The Source of Stone Building Materials from the Pompeii Archaeological Area and Its Surroundings
kastenmeier:periodico 30/11/2010 15:26 Pagina 39 Period. Mineral. (2010), Special Issue, 39-58 doi: 10.2451/2010Pm0020 An International Journal of PerIodIco di MIneralogIa MINERALOGY, CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, GEOCHEMISTRY, established in 1930 ORE DEPOSITS, PETROLOGY, VOLCANOLOGY and applied topics on Environment , Archeometry and Cultural Heritage The source of stone building materials from the Pompeii archaeological area and its surroundings Pia KastEnmEiEr 1, G iovanni Di maio 2, G iusEPPina BalassonE 3*, m aria Boni 3, m iChaEl JoaChimsKi 4 and niCola monDillo 3 1Deutsches archäologisches institut, Podbielski allee 69-71, D-14195 Berlin, Germany 2Geomed srl, via l. sicignano 41, i-84018 scafati (na), italy 3Dipartimento di scienze della terra, università di napoli “Federico ii” via mezzocannone 8, i-80134 napoli, italy 4Geozentrum nordbayern, university of Erlangen-nürnberg, schlossgarten 5, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany Submitted, September 2010 - Accepted, November 2010 aBstraCt - this work is part of a large-scale dei paleo-ambienti della Piana del sarno risalenti al - survey carried out by the Deutsches archäologisches l’olocene e delle provenienze dei materiali litoidi institut (Dai) of Berlin, which aim to locate the impiegati in vari siti archeologici (Pompei, nuceria, sources of raw building materials employed stabiae, longola, etc.). si riportano i dati preliminari throughout various archaeological sites on the sarno di una ricerca multidisciplinare sui diversi materiali river plain (Pompeii, nuceria, stabiae, longola, etc.) da costruzione (rocce vulcaniche e sedimentarie car - while also reconstructing the paleo-environments of bonatiche) utilizzati nell’antica Pompei e in siti ar - this area during the olocene. the present paper reports cheologici vicini.
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