Oxford Lectures on David Hume, 2018-19
Oxford Lectures on David Hume, 2018-19 David Hume, 1711-1776 1. Historical Background, Major Themes in Hume, (a) Some Historical Background and His “Chief Argument” Peter Millican Hertford College, Oxford 2 1 2 Born in 1711, in Edinburgh Mechanism and Scepticism 1610, Galileo, The Starry Messenger The “Mechanical Philosophy” – Refutes the Aristotelian theory of the universe. – Championed especially by Descartes (matter is 1620, Bacon, Novum Organum just extension) and Boyle (matter is extended, – Advocates the empirical method of science impenetrable, and corpuscular). 1641, Descartes, Meditations – Matter understood as pure extension – The physical world is composed of (particles of) 1660, Formation of the Royal Society inert matter acting through mutual impact and – Promoting the development of empirical science mathematically calculable forces. 1661, Boyle, The Sceptical Chymist – This seems intelligible (because mechanical – The corpuscularian theory of matter interaction appears to make sense to us). 1687, Newton, Principia – But it potentially opens a sceptical gap between – Gravitational force subject to inverse-square law the world as it is and how it appears. 3 4 3 4 The Monster of Malmesbury Leviathan (1651) (and Magdalen Hall = Hertford College!) Hobbes is most famous Thomas Hobbes whole- as a political philosopher, heartedly accepts the arguing that in the state mechanical philosophy: of nature, the life of man – Everything that exists in the universe is material (hence is “solitary, poore, nasty, no immaterial substance). brutish and short”. – Everything is causally The only solution is determined by the laws of absolute sovereignty, mechanics. over religion and morals – A perfect science would be demonstrative. as well as policy.
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