Final Evaluation Report
BUILDING ADAPTIVE CAPACITY AND RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE WATER SECTOR IN CABO VERDE CIDA Fast Start Climate Change Funds FINAL EVALUATION REPORT Praia, Cabo Verde Survey date: December 2016 Report drafting date: December 2016 - March 2017 This evaluation was conducted with the support of CIDA/UNDP 1 Cabo Verde – Final Evaluation Report Building adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change in the water sector in Cabo Verde Atlas ID: 00058318 PIMS ID of the project (UNDP): 4091 Evaluation period: December 12-21, 2016 Evaluation report date: December 2016 Region and country of the project: Cabo Verde Implementing partner: Government of Cabo Verde Other implementing partners: INIDA, DGASP, SNSAN, ANAS Lead Coordination Agency Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Duration of the intervention: 2013-2016 Start date of the intervention: October 2013 End date of the intervention: November 2016 CIDA’s contribution: USD 1,980,000 Co-financing: USD 63,699,027 Evaluation team members: Alexandre Borde (International Expert) Elisabeth Lopes (National Consultant) Luisa Reis de Freitas (Technical Assistant) The evaluation field mission took place from December 11 to 21, 2016. The project intervention sites in the islands of Santiago and Santo Antão were visited. Cabo Verde Terminal Evaluation Report – 12 2016/3 2017 – Page 2/82 ACKNOWLEGMENTS The evaluators wish to express their sincere thanks to those who helped during this evaluation. Especially to the Country office of UNDP in Praia, including Mrs Sandra Martins, Mrs Ilaria Carnevali and Mrs Ulrika Richardson-Golinski, the resident coordinator. Also to the members of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, including the Project Supervisor, Mr.
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