Yale University Library Digital Repository Collection Name: Henry A. Kissinger papers, part II Series Title: Series II. Government Service Box: 372 Folder: 8 Folder Title: Iran and Poland, May-Jun, 1972 Persistent URL: http://yul-fi-prd1.library.yale.internal/catalog/digcoll:558237 Repository: Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library Contact Information Phone: (203) 432-1735 Email:
[email protected] Mail: Manuscripts and Archives Sterling Memorial Library Sterling Memorial Library P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520 Your use of Yale University Library Digital Repository indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use http://guides.library.yale.edu/about/policies/copyright Find additional works at: http://yul-fi-prd1.library.yale.internal QD1 ROOM ASSIGNMENTS KIEV Oktyabrskaya Hotel' Control Room 210 Albertazzie, Col, R. 0.. 412 e Andrews, John 207 Beam, Amb. and Mrs. Jacob 301 Campbell, LtCdr. Craig 408 Carson, James L. 415 Chapin, Dwight L. 206 Chase, Dr, William 409 Codus, William 202 Collins, Mac A. 216 Derus, Miss Irene 405 DeSantis, Mrs. Rita 308 Goode, Mark 212 Grimes, Miss Dixie 414 Ingersoll, Fred 216 Kaye, Mrs. Beverly 305 Klein, Herbert G. 401 Krimer, William 314 • Lord, Winston 215 Lukash, Dr. William 411 Maguire, Charles 415 Mosbacher, Ambassador 201 01 denburg, Herbert 406 Ki ev - 1 rsci) 0kiyhbrsk,4p. Hotel sitoottnued 405 Price, Raymond K. 203 !bland, Dr. Kenneth 312 Safire, William 208 • Scali, John A. 205 Scowcroft, BIG Brent 421 Sonnenfeldt, Helmut 214 Soukhanov, Miss Maria 307 Stahl, Norman 406 Thomas, John M. 313 Walker, Ronald H. 213 Woods, Miss Rose Mary 209 Yates, Mrs.