ""rcl.J b)' report, MlJIOr &lid heer ..:r , but b:r ac~U&l olleer-­ nt1on aad ccb&al contact& 11lat tho probl,.. of th• at•te ere.

Dllring ~1• tiae, ODd durin& ~""" 'f'ie1ta, i t i a o....U.e•• to ;><>Uit out that I carefull:r r ofrtlAecl froa

In dlacllas l ng &avcr""""tal problou, i f ~ ey are of corren\

1n~re•t• lt 1a ea<&entiel and it 1a rtght. to gin the h18tory of thoM becae& t.h!! r.oord €01111 back o·•or t.l'!; r; ; tMo ,...ra ba• a

nry direct boer i ng on ~o •:r in Which we wat approach and - to

aoln the probl""3 of ~e presont..

!'lult to 111)' I h"ft boen glc.nclng onr ~~ fibs ·which 1 Md

collected during ~e 1928 CCIIP'Ilgs>• l find i n ~ c lluaber of ~ t.D.tlons aade durin& that caocpa4n 11l1ch I wont a t ~la taft to eet

f orth -rely for the purpooe or the recorc., ond ror "" other reasoa.

You wUl MICClll that I •• NMlnC for alect101l a a Go.- mor ot the Stc t o

of l aw tori: ucriut lr. !ll>P.rt Ottln&er. ! oa e1ll abo r•c..-11 that at

that t i .. lr. Herbert Roon r Wll a :runa.lni for election ao PrNi dont. ot

the Deited Ill.• tea. t w.. n t t.o rKd to J'OU 10ae ext rt ot.. !'roe "l'•ecbu

durlfiC Ul n ..ctpftip Cod froct Ule Mopu.bllocn ~· b ~!O TII O( Uld )'HI'J "lbe bietory of our p<.rty d....,notrutoa tha.t. - thi'OI&ib tho JiepubUoeo the wl.ad011 of Republi can polici es, ru>d C<>W>try f i r.aly eotabllobod. ., better guannto• of pr<>•r>ority t:lan the contentaent emona ou.r people at. boae, • • • oan be &iva • Tl:at. pledge to llllintoio and conti.mle the Coolidge pollciea • *"• is taken fro;, tba Republican platro.ra of 1928. "!be people ••• kM• th. t. the very hocppioeaa or their ap 1D. bo2.ea, Md tho cosfort or the ayeraa• un t.crl tf\l~n l r. bcnmd io the tho out.coeo of neq proaidentiol election beclsuse prosperity ..n p.­ 11-r to hLppineoo, and th• 1\epublican Party 'nd the RapubLic

~ t.C:Id ow: t octln pr1nc1pl e5 have, aore t.b£:1.i uoy other elaenL, cr rity for the proa""t dDy prcoperitT, •nd they wlll iooou·e Lbat proapa

flltttre. • • • • . !h t \ s on ext.nct frota a spee<:l> of Altort ~tiocor, 9, l 92ll. runuin& for Go•omor of th< S to of lo• Ion oo Cct.obcr

"1hh io l-"erica tocl._:r arc ncar•r to Lbo fioe.Dcial t.rlullpll . The poor over poverty, thr n ever before ill tile biotory of ,..,. lancl <.nd tho IWipoat>­ ..., 1• '""'iehi n& frc• uool\;: us. Onder tho-~ !.'llpU).ao•, out.rJUt. haa iDcreuDeCI &I JWYer llcan proteetiY~ •J&tet~, our induat.r1.41 . Oalr work.,rl• before. e:.nd our tm&ea have tTOWD ater.c!Uy in bu;Ji.n& power Hun throe thee wl.t.h thoir ..,oro.;:o WMklT o, """ todr:y lAq too ud .U ono ttae w ..,ro br...c Wid 'tr~tter tht n uq • g~ oe mer ln l!l&rope. now cone fer d_.ndod for our oorln i n tite end lr1auro. • • ••. 'rbooo re ~~ tD t oll of 1928. rro.. co-~ ill ape

"!be ""7 t.o huttr" "" oa:- p ooptority, tD gl TG cY~l"J' - 17ell tlco tbs t cca1'ro11t u , 11 t.o ce>n t.inu~ t.b ~ ool1c1eo of \.!to F.epubllct.n oc! tmdr t.bc preui c!cnc:r of Ror l:ert RooYcr. " • ""· 'lh< t 1a an extrvct J occpb, Jlo., f rort L speeelt by Ill'. Chr.rl Aa E. llllzbeo deU,..rod &t st.

October 2), 1928, in beb•lt of the clootiot. or Herbert Rooorcr .

'!hoae ext r~cta r ead at.Nn&elf tonlp t.

'l'ltm cne October, 19:29. ~£'· in f or the rccor

by JOCftT noU .,.,ol l eeders i n b>:.b pcrti eo th• t during t.~o f p"rlod of 1nnat1on ood s tock Mr:.Cet pl tmP.,!l D<>t. on• oin&l• •tr.> .._. tnk..,

by the re!'nOnei bb of!lcl&b of tht notion~ 1 o

on tho brakes , or t o eucgoot e..,..., tb• t th~ ol tuti<>!l """ ac.>M:&1co.l.t7

the 11111~ !aloe and ua~ . ntowoanda of oi \l.MDa 1n eTOTJ' part of

St •t•• ,Ain!•t. all .... .-ell with tl:e COWltrJ. J.

10\L'I!l hUe opinlon n coJI!Ii&es tod&!', I n ftTY cer tain, thnt U t e ttJ Waohlncton hod the courocP t.o •·r~lT tho bn.k"o the hdl!h lt>lch the Or()' roao woul DOt. .,...., boon ao hip, r.nd u ' reeult., ..,., ..,..U it .. olow1lll' up of 1rw!tU~rJ bod COM , t.h feU f roe the llol(btlt ll:)t, bt.'r"" b-,.n a.;) 'ppc; gre t .

t'h ~ othtr set.t.or of ro-c->rd llbicb t..odt:7 •ec&ive~ c,.naure

f'roll acny of th ~at COu.J .. r-VLtiY,. ,.ne a.;)UZVI t:nC 1n­ dastr1 l lo•dor;, lo l.b• fact f.h· t · rta:· tho crash of hat

tbe •. pu~Uc• n o.d~nhtr• U.>n t...pc.

lf& h·ll6ton !r._l!•' inforDRt~n cone~"'~ the e,.riou. neB~· of the

11i t.uat.lo~ . 'l'he "N~EiC:en t. bl ~rlf .,... r1 po -~rly et-1\.od eonff"r!'ncea .r.nd of the l~c!,.; c :>f 1. l.l-Ot ry fr,~ v .. in\l., 1 -

uiT .--;-t.bln.. poaalbl• \.3 .or lnt.C!Jct.1nn, bJt. be

...... Wt"'lll i :a. ~yin&: in Dec~b·'"' , "I a. con"f'inctwl th! t. thro:Jgf" theao

•~r. .u:-oa w~ tPvo r e.skblico.'lec! eonfio...nce, ••••• L."1CluaLr1-'.l uft...

Sll"'lOfti~"· '- ~;nc uuf ~:ln .•t1ch woul otJvo;r•1aa htV<'t oceurree bLs

been r"re'l eted. • Tbe o!" th..., t picl; t['t)•!.'l- Ca"':"'1 1 •:1 :n U.OLO, t~07-

r.tent wa conce·led. One o;:U•lo~t.ic bullet..ln t-!t r .lk")t..~flr t ;;PM•~ ·

It •• o dfls;et·~t(> .. ru tutUe et.t· .lj t to :-·e We pro... ;e. 1ty by :ttiOnl

o r pr:>cl 'Z»..t.lJn- fr~ 'le:t!'!\.., to!'• •

Uor.tb rfter ~nt.h 4-il C:'lD 1...1o.nn t.o. .:t"' woral(! _, th• .:aea~ ••

of tQCY- chr t' bel" _.. 110rc t'l!~ D:)('~ op . 18 .aor 1l;i. a C nro

c!l .. ehtJrgeC in t.bowtcfk!a. tbe7 r t.rl r.t.a -1·.d~ .. y thP TocierPl

ac!alnia n t l on, t.b<.~ "'''b1Jloia • 1 a.•· tUnc bEt ter. • llt.t<>u.:!: l.b• t1:ra ca.lled ·, olcl< .,d c!ecie1n • otbn b; t.h< fodar.. l c<>••rn,on~ , not..'lint;

b• ...... , but 'IOr

j ...-tA ~<~•l< hHo I» n accel n• t.f'

Feder.Ll. d d, 1"04ds, r 1ver L.Dd harbor ia~roYetMDts , Vttt erc:.ns• hoa­ pi tale, lllilltary "'· ~ cono t.rlle~ion , and publlc buil ~L'IC• abould bno been Gpe.Ced u p.

lnet,&.~ of tht;.t, e.S wt..!:: ro!.nt~ out by th@: Cent t.or troa

this St • te, f

rropril . t.~ n.a !'or the current fi.oc&l 7-.e.r for thaH pu.r;tQH8 na

$2S,OOO,OOO l eo• th; n the " loOWlt of aLRUar , ppro? rl< t i ons for the

lA o~ fl.sCil Je

refus..S to ye:ntit. tbe Houec of i ttpreaentLtiv~>n t.o eruct l nt.o l o.w

tho bille l ~troc!uced bf the t...,cr• tic Sew. tor fro~ tLlo ot.- ta wbieb

wo1.1ld bav~ bftlped r.l tu:..ti on t.nd bleb woul•. ht

C':)Wltry •&' 1nst i ta i '"'lcrc-aae r.)r rcc.l· renl:'c. I need not dtcll on tba oHu.tlon to

Qer.t. Ur·"'n t.he busineos depreasi o!l a.."'¥! cr1.1el c..>ndi t.i o!l of u:lt~o,.a~t

Wbieb is Ul>'Jn uo.

I brv .{UOt.ed fro-2 the.:• nrl :lU:J epec-ct:.e<' or r,e?ullllce.n

C£-:ldidr~ tea ot t.wo yel re !-£0 t r.v I baY susaod u~ f: ill ? , I thl~ , t he t110 groot <«Mll4 to• bl . .W>& the Re~•ibllc:en & t b·.._l A

!lilt let • ., ·'• i t CC" inlte ~tnd d""r tbl:t 1 c!o ·o ah: 17 t.o oua 11p

tb• r~orc: anc n·>t ... or h,. '"'~a~ of obt.L1n1r.c a~nnuce 1D tbh .,..,.,.,.,io;n. The one cret:t. pu!"po e :J:" •~ t, ~t.c& .:ort.h t.hf' ,.,.. llf'i aa I ,.rove

11 only, onl! i ~t sr atn a t.l'\. t Wl't; "".170 to (I.YII d l'i·,ita >root of

wlu t t...o DeliO·.rotic r•rty t•• •L• ya i on proapOTity. .l.ppertnt17 """ the l ..p ui:lic&n l •dora l..n 1930 bavo at t aat c001c t,., reoll&e it. Bow well do I ree4l.l the eaa;>oilll\ opecct:e• or two JKr a &10•

Row well do I recall the rperU7 d Woebl..nct<>n • Speech &:l'ter e:>eecb wa

thfl '"''le l..n order to that rror,>e!'itJ. Stete ea~t~~Ucn• bne J.en ..,..,.o for t.M l ut ai.x J'11Ar> b)' the llepubl1CIIn P' rL7 • .,.. cluahel7 on the •ueation of Mtio~•l proapor1t:~ . 1' yeu there

"""'"" to b.. " d..,c! aUt~UCD oo fer ca t11e f.o;>ublican Federal ~dainia­ t rt Lion 1a eoncerned. lberru fornarly th• """" of H..rbert Ron~r or C.lvl..n

Coollda• cpp... red at h~at fhe 1.bco l..n th... peech or evor,. Ro;>Ubli""'

e«ndidat• for office, todAy oe looK 1n ""l..n for llelltion of tho . .:L:~ea .


!""'it7 ill C'lnccrned, bu led ..,,.~ of the republ1..., CAodid•tea cTm

to crit1e1se c>e • !'ld -.y pertJ for C~>ll1na 1t to the public ettentioll.

'lltil ...t DHII atrco,:e lJ>deocl to \.hoi of Ul ...... -boor the CMI$>&1&1'

uf!it£·-.;tlea ot recent. J•ra.

Eft17boc!7 .a-.oc, u • Mtter of !act, t.h&t t.'le n.publi""D

pertJ baa re!Uaed to eoact 1ato U.w o t<>ur ~r teno tor GoftniOr w1th

1'1'"'1Dio•.. Or dii<'UO \n I>Oo-pr.. ltbl ) .. ra, 0al7 beCFUI8 !.bey

hoi*! to be •bLe 1.0 bet'oa at.o L b:su • bJ t.o ldnc tedord r.oroopoor1t7.

lni' n.m tilL y · r ~h•J eoul• Mt t.elp bitt. • u n. tio,. l 11aotion1

tile do~I.DLnt not in f.IJ'lr ol.t t• oon• r•Uc>n. !t 1< UJ'D'ItO oro. tor -a call ed rroa the offieitJ. cnblnet ot the !':"oo1dent at luhincton. Be ada a loag apo.och. I hen N£d 1 t t'r<>a bej:1Dninc to end. htYe f elled to find 1 ain&le IIC1lt1on of the St>to or !lew !orlt or

NlJ or ita QUeatio::a. It 1• 110lr..l7 concerned w1 th •pology t or the ..S..

Ial.niatration et WtllbJ.n&ton.

To pre further tba~ net.iontl 1S4ues '-"" n&tl.l>nel quae­

tiona are atUl sde a pert of thl• ct.ap<;i;n which I re&rrcl

aa onl7 • caapoiliJI, let ao tall ,..,u a llt tio aoerot. which wUl

probsbl7 aoon be m>bllc. Tbe r.epubli""n lllitional ColDl.ttee aent ca

odvort.1•e:.ent to the ll

in the St.~< te or Yenont., bat 1w Ying L circ-.U< tion of flirl :r luce

nae on .... tort nlde .. r the u~ e . Thia edvvrtlse:>nnt ~p;>en•ed

011 Octo~r 13, end in it the tJ>ru!>Ue

.RepulJ.1caA Sute Cocittoe, ain6 ;ou, aeclcs t~ "'"'="- re tho f.epubll­

""" llo.Uom.l r.c!Jainiet,...tlon with the ~cr<.tic Sl.! tc •.droinbtratia

in the stl>to of Hew fork. I t..'lin:l. that i n sou a :r, eire• cot crc'"'ed,

and t.bLt the &Mlnaton !:vn~ing Bmme• printed this od.,ertia"""nt a

lltUe £be1bt tl!• t tbe "'1-rertianeut wU1

llbortl:r •ppe•r thro~t the lSQCth alld breltdth or our at.r.te 1n the

"""apepera. '!here 1o ooth1

the voters &DC. it. r.-niua no =ner !roe •· I ...,~ion U serel;r to

point out to 70"- tbllt ev~n now the 1\epublican notiond propacllllde 1a ita .,.., th1a ott te cup•i&n &t the r ueat or the R6-

pllbl1ean I t1o :d eo-it.tee 1taelt•

.And 110 1 hoY• .,.,..... Of llll*'rJ.o111""~ •nd ntl.mJe to ~o ao, mt for the put'p<>o• or belabor­ ins U>o f.epubliC6Jl laU onal nd"ir:btnt1on, lQt fo r the purpose ot proY1fl6 for ell t.llle, tbd \he Dew>cr atlc p

proaperit 7 .

H 1s ay, of """'""• ll:'.cl 1n t.hl.3 I ... pcmopa part11Wl, \hot the election ?f o-x:nUc congrcanon troa tbie eae of the a~te this aatuz will do llllC.'I tow•rd holping \he c<>ngr

Ullited St rtlia t.o b.Jlld e mot~ aane, t\ ~r"' dCWld , and ~aic llt.nlcture for t.hc :>etion thall baa bo

t lllo'e cre.t.eet c1t1son, Gron. ::J.....Und, llilUl~ !>en o.:. l c! , "tbbt

le a co!ldi Uoo end not D theory. •

We obo:.ld taco tbie eit11at1on honoot.l;r 6.nd bn""l7.

'Diere 1a DD DOe o! tbie co1111tr;r, lf..U.tb of its fV'tllnl. poase.. iona c.nd reuourccs, the J.zvli&Btr;r,

• Argy and patr1oUoa o! ito ~ple , u.,. lo the leat &ll'!l7ei1, tbo

lll.tJ.aate lf-"'N.Dte~ of a return to bet ter tl.tlos.

I be'fO DO doubt U>•t C6p1 tt.l •nc: l abor o.l.U:e .,..,., Uld

lllt1-tcl.r •ill, pllt thei r ohoudcr to tb~ wboel to ;mll o-ar 1Jo.. clt&atry out of the deep aad. .t.a • st.rto aovem:o.,t, In York ...,t,

or courM, uw1 rtll, of cour••• do 1t.o1 and .ore. It can do

it, Uld hu ~ne it, b7 e>

.,rita ao •• to provide 1o,.. "'t tor Ita citil.... 'Die • • "'M 01 ,..n •r lbbl • n l.hla ,..l .dar dJ, ,000 Ia .... lloleo ' w y.. r ··-t• te t5~,o»,ooo. nr.. ,,,000 IIOrL !be bal.ance of t2,2,000, 000 will be ru~ !.<> "' k '• 'ollono t9, 000, 000 t.bia """thl t7,OOO,OO J ne:


In t.bia Wliy n cr.r-_y or.. • W !or:a p1. no... t~er~ - • t.ot.&-1

oCIQUAt. IIOr• t.bc.n $20, 000, 000 &rC ~"T thWI .vqr '-for<" in t.b• bi&­

tory of at, \0. Iller: ~b~ I.<,jtilll.r.t'-'re actOtl ia Jnm; T"f it '"ill

;iYe us, I ,.... cocrldent. fl\Othf'T large erua to C?Dt.1nu.a the won.

'!hat. the r~r<:l of t.bta at. tc 11> ptocreu on ita puW.ia

IJW"It Oy'Oft to e<>ntro~ict.i ·n.

Wore I cloae:. I 'II'! nt. to .:tpct jc hri"~Y o ·Jtte or t.wo

othrr ""tter• llhl.e

• •ry .c~l•' COO?""'t.ion in the elecUo:.. or <> •r loctl .,.,.;I.e< teo to

the 9onr't.o am t~'l Aas612bl.J. .&.n QIU- &ll~rr.. -, nt becn::ac .,,... e1arl~,

lt 0eCJ281i :oiON r"'· all 1S;':". t.c.n~ thJ:. t. W }\a,.-o legi lJ t.orl 1n 51...... ad. til the De.ooentic 1C8"S or T'Ci'"CS>iw &QYOTr.:ll "'t. You """

belp • et rJy out. pro~reaai'" &QYer-rn;~.nt.:.l r,.r,,,.. to- a~oc!ir.ot te.o­

cratic A>~•ecblyMQ ODd S....Ot.ora to .UJ:av. loll ea;uoci•lll' do I Ur&<> lr.Jit ~" return to thQ s.,t.e the

~cz- tic SaoiiL>" froa thia di otrict, St.epl>an l. lloJ tkotriainl

1'ro• t.brt. bo rc.-wot'k.lng em" l.nthstri.:>us rt1Cf: wh1cb baa contribu.t.ftd eo

....,.. tc the i...:Uaul.ll IF.>eco•• of 1.!1~ City of a.tralo, and i.">(!eoo!

.mich bolo contrlbut.od eo -.u:l> to th!l ...cooea o' th• S:; ~· of latr took

ant. \o tho coua\ry •t lorif• n T •~• tho d•J• or EoeciUO>. Senator lloJ t.llotrt..k baa 1n l lbodlr otooc! for 'l.t" buat U\t t llO»Cr tic pr 1nc1plea

pro'l'ir·•· le b.oo be"" of cnc. \ aoilt.Acc• to ... II bt • """" a t. repreoent.aU"" DO~ onlf ~ f t!> e PolJ.Jih 1""00'1<' 1:1 tblo Citf, but of tbe

city • n

1\.trtl:ei"'IIre , durlog tbc ;>eJt year iG llbcl~J , t!>e

of a.r ralo h"a 'been r<>prn onted 1n the haSGhlT only bf that .,... cellent .ta•••hlfau Jntbon:y J, eem..,.. 1 t.ruaL tint tb• nazt 1 ..

...hly ..ul teve - lleJIOcrn~ic r opr•sent..tivea fr<>a Cowaty.

d oo wiob to <>l nt out to ,..,.~ grut aeTi.og !>icb

bne been brou~t a bout 1n your lo.._l ~Wlt;; £•.

,...u of tbr ?"Dirt.• of rur• l tu: r~uor >bl eb wr 1n1~ t.

!'ou vill rr.e·~l t11•t 1:oce yea• r&o I

"-;>pOinted , n t,._ri cutt<.:rd AdTicor:y Cou1s-1on consbtlng or vtr1

profe&Jore in &fl'ie'~ t.ur • l ...c!VU Of Yati :>U< rc. .... 'llC ejlriCult.aJ:al

aociotJ.••· ubllober• of r r:. 1-'Ublicr LiGna. rw-t;l tuc up.. M.a a!ld

practieel f'r. n::aora tJ.nd d£.1.rymea_. This Co::as1• ion .ot 1.t1 onde re~

sendt tl:onc t _,,. -bleb I t ranii

I go t to .Ubollf1 . 'l'he Coaio."ion I'Ointed out • t tba tbe .,.t cryb need of tbe rtll'lOl dwoll~r3 wa r l bf fro;s bio ever :oounUnc taua for l ocol rpoaea.

I •nt to p•)1nt 0 1.J.t t.o TJ'U tbP t. ..b U e tb••<" tJ&:xea heft

- ulled runtl tt>Kr c!o"" u""" d...U•r• 1~ Lhe citiu &1111 l n tbo YUl£&•• ao well, For eza;llljlt e , r1£bt ber. in>alo,

!be r ..l donta of tbia cit7 ~ 7 & gr t Cler l 1r. t.P.eo wbicb ao lato

tbe Count:r t r .. OW'J. I11 eclcllt.1on to P

• YWrJ OUt' o yotl tl oo Tl • count, t.a ).. Wberev,r, tbore"'or 1 a

• , ta tloo, V all an l n~ helpl not. ~ tho rorser, but. ....,..., ...,., _.,.o end ehUd 111 the couat7, 111clad-

1Dc Utoae u the CH7 or Speaking bere in a..ffalo, I wnt to r.oin~ out to J'Oil j u t. what tbase ....ln&a he." • AOW'lt cd to in the Count)' of tri a . the

Sut e, b7 t.altinc oftr tho t.birt,...fivo pen:.,t -.rbi cb the t.upc,.~ra of Eri e CoWlt:V uoed to have to P":V for Couaty Si.0>*7•• hc.a aaV'I!d 111 Jlrie Count,. ew,ooo .... r r ,...... ~ t.eldnc over the f.h1J"t7- f1ft pc­

c•t. 'llllJ.cb you t.axpeTcr•

coouot.ructlon of bri c!Jea 6nd h1£bw:ra, the County has been aeV'I!d

$136,000 e"ert yecr. ! our CoWit.y 1a recoirlce, for urpoae& of roul

CODibuCt.ioa., oe 1t.a mere or the It collne t.Dx, eftry f&r r~

aad 1a recohinn .,. i&cnSltad at•. t.e •1d for rur1.l o....U ocbools OYer

$56,000 .,ro tbts yor r tbr.n the ~r before. or particul"-1' llorortl>nco to tho C<>unty or ~Tie , boccmoo of

the grsc!e cr<>uins :>roble:o• in tbe City of a.tfalo, 1o t~ P lew ,..,.

ducln& tbe lll:~£re Wllicb tb" Cow>ty of Er.lo ~._. to pay for the cost of

elillinllt.1"i crossin4ls troa ten perct'nt t.o on• -4rcent.. '!hU

uoiiDt.a to oYer $344,000 flffrt ,...:r. I n a&11t.1o~ to t.heae ttrioWt

IIndo;:&, tnd of pu-uount t.port...~ce to ,our count)', ia tbo f ..ct. t&z that OD !.hO reco_,.jrt.lon or t.hiS Coaal.llal.On thO • it•ect Sf.tte on ree.l .,t.c t o na r-'j>tl4led so t.hc t not one pcny ol tAX on Nfll .._ tate 1a collect.ed b7 U.• st.: te of In tort. 'lbe oo.Yill& on this Glone,

lor the County or trle, ... tns,ooo l ...t. 1-=• •Dd Will OCC>lr u cb ,...... !1\e t.otr l or •ll or t.h oe ..rl nca tor u . Cour1t1 .., !rie

a1oM • •t• to o~•r t1,400,000 ....r;r 7en. -u-

I Deocl aot point ~ut to 70u 'l!lo 1n.1 tiatod ud aurted theoe retorao. It 1a t.-..e, o! cour... , t.bct tot.b Republlugll tu

F..-pubUUA Part7 haa beo11 in eont:'Ol of' the Lettialature obaolutrilf St.: to tor 20 ~r•, notblrl.£ we e don" to r ..ll eY .. t.!:l,. Countl e.a or the tra thla ste&~.erlni; buror, and untU I ~<>tntod out the •7•

'lhi.a ple>D of "'UZ"cl. t.£x Mll"!" l':c.e :.e.Yec.! Cotmt!t~l of

•ll the St..:Lo OT~r ~24 , 000,000 ., cb y.,.r. Here in trh Count;, the

•aount 10!11c!- bu bo"" Gtl'Oed $1.,400, 000 llho.lld coa~ of! you local

tax bUlo. If it h., oot , I b..Uevo you ohould suke 1n~uiry to ascert&ln wbor~ thi:-. t.a), a!>:l•·y 1 olea.

RoturniroiJ oneo a:>r e tn tho suoj ect of le~r lOJ­ soot.. I • a co!11'1dtmt th .., :-klna srn. rM wo-2~ o !' tb1• aU.te baYe e full ro<.llkti?n of the f eet tb"t Lh• Doaoontle Pr.rty haa

boon oponooc o• 99 ~ereent of ll t.b ~ rro;ru.Un l obor legia­

l atlon which i o no .. on our aU.tute books . !.• tor hu eo"e co depond

on Daloocrocy f:>r 1b ;>rop-coa.

It """ in tllia ~~•· 1 clt7 t I r eeoi 'Oed fr-o:o U.a l'resi.­ c'"'t ot th AllcrlC! a Fcd•,..,tinn of L< bor tu t h<" rt1 eoa >ennaUoa

for •1 et!orta in boh•lf of t.b • <>lidl>g cluaea of t.he St.t t•.

It 1a •1 t.b c~no!C:tt hl· r i do th• t I r... ~·· oa thH lat­

t • r , eot. •.in fort.b tl• • I t.Llt\ldo Of tbo Aa t lCISD Jl'odor• tlon of Lobor

to•" rrl• _.,, t "'1 a.tlalnl ntt I l oa hu (~ ··• o. labor t. ~lb- n7. Pr• U..

dea~ Gto~n• "''it•• 1.t1 au -~

"!our l....Svlblp u Go""rnor of t.bc St.>ote or 1 .. Iorlr.


to do 1111At be cl•asUi ed eo • 110ot nre • cc:o~l.11!hllel1t. rou c!.,.....,.. tbf :rupport or lobor, ond or t ll cl.La:sea or

people """ •e··~ t..> P"rJ'f' o•r t-ree 1naUt.ut.1ooa And 1lho are cf1&1!11ed ln prellt'rvinc ou pr1ne1p1 ol fro~ co• erna

t.bro\lib the ad-..:ncouent of th b1;;)le't :;a Lest tntr.••t•

of the '-"'"seo '>f th•• F*QJ,ole. I OJ:!>"'"" th~ ~- "t.<'»t hope that. 1 thP 10 ki'll pt!Opl• a."l. thai ~1...-,CR in the att te

of u ... York 11.•y g1vo to yo~ t.holr o>:.•clvil!ed ou>;ort 1n :1"02"

p;>Ut1cal o.nd ooe1r.l ' !o•-. olic1ea ao tt.> t 7'>"~ "'·'1 be pe.-.

W.t.t "l t.h IXln.,fJ.t of you.r • • • " • e

Hrvl.ce. • ( t i&Jli!d), aUU .a Creon, P-r ale <"lit, J.,..ri.Oiill

leden.tlon or Lf_ bor••

I co.. si~r th· t n>t "" lalOh a tr1'Wt• <;;o wild I b£"' beo'tl able to t:>l fo• l•bo , tu ... nth~·r to th"' ;.ollci N ~f eoc11 1 proareaa b~d.O le~ioloti '*'ic!l bu ch• rr.ct ·<1 .... T>U1" r.o.rt:r Clld rt::: P'rtJ, - the Ce'->Oc- tlc Port;r of t.!l& wt.: ~" of llew Yor k , 1n t.halr oontl.nUed &.nd Wl~r l.:>g efrorto to help th ;>b:rslcal, '''"'tl>l IIlii!

.orttl. co:X: 1t1orJ ?f t.."J r:Y "' " ;w n, .._,, n t.m! C"b1ld 111 our St.cte.

I~ Un ~t •1.t.b tbt .. , 1 r,., r•t 'IWT"'f 3UCh Ult.:L!' .,..,~Ch , trl.tb tb belp of •~hUe OJ>1!1i01l, 1 a• &ble to 1> •· the vaiobtllre to tdopt. ft z-reac!Ung rHo » fo~ l• bor, 1 Wt f WL bl• to "'t t.h• to p •1oft& rltb a 1n •:r r..caa>e:ldttio:la tor l urt.~•• avt.ot let:illlat.ioo -1.5-

too ott.e::~ ba..,. th~ leborin& clucoo of tho otate 'baell de­ ce:l.nd and de!'rew!ed by pr1n~ WJllo1MOt -.enc1eo. Tho of an fork, u well oa '""117 cUba 1n thA Stet.a 1 a c>oinc obet. it coa

1.0 holp labor thi' .,ubllc ~layoonnt. '-i•ocha. 1 belie.e t.bat. the prot.action of the stro»g ana or the at.< t.a ohovl.d 'be e.f orded to tho l1Lbor1:>1J clea ..• "" t.h6\ fr•uaulen~ or diolloneot oaployaent aaenc161 will no longer 'be ~bl e ~ C? tbal.r unliowt'Ul prcct.icoa on tho boaDa1. ..,runa peo7le of the stat.a.

I hne a:1 nn 1011 L s1.oplo oncitr l ot tho rccGrd. t baY· opot:en of what be.s occurred: in t.hft rttat. I tun·: tt iVftn J'G'.I a

' by llhlcb you 10:-1 Judr;• t.h• fllture.

JloW, bOft"f'"'Tt lt 1a t illP 01 US to t;Ut O:l.T Ebot.tlde:rB to

\l>o wheel au4 worlr for t,.,. t :l'.>t.ln •

.la I }an xit! bator", • co c.ll c!.o ~::Jr ~!a•r •

I bc'IO batZ! 'P.>rklni! all ,._, ~ad a.>tu:m witb 11&117 I.D­

dwttrhl orpniza tuns """ a. ny aoelel &&e:~ci .. witb now 1.0 h• cp­

ina wberenr can, ~ the St.L ~ gov~rr:~:~·ont em. I han OOD­

Unuocl to ur~e •nry ur.>L>yer of l<.bor in tbio lltr. ta to try to f1Dd

evt%7 posoibl• extra Job for "'"'' tn

Ncponou fro• tho Cowat;r, ~'" city rod t.b• vilbae! town gov,..,._

.....ta t.bru~I)><>Ut tho ot.<>te. I hno roc•ived t.hla ooopeNUon· ! roa

f 'V• and ollka. It 1a not·, .. tt•r of Pertr. 1\ ia • •tt r or pod

otUa.....,lll and cood .laorieard•. twtltot tor ll."l"'"!>lQ1'1""t, rol!t I for our rl ill tnd pri.--

u..,. connot 'be t:>n>• .1 LLo t bJ publl N too rl.oae. !<;ull:r, certain 1~ 1t thrt i t CGftDat bcratic rael:r llllitocl ...... U.u .

'lhio 1• n<>t. U>e t.1:oe t, inJect FArt.Y a-.d poUUca <>r - pdf;n proPf'pMa 111to the dt.uatl.oz> 11:1 tllJ lhl-l'f', ....,Der or f ono. th1D 1a DOt tbe t.1Joe for CW"t.a.u .... t, for reduction tn ege5, or tor

CNIIIltlOD or W&i t!aeo Retld ty. OS tbe Co

!or cou~ and action. Let uo bat-. ....C aow, r•gt.rdletss of Pl'rt:r. ploclae 012rael..,..

1Gdio1dually aDd c.>llecthrl:r to carry on, to tee& u.~ 1\lt.w-e nth tbat bl.cb c~r=-ge eocl clo~J..r • fo,- <»nc•rt.ed r ctlon IOblch hno •lftya c:lleraotcrtaed the i:aeriCQl J>eQ;l e in rrry

'lho !'l'tb of our cut.y 1e cloar. IO\i o.."ld I '

Aacrl.cana, ,. rlll ...n1\111 :r tteath.

lliD. Jtl' !Ol'l: II 20 Oot

!li)IIJO. •BLr FP.•Nr7.!Y D fOOt.l\'11.!

'!.!7AI!'.'l"l'!' rJT"l. I!DT!'fL') !It

TO .. U~t -IGH~ U!.tBY.P.. -, f !11 JO.'i f !Lv ~ ..!. .-!·I l\0.·• CV'ai441'!'£: IJT

Tli~ u~ P . .I .~T . nt~f.J.T IJ:• :.t L, l3U llo UU.....,. J'-~:-1i ·.; Jl&S ...m.J'D 1J nJI~ r.;r•ttlt4H l:. r 0 0\."t.,Sr.! !~Tt~ .... 1!!6., &'Y F t"':.wu r:t.•.U~TI• .-

C. .u.; L 'l'llf.llFM:CI.l. :.·;;r .;,;r~Vf. /Nf. tJ:CUt.;?UTm nl"CO!.t•. Of

COV-.rUO• 1'f !t...l.lli: V u.J;J,;V'':.l n .!, :,1 V't--..!~t ~·~~ _;.jz f.F_. :I li r..ut.u'.i Ji''~!.. !H· ro J."Gi. ::u 1..-u "J l.l t l. .&. .. i:..-41 ... : iJ:iJ r,...: ! !>J'

i.) !~ !Kt U:~ .U'L.)n,: ·ur l'd: J.C.tll!~I'~..,I i!J.. 1': .F. 1.wJi.1 .. !..• t C 1'hi kC

ST r ?:..:Tl J :r: l.t.Onr.: 't :e 0 . .-~.;-.,. .:IC =r ~ OJ.,; r.:u Jtt nlilat

G')f... ~JJ:)r hOO~ZV~: :H~ Llt:U.l' ~• .f.': GJV .. ?i-Jf ~niJ.:.H &;.W Ct:f':f F.!:-

c.:l?FV?: :Jr.' • ~?L en •• c;. v .K:J r~ :.£9 D x. !:V :.r ~·.r. r.rro- TJ.'Tl, ::-r cvv 10. ,r __ ..m 11 t..:J:lJ lll !~ r •..-:-; :;.. n ;m.:. !l LliG

O!' - •tu t; .:I!r. LI"il£ ·•- ... I n YJ. ;. .. r - ' :.0. ·: V! ::.:. rut:. tr~ !•: T\11 r -rn; '· c:I.J. •r l!u !

• Dff~;Ji?l~~nl ~"' 'r., I:!~'!'.J .. y 1 ... iJ ..."Ttl'T. IE E~ :'.GI r.i:.:.ct T!-tt~ :'ri,.$!'

t T~!2 ll!;t~ JJit ~) :.CL!J .. l: .. i Tfirb..tll~-z BI 'riin p,.:.:r:r-! .•..

:n:cr. ;; 1 or 1!~ Ull ro; x ~: r fil· , .;'I'I!)II o:- LLB:J., ~ 1:.:. wMa o.UJ~­ runJ'i3 IN till" U.l

Jill!. I>.:WVI J)~H l ' f,:. VIC! •

J Ofll 'll •. "'' T r II YO .I , Tr P r Tt? :F L iJ · Economic Condition1- Local Tax Burdena-Labot Lepalatioa CA JIPAIGN ADDRBB8 P· ??"J Burr.u.o, Oclober 20, 1830. I am glad t o come back to the City of Buffalo where· I b&n ber:a 110 ofte• during my administ rat ion of tv•o ~·~'lira u Go,·ernor of the State. Ia fact. I ha,·e been to this ~rent indu~trial cent er 1t0 often that one of tnJ' part1 to me u v.·e W('rl" comi n~ into Ute city, "\Ve entered Bufra)o frot~~ all directions. We ba,·e come in from the South, East and North; It Ia about time to come in by boat or in an 11iq)lane." 1 reeall wit h pleuure and u tisfaction my ,·isit here tlur:in.f,! J uly when the Democratic Party or Erie County held Its unoffidal eonn·ntion. The enthusiasm of that med.ift,f. the lar.f,!e attendance anrl the unanimous tndor&ement of ou.r pre.ent. De.~ cratic St..te administration led me to predict then what I uow redirm, tbai 780· P UBLIC PAPERS OF GoVERNOR. 1toosEVZllr in thia cou nty the De.moc.ratlc candidate. will re«h·e tbl• year the largest ''Ote In recent bi• Wry. lly laat. \'isit. to Buffalo in the month of Auguat .,.... to attend a conve.n· t.ion of the State Federation of Labor. Tbia city provldtt a large percen\age of the memberthip of that Federation. Tbe. teCOnd indUAtrlal center of the State, It has furniahed through ita rreat body of worker• a large part of t hat reputation for aound indu1try which maket u• &O proud of our State. Buffalo and its citi:teDI mull of utetMity be dttply intertate.d in the ~nomi c 11.nd industrial questions which face not only our State bnt the entire Nation. I ha,·e I!Jff:lll. many weeks durin;! the last two yean t ra,•eling around the State and b«d ~·lth them t beir del'ires and u pimtiona. I ha,·e done this u an integra.l put of what t con· 11ider the duty of the. Go,·crnor to learn not merely h~· r<:J)Ort, r umor and }u~:usay . but by actua l obser\·ation and artual conlfl.eU what the problema of t he Stnte are. DurinJ!' this time, nnd 1\uring theM l'illiU. it Is ne<>dleu to t)()int out that 1 carefully refraiued from tlitll'ussing J}()liticA; I ha ve die· cuned go,·ernmcnt nnd I know thai common een!IC(I J.OOple undentand the difference. In di&cusllinJ! p:o,·ernmental pruhlem11. if the~· a re of current int.ereet. it is Nl&ent.ial ami it is ri}!ht to p:i,·e the hi 11t.or~· of lhOfle Jlroblemll; \.lccause the r('(:ord j:!Oinp: back Q\'t•r the past two yrnr11 hllll a \'ery tlirect h('n rinp: on the way in wl1id1 we must approach and &t'('k lo 11oh'e U1c probleml of the Thai is why I han~ been J!lnncin::- 0 \'er the filea whicl1 1 I1Dd collected dur· ing the 11128 c.lllllpnign. I find in tl1em 11. 11\1111\.ler of quotation• mode durin,(!" that t'ampai;!n wbkl1 I want ttl. this time to eeL forth merely for the puqiOM' of the record, and for no other na!U'In. You will rl'i'all that 1 was runnin,l! for eledion a11 Go,·ernor of the SL'ltf' of a )1r. Alhert. OttinJlt'r. Yon will ai~ r('(':l.ll tlm.t at that time ) lr. Herbert Hoo,·er wae runninJ: for cl..oct.iou as President of t11e Unit.W St•tea. I w11.nt. to read to ~·ou 110n1" extracVo from l!f)('('('lln tlurin:: U1c eamtmigu and (rom the Repub­ Ji(':l.ll platform of that ye.:~ r : "The hil'tor~· of o ur part~· de.monstratl'A that • • • U•ronJ.!h the ~·i&dom of Re.publiean policies, and the eapacit~· of the nepubliean Administration, the foundation1 of the hip:h Amerkan 1tA111111.rd of wap:e and til·in;: l•a,·e be-Pn laid, and the gr~t.neu and pro11perit.y of tl1e country firm!~· etabli!!ihcd. No better ~ua rantee of prosperity aml contcntnltnt. amonp: our people at home. • • • can be p:h·en than the ple•l;:e to mAiutnin anti continue the Coolidge policies • • • ." T11at. ia tu!.:en from the ReJlllhlit'llll Jlhltforn• of 1928. "The JK'Orle • • • know lbst tl1f' ver~· hnppinr1111 of lhf'ir home11. antl the comfort of t hf' a\·ern)!t m:u1 nntl wnt:ll\11 ia IMllll\11 up in the outrome of e,·er~· 1 1 ~~';~;~ire~: I ;.~~~·io~~d~~:~~e ~ ~~~7i';.~~!t~:r~:('('~ ;~e ~;;';n!frl~:~~~~:.'~~~:r~d t:~~ Any othPr element, rrl'll.t('li our1 prt•f'r nt ~In~· prO'\Jll'rit~·· nnd t11e~· will in1ure th~tl prM J*rity fflr the future. • • •:· Tl.:\t i:' nn ~'l:tnrt from 11. Apeet"h of Albert Ottinger, r unning for Go'"rrnor of the Rt :1te. of ~ew York on Octo· her 0, 1928. "\\'c in Amrrit'a totla~· nre nt'nrrr to the finnndal triumtlh 0\'er po\·rrty, than e,·er before in the hi 11tor~· of nny 1:-tntl. 'QIC' ponr mAn is \'llni8hin:: from 11mOIIJ! u11. l,;mler thHe impulll('&, n111l the :Republ icA n proteeth·e 1ntcm, our indul'lrial output has inrrcnl«'fl 1111 tlt'\'er l1t'fore. nwl our wa,:cA lill\"f' ~rown 1Leadil,• in lm~·i n;:! power . Our workt'rll. with thrir 1'1\'l'rn):!:e weeki~· "'".t:~'~• t'an totl:ty Inn' two nntl 1'\"('ll tl1rt'(' tinn'f' Dltlr(' hrr:HI nwl huller th11. n nnl' wa:;rr en rncr in F.nro t >~'· At tlllt' timt' wl' !lflmttml('ll fm• our wnr\.:Nill n full clinnf'r pail. Wt' h:wt> nnw pnH(' f:lr 11('-~'ontl th:'l t ronc1•ption. T01ln~· we df'mll.llfl a l:'lr~t'r t>omfnrt n111l c-rt'r>trr p:'lrPt•ipntlon In \Iff' anrl lri•url':. • • •." 'Th<'!'t nre rxtrnrb from c·n mpni•!ll IIJI('('('liCII mrul• h,· flrrhert HoO\·er in the fall of 1028. "The wily to butlrtM our Jll"OIIpc'rlty, t.o Jth"f' l''·rry employer and ('mplone. J•rodueer and ronsnme.r a feeling of grl'ater &eeurlly at he 1ook• for~·ard to ADDRESBE8 181

the nut four yean with all their uncertaln ti~. to the mo.t. earnest effort. under competent ll!:adenh·ip to deal w!t.b all the economic dilliculties that confront ut, Ia to continue the pollelea of the RepubliCAn admlnietra· t ion under the prtt"ldeney of Herbert Hoo,·er. • • • ." That le an extract from a epceeb by Mr. Charltt E. Bugbee deth·ered at St.. J otepb, Mo., Oct.o­ ~r 23, 1028, In bdlalf of the eltction of . Tho.e utraett read atrangely tonight. Then came October, 1929. Again for the record t want to elate what I belie,·e to be the Blmple faet11. It hat been -A'tll 11aid by many national ludert In both par ti e~~ that during the final period of inflation and 1Ulek market plunging not. one tingle filet• "''U taken by the rft!JIOilflible oftieia lt of ~~= :~~~~:~:~ ~~.~~~~:!!~':~~~~~!u~ f..~~ 0a"rw~h:n!,r:~~· ~~o~,.::d":~ft ~~~:~~~~! t \'UY pKrt of the United StaW. gainMI the feelin{ lhl'lt th~ lllltictmll ~ern· :~~ttr;.u ;c!:;:~~ ':~fi~n~p~~:~r:~~~~·~!y~tt ·~~ ~~~~yw:!~;~~ ~:~ if Waehlngton had ~ad the rourage t o apply the brake8 the llelght.e to -.•h i'"-~ the orszy r Ofloe would not have het>n l'n h1~h. a nd a1 a re8ult, e,·en if a •low• ing Uf\ of imlu11try had rome. the fall frmn the l1eighb \n>uhl not ba,·e IM!<'.n so A)lplllingly gre.L · The other mntter of ret"Ord which today rpepi\·H reni\UTC from many o f the mOflt t."'III't'n·ath·e ami tr.Ound fin11.ndal and indul!lrial leacl~r~ i1 the fad. that after t he e.ruh of lth1t 1ntumn tlte Repuhlit!&n adminiet ration ~D .a nd continued to hand out from \Va!rioueneaa of the situation. The Pre8ident bim~lf wry properly Nlled eonferenc.tfl of the le11clerl' of imlu11try from ,·arinnll part1 .of the ffinntry 11 1 ~~~ !-~~~: ~~~:~.f~:: ;~ ~~!':::~: ..r :~~"!!n ,~in~it~~~: tC:!=~to~b~~: urc-A we ha,·e ret't1tahli11hed ronfide~. indullitrial unemploymt'nt and •uf­ fe rin~t "•hieh woulcl utherwii'.C h1n-e O«Urred hal l ~etn J•rennted." . The t'Xtent of the ralticll.'' ~ row in ;: romlition of unf'mplo~· meut -.·a• con· c:ealerl. One O)ltimiltiC' bulletin after anot.hf'r appM red. 1t -.·a• a de!!perate llnd futile attempt to retOlore )Jrnl'~rity by mC'&nll of proc:h&nultiona from Wubin$rt,On. )Jonth after month u eonditionA heean~ wor~, the mellflu~es of good c:heer became more amt more optimillti<'. A!l "'nrkinsr men 'ft't:re dill<'har,e:ed in thouundl!, th e~· r~A.d lllal4'mf' nU mntle hy tbt> F~lr r nl atlmittilltration, that ­ "Thitt,t:ll ""f'rf' ~ettinJ! llf'llf'r." AlthnuJ!h thf' timl"tt <'ll llt'd fnr quif'k a nd d~i llin action by llte F~eul Gcn-ernment. nnthin~ haflflt'rted lmt wordr.. That 11·u t he time. if f'\·••r, whf'n .(!:0\'f'rllftlf'nt projec-t• 11honld ha,·e hf'f.n ll~lf'r&ted. That wall the l ime. if .., ·er. " 'hen pnhlif' worb 11hou11l h8\"e ht't-n pu11hl'd 110 u t o prO\·Ide empl n~· rn ent. Tha t wa!l thf' t irnf', if ('\'er. 1.hat inf' n•Ju•ed appro­ priRtionll for F~len l aid, roatlll, rll·n R1ul lu• rhor impron•menl!;, Veterane' h011pit.al11. military )W"Iflt ffiRI'truction, a nd puhli<' huiMin;!ll 11hnnld llan been apeedtd up. I n11tead of thnt, a11 1fi'U pointed out by the ~nator from thill Rtate, Robert F. WAfZner. on ReptemiK'r 29, 1930, the total &IIJirfl)lrintiontl for the current fi11c:a l rur for thMe JlUrpo~~~ wa11 ~~~~ thnn tltf' amount of aim­ il•r • JIJirOpriatiOnll for the lut fiSH) year. Tbia Nme Rc:)mbliran adminil· tration in •\Yashinbton refui"Nl t o pnmit t he B ou8e of Repr~ntatinfl to enarl. into law the bills lntrodut"f'd by the lHmon-atie Sf.nal

!~;t~~ ~·,z:~~~;Y~Iw::;.~~~~~~~~-;:~·~:uffl~!~eal~!~::! ~~·~:a"l h~:=o~ last eome to realize it. How well do l recall the n.mpaign apeec:ht l of two yean ago. How well do I recatt tbe repeated appeala for '"otea on the atr r-ngtb of proeperity at \Vubin~t.on . Spe«ll dter 1pt'«h wu de,·ot.ed to the aubject of Republican prosperity a nd to the n~ity of \'Oling 1mder the ea;::le in order to con· tinue that ptOI)H!Tity. State eaml*igttll hne bee.n!d for the last. aix ycara by the Republican Party almost excl u t~h·ely on the IJUMtion of nation~~. ! JlTOAperity. Thia year there IICC'.nll to be a dead ailenee 10 far u the Repub· lic-an Fcdrral adminirttn.tion Ia concerned. Wlwrt>Ail formerly the of Berlwrt lloo\'tr or CMI\'ill Coollil,l!:e llJtpeared •t least th·e timl-& in the ~JJt«h of c,·cry Republil'An t'a ndidatf' for office. t orl~ty we look in min for mention nf the numcr.. JrJt)(!('(), thi,. attitude of ~ ilcuc·e 110 far 1111 Feclernl IJUrstionJ!. of pr08Jterlty i& conrcrncd. hu led AOme of tlrr ReJmblieRn eanditlate~ en•n to eritic·itA" my (IIHt,v Knd me for c•nllirr~ it to the publiC' Kttl'ntion. ThiA mu11t JIL'i'm lllranf;e m1lecd to tho10e of 113 wh., rt·mcmll('r thE" campaign "))('t.'1.'h e~ of r l'fi.'nt ,\'CKra. ,_;,. ....,,. I"" 'Y know~<."" o mnttn of filet thnt tlrr Rct'ublic·nn pnrt~· ha8 rcfu ~~t.>d :~ ~~~~~~~:~,r~~~~e::~~~~~a /:~~::"~~~.,.tc~~~~~~~~ ~:~:,~ r,·,~~~;·;~ /:o;·,~~!o ~~ (!(~'cg~~~~ iJ!.fiiH'B by talkinJ: Federal Jrrosperil.''· A11d C\'Cn t.hl• year thC,\' rould not help hut make national qne11tions th(' dorniruurt note in their :)tate ron\·ention. Tlwir kl'vnotc orator wns ralletl from the uffid a l eal1inet of tl•e President a t Wnshiniton. lie made a J on~:' "IK!C('h, J hn,·e reHd it from beginning to end. I hHe faile t'Ampai(:n, let me lt'll ~·ou a little M't' r~t whit'h will Jrrnb.'\bl,\· .oon be puhlit'. The RepublicAn National Committee IM'nt an :uh·ertiRmNrt to the Iknnins:ton E,·eninJr Ban· nrr, • n<'l'"II PIIIJ~er publishffi in thr S ta te of \ 'crmont, lrut J.a,·ing a dl'<'ulation o f f:airl,\' l 11. rge size on the Xcw York 1ide of the lint. Tbh ad,·ertisement apJII.•arrcl on Ur St•te in tlc t> new8pa))tfil. There is nothing in tht> ach'c>rti,..•mt•nt which will ci("('ti\'f' the \"Oler 11 and it rtquirH- no a n ~ ....· f"r from tnf". I mf'ntion it merPly to point o ut tn ~·ou tha t f'\'('n JIO\!o' thf: ReJmblit'•n na tional prop:a~:"a ndH i1 ftlltlill~t ill wa.v into thi11 ~tllte ~a mpRi,e:n a t the fl'fJIIt'llt of the Rf'JJUIJli('A n Xational Committ« itself. 1 1 ' ":,rdro"::t i~,!~~\~ @J:k:;, ~fotm;:~'~\~t;~~~.:~d o1('\~!:~!:r~ n~" t\~ei R~~~u bli~~~ !\';~tionnl ndn1inistrntion. but for the puq111llt of Jlro \'in~ for 11.!1 time, that tlrt' Oc>'llf>t'rutic rmrl,\' was right in its d11i111 tha t n o political pArt,\' hA l< exdu. • h·e Jllltt'nt rights on proeperity. It is m,· tlrOtl,t:ht. of rourse. and in this T am perh11p11 partisan, th11t the elel·tion or · Dc>l!wcratir COnJtfCIHIIIlen from tid~ S tAt(' thill Autumn will do mut'lr t ow~rd hciJlinlf' tlr(' fOIIJlrl'~l of the l 'nitt'tl Stntc11 to build A ml'lrc une, a more Mrmd, aod erouomie l'tru<'lure for the :'\at ion thr.n hAll })('I'll done in thf" put. A• to the ui11tinS! aituation in our own State-, u BllfTAio"l' grPnt e~ t f'itiun, Gni\'er l 'lc•\'t'laml, would lun ·r AAid, "thnt ill a f"O nclltiuu nnd not. a tlteon ,'' \\'p 1-lrfoulcl fa('(' thi1 lit nation hnn('lltl,\' nml hra \'P I ~·. Thr rf! i ~ no ntf';l for 11.hjP<'l ()("llimil rn. Tht' l trt'nJ..mO<'rlltit• Aatl'mhlymcu tt.nd Senlll!>fll to Albany. And esre<:iall~· do I urge tl1at you return to the Seuate the Democra tic Sen· ator from thi1 dittrit·l, l')k•plu.>n J, \\'ojtkowiak, coming from t hat hard· wurkiug nml industriuus race which h ~11 cunt r tbut....l 110 much .to t he indu1lrial ~u('n'U of tlu~ City of iluffalo, 1111t.l i11t.leed which haa tontrlhuted 10 much to tht' surt"rH of the State of !'\cw \'ork 11nd to the country at large e,·er since the day~ of 1-:ust'iu,.ko. Renator \\'ojtkowink ha& in AILMny 1tood for the beat th3t UemO<'ratic prin('iplcs Jlro,·ide. He h:as IJetn of great UlliAta.nce to me. He hu IJet"n 11 &,:r~at repre8t'ntathe not onl,,· of the Poli&h peoJtle in this city, lmt of t lu~ cit~· utltl ~tate itielf, and I hope you will return him to oftiee. Furthermore. during tl1e ptt ilt .'·ear in Alban~·. tl1e Democr11.ry o f Buffalo has l~'f'n repreilenteJ in tile A s~mbly only b~· that ext'ellent. AAAtmblyman AntiHm,\' .1. C'nnney. 1 t ru11t thnt the next Al&emiJI~· wit! hll\'e many Oemo­ rrnt i(' rl'prc~~entath·el! from Erie County. I ali!U wi"h tn point ont to ~·ou t he J!:fl'tlt U\'ing& whit'h ha,·e been brough t ahout in your hX'nl ronnt~· 1111d town taxer; u a rt'~nlt of the Jlrogram of rural tu relief whkh wat initiated b~· ntt'. You will rt>call thai immediately after m~· rl('('tion two ~·Nul ugo J nJ•pointed an .-\griC'ItlturAI Ad,·i80ry Commission row:i,;r;t in~ of ,·nri~l\1!1. prof('ii!'Or!l in n~rif'uhure, lt•tulerA of \'arioua farm and A;:-rif'nltnral Aflf'irtit'll, Jmhlildterll nf farm JIUhli(·Rt.imlll, rura l tal' f'XJK'r\.8 :111d JtraC'tit'al farml'f" nnd 1lnir~· men. Thill t'flmmi~<.... ion mt'l nntl marle r('('()mmeft· d:ltion~ tu me whirh I tnm11mittt'd to the IA'$!'illlature as 110011 n 1 got to All~an~·. Th• C'OmmiJtllion JKtinted out at thl" OU\I'i{'t tha t the moti erying need of the rura l dwt'llt-u wn ... rl'lit•f from their e,·er mounting taX<'tl for loeal pur~ I w3nt to JKlint out tn ~·on tlmt while thue taxes ha,·e been ealled rural ta:ry one of you a l!lO pay" 11 t'O\nlt~· ta:<. \Vht>rl'''er, thf'refore, a ('ounty it san•d l'Xpl' tuliture~ 11111! taxation, tl1at Aa\·Jng ltelps not only the farmn, but f'\'ery ma n, wom11n and dlilcl in the ('()Unty, 1ncludmg thoae in t he City of Buffalo. Spt>nldn:z llt're in llufhlo, J w1wt to JKtint out to vou ju1t what these aav· ings ba,·e amounted to in the Count~· (If Erie. The l;tate, bv taking over the ~~~~\~;. ~~~\~w:·;~\ ~~l~f'u~,~~~;«'F.ri~r l~~~~~t~~~~~bo{,1~er~? ~~:.~~ ~y1~kt:; over lh• 35 per tent. whit-h ~·ou taxp:a~·ers of Erie County ullrd Lo ha,·e Lo pay for 01e Mnlltructlon (lf bridJrPt ami hi$!bwayt. tbtt ('(lunty bu been uved 1138. 000 4'\'ery ~·ear. Your rouuty iA reN'h·in~. for puqMM~H of r011.rl C'Onlttructlo~. u Ita 1ban of the gato1im!: tax, 1142.000 every, 1nd 11 reeelvlng aa · 784 PuoLrc P APF.RS ov GovERNOR. RoosEVE!lf'

inrreawd State aid for rural •mall sr.bool• O\'t:r $58,000 more tllla yur tbaa tl•~r;;rt~::r:;. importance to the County of Erie, becau.. of the pade rrouing problema h1 the City of Butralo, Ia the law reducing the ahare wblcla the County of Erie hu to pay for the ~t of eliminating grade uoulnga from 10 per rent. to I per H nl. Thia amounh to over $344,000 every year. 1a addition to these nrioua uvlng•, and of paramount l.mportanee to rour t'Ounly, ia the fad that on the recommendation of tbla rommlaaion the d~teet Sut e tax on real eatate wu repealed 10 that not one penny of on real Pltate 11 roll~ by the State of !iew York. The aavlng on tbta alone, for t he C'ou nt~· of Erie, waa $715,000 laat year, and will orc:ur eacb year. T he tnt&l of all of the~~e u,,•inga for the County of Erie alone aruount.l t.o O\'t:r $ 1.400,000 enry year. I nt't'd not poi nt out to you who initiated and atarled tbeae reforma. It ia true, of course, that both lkpublicana and Democrata in the IAgiala.ture ,·oted for tlu~m . But 11.l thou::h the Republican Pllfly h 1.1 been In control of ti1P l.t'g i ~ l "tu re abMOiutely for 20 yeara, nothing waa done to relle,·e the l'mmtieM of the State front t hi11 atajl'geriug burden of t axation until I became Gtl\·~·rnor, 11 11d until I pointed out tlte way. Tld 11 pla11 of rural tax relief hu sa,·ed the OOuntie1 of all U1e State O\'er $!H.OOO.OOO e11rh yeu r. ttere iu J.;rie County, the Rmount whie!J hu been 1!1\ \'t'!.l. $1.400.000. atwuld rome otf your lOt:Al tax billt. If It hu not, 1 believe ynu P.hould make inquiry to aseertain where thlt tax money i1 going. Heturnin~ om-4! more tn tl1e aubjeet of l abor and employment, 1 am con· fldl'nt tlmt the workin;t n1en a nd women of thi11 Sta~ han! a full realization of till' fnel that the DE'mocra tie Party baa been the apon10r of 99 per cent of all the JITO,eT~i,·e labor le<,!:i&lation which ill now on our atatute booka. u.:~~·~= sh~~~. t~e~~~;~~ ~~a~b~ ~~~~~ac-i~o!:rt ~": p;~e:~~t of the Amer- irAn Fcdtoration or Labor tl1a1 hearty ('(lmn~ndatlon for my eJforta in behalf of tl1f' wnrkin~ du.AH of the State. It i11 witl1 m ntliiderable pridf' that 1 rHd from that letter. letting forth thf' nttitude of thf' Amf'r ican Ff'dera tion of Labor towards ••hat my admin· h-tr:at irm hu done for l abor at Albany. Pre.~ident Gfftll write. to me:

"Your lnd~rllh iJ• u Gm·f'rnor of the State of New York atanda out in o mOflt &t rikiiiJ!' w11~· a nd t11e ,,,,.ork \'On are ablf' to do muat be C'laui­ fitod a;o 1. moet rare A('('Otnplidnnl'nt. VtiU dewn ·e t he l tiJI)lOrt of labor, anti of all ela..lllf!l• the a•h·anet"ment uf lhf. highest and bHl inU:rn ta of the maaRI of' IJCOI•Ie. I UJift'&l t11e earnl!8t h O))f: that all the workh•g people and their frieuda in the Statt' of New York may gi,·e t.o you their undi· ~!~~od ~"';~~~it~:l~~r f!h!it!: 1tha:•~'7t~ 1 u~! f~~~etk'~r;.o~r t!e~~·i~~ l~i;:ml'd) William Grten, Pre~~id ent Amerlt11n Federation of Labor."

I l'OIItihler that not &O muc-h a tribute to what 1 hue ~n able t o do for Jahnr, lmt rather to the polit'ie1 of 1100ial JlrOf!rf'U and hlt:ll·lll inded leJil la· tion whi•·l1 haa t'haracterized your JlUty and my r•arty.-the UemOC'ratic Pnrty of thP St ate or New Ynd.:, in their eontiuued and untir ing efforll t.o JJel t• t)l(' phpiC'al. mental a nd moral c:oudltion of t11e a,·enge man, woman a ud child in our Statt-. In line with thia, I re{!ret n ry muda tlult altliOUJth. with tl1e help of )'nhliC' opinion. I was ahle to Jofoflluade the l.esr i"lature to adopt far-rearhing n•forllll' for l11.hor, I Wl.l unahle to J.!f't tl1f'JR tn f{O along with me in n1y rM•ommt•wlatiouJj; for further State lt"_::illllltion t.o re,:t:ulate prlva~ l':mploy· m ~ ut agf:neiea. . Too often hne the l aborinJI' elai'IH"I of tilt' Sta~ lx!en df'Ce h·t'd and drfrauded hy prh·ate emtJioymenl aJ!'t'neif'a. The Stat. of Nf'w York, aa Wf'll u many t'ities in tht State, Ia doing wl1at It can t.o l1elp labor through publie employml'nt agent'ies. 1 believe f11at ll1e prolHtlon of tlle strong ar m of tbe ADDRP>ISES 785

State ebould be alfordtd to the laboring eluaee 10 fraudulent ..or dl• honest employment ageneiee will no longer be abll! to continue t..belr unlawful praeti~ ori the boneet working people of the ~tate. I han ginn you a aimple and a true reeital of the record... l have apokea of what hu O«urred io the p.. t. I have gino you a b&e~e.a:roWld b7 whleh you may judge the futu~ Now, however, it le time for ua to put our thoulden to the wheel aad work for that future. · Aa 1 b&\'e uid before, we can all do our I han b@en working all eumn1er a nd autumn with many laduetrial orgaa· iution• and n1a ny lOCi&) agendea with a view to helping wherever they cao, and the State Co,·ernment can. I hue continued t.o urge every emplo;yer of labor in thia ~tate to try tD find enry pouible u tra job for mea aDd women. 1 han bad eplendid rei J)()Diel from the county, the city aod tbe \'illage and town Jl:Ol'llrllnlcntl throughout the State. I have received thla cooperation from RepulJIIcana and Dem~ratll alike. I t i1 not a matter of Party. It it a. matter of good titia.e:nlhip aDd good Americanlam. Relief for unemployment, relief for auf!'ering and privatioo e&nnot be brought about by Republican remedies alone. Equally certain It it that it can not be brought about b7 l>f:moeratic remedies alone. Let us aJIJJlf united American remtdie&. ThiA ia not the lime to i nJ~t party and politics or campaign propaganda into U1e situation in an1 aha pe. manner or form, This ia DOt tbt t ime for curta ilment, for reduction in ,.·agn, or for euution of buai~Hta actiYit7. On U1e contrary, this ill the time for courage and a.ct5oD. nn~~;: :e~:~.:~Y ·~~d C:~~: :~~~d~~! ~~ev~~~~·r/!!i'tr th~~~e~;;: !o~!!~~~~ desire for concerted action which baa alwaya eharut.erlud the Amerie&D people in en .ry difficult hour. weT~~l~~~n~~~r;.".~d'tr~•l.:11;a;~110~o~h~~d p!tt~ow that at good Americau,