Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945 Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension File No. 397 1930 October 20 Buffalo, NY - Campaign Speech lDDP.!S3 O.F GOV"~·!f)J, l'RIJl!LW ll. IOOSFVl"l.! Ar 91FHLO, 1IZll !0•.1 1 OC!OB!B 201 19)0 I •• gl~d tD COM bacll: to the City or fil!f do 'llbero I bne been ao oft en dlll'ini 111 ada1n1otrot1on or ~.., yeera o.a Gonmor of the Swu. In raet, I haYO - to t.bis ,.....,t ~ du1triel canter no oft ao tbLt o!le of ay p<rt.y ael d t'> ea aa we •re eoaing in!D the city, "We h• ve e11terocl a.r ralo rroa o.ll dlreo­ Uows. le bl!ve coae i n ft'Oa the South, Eut and llortbl i t 1a obout. tiM t o COlli" 1n by boRt or in ao •lrpl<ne. • I rec· ll .nt h plenure and m t lar.. euoa 111 nalt ber~> c urln& July lllleo thr Deaocn tic Pe rty or Brie Cowtty held it• unotficid. convonti~n. the>oa of aHtin&, th l•rro attondbnca und t.ho Wl£niaous encors011cat of our preoent Deroocretic Stlto odollniatr<tlon led "' to .,rodlot then 'llbat I now r""ff1ra, tb•t in this county the lleeeratlc caocll detaa ll7 last ..taU. to &ffDlo in thl' zontb or ~lliuat. wee to attend o convention of the Gut• Feda.-.tlon of I.obor. Thla e1ty prortd•s • lor,. pere.,wce or tho """'\>1-rabip of tbr t }'edcrt:tlon. Tbr aocond 1Mustrhl canter or tbe ot• t e, t• hao rurniohed throllib ito p-ert bod7 of wo<tera < brp part of that repuwt1on for a>UDd induatry wlllch acto• u a ao proud o t >ur atat•. llo.ffolo olll! ita citi tona ...t or neco.. tty be d"ply 1nt nee!Aid i n the oco:>oaic and uUoa. I bLn open~ ...,,. nete during ~ · loot ~"" JMra t n 'f81,- 1Dc erouad ~ · a~h hnd beooain& acqu:int.«l at f1rst.hond ..i ~ 1ta needa. 1 hhYe aet .nr1ou3 groupa tind cl..e.aaes of 11.• eitJ.aeoa end disc~Jaoecl With ~.,. tbe1r desire• o.nd up1rat1ons. I ba-.. done thia aa "" U.tqral p<>rt or -t I conaidar the du~,. ot the GoTen>or to l tMU'D not ""rcl.J b)' report, MlJIOr &lid heer ..:r , but b:r ac~U&l olleer-­ nt1on aad ccb&al contact& 11lat tho probl,.. of th• at•te ere. Dllring ~1• tiae, ODd durin& ~""" 'f'ie1ta, i t i a o....U.e•• to ;><>Uit out that I carefull:r r ofrtlAecl froa <Uscua•lng politico; l 1:&..., dl,._ cuoaecl jpOWnutent aad I l:Dow that oo!OIIOCl """""" pooplo Wlderetand ~· dl!f annee. In dlacllas l ng &avcr""""tal problou, i f ~ ey are of corren\ 1n~re•t• lt 1a ea<&entiel and it 1a rtght. to gin the h18tory of thoM becae& t.h!! r.oord €01111 back o·•or t.l'!; r; ; tMo ,...ra ba• a nry direct boer i ng on ~o •:r in Which we wat approach and - to aoln the probl""3 of ~e presont.. !'lult to 111)' I h"ft boen glc.nclng onr ~~ fibs ·which 1 Md collected during ~e 1928 CCIIP'Ilgs>• l find i n ~ c lluaber of ~ t.D.tlons aade durin& that caocpa4n 11l1ch I wont a t ~la taft to eet f orth -rely for the purpooe or the recorc., ond ror "" other reasoa. You wUl MICClll that I •• NMlnC for alect101l a a Go.- mor ot the Stc t o of l aw tori: ucriut lr. !ll>P.rt Ottln&er. ! oa e1ll abo r•c..-11 that at that t i .. lr. Herbert Roon r Wll a :runa.lni for election ao PrNi dont. ot the Deited Ill.• tea. t w.. n t t.o rKd to J'OU 10ae ext rt ot.. !'roe "l'•ecbu durlfiC Ul n ..ctpftip Cod froct Ule Mopu.bllocn ~· b ~!O TII O( Uld )'HI'J "lbe bietory of our p<.rty d....,notrutoa tha.t. - thi'OI&ib the wl.ad011 of Republi can polici es, ru><l tho C&poCity of tho JiepubUoeo Adllinist.nUon, the found&Uona of tho bl&b Auri cen st.cndard of wge aDd linn& bon be"" 1£.1d, Uld the veatneas and proo;x.r itr of tho C<>W>try f i r.aly eotabllobod. ., better guannto• of pr<>•r>ority w>d contentaent emona ou.r people at. boae, • • • oan be &iva t:lan the pledge to llllintoio and conti.mle the Coolidge pollciea • • *"• Tl:at. is taken fro;, tba Republican platro.ra of 1928. "!be people ••• kM• th. t. the very hocppioeaa or their bo2.ea, Md tho cosfort or the ayeraa• un t.crl tf\l~n l r. bcnmd ap 1D. tho out.coeo of neq proaidentiol election beclsuse prosperity io the 11-r to hLppineoo, and th• 1\epublican Party 'nd the RapubLic..n p.­ t octln pr1nc1pl e5 have, aore t.b£:1.i uoy other elaenL, cr~ t.C:Id ow: proa""t dDy prcoperitT, •nd they wlll iooou·e Lbat proaparity for the flltttre. • • • • . !h t \ s on ext.nct frota a spee<:l> of Altort ~tiocor, runuin& for Go•omor of th< S to of lo• Ion oo Cct.obcr 9, l 92ll. "1hh io l-"erica tocl._:r arc ncar•r to Lbo fioe.Dcial t.rlullpll over poverty, thr n ever before ill tile biotory of ,..,. lancl. The poor ..., 1• '""'iehi n& frc• uool\;: us. Onder tho-~ !.'llpU).ao•, <.nd tho IWipoat>­ llcan proteetiY~ •J&tet~, our induat.r1.41 out.rJUt. haa iDcreuDeCI &I JWYer before. e:.nd our tm&ea have tTOWD ater.c!Uy in bu;Ji.n& power. Oalr work.,rl• wl.t.h thoir ..,oro.;:o WMklT o, """ todr:y lAq too ud Hun throe thee ..,ro br...c Wid 'tr~tter tht n uq • g~ oe mer ln l!l&rope. .U ono ttae w d_.ndod for our oorl<ere • fllll 411\'\•r .,._u. I han now cone fer beyond tb. t CJIIOoption. to4ey H do. nd • U. 0or coarort ond (ra<\er parUcipatl <>n i n tite end lr1auro. • • ••. 'rbooo re ~~ tD rro.. co-~ ill ape<ldloa by Ber bart. BooTo:r in the t oll of 1928. "!be ""7 t.o huttr" "" oa:- p ooptority, tD gl TG cY~l"J' - plo.,ar • DC! tQj)lo~, producer ..nd ccn8U:Ior n f CGllng ot 17e<tor aecuri t:r es he looks forw£.r<! to tb next ~o;u- ;rouu with all their uncer U.1ntie:. , to aec:ure t:Jut noat. u~~•t ~:-ffort under ClOll;pet M t laedersltip to c!..U with &11 8COZYI-:l.C d1!t 1C>ll tlco tbs t cca1'ro11t u , 11 t.o ce>n t.inu~ t.b ~ ool1c1eo of \.!to F.epubllct.n oc! tmdr t.bc preui c!cnc:r of Ror l:ert RooYcr. " • ""· 'lh< t 1a an extrvct f rort L speeelt by Ill'. Chr.rl Aa E. llllzbeo deU,..rod &t st. J occpb, Jlo., October 2), 1928, in beb•lt of the clootiot. or Herbert Rooorcr . '!hoae ext r~cta r ead at.Nn&elf tonlp t. 'l'ltm cne October, 19:29. ~£'· in f or the rccor<! I R r.t tD ot ate 'llbat I bsl.1eT~ !.o bA tb<' dept~ foete. I t ha< bc•::1 IMll said by JOCftT noU .,.,ol l eeders i n b>:.b pcrti eo th• t during t.~o f p"rlod of 1nnat1on ood s tock Mr:.Cet pl tmP.,!l D<>t. on• oin&l• •tr.> .._. tnk.., by the re!'nOnei bb of!lcl&b of tht notion~ 1 o<lllin.lstration to t on tho brakes , or t o eucgoot e..,..., tb• t th~ ol tuti<>!l """ ac.>M:&1co.l.t7 !aloe and ua~ . ntowoanda of oi \l.MDa 1n eTOTJ' part of the 11111~ St •t•• ,Ain!<! thP fealtc; thDt ~hn nat.1 m•l coorornaont. ....., aetG&llJ lttDdinc .,courol'-nt &nd tl>•t. all .... .-ell with tl:e COWltrJ. J. 10\L'I!l hUe opinlon n coJI!Ii&es tod&!', I n ftTY cer tain, thnt U Waohlncton hod the courocP t.o •·r~lT tho bn.k"o the hdl!ht e ttJ lt>lch the Or()' roao woul DOt. .,...., boon ao hip, r.nd u ' reeult., ..,., it .. olow1lll' up of 1rw!tU~rJ bod COM , t.h feU f roe the llol(btlt ..,..U ll:)t, bt.'r"" b-,.n a.;) 'ppc; gre t . t'h ~ othtr set.t.or of ro-c->rd llbicb t..odt:7 •ec&ive~ c,.naure f'roll acny of th ~at COu.J .. r-VLtiY,. ,.ne a.;)UZVI t:nC 1n­ dastr1 l lo•dor;, lo l.b• fact f.h· t · rta:· tho crash of hat tbe •. pu~Uc• n o.d~nhtr• U.>n t...pc. <C6 continUo<! t.o bud out r:roa lf& h·ll6ton !r._l!•' inforDRt~n cone~"'~ the e,.riou. neB~· of the 11i t.uat.lo~ . 'l'he "N~EiC:en t. bl ~rlf .,... r1 po -~rly et-1\.od eonff"r!'ncea of the l~c!,.; c :>f 1.
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