.. .,. WMT To Telecast 'H'Bwk-Nmtre Da,me Game' NCAA Says , ..... fair Other Areas ....,,~ ..... of II ... aD upeded lalrh In Remain Out at owan &lie St'1. • Telecasting of the Iowa-Notre fit. 1868 - AP leosed Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents lowo City. lowo. Friday. November 18, 1955 Dame tootbaLl game over station WMT-TV, Channel 2, Cedar Rapids, has been cieflnitely given the green light, William Quarton, jenera I manager ot WMT-TV, aid Thursday nh(ht. He sard that telecast arrangc­ .. ! ments have been workcd out ror broadcasting on this station, but .. he said he stiJI hopes that the National Collegiate Athletic As­ r es om sociation (NCAA) will' relax i\8 , rules and allow other CBS sta­ tions in Iowa to carry the game. I •• ft The program wl11 be sponsored Why Ruin Chairs? AE(· Member by the Amana Refrl&eratlon Company, Quarton added, start­ Other. AEC inJ at I p.m. Sex Attack Stories Rul~ PeLitioned Tells) , 'Atomic Several groups have petitioned Membe.rs Are the NCAA to rcla~ their rule that only a loca l station, covering thc Against Idea nell nel the participating col­ False, S,ay Officials 'Suri1mit' Plan lege, ca telecast the game. WASHINGTC»I (AI) - rour torEW YORK (/PI - AEC Com­ Quarton, the Amana, corpora­ By STU 1I01'KINS , ------.---- members of the. Atomic EnerlY tion, SUI Athlet1t' Director Paul mluloner Theinl E. MurrllY A number of rumors concern- , any warning. IIbout coeds Itoln,' teT dark:' abe said. "That Is only Com.milslon 'Ihun'dtIy nl;ht proposed Thur.dqv ni,ht thllt t.h" Brechler. pnd Gov. Leo Hoegh Ing supposed assaults on SUI out at night. common aelUe." have all asked that WMT-TV be tumed thum.bF do""", Dn I pro­ t11'1H!=d State explode an H­ allowed to teed the game to telc­ coeds within the past three Pollee a.porll Few A Dally 10'l\.'an urvey of all posal for a trtat warld ClOnciave bomb before the ores of world week~ vision sta~ions in Des Moines, have been termed un- "Reports of lareo numbers of women's housini units broultbt It Enlwetok Atoll to witneJS an leadera as ". declsl'8t1on or Am­ Mason City and Sioux City. founded by poliee and SUI ot!J- molestation Incldcnts since SUI definite deniBb of overal ot the erle.n power" and to spur th cia Is. classe began thIs fall ar not recently rumored lnddcnts. explOlllon of a "ant hydrol:eG quest tor peace. All of these requests for an bomb, substantiated by poll e depart- M ..... A~taoll b ...,. He url:ed thal repre. entativcs Iowa network were turned down Police department records ment rc.cords;' Whitc IIBld. II' by the NCAA. contain only one report of an A prevalent J'\Imor hur,day The fifth .u:C m~m~r. Thom­ Of all n.tlona be ('o1'lVened at Enl­ attack since school beean In Sep- Some accounts or the alleged was tbat a Ilrl lrom tbe Com- as E. "'urray, pr('c. d the dra­ wetok lor "a mee\lnl: lit the The local broadcast was ap­ atorftic Burrlmtt" - a mecllnll to proved sinc!! unCler NCAA rulc! tember. wBVe or scx pUllnsel have the mons dormitory was as aulted matic proposal In - a speech , number of attacks and mol~ta- early Wednesda)" all she cro sed be featured by /I .dl'm()nstraticn the local outlet oI the team play­ Dean or Students Dale L. tlon! since September at 54. the Iowa Memori 1 Union Brid,e Thursda, nitht. blast of a lar,.: hydro; n W\'lllprlll. Ing aWRY from home may present Faunce said Thursday "We have . The other four memberz of the telecast if the game Is a seU­ checked with police on these ru- That tilure did appe r In a on her way to .. 7:30 class. Murray made his proposal In the commLsslon I.~ued a oit te­ out and no other college gamC15 mors and have not been able to story last summer concerning i Both Faunce and Sprinkle .n address ptC'porcd ror the are being played withjn a 90 milc corroborate any of them." man arrested here. He admitted termed this .tory "completely ment rejecting the Murray pro­ Golden Jubilee dinfler of Ford­ to detectivClI that he had been falsc." ham UOlvCfslty' Law School. radius. Worries Unwarranted po.,t. Involved In 54 Instances of ex­ "The only reported caM ot 8 They Indicated a qcUet that. In a talk with a reporter' Buehler's 'Statement He termed the current unusual posure, window peepinC, and at­ girl actually bein, a aulled Instead 01 persuadln: n ussl. to earUer, MlJrra)' aid he w . Brechler niade the ro\lowin ~ amount ot worries among coeds tacks. apeakin, 101' himself and not (or lta\emenl Thursday night aftel since the be,lnninl ot classes oc­ unwarranted. No 8,,"lal WaraiDp curred Nov. I," Sprinkle said, "an ettectlve systt'm" for Btomic the Atomic Enerll' Commission. the NCAA's decision was re­ Police Detective H a r I and Miss Helen Reich, assistant dl- arms controls, it ml,bt spur the OOYCl'nment ipoke:..: men also said reived: "wben a (irl llvinl at CurrieI' Sprinkle said police would "ad- rector of st~dent attairs, said no Hall was aUacked near HlUel Ru!!Slans on to press their atom the pIal) h8!l 'not bfocn adopted a~ "Becalll" th" subJed of thn vocate no more than ordinary special VI·arnln, concerninl House." program. an El.lenhower admlnlltration possibility of televising the Iowa­ precautions on the part ot girls traveling in ,roups have policy. Chalrm.n Lewl:! L. Straus and Notre Dame game throughout the coeds." Ibeen issued by SUI omclals. aeldover Member State ot Io wa has been so prom­ Police Chief Oliver A. While "The girls have always been Sprinkle said the last report Commissioners Willard r. Llbb". of a physIcal '\lack bcfore that Murray 1.1 a holdover m ml)('r inent In the news during the past said police have never issued cautioned not to travel alone af- John Von Newnar.n and Harold rew days, and because the NCAA was in Auiu,st. S. Vance said: of the AEC. havinll been appoint­ ed In 11150 b Plc.sldent Trumnn. has npw delivered publicly i ls A report was received a wcek ago that a man had brokcn into "The recommendation hich Declaring th t "man now hll . final decision denying the request Mr, Mu rr y m.~ as the. major a sorority house and hod ~n the power to put an end to hi s for statewide televising or the theme Qt his address (5 one he pme, H Is impol1ant that the po­ found In a r\rl's room. own hlllt9l1," Murray volct:d re­ Ike Tackles ~udget, has loftl advoea~d .. A number of vet that such'a demonslrntion of ailion of the University's athle tJc Sprinkle Baid of thl. "we have months liO, UtI! comml$sion by department Jlnd the efforts put no evidence the man had in ton­ American trenath and re~·. r"lnt 110f11]al lIetlOlJ reje<;ted Commis­ bad not bech staled before the forth by the D.CP rtment be gen­ lions of moleatln. any 01 the sioner Murra1'5 motion to' Invite JlI. , U1' 111 ~ting last lIumm r eraU)" kl1P,'wn. - lirls. He fled \VheD cl1Icovered ~ ob3ervtr, amotl.I them "Fover), effnr'& "'811 put forth ·to Highway .Problems by one of ttMl &irb. in SwitzetU'IIt!. Commun1st obsetVetS. 10 wltne secure permission for the statc- GETTYSBURG, Pa. (IP)-An Increasingly chipper Prcsident Ei­ r....,.~ ,1Ot I BEI OFFERED for InformaUo" eonoe~ .... the per- tos of nuclear we.pons. In t~ It It hadj hO sl\ld, thcre ml~ht wide telecast by this department. scnhowcr Thursday whirled throUgh a scrles or conferences thal Other incident!! lllItedon the on .r persona fUlIt,. or sluhln, three cbAln til the ve"''' Pacific. now be "mqre substance to the ~pl rll or 0 nllvB." "We bave ulTed the NCAA to sparked hopes for 8 balanced budlet Bnd a vast new hllhway pro­ pollce files since the start ot the Llbrar)'. Bud Well , Cornell Colle"" sophoftlore frolll £1,... JII., TM commlsalon has never &rant the permission, have been gram. taU term Inc;lude: a girl molest­ Tlwnda), Inspeds the damare done to one 0' the three ebalri. chan,ed lUI ' posltlon on thl, Murray sharply critlclzcd the In contact with stations which Out of ~he conferences came: ed on the strect, Oct. 4; a lirt matter. Mr. Murray's. ptoposal, lO'Vemmenl's polley of erecy on might do the telecast, and have Assurances from Budget Director Rowland HVihes that he ~hlnks molested on the street, Oct. 5, therefore, Is cOntrary to the nuckar maUOl's. even conferred with potential * * * the federal budget can be bal- and an attempted "pick up," Oct. Ju<llment of the Atomic lnerlY IJIMllar Plan sponsors concerning their will- anced - although there Is no 29. 3 ~hairs Slashed:; Comm.lasion. ." All one of too five mcmber of Ingness to bring the televised Ike Dulles Confer That Is all. Sprinkle Slid that game to all ot the viewers In ' certainty - both for the present . , tbe .\EC, he made d similar sug­ the term "molested," as uscd 0 .. ' .-stlon for a h 'dro,en bomb Iowa. These efforts were not On Geneva Fal'lure fiscal year ondlng next June 30 the police blotter, does not mean deUlODStratJon l7 months all"o. At fenerally publicized, because as and the one statting July 1.
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