.. .,. WMT To Telecast 'H'Bwk-Nmtre Da,me Game' NCAA Says , ..... fair Other Areas ....,,~ ..... of II ... aD upeded lalrh In Remain Out at owan &lie St'1. • Telecasting of the Iowa-Notre fit. 1868 - AP leosed Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents lowo City. lowo. Friday. November 18, 1955 Dame tootbaLl game over station WMT-TV, Channel 2, Cedar Rapids, has been cieflnitely given the green light, William Quarton, jenera I manager ot WMT-TV, aid Thursday nh(ht. He sard that telecast arrangc­ .. ! ments have been workcd out ror broadcasting on this station, but .. he said he stiJI hopes that the National Collegiate Athletic As­ r es om sociation (NCAA) will' relax i\8 , rules and allow other CBS sta­ tions in Iowa to carry the game. I •• ft The program wl11 be sponsored Why Ruin Chairs? AE(· Member by the Amana Refrl&eratlon Company, Quarton added, start­ Other. AEC inJ at I p.m. Sex Attack Stories Rul~ PeLitioned Tells) , 'Atomic Several groups have petitioned Membe.rs Are the NCAA to rcla~ their rule that only a loca l station, covering thc Against Idea nell nel the participating col­ False, S,ay Officials 'Suri1mit' Plan lege, ca telecast the game. WASHINGTC»I (AI) - rour torEW YORK (/PI - AEC Com­ Quarton, the Amana, corpora­ By STU 1I01'KINS , ------.---- members of the. Atomic EnerlY tion, SUI Athlet1t' Director Paul mluloner Theinl E. MurrllY A number of rumors concern- , any warning. IIbout coeds Itoln,' teT dark:' abe said. "That Is only Com.milslon 'Ihun'dtIy nl;ht proposed Thur.dqv ni,ht thllt t.h" Brechler. pnd Gov. Leo Hoegh Ing supposed assaults on SUI out at night. common aelUe." have all asked that WMT-TV be tumed thum.bF do""", Dn I pro­ t11'1H!=d State explode an H­ allowed to teed the game to telc­ coeds within the past three Pollee a.porll Few A Dally 10'l\.'an urvey of all posal for a trtat warld ClOnciave bomb before the ores of world week~ vision sta~ions in Des Moines, have been termed un- "Reports of lareo numbers of women's housini units broultbt It Enlwetok Atoll to witneJS an leadera as ". declsl'8t1on or Am­ Mason City and Sioux City. founded by poliee and SUI ot!J- molestation Incldcnts since SUI definite deniBb of overal ot the erle.n power" and to spur th cia Is. classe began thIs fall ar not recently rumored lnddcnts. explOlllon of a "ant hydrol:eG quest tor peace. All of these requests for an bomb, substantiated by poll e depart- M ..... A~taoll b ...,. He url:ed thal repre. entativcs Iowa network were turned down Police department records ment rc.cords;' Whitc IIBld. II' by the NCAA. contain only one report of an A prevalent J'\Imor hur,day The fifth .u:C m~m~r. Thom­ Of all n.tlona be ('o1'lVened at Enl­ attack since school beean In Sep- Some accounts or the alleged was tbat a Ilrl lrom tbe Com- as E. "'urray, pr('c. d the dra­ wetok lor "a mee\lnl: lit the The local broadcast was ap­ atorftic Burrlmtt" - a mecllnll to proved sinc!! unCler NCAA rulc! tember. wBVe or scx pUllnsel have the mons dormitory was as aulted matic proposal In - a speech , number of attacks and mol~ta- early Wednesda)" all she cro sed be featured by /I .dl'm()nstraticn the local outlet oI the team play­ Dean or Students Dale L. tlon! since September at 54. the Iowa Memori 1 Union Brid,e Thursda, nitht. blast of a lar,.: hydro; n W\'lllprlll. Ing aWRY from home may present Faunce said Thursday "We have . The other four memberz of the telecast if the game Is a seU­ checked with police on these ru- That tilure did appe r In a on her way to .. 7:30 class. Murray made his proposal In the commLsslon I.~ued a oit te­ out and no other college gamC15 mors and have not been able to story last summer concerning i Both Faunce and Sprinkle .n address ptC'porcd ror the are being played withjn a 90 milc corroborate any of them." man arrested here. He admitted termed this .tory "completely ment rejecting the Murray pro­ Golden Jubilee dinfler of Ford­ to detectivClI that he had been falsc." ham UOlvCfslty' Law School. radius. Worries Unwarranted po.,t. Involved In 54 Instances of ex­ "The only reported caM ot 8 They Indicated a qcUet that. In a talk with a reporter' Buehler's 'Statement He termed the current unusual posure, window peepinC, and at­ girl actually bein, a aulled Instead 01 persuadln: n ussl. to earUer, MlJrra)' aid he w . Brechler niade the ro\lowin ~ amount ot worries among coeds tacks. apeakin, 101' himself and not (or lta\emenl Thursday night aftel since the be,lnninl ot classes oc­ unwarranted. No 8,,"lal WaraiDp curred Nov. I," Sprinkle said, "an ettectlve systt'm" for Btomic the Atomic Enerll' Commission. the NCAA's decision was re­ Police Detective H a r I and Miss Helen Reich, assistant dl- arms controls, it ml,bt spur the OOYCl'nment ipoke:..: men also said reived: "wben a (irl llvinl at CurrieI' Sprinkle said police would "ad- rector of st~dent attairs, said no Hall was aUacked near HlUel Ru!!Slans on to press their atom the pIal) h8!l 'not bfocn adopted a~ "Becalll" th" subJed of thn vocate no more than ordinary special VI·arnln, concerninl House." program. an El.lenhower admlnlltration possibility of televising the Iowa­ precautions on the part ot girls traveling in ,roups have policy. Chalrm.n Lewl:! L. Straus and Notre Dame game throughout the coeds." Ibeen issued by SUI omclals. aeldover Member State ot Io wa has been so prom­ Police Chief Oliver A. While "The girls have always been Sprinkle said the last report Commissioners Willard r. Llbb". of a physIcal '\lack bcfore that Murray 1.1 a holdover m ml)('r inent In the news during the past said police have never issued cautioned not to travel alone af- John Von Newnar.n and Harold rew days, and because the NCAA was in Auiu,st. S. Vance said: of the AEC. havinll been appoint­ ed In 11150 b Plc.sldent Trumnn. has npw delivered publicly i ls A report was received a wcek ago that a man had brokcn into "The recommendation hich Declaring th t "man now hll . final decision denying the request Mr, Mu rr y m.~ as the. major a sorority house and hod ~n the power to put an end to hi s for statewide televising or the theme Qt his address (5 one he pme, H Is impol1ant that the po­ found In a r\rl's room. own hlllt9l1," Murray volct:d re­ Ike Tackles ~udget, has loftl advoea~d .. A number of vet that such'a demonslrntion of ailion of the University's athle tJc Sprinkle Baid of thl. "we have months liO, UtI! comml$sion by department Jlnd the efforts put no evidence the man had in ton­ American trenath and re~·. r"lnt 110f11]al lIetlOlJ reje<;ted Commis­ bad not bech staled before the forth by the D.CP rtment be gen­ lions of moleatln. any 01 the sioner Murra1'5 motion to' Invite JlI. , U1' 111 ~ting last lIumm r eraU)" kl1P,'wn. - lirls. He fled \VheD cl1Icovered ~ ob3ervtr, amotl.I them "Fover), effnr'& "'811 put forth ·to Highway .Problems by one of ttMl &irb. in SwitzetU'IIt!. Commun1st obsetVetS. 10 wltne secure permission for the statc- GETTYSBURG, Pa. (IP)-An Increasingly chipper Prcsident Ei­ r....,.~ ,1Ot I BEI OFFERED for InformaUo" eonoe~ .... the per- tos of nuclear we.pons. In t~ It It hadj hO sl\ld, thcre ml~ht wide telecast by this department. scnhowcr Thursday whirled throUgh a scrles or conferences thal Other incident!! lllItedon the on .r persona fUlIt,. or sluhln, three cbAln til the ve"''' Pacific. now be "mqre substance to the ~pl rll or 0 nllvB." "We bave ulTed the NCAA to sparked hopes for 8 balanced budlet Bnd a vast new hllhway pro­ pollce files since the start ot the Llbrar)'. Bud Well , Cornell Colle"" sophoftlore frolll £1,... JII., TM commlsalon has never &rant the permission, have been gram. taU term Inc;lude: a girl molest­ Tlwnda), Inspeds the damare done to one 0' the three ebalri. chan,ed lUI ' posltlon on thl, Murray sharply critlclzcd the In contact with stations which Out of ~he conferences came: ed on the strect, Oct. 4; a lirt matter. Mr. Murray's. ptoposal, lO'Vemmenl's polley of erecy on might do the telecast, and have Assurances from Budget Director Rowland HVihes that he ~hlnks molested on the street, Oct. 5, therefore, Is cOntrary to the nuckar maUOl's. even conferred with potential * * * the federal budget can be bal- and an attempted "pick up," Oct. Ju

cellulose --:found in delicious 215-217 S. Dubuque 101 5. Clinton ECONOMY SUPER ECONOMY NO. 1 fruits and other edibles! ARMOUR ST AR, SUGAR SHORT RIBS CURED AND SMOKED, ,,' '. .' SHORT-CUT SHANK Of BEEf Chevrolet's iot two new honeys. A Station Waion, may~? Chevrolet .. I I Yes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,000 tiny • filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering actioo HAMS . Ib: 45c in any other cigarette. Ib.19c ARMOUR STAR The Viceroy fiher wasn't just whipped up and rushed to 2• market to meet the new and skyrocketing demand for fil­ ...... lb. tered cigarettes. Vioeroy pioneered. Started research more LAMB ROAST 39c than. 20 years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. HOME-MADE PORK SAUSAGE .. , . , . lb. 29c

Smokers en masse report that filtered Viceroys have a FR£ H PORK LOIN BL4DE-CUT BEEF. 3• finer flavor even than cigarettes without filters. Rich. I ofters six, including two new nine-passenger jobs. Convertible? . &atisfying, yet pleasantly mild. ROAST _.. lb. 21c ROAST .... <. • lb. 35c FRESH.DRESSED AND DRAWN il Viceroy draws so easily that yoo wouldn't know, without ~. looking, tbat it even had a filter tip .•. and Viceroys cost . I only a penny or two more than cigarettes without filters! SPRING FRYERS -..... lb. 89c lOLLS BIlO .• FOLGEIt'S, 1 ItThat's why more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than PORK CHOPS or B UTTEItNUT 'any otber filter cigarette ... thaI's why VICEROY is the largest. Itlling filter cigs rette in tbe .world! COFFEE Ibs. 2·lb. $161 • 1 $1 can SAdan? Sport CoUpe? Chevrolet's got it for you ••• come see it. FRESH EATMOR CRANBERRIES .... 2lbs. 29c MICHIGAN JONATHAN Oil DELICIOUS / ' • APPLES ...... 4Ibs. 37 c -THE HOT ONIIS EVEN HOTTER EXTRA-LARGE TANGERINES dozen 39c PASCAL CARNATION on.. willi __ ••• IVfl'tWHmi CELERY MILK Mak. Dec ...II., 1 1Ift4 I.,." Day SAl'!·DItVINO DItf % or 3 Stalks In a Cello Bar 25c 4 c~a~~ 49c Economy No. 1 Store Houn IEconomy Super Store Houn See Your Chevrolet Dealer Dally unlil 6 P.M . Daily until 6 P.M. • Monday until 9 P.M. Saturday until 9 P.M. Pa,e 4-TUE D JLY lOW X-Iowa r-5~=lRtiWkS Lose, Two for Notre fj)om~ Glassford to Quit Se~ ." horts I * * * * * * V· I d ' As Nebraska Coach Pri~ 0 ...... p-. .11 Incen an Sucker Shift Iiniured' Players Freedol!' ...-a,...... D...... L.·ska Asses'ses Practice for Irish LINCOLN, Neb. ~ - Univer­ sity of Nebraska 100tball Coach 34 and tied three. tree enteq SOUTH BEND, Ind. (.q» -Five principles Bill Glassford announced Thurs­ Saturday's Blg Seven Conter- • • • • . D . N I Next on List erstwhile injured players partici­ ence championship battle with .,1 party. Ser day he is leaving his post at the ~?:;~:;.~;,~:~~~ Hawkeye Chances eas, ~n . pated in a light Notre Dame Oklahoma will round out a '/'I (R-Ia.) tol ? football drW TbllrSday for Sat­ end of the current season. tlcans Thu rags-lo-riches season that saw urday's home finale against By JERRY LISKA For C~ange? "My family and I have decided the Huskers drop an opener 8-0 'v In a taU ~~y 1~i~~:. i~h:n ,~J,~~ rdU~a!~ Travel Lisl Iowa. nasons fO J for our best interests aod happi­ to lightly regarded Hawaii and suit brought by another former CHICAGO (A') - Notre Dame. ranked when Noire Dame beat NEW YORK (JP) - Lou Little j They included tackles Ray ness that I will not accept the then come back to win all five III )flIrtin e) player. Etber D. Felts had al- the nation's No. 4 football team. them and have skIdded since. Two members of Iowa's start­ said Thursday the nation's col­ Lemek, team captain. and John leged that Cobb hit him last laces in Iowa Saturday a te!lm Iowa Coach Forest Evashevski five-year option Oil my contract," conference tests for the best loop Iii bask princ l' 0 ing football team were notable McMullan; Gen ~ Martell, right year. causing recurrence of a which this year has swiped the won't buy any sad stories of lege football coaches apparently the 39-year-01d Glassford said. record in ] 5 years. In the Uni omissions Thursday, when the guard; Gene Kapish. right end; M1Irtin s back injuryf"' perennial Irish claim 01 playing Irish injuries. He's had more are satisfied with the present and Fullback Don Schaefer. Glassford has been Nebraska 1-­ ::; the tougbest schedule in the than his share of hobbled ath- travelling squad tor the Notre rules, and added that action on grid coach tor s.ven years. His Olson. Sued for Divorce now follow Cold and cloudy weather is party-stre • couJ;ltry. letes. including the early season' Dame game was announced by the "sucker shift" was the cur­ predictE'd lor the Hawkeye in- current five-year contract paying him $12,500 a year, expires next On Charge of Cruelty fovernmen , " REFRIGD* ATO* R BOW* The battered Hawkeyes, witb loss ot a great end, Frank Gil-I' Coach Forest Evashevski. rent major legislation wanted. vasion. a 3-4-1 record, aren't even rated July], but carries an option un­ central bur .... Rhode .Island and Jackso among the top 20 teams in the liam. Dick Deasy. regular guard, and The veteran Columbia coach der which Glassforq can renew ItEDWOOD CITY, Caill. ()P) - way to pro 'I' State cif Alabama will me weekly Associated Press poll. In retrospect, Iowa's chance Eddie Vincent, a fixture at right and chairman of the College Summer Tan earned $151,096 Middleweight champion Carl .. the Refrigerator Bowl In E it lor five ypars if Qe wishes. .: the indivi And they'll be a nine-point un- for an expected fine season blew 1' halfback were not included in Football Coaches Rules Commit­ when the colt won the 1954 Gar­ (Bobo) Olson was sued lor dj­ t prise, ,. ville, Ind., Dec. 4. Rhode I derdog in their season tlnale up In its second game when WIs- the 36-~an group. Both men tee said he has received several den State Stakes. but his dam, a Glassford would say nothing vorce Thursday, his wife char,- ,~ ., is chafllPipn of the Yankee n- ajrainst the Irish (7-1) at South co~i~ roared back· from a 14-0 suftered knee injuries in the hundred letters from his fellow mare named Miss Zibby. was on his future plans. lng extreme cruelly and asklac 'Llbe ,.... ference. .. , Bend, Ind. defiCit to stun the Hawkeyes, 37- Ohio State game, and the jnjur- coaches. sold for $400 because nobody In seven sometimes stormy custody of their four children. But in their four last games. 14. ies have not responded to treat- "They seem to be much less thought her worthwhlle for years at Nebraska, Glassford's $2,000 a month alimony and di­ * the Hawkeyes have faced three Against lwo mutual foes, the ment. agitated than last year when breeding purposes. teams have won 31 games, lost vision of community property. CROSS-C*O UNTRY -* Michigan of the nation's top nine teams - Hawkeyes and Irish showed com- Dr. W. D. Paul, team physician, they were crying for a more lib­ State's Harry Kennedy is rated No.5 UCLA, No.6 Michigan and parl\ble scoring power. Iowa said Thursday that Deasy has eralized substitution rule," said the top bet to finish first In the No. 9 Ohio Stnte. trimmed InCiiann. 20-6, a week been in the hospital this week Little. "The new sub rule appar­ Big 'Den cross country meet to­ Meanwhile. the Fighting Irish after Notre Dame blanked the 1.or treatment of the injury. and ently is universally weH liked." day in Chicago. Kennedy has the past two weeks had to huft Hoosiers 19-0. Iowa and Purdue that there is only a slight pOssi­ "About the ollly action the been timed over the tour-mile and puff, for the tirst half, at played a 20-20 tie and the follow- bility that he will be ready lor course in a clocking better than coaches seem to be wanting least. to whip Penn, winless In ing Saturday. Notre Dame de- action on Saturday. now." he continued, "is more in­ the Big Ten record, set by Iowa's eight starts. and North CarOlina, lea ted the Boilermakers 22-7. terpretation on the 'sucker shut' Rich Ferguson in 1952. now beaLen five times. Iowa and Notre Dame have Although Vincent's Injury is diagnosed by Dr. Paul as being or false start." ,." " Notre Dame's only meeting faced 13 times, 10 01 the games with a currently high-ranked running continuously since 1945. the less serious of the two. he is ------­ still rated a!t "doubtful" tor par­ CUBS T*O QUY?* - W *id Matth­ team resulted in the lone Irish Although Iowa's third and last site of drills this week: the team loss, 21-7 to Michigan State, now victory in the series was by a ticipation in too Irish game. The first practiced behind closed ews, director of personnel for knee has pained Vincent all the Chicago Cubs, said ThurSday No.3 In the AP ratings. 7-0 score in 1940, three ot the doors on their regular field. then It's true, however, Miami pI last live g

.' 223 S. Dubuque

• ~ .. • Jj t • • \


" • ..

THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa------CI Sell Pork Cheap Breaks Leg After I Non-Jury Hearing jn Liquor Case Sen.· Martin Outlines Party Newlrocess I For Surplus Alert A Hunting Trip VINTON (A') - A farmer- Judge Roger lvie announced the direction of County Attorney cnn... ---> t to help alert the Donald Erb, 23. Wellman. su!- Th.. --I th ill be . _ ...... ""T"" ,"""ay ere w no Jury William Tucker, fou.nd 10 pints Speeds Safe public to lhe curplu& pork supply fered a broken right lec while In the confiscation hearing In­ of whisky in the ear of the tlv­ Principles to Young GOP was ~uncbed Thursday. returnin, home from a huntin, volvlng 10 pints of whisky found ern owner, Charles E. Allen. Freedom of the individual and A caravan escorted 10 tons of trip Wednesday. The accident in a raid Oct. 7 on Allen's Tav­ They did not find any liquor dreued pork to Vinton from occurred when he jumped from ern in Lone Tree. free enterprise is one of the basic in the tavern. Allen's car was principles of the Republican Polio Vaccine Waterloo whjch were unloaded an embankment to a roadway. I Judge Ivie reported that re­ Hand-Cranked Movies parked in !ront the tavern. party, Sen. Thomas E. Martin at tood stores for distribution The injured man was found vision ot the ]owa statutes had at (R-Ia.) told SUI Young Repub­ KANSAS CITY UP) - Inereas- Friday at prices about elfbt cents withIn minutes by Harold Stutz- lett out any mention of a jury licans Thursday. ing production ot saIe poli" vac- below whpl sale levels. man, who took him to the nur- in connection with a conrisca­ caOWDED ROADS In a talk to the group about cine i assured through discovery The Benton County Swine Pro- by Arnold Stutzman home. tion hearing. The hearing is and correction of a major cause ducer. Aun. ts hading the pro- FoJlowlnf medJcal examina- scheduled to berin early next There are 61 millinn reabtend - reasons for being a Republican, Martin explaloed briefly the of earlier troubles, a polio com- motion effort with cooperation tlon he was brourht to Mercy week in Johnson County District motor vehicles In the United bask principles of republicanism mlttee reported Thursday. {rOm other Benton County or- Hospital here. where he is re- Court. States and 72 mUllan Hcerued in the today. Vaccine manufaclttrers should fanizations. ported in satisfactory condItion. On Oct. 7 the ralders, under drivers. Martin said that the principle large-scbe able I to production,roU smoothly said IntoDr. ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iil nOW followed by the Republican II party- stressing local control of Leonard Scheele, surgeon-~n ­ ,overnment and not a super­ eral of the U.S. Public Health central burea;ucracY-is the only Service'. way to protect the freedom of The main change I a way to the individual and free enter- prevent virus particles from prile. "biding" or clumplnf together 50 t. they cape being killed beCore 'Liberal Treatment' helng put into the vaccine. This Another principle emphasized is done by improved methods of by the party, Martin said, is lib­ filt ring. eral t reatment of the individual Classified Who Doel It Help Wanted Rooms for Rent The ('ommittec report was and conservative treatment of re­ t ,overnmental policies. lea d at the start of a panel dis­ Advertising Rates DO IT YOURSELI' with loeb Irom WANTED: Girl for .eneral offlee work. SING!..!: room for male lNdenl. Dial cussion on the poliO vaccine, a Benton Street Re<>tal 5<'rvl"". toI E. Apply In pe""n La",w Company. ~1. 11 -12 Word Ads Benton. "3&31 . 12-11 11 . 11 "The philosophy 0' the GOP highlieht of th American Public SINGLE room. clo ... In. Dial.... 1I-2:S , Is best sta ted in its record of He.alth A. ociatjon's annual One DIY ...... ~ a Word Pet, for Sale j.,struction achievement: Martin said. He Two Days ...... l~ a Word ROOMS lor n\~n ltUd~nt.. Phon. ,..., I P .1.) meeting. Three Days ...... 1U a Word 11 -13 rited the easing of world ten­ BUY quality coc:k Dial - . It·11R BAw~u~J:.ta~ .._ .. Mbnl Y~r.~ · FOR RENT: Room. ,tlldenl or workln, sions, the virtual stabilization of Somt' manufacturer aUowed Four DaY5 ...... _... 1« a Word DEMON TRATING THE ACTION of a band-cranked 16-DUIl the liquid hlrv st of living polio Five Days ...... 1M a Word For ..Ie : BOIlon Turl"r »IIP1I18 end flrl. 1)1111 5113t. II-I' the cost of living and increased movie projector manufactured In U ta is R. G. Ro e, pre Ident of B~a,1 • Dial 1-lI24l. IS-JI virus to stand lor weeks O! Ten Days ...... 2Dt a Word Tvolno HALf' dOllbl. room for man. J1~ North social security benefi ts as ex­ the Ylctor Anlmatol'raph Corporation of Dannport. Rose pre­ One Month ...... 39t a Word Dubuq .... XU. 11 -11 amples. months after lIlterlng, the report MiKelianoous For Sale sented the machine, one of tHe tew left In the country today, to said. Some virus could have set­ (Minimum Char~e 5ot) TYPING. "0'130. II-lot ROOM for woman .tudenl. Good 1.-- "The firmness and clear poli­ Lee Cochran, executive a istant of the VI Extension DI,,181 0n. tlt'd to the bottom in clumps or Display Ads 'l'YPlNG: TIle .nd man~ lion. Pilon. 113C3. JI-I' cies of the Republican adminis­ The projector w ill be displ ayed In the Na tional Educallon A - bunch . One Insertion ...... Form r comm".curl tucher. Work OOUBLJI: Call tration and Congress in 1953 and soclatlon Department or Audio-Visual Education archives room ...... 98¢ a Cplumn Inch .....rantH' \lr WlllrlPOOI TYPINO &1 II-IIR t lid • r.. ... e lot. 0 .. h".I. 1In- (Continued frolll page 1) ...... 80¢ a Column Inch de.ler. Jack n. Electnc and Gill. 101 _~~. __.__ _ --,.___ ..,.-_ medial Ion . Red Ball Enfln ..... added. lights between the hou es and In One change requlr that the 8 . Dubuq u~. 11-1 TYPING _ IBM .lI curlve l~pewrller . In•• nd Dey lopm~t. Inc. Phone "I. 'Maximum Freedom' vacant lots between 9 and 12 liquid be carefully filtered no Deadline CO-IED'S II . ~ wardTOI><'. 14', .nd I.·.. Theil, and m.nuocrlpt- qulck "rvl . 11-1' ing taken to the Infirmary for lat r than 72 hours before It Is p.m. prowlers and window peep­ Deadline is 2 P .M. for ins rtlon ". ulll to (orm.1 NI4!m.'n-l~ar't'u.o'" 1-14". II-tO lasl and Found Another important principle of treatment after being attacked subjected to the formaldehyde 1.","1. S.crllke . l\ln TYPING of any kind . Dial &0'7113. ers mieht be discottra(ed. In tollowing mornJn,'s Issue. X-2ltI. the party, Martin stated, is near the Presbyterian Church treatment. and refiltered aeaLn ______U_ . _15_R LOST: One Alpha Chi Omeca toro"\)' maximum freedom in economic and a gIrl bt!ing attacked behind during the rirst week or thLs ,.OR SALlE : Child. pedal-drive raT. pin. Lyrt! Ihape I with peart.. Re­ activity. He said that the gov­ sta~~S: I~~ ~~~~n~ ~~p~~~o:~~~ New. 110. Dial G08'I . 11 -21 Child Ca re ward. Can 2155. 11·1. the Women's GYlTlnasl\,m. treatment. ----=-..;..;..--..;~.;;...... ;....--:-- . - -- ernment should provide equaliiy number" of calls trom girts ask­ Sprinkle, .Faunce, and the Ing II the slorles were true and All vaccine rel('wed sInce May FOR IMM.EDIATE SALE: Monl,omny CHILD cn lIv day, a week In my LOST: One na>'>" blue .uld. jacket. ~ in op~rt un ity for all persons. To 4191 Ward eleetrlc wrln • .,r wa.h T. 117 hom• . Call &oUIS. 11.1. "tra laTle. ond red peraonallied housemothers and counselors at. II It was safe to eo out on the 26 ha be n carefully tested for Phon. 220~ . 11-1. check book ~lonc1n. to J rome Goldl • do this, Martin explained, local the housing units at which the loux City. I4Iw • . Reward. Call X4:m7 . governments shouid be allowed streets. safety. lIersonal FOR i6lLE. FI,. dlnln. room tabl. 11-23 girts repqrtedly lived all termed and ella In. ult~bl .. lur lralrmlt)l or Brenneman & Son as much self-control as possible. these rumors raise and unfound­ l OT' nlullon u ; n 0 burr t labl • . See Our PJ:RS()NAL • ~ ..., on Iypewrlten, Phone 18'1'. 11·111 One of ihe most important ed. llho~a\l\l. 'pOrt. ~ulpmenl , .nd Grocery Jewelry. IfOC .EYE LOAN CO. 12f'. ~ . SpeCial Showing of facts to consider, Martin said is Grain ot Sal& TUXEDO. 110 :!4·X3a. C.U Old Fashioned that the general outlook In the Ii. Dubuque. ltl I·U world today is peace, and this is One housemother said "I think Work Wonted ICE CREAM a lot of these rumors are a sort atmosph~re for Sale HAMilTON CLOTHES one of the major contributions of Pt. 2Sc Y2 gal. 79c the . Republican party. ot hysterla-I told our gIrls to 1947 F1.oE1tTLhn: 4-<1oor CM""O~' , WANTED: tlDu ework. ,""p.,nrnOl'd. take them with a grain of salt." • ElCctUenl condition. Phone 4702. 11.21 PhOne 1-18111. 11·:.$ 613 South SPECIAL DRYERS 1•• 7 GIfIVROb1:T.• xcellHll condition. WASHINGS and Ironlnl" Another said "Our girls don't &onln. 11.18 J.,hnlOll. or ~.II 471n. 11-22 Vanilla Ice cream, While The y lost Only T,i .. eity Labor know what t.o think. Some ot food one ga1\on, $1.~0. them are really frlghtened. r BUY JI,INXERS Prone 3042. 12-IR Wonted ECiito; Missing Others don't take much stock in elcct Lot of C'IT/simas TrC'c $199:50 " .. , • --_._-_._---- on th u:oy. all the talk." ·. RQCK ISLAND, Ill. (JP) - Enjoy a wonderful evening at BUPANE GAS CO. Two housemothers made sug­ JYPEWRITERS Store Boun: B a.m. to 10 p.m. Rock Island police Thursday gestioni they thought might II_If 218 E. Washington Iowa CIt)" • Rentals were asked to help in a search make the girls feel safer. II-It ~r Raymond E. Anderson, 47, Wants Brll'hter Lll'ht • Repairs CARRIERS WANTED who resigned Nov. 5 as editor of One suggested Clinton Street • $ales the weekly Trl-City Labor Re­ and Wa~ington St.reet, leading the lighthouse Authom-ed • Royal For North East Vici nity view. to the 1tJajor concentraUon of Deale, Police Chief Claus C. Miller sorority houses and dormitories, Portabl.. Standarelt FURNITURE AUCTION sald Anderson's wife reported her be more brightly lit. North on Highway 218 Phone 371 of Iowa City. husband has been missing from I Another said that It the police Wikel their home since Tuesday. , prowl cars would cast their spot Call Circulation Saturday, November 19 Typewriter Co. Dept, Phone 4191 Dial 8-1051 23 E. Washingto", 3 to 5 P,M. Sale Start. at t ,00 P.M. I Take th~ right step toward -a TF l2- fIR ; '.. LAFF - A '-OAY 1815 EAST COURT As I have leased my home and moved to California, I win go sell the following household goods at public auction: Westinghouse e lectric ro nge; 9 cubic foot Frigidaire, Iron rile ironer and chair; Be~d ix gas d ryer; kitchen lunch See the representative on November 22nd~ corti kitchen stool; ironing boord; d ishel; utensils; vase. ; ~ trays; tray tables; davenport; d ining table and 6 chairs, 3 upholstered choirs and occbslonal chair; blonde occasion­ • al table and coffee table; blanketl; bedspreadl; 2 double box spri ngs w ith legs; 2 twin Hollywood beds, complet., small desk, walnut finilh; green rug and pad; bookcase; planter table lam p; TV lamp; 2 floor lamps; small lamps; .. wood .choirs; vanity qench:! folding cot; card table; good glide r; power mower (Coop ~ r) ; fertilizer spreader; rotary hoe; hammock and stand; tricycles and boy'l bicycle; canvas lawn chair; wheel· borrow; child's teeter-totter and me rry.go-round-and springy horse; weather va.,e; garden hose and reel; pup te nt; m i~ellaneaus lumber, ooIs, and many other items too numerous to mention.

Terms: Cash MRS. BETl Y BARTLEY to be together always - 10 I'm retUne' you Parizek and Donohoe, Aucts. ;' Will Holland, Clerk a job in my offlce_" Iy CHICK YOUNG

Workin, h.. e Dt Internationol Ho"nle"s Melro .. Pork Work. neor Chic090 • Dla groduote . nglnee" (Dndud'", ....arch on oz •• Jllf i "'~lol dieMl • , ~ng l ~ to Dbloln bolle combuslion do .... , .

II The engineer who joins international HarveSter joins a sound, ionl-estab­ When the represen tatives .. frQm JH are on your cam· lished but progressive company- that represents opportunity for advance­ PUll, contact your Placement Director for personal inter. ment. Harvester has long been associated with leadership in new and improv2d view. products that increase agricultural productivity, result in better traupn1a­ Or, U unable to meet with m tion, and assist in construction and the handling of heavy material!. representative at that time, . • ,..rite to F. D. MacDonald, IIETLI IAILEY Iv ' MOIT WALK •• !jducation and Personnel IH needs mechanical, industrial, metallUfgiCal, chemical, agricultural, and 11-11 IV&RY "t1MIi He .Department, International elr:trical engineers. IH is looking for enginee~ for training programs, for Gli'TS OUT OF SnP Harvester Company, 180 N. '1 woo: HIM CAV3Y Michigan Avenue, Chicallo product design, for tests and developments, for research andlexperimentation A. ROCK IN HI5 ~, nlinoil. in~~~l):'_~!l its divisions. IH wantsJA.he~ b;om lIou. RIC5t4T ..w.ao!

'I/lid.... f produm ,~., po, 'or "'_"'" 1ft VIe • •• 'lIfenI.fi_' r"" . IIIcCotM/l/- f.uip...... ,-11 1(11'" • Cm_ IRIIIWJ ~ ~ •

... '-TRJ: DAILY IOWAN-Iow& City, Ia.-Frl., Nov. I., 1155 , Iowa Therapists Says Lone Tree Tax Base Too Low 40 Biology Study I To Sponsor 'I M~n's _ Only Choice, Is Awards Offered . To Meet at SUI Jobn O'Connor Jr" chairman .. . of an advisory committe estab- I t~wnshlPs mcluded 10 the elec­ adio10gy Seminar The Iowa Occupational Ther­ Lished to 5t udy the Lone Tree tion. Forty sumrr.er or interim fa- school district reorganization. Under re-direct examination cully a\\'ard~ to r ::C:va need study ~ ~lTlinar on radiological apy Assn. will hold an all day Religion; Forell Says concluded his testimony Thurs- by attorney Frank Messer, and research in b.ological SCi. .slth will be held at the SUI meeting today, in tile SUI Medi- Many people think they can make up their minds later about Col. Walter E. Sewell, former day before the John on County IO'Connor testified that the Lone ence \.\li11 be given in 1956 by the dical L3boratory Dec. 1-3, cal Laboratories Building. what to do with their religious lives, the Rev. Dr. George W. ForelL, head of military science and tac- District Court in the hearing on . ! tics at sur, hilS been awarded t dl d th S t 13 Tree sc hools were overcrowded I La lor Foundation, Wilm ngton 'Ul J. Houser, cilrector of the The theme of the opening ses- ~rofes~or in the SUI School of Religion, told a group at [nforma- a move 0 regal' e ep. ' . ' tbe Ulchi Dis- Lone Tree election, because of the lack of • other Del., Walter F. Loehw,"C 1IAvision of Public Health En slon wil~ be "Occupational Ther- tlon First Thur day. sc~ool D _~n ~s: . -l!py-Its Role in RehabIlitation." "This is not true," he aid, "People can choose directions, but tinguished MiIi- The Lone Tree area voted to schools to handle the students. of the SUI Graduate College an. rmc, State Departmfu~~) William J. Vaughan, C4, Ottum­ wa, squadron commander of the Billy Mitchell Squadron of the 'Four . ~rh~ J.n.k. ~ 1J;, ~ r"' J~II ..f" ! Arnold Air Society (AAS), and The light Cadet M/Sgt. George Van Hou­ DES MOINES ...... , .. ,' $3.05 ten, C3, Davenport, will attend Friday night $6,85 the Area uG" concl;ive of AI\S blocked traffic SIOUX CITY ...... in St. Paul, Minn. this weekend, City. $4,95 Of the seven CHiCAGO ...... ···· . MUSIC - Watle Rarldon, G. Tinkle, 30, OMAHA ...... $6.00 Iowa City, will sIng lit a recital $1'.40 presented by the SUI Music De­ DAVENPORT .. , ...... partment SundliY at 7:30 p.m. in AMES ...... ··.·· . $3.30 North Ml.\sic Hall. Rarldon, a $4.95 tenor, will sing 20 songs fro~ FORT DODGE .. •.. , .... . Franz Schubert'.s "The Maid of Allen 4· NEW YQRK ... ! .... ~ ... . $22.55 the Mill," Robert Chapman, SUI music lecturer, will accompany California Pascal . LOS ANGELES ...... $38.05 Rarldon. (~Iu. T•• ) Enjoy low-cost Juxdi'Y aboard Greyhound'. TV POTTt;RY - Classroom pottery will be the subject ot .SWEET SCENICRUISER or HIGHWAY TRAVELER. this wcck's "Adventures.in Art" ( ,ElER¥' G.IYHOUND TEIM'INAl program produced at SUI and televised over WOl-TV, Ames, Friday at I :30 p.m. Frank Wa­ 'POTATOES, chowiak, SUI director , of art education, w ill demonstrate \.\Ian in which video' students may make. their own pottery. lOc c Josef M, Jauch, professor ot 2 cans 23 physics at SUI, will lecture on TURKEYS "The Theoretical Experiment in the History of PhySics" at 8 p,m. Monday in Old Capitol. The lec­ Louisiana ture will be open to the public, All Flavors .< ' Himie Voxm:ln, head of the I SUI Music Department, will rep­ ~~, 't\ resent SUI at the 31st annual BELTSVIL·LE JELlO ..~ ( · . meeting of the National Associa­ . ,) : .,.:. tion of Schools of Music In st. Louis Nov, 25-26, Professor Vox­ 9c man is national chairman of the 5-9 Ibs. 5 3 19 • committee on wind Instruments, c cUrrently pu.blishing. repertoirc boxes I lists and commisSioning original ! I works by American composers. · HENS . I ' 10-14 Ibs. 55-c -So-r-de-n-'s-N-on-S.... u-ch--- .....'(..... Author Is .· (ily'Record Fresh

~lRTH8 On ~u have 10 lIVE it ! Mr.' and ' Mrs, Cecil Petersen, WASH",,'~"'I"'M 1113 Clement St" a girl, Wednes­ MINCE MEAT Harvey Tbat's why American Expres.~ Student Tours day at Mercy Hospital.' 'CRANBERRIES to tell Sen. Joseph are expertly planned to include a full measure Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barnes, TOMS Wis,) whether he of individualltisure-runple free time to dis­ R.R. 4, a boy, Wednesday at CONDENSED munist, was fineq Mercy Hospital. ... 2'5 cover flour Europe~ well as the most com­ 9-01. package ...... c a suspended one­ prehensive si~ht-seemg program available Mr. ancl Mrs. Gerald Forbes, c Friday despite hi! anYl'herel ViSIt England, Holland, Belgium, Lone Tree, a girl, Wednesday at bag was "an Innocent Mercy Hospital. c 20-2'2Ibs. Germany, ' Switzerland, Italy and France­ lb. 49 brawl" between I accompanied by distfnguished tour leaders Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Westfall, ",hat the Senatol -enjoy superb American Express service Lone Tree, a girl, Wednesday at 1S "Achesog State De Mercy Hospital. c. U.S. Dist. Judge throughout. ~ ~8~~\" "".: 5.3 Mr, and Mrs. Robert Griffin, Carraghy ruled I , , 131l ' Kirkwood Ave" a girl, 8 Grand Tours ... 53 or 61 dar.s ... via famoussbips: ,ullty ot contempt Thursday at 'Mercy Hospital. ' Immediately af lle 'de france, United States, LlberU, America, Flandre. DEATH OPEN WEEKDAYS - 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. • '1,213 up was sentenced, his AJIIO Regular Tours ... 43 days ... ,,1 up Ella Jackson, 71, Kalona, WeI­ Check ,'With OPEN SUNDAYS - 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., hard P. Van Arkel nesday at University Hospitals. Us for 01 an appea I. .. James K. Boucher. 61, Webster For complete inC()fmation, II8C you.r Campua During hiS trial Repreaent.ative, local Travel Agent or City, Wednesday at University ITPAYS' TtJ ~HOP~' },fcGarraghy tn Oi American Expr81111 Travel Service, HOIIpitals. nor, 58, told report, tIIeIIIber: Institute of 'International Education Moss C. Serup, 86, West Liber­ ~urtroom be' was and Council on Student Trawl ty, Wednesday at Mercy }fbspi­ had ne,er been 3 ( • , • or aimply mail the handy coupon bele ..: tal. I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MARRIAGE UCEN8E8 Pawel Mazurczak and Elfrieda 'MAPLECREST.. ' .. Morse, both Oakdale and both ot A.UICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL SERVICE of legal age. 81 Bro.d"ay, New York 8, N. Y.• 1e .,.,.001,.,. DItNIM C.17 DIVORCE APPLICATION Y_I PltUe do lebd me cotllpitte information Mary Graham from Charles, SEA Tl'LE (11')­ about 1966 Student Tours to Eu.ropel William Graham. nl,ht airline era homeward bdund I N...... j ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••" ••-; :; '?; :e '!i :; and injured 47 othl Seventy-fOUr P A.~ •.••.•••••••. I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lboard the DC. II.! of its four POWI '.;.. at,...... ~~ .... ___ nee .•••. State ..•.••••••• 'l!J ~! .puttered and possl .,. PIfIBT .... nAwn ,... wml A.-I TlA'Il1.1. Cl!(QIIU-II'£IIDAIU Mn'tIIUI a.it= MOST POPULAR-P,RICES IN TOWN w..... -- 1 • 227 Kirkwood ler taklnl off from ~ , ' .•...... •.~ ..•...•...... , ...... •... - -- . .. torty soldier. were SEB yova DluoGlST Jlltals ' with injuri 'Nere releaseo by 'll( IQcI three oh!\dreil