



Cronache Pompeiane (1975-1979; volumes 1-5) (Gardner: volumes 1-5 DG70.P7 C7)

Rivista di Studi Pompeiani (1987-present; volumes 1-23 [2012]) (Gardner: volumes 1-3 DG70.P7 R585; CTP vols. 6-23 DG70.P7 R58)

Cronache Ercolanesi: (1971-present; volumes 1-43 [2013]) (Gardner: volumes 1-19 PA3317 .C7)

Vesuviana: An International Journal of Archaeological and Historical Studies on Pompeii and Herculaneum (2009 volume 1; others late) (Gardner: DG70.P7 V47 2009 V. 1)

Notizie degli Scavi dell’Antichità (Gardner: beginning 1903, mostly in NRLF; viewable on line back to 1876 at: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000503523)


Quaderni di Studi Pompeiani (2007-present; volumes 1-6 [2013]) (Gardner: volumes 1, 5)

Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di (2001-present; volumes 1-32 [2012]) (Gardner: volumes 1-32 (2012)]


García y García, Laurentino. 1998. Nova Bibliotheca Pompeiana. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei Monografie 14, 2 vol. ().

García y García, Laurentino. 2012. Nova Bibliotheca Pompeiana. Supplemento 1o (1999-2011) (Rome: Arbor Sapientiae).

McIlwaine, I. 1988. Herculaneum: A guide to Printed Sources. (: Bibliopolis).

McIlwaine, I. 2009. Herculaneum: A guide to Sources, 1980-2007. (Naples: Bibliopolis).

1 Early documentation:

Fiorelli, G. 1861-1865. Giornale degli scavi. 31 vols. Hathi Trust Digital Library: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009049482

Fiorelli, G. ed. 1860-1864. Pompeianarum antiquitatum historia. 3 vols. (Naples: Editore Prid. Non. Martias).

Laidlaw, A. 2007. “Mining the early published sources: problems and pitfalls.” In Dobbins and Foss eds. pp. 620-636.


Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 4 (instrumentum domesticum from Vesuvian sites), 10 (inscriptions from various regions, including ). Parts of CIL 4 available through Hathi Trust Digital Library: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009787329

For an overview of the complex set of partes and fasciculi of CIL 4 see: http://cil.bbaw.de/cil_en/dateien/cil_baende.html The texts of the dipinti on from Pompeii published in CIL 4 are available through The Oxford Text Archive (“Dipinti on amphorae from Rome and Pompeii from Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 4 and 15”) at http://ota.ahds.ac.uk/desc/0410

Krenkel, W. Pompejanische Inschriften. (Leipzig 1963). (L: CN533 K7 1963)

Camodeca, G. 1999. Tabulae Pompeianae Sulpiciorum (TPSulp.). Edizione critica dell’archivio puteolano dei Sulpici. Vetera 12. (Rome).

Wallace, Rex. 2005. An Introduction to the Wall Inscriptions from Pompeii and Herculaneum. (Wauconda: Bolchazy-Carducci).

Magalhaes, M. 2006. romana. La prosopografia e la documentazione epigrafica. Iscrizioni lapidarie e bronzee, bolli laterizi e sigilli. (: Longobardi).


Dobbins, J. and P. Foss eds. 2007. The World of Pompeii. (New York: Routledge).

Castrén, P. 1975. Ordo Populusque Pompeianus. Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii. (Rome).

Mouritzen, H. 1988. Elections, Magistrates and Municipal Elite: Studies in Pompeian epigraphy. Analecta romana Instituti Danici Supplement 15. (Rome).



Fergola, L. 2004. e le sue ville. (Pompei: Flavius).


Ussani, V. ed. 2005. Moregine: Suburbio ‘portuale’ di Pompei. (Naples: Loffredo).


No editor credited. 2005. In Stabiano. Exploring the Ancient Seaside of the Roman Elite. (Longobardi, Naples).


Della Corte, M. 1954. Case ed abitanti di Pompei. 2nd ed. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider.

Eschebach, H. 1970. Die städtebauliche Entwicklung des antiken Pompeji, RM supplement 17. Heidelberg: Kerle.

Carratelli, G. and I. Baldassare.1990-2003. Pompei: pitture e mosaici. (Rome: Enciclopedia italiana).

Strocka, V.M. ed. 19084-2002. Haüser in Pompeji. 12 vols. (Munich: Hirmer).

Eschebach, L. 1993. Gebäudeverzeichnis und Stadtplan der antiken Stadt Pompeji. (Cologne: Böhlau).

Van der Poel, H., L. García y García, and J. McConnell. 1986. Corpus Topographicum Pompeianum. Pars III A. The Insulae of Regiones I-V. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Economic studies:

Carrington, R. 1931. Studies in the Campanian ‘Villae Rusticae.” JRS 21:110-130.

Day, J. 1932. Agriculture in the Life of Pompeii. Yale Classical Studies 3. (New Haven: Yale U.)

Sievers, H. 1938. “Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Pompejis.” Dissertation, University of Hamburg.


Andreau, J. 1974. Les affaires de Monsieur Jucundus. CollÉFR 19. (Rome).

Moeller, W. 1976. The Wool Trade of Ancient Pompeii. (Leiden: Brill).

Gassner, V. 1986. “Die Kaufläden in Pompeii.” Dissertation U. of Vienna.

Jongman, W. 1988. The Economy and Society of Pompeii. (Amsterdam: Gieben).

Laurence, R. 1996. Roman Pompeii: Space and Society. (London & New York: Routledge) [2nd edition 2007].

Wallace-Hadrill, A. 1994. Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum. (Princeton: Princeton U.).

Avvisati, C. 2003. Pompei : Mestieri e botteghe 2000 anni fa. (Rome: Bardi).

Catalogs (with substantial economic component):

Ward-Perkins, J., and A. Claridge. 1978. Pompeii AD 79. 2 vols. (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts).

Ciarallo, A., and E. De Carolis, eds. 1999. Homo faber :Natura, scienza e tecnica nell’antica Pompei. (Milan: Electa). (Also available in English edition.)

Zevi, F., ed. 1984. Pompei 79: Raccolta di studi per il decimonono centenario dell’eruzione vesuviana. (Naples: Macchiaroli).

Dell’Oro, L., and A. Varone eds. 1990. Rediscovering Pompeii. (Rome: L’Erma di Breschneider).

Stefani, G. 2005 ed. Cibi e sapori a Pompei e dintorni. (Pompei: Flavius).

Stefani, G. ed. 2010. Man and the Environment in the Territory of Vesuvius: The Antiquarium of . (Pompei: Flavius). (Also available in Italian edition.)

Roberts, P. 2013. Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum. (Oxford: Oxford U.)

Material culture:

Carandini, A. ed. 1977. L’instrumentum domesticum di e Pompei. Quaderni di Cultura Materiale 1. (Rome: G. Bretschneider).

Gralfs, B. 1988. Metallverarbeitende Produktionsstatten in Pompeji. BAR-IS 433. (Oxford).

4 Tassinari, S. 1993. Il vasellame bronzeo di Pompei. 2 vols. (Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider).

Bats, M. ed. 1996. Les céramiques communes de Campanie et de Narbonnaise (Ier s. av. J.-C. IIe s. ap. J.C.) La vaisselle de cuisine et de table. Actes des Journées d’étude organisées par le Centre Jean Bérard et la Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Napoli e Caserta. Naples, 27-28 mai 1994. (Naples: Centre Jean Bérard).

Mols. S. 1999. Wooden in Herculaneum : Form, Technique and Function. Circumvesuviana 2. (Amsterdam : Gieben).

Allison, P. 2004. Pompeian Households: An Analysis of Material Culture. UCLAMon 42. Los Angeles: University of California Press. (On-line companion: http://www.stoa.org/projects/ph/home.)

Allison, P. 2006. The Insula of the in Pompeii vol. iii: The Finds, a Contextual Study (Oxford: O. Press). (On-line companion [under development]: http://www.le.ac.uk/ar/menander/index.html.)

Berg, R. 2010. Il mundus muliebris nelle fonti latine e nei contesti pompeiani. Doctoral dissertation, U. Of Helsinki.

Cullin-Mingaud, M. 2010. La vannerie dans l'antiquité romaine: les ateliers de vanniers et les vanneries de Pompéi, Hercolanum et Oplontis. (Naples: Centre Jean Bérard).

Some notable excavation reports:

Bonghi Iovino, M. ed. 1984. Ricerche a Pompei: l’insula 5 della Regio VI dalle origini al 79 d.C. vol. 1: Campagne di scavo 1976-1979 (Rome: L’Eerma di Brescheider).

De Caro, S. 1994. La rustica in Località Villa Regina a Boscoreale. Pubblicazioni Scientifiche del Centro di Studi della Magna Grecia dell’Università di Napoli Federico II Terza Serie Volume I. (Rome: G. Bretschnieder).

Natural history:

Jashemski, W. 1979, 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuvius. 2 vols. New Rochelle: Caratzas.

Jashemski, W., and F. Meyer eds. The Natural History of Pompeii. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5 Human remains:

Capasso, L. 2001. I fugggiaschi di Ercolano. Paleoboliga delle vittime dell’eruzione vesuviana del 70 d.C. (Rome: L’Erma di Breschneider).

Lazer, E. 2009. Resurrecting Pompeii (London and New York: Routledge).



Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici Pompei Ercoolano, Stabia: http://www.pompeiisites.org/

Pompeiana: http://www.pompeiana.org/ (reorganizing with bibliographic database and GIS map)

AD 79 Destruction and Rediscovery: http://sites.google.com/site/ad79eruption/home

Blogging Pompeii: http://bloggingpompeii.blogspot.com/2010/01/moregine-treasure-on-five-year-loan-to.html


Pompeii in Pictures: http://pompeiiinpictures.com/pompeiiinpictures/index.htm

Amici di Pompei: http://www.amicidipompei.com/index.html

Fasti Online Pompeii: http://www.fastionline.org/micro_view.php?itemkey=fst_cd&fst_cd=AIAC_356

Pompeii and Drink Project: http://www.pompeii-food-and-drink.org


Friends of Herculaneum Society: http://www.herculaneum.ox.ac.uk/

Herculaneum Conservation Project: http://www.herculaneum.org/hcp-home/eng/index.html


Restoring Ancient Stabiae Foundation: http://lnx.stabiae.org/foundation/

Sarno Valley:

SALVE: River-Plain Ancient Life in the Vesuvian Environment: http://www.salve-research.org/index.php?id=48

7 Museums:

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli: http://cir.campania.beniculturali.it/museoarcheologiconazionale/


The Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project: http://digitalhumanities.umass.edu/pbmp/

Interactive map of Pompeii: http://web1.netribe.it/pompei/mappa/cartina.html

Herculaneum Panoramas (3-D tour of Herculaneum): http://www.proxima- veritati.auckland.ac.nz/Herculaneum/

ISPRA Carta Geologica d’Italia a 100,000 (Use Fogli 183-184 [Naples, Herculaneum], 185 [Pompeii and Sarno Valley], 196 and 197 [Sorrentine Penisula]):

ISPRA Carta Geologica d’Italia a 50,000 (Use Fogli 448 [Herculaneum/Vesuvius], 466 [Pompeii, Sarno Valley]: http://www.isprambiente.gov.it/Media/carg/campania.html

Bibliographical tools:

DYABOLA (when logged on to UCB sever): http://www.db.dyabola.de/dya/dya_srv2.dll?00

The Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project: http://digitalhumanities.umass.edu/pbmp/

Roman economy:

The Oxford Project: http://www.romaneconomy.ox.ac.uk/

[in particular: Structure and scale of Roman urban economies: the case of Pompeii http://oxrep.classics.ox.ac.uk/conferences/structure_scale_roman_urban_economies_case_pompe ii/]


9 MAU: CIL 4 supplementi pars II