Chorley Local Plan 2012 -2026

Statement of Consultation Regulation 22 (1) (c) report

December 2012

1. Introduction

1.1 This document has been prepared to meet the requirements of Regulation 22 (1) (c) of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The document has been submitted alongside the publication edition Local Plan 2012-2026 (previously referred to as the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document). It sets out the consultation which has been undertaken during the preparation of the Chorley Local Plan and in order to meet the requirements it sets out the following information;

• Who was consulted. • How they were consulted. • A summary of the main issues raised in response to consultation. • How representations made have been taken into account in the Publication Local Plan.

1.2 This statement was first made available in September 2012 alongside the Publication Local Plan. Following the Publication stage, it has been updated to set out how the Council consulted at the Publication stage and how many representations were received in relations to the Publication Local Plan with a summary of these representations. Copies of all representations received in relation to the Publication consultation, and all other submission documents, have been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent Examination.

1.3 The Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 has been prepared in accordance with the Council’s Adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The SCI sets out how Chorley Council consults with stakeholders and the community. The Chorley Council SCI was adopted in July 2006. The Chorley Local Plan has been prepared in accordance with the procedures set out within it, namely by;

• Evidence gathering/including calls for sites. • A minimum six week consultation at each stage of preparation of the Plan. • Notification to all interested parties and statutory consultees of consultation stages. • Opportunities to make representations at each stage of preparation.

Duty to Cooperate

1.4 The Duty to Co-operate (the Duty) is set out in Section 33A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended by Section 110 of the Localism Act 2011. This applies to all local planning authorities, county councils in England and to a number of other “prescribed” bodies. Regulation 4 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 sets out who those “prescribed” bodies are (see below). 1.5 Chorley Council prepared a Statement of Compliance with the Duty to Co-operate to cover the Publication version of the Chorley Local Plan (September 2012). The Statement of Compliance with the Duty to Co-operate was issued in draft alongside the Publication version of the Local Plan to enable all neighbouring authorities and “prescribed” bodies and all other interested parties to comment on this legal requirement should they wish through representation to the Publication Local Plan.

1.6 Local planning authorities, county councils and other “prescribed” bodies are required to co-operate with each other to address strategic matters relevant to their areas in the preparation of a development plan document. The duty requires constructive and active engagement on the preparation of development plan documents and other activities relating to the sustainable development and use of land, in particular in connection with strategic infrastructure or matters that would fall under the remit of a county council.

1.7 All the “prescribed” bodies relevant in the context of the Duty for Chorley (South Ribble Borough Council; Bolton Metropolitan Council; Wigan Council; West Borough Council; Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council (as neighbouring authority, neighbouring highway authority and neighbouring mineral and waste authority); Lancashire County Council (as County Council, transport authority and highway authority and minerals and waste authority); the Environment Agency; English Heritage; Natural England; the Homes and Communities Agency; the Central Lancashire NHS (as the Primary Care Trust); the Office of Rail Regulation; the


Civil Aviation Authority and the Lancashire Local Enterprise Partnership) were invited to a presentation on the Chorley Local Plan Publication document and a draft "Statement of Compliance" in relation to the Duty to Co- operate. The utility providers (United Utilities, National Grid, Electricity North West, Scottish Power Manweb, Mono Consultants) and Preston City Council were also invited. Each was emailed a copy of the Chorley Local Plan Publication document and a draft "Statement of Compliance" in relation to the Duty to Co-operate prior to the presentation.

1.8 8 organisations attended the presentation at Chorley Town Hall on 16 October 2012. These included South Ribble Borough Council, Wigan Council, Blackburn with Darwen Council, West Lancashire Borough Council, Bolton Council, Lancashire County Council, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) and United Utilities.

1.9 After the presentation there was general support for the Duty to Cooperate and a general discussion on housing matters between the authorities. Each organisation represented provided an update on their work programme. Following the presentation all the prescribed bodies and utility providers invited to the presentation were sent a copy of the presentation on the Chorley Local Plan and the Duty to Cooperate Statement. The Duty to Cooperate Statement has been updated following the Local Publication consultation and is submitted with the Local Plan documents.

1.10 Consultation has been undertaken at a number of stages during the preparation of the Chorley Local Plan. Figure 1 below sets out the various stages in the production of this Local Plan.

Evidence gathering & preparation of Issues & Options

Issues & Options public consultation

Preparation of Preferred Options & public consultation

Preparation of Publication Document

Publication of Local Plan

Submission and Independent Examination

Revision & Adoption

Figure 1 |Stages involved in the preparation of a Local Plan

2. Issues and Options Consultation Issues and Options: Consultation December 2010 – February 2011

2.1 Information on sites for development had been gathered from various sources over a number of years. The first call for sites was carried out by Chorley Council for a six week period in September/ October 2005. The second was carried out jointly with Preston and South Ribble Councils for a six week period in July/August 2007. Landowners and developers were invited to put forward land for consideration for development. A further community survey relating to site suggestions ended on the 26 th January 2010. The intention of this exercise was to ascertain whether the community felt that there were sites that would be particularly suitable for non-built development e.g. sport and recreation or conversely be protected from changes of use. After this deadline the Council continued to accept other site suggestions. To date 424 site suggestions within Chorley Borough have been made.

2.2 The Issues and Options Discussion paper brought together results of the ‘call for sites’ exercise and was the first proposals stage of the Site Allocations and Policies paper. This consultation ran from December 2010 until February 2011. This consultation set out all the sites suggested and listed them within the document. However some of the sites identified were not carried forward into the Discussion paper, those that;

• Measured under 0.4 hectares in size (except for play areas). Most smaller sites/proposals will be covered through normal planning procedures; • Are already being developed; or • Which have use suggestions that are contrary to the Core Strategy.

2.3 The Issues and Options stage of the Site Allocations and Policies DPD was the first formal stage and commenced by the issuing of the Discussion Paper. The aim of this stage was to:

• Identify key local issues and start a dialogue on the local planning policy framework (development management policies) for the Borough. • Stimulate early discussion with consultees (residents/statutory agencies/Lancashire County Council) as to the future content of the Plan. • Request responses on the potential scale of development in each settlement. • Consider potential development sites previously submitted to the Council for consideration in the LDF process. • Consider the potential development sites identified through various evidence base studies (e.g. Employment Land Review, housing land availability). • Identify other potential development sites not suggested so far.

2.4 Appendix 1 sets out a list of people invited to submit representations at this stage. This list includes stakeholders and members of the public, and all of those people who have registered to be notified of Local Development Framework consultation.

2.5 Following on from the principles set out in Chorley Councils Statement of Community Involvement (Adopted July 2006), the consultation was undertaken using various methods set out below;

• The document and all supporting material were made available on the Council’s website and comments could be made on-line through the electronic representations form. • Notices were placed in the Local media (Chorley Guardian) and notices were also placed in the Councils ‘in the know’ weekly publication for Councillors. • Letters were sent to all statutory consultees, agencies, developers, interested parties and members of the public who had requested to be notified. • Posters were placed in the Council offices and on Parish Council notice boards. • Documents were made available in all Libraries and post offices within the Borough. • A summary booklet was made available. • Workshops and drop-in sessions were held for Councillors. • A number of exhibitions were held within the Borough’s towns and villages. The exhibitions consisted of a number of display panels setting out the background to the LDF, Core Strategy and key Issues of the


Issues and Options document for each area. The documents and the evidence base were also available to view at the exhibition, and the consultation documents were available to take away. As well as this at least two staff were on hand to answer questions and in many cases gave a brief presentation outlining the process and introducing the document. A full list of exhibition venues is detailed in the table below. The exhibitions were advertised on the Parish Council notice boards and on the Councils website. The exhibition was offered to all Parish Councils and groups in the Borough.

Date Location Event Time 30 th Nov 2010 Eaves Green Community Centre SWITCH Meeting 1pm 1st Dec 2010 Tatton Community Centre PAICE Meeting 1pm 6th Dec 2010 Parish Rooms, Charter Lane, Charnock Parish Meeting 7.30pm Richard 6th Dec 2010 Endowed School Bretherton Parish Meeting 8pm 6th Dec 2010 Village Hall, Meadow Street Wheelton Parish Meeting 8pm 8th Dec 2010 Village Hall, Wood Lane Heskin Parish Meeting 7.30pm 9th Dec 2010 The changing rooms, Drapers Avenue, Drop-in exhibition Eccleston Parish 6-7.30pm Eccleston Meeting 10 th Dec 2010 Covered Market, Chorley Town Centre Drop-in exhibition – Your questions 10am – 4pm answered 13 th Dec 2010 Old School, Ulnes Walton Parish Meeting 7.30pm 13 th Dec 2010 Village Hall, Union Street, Whittle-Le- Whittle-Le-Woods Parish Meeting 7.15pm Woods 14 th Dec 2010 Smile Trailer, Flat Iron Car Park, Drop-in exhibition: Your questions 10am – 4pm Chorley answered 14 th Dec 2010 Community Centre (Annex) Drop-in exhibition: Your questions 5-7.30pm answered 16 th Dec 2010 St. Joseph’s School, Withnell Parish meeting 7pm 4th Jan 2011 Rooms, St Barnabas’ Parish Meeting 7pm church, Heapey 12 th Jan 2011 Village Hall, Hurst Green, Drop-in exhibition, Mawdesley Parish 6.30 – 7.30pm Meeting 13 th Jan 2011 Community Centre, Railway Road, Parish Meeting 7.30pm Adlington 17 th Jan 2011 Clayton Green Library Clayton-Le-Woods Parish Meeting 7pm

Table 1 |Issues and Options consultation events

2.6 Responses received on the Issues and Options document generally focussed on the issue of potential new residential sites, with some of the comments relating to sites that were considered to be contrary to the emerging Core Strategy Policy 1: Locating Growth. The representations received were used to inform the development of the Preferred Option paper. The table at Appendix 2 sets out these representations and the Council’s response to these comments.

2.7 A total of 344 respondents made over 1600 representations on the Issues and Options document, a summary of these comments is set out below by settlement;

Adlington 2.8 The Council received 149 representations relating to sites in Adlington. The greatest concern was raised over the proposed residential development on existing safeguarded land (site suggestions CH0178, CH0180, CH0154) where 66 representations objected to one or in most cases all of these suggestions. The primary reason for objection were; concerns over congestion of a busy traffic route, existing lack of parking, and loss of land and wildlife including a 150 year old woodland. There was also a petition against development of this safeguarded land, signed by 38 local residents.

2.9 There was support for the Council’s decision not to carry forward sites in the green belt for housing allocations and support was also given for the proposed boundary changes to the local centres. The lack of any allotment provision was also mentioned in a number of representations.

Council response 2.10 Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directs some growth and investment to Urban Local Service Centres- of which Adlington is one. In order to meet this growth requirement, it is necessary to allocate some land in the settlement for future development needs.

2.11 The Council worked closely with Lancashire County Council, the NHS, PCT and other health care providers to identify areas where additional highways/educational and health care facilities were required. An open space study was commissioned to identify any shortfalls in the provision of open space, including allotments.

Astley Village 2.12 One comment was received for requesting the provision of new allotments and suggested the old archery range next to the rugby club as an ideal location. It also criticised the Discussion paper as being restrictive with too few sites, lacking creativity and commitment.

Council response 2.13 Comment noted. An open space study was commissioned to identify any shortfalls in the provision of open space, including allotments.

Brindle 2.14 One comment of support was received for Brindle supporting the Council’s decision not to carry forward site suggestion CH0166- Land rear of Gregson Lane Primary school, due to its green belt location.

Council response 2.15 Support noted.

Brinscall 2.16 Two comments were received for , one relating to CS0030 Land off Heather Lea Drive that suggested retaining this site for recreation use in order to separate Withnell from Brinscall and another suggesting Mill for mixed light industrial use and residential use, retaining the stone built elements that already exist.

Council response 2.17 The Council’s preferred option was to protect CS0030 Land off Heather Lea Drive as open space. Withnell Fold Mill was not proposed for allocation as it is located in the Green Belt.

Buckshaw Village 2.18 Lancashire County Council Archaeological service requested that and Old Worden Hall (both Grade II* Listed buildings) be highlighted and included in any plans for development.

Council response 2.19 Comment noted.

Charnock Richard 2.20 The Parish Council sought clarification on what is meant by the term ‘recreation’ and wanted clarification on what would and would not be permissible on site CH0124 on New Road, which was in the Green Belt.

2.21 Another representation was made in relation to Park Hall/Camelot. The respondent objected to the site being developed for residential use.

Council response 2.22 Recreation can encompass a number of uses. In terms of allocating sites for recreation, they would be for uses as identified under policies LT13 and LT14 of the existing Local Plan. In the Green Belt planning permission will not be granted for development other than essential facilities for outdoor recreation which preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with its purposes.

2.23 The Council’s preferred option was to identify the Park Hall/Camelot site as a Major Developed Site in the Green Belt, and not to allocate it for housing purposes.


Chorley 2.24 There were 66 representations received concerning sites suggested in Chorley.

2.25 Site suggestion CH0356- Depot (proposed Gypsy/Traveller site): of the 15 comments received for this site, 13 support the use of the site for a Gypsy/Traveller site.

2.26 Site Suggestion CH0001 and CH0201- Chorley RU Rugby Club: There was support for this site for development from agents and developers. However local residents objected to this development suggestion in order to maintain the semi-rural environment adjacent to Astley Village.

2.27 : There were concerns raised over habitat fragmentation and the need to conserve Healey Nab for future generations. Friends of Healey Nab supported the recreation designation and wanted to see the Nab extended to the lower reaches and the fields to the east of the M61 motorway.

2.28 Site Suggestions CH0173, CH0268 and CH0353- Eaves Green: Agents acting on behalf of developers were supportive of the allocation of this land for housing, and considered the site to be available, suitable, achievable and therefore deliverable for housing.

Council response 2.29 The emerging Central Lancashire Core Strategy. Policy 8: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation suggested that if a need were identified in the future then a separate Development Plan Document could be produced to identify specific sites. It also included a policy on how planning applications would be dealt with in relation to Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople pitches/plots should any come forward.

2.30 The Council's preferred option was to allocate site CH0001/CH0201 for future housing development and open space. The housing element would facilitate improvements to the rugby club and therefore retain its use in this location.

2.31 The Council’s preferred option was to make no development allocations or alterations to land at Healey Nab.

2.32 Support for site suggestions CH0173, CH0268 and CH0353 was noted and land allocated for housing purposes at Eaves Green, Chorley Town

Clayton-Le-Woods 2.33 A large number of representations were received to sites suggested in Clayton-Le-Woods. Of these many objected to the suggestions to develop safeguarded land for residential use. The main reasons for objection were that housing needs should largely be met through existing allocations and brownfield land, development on the safeguarded land would result in the loss of a Biological Heritage Site as well as a valuable amenity for local residents and increased traffic congestion around the A49 junction. These representations (all identical wording) all requested this land be ‘returned’ to the Green Belt.

2.34 One representation supported the development of land adjacent to the Residential Park for supported housing for the elderly. This was due to the close proximity to the existing highway network and access to key local services and facilities.

2.35 An agent supported the development of land to the east of Wigan Road for residential and open space uses, supplying a masterplan to demonstrate how the site could potentially be developed.

Council response 2.36 In order to meet growth requirements, it is necessary to allocate some land in Clayton-Le-Woods for future development needs. Accordingly the Council's preferred option was to allocate the safeguarded land in this locality for mixed use development - housing and employment. No changes to the Green Belt boundaries were proposed. This land has never been designated as Green Belt.

2.37 Through policy implementation, the emerging Core Strategy will help to ensure that areas/sites with international, national and local designations will not be adversely affected by new developments. This will

include designated Biological Heritage Sites. The Open Space Study will inform open space requirements as part of this allocation.

Coppull 2.38 A large number of responses were received relating to three site suggestions within Coppull. These were CH0251 – Land off Blainscough Lane, CH0047- Blainscough Works and CS0024- Blainscough Works. The primary reasons for objection to the suggestion were the existing poor access and junction layout around Spendmore Lane and Grange Drive, problems/hazards would be exacerbated with new residential development and the resultant increased traffic flow. Other responses included the isolation of the Blainscough Wildlife Nature Reserve and loss of wildlife corridor; General loss of wildlife, including birds and potentially Great Crested Newts, as well as destruction of natural habitats – against objectives of the Core Strategy to ‘protect and enhance heritage, biological and geological assets’; The village infrastructure (schools, doctors, shops) would be insufficient to cope with increased demand.

2.39 The proposals to allocate the ‘Discover Leisure’ site were supported by the Parish Council, however the Parish Council objected to Coppull being designated as an Urban Local Service Centre.

Council response 2.40 Objection noted. The Council's preferred option was to retain the existing safeguarded land designation of Blainscough Works. Support to allocate ‘Discover Leisure’ was noted.

Eccleston 2.41 The majority of representations received for Eccleston related to the Carrington Centre and surrounding land. These were site suggestions CH0201- Land North of Bradley Lane and CS0012 – Land off Bradley Lane.

2.42 Agents acting on behalf of the owners of the Carrington Centre expressed their support for mixed use development on this site. Issues were raised over the lack of ‘clarity’, ‘mixed messages’ and ‘poor visual references to site areas’ contained in the Sites for Chorley discussion paper.

2.43 The majority of respondents objected to the development of these sites due to the loss of natural habitats, including a designated Biological Heritage Site pond containing rare invertebrates and dragonflies and the loss of existing open space and integral sports and leisure facilities used by residents and the local community.

2.44 One comment requested that the Carrington Centre should be protected for employment purposes as it represents the industrial roots of Eccleston.

Council response 2.45 The Council responded that they had reviewed areas of land located between settlements and the Green Belt that are identified in the existing Local Plan as ‘safeguarded land’ for development needs. Emerging Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directed limited growth and investment to Rural Local Service Centres (of which Eccleston is one) to help meet local housing and employment needs. Accordingly the Council's preferred option was to allocate some land in this locality for future housing development needs. The remaining area continued to be designated as safeguarded land and protected as recreational open space.

2.46 A number of identified wildlife species are already afforded statutory protection. Through policy implementation, the emerging Core Strategy and policies contained within the Site Allocations DPD will help to ensure that areas/sites with international, national and local designations will not be adversely affected by new developments. This will include Biological Heritage Sites.

Euxton 2.47 A large number of representations were received relating to Euxton and the main issues were;

• Objections to the proposed development of land off Dunrobin Drive, mainly due to poor access, increased traffic flows/ car parking, and loss of natural habitats and wildlife; • Objections to development of any kind on Pear Tree Lane fields – specifically the proposed football pitches. Again, this is due to increased traffic generation and inappropriate, unnecessary development of new facilities when existing recreation facilities exist in a poor state;


• Concern over increased traffic on roads (particularly School Lane, Pear Tree Lane, Euxton Lane) due to the operation of the new (permitted) quarry, without additional development pressures; • Land should remain undeveloped to provide a buffer/separation of Euxton from Chorley and . It is suggested that these areas should be designated as Green Belt and an area of separation in accordance with emerging Core Strategy Policy 19.

2.48 The majority of representations stated that there was enough development around Euxton and Buckshaw Village and the housing numbers in this location should be sufficient for the Euxton area.

Council response 2.49 Emerging Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directs some growth and investment to Urban Local Service Centres- of which Euxton is one. In order to meet this growth requirement, it is necessary to allocate some land in the settlement for future development needs. The Council's preferred option was to allocate Dunrobin Drive for housing and land at Sylvesters Farm (Pear Tree Lane) for mixed uses - housing and employment.

2.50 The Council responded that it would continue to work closely with Lancashire County Council to identify appropriate access points and areas requiring highways/junction improvements as work on the Site Allocations DPD progressed. The Council commissioned an Open Space Study to ensure the provision of adequate open space in the Borough, including Euxton. Any planning application would have to respond to the characteristics of the site, its locality and the Council will seek to protect important open space, landscape features, wildlife habitats and species.

Heath Charnock 2.51 Fourteen representations were made in support of land at Hut Lane becoming a designated Gypsy/Traveller site. Reasons cited included: the site’s good location close to schools, health care and other facilities; that it would fulfil the needs of the GTAA and that it would improve the appearance of the land.

Council response 2.52 The Council responded that the Lancashire Sub-Regional Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation and Related Services Study (GTAA - 2007) found no proven need for additional pitches in Chorley. Although draft policy L6 of the Regional Spatial Strategy Partial Review indicated a requirement for 10 permanent pitches to 2016, the Council objected to this on the basis that there was no demonstrable need. It was the government's intention to scrap the Regional Spatial Strategy. There are no authorised sites in Chorley and the bi-annual counts since 2004 registered a nil return before the unauthorised Hut Lane encampment. Up until then, there had been isolated incidents but no consistent pattern of unauthorised stays which is needed to demonstrate a 'demand'.

2.53 The emerging Central Lancashire Core Strategy. Policy 8: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation suggested that if a need were identified in the future then a separate Development Plan Document could be produced to identify specific sites. It also included a policy on how planning applications would be dealt with in relation to Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople pitches/plots should any come forward.

Mawdesley 2.54 Twenty representations were received supporting a proposal for affordable housing provision on the land off New Street. The general reasons for this support included revitalisation of the village; providing housing for locals who cannot currently afford to remain in the village; and the removal of an ‘unsightly’ area of the village.

2.55 Comments were also received objecting to the proposed amendment of the local centre boundary, as it felt this ‘flies in the face of maintaining services and facilities within rural communities’.

2.56 Although not in Mawdesley, a representation was received regarding Rufford Old Hall and its wider setting. It was suggested that policy should protect the setting from unsympathetic development, in accordance with guidance in PPS5.

Council response 2.57 Under Emerging Core Strategy Policy 1: Locating Growth, Mawdesley was not specifically listed. Rather, it fell under criterion (f) as 'other places', where development would typically be small scale and limited to appropriate

infilling, conversion of buildings and proposals to meet local need, unless there were exceptional reasons for larger scale redevelopment schemes.

2.58 Policy HS1 of the Sites for Chorley Preferred Option Paper demonstrated an adequate supply of housing allocations for the Borough over the plan period, with Policy HS2 detailing the proposed phasing of development.

2.59 Policy HS9 covered residential development with Rural Settlements excluded from the Green Belt, such as Mawdesley. Housing proposals to meet genuine local needs were acceptable under this policy. A Rural Affordable Housing Needs Study was being undertaken to provide evidence as to the level of need that existed. The Council's preferred option therefore was not to allocate this site for development.

2.60 Objections to the Local Centre were noted and the Council’s preferred option was to agree to retain the existing boundary of Mawdesley Local Centre with a small extension.

Rivington 2.61 There was general agreement with the Council’s suggestion to retain the Water Treatment Works as a major developed site within the Green Belt. It was also highlighted as a site which may provide future opportunities for low carbon/renewable energy production.

2.62 A representation also requested greater protection for Lever Park/Rivington Gardens and greater encouragement of recreational uses linking to the tourism industry.

Council response 2.63 Support noted in relation to the Rivington Water Treatment Works.

2.64 In relation to Lever Park/Rivington Gardens the Council’s preferred option was to show this on the Policies Map and protect it under the Heritage Assets policy.

Ulnes Walton 2.65 There was general support for the Council’s decision not to carry forward any of the suggestions for Ulnes Walton. However, it was acknowledged that there may be a need to find suitable sites for affordable housing.

Council response 2.66 Support noted.

Whittle-Le-Woods 2.67 Whittle-Le-Woods received a significant response to the suggestions made in the Sites for Chorley Discussion Paper. Most of the representations requested that the sites were retained and protected as safeguarded land throughout the next plan period. The main concerns raised over proposed development were:

• Flooding; particularly Town Lane and Waterhouse Green; • Increased traffic generation; particularly on Town Lane and Chorley Old Road; • Inadequate infrastructure, lacking the capacity to handle increased demand/usage. This included roads, shops and schools; • Existing lack of playspace/recreation/leisure facilities for residents. This should be addressed as a priority, before developing land for housing; • The cumulative impact of development on Whittle-Le-Woods, as well as the loss of wildlife and footpaths from the safeguarded land.

Council response 2.68 Noted. The Council reviewed areas of land located between settlements and the Green Belt that are identified in the existing Local Plan as ‘safeguarded land’ for development needs.

2.69 Emerging Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directed some growth and investment to Urban Local Service Centres- of which Whittle -Le -Woods was one. In order to meet this growth requirement, it was necessary to allocate some land in the settlement for future development needs. The Council's preferred option was to

10 allocate some of the safeguarded land for housing development, (HS1.44 and HS1.45), yet retain the remainder of the safeguarded land elsewhere in the settlement. A masterplan was required for site HS1.44.

3. Preferred Option Consultation Preferred Option: Consultation September 2011 – November 2011

3.1 The Preferred Option consultation on the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies ran from 16 September 2011 and was originally planned to end on the 28 October 2011 however this was extended by three weeks to the 18 November 2011 due to the amount of public interest it generated.

3.2 At the Preferred Option stage the list of sites consulted on at the earlier Issues and Options consultation was reviewed and a preferred list of sites was produced based on a combination of responses received, detailed sustainability assessments, site visits, knowledge and discussions with service providers e.g. United Utilities and National Grid. All existing Local Plan Policies were also reviewed and subject to a detailed assessment as part of this process. Although some policies have remained unchanged, others have been amended to better reflect the ‘Framework’ and other changes that have occurred nationally and locally since 2003, and some new policies have been formulated based on recent or emerging local issues.

3.3 Prior to publishing the Preferred Options Paper a number of Member drop-in sessions, workshops and meeting were held. The views of Members contributed to the selection of preferred sites.

3.4 The Preferred Option consultation stage aimed to; • Maintain open dialogue and progress from initial discussions with consultees (residents/ statutory agencies) as to the content of the Plan; • Request responses on the Council’s preferred sites for development in each settlement, including the suggested phasing and scale of development; • Request responses on the Council’s newly proposed preferred development management policies; • Identify other potential development sites not proposed previously; and • Identify key local issues and provide the local planning policy framework for the Borough.

3.5 Appendix 2 sets out a list of people invited to submit representations at this stage. This list includes stakeholders and members of the public, and all of those people who have registered to be notified of Local Development Framework consultation.

3.6 Following on from the principles set out in Chorley Councils Statement of Community Involvement (Adopted July 2006), the consultation was undertaken using various methods set out below;

• All information was posted on the Chorley Council website as well as links to online representations forms • Social networking e.g. Twitter • Local press releases • Articles in the Chorley Council Smile magazine, October to December 2011 edition • Two articles in ‘In the know’ Councillors electronic newsletter 12 August and 9 September editions • Over 1,500 letters sent to local businesses, landowners, agents and other consultees • LDF Member Working group reports, Executive Cabinet reports • Identified as a key project in Corporate Strategy Project Initiation Document and associated highlight reports • Documents deposited in all libraries and post offices in the Borough • Posters to Parish Councils and in the Main offices of the Council • A number of exhibitions were held within the Borough’s towns and villages. The exhibitions consisted of a number of display panels setting out the background to the Local Plan, Core Strategy and key Issues of the Issues and Options document for each area. The documents and the evidence base were also available to view at the exhibition, and the consultation documents were available to take away. As well as this at least two staff were on hand to answer questions and in many cases gave a brief presentation outlining the process and introducing the document. A full list of exhibition venues is detailed in the table below. The exhibitions were advertised on the Parish Council notice boards and on the Council’s website. The exhibition was offered to all Parish Councils and groups in the Borough.


Dat e Location Event Time No of attendees 5th Sep 2011 Parish Rooms, Charter Lane, Charnock Richard Parish meeting 7.30pm 10 Charnock Richard 8th Sep 2011 The changing rooms, Drapers Eccleston Parish Council meeting 7pm 8 Avenue 12 th Sep Village Hall, Union Street, Whittle-Le-Woods Parish Council 7pm 12 2011 Whittle-Le-Woods meeting 12 th Sep 7 Lydiate Lane, Cuerden Cuerden Parish Council meeting 7pm 3 2011 14 th Sep Mawdesley Village Hall, Hurst Mawdesley Parish Council meeting 7.30pm 12 2011 Green 15 th Sep Council Chamber, Town Hall Member drop in session 3-4pm 1 2011 15 th Sep Community Centre, Railway Heath Charnock Parish Council 7.30pm 6 2011 Road, Adlington meeting 19 th Sep Community Centre, Railway Adlington Town Council meeting 6.30pm 8 2011 Road, Adlington 19 th Sep Clayton Green Library Clayton-Le-Woods Parish Council 7pm 30 2011 meeting 20 th Sep Chorley Covered Market Public drop-in session 11am-1pm 10 2011 21 st Sep Village Hall, Chapel Lane, Coppull Coppull Parish Council meeting 7pm 8 2011 26th Sep Chorley Central Library Public drop in session 10am-1pm 9 2011 27 th Sep Committee Room 2, Town Hall Member drop in session 4-6.30pm 2 2011 29 th Sep Euxton Community Centre Drop in exhibition for Euxton, 5-7.30pm 50 2011 Buckshaw and Astley Village areas 1st Oct 2011 Village Hall, Union Street, Whittle-Le-Woods Public meeting 1-3.30pm 60 Whittle-Le-Woods 3rs Oct 2011 Rivington Foundation Primary Rivington Parish Council meeting 7pm 4 School, Horrobin Lane 5th Oct 2011 Chorley Town Hall Equality Forum 5.45pm 15 11 th Oct Tatton Community Centre, Public drop in session 12-2pm 5 2011 Chorley Total 253 Table 2 |Preferred Option consultation events

3.7 Additional meetings were held at the request of resident groups in the areas. These groups were Great Knowley and Whittle-Le-Woods Residents actions groups, Clayton-Le-Woods residents against inappropriate development.

3.8 The consultation generated a great deal of interest. In total 2508 representation were received. Most representations (83.4%) were from residents, with 6.3% from developers and agents and 6.1% from other organisations. 2.3% of responses were from Parish Councils and 1.9% from Borough Councillors.

3.9 Most representations related to specific housing or employment site allocations. In total 1579 representations were received on housing allocations and 498 received on employment allocations.

3.10 The housing allocations generated the most significant number of responses from residents. The allocations generating the most number of responses are outlined below and Appendix 3 shows a summary table of all representations received.

HS1.12 – Chancery Road/ West Way, Chorley 3.11 This site generated 141 objections, 2 in support and 3 general comments. The main objections were; concerns over the local highway infrastructure being unable to cope with further development; the site will merge Astley Village and Euxton so should be an area of separation; The site provides valuable recreation use; Astley Village

has enough social housing without more being allocated on this site and the area has had enough development with Buckshaw Village.

Council response 3.12 Chorley Council reviewed areas of land located between settlements and the Green Belt that are identified in the existing Local Plan as ‘safeguarded land’ for development needs. This land was never designated as Green Belt. Adopted Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' focuses growth and investment on the Key Service Centre of Chorley. In order to meet this growth requirement, it is necessary to allocate some land in the settlement for future development needs.

3.13 The preferred option paper allocated part of the Chancery Road site for housing (Policy HS1.12) and part remained as safeguarded land (Policy BNE2.12) but with protection also by Policy HW2- the protection of playing fields, parks recreation and amenity open space, including ancillary facilities.

3.14 This site forms part of the Chorley Town settlement and at publication stage the Council considered that it was needed to meet Chorley Town housing requirements. It proposed a dual allocation of housing (Policy HS1.9) and protection of existing open space, sport and recreational facilities (Policy HW2) to give flexibility to identify the most appropriate site layout- both in terms of future residential amenity and the layout of the Club’s facilities. The density of the site was increased to 57 dwellings (see Appendix E). The area to the north of the site became part of the Chorley settlement area (Policy V1) as this land is woodland. The area to the south of the site was protected as existing open space (Policy HW2). See Policies Map 2.

3.15 The County Council as the highway authority confirmed that access into the site is already established and that therefore the principle for the proposed housing is acceptable and the site is adjacent to a local distributor road.

HS1.29 – Land at Babylon Lane, Adlington 3.16 This site generated the most responses at preferred option stage with 474 households objecting to the proposal. The majority of comments were part of a petition. Three people supported the allocation and a further two people made general comments. The main objections were; Development here would change the rural character of the area; The loss of mature trees, some of which have TPOs; Loss of the band hut which is a practice venue for the local brass band; Traffic problems on Babylon Lane, especially at school times so increased housing will add to the problem; Development would lead to the loss of a valuable wildlife habitat; Local services are already at capacity; The site is subject to flooding and development would decrease the value of surrounding properties and lead to overlooking and loss of privacy.

Council response 3.17 At publication stage the Council decided to delete this housing allocation. This was a small Greenfield site which was not needed to meet housing requirements. An additional brownfield site was identified in the settlement at Fairport, Marketplace (HS1.26) for 31 dwellings and the dwelling capacity increased at Land adjacent to Bolton Road (HS1.24). Therefore, there was no requirement to release this safeguarded land for development needs over the plan period. The land was retained as safeguarded land for future development needs (Policy BNE3.4). See Policies Map 5.

HS1.35 – Land to the East of Wigan Road, Clayton-Le-Woods 3.18 This site generated 84 objections including a petition with 403 names. Six responses supported the allocation and one made a general comment. The main objections raised were; The site already has planning permission for 300 houses so no more are needed in the area; The roads cannot cope with any further traffic; Local schools and doctors are at capacity; There is a biological heritage site in this area; The development is close to Buckshaw Village which is yet to be completed; The proposals would harm wildlife; The development would result in overlooking and loss of privacy; Development here would lead to Chorley and South Ribble merging and the Core Strategy only asks for ‘some growth’ in this area and the amount proposed is not consistent with this plan.

Council response 3.19 Chorley Council reviewed areas of land located between settlements and the Green Belt that are identified in the existing Local Plan as ‘safeguarded land’ for development needs. Adopted Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directs some growth and investment to Urban Local Service Centres- of which Clayton-le-Woods is one -


to help meet housing and employment needs. In order to meet this growth requirement, it was necessary to allocate some land in Clayton-le-Woods for future development needs.

3.20 At publication stage the site was allocated for mixed use development - housing and employment (Policies HS1.31/EP1.15). The number of dwellings on the site was increased by 99 to make more efficient use of the land because of an increase in proposed housing density and an increase in the predicted net developable area. See Policies Map 7. No changes to the Green Belt boundaries were proposed.

HS1.41 – Land at Sylvesters Farm, Euxton 3.21 This site generated 288 objections, 3 letters of support and 4 general comments. The main objections were; the open fields act as a buffer between Euxton and Chorley and they are the last green space separating them. More housing development in Euxton is unnecessary due to the development at Buckshaw Village; Euxton has had more than its fair share of development in recent years and appears to have been targeted to take a disproportionate share of new housing; There is an excess of unsold houses in Euxton and Buckshaw Village; There are not enough school places; The roads cannot cope with an increase in traffic and when the quarry is in operation the area will be gridlocked; Pear Tree Lane is used extensively by horse riders, dog walkers and cyclists etc. and is too narrow and unsuitable for development; Development would lead to a negative impact on wildlife and Euxton is supposed to be a village, more development means it is losing its identity as a village.

Council response 3.22 Chorley Council reviewed areas of land located between settlements and the Green Belt that are identified in the existing Local Plan as ‘safeguarded land’ for development needs. This land was never designated as Green Belt. Adopted Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' identifies Euxton as an Urban Local Service Centre where some growth and investment to help meet housing needs is encouraged. In order to meet this growth requirement, it is necessary to allocate some land in the settlement for future development needs.

3.23 At publication stage the Council reduced the amount of land allocated at Sylvesters Farm, Euxton. The Council allocated the northern area of the site adjacent to Euxton Lane for housing - Policy HS1.39 (161 dwellings) and new allotments - Policy HW5.2. The Council deleted the employment allocation (preferred option paper Policy EP1.21) from this area of the site because there were other proposed, emerging and existing employment sites in the locality that offered a range of choice e.g. The Southern Commercial Area, Group 1 and the Chorley Business Park. As the northern area could accommodate more dwellings, the area to the south (part of preferred option paper HS1.41) was deleted. Neither was it considered that the southernmost portion of the safeguarded land be developed during the development plan period. See Policies Map 9.The housing development as proposed in Euxton was considered sufficient without the additional area of land. Mature trees and hedgerows on the site would be protected and the ecological value of the site assessed as part of any scheme.

HS1.42 – Land at end of Dunrobin Drive, Euxton 3.24 This site generated 110 objections, one letter of support and four general comments. The main objections were; the access road from Dunrobin Drive onto Wigan Road cannot cope with the current level of traffic. It is too narrow and cannot be widened and extra traffic would be dangerous; The site is a wildlife haven and a large number of species use the field due to its proximity to Yarrow Valley Country Park; Development would lead to the loss of the boundary between Euxton and Charnock Richard; The area is poorly served by public transport; A previous proposal to develop the site was refused based on the access being inadequate and the problem has got worse since then and more housing development in Euxton is unnecessary due to the development at Buckshaw Village.

Council response 3.25 Chorley Council reviewed areas of land located between settlements and the Green Belt that are identified in the existing Local Plan as ‘safeguarded land’ for development needs. Adopted Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directs some growth and investment to Urban Local Service Centres- of which Euxton is one. In order to meet this growth requirement, it was necessary to allocate some land in the settlement for future development needs. Accordingly at publication stage the Council allocated this site for housing use (Policy HS1.40). The density of the site was increased to make more efficient use of land. See Policies Map 9.

Lancashire County Council, as the highway authority, stated that the road leading to the site (Dunrobin Drive) lends itself to reduced speeds and the number of houses proposed should not have significant impact on the operation of the existing highway network.

3.26 There are no proposed changes to the Green Belt in this locality. The Open Space Study recommended new allotment provision in Euxton. This site was also considered in part as a site for allotments, but the Council did not consider it suitable for allotments because of issues with topography at the southern end of the site. Chorley Council proposes to provide new allotments at land at Sylvesters Farm, Euxton (Policy HW5.2).

HS1.44 – Land off Moss Lane, Whittle-le-Woods 3.27 This site generated 220 objections at preferred option stage with four letters of support and two general comments. The main objections were; Development of the site would wipe out the last green spaces in the area and result in the loss of a beautiful, open green space; Drainage systems in the area are not sufficient and development would add to flooding on Lower Town Lane and Waterhouse Green; Local schools and doctors surgeries are already full; Dunham Drive should not be used for access to the proposed development as the increase in traffic will put the safety of children on the estate at risk and would have a negative impact on existing properties; Development would lead to the loss of a wildlife habitat; The development is not needed due to the amount of development taking place at Buckshaw Village and the number of empty properties there; Whittle-le-Woods has lost its village appeal and further development would worsen this; The A6 is already extremely busy and there was a lack of consultation on the selection of this site as a preferred housing allocation.

Council response 3.28 The land in question is designated as 'Safeguarded Land' in the existing Local Plan (adopted 2003). Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directs some growth and investment to Urban Local Service Centres- of which Whittle-Le-Woods is one. In order to meet this growth requirement, it is necessary to allocate sites in the settlement for future housing development needs. At publication stage the HS1.44 site was split into three, reflecting the fact that planning permission was granted on part of the northern section of the site and the fact that the southern section is detached from the northern section. This also provided greater clarity in relation to the proposed number of units for objectors and supporters. The total number of units was reduced from 348 to 307 to reduce the impact of the development. The revised allocated housing sites were:

HS1.43A Land West of Lucas Lane - See Policies Map 10 HS1.43B Land East of Lucas Lane - See Policies Map 10 HS1.43C Land off Moss Lane - See Policies Map 10

Other Sites 3.29 A number of other sites were subject to fewer objections/comments at preferred option stage but were revised at publication stage taking account of consultation responses received.

3.30 Housing allocation HS1.5 Cowling Mill, Chorley was deleted. This site was subject to an objection from the Environment Agency as it was wholly or partly in Flood Zones 3 or 2.

3.31 The area of housing allocation HS1.28 Land adjacent to Bolton Road Adlington was reduced (and this site’s employment allocation EP1.17 completely deleted). This site was subject to 12 objections, 3 representations of support and 2 not stated/other responses.

3.32 Housing allocation HS1.9 Land off Froom Street, Chorley was deleted. This site was subject to 6 objections and 1 representation of support.

3.33 The employment allocations generating the most significant number of responses from residents are identified below with a summary of the main objections.


EP1.19 – Land East of Wigan Road, Clayton-le-Woods 3.34 This site generated 71 objections and a petition, one letter of support and 2 general comments. The main issues raised were; there are concerns over the effect development will have on local infrastructure. The roads cannot cope with any more traffic especially Lancaster Lane and the Hayrick junction; Development will lead to disruption to elderly residents at Cuerden Residential Park; There is a Biological Heritage Site on the site and development would have an adverse impact on wildlife; The site is a greatly valued open space for local residents and development will affect their wellbeing; There is enough commercial development at Buckshaw Village; There is concern over the impact the development would have on road safety in existing developments adjacent to the site due to the increase in traffic; Too much employment development is proposed on the site. 20 hectares would constitute a ‘Strategic Employment Site’ but the Core Strategy does not propose such an allocation at this site and the site is also located close to the Cuerden Strategic Site.

Council response 3.35 Chorley Council reviewed areas of land located between settlements and the Green Belt that are identified in the existing Local Plan as ‘safeguarded land’ for development needs. Adopted Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' directs some growth and investment to Urban Local Service Centres- of which Clayton-le-Woods is one - to help meet housing and employment needs. In order to meet this growth requirement, it was necessary at publication stage to allocate some land in the settlement for future employment development needs. The adopted Core Strategy sets out the employment requirement for Chorley borough (117ha) and this site was needed to contribute to the quantity, range and choice of sites needed over the period of the Local Plan to 2026. The employment allocation covers 20ha for B1 (Business), B2 (General Industrial) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) uses. The site was allocated for mixed use development - housing and employment (Policies HS1.31/EP1.15). See Policies Map 7. No changes to the Green Belt boundaries were proposed.

EP1.21 – Land at Sylvesters Farm, Euxton 3.36 This site generated 280 objections and four general comments. The main objections were; The open fields act as a buffer between Euxton and Chorley and they are the last green space separating them; More employment development in Euxton is unnecessary due to the development at Buckshaw Village and the number of existing employment units in Euxton; The roads cannot cope with an increase in traffic and when the quarry is in operation the area will be gridlocked; Pear Tree Lane is used extensively by horse riders, dog walkers and cyclists etc. and is too narrow and unsuitable for development; Development would lead to a negative impact on wildlife and Euxton is supposed to be a village, more development means it is losing its identity as a village.

Council response 3.37 At publication stage the Council deleted the employment allocation at Sylvesters Farm, Euxton. The Council allocated the northern area of the site adjacent to Euxton Lane for housing - Policy HS1.39 (161 dwellings) and new allotments - Policy HW5.2. The Council deleted the employment allocation (preferred option paper Policy EP1.21) from this area of the site to reduce the impact on neighbours and because there were other proposed, emerging and existing employment sites in the locality that offered a range of choice e.g. The Southern Commercial Area, Group 1 and the Chorley Business Park.

3.38 119 representations were received relating to the Development Management Policies. The majority of these (60) were in support of the policies. Policies HS1 and HS2 raised the most objections. 13 objections were received for Policy HS1, which related generally to the number of houses proposed in various settlements and the overall total number of dwellings proposed as well as the densities proposed. 7 objections were received for Policy HS2 which mainly objected to the proposed time period in which the housing allocations were scheduled to come forward for development.

3.39 A summary of all representations received is set out in the table in Appendix 3. The representations received were used to inform the development of the Publication document.

4. Publication Stage Publication: October 2012 – November 2012

4.1 The Publication deposit stage of the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 (previously referred to as the Site Allocations and Development Policies Development Plan Document) ran from 19 October 2012 for six weeks to the 30 November 2012.

4.2 As a result of the representations received at the Preferred Option stage, new national guidance and strategic policies set out in the adopted Core Strategy, a number of Policies and Allocations were amended in the Publication document. Appendix 4 identifies the development management policies amended as a result of these changes.

4.3 At the Publication stage the Plan was available for formal representations to be made and responses were asked to state whether they considered the document was legally compliant and sound.

4.4 Prior to publishing the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 a number of elected Member drop-in sessions and meeting were held and all representations from the Preferred Option stage were reviewed. The views of Members contributed to the selection of publication sites.

4.5 Appendix 5 sets out a list of notified at this stage. This list includes stakeholders and members of the public, and all of those people who had registered to be notified of the Plan’s progress. Appendix 6 lists the people who made representations at Preferred Option stage but did not leave any contact details.

4.6 Following on from the principles set out in Chorley Councils Statement of Community Involvement (Adopted July 2006), the consultation was undertaken using various methods set out below;

• All information was posted on the Chorley Council website as well as links to online representations forms • Social networking e.g. Twitter • Local press releases • Over 2,500 letters sent to local businesses, landowners, agents and other consultees • LDF Member Working group reports, Executive Cabinet reports • Identified as a key project in Corporate Strategy Project Initiation Document and associated highlight reports • Documents deposited in all libraries and post offices in the Borough • Posters to Parish Councils and in the Main offices of the Council • A number of exhibitions were held within the Borough’s towns and villages. The documents and the evidence base were available to view at the exhibition, and the documents were available to take away. As well as this at least two staff were on hand to answer questions and in many cases gave a brief presentation outlining the process and introducing the document. A full list of exhibition venues is detailed in the table below. The exhibitions were advertised on the Parish Council notice boards and on the Councils website. The exhibition was offered to all Parish Councils and groups in the Borough.


Date Location Event Time th 18 Euxton Community Drop -in Exhibition covering Euxton, 5.30 -7pm Oct Centre (Annex) Astley and Buckshaw areas

20 th Chorley Town Hall Town Hall Open D ay 1.30 – Oct 4.30pm

8th Community Centre, Heath Charnock Parish Council meeting 7.30pm

Nov Railway Road, Adlington 12 th Whittle -Le -Woods Whittle -Le -Woods Parish Council 7.15pm Nov village Hall, Union meeting Street 14 th Village Hall, 47 Chapel Coppull Parish Council 7pm Nov Lane, Coppull 19 th Community Centre, Adlington Town Council 7pm Nov Railway Road, Adlington

19 th Clayton Green Library Clayton -Le -Woods Parish Council 7pm

Nov th 20 Chorley Central Library, Public drop -in session 10am – Nov Union Street 4pm Table 3 |Publication events

4.7 The publication stage generated a lot of interest. Most representations were from residents, with a fewer amount from agents and developers and other organisations. Most representations were received for housing allocations.

4.8 The five areas which received the most representations are outlined below with the Council’s response. All representations received have been summarised and given a Council response which will be submitted to the Secretary of State.

HS1.24 – Land adjacent to Bolton Road, Adlington

4.9 This site generated 161 representations, of which all were identical objection letters. The main objections were; concerns development would change the rural character of the area; This is the only rural Greenfield area left at this end of Adlington; Any development would be on land which is already 3m higher than neighbouring land and would lead to overlooking; Adlington's infrastructure cannot support the extra demands with this extra 8% increase in population; Schools and medical services are already over-subscribed; Any development will lead to the loss of mature trees, some have TPO's and loss of wildlife; This area is subject to flooding, the drainage system cannot withstand any additional pressure; Bolton Road has existing traffic problems and more development will lead to an increase in road traffic accidents and Adlington has an abundance of empty properties and there may well be alternative Brownfield sites that could be used instead of this Greenfield site.

Council response 4.10 This land has been allocated as safeguarded land for future development needs since 1997. Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' identifies Adlington as an Urban Local Service Centre where some growth and investment to help meet housing needs is encouraged. Therefore as land has to be identified in the settlement for future housing development needs, part of this site has been allocated for housing (Policy HS1.24) and as a potential site for new allotments (Policy HW5.3). The remainder of the land will remain as safeguarded land for future development needs beyond the plan period (Policy BNE3.11). Any identified need for open space as identified in the Central Lancashire Open Space Study will be met through the planning application process.

4.11 A planning application (12/00741/OUT/MAJ) has been submitted for proposed residential development for 170 houses on this site. However the Secretary of State (in exercise of his powers under Article 25 of the Town and

Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010) has directed Chorley Council not to grant permission on this application without specific authorisation from him. The direction is issued to enable the Secretary of State to consider whether he should direct under Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that the application should be referred to him for determination.

4.12 Ground levels and the impact of development on neighbouring properties are considered as part of the planning application process. Indicative plans have been provided with the outline planning application. Details of levels will be required at the reserved matters stage to ensure that proposals protect the amenities of local residents.

4.13 The Central Lancashire Primary Care Trust took into account the reconfiguration work that was required in order to address the potential increase in demand as a consequence of the increased housing growth in the Adlington area. As a result PCT capital monies were used to upgrade Adlington Clinic, at Railway Road in 2011 and this has significantly enhanced the clinical environment and increased the clinical capacity available at the clinic. The Local Education Authority (LEA) has explained they will expand one school in Adlington from a one form entry primary school (210 places) to one and a half forms of entry (315 places) to cater for this demand. All the Head teachers of the 4 schools will be consulted on the best location for this expansion and then the LEA will consult with the community.

4.14 Trees and other ecological aspects are considered as part of the planning application process and appropriate protection/mitigation measures required where necessary. These matters have been considered in the outline planning application, but further detail will be required at the reserved matters stage.

4.15 Drainage and flood risk were taken account of as part of the planning application for this site. A flood risk assessment was submitted with the outline planning application.

4.16 Highways issues were considered and dealt with as part of the planning application for this site. The Council aims to reuse brownfield sites as much as possible and has allocated brownfield sites for development in Adlington. Sites HS1.25 (Weldbank Plastics) and HS1.26 (Fairport, Market Place) are brownfield. Site HS1.23 (Grove Farm) is Greenfield and brownfield. However, the housing requirement cannot be met by relying on brownfield sites alone. Empty properties represent the normal workings of the housing market.

HS1.39- Land at Sylvesters Farm, Euxton

4.17 This site generated 27 representations, all of which were objections. The main points of objection were; the circumstances under which the areas of safeguarded land came into being and the relationship with the ROF site (now Buckshaw) need to be taken into account. Euxton has done more than its share in terms of development. Euxton Parish includes most of Buckshaw Village and is also subject to works at Euxton Quarry, with extraction due to start in 2013; Euxton benefits from short transport connections to services in nearby towns in terms of car journeys, but there are also some much less satisfactory sustainability implications in respect of Euxton's transport characteristics. There is a major deficiency in suitable facilities for pedestrians or cyclists to make functional journeys, for example to go to work, school, or to the shops. Bus services are scarcely adequate for a village of this size; Euxton has drainage problems. It is vulnerable to sewer flooding. There is a lack of capacity and there are many combined sewer pipes carrying foul and surface water drainage; If development proposed for Euxton is not to be accommodated in Euxton, then it must be located elsewhere in the Borough. The Council should look at the role of other parishes, both small and large, which could accommodate more population without harm. The has recently closed and this provides an opportunity for redevelopment in the form of a new well planned village, which could take the pressure off Euxton; Windfall sites can make a significant contribution. These should also be taken into account. Over the 14/15 years of the plan such an allowance could remove the need for new housing allocations in Euxton. Allocations at Buckshaw Village could also be adjusted to permit more housing rather than employment.

Council response 4.18 This land was safeguarded for future development needs in the 1997 and 2003 adopted Local Plans taking account of relevant evidence available at the time. The ROF site (Buckshaw Village) was also proposed for development in 2003. This safeguarded land is needed to meet housing requirements now. Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' identifies Euxton as an Urban Local Service Centre where some growth and investment to


help meet housing needs is encouraged. In order to meet this growth requirement, it is necessary to allocate some land in Euxton for development purposes. Accordingly the Council is allocating land at Sylvesters Farm (HS1.39) for housing.

4.19 Euxton has good rail links via Euxton Balshaw Lane and the nearby station at Buckshaw Village. It also has a range of bus services to nearby towns. Policy ST1 set outs proposed cycle route improvements including ST1.8 (Euxton - Wigan Road and School Lane) and ST1.9 (Buckshaw Village/Chancery Road).

4.20 The land is all in flood zone 1 as designated by the Environment Agency. United Utilities has stated there are no water issues for this site and surface water from this development should drain to Ransnap Brook.

4.21 Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' identifies where growth should take place in the Borough, with the priority given to more sustainable locations. The approach taken to site allocations reflects the locations specified in this policy. Redevelopment of the Camelot site has been fully considered as part of this process and as part of the Core Strategy process, but the decision has been taken not to allocate it for housing development. Windfall sites are expected to make a contribution to future housing supply, but this will be in addition to the allocated sites. Buckshaw Village is a mixed use development that has been masterplanned to provide high quality employment and housing land. The Council needs to meet employment land requirements as set out in the Core Strategy and the employment land allocations at Buckshaw are needed to help meet these requirements.

HS1.40 – Land at end of Dunrobin Drive, Euxton

4.22 This site generated 38 representations, all of which object to this allocation. The main points of objection were; this site has poor access to all services and facilities, with the nearest employment site at 1.6km and service centre over 3km. Building on the land will not create employment in the area. It is not suitable for affordable housing and will create further pollution of the environment; the density has increased from 26 dwellings to 36 dwellings, an increase of over 30%. The proposal is not in keeping with the current building density of Dunrobin Drive (30 dwellings); the increase in vehicular traffic would prejudice highway safety and the free flow of traffic on the A49. The road and entrance will not sustain further vehicular activity; Existing properties will be overlooked resulting in loss of light and privacy for the neighbouring nursery school, church and adjoining dwellings; this site should remain as agricultural, safeguarded Greenfield land. The land is a haven for wildlife and the environment should be protected; there has been considerable development in the Euxton area i.e. Buckshaw Village. Drains in Euxton are at full capacity and Euxton schools are already full. Over 30% of the planned allocations will take place within the Euxton parish boundary; if it is deemed necessary to develop further site in Euxton transfer the housing on Site HS1.40 to Site HS1.39. This site has better access to public transport, local services, local facilities and social infrastructure. Use Site HS1.40 to extend the .

Council response 4.23 A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) was undertaken for all sites being considered for allocation. Each site was assessed and given a band from A to E, with Band A being the most sustainable. This site scored a Band C. The SA identified that there are facilities including a post office, supermarket and convenience store within 0.8km - 1.6km of the site. Euxton is designated as an Urban Local Service Centre in the adopted Core Strategy Policy 1: Locating Growth and the site is suitable for housing.

4.24 The density of the site has been increased to 36 dwellings; this assumes 80% of the site will be developed for housing. Until pre-application advice is sought or a planning application is submitted it is not known what type or size of houses are planned. The Council will require a mix of dwellings including affordable housing on this site.

4.25 Lancashire County Council as the Highway Authority has raised no significant highway concerns. The road leading to the site (Dunrobin Drive) lends itself to reduced speeds and the number of houses proposed would not have significant impact on the operation of the existing highway network.

4.26 The amenity of residents, overlooking, loss of light and privacy will be considered as part of any planning application.

4.27 Development will involve the loss of some countryside, but the land has been specifically safeguarded for future development needs in Chorley Local Plans since 1997. The ecological aspects of the site will be considered as part of any planning application. There is no identified or designated wildlife interest on this site. Core Strategy Policy 22: Biodiversity and Geodiversity seek to conserve, protect and seek opportunities to enhance and manage biological and geological assets in the area. LP Policy BNE1: Design Criteria for New Development seeks to protect mature trees and hedgerows etc. Policy BNE9: Trees seeks to protect trees. LP Policy BNE10: Species Protection seeks to protect wildlife.

4.28 Housing land is allocated at Buckshaw Village, which is separately identified by Core Strategy Policy 1 for growth and investment, but additional land is required in other locations to meet requirements. Lancashire County Council as the Education Authority has not requested any further primary school provision for Euxton apart from Buckshaw Village. United Utilities have raised no major drainage issues but stated that surface water should be separated and ideally discharged into the River Yarrow or into the established surface water sewer.

4.29 The Borough housing requirement in Core Strategy Policy 4 is 417 dwellings per year up until 2026; housing land needs to be identified to meet this requirement. Core Strategy Policy 1: 'Locating Growth' identifies Euxton as an Urban Local Service Centre where some growth and investment to help meet housing needs is encouraged. In order to meet this growth requirement, it is necessary to allocate some land in Euxton for development purposes. This includes sites HS1.39 and HS1.40. The site is detached from the existing boundary of the Yarrow Valley Park with the west coast main line in-between.

Paragraph 5.7 – Gypsy and Travelling Showpeople Sites

4.30 This paragraph has generated 15 representations, all identical objections. The main points of objection are; The Chorley Local Plan Section 5 'Homes for All' and Core Strategy Objective 9 refers to Core Strategy Policy 8 Gypsy and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople accommodation. Policy 8 does not refer to national policy. By ignoring national policy there can be no realistic assessment of traveller needs, site provision, or credible criteria upon which to base decision-making or evidence gathering.

Council response 4.31 The Lancashire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment found no proven need for additional pitches in Central Lancashire, apart from a need in Preston generated by the existing traveller community. The Core Strategy inspector found no convincing evidence to the contrary. Core Strategy Policy 8: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation comprises relevant criteria and accords with national policy in the Framework that, where there is no identified need, criteria-based policies should be included to provide a basis for decisions in case applications nevertheless came forward. If pitches are needed at a local level during the Local Plan period Chorley Council can identify specific sites through a review of the Local Plan. This approach is consistent with the Government’s Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, and particularly its requirement for local planning authorities to work collaboratively and to plan for sites over a reasonable timescale.

CH0351/CH0354 – Land at New Street Mawdesley

4.32 This site suggestion generated 11 identical emails requesting the Council reconsiders its decision not to allocate this site as part of the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 housing allocations.

Council response 4.33 Under Core Strategy Policy 1: Locating Growth, Mawdesley is not specifically listed. Rather, it falls under criterion (f) as 'other places', where development will typically be small scale and limited to appropriate infilling, conversion of buildings and proposals to meet local need, unless there are exceptional reasons for larger scale redevelopment schemes. The Inspector considered this site at the Core Strategy Examination Hearing. He found that for a number of reasons, particularly the protection of valued open space, poor location with regard to services, rural settlement policy, its identification for development would not result in sustainability. He considered investment and the housing needs of Central Lancashire would be better promoted elsewhere where a good range of services is, or is likely to be provided and/or enhanced.


4.34 Local Plan Policy HS1 demonstrates an adequate supply of housing allocations for the Borough over the plan period, with Policy HS2 detailing the proposed phasing of these developments.

4.35 Local Plan Policy HS8 covers residential development within Rural Settlements excluded from the Green Belt such as Mawdesley. Housing proposals to meet genuine local needs are acceptable under this policy.

4.36 A Rural Affordable Housing Needs Study (September 2011) shows that 63 affordable houses are required in Mawdesley over the next 5 years, from 2011-2016. If an application is submitted for the provision of affordable housing to meet genuine local needs, it will be assessed as such against this, and any other relevant development management policies.

Appendix 1: Issues and Options consultees Salutation First Name Surname Position Organisation Mr Paul Kellett Action for Blind People Adlington Church Together and St Paul's Amateur Mrs W Salvage Players Ms Claire Foreman Adult Education Centre Ms Geraldine Moore Chief Officer Age Concern Lancashire Strategic Director of Regeneration Mr Adam Scott & Environment Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Director of Jefferson MA Planning & Mr Roy Mphil MRTPI Engineering Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council Business Procurement Mr K Williams Manager (NW) Bradford & Northern Housing Association Data Management Mr A Barker Team British Gas Trading Limited Roadworks Planning Mr Mr V J Neill Manager British Telecom plc Area Planner, North Westand Mrs Alison Truman North Wales British Waterways Planning Ms Kate Adderley Advisor British Wind Associates Regional Director of Mr Brian Kelly Services Brothers of Charity Services Mr Keith Warren Chairman CADNWA Central & West Lancs Chamber of Commerce & Sirs Hugh Evans Industry Mr Toby Webber Chorley Council of Faiths Mrs S Jose Hampson Hon Secretary Chorley & District Chamber of Trade Area Manager South Ms Mrs C Gardner Lancashire Chorley & District Children & Families Practice Team Mr Phil Kirk Secretary Chorley & District Natural History Society Director of Facilities and Mr Miles Timperely Estates Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Ms Cindy Bolton Chief Officer Chorley & South Ribble CVS County Mr F R Wand Librarian Lancashire County Council Ms Gill Holt Lancashire County Council Learning Difficulties Sec & Dir of Mr W D Noblett Operations Lancashire County Council Medical Committee Senior Probation Ms S Fiddler Officer Lancashire Probation Service


Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes Mr Alan Kind LARA Group Director Mr Ray Worthington (LTP) Lancashire County Council Environment Directorate Mr Ian Fazackerley Leyland Connexions Centre Mr Andrew Beattie MENCAP Rev Andrew Mashiter Mr Nick Clarke Wigan Council Sirs Mobile Operators Association Mr Mohammed Sajid Muslim Welfare Society Policy Advisor, Environment Ms Helen Little and Land Use National Farmers Union Group Planning Mr Simon Pemberton Manager Charles Topham Group Ltd Mr Rob Rawlinson Acland Bracewell Surveyors Ltd Mrs Nora Theresa Ball Mrs Judith Ann Boothman Mrs Patricia Haughton Community Mr John Miller Worker Chorley & South Ribble PCT, Public Health Directorate HlmP Co - Ms Liz Easterbrook ordinator Chorley & South Ribble PCT Headquarters Mr Keith Robinson Chorley Civic Society District Team Operations Manager, Chorley and South Ribble Youth Ms Nighat Parveen Manager Peoples' Service Mr James C Trebilcock Mr G N Rothwell Station Commander, Chorley Fire Station Mrs E A Smith Chorley Friends of the Earth Mr J G Smith Hon Secretary Chorley Historical & Archaeological Society Mr Alan Wilson Chair Chorley Pensioners' Association Rev David Morgan Church of England Sirs Church Commissioners Ms Diane Gradwell Manager Citizens Advice Bureau Sirs Community Council of Lancashire Ms Karen Holt Community Drug Team Regional Mr D Chalmers Director Country Lane & Business Association Ms Hilary Roberts County Palatine HA M Anderson Mrs M. E. Finch Mr & Mrs R Woodcock Mr J Forrest Rural Action Group Crown Estate Sirs Commissioners The Crown Estate Office Sirs M Watson Estate Advisor Defence Estates Department of Employment, North West Regional Sirs Office Mr Sebastian Hanley Dialogue

District Valuer and Valuation Mr Jim Gallagher Officer Mrs K Frith Eccleston Ecumenical Partnership Mr Chris Anslow Environment Directorate Mr Max Allam Vice Chair Ethnic Minority Consultative Committee Sir/Madam H G Locke Federation of Builders Mrs M Hall Friends of Healey Nab Mr Hughie Smith The Gypsy Council Sirs John Fishwick & Sons Mr B Allan Groundwork Wigan & Chorley Mrs Sandra Sobee Help the Homeless Mr Dave Clark Highways Agency Sir/Madam The Homebuilders Federation North West Regional Mr Sallie Bridgen Manager Housing Federation North Mr Peter E Simmonds Inland Waterways Association Chief Ambulance Mr Officer Lancashire Ambulance Headquarters Mr R C Davey The Secretary Lancashire Association of Parish & Town Councils Mr Steve Hailstone Principal Lancashire College Mr Steve Stebbings Lancashire Constabulary Mr Cliff Codona Chairman National Travellers Action Group Sirs Network Rail Chief Mr Mark Hughes Executive North West Development Agency North West England Conservancy, Forestry Mr B K Jones Commission Ms Sue Powell North West Housing Forum Mr A Smith Norweb Electric - Estates & Wayleaves Department Mr Clifford Birchall Group News Editor Mr Tom Watson Chair PAICE National Town Planning Sir/Madam L D Summons Manager Post Office Property Holdings Ms Ella Wood GVA Grimley Mrs Pauline Gick Mr Derek Forrest Ms Gill Mason Lancashire Playing Fields Association Mrs Angela North Sir/Madam Preston & West Lancashire Racial Equality Council Principal Planner, Planning Mr M Putsey Department Preston City Council Mr Roman Catholic Diocese of Liverpool Father Francis Marsden Roman Catholic St Mary's Church Head of Town Mr T I Munn Planning Royal Mail Property Holdings Sirs Royal Society for Nature Conservation


Assist ant Conservation Miss Amy Crowther Officer RSPB Estates Mr Geoff Barnett Manager Runshaw College Section Mrs V E Midgley Secretary The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain Head of Planning & Mr John Dalton Regeneration South Ribble Borough Council Operati ons Mr Paul Wainwright Manager Stagecoach in Lancashire Operations Mr Maqalibhai Director Stagecoach Ribble Sirs Telewest Communications Ltd Sir/Madam The British Horse Society Property & Environment Mr Mr K Parker Manager The Coal Authority Property Sir/Madam P Cull Manager The Diocese of Blackburn Sirs The Planning Inspectorate Chorley Group Mr B Allman Chairman The Ramblers Association Mr & Mrs C Fearnley K Breackell Ms Rose Freeman The Theatres Trust Sirs Town and Country Planning Ms Francis Maguire Reverend Mr Michael Storr United Reformed Church External Planning Liaison Mr D Hardman Manager United Utilities Business Ms Jane Brammer Manager Virgin West Coast - Virgin Trains Exec Manager Plng/Devpt Mr S J Byron Services West Lancashire District Council Mrs S Orchard Womens Institute Ms Kate Heathcote Womens Institute Mrs D R Worthington Womens Institute Ms May Clements Womens Institute Ms Patricia Baylis Wyre HA Mrs E L Smith Clerk Pleasington Parish Council Mr F Cumpstey Clerk Livesey Parish Council Mrs Geraldine Foster Clerk Tockholes Parish Council Mrs Glenys Syddall Clerk North Turton Parish Council Mrs C Pearson Clerk Blackrod Town Council Mrs Linda Challender Clerk Horwich Town Council Ms Rachael Piers Sanders & Weatherall Councillor Kenneth W Ball JP Councillor Chorley Council

Mrs Carolyn A Cross Clerk Wrightington Parish Council Mrs Margaret Atherton Clerk Hilldale Parish Council Mrs Anita Misson Clerk Bispham Parish Council Mrs I O'Donnell Clerk Lathom Parish Council Mr J Forshaw Clerk Rufford Parish Council Mr Neil Leadbetter Clerk Tarleton Parish Council Mr Richard Gelder Clerk Much Hoole Parish Council Mrs Sue Whittam Clerk Farington Parish Council Mr P A Mulrooney Clerk Samlesbury & Cuerdale Parish Council Sirs National Offender Management Services (NOMS) Mr Andrew Bower Npower Renewables Head of Regional Policy Mr Stephen Clerk & Delivery Department for Transport Rail Group Sir/Madam Headteacher Adlington County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Adlington St Paul's Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Anderton County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Anderton St Josephs RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle Gregson Lane County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle St James CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Charnock Richard CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Buckshaw County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley All Saints CE Primary School Ms Eleanor Gamble Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Duke St County Infants School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Duke St County Junior School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton Balshaw Lane County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Gillibrand County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Highfield County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Sacred Heart RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St George's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Gregory's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St James' CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley The Parish of St Laurence CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Mary's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Peter's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton-le-Woods CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton-le-Woods Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull & District County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull Parish CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull Parish CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull St John's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull St Oswald's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Trinity and St Michael's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Eccleston County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Eccleston St Mary's CE Primary School


Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton Primrose Hill County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton St Mary's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Heskin Pemberton's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Mawdesley CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Mawdesley RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Rivington Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Bedes RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Johns CE/Methodist Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Westwood Road County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Chads RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Withnell Fold County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Withnell St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Astley Park Special School Sir/Madam Headteacher Mayfield Special School Mr A Fairclough Adlington & District Community Centre Mr Sid Hill Adlington Amateur Rugby League Club Ms Liz Chamberlain Adlington Cricket Club Mr Tony Blake Adlington Nomads Football Club Mr Christian Duff All Seasons Leisure Centre Sir/Madam Secretary Mrs A Thompson Brindle Badminton Club Mr David Alston Brinscall & Withnell Athletic & Recreation Association Mrs J Roberts Casuals Badminton Club Mr Terry Durney CCFA Mr Ron Parkinson Charnock Richard Cricket Club Mr John Brian Stringer Charnock Richard Football Club Mr Lee Taylor Charnock Richard Golf Club Mr W T Preston Chorley & District Sunday League Mr Allen Brotherton Chorley 3-Star Junior Tennis Club Mr Michael Graves Chorley Amateur Boxing Club Mrs M Darbyshire Chorley Amateur Swimming Club Mr Terry Dickenson Chorley Athletic Club Mr Paul Mather Chorley Buccaneers American Football Mr Colin Evans Chorley Community Centre Mr Rodney Finnen Chorley Cricket Club Sir/Madam Secretary Chorley Football Club Mr Mike Gannon Chorley Golf Club Mr Jon Bell Chorley Harriers Ms Danielle Toward Chorley Ladies Football Club Mrs G Walters Chorley Ladies Rounders Mrs Mary Parkinson Chorley Marlins Associated Swimming Club Mr Chris Markham Chorley Mid-Week Cricket League Mrs Doreen Hindle Chorley Panthers Amateur R L Club Mrs L Jones Chorley Raqueteers J H Jackson Chorley RUFC Mr Dennis Ramsdale Chorley Sporting Club Mr Gardener Chorley St James Cricket Club

Mr Ken Guy Chorley Tennis Club Mr David Hayhurst Chorley Wildcats Ms Helen Finney Chorley Youth and Community Worker Ms Ruth Mitchell Clayton Brook Community Group Sir/Madam Secretary Clayton Brook Village Hall Mr Michael O'Sullivan Clayton Community Football Club Mr Paul Greenwood Clayton Green Sports Centre Ms Julie Hogan Clayton-le-Woods Community Centre Mr D Wayne Clayton PTA Mr Alwyn Jones Coppull Junior Bowling Club Mr John Chadwick Coppull United Football Club Mr John Lewis Coppull Youth & Community Centre Mr Jim Reynolds Croston Black Horse Bowling Club Mr Peter Banks Croston Cricket Club Sir/Madam Secretary Croston Sports & Social Club Mr Derek Prout Croston Subscription Bowling Club Sir/Madam Secretary Eaves Green Community Centre Mrs D McDermott Eccleston Bowling Club Mr H Norris Eccleston Cricket Club Mr L J Caunce Eccleston Junior Football Club Sir/Madam Secretary Eccleston Youth & Community Centre Mr Malcolm Millward Euxton Cricket Club Mr Graham Keyte Euxton Villa Football Club Mr Peter Wagstaff Evergreens Badminton Club Miss Fiona Begbie Flic Flac Gymnastics Club Mrs P Green Heapey & Wheelton Village Hall Mr E Forshaw Heskin FC Mrs E M Rimmer Heskin Village Hall Mr Anthony Houghton Bowling Club Mr George Kirkby Hoghton Recreation Club Miss J Hudson Lancashire County Netball Association Ms Susan Harrison Lancashire Volleyball Association Mr Steve Norris Lancashire Wolverines Mr Dan Rear Mawdesley Cricket Club Ms Denise Fox Mawdesley Tennis Club Mr Chris Rinder Next Generation Clubs Ltd Ms Carol Temby Park Hall Hotel Mr David Brown Rivington Village Club Mr David Jolly Sacred Heart Social Centre Mr Mr Paul Knight Hotel Golf & Country Club Mr N Murgatroyd St Chads Bowlers Mr Dennis Winn St George's Church Hall Mr Chris Thomas Chris Thomas Ltd, Outdoor Advertising Consultants Ms Mandy Clayton St Gregory's Club Mr Andrew Carter St Joseph's Parish Centre MS Anne Watts St Laurence's Parish Centre Mr E Crompton St Peter's Parish Club Mr Ian Murray The Hoghton Players Ms Cindy Dixon White Coppice Cricket Club


Mr Alexander Frater Whittle & Clayton-le-Woods Cricket Club Mr Julian Brown Withnell Cricket Club Mr James Hubbard Withnell Fold Sports & Social Club Mr Simeon Stuttard Withnell United Football Club Chapman MA Chartered Mr David (Oxon) ARICS Surveyor Mr John Gibson Mr D A Webber Sir/Madam M A Redshaw Acland Bracewell & Co Ms Carol Horlock Adams Holmes Association Sir/Madam A Farnworth Sir/Madam C Smith Secretary AGMA Mr Lincoln Shields AMEC Group Infrastructure Ltd Sirs Barratt Manchester Limited Sir/Madam Chris Rider BBC Radio Lancashire Sir/Madam K C Priespner Bell Ingham Ms Charlene Collins Mr Chirstopher Collins Sirs Blackburn Evening Telegraph Mr M Wright Boyd Wright Projects Limited Planning Mr David Miller Manager Bovis Homes Mr Hugh Wilson Bridgewater Meeting Room Trust Miss Rachel Hamilton Planner Broadway Malyan Sirs Business Publications Limited Sir/Madam Cass Associates Mr Mike Benner Campaign for Real Ale Ltd Sir/Madam Chris Casana Chorley Ms Chris Roberts Cliff Walsingham & Company Mr John Goodwin Carter Jonas LLP Mr Andy Brown Senior Planner Colliers CRE Mr Martyn Twigg Colin Buchanan & Partners Mr Karl Rigby Social Inclusion Consultant Sirs Cunnane Associates Mr M I Harrison Group Property Manager Mr Nigel Brooke David Walker Chartered Surveyors Ms Rachel Patterson Dev Plan UK Sirs Devonshire & Solicitors Sirs Eric Wright Group Limited Mr Frank Whittaker Town Planning Consultants Ms Emma Harding Fuller Peiser Town Planning Mr Alex Smith Manager Gazeley Properties Ms Judy Gough Gough Planning Services Mr Graham Smith Development Planning & Design Services Land & Planning Mr Paul Smith Director George Wimpey Manchester Sirs Halliwell Landau

Planning & Technical Sir/Madam J H Bullough Associate Hilton Design Associates H J Banks & Company Limited, Banks Development Ms Suzy Taylor Division Mr Jonathan Parsons JMP Consulting Ms Angela Turner Jones Day Councillor Eric Bell Councillor Chorley Council Mr Bill Rowland Mr Alexander Bateman The Planning Bureau Limited County Councillor Michael Devaney Councillor County Councillor Peter Malpas Councillor Taylor -Waring Mr Michael CFA Mr Jim Longbottom Cuerden Valley Park Trust Mr Adam Unsworth Chorley Environmental Action Group Mr Richard Crompton Northern Prospects Dr C Hutchinson HM Inspector Health & Safety Executive (Explosives) Mr S J Cubbins Mr Vaseem Nawaz Mr Frank Harrington Frank Harrington Associates Mr Henry S Morris Morris Quality Bakers Mr Alistair Rose Lancashire Care NHS Trust Mr Jonathan Hindle JWPC Mr Ian Wray Chief Planner North West Development Agency Mr Paul Forshaw ASTIREAL UK Mr S Wildman Fusion Online Limited Mr S Irving Landmark Information Group Ltd Lifetrend Developmens Limited, Jones Retirement Mr B Dickson Homes Mr Symon Porteous Lovell Jones Sirs Manchester Evening News Managing Mr James F Carter Director Maple Grove Developments/Eric Wright Grp Ltd Mr G R Bridge McDyre & Co Mr Chris Creighton Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Mr Paul Stock North Country Homes Group Limited Norwest Estat es Limited, Estates & Property Sir/Madam G Dyson Department Ms Sarah Smith Paul Butler Associates Mr Robert Taylor Plot of Gold Ltd Sirs Higham & Co Mr Stuart Whittle Planning and Design Mr Allan W Jones Porter Lancastrian Ms Margaret Ross Prudential Portfolio Planning Mr F R Yardley FRICS Director Reeds Rains Sirs Red Rose Radio Lands Sir/Madam R Palmer Adminstrator Shell UK Limited


Mr Jay Everett Senior Planner Storeys:ssp Ms Laura Ross Stewart Ross Associates Senior Est ate Mr John Bradshaw Surveyor Tarmac Central Limited Ms Helen Gorman Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Co-ordinator, c/o HPU Mr Mark Thorne TESCO Mr Graham Bee The Emerson Group Mr Nigel Pugstey The Planning Bureau Limited Mr Philip Thompson The Planning Bureau Limited LDF Team Mr Peter Richards Leader West Lancashire District Council Mr Ben Weaver Wood Frampton Sirs Walton & Co Ms Clare Rowles Matthews & Goodman Research Ms Sarah Grinder Analyst Fordham Research Ltd Retail Plannin g Liaison Ms Annette Elliott Manager The Co-operatives Group Mrs J Aston Ms Andrea Barnard Mr David Braithwaite Ms Judith Brooks Mr Martin R Cogley Mr Richard Cordwell Mrs B Crook Ms Andrea Dalton Sir/Madam G N Dickinson Mr Peter Ericson Sir/Madam D Goulding Mr P G Gower Mr Colin Green Sir/Madam G M Hall Mr Howard D Hammond Mr D B Hoole Mr Ian Hunter Mrs J K Lawrenson Mrs Hilary L Lowe Mr Graham Hough Ms Joanne Mawdsley Sir/Madam K Parmee Sir/Madam R Ponting Ms Sue Potter Mr F C Reeves Mrs J Shorrock Mr Mark Smithies Mr Eric Snape Sir/Madam F Stallard Mr Adrian Tolan Mrs Susan M Wilson

Mr David Woods Mr & Mrs J H Woollard Mr Darren J Cranshaw Mr & Mrs R Everest Mr P Allis Mr H K Sharples Mrs Olive Neal Councillor Terry Brown Councillor Chorley Council Ms Laura Kettle G L Hearn Mr & Mrs D Fothergill Mr George Brooks Ms Sarah Wilson Mr Robert Holden Ms Margaret Fielden Ms Elizabeth Scarisbrick Mr David Jolly Ms Jeannie Stirling Mr Charles R Brittain Mr Andrew Baxendale Mr Brian Hibbert Sir/Madam S Coar Mr Harry Forrest Mr Derek Ormerod Mr Arnold J Tracey Mr John Finlay Ms J R Haliday Mr John Westcott Dr R A Wilson Sir/Madam M McDonald Mr & Mrs Jackson Dr Janet Jones Sir/Madam P Harley Ms Teresa Turnbull Mrs W Barnard Mr Stephen C Wood Mrs C Stobbs Bramblewood Nursery Sir/Madam M Menheniott Mr & Mrs Booth Mrs J M Brimley Mrs Janet Clough Mrs H A Matthews Ms C Billouin Ms Helen Andrew Ms Dorothy Rowe Mr J Fenton Church Mr Ed Fisher Warden St Lawrence Parish Church Ms W White Headteacher Holy Cross Catholic High School Ms Gela Griffiths Deputy Head Mayfield School


Ms C Coyle Headteacher St Chad's Catholic Primary School Mr A Meakin Ms Katherine Shuttleworth Mr B Rogers Ms Jacqueline Morris Ms Abigail Fletcher Harvest Housing Group Ms Ruth Preger Accent Project Solutions Ms Ann Vanner Mason Gillibrand Architects Sirs Primrose Holdings Councillor Pat Case CBE Councillor Chorley Council Ms Chantel Thomas Community Power, Powergen Mr D F Williams Mr Chris Powell Mr John Richardson Mr Alan Thomas PFP Developments Mrs D Downing Head of Group Mr David Carter Sustainability Adactus Housing Group Mr Craig Ackroyd A & H Fine Foods Ltd Mr Entwistle A & M Entwistle Mr Anthony Cornwell A & SA Cornwell Mr Alan Cross A Cross Builders and Joiners Mr J A Lang A Lang & Son Sir/Madam H I Fishwick A1 Skips Mr Michael Holden A6 School of Motoring Ms Beryl Caldwell Aarondale Care Centre Sir/Madam Jo Ecob Abram Ashton Mr Glynn Baker Ace Décor Mr David Jenkins Achroma Co UK Mr Alan McCabe Adams & Co Accountants Ltd Natural & Historic Environment Service - Highways Mr Reg Morley and Environmental Management Mr Alker Mr B Brown Adelphi Residential Home Mr Daniel Vose Adlington Plastics Systems Mr Howard Turner Adlington Welding Supplies Ltd Mr Joseph Hilton Alan Davies (Stainless) Ltd Mr Gordon Turner Alan Gordon Engineering Co Ltd Mr Alan McLeod Mr Alan Snape Ms Natalia Waddington Alarms 4 You Mr Joe Alcock Aldeux Panel Products Ms Norma Thompson Alexandra Kindergarten Mr Paul Sawbridge Alfa Travel and Leisureplex Ltd Mr Chris Jeffrey Alfred Hulme Mr Robert Crampton Alumus @ NIS Invotec Ltd Ms Yvonne Franklin Amethyst Photography Mr Reginal D Pope Anchor Trust Ms Sarah Tinsley And the Kitchen Sink Sir/Madam N Hart Anise

Ms Anne Wray Anne Wray Independent Financial Adviser Mr Nick Chatburn AQS Swimming Pools & Spas Mr Richard Robinson Aquajet Machining Systems Ltd Mr Nick Griffiths Arc Car Wash and Valeting Mr Mark Porter ASC Timber Supplies Ltd Sir/Madam D Pilkington Assembled Joinery Ltd Sirs Astley Computer Services Limited C N Jackson Astralux UK Ltd Mr Henry Bell Ayrefield Construction Ltd Mr Brian Norris B & CA Norris Ms Gillian Pilkington BG's Theatrical and Fancy Dress Hire Ms Yvonne Baines Bailcast Ltd Ms Louise Rowland Bailprint Labels Limited Sirs A B Langley Bamber Langley Milner Ms S Howarth Barclay & Mathieson Ltd Mr John Barlow Barlow Trailers Ms Katy Fairclough Barron Group Ltd Mr Paul Glucklich BDP Design & Print Mr Ivor Makinson Beaumont Partnership Mr Joseph Beaumont Beaumont Transport Sir/Madam M Frederick Beljon Sales Ms Margaret Hamill Bell Group (North West) Mrs J Flower Benegraph & Academic Signs Ltd Mr Damien Ellison Bertie's Bike Breakers Mr Bill James Beta Associates Mr D Platt Bill Beaumont Textiles Ms Christine Harris Birchall Blackburn with Berry & Son Mr Stephen Ainscough Birkacre Nurseries & Garden Centre Mr GH Lloyd Bishop Rawstorne C of E Language College Mr George Blacklidge Blacklidge Bros Mr Alister J Pimlott Blackmoor Garage Sir/Madam J C Smith Blakedale Ltd Mr John Maher Bleeper Services Mr Shaun Smith Boatel Party Cruises (Chorley) Ltd Sir/Madam J W Woodcock Bonney Greenhalgh & Co Ltd Mr B Horrocks Brian Horrocks Fabrications Sir/Madam W Baldwin Ms Colin Clarke Brick Technology Ltd Mr A Calderbank Brinscall Building & Plumbing Merchants Mr Stuart Seddon British Waterways Marinas Ltd Mr Tom Wilson BRT Bearings Limitd Mr D I Houghton Brysdale House Mr Ged Wood Bygone Times Trading Ltd Sir/Madam C J Lyon Bentley Nurseries Ms Kerry James Kerry James Planning Mr Roger Lathom Mr C J Smith C J Smith Chartered Quantity Surveyors Sir/Madam P J Davidson C P Davidson & Sons Ltd Mr Keith Richard Calsoftware


Mr Howard Faulkner Carr Faulkner Associates Mrs S Gauge Carrington Career and Workwear Ltd Mr A W Catterall Catterall & Wood Ltd Mr Bryan Kellett Cavendish Upholstery Ltd Mr David Loughlin CDF Supplies Ms Julie Baillie Cedar Farm Galleries Mr Andrew Kearns Celebration Electrical Wholesalers Ms Bernadette Done CENTRA Ms Susan Smith CGS Signs Ms Kathy Gallagher Chapel Fold Bed & Breakfast Sir/Madam P Waring Charity Farm Caravan & Camping Park Sir/Madam B Molyneaux Charnock School of Motoring Mr Ben Doherty CHM Chauffering Services Mr Brian Wilding Chordale Wine Merchants Ms Janice Taylor Chorley & S Ribble Crossroads Ms Diane Burns Chorley & S Ribble Making Space Chief Mr Gary Hall Executive Chorley Council Mr Steve Ball Compound 1 Mr Ian Dickson Mr Andrew Szczepanczyk Sir/Madam N Wilkinson H & E Abbot Glass Ltd Mr Allen Cross H & R Esp Ltd Sir/Madam H E Randall H E Randall & Son Sir/Madam D W Griffiths H Nightingale & Son Mr Gary Ashcroft HRT Commercials (Chorley) Ltd Mr Andrew Evans HSS Hire Shops Ms Jackie Rose Halifax plc Mr D P Johnston Harrison & Taylor Mr Russell Harrison Harrison Packaging Ms June Smith Harrison Road Garage Mr Jeff Hacking Harrison Salmon Associates Mr Paul Harwood Harwoods Carpets Mr David Haslam Haslam Printers Ltd Sir/Madam P Baldwin Heskin Fabrication Ltd Ms Lynne Steen Antiques Mr Larry Longton Heskins Ltd Mr Tony Williamson Holystone Properties Ltd and Ince Williamson Mr Ron Southworth Homes Pets and Gardens Mr Phil Ashworth Houghton House Aggregates Ltd Mrs Martin Housing & Care Services Mr Steve Rimmer Howdens Joinery Co Ms Joyce Hunter Hunter Car Delivery Service Mr Robert Platt Hybrid Power Ltd Mr Ian Jones I Cars Ms Andrea Peet Ian McCarthy Haulage Mr Stewart Moffatt Ideal Car Supermarket Sir/Madam C Hamley IGC Independent Gas Co Mr Ron Barker Impact Socket Supplies Ltd

Mr John Barlow Impact UK Design & Print Ms Wendy Holden Impressed Dry Cleaners Ms Lisa Thomason Impression Design Sir/Madam M Kordowski Inta Cornici Ms Lesley Ainscough Ivy House Guest House Mr Jack Bothamley J B Publicity Painter & Sir/Madam J D Critchley Decorator Sir/Madam J Dillon J Dillon Decorating Sir/Madam J L Hill Sir/Madam J M Strange JMS Transport Mr William Holmes J Rainford & Sons Ltd Mr C Smith J S Design Associates Mr John Holding J T Holding & Son Mr J White J White Plastering & Tiling Mr Peter Ramsbottom Jacquard Weaving Co Ltd Mr James Hatch James E Hatch & Son LLP Mr John Hicks JDH Property Development Ms Val Hilton Mr Peter Turner Mr Jeff Rollason Mrs Christine Arrowsmith Ms Eloise Pickles Jewson Ltd Mr Brian McGowan JKS Heating & Plumbing Supplies Ltd Mrs S Riding Jobcentre Plus Sir/Madam M W Barton John B Lavin & Co Mrs M Holland John Goulding & Co Mr Henry Mayor John H Mayor & Sons Ltd Mr John Walkden Jorgus Carpets Ms Kath Colman JPM Resources (UK) Ltd Ms Julie Harrison Ms Caroline Nichols K A Nichols (Electrical) Mrs Phil Wallroth Kaemingk UK Ms Katherine Hancock Katherine Hancock Photography Sir/Madam K Miller Ken Miller (Wheelton) Ltd Mr Keith Lloyd Ken Moore Construction Services Mr Ken Taylor Ken Taylor Auto Electrical Services Ms Gillian Moore Kenmor Construction Products Ltd Mr Mark Whittle Kestrel Windows Ltd Mr P Singleton Kevills Solicitors Mr Peter Kinloch Kingprint Limited Sir/Madam J K Rawlinson Kirkdale Construction Services Ltd Mr W C Hawkesworth KSK Contractors Ms Diana Clutton L & L Cruisers Mr Tony Carter L Carter & Son Ms Lauren Griffiths NJL Consulting Sir/Madam W McClymont Chorley Car Care Centre Mr Simon Reid Chorley Cleaning Services Sir/Madam J Davies Chorley Coachcraft Ltd


Mr Paul Ruby Chorley Electrical Traders Ltd Ms Janet Berry Chorley Equestrian Centre Ms Louise Scawthorn Chorley Guardian Mrs J Worthington Chorley Lift and Crane Services Mrs S Fairclough Chorley Masonic Hall Ms Pauline Turner Chorley Nissan Ms Anne Carter Chorley Orthodontic Suite Mr Stephen Crossland Chorley Signs Sir/Madam M Cross Chorley UPVC Ltd Mr Chris Coomer Wholesale Butchers Mr Peter Greenwood City Electrical Factors Ms Julie Clare Clare & Co Sir/Madam The Chair Clayton Brook Community House Mr Stephen Bailey Clayton Green Branch Library Sir/Madam G Crank Clayton Hall Sand Co Mr Ian Parker Clearwater Consultancy Ltd Ms Sharon Garside Cleopatra's Total Face and Body Care Ms Diane McMillan Mr Steven Turner Coffee Stop Mr Martin Jackson Commercial & Business Supplies Mr Michael Martin Communications Maintenance Services Mr David Clarke Community Leisure Services Mrs M Prayle Computer Projects Ltd Mr Roger Farrell Conismoor Ltd Ms Tracie Booth Connexions - Chorley Centre Sirs Coopers Taxis Sir/Madam T Seddon Coppull Moor Lane Nurseries Mr Johnstone Coppull TV Servicing Sir/Madam A W Ryding Countrywise Countryside Services Ltd Ms Julie Atha Croft Products (UK) Ltd Ms Hilary Cox Crossfield Saddlery Mr R S Cooper Crossley & Bradley Ltd Mr Mark Greenwood Croston Corn Mills Ltd Mr Alex Owen Crown Stage and Theatre Services Ltd Mr Jason Hurley Crumplezone Multimedia Mr A J Walker Crusty's Sandwich Bar Mr D Ormerod D & G Builders & Joiners Ltd Ms Sheila Turner D & S Turner Ms Joy Worthington D & W Motors and Eccleston Aviation Ltd Mr D A Hardman D Hardman Solar Film Ltd Sir/Madam D K Boyes Ms Bernice Mayor D Mayor & Son Mr Anthony Prescott DP Cold Planing Ltd Mr Munir Uddin Daisy Takeaway Mr Mike O'Hara Dalziel Ltd Mr Killin David J Killin & Co Ltd Mr David Lee Deep Clean Services Ms Alyson Hurst Delma Developments Sir/Madam L Carnovale Design LSC

Ms Denise Dillon Dillon & Blake Hairdressing Ms June Sweeney Direct Display & Exhibitions Ltd Ms Margaret Higginson Disklok UK Mr Charles Dodd Dodd Engineering (North West) Ltd Ms Janine Sharratt Domino's Pizza Mrs J Rutlidge Doodles Day Nursery Sir/Madam C M Effendowicz Dryot Products Ltd Mr Peter Kennedy Drumbeat Sir/Madam W A Duxbury Duxbury Builders Ltd Mr Alan Forshaw Duxbury Caravans Ltd Mr David V Maltman DVM Pigments & Additives Ltd Ms Susan Wawrzyniak E & H Baxendale Ltd Sir/Madam E T Rylance E Rylance & Sons Ltd Mr Sam Wrennall E W Wrennall Contractors Ms Claire Botham Early Birds Private Nursery Mr Alan Forde Eccleston Electrical Services Sirs Economy Bag Company Ms Judith Oatley Elixir Beauty Salon Mr Frazer Sandwith King Sturge LLP Sir/Madam P Walsh Empress Timber Mr G A Wilson En Qar Ltd Mr John Thompson Engineering-Support Co UK Mr Peter L Johnson Environmental Services Chorley Sir/Madam D Collins Equaman Metal Products Ltd Mr Stephen Rigby Esselle Sports Management Sir/Madam D Cadman Eurodiesel Ms Emma Higham Euromedia Mrs M Parker European Care (UK) Ltd Ms Sandra Bannister European Settled Estates plc Ms Dianne Royce Euxton Hall Hospital Sir/Madam M L Bentham Euxton Tile Supplies Ltd Mr Robert Schofield Evans Halshaw Ms Karen Worswick Eye Designs Ltd Sir/Madam G Barnish F & P Wholesale Sir/Madam F H Bleasdale F H Bleasdale (Timber) Ltd Mr S Collinson Fairport Containers Ltd Mr Howerd Ellis Fairport Properties Ltd Mr Shaun Jones Farrell Heyworth Estate Accounts Sirs Faxman (t/a G Rawlings) Sir/Madam Chris Fayle Fayle Transport Ltd Sir/Madam G W Felton Feltons Service Station Mr Alan Aspden Fern Doors Ltd Mr Alan Miller Fibreglow (UK) Ltd Councillor Henry W Caunce Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Alan Cullens Councillor Chorley Council Ms Sandra M Thompson Finishing Touch Sir/Madam D O'Brien Firecraft Fireplaces Mrs P A Adamson Fixit DIY & Manchester House Sir/Madam P Forshaw Forshaw Engineering Ltd


Ms Carol Godfrey Fosgo Ltd Mrs R Rooney Frederick's Ice Cream Ltd Sir/Madam G Iozzi Fresco Fresco Ms Joanne McCarthy Furious Wolf Design Mr Stephen Holden G & S Auto Electrical Services Joiner & Building Sir/Madam G Braithwaite Contractor Mr Simon Lister Garden Grooming Sir/Madam L Beardsworth Gebworth Construction Ltd Mr Geoff Kenyon Mr Bill Eastham George Eastham Insurance Services Ms Linda Cooper Gillibrand Hall Ms Gillie Charlson Gillie Dolls Sir/Madam M Meagher Gleadhill House Stud Ltd Mr Richard Fairclough Goldseal Windows & Tradeline Mr Austin Finley Greenlight Driving School Ltd Mrs Langrish Greenside Landscapes Ms Tina Grimshaw Grimshaw Plastering Mr Matthew Martin H & A Prestige Packing Co Ltd Ms Helen Brocki Lancashire College Ms Gillian Ferguson Lancashire Fayre Ms Caroline McGuinness Lancashire Locations Sir/Madam Landmark Associates Mr Robinson Leyland Filtration Ltd Mr John B Kerfoot Leyland Leisure Sales Trailer Centre Sir/Madam R Odell Logma Systems Design Ltd Sir/Madam A J Fish Loughlin Homes Ltd Mr Halton Lucas Engineering Mr Allan M Howell Lynbrook Office Supplies Ltd Ms Margaret Stewart MC & MA Stewart (Haulage) Ltd Mr Michael Fellows M J Fellows Building Contractor Mr David Callagham MJH Data Systems Ltd Mr M J Kilbride MJK Design & Build Ltd Sirs M J McVerry Sir/Madam M Vitali M V Graphics Sir/Madam M W & G Hough Sir/Madam Major Hosting Sir/Madam M C Oats Malcolm Oats Associates Ltd Mr Malcolm Thomson Malt Consultants Ms Donna Telford Malthouse Farm Mrs Judith Griffin Mr Norman Beasant Mr David Edwards Managing for Quality Ltd Ms Linda Benson Manor Products Ltd Mr Kevin Clutton Marine Propulsion Services Ltd Mr Mark Parr Mark Parr Promotions Sir/Madam G Haider Marley Court Nursing Home Mr I Desmond Marsdens Solicitors Sir/Madam G Marshall Marshall Demolition Ltd

Sir/Madam C G Southern Mawtec Systems Ltd Sir/Madam W McKenna McKrisps Caterers Mr David Freeman Menzel (UK) Ltd Sir/Madam A Devlin Merrymaids South Lancashire Mr M Ogden Mick Ogden Diesel Mr Mike Barron Mike Barron Driver Training Mr Mike Bretherton Mike Bretherton School of Motoring Mr Paul Kavanagh Mike England Timber Co Ltd Mrs M Hayes Millfield Care Home Ms Lynda White MLC Travel Ltd t/a Travel Mercedes Mr Alan Whitworth Money Matters Ms Sheila Smith Mr J P Morgan Morgan Brothers (Chorley) Ltd Mr Ron Kucharski Motorun Service Centre Ltd Mr R Anderson N B Colour Print Ltd Ms Dorothy Marsden N R Marsden & Son Sirs Nat West Councillor Magda M Cullens Councillor Chorley Council Sir/Madam M N Walkden Naylor & Walkden Ltd Mr Paul McKenna Newbury Print Ltd Ms Miss J Blackburn Nicholsons Financial Mr Chris Nicolson Director NIS Group Mr Noel Murphy North British Landscapes Sir/Madam M L Gallery North West Propshaft & Brakes Ltd Ms Pauline Ince North West Specialist Building Supplies Ltd Mr J Holden Northern Trust Company Limited Miss Hegarty O'Riordan & Co Mr Tony Oakes Oakes & Co Sir/Madam R Ainsworth Oasis Travel Mr M G Bennett P & M Bennett Sir/Madam S Baker P & S Baker (Plant Hire) Ms Shirley Sharp P Messenger Concrete Products Sir/Madam M Charnock Mr Andy Gibson Parkett Borse Ltd Sir/Madam G Parkin Parkin Plant Services Ltd Mr James Ford Parkville Hotel & Truffles Restaurant Mr Andrew Whittaker Permavision Ltd Mr Steve Douglas Peter Mason Associates Ltd Mr Dr Nigel Evans Petrie Technologies Ltd Mr Daren Wilde Phoenix Radiators Sir/Madam M Pilkington Pilkington Oils Sir/Madam P A Stock Pincroft Dyeing & Printing Co Ltd Mr N Proctor Pinewood Veterinary Practice Ms Lorraine Stones Pipers Day Nursery Mr Peter Van Aardt Plasma Profiling Ms Chrissie Hirst Playmates Ms Denise McCaughtrie Polestar Creative Ltd Mr George Mather Porter Lancastrian Limited


Mr Trevor Williams Positive Solutions Ltd Mr Martin Morgan Post Office Counters Ltd Mr Graham Jagger Premier Plumbing & Electricals Ltd Mr Kerry Springham Presenting Solutions Ltd Mr Roy Page Prime Resorts Ltd Ms June Smith Primrose Brides Ms Vivienne Ryan Professional Employee Relations Consultancy Sir/Madam C Morris Prolec Automaton Services Madam Claire Bailey Prontaprint Sir/Madam T Knowles Puddletown Pirates (USL Trading Ltd) Mr Quinn Quinn & Co Mr Robin Bamford RB Contacts Ltd Mr Steve Rigby RE Developmens Ltd Mr R Frankland R Frankland & Son Joiner & Mr R Johnson Builder Ms Renee McNair Sir/Madam J Swinscoe Rallytech Composite Engineering Mr Michael Rawcliffe Rawcliffe's of Chorley Sir/Madam Raw Witts Transport Mr Steven Jeffries Ready Mixed Concrete (NW) Ltd Sir/Madam W Redmayne Readyplant Ltd Sir/Madam A Robinson Recognition Express-Bolton Sir/Madam K Owen Reeds Rains Ltd Mr J Reeves Reeves Coach Services Sir/Madam K Hornby Regent Hosiery Factors Mr Richard Davies Richard Davies Management Services Ltd Ms Jean Rigby Rigby & Partners Ms Michelle Jones Rivington Park Independent School Mr RJY Vulcanising Services Ltd Mr Robert Sherry Robert Sherry & Associates Ltd Mr John Roberts Roberts & Co Mr Robin Logie Sir/Madam B Smith Rufford Printing Co Sir/Madam C Freeborn Runshaw Business Centre Madam Alison Robinson Runshaw Adult College Sir/Madam M J Carrol Ruttle Plant Hire Ltd Mr Colin McMillan Rytetype Limited Mr Steve Gooding S & J Electrical Services Ms Sue Ogden SOS Sir/Madam J M Robinson S Ollerton Ltd Mrs K Tyrer Sage Cottage Properties t/a Shaw Hill Golf Sir/Madam J Handley Sal Abrasive Technologies Sir/Madam B E Newell Shackerley (Holdings) Group Ltd Ms Sarah Webb Sharples Davies Limited Mr Silhouette Photography Mr James Vosper SJS Hire Tools Ltd Sir/Madam S Norris SLR Linings Division of Rema Tip Top UK Ltd Ms Leona Lindars Sly Glass

Mr Ronald Moss R P Smith & Co Mr C Shaw Specialised Training Sir/Madam K Ellison Springboard Events Ltd Mr John Doherty Springfield Nursing Home Ms Lorraine Kearney Stagecoach Theatre Arts School Sir/Madam J R Fowler Stan Fowler (Builders) Ltd Ms Kathryn Pilling Stanley H Cross & Co, Solicitors Councillor David Dickinson Councillor Chorley Council Sir/Madam B G Newell Station House Boarding Kennels Mr Ian Wilkinson Step N Style Hair Studio Painter & Mr Stephen Cowling Decorator Mr Steve Candlin Steve Candlin Properties Mr Steve Mawson Steve Mawson & Associates Mr Stephen Howard Stewart Longton Caravans Ltd Mrs Still Stills Decorators Sir/Madam C Titherington Stomhouse Ltd Sir/Madam N Stringfellow Stringfellow Building Contractors Ltd Sir/ Madam M Avison Studio 89 Sir/Madam G A Bairstow Sundown Bedrooms Ltd Mr Terry Trelfa Sweeper Hire/B & T Tippers Ltd Mr Thomas Warbrick T Warbrick Heating & Plumbing Sir/Madam G Threlfall Talon Nonsk Ltd Ms Karen Hamilton Tapeswitch Ltd Sir/Madam A Taylor Taylor Transformers Ms Karen E Hill Tecseal Ltd Ms Anna Nixon Smith Tenon Mr Terry McMullan Terry McMullan Paving Ltd Mr Andy Burnett Teslatest Systems Ms Elaine Cribb That's Mine Sir/Madam A E Jones The Beeches Nursing & Residential Home Ms Lynne Roberts The Café @ Cedar Farm Ms Barbara Barlow The Coach House Ms Dea Parkin The Competitive Edge Ms Karen Taylor The Diverse Cleaning Co Ltd Sir/Madam P Atherfold The Grange Mr Paul Mawdsley The Mawdsley Consultancy Ms Ann Bishop The Mill Hotel Mr Nic Loughlin The Pines Hotel & Hawthorns Bar & Grill Ms Gill Richardson The Pub Estate Company Limited Mr Tony Pickup The Quality Assurance Association Mr John Hardman The Royal British Legion Mr R Bishop The Stripper Mr Jonathan Cooper The Sunlight Service Group Ltd Mr S Ward Thermadyne Industries Ltd Ms Elizabeth Moran Thermagas plc Mr Tony Dickinson Thomas Cole Solutions Mr Andrew Mawdsley Thomas Mawdsley Ms Amanda Jackson Tigerfish Public Relations


Mr Tom Lockwood Architectural Technologist Sir/Madam K Badd Topflite (North West) Ltd Ms Laila Hocking Total Damp Proofing Mr Trevor Proctor Sir/Madam S K Uddin Trishna Takeaway Mr Mark O'Neill True Bearing Ltd Ms Marilyn Hughes Unit Two Systems Sir/Madam C Sharp USL Trading Ltd Miss N Hessey Verde Sports Limited Mr Andrew Harding Vibez Music & Discos Ms Maria Pritchard Vic Crompton Ltd t/a 007 Chimney Lining Services Sir/Madam Nasreen Hearne Visiting Chiropodist Mr Martin Talbot Visual Concepts UK Ltd Mrs Barker VME Electrical Ltd Mr Peter Hart WE Couplings Ltd Mr Kevin Marsden W Marsden and Sons Mr John Carr WAC BM & JA Carr Mr Alan Tickle Walker & Tickle Mr A Cadman Walltex Mr Gregory Mullarkey Wallwork & Co Mr Philip Walmsley Walmsley Associates Ltd Mr William Goodwin Welcome Break Limited Mr Paul Weldbank Plastic Co Ltd Sir/Madam S Mosalski Welding & Site Services Ltd Councillor Doreen Dickinson Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Dennis Edgerley Councillor Chorley Council Ms Bridget Doherty Westbank Dental Practice Sir/Madam C Tweedle Westcliffe Homes Ltd Mrs H Whittaker Whittaker Training Associates Mr Marcus Walsh Whittle Jones Ms Julie Wood Wilcock's Farm Caravan Site Ms Margaret Sweeney Williams School of Motoring Mr John Bruck Woodfit Ltd Ms Gillian West Wrekamendid Services Ltd Mr Ian Russell WST Engineering Ltd Sir/Madam G Charlesworth X K Print Ltd Ms Gill Darbyshire Yarrow Bridge Garage Mr Mark Brinksman Yorkshire Bank plc Mrs Maureen Price Clerk Anderton Parish Council Mr Raymond Smith Clerk Parish Council Mrs Glenys Southworth Clerk Bretherton & Ulnes Walton Parish Council Mrs Eileen Whiteford Clerk Clayton-le-Woods Parish Council Mr Alan Platt Clerk Croston, Eccleston & Heapey Parish Councils Miss Ann Woodhouse Clerk Cuerden Parish Council Mrs Edna Woodrow Clerk Heath Charnock Parish Council Mr Alan Whittaker Clerk Heskin Parish Council Mr Tony Harkness Clerk Brindle and Hoghton Parish Councils Mrs Gurby Woods Clerk Mawdesley Parish Council Mrs Olive Fisher Clerk Rivington Parish Council

Mr Bernard Golding Clerk Withnell Parish Council Mr Eric Patterson Clerk Wheelton Parish Council Mrs Debra Platt Clerk Euxton & Astley Village Parish Councils Councillor Anthony Gee Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Peter Goldsworthy Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Marie E Gray Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Harold Heaton Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Catherine Hoyle Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Keith Iddon Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Roy Lees Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Hasina Khan Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Adrian Lowe Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Marion Lowe Councillor Chorley Council Councillor June Molyneaux Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Greg Morgan Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Michael J Muncaster Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Mark Perks BEd (Hons) Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Geoffrey Russell Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Rosemary Russell Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Christopher France Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Joyce Snape Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Ralph Snape MBE Councillor Chorley Council Councillor John P Walker Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Stella M Walsh Councillor Chorley Council Chief Mr Phil Halsall Executive Lancashire County Council Chief Mr Graham Burgess Executive Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Chief Mr Steve Weaver Executive Blackpool Borough Council Chief Mr Steve Rumbelow Executive Burnley Borough Council Chief Mr Philip Woodward Executive Fylde Borough Council Managing Mr David Welsby Director Hyndburn Borough Council Chief Mr Mark Cullinan Executive Lancaster City Council Chief Mr Stephen Barnes Executive Pendle Borough Council Chief Ms Lorainne Norris Executive Preston City Council Chief Mr Marshal Scott Executive Ribble Valley Borough Council Chief Ms Helen Lockwood Executive Rossendale Borough Council Chief Mr Mike Nuttall Executive South Ribble Borough Council Chief Mr W J Taylor Executive West Lancashire District Council Chief Mr Garry Payne Executive Wyre Borough Council Ms Caroline Taylor Emery Planning Partnership Ltd


Sir/Madam CPRE, Lancashire Branch Ms Margaret Potts Mr Laurie Lane Planner CB Richard Ellis Ltd Senior Land Mr Paul Coggins Manager Russell Homes (UK) Limited Mr P Bridge Mr Andrew Cross AC Architectural Consultancy Mr Howard Cross Matrac Mr M Hopkins Partner King Sturge LLP Ms Claire Norris Lambert Smith Hampton Mr Turner Ms Kathryn M Baker Ms Lynne Howard Mr Bill Fulster Red Rock Limited Mr David Hagan Taylor Young Mr Iain Fowler Wainhomes Councillor Julia Berry Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Alistair Bradley Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Simon Moulton Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Debra Platt Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Peter Wilson Councillor Chorley Council Mr Philip Watson Mr Warren Marshall Bellway Homes Ltd (Liverpool) Councillor Alison Hansford Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Alan Platt Councillor Chorley Council Project Mr John Twinn Manager Villages in Partnership Ms Catherine Palmer Ms Judith Cosgrave Headteacher Parklands High School Headteacher Albany Science College Headteacher Southlands High School Headteacher St Michael's C of E High School Mr Jamie Gilliland Planner Mono Consultants Ltd Ms Janet Street Senior Land Mr Andrew Thompson Director Morris Homes (North) Ltd Mr Frank Culshaw Mr Chris Leighton Director Peacock & Smith Strategic Land Mr Andrew Thorley Manager Taylor Wimpey UK Limited Ms Mel Wray Secretary Chorley & District Chamber of Trade Ms Joy Worthington Mr David Cowburn Partner Armitstead Barnett Mr B Carroll Ms Holly Gregson Secretary Area Management Committee Lancashire Rural Steering Group, Lancashire Economic Mr Rupert Swarbrick Chair Partnership Assistant Mr Graham Lamb Planner G L Hearn Property Consultants Mr Chris Calvert Pegasus Planning Group

Ms Bernadette Woods Indigo Planning Assistant Ms Katya Samokhvalova Planner NJL Consulting Planning Mr Matthew Wyatt Assistant JWPC Limited Ms Barbara Leech Project Ms Louise Marsden Manager Contour Housing Group Ltd Mr Alan Craven New Progress Housing Association Reg ional Development Mr John Wright Manager Places for People Land and Planning Mr Tony Stevens Manager Redrow Homes (Lancashire) Limited Strategic Land Mr Tim Williams Manager Miller Homes Mr Stewart Binks Rowland Homes Ltd Mr Stewart Binks McInerney Homes Mr Jack Rostron J Rostron Solicitors Mr Stephen Lancaster Land Director Persimmon Homes Mr Simon Wilson Land Executive Arley Homes Mr Andrew Taylor David Wilson Homes Mr Geoffrey Clark Clark Planning Consultants Ltd Mr Alan Croston Janet Dixon Town Planners Limited Sir/Madam Cunningham Planning Mr Paul Dignan Associate Lea Hough & Co Senior Mr Mike Sherrington Architect Peter Dickinson Chartered Architects Mr Tony Lang RT Design Mr Nick Hayes Director Hayes Architects Ltd Councillor Beverley Murray Councillor Chorley Council Mr Jerome Munro-Lafon URS/Scott Wilson Mr Chris Cockwill Cockwill & Co. Ltd Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Atkins MEP Mr Dan Mitchell Barton Willmore Sir and Madam L Howarth Crosse Hall Residents, Healey Nab Consultant Mr Damien Holdstock Town Planner Entec UK Ltd (on behlaf of National Grid) Mr George Whelan Pupil St Bedes School Planning Mr John MacCallum Consultant Bell Ingram Design Limited Ms Stanton Sir/ Madam The Nguzo Saba Centre Ms Hasina Khan The Asian Women's Forum Mr Ayub Patel The Dosti Men's Forum Arts Development Mr Chris Bryan Officer Chorley Council Partnerships Ms Sarah James Manager Chorley Council


Ms Kath Whitehead Deafway Ms Eileen Bee Chorley and South Ribble Disability Forum Ms Dorothy Crean Galloways Society for the Blind Sir/ Madam Chorley Deaf and Hard of Hearing Club Mr John Miller Project Oscar Open Access Mr Steve McBride Team Leader Youth Council/ Youth Bank Sir/ Madam Chorley Older People's Forum Mr Peter Fagg Chair Chorley Forum of Faiths Rev John Cree Moderator Churches Together Ms Diane Boyer DPDS Consulting Kirkwells - Town Planning and Sustainable Mr Michael Wellock Director Development Consultants Mr Dave Terry Mr John Bamford Councillor Matthew Crow Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Steve Holgate Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Paul Leadbetter Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Steve Murfitt Councillor Chorley Council North West Sirs Planning Natural England Conservation Mr David Dunlop Officer The Wildlife Trust Ms Jo Turton Director Lancashire County Council Assistant Chief Ms Annie Topping Executive NHS Foundation Trust Planning Mr John Tootell Manager Northern Trust Mr A Bennett Ms Suzanne Cubbon Mr Mike Vost Coach Education Mr Darran Bowles Officer Bolton Wanderers FC Mr Ronald Jones Mr & Mrs P Wood R Dyson Mr J Heaps Mr Richard Salisbury Ms Jennifer James Mrs Ellen Monk Winstanley Mr R. E Semley Mr & Mrs D Pilkington Ms Alexandra Garnett Mr W. E. Knaggs Mr & Mrs H Cook Mr David Wignall Farrimond - Mrs Clare Waring Ms Jenny Adam

Mr Greg Adam Mr Robert Fox Mr Andrew Berry Ms Rachel Brown Mr Robin Fitzgerald Ms Joanne Locke Mr W. F. Hebblethwaite Mr Frank Harrison Mr & Mrs A Moore Mr John Ashcroft Mrs Cheryl Ashcroft Mr David Holland Mr Chris Heaven Ms Carole Fletcher Mrs Wendy Sockett Senior Planner Colliers International Dr Terry Powell Bayerton Mr Gordon Kenyon Kenyon Planning Project Construction Mr Simon Hough Manager Carillion Morgan Sindall JV Managing Mr Steve Hoyle Director Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Blackburn Road and Great Knowley Residents' Mr John Harrison Chairman Association Mr K Woan Chairman Chorley and District Natural History Society Mr Paul Sharples Mr John Ferguson Councillor Pauline Phipps Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Dave Rogerson Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Paul Walmsley Councillor Chorley Council Mr Peter Mercer MBE National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups Mrs Lorraine Fullbrook MP Mrs Jean Mellor Mr N Roberts Mr Harold Heaton Mr & Mrs Hart Ms J Watson Mrs M Nuttall Mr Eric Nuttall K Prattley C Sturgess Mr David Ikin Miss M Harrison Mr & Mrs David Melhuish Chair CADNWA Mr Marc Preedy Mr &Mrs Mark Wilson Mr Simon Birbeck Mr Matthew Birbeck Ms Abigail Birbeck Mr Malcom Jolly


Mr Trevor Young Mrs Beverley Unsworth Ms Alison Nicholson Mr Peter Willmott Ms Paula Watson Mr David Bowl Mr Andrew Davidson Mrs Lorna Purslow Mr Barry Tollefson Mr & Mrs M Durkin Mr Patrick Phillips Ms Lorraine Alty Mr Stuart Hart Mr Chris Hebson Mr & Mrs H Winstanley Mrs Jean Taylor Mrs M Beatty Mr A Tunstall Mr Brian Fisher Mr John Taylor Mr Eric Spencer J Ormrod Mrs Sarah Haisley Mr & Mrs J Wilson J Samways Mr Chris Winard Mr Winstanley J Greenhalgh Mr J Hayes Ms Jill Shovelton Mr Phillip Shovelton Mr David Nelson Mr Chris Martin Mr Richard Smith Mr Keith Gerrard Mr James Melling Ms Lynda Adamson C Bennett Mr Alan Thompson Ms Janice Tomlinson Mr David Scholes Mr Peter Harding Mrs S Entwistle Mrs J Hollows M. A. Swift Ms Gillian Riding Mr Bryan Chadwick Mr D Bentham Mrs E Lynch

Mr Ian Monk Mr E Gartside G Perry Mrs Mary Wootten R Abel Mrs Birchall Mrs Joan Bromley Mrs Betty Worth Mr & Mrs A Butterworth Mr Paul McVeigh Mr & Mrs C Hough Mr D. A. Holt Ms Sandra Delaney Ms Sarah Walton Mr Brian Bateman Mrs Sarah Eastham Planning and Mr Brian Sheasby Review Officer Lancashire County Council Mrs Jean Bibby Mrs Hilda Youd Mrs Joan Gardener Mrs Andrea Hibbert Mr Nick Daniel Mr R Bulcock Mr & Mrs R Grayson Mrs M. A. Barker Mr & Mrs H Higginson Mr Philip Peet Mr Les Roberts Mr & Mrs Dowthwaite Mrs Kathleen Judge Mrs Linda Richardson Mrs Barbara Bellingham Mrs Gibson Mrs Mary Hardwick Mrs Jean Killingbeck Mrs Michelle Castle Mrs Nicola Gilder Mrs Elizabeth Green J. A. Cullen Mr Stephen Bell GVA Ltd on behalf of Taylor Wimpey Mr Darren Olane Miss Elaine Jackson Mr David Minton Mrs Sheila Meegan Mrs Patricia Cuerden Mrs Joanne Mitchinson Mr John Taylor Mr & Mrs A Taylor


Ms Amy Gregson Mr Ian Kearney Mr John Probert Mr Straughton Mr W. J. Taylor Mr Francis Taylor Mrs Maureen Caunce Mrs Kate Motley Proprieter Parr Hall Farm Mr Brian Threlfall Associate Mr David Diggle Director Turley Associates Ms Joanne Smith Lancashire County Archaeology Service Ms Joanne Smith Lancashire County Ecology Service SHP Valuers The Emerson Group Loughlin Homes Barrows of Coppull Ltd Mr Nick Alderson Higham & Co Mrs Elaine Almond Mr Nick Atkins Tarmac Ltd Mr R.E Bailey Lea Hough & Co Chartered Surveyors Mr Peter Baillie Mr Peter Banks Mr John Barlow Mrs J Barrow Mr F.E Bond Mr Howerd Booth Mr David Bradley Mr Stuart Brinks Redrow Homes Lancs Ltd Mr J Burrow Conlon Construction Ltd Mr A Cain Mr Rob Cameron Seddon Homes Ltd Mr J Carrol Miss Rebecca Carroll Mr James F Carter Mr D Carter Mr Ashley Collins NJL Consulting Mr Andrew Coney P Wilson & Company Mr H Crompton Ms Rachel Davies Drivers Jonas LLP Mr Alexis De Pol De Pol Associates Mr Graham Dickinson Ms Jane Dickman Savills Ms Janet Dixon Janet Dixon Town Planners Ltd Mr P Dodd Mr E Downs Mr John Duckworth Mrs Betty Duffin Mr Ronald Eden

Mr E.H Ellis Fairport properties Ltd Mr Robert Fielden Mr David Fletcher Mrs Rebecca Ford Mosaic Town Planning Mr J Forest Croston Rural Action Group Mr J Forrester Mr WS Fulster Red Rock Ltd Mr W Fulster McInerney Homes Mr Chris Green Taylor Wimpey North East Mrs R Green Mr Richard Gregory Ms Kate Grimshaw Lancashire County Council Ms Becki Haines Turley Associates Mr Doug Hann Indigo Planning Mr L.B Hardy Mr Philip Helm Simply Housing Mr George Hemingway Mr A Hough Ms Susan Inglis Wheelton & Brinscall Bridleways Association Mrs R Jam Steer Ethelston Rural Ltd Mrs Janet Jones Mr John Kearton Ms E Lester Wheelton & Brinscall Bridleways Association Mr Andrew Leyssens United Utilities Property Solutions Mr R.S Limmer Mr A Livesey Mr Lord Mrs Morna Maines Adactus Housing Group Mr S Mair P. Wilson & company Mr & Mrs Alan & Evelyn Marsden Mr Alastair Marsden Mr Paul Marsden W Marsdens & Sons Mr David Marshall Mr Chris Matthews Mr Anthony McAteer MCP Planning Mr William McCann Mr Alistair McCracken Droyt Products Ltd Mr K Mellis Mr Gareth Millar Mr David Miller bloc Limited Mrs Rosina M Monks Mr John Moss Mr F.J Mould Mr & Mrs H Nightingale Mr Philip Noblett Elmwood Construction LLP Mr Matt Olley Bovis Homes (Northern) Ltd Mr Richard Percy Steven Abbott Associates Mrs Sue Potter Mr C Pugh


Mr Richard Purser DPP Mr Gary Ramsbottom Gabbro Developments Ltd Mr K Ramsbottom Mr Dennis Riding Mary - Mrs Elizabeth Roberts P& A Rowley Mr Stephen Rudd Mrs Wendy Salvage Secretary, Adlington Churches Together Mr Ian Shorrock Blackmores Ltd Mr Paul Shuker White Young Green Mr John Simpkin English Partnerships Mrs Amanda Sloan G B Smith Mr Shaun Smith Mark Mr Geoffrey Smithies Mr Bill Sparnon 1st Investments Ltd Mrs P Tattersall Ms Maureen Taylor Mr John Taylor Mr Paul Tunstall JWPC Ltd Ms Elizabeth Tyson Mr Jonathan Vose Rapleys LLP Mr Michael Walmsley Mr A Walsh Mr Cliff Walsingham Cliff Walsingham & Company Mr R A Waring Mr Chris Watts GVA Grimley Ltd Mr Paul Westhead Mr K Whitaker Property Assets Team, Property Group, Lancashire Mr Neil Whittingham County Council Ms Emma Wilcock White Young Green Mrs W.K Willeard S L Williams Goodyear and Williams Mr David Williams Paul Butler Associates M Winstanley B Worthington

Mrs June Martin Mr Christopher Howard Mr Stephen Connell Chorley Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses Mrs Lesley Atherton Clerk Whittle-le-Woods Parish Council Mr Peter Higham BME Community Development Ms Nicola Jane Hartley Worker Making Space

Mrs Carolyn Cross Clerk Charnock Richard Parish Council Mr John Bamber Mrs Marilyn Bamber Ms Jacci Fielding Mr Michael Oxley Mrs Diane Burns Mr Zac West Ms Zara West Mr George Guye Mrs Keren Nelson Councillor Kevin Joyce Councillor Chorley Council Mr John Anthony Johnson Mr Christopher Baybutt James Mr Graham Ashworth Mr Michael Linfoot Mr Andrew Fairclough Hon. Secretary Adlington District Community Association Mr Mervyn Thornhill Mrs Lesley Brownlee Parish Cllr Ian Horsfield Councillor Anderton Parish Council Ms Susan Slamon Mrs Linda Crouch Clerk Adlington Town Council County Councillor Samuel Chapman Councillor Lancashire County Council Mrs Sharen Cook Mr Stephen Cook Mr David Walton Mr R Davison Ms Rachael Bust The Coal Authority Ms Simone Goosey Ms Shelagh Garnett Mrs Marie Thompson Mrs Allison Cain Mr Mohammed Shah Mr & Mrs A Haves Mrs Mollie Ward Mr Peter Ward Mrs Susan Edwards Clerk Coppull Parish Council Mr Phillip Unsworth Mr Peter Iles Lancashire County Council Archaeology Service Paul Butler Associates on b ehalf of Village Heritage Mr David Tye Homes Mrs Anne Caughey Mr John Caughey Mr John Proctor Mrs Ilene Booth Mr John Dimsdale Friends of Healey Nab Mr Alan Hubbard National Trust Mr Darren Watmough


Ms Samantha Ryan Turley Associates on behalf of Redrow Homes (Ltd) Mr David Bibby Mr Michael John Wingeatt Mr & Mrs D Martland Mr Richard Jennison Chairman CPRE, Chorley Mr & Mrs C Leap Mr John Lamb Coordinator Central Lancashire Friends of the Earth Mr Steven Abbot Mr Stuart Smith Mr Ian Caunce Mr Norman Barker Mr David Morris Mr & Mrs C Cordwell Mr Joseph Boswell Mr William Boswell Mr Thomas Boswell Mr Adrian Hart Mrs Lillian Carr Mrs Joanne Millington Mr Steven Riley Planning & Landscape Associates Ltd on behalf of Mr David Toft Doorway to Value Mr John Rowland Mr Alan Martindale Mrs Janet Cole Mr Michael Putt Mr Brian Longton Sedgwick Associates on behalf o f Hollins Strategic Mr Paul Sedgwick Land LLP Ms Linda Wilson Mr Tim Dean Fox Land and Property Ltd Mr David Massam Mr Harry Horsely Ms Janet Maggs Mr & Mrs J Almond Miss Gwyneth Thomas Mr Peter Fenemore Mrs Gillian Simmonds Mrs Nanette Holliday Mr Richard Root Miss Vanessa Carthy Mrs Lesley Hampson Parish Cllr Donald Hoyland Councillor Coppull Parish Council Mr Jeremy Blackwell Mrs Lynne France Regional Ms Judith Nelson Planner English Heritage Mr Lindsay Hoyle MP

Assistant Safeguarding Mr Chris Evans Officer Ministry of Defence Mr Peter Gilkes Peter E Gilkes & Company Mrs Judith Corrigan Planning Mr Philip Carter Liaison Officer Environment Agency Mr John Sturt Osbourne Clarke on behalf of ASDA Stores Limited Mr Stephen Robson Homes and Communities Agency Principal Planning Mr Stephen Benge Officer West Lancashire Borough Council Mr William Harrison SKC Leisure Head of Sales, North West Mr Lance Houghton Team Homes and Communities Agency Planning Mr David Cahill Officer Lancashire County Council Ms Alison Heine Heine Planning Consultancy Associate Planning Ms Rebecca Delooze Director Leith Planning Ltd Mrs Caroline Simpson Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Bigwood Chartered Surveyors Mr Sebastian Tibenham Pegasus Planning Group Mr Alastair Skelton Steven Abbott Associates LLP Ms Jane Dickman Dickman Associates Ltd Mr Simon Mair P. Wilson & Company Mr Jonathan Sharp Land4Homes Ms Amy James HOW Planning Mr Michael Powell Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Discover Leisure Director North Mrs Deborah McLaughlin West Homes and Communities Agency Mr David Bailey Lea, Hough and Co Mr Christie McDonald Steven Abbott Associates LLP Mr Jon Suckley Associate HOW Planning Planning Mr Daniel Whitney Consultant Mosaic Town Planning Mr Richard Wilshaw DPP Managing Mr Marco De Pol Director De Pol Associates Ltd Mr Nick Laister RPS Ms Sarah Williams Indigo Planning Ltd Mr Chris Smith Indigo Planning Ltd Mr Michael Cole Gregory Gray Associates


Appendix 2: Issues and Options consultees

Salutation First Name Surname Position Organisation Mr Paul Kellett Action for Blind People Mrs W Salvage Adlington Church Together and St Paul's Amateur Players Ms Claire Foreman Adult Education Centre Ms Geraldine Moore Chief Officer Age Concern Lancashire Stratigic Director of Regeneration Mr Adam Scott & Environment Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Director of Jefferson MA Planning & Mr Roy Mphil MRTPI Engineering Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council Business Procurement Mr K Williams Manager (NW) Bradford & Northern Housing Association Data Management Sir/Madam Team British Gas Trading Limited Roadworks Planning Mr Mr V J Neill Manager British Telecom plc Area Planner, North Westand Mrs Alison Truman North Wales British Waterways Regional Director of Mr Brian Kelly Services Brothers of Charity Services Mr Keith Warren Chairman CADNWA Sirs Hugh Evans Central & West Lancs Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mr Toby Webber Chorley Council of Faiths Mrs S Jose Hampson Hon Secretary Chorley & District Chamber of Trade Area Manager South Ms Mrs C Gardner Lancashire Chorley & District Children & Families Practice Team Mr Phil Kirk Secretary Chorley & District Natural History Society Director of Facilities and Mr Miles Timperely Estates Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Ms Cindy Bolton Chief Officer Chorley & South Ribble CVS County Mr F R Wand Librarian Lancashire County Council Ms Gill Holt Lancashire County Council Learning Difficulties Sec & Dir of Mr W D Noblett Operations Lancashire County Council Medical Committee Senior Probation Ms S Fiddler Officer Lancashire Probation Service Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes Mr Alan Kind LARA Mr Dave Colbert Group Director Lancashire County Council Environment Directorate

(LTP) Mr Ian Fazackerley Leyland Connexions Centre Mr Andrew Beattie MENCAP Rev Andrew Mashiter Mr Nick Clarke Wigan Council Sirs Mobile Operators Association Mr Mohammed Sajid Muslim Welfare Society Policy Advisor, Environment Ms Helen Little and Land Use National Farmers Union Mr Rob Rawlinson Acland Bracewell Surveyors Ltd Nora Mrs Theresa Ball Mrs Judith Ann Boothman Mrs Patricia Haughton Community Mr John Miller Worker Chorley & South Ribble PCT, Public Health Directorate HlmP Co - Ms Liz Easterbrook ordinator Chorley & South Ribble PCT Headquarters Mr Keith Robinson Chorley Civic Society District Team Operations Manager, Chorley and South Ribble Youth Ms Nighat Parveen Manager Peoples' Service Mr James C Trebilcock Mr G N Rothwell Station Commander, Chorley Fire Station Mrs E A Smith Chorley Friends of the Earth Mr J G Smith Hon Secretary Chorley Historical & Archaeological Society Mr Alan Wilson Chair Chorley Pensioners' Association Rev David Morgan Church of England Sirs Church Commissioners Ms Diane Gradwell Manager Citizens Advice Bureau Sirs Community Council of Lancashire Ms Karen Holt Community Drug Team Regional Mr D Chalmers Director Country Lane & Business Association Ms Hilary Roberts County Palatine HA M Anderson Mrs M. E. Finch Mr & Mrs R Woodcock Mr J Forrest Croston Rural Action Group Crown Estate Sirs Commissioners The Crown Estate Office Sirs M Watson Estate Advisor Defence Estates Sirs Department of Employment, North West Regional Office Mr Sebastian Hanley Dialogue District Valuer and Valuation Mr Jim Gallagher Officer Mrs K Frith Eccleston Ecumenical Partnership Mr Chris Anslow Environment Directorate Mr Max Allam Vice Chair Ethnic Minority Consultative Committee Sir/Madam H G Locke Federation of Builders


Mrs M Hall Friends of Healey Nab Mr Hughie Smith The Gypsy Council Sirs John Fishwick & Sons Mr B Allan Groundwork Wigan & Chorley Mrs Sandra Sobee Help the Homeless Mr Dave Clark Highways Agency Sir/Madam The Homebuilders Federation North West Regional Mr Sallie Bridgen Manager Housing Federation North Mr Peter E Simmonds Inland Waterways Association Chief Ambulance Mr Officer Lancashire Ambulance Headquarters Mr R C Davey The Secretary Lancashire Association of Parish & Town Councils Mr Steve Hailstone Principal Lancashire College Mr Steve Stebbings Lancashire Constabulary Mr Cliff Codona Chairman National Travellers Action Group Sirs Network Rail Chief Mr Mark Hughes Executive North West Development Agency Mr B K Jones North West England Conservancy, Forestry Commission Ms Sue Powell North West Housing Forum Mr A Smith Norweb Electric - Estates & Wayleaves Department Mr Andrew Edwards Group News Editor Mr Tom Watson Chair PAICE National Town Planning Sir/Madam L D Summons Manager Post Office Property Holdings Ms Ella Wood GVA Grimley Mrs Pauline Gick Mr Derek Forrest Ms Gill Mason Lancashire Playing Fields Association Mrs Angela North Sir/Madam Preston & West Lancashire Racial Equality Council Principal Planner, Planning Mr M Putsey Department Preston City Council Mr Roman Catholic Diocese of Liverpool Father Francis Marsden Roman Catholic St Mary's Church Head of Town Mr T I Munn Planning Royal Mail Property Holdings Sirs Royal Society for Nature Conservation Assistant Conservation Miss Amy Crowther Officer RSPB Estates Mr Geoff Barnett Manager Runshaw College Section Mrs V E Midgley Secretary The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain Mr John Dalton Head of South Ribble Borough Council

Planning & Regeneration Operations Mr Paul Wainwright Manager Stagecoach in Lancashire Operations Mr Maqalibhai Director Stagecoach Ribble Sirs Telewest Communications Ltd Sir/Madam The British Horse Society Property & Environment Mr Mr K Parker Manager The Coal Authority Property Sir/Madam P Cull Manager The Diocese of Blackburn Sirs The Planning Inspectorate Chorley Group Mr B Allman Chairman The Ramblers Association Mr & Mrs C Fearnley K Breackell Ms Rose Freeman The Theatres Trust Sirs Town and Country Planning Ms Francis Maguire Reverend Mr Michael Storr United Reformed Church External Planning Liaison Mr D Hardman Manager United Utilities Business Ms Jane Brammer Manager Virgin West Coast - Virgin Trains Exec Manager Plng/Devpt Mr S J Byron Services West Lancashire District Council Mrs S Orchard Womens Institute Ms Kate Heathcote Womens Institute Mrs D R Worthington Womens Institute Ms May Clements Womens Institute Ms Patricia Baylis Wyre HA Mrs E L Smith Clerk Pleasington Parish Council Mr F Cumpstey Clerk Livesey Parish Council Mrs Geraldine Foster Clerk Tockholes Parish Council Mrs Glenys Syddall Clerk North Turton Parish Council Mrs C Pearson Clerk Blackrod Town Council Mrs Linda Challender Clerk Horwich Town Council Ms Rachael Piers Sanders & Weatherall Councillor Kenneth W Ball JP Councillor Chorley Council Mrs Carolyn A Cross Clerk Wrightington Parish Council Mrs Margaret Atherton Clerk Hilldale Parish Council Mrs Anita Misson Clerk Bispham Parish Council Mrs I O'Donnell Clerk Lathom Parish Council Mr J Forshaw Clerk Rufford Parish Council Mr Neil Leadbetter Clerk Tarleton Parish Council Mr Richard Gelder Clerk Much Hoole Parish Council


Mrs Sue Whittam Clerk Farington Parish Council Mr P A Mulrooney Clerk Samlesbury & Cuerdale Parish Council Sirs National Offender Management Services (NOMS) Mr Andrew Bower Npower Renewables Head of Regional Policy & Delivery Department for Transport Rail Group Sir/Madam Headteacher Adlington County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Adlington St Paul's Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Anderton County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Anderton St Josephs RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle Gregson Lane County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle St James CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Charnock Richard CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Buckshaw County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley All Saints CE Primary School Ms Eleanor Gamble Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Duke St County Infants School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Duke St County Junior School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton Balshaw Lane County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Gillibrand County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Highfield County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Sacred Heart RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St George's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Gregory's RC Primary Schol Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St James' CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley The Parish of St Laurence CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Mary's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Peter's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton Brook County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton-le-Woods CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton-le-Woods Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull & District County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull Parish CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull Parish CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull St John's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull St Oswald's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Trinity and St Michael's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Eccleston County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Eccleston St Mary's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton Primrose Hill County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton St Mary's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Heskin Pemberton's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Mawdesley CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Mawdesley RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Rivington Primary School

Sir/Madam Headteacher St Bedes RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Johns CE/Methodist Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Westwood Road County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Chads RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Abbey Village County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Withnell Fold County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Withnell St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Astley Park Special School Sir/Madam Headteacher Mayfield Special School Mr A Fairclough Adlington & District Community Centre Mr Sid Hill Adlington Amateur Rugby League Club Ms Liz Chamberlain Adlington Cricket Club Mr Tony Blake Adlington Nomads Football Club Mr Christian Duff All Seasons Leisure Centre Sir/Madam Secretary Mrs A Thompson Brindle Badminton Club Mr David Alston Brinscall & Withnell Athletic & Recreation Association Mrs J Roberts Casuals Badminton Club Mr Terry Durney CCFA Mr Ron Parkinson Charnock Richard Cricket Club Mr John Brian Stringer Charnock Richard Football Club Mr Lee Taylor Charnock Richard Golf Club Mr W T Preston Chorley & District Sunday League Mr Allen Brotherton Chorley 3-Star Junior Tennis Club Mr Michael Graves Chorley Amateur Boxing Club Mrs M Darbyshire Chorley Amateur Swimming Club Mr Terry Dickenson Chorley Athletic Club Mr Paul Mather Chorley Buccaneers American Football Mr Colin Evans Chorley Community Centre Mr Rodney Finnen Chorley Cricket Club Sir/Madam Secretary Chorley Football Club Mr Mike Gannon Chorley Golf Club Mr Jon Bell Chorley Harriers Ms Danielle Toward Chorley Ladies Football Club Mrs G Walters Chorley Ladies Rounders Mrs Mary Parkinson Chorley Marlins Associated Swimming Club Mr Chris Markham Chorley Mid-Week Cricket League Mrs Doreen Hindle Chorley Panthers Amateur R L Club Mrs L Jones Chorley Raqueteers J H Jackson Chorley RUFC Mr Dennis Ramsdale Chorley Sporting Club Mr Gardener Chorley St James Cricket Club Mr Ken Guy Chorley Tennis Club Mr David Hayhurst Chorley Wildcats Ms Helen Finney Chorley Youth and Community Worker Ms Ruth Mitchell Clayton Brook Community Group Sir/Madam Secretary Clayton Brook Village Hall Mr Michael O'Sullivan Clayton Community Football Club Mr Paul Greenwood Clayton Green Sports Centre


Ms Julie Hogan Clayton-le-Woods Community Centre Mr D Wayne Clayton PTA Mr Alwyn Jones Coppull Junior Bowling Club Mr John Chadwick Coppull United Football Club Mr John Lewis Coppull Youth & Community Centre Mr Jim Reynolds Croston Black Horse Bowling Club Mr Peter Banks Croston Cricket Club Sir/Madam Secretary Croston Sports & Social Club Mr Derek Prout Croston Subscription Bowling Club Mrs D McDermott Eccleston Bowling Club Mr H Norris Eccleston Cricket Club Mr L J Caunce Eccleston Junior Football Club Sir/Madam Secretary Eccleston Youth & Community Centre Mr Malcolm Millward Euxton Cricket Club Mr Graham Keyte Euxton Villa Football Club Mr Peter Wagstaff Evergreens Badminton Club Miss Fiona Begbie Flic Flac Gymnastics Club Mrs P Green Heapey & Wheelton Village Hall Mr E Forshaw Heskin FC Mrs E M Rimmer Heskin Village Hall Mr Anthony Houghton Hoghton Bowling Club Mr George Kirkby Hoghton Recreation Club Miss J Hudson Lancashire County Netball Association Ms Susan Harrison Lancashire Volleyball Association Mr Steve Norris Lancashire Wolverines Mr Dan Rear Mawdesley Cricket Club Ms Denise Fox Mawdesley Tennis Club Mr Chris Rinder Next Generation Clubs Ltd Ms Carol Temby Park Hall Hotel Mr David Brown Rivington Village Club Mr Mr Paul Knight Shaw Hill Hotel Golf & Country Club Mr N Murgatroyd St Chads Bowlers Mr Dennis Winn St George's Church Hall Mr Chris Thomas Chris Thomas Ltd, Outdoor Advertising Consultants Ms Mandy Clayton St Gregory's Club Mr Andrew Carter St Joseph's Parish Centre MS Anne Watts St Laurence's Parish Centre Mr E Crompton St Peter's Parish Club Mr Ian Murray The Hoghton Players Ms Cindy Dixon White Coppice Cricket Club Mr Alexander Frater Whittle & Clayton-le-Woods Cricket Club Mr Julian Brown Withnell Cricket Club Mr James Hubbard Withnell Fold Sports & Social Club Mr Simeon Stuttard Withnell United Football Club Chapman MA Chartered Mr David (Oxon) ARICS Surveyor Mr John Gibson Mr D A Webber Sir/Madam M A Redshaw Acland Bracewell & Co

Ms Carol Horlock Adams Holmes Association Sir/Madam A Farnworth Sir/Madam C Smith Secretary AGMA Sirs Barratt Manchester Limited Sir/Madam Chris Rider BBC Radio Lancashire Sir/Madam K C Priespner Bell Ingham Ms Charlene Collins Mr Chirstopher Collins Sirs Blackburn Evening Telegraph Mr M Wright Boyd Wright Projects Limited Planning Mr David Miller Manager Bovis Homes Mr Hugh Wilson Bridgewater Meeting Room Trust Miss Rachel Hamilton Planner Broadway Malyan Sirs Business Publications Limited Sir/Madam Cass Associates Mr Mike Benner Campaign for Real Ale Ltd Sir/Madam Chris Casana Chorley Ms Chris Roberts Cliff Walsingham & Company Mr John Goodwin Carter Jonas LLP Mr Andy Brown Senior Planner Colliers CRE Mr Martyn Twigg Colin Buchanan & Partners Mr Karl Rigby Social Inclusion Consultant Sirs Cunnane Associates Mr M I Harrison Group Property Manager Mr Nigel Brooke David Walker Chartered Surveyors Ms Rachel Patterson Dev Plan UK Sirs Devonshire & Solicitors Sirs Eric Wright Group Limited Mr Frank Whittaker Town Planning Consultants Ms Emma Harding Fuller Peiser Town Planning Mr Alex Smith Manager Gazeley Properties Ms Judy Gough Gough Planning Services Mr Graham Smith Development Planning & Design Services Land & Planning Mr Paul Smith Director George Wimpey Manchester Planning & Technical Sir/Madam J H Bullough Associate Hilton Design Associates Ms Suzy Taylor H J Banks & Company Limited, Banks Development Division Mr Jonathan Parsons JMP Consulting Ms Angela Turner Jones Day Councillor Eric Bell Councillor Chorley Council Mr Bill Rowland Mr Alexander Bateman The Planning Bureau Limited County Councillor Michael Devaney Councillor County Councillor Peter Malpas Councillor


Taylor -Waring Mr Michael CFA Mr Jim Longbottom Cuerden Valley Park Trust Mr Adam Unsworth Chorley Environmental Action Group Mr Richard Crompton Northern Prospects Dr C Hutchinson HM Inspector Health & Safety Executive (Explosives) Mr Vaseem Nawaz Mr Frank Harrington Frank Harrington Associates Mr Henry S Morris Morris Quality Bakers Mr Alistair Rose Lancashire Care NHS Trust Mr Jonathan Hindle JWPC Mr Ian Wray Chief Planner North West Development Agency Mr Paul Forshaw ASTIREAL UK Mr S Wildman Fusion Online Limited Mr S Irving Landmark Information Group Ltd Mr B Dickson Lifetrend Developmens Limited, Jones Retirement Homes Mr Symon Porteous Lovell Jones Sirs Manchester Evening News Managing Mr James F Carter Director Maple Grove Developments/Eric Wright Grp Ltd Mr G R Bridge McDyre & Co Mr Chris Creighton Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Mr Paul Stock North Country Homes Group Limited Sir/Madam G Dyson Norwest Estates Limited, Estates & Property Department Ms Sarah Smith Paul Butler Associates Mr Robert Taylor Plot of Gold Ltd Sirs Higham & Co Mr Stuart Whittle Planning and Design Mr Allan W Jones Porter Lancastrian Planning Mr F R Yardley FRICS Director Reeds Rains Sirs Red Rose Radio Lands Sir/Madam R Palmer Adminstrator Shell UK Limited Mr Jay Everett Senior Planner Storeys:ssp Ms Laura Ross Stewart Ross Associates Senior Estate Mr John Bradshaw Surveyor Tarmac Central Limited Ms Helen Gorman Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Co-ordinator, c/o HPU Mr Mark Thorne TESCO Mr Graham Bee The Emerson Group Mr Nigel Pugstey The Planning Bureau Limited Mr Philip Thompson The Planning Bureau Limited LDF Team Mr Peter Richards Leader West Lancashire District Council Mr Ben Weaver Wood Frampton Sirs Walton & Co Ms Clare Rowles Matthews & Goodman Res earch Ms Sarah Grinder Analyst Fordham Research Ltd Ms Annette Elliott Retail Planning The Co-operatives Group

Liaison Manager Mrs J Aston Ms Andrea Barnard Mr David Braithwaite Ms Judith Brooks Mr Martin R Cogley Mr Richard Cordwell Mrs B Crook Ms Andrea Dalton Sir/Madam G N Dickinson Mr Peter Ericson Sir/Madam D Goulding Mr P G Gower Mr Colin Green Sir/Madam G M Hall Mr Howard D Hammond Mr D B Hoole Mr Ian Hunter Mrs J K Lawrenson Mrs Hilary L Lowe Mr Graham Hough Ms Joanne Mawdsley Sir/Madam K Parmee Sir/Madam R Ponting Ms Sue Potter Mr F C Reeves Mrs J Shorrock Mr Mark Smithies Mr Eric Snape Sir/Madam F Stallard Mr Adrian Tolan Mrs Susan M Wilson Mr David Woods Mr & Mrs J H Woollard Mr Darren J Cranshaw Mr & Mrs R Everest Mr P Allis Mr H K Sharples Mrs Olive Neal Councillor Terry Brown Councillor Chorley Council Sirs National Planning Casework Unit The Nguzo Saba Centre Mr & Mrs D Fothergill Mr George Brooks Ms Sarah Wilson Mr Robert Holden Ms Margaret Fielden Ms Elizabeth Scarisbrick


Mr David Jolly Ms Jeannie Stirling Mr Charles R Brittain Mr Andrew Baxendale Mr Brian Hibbert Sir/Madam S Coar Mr Harry Forrest Mr Derek Ormerod Mr Arnold J Tracey Mr John Finlay Ms J R Haliday Dr R A Wilson Sir/Madam M McDonald Mr & Mrs Jackson Dr Janet Jones Sir/Madam P Harley Ms Teresa Turnbull Mrs W Barnard Mr Stephen C Wood Mrs C Stobbs Bramblewood Nursery Sir/Madam M Menheniott Mr & Mrs Booth Mrs J M Brimley Mrs Janet Clough Mrs H A Matthews Ms C Billouin Ms Helen Andrew Ms Dorothy Rowe Mr J Fenton Church Mr Ed Fisher Warden St Lawrence Parish Church Ms W White Headteacher Holy Cross Catholic High School Ms Gela Griffiths Deputy Head Mayfield School Ms C Coyle Headteacher St Chad's Catholic Primary School Mr A Meakin Ms Katherine Shuttleworth Mr B Rogers Ms Jacqueline Morris Ms Abigail Fletcher Harvest Housing Group Ms Ruth Preger Accent Project Solutions Ms Ann Vanner Mason Gillibrand Architects Sirs Primrose Holdings Councillor Pat Case CBE Councillor Chorley Council Ms Chantel Thomas Community Power, Powergen Mr D F Williams Mr Chris Powell Mr John Richardson Mrs D Downing Head of Group Mr David Carter Sustainability Adactus Housing Group

Mr Craig Ackroyd A & H Fine Foods Ltd Mr Entwistle A & M Entwistle Mr Anthony Cornwell A & SA Cornwell Mr Alan Cross A Cross Builders and Joiners Mr J A Lang A Lang & Son Sir/Madam H I Fishwick A1 Skips Mr Michael Holden A6 School of Motoring Ms Beryl Caldwell Aarondale Care Centre Sir/Madam Jo Ecob Abram Ashton Mr Glynn Baker Ace Décor Mr David Jenkins Achroma Co UK Mr Alan McCabe Adams & Co Accountants Ltd Na tural & Historic Environment Service - Highways and Mr Reg Morley Environmental Management Mr Alker Mr B Brown Adelphi Residential Home Mr Howard Turner Adlington Welding Supplies Ltd Mr Joseph Hilton Alan Davies (Stainless) Ltd Mr Gordon Turner Alan Gordon Engineering Co Ltd Mr Alan McLeod Mr Alan Snape Ms Natalia Waddington Alarms 4 You Ms Norma Thompson Alexandra Kindergarten Mr Paul Sawbridge Alfa Travel and Leisureplex Ltd Mr Chris Jeffrey Alfred Hulme Mr Robert Crampton Alumus @ NIS Invotec Ltd Ms Yvonne Franklin Amethyst Photography Mr Reginal D Pope Anchor Trust Ms Sarah Tinsley And the Kitchen Sink Sir/Madam N Hart Anise Ms Anne Wray Anne Wray Independent Financial Adviser Mr Nick Chatburn AQS Swimming Pools & Spas Mr Richard Robinson Aquajet Machining Systems Ltd Mr Nick Griffiths Arc Car Wash and Valeting Mr Mark Porter ASC Timber Supplies Ltd Sir/Madam D Pilkington Assembled Joinery Ltd Sirs Astley Computer Services Limited C N Jackson Astralux UK Ltd Mr Henry Bell Ayrefield Construction Ltd Mr Brian Norris B & CA Norris Ms Yvonne Baines Bailcast Ltd Ms Louise Rowland Bailprint Labels Limited Sirs A B Langley Bamber Langley Milner Ms S Howarth Barclay & Mathieson Ltd Mr John Barlow Barlow Trailers Mr Paul Glucklich BDP Design & Print Mr Ivor Makinson Beaumont Partnership Mr Joseph Beaumont Beaumont Transport Sir/Madam M Frederick Beljon Sales


Ms Margaret Hamill Bell Group (North West) Mrs J Flower Benegraph & Academic Signs Ltd Mr Damien Ellison Bertie's Bike Breakers Mr Bill James Beta Associates Mr D Platt Bill Beaumont Textiles Ms Christine Harris Birchall Blackburn with Berry & Son Mr Stephen Ainscough Birkacre Nurseries & Garden Centre Mr GH Lloyd Bishop Rawstorne C of E Language College Mr George Blacklidge Blacklidge Bros Mr Alister J Pimlott Blackmoor Garage Sir/Madam J C Smith Blakedale Ltd Mr John Maher Bleeper Services Mr Shaun Smith Boatel Party Cruises (Chorley) Ltd Sir/Madam J W Woodcock Bonney Greenhalgh & Co Ltd Mr B Horrocks Brian Horrocks Fabrications Sir/Madam W Baldwin Ms Colin Clarke Brick Technology Ltd Mr A Calderbank Brinscall Building & Plumbing Merchants Mr Tom Wilson BRT Bearings Limitd Mr D I Houghton Brysdale House Mr Ged Wood Bygone Times Trading Ltd Sir/Madam C J Lyon Bentley Nurseries Ms Kerry James Kerry James Planning Mr Roger Lathom Mr C J Smith C J Smith Chartered Quantity Surveyors Sir/Madam P J Davidson C P Davidson & Sons Ltd Mr Keith Richard Calsoftware Mr Howard Faulkner Carr Faulkner Associates Mrs S Gauge Carrington Career and Workwear Ltd Mr A W Catterall Catterall & Wood Ltd Mr Bryan Kellett Cavendish Upholstery Ltd Mr David Loughlin CDF Supplies Ms Julie Baillie Cedar Farm Galleries Mr Andrew Kearns Celebration Electrical Wholesalers Ms Bernadette Done CENTRA Ms Susan Smith CGS Signs Ms Kathy Gallagher Chapel Fold Bed & Breakfast Sir/Madam P Waring Charity Farm Caravan & Camping Park Sir/Madam B Molyneaux Charnock School of Motoring Mr Ben Doherty CHM Chauffering Services Mr Brian Wilding Chordale Wine Merchants Ms Janice Taylor Chorley & S Ribble Crossroads Ms Diane Burns Chorley & S Ribble Making Space Chief Mr Gary Hall Executive Chorley Council Mr Steve Ball Compound 1 Mr Ian Dickson Mr Andrew Szczepanczyk Sir/Madam N Wilkinson H & E Abbot Glass Ltd

Mr Allen Cross H & R Esp Ltd Sir/Madam H E Randall H E Randall & Son Sir/Madam D W Griffiths H Nightingale & Son Mr Gary Ashcroft HRT Commercials (Chorley) Ltd Mr Andrew Evans HSS Hire Shops Ms Jackie Rose Halifax plc Mr D P Johnston Harrison & Taylor Mr Russell Harrison Harrison Packaging Ms June Smith Harrison Road Garage Mr Paul Harwood Harwoods Carpets Mr David Haslam Haslam Printers Ltd Sir/Madam P Baldwin Heskin Fabrication Ltd Ms Lynne Steen Heskin Hall Antiques Mr Larry Longton Heskins Ltd Mr Tony Williamson Holystone Properties Ltd and Ince Williamson Mr Ron Southworth Homes Pets and Gardens Mr Phil Ashworth Houghton House Aggregates Ltd Mrs Martin Housing & Care Services Mr Steve Rimmer Howdens Joinery Co Ms Joyce Hunter Hunter Car Delivery Service Mr Robert Platt Hybrid Power Ltd Mr Ian Jones I Cars Ms Andrea Peet Ian McCarthy Haulage Mr Stewart Moffatt Ideal Car Supermarket Sir/Madam C Hamley IGC Independent Gas Co Mr Ron Barker Impact Socket Supplies Ltd Mr John Barlow Impact UK Design & Print Ms Wendy Holden Impressed Dry Cleaners Ms Lisa Thomason Impression Design Sir/Madam M Kordowski Inta Cornici Ms Lesley Ainscough Ivy House Guest House Mr Jack Bothamley J B Publicity Painter & Sir/Madam J D Critchley Decorator Sir/Madam J Dillon J Dillon Decorating Sir/Madam J L Hill Sir/Madam J M Strange JMS Transport Mr William Holmes J Rainford & Sons Ltd Mr C Smith J S Design Associates Mr John Holding J T Holding & Son Mr J White J White Plastering & Tiling Mr Peter Ramsbottom Jacquard Weaving Co Ltd Mr James Hatch James E Hatch & Son LLP Mr John Hicks JDH Property Development Ms Val Hilton Mr Peter Turner Mr Jeff Rollason Mrs Christine Arrowsmith Ms Eloise Pickles Jewson Ltd


Mr Brian McGowan JKS Heating & Plumbing Supplies Ltd Mrs S Riding Jobcentre Plus Sir/Madam M W Barton John B Lavin & Co Mrs M Holland John Goulding & Co Mr Henry Mayor John H Mayor & Sons Ltd Mr John Walkden Jorgus Carpets Ms Kath Colman JPM Resources (UK) Ltd Ms Julie Harrison Ms Caroline Nichols K A Nichols (Electrical) Mrs Phil Wallroth Kaemingk UK Ms Katherine Hancock Katherine Hancock Photography Sir/Madam K Miller Ken Miller (Wheelton) Ltd Mr Keith Lloyd Ken Moore Construction Services Mr Ken Taylor Ken Taylor Auto Electrical Services Ms Gillian Moore Kenmor Construction Products Ltd Mr Mark Whittle Kestrel Windows Ltd Mr P Singleton Kevills Solicitors Mr Peter Kinloch Kingprint Limited Sir/Madam J K Rawlinson Kirkdale Construction Services Ltd Mr W C Hawkesworth KSK Contractors Ms Diana Clutton L & L Cruisers Mr Tony Carter L Carter & Son Ms Lauren Griffiths NJL Consulting Sir/Madam W McClymont Chorley Car Care Centre Mr Simon Reid Chorley Cleaning Services Sir/Madam J Davies Chorley Coachcraft Ltd Mr Paul Ruby Chorley Electrical Traders Ltd Ms Janet Berry Chorley Equestrian Centre Ms Louise Scawthorn Chorley Guardian Mrs J Worthington Chorley Lift and Crane Services Mrs S Fairclough Chorley Masonic Hall Ms Pauline Turner Chorley Nissan Ms Anne Carter Chorley Orthodontic Suite Mr Stephen Crossland Chorley Signs Sir/Madam M Cross Chorley UPVC Ltd Mr Chris Coomer Wholesale Butchers Mr Peter Greenwood City Electrical Factors Ms Julie Clare Clare & Co Sir/Madam The Chair Clayton Brook Community House Mr Stephen Bailey Clayton Green Branch Library Sir/Madam G Crank Clayton Hall Sand Co Mr Ian Parker Clearwater Consultancy Ltd Ms Sharon Garside Cleopatra's Total Face and Body Care Ms Diane McMillan Mr Steven Turner Coffee Stop Mr Martin Jackson Commercial & Business Supplies Mr Michael Martin Communications Maintenance Services Mr David Clarke Community Leisure Services Mrs M Prayle Computer Projects Ltd

Mr Roger Farrell Conismoor Ltd Ms Tracie Booth Connexions - Chorley Centre Sirs Coopers Taxis Sir/Madam T Seddon Coppull Moor Lane Nurseries Mr Johnstone Coppull TV Servicing Ms Julie Atha Croft Products (UK) Ltd Ms Hilary Cox Crossfield Saddlery Mr R S Cooper Crossley & Bradley Ltd Mr Mark Greenwood Croston Corn Mills Ltd Mr Alex Owen Crown Stage and Theatre Services Ltd Mr Jason Hurley Crumplezone Multimedia Mr A J Walker Crusty's Sandwich Bar Mr D Ormerod D & G Builders & Joiners Ltd Ms Sheila Turner D & S Turner Ms Joy Worthington D & W Motors and Eccleston Aviation Ltd Mr D A Hardman D Hardman Solar Film Ltd Sir/Madam D K Boyes Ms Bernice Mayor D Mayor & Son Mr Anthony Prescott DP Cold Planing Ltd Mr Munir Uddin Daisy Takeaway Mr Mike O'Hara Dalziel Ltd Mr Killin David J Killin & Co Ltd Mr David Lee Deep Clean Services Ms Alyson Hurst Delma Developments Sir/Madam L Carnovale Design LSC Ms Denise Dillon Dillon & Blake Hairdressing Ms June Sweeney Direct Display & Exhibitions Ltd Ms Margaret Higginson Disklok UK Mr Charles Dodd Dodd Engineering (North West) Ltd Ms Janine Sharratt Domino's Pizza Mrs J Rutlidge Doodles Day Nursery Sir/Madam C M Effendowicz Dryot Products Ltd Mr Peter Kennedy Drumbeat Sir/Madam W A Duxbury Duxbury Builders Ltd Mr David V Maltman DVM Pigments & Additives Ltd Ms Susan Wawrzyniak E & H Baxendale Ltd Sir/Madam E T Rylance E Rylance & Sons Ltd Mr Sam Wrennall E W Wrennall Contractors Ms Claire Botham Early Birds Private Nursery Mr Alan Forde Eccleston Electrical Services Sirs Economy Bag Company Ms Judith Oatley Elixir Beauty Salon Mr Frazer Sandwith King Sturge LLP Sir/Madam P Walsh Empress Timber Mr G A Wilson En Qar Ltd Mr John Thompson Engineering-Support Co UK Mr Peter L Johnson Environmental Services Chorley Sir/Madam D Collins Equaman Metal Products Ltd Mr Stephen Rigby Esselle Sports Management


Sir/Madam D Cadman Eurodiesel Ms Emma Higham Euromedia Mrs M Parker European Care (UK) Ltd Ms Sandra Bannister European Settled Estates plc Ms Dianne Royce Euxton Hall Hospital Sir/Madam M L Bentham Euxton Tile Supplies Ltd Mr Robert Schofield Evans Halshaw Ms Karen Worswick Eye Designs Ltd Sir/Madam G Barnish F & P Wholesale Sir/Madam F H Bleasdale F H Bleasdale (Timber) Ltd Mr S Collinson Fairport Containers Ltd Mr Howerd Ellis Fairport Properties Ltd Mr Shaun Jones Farrell Heyworth Estate Accounts Sirs Faxman (t/a G Rawlings) Sir/Madam Chris Fayle Fayle Transport Ltd Sir/Madam G W Felton Feltons Service Station Mr Alan Aspden Fern Doors Ltd Mr Alan Miller Fibreglow (UK) Ltd Councillor Henry W Caunce Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Alan Cullens Councillor Chorley Council Ms Sandra M Thompson Finishing Touch Sir/Madam D O'Brien Firecraft Fireplaces Mrs P A Adamson Fixit DIY & Manchester House Sir/Madam P Forshaw Forshaw Engineering Ltd Ms Carol Godfrey Fosgo Ltd Mrs R Rooney Frederick's Ice Cream Ltd Sir/Madam G Iozzi Fresco Fresco Ms Joanne McCarthy Furious Wolf Design Mr Stephen Holden G & S Auto Electrical Services Joiner & Building Sir/Madam G Braithwaite Contractor Mr Simon Lister Garden Grooming Sir/Madam L Beardsworth Gebworth Construction Ltd Mr Geoff Kenyon Mr Bill Eastham George Eastham Insurance Services Ms Linda Cooper Gillibrand Hall Ms Gillie Charlson Gillie Dolls Sir/Madam M Meagher Gleadhill House Stud Ltd Mr Richard Fairclough Goldseal Windows & Tradeline Mr Austin Finley Greenlight Driving School Ltd Mrs Langrish Greenside Landscapes Ms Tina Grimshaw Grimshaw Plastering Mr Matthew Martin H & A Prestige Packing Co Ltd Ms Helen Brocki Lancashire College Ms Gillian Ferguson Lancashire Fayre Ms Caroline McGuinness Lancashire Locations Sir/Madam Landmark Associates Mr Robinson Leyland Filtration Ltd Mr John B Kerfoot Leyland Leisure Sales Trailer Centre

Sir/Madam R Odell Logma Systems Design Ltd Sir/Madam A J Fish Loughlin Homes Ltd Mr Halton Lucas Engineering Mr Allan M Howell Lynbrook Office Supplies Ltd Ms Margaret Stewart MC & MA Stewart (Haulage) Ltd Mr Michael Fellows M J Fellows Building Contractor Mr David Callagham MJH Data Systems Ltd Mr M J Kilbride MJK Design & Build Ltd Sirs M J McVerry Sir/Madam M Vitali M V Graphics Sir/Madam M W & G Hough Sir/Madam Major Hosting Sir/Madam M C Oats Malcolm Oats Associates Ltd Mr Malcolm Thomson Malt Consultants Ms Donna Telford Malthouse Farm Mrs Judith Griffin Mr Norman Beasant Mr David Edwards Managing for Quality Ltd Ms Linda Benson Manor Products Ltd Mr Kevin Clutton Marine Propulsion Services Ltd Mr Mark Parr Mark Parr Promotions Sir/Madam G Haider Marley Court Nursing Home Mr I Desmond Marsdens Solicitors Sir/Madam G Marshall Marshall Demolition Ltd Sir/Madam C G Southern Mawtec Systems Ltd Sir/Madam W McKenna McKrisps Caterers Mr David Freeman Menzel (UK) Ltd Sir/Madam A Devlin Merrymaids South Lancashire Mr M Ogden Mick Ogden Diesel Mr Mike Barron Mike Barron Driver Training Mr Mike Bretherton Mike Bretherton School of Motoring Mr Paul Kavanagh Mike England Timber Co Ltd Mrs M Hayes Millfield Care Home Ms Lynda White MLC Travel Ltd t/a Travel Mercedes Mr Alan Whitworth Money Matters Ms Sheila Smith Mr J P Morgan Morgan Brothers (Chorley) Ltd Mr Ron Kucharski Motorun Service Centre Ltd Mr R Anderson N B Colour Print Ltd Ms Dorothy Marsden N R Marsden & Son Sirs Nat West Councillor Magda M Cullens Councillor Chorley Council Sir/Madam M N Walkden Naylor & Walkden Ltd Mr Paul McKenna Newbury Print Ltd Ms Miss J Blackburn Nicholsons Financial Mr Chris Nicolson Director NIS Group Mr Noel Murphy North British Landscapes Sir/Madam M L Gallery North West Propshaft & Brakes Ltd


Ms Pauline Ince North West Specialist Building Supplies Ltd Mr J Holden Northern Trust Company Limited Miss Hegarty O'Riordan & Co Mr Tony Oakes Oakes & Co Mr M G Bennett P & M Bennett Sir/Madam S Baker P & S Baker (Plant Hire) Ms Shirley Sharp P Messenger Concrete Products Sir/Madam M Charnock Mr Andy Gibson Parkett Borse Ltd Sir/Madam G Parkin Parkin Plant Services Ltd Mr James Ford Parkville Hotel & Truffles Restaurant Mr Andrew Whittaker Permavision Ltd Mr Steve Douglas Peter Mason Associates Ltd Mr Dr Nigel Evans Petrie Technologies Ltd Mr Daren Wilde Phoenix Radiators Sir/Madam M Pilkington Pilkington Oils Sir/Madam P A Stock Pincroft Dyeing & Printing Co Ltd Mr N Proctor Pinewood Veterinary Practice Ms Lorraine Stones Pipers Day Nursery Mr Peter Van Aardt Plasma Profiling Ms Chrissie Hirst Playmates Ms Denise McCaughtrie Polestar Creative Ltd Mr George Mather Porter Lancastrian Limited Eastwood - Nature Trail Ms Amanda Hilton Nurseries Positive Solutions Ltd Mr Martin Morgan Post Office Counters Ltd Mr Graham Jagger Premier Plumbing & Electricals Ltd Mr Kerry Springham Presenting Solutions Ltd Mr Roy Page Prime Resorts Ltd Ms June Smith Primrose Brides Ms Vivienne Ryan Professional Employee Relations Consultancy Sir/Madam C Morris Prolec Automaton Services Madam Claire Bailey Prontaprint Sir/Madam T Knowles Puddletown Pirates (USL Trading Ltd) Mr Quinn Quinn & Co Mr Robin Bamford RB Contacts Ltd Mr Steve Rigby RE Developmens Ltd Mr R Frankland R Frankland & Son Joiner & Mr R Johnson Builder Sir/Madam J Swinscoe Rallytech Composite Engineering Mr Michael Rawcliffe Rawcliffe's of Chorley Sir/Madam Raw Witts Transport Mr Steven Jeffries Ready Mixed Concrete (NW) Ltd Sir/Madam W Redmayne Readyplant Ltd Sir/Madam A Robinson Recognition Express-Bolton Sir/Madam K Owen Reeds Rains Ltd Mr J Reeves Reeves Coach Services Sir/Madam K Hornby Regent Hosiery Factors Mr Richard Davies Richard Davies Management Services Ltd

Ms Jean Rigby Rigby & Partners Ms Michelle Jones Rivington Park Independent School Mr Robert Sherry Robert Sherry & Associates Ltd Mr John Roberts Roberts & Co Mr Robin Logie Sir/Madam B Smith Rufford Printing Co Sir/Madam C Freeborn Runshaw Business Centre Madam Alison Robinson Runshaw Adult College Sir/Madam M J Carrol Ruttle Plant Hire Ltd Mr Mike Bottomley Savills Mr Colin McMillan Rytetype Limited Mr Steve Gooding S & J Electrical Services Ms Sue Ogden SOS Sir/Madam J M Robinson S Ollerton Ltd Mrs K Tyrer Sage Cottage Properties t/a Shaw Hill Golf Sir/Madam J Handley Sal Abrasive Technologies Sir/Madam B E Newell Shackerley (Holdings) Group Ltd Ms Sarah Webb Sharples Davies Limited Mr Silhouette Photography Sir/Madam S Norris SLR Linings Division of Rema Tip Top UK Ltd Ms Leona Lindars Sly Glass Mr Ronald Moss R P Smith & Co Mr C Shaw Specialised Training Sir/Madam K Ellison Springboard Events Ltd Mr John Doherty Springfield Nursing Home Ms Lorraine Kearney Stagecoach Theatre Arts School Sir/Madam J R Fowler Stan Fowler (Builders) Ltd Ms Kathryn Pilling Stanley H Cross & Co, Solicitors Councillor David Dickinson Councillor Chorley Council Sir/Madam B G Newell Station House Boarding Kennels Mr Ian Wilkinson Step N Style Hair Studio Painter & Mr Stephen Cowling Decorator Mr Steve Candlin Steve Candlin Properties Mr Steve Mawson Steve Mawson & Associates Mr Stephen Howard Stewart Longton Caravans Ltd Mrs Still Stills Decorators Sir/Madam C Titherington Stomhouse Ltd Sir/Madam N Stringfellow Stringfellow Building Contractors Ltd Sir/ Madam M Avison Studio 89 Sir/Madam G A Bairstow Sundown Bedrooms Ltd Mr Terry Trelfa Sweeper Hire/B & T Tippers Ltd Mr Thomas Warbrick T Warbrick Heating & Plumbing Sir/Madam G Threlfall Talon Nonsk Ltd Ms Karen Hamilton Tapeswitch Ltd Sir/Madam A Taylor Taylor Transformers Ms Karen E Hill Tecseal Ltd Ms Anna Nixon Smith Tenon Mr Terry McMullan Terry McMullan Paving Ltd


Mr Andy Burnett Teslatest Systems Ms Elaine Cribb That's Mine Sir/Madam A E Jones The Beeches Nursing & Residential Home Ms Lynne Roberts The Café @ Cedar Farm Ms Barbara Barlow The Coach House Ms Dea Parkin The Competitive Edge Ms Karen Taylor The Diverse Cleaning Co Ltd Sir/Madam P Atherfold The Grange Mr Paul Mawdsley The Mawdsley Consultancy Ms Ann Bishop The Mill Hotel Mr Nic Loughlin The Pines Hotel & Hawthorns Bar & Grill Ms Gill Richardson The Pub Estate Company Limited Mr Tony Pickup The Quality Assurance Association Mr R Bishop The Stripper Mr Jonathan Cooper The Sunlight Service Group Ltd Mr S Ward Thermadyne Industries Ltd Ms Elizabeth Moran Thermagas plc Mr Tony Dickinson Thomas Cole Solutions Mr Andrew Mawdsley Thomas Mawdsley Ms Amanda Jackson Tigerfish Public Relations Mr Tom Lockwood Architectural Technologist Sir/Madam K Badd Topflite (North West) Ltd Ms Laila Hocking Total Damp Proofing Mr Trevor Proctor Sir/Madam S K Uddin Trishna Takeaway Mr Mark O'Neill True Bearing Ltd Ms Marilyn Hughes Unit Two Systems Sir/Madam C Sharp USL Trading Ltd Miss N Hessey Verde Sports Limited Mr Andrew Harding Vibez Music & Discos Ms Maria Pritchard Vic Crompton Ltd t/a 007 Chimney Lining Services Sir/Madam Nasreen Hearne Visiting Chiropodist Mr Martin Talbot Visual Concepts UK Ltd Mrs Barker VME Electrical Ltd Mr Peter Hart WE Couplings Ltd Mr Kevin Marsden W Marsden and Sons Mr John Carr WAC BM & JA Carr Mr Alan Tickle Walker & Tickle Mr A Cadman Walltex Mr Gregory Mullarkey Wallwork & Co Mr Philip Walmsley Walmsley Associates Ltd Mr William Goodwin Welcome Break Limited Mr Paul Weldbank Plastic Co Ltd Sir/Madam S Mosalski Welding & Site Services Ltd Councillor Doreen Dickinson Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Dennis Edgerley Councillor Chorley Council Ms Bridget Doherty Westbank Dental Practice Sir/Madam C Tweedle Westcliffe Homes Ltd Mrs H Whittaker Whittaker Training Associates

Mr Marcus Walsh Whittle Jones Ms Julie Wood Wilcock's Farm Caravan Site Ms Margaret Sweeney Williams School of Motoring Mr John Bruck Woodfit Ltd Ms Gillian West Wrekamendid Services Ltd Sir/Madam G Charlesworth X K Print Ltd Ms Gill Darbyshire Yarrow Bridge Garage Mr Mark Brinksman Yorkshire Bank plc Mrs Maureen Price Clerk Anderton Parish Council Mr Raymond Smith Clerk Anglezarke Parish Council Mrs Glenys Southworth Clerk Bretherton & Ulnes Walton Parish Council Mrs Eileen Whiteford Clerk Clayton-le-Woods Parish Council Mr Alan Platt Clerk Croston, Eccleston & Heapey Parish Councils Miss Ann Woodhouse Clerk Cuerden Parish Council Mrs Edna Woodrow Clerk Heath Charnock Parish Council Mr Alan Whittaker Clerk Heskin Parish Council Mr Tony Harkness Clerk Brindle and Hoghton Parish Councils Mrs Gurby Woods Clerk Mawdesley Parish Council Mrs Olive Fisher Clerk Rivington Parish Council Mr Bernard Golding Clerk Withnell Parish Council Mr Eric Patterson Clerk Wheelton Parish Council Mrs Debra Platt Clerk Euxton & Astley Village Parish Councils Councillor Anthony Gee Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Peter Goldsworthy Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Marie E Gray Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Harold Heaton Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Catherine Hoyle Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Keith Iddon Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Roy Lees Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Hasina Khan Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Adrian Lowe Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Marion Lowe Councillor Chorley Council Councillor June Molyneaux Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Greg Morgan Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Michael J Muncaster Councillor Chorley Council Perks BEd Councillor Mark (Hons) Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Geoffrey Russell Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Rosemary Russell Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Christopher France Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Joyce Snape Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Ralph Snape MBE Councillor Chorley Council Councillor John P Walker Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Stella M Walsh Councillor Chorley Council Chief Mr Phil Halsall Executive Lancashire County Council Chief Mr Graham Burgess Executive Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Chief Mr Steve Weaver Executive Blackpool Borough Council


Chief Mr Steve Rumbelow Executive Burnley Borough Council Chief Mr Philip Woodward Executive Fylde Borough Council Managing Mr David Welsby Director Hyndburn Borough Council Chief Mr Mark Cullinan Executive Lancaster City Council Chief Mr Stephen Barnes Executive Pendle Borough Council Chief Ms Lorainne Norris Executive Preston City Council Chief Mr Marshal Scott Executive Ribble Valley Borough Council Chief Ms Helen Lockwood Executive Rossendale Borough Council Chief Mr Mike Nuttall Executive South Ribble Borough Council Chief Mr W J Taylor Executive West Lancashire District Council Chief Mr Garry Payne Executive Wyre Borough Council Ms Caroline Taylor Emery Planning Partnership Ltd Sir/Madam CPRE, Lancashire Branch Ms Margaret Potts Mr Laurie Lane Planner CB Richard Ellis Ltd Senior L and Mr Paul Coggins Manager Russell Homes (UK) Limited Mr P Bridge Mr Andrew Cross AC Architectural Consultancy Mr Howard Cross Matrac Mr M Hopkins Partner King Sturge LLP Ms Claire Norris Lambert Smith Hampton Mr Turner Ms Kathryn M Baker Ms Lynne Howard Mr Bill Fulster Red Rock Limited Mr David Hagan Taylor Young Mr Iain Fowler Wainhomes Councillor Julia Berry Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Alistair Bradley Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Simon Moulton Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Debra Platt Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Peter Wilson Councillor Chorley Council Mr Philip Watson Mr Warren Marshall Bellway Homes Ltd (Liverpool) Councillor Alison Hansford Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Alan Platt Councillor Chorley Council Project Mr John Twinn Manager Villages in Partnership Ms Judith Cosgrave Headteacher Parklands High School

Headteacher Albany Science College Headteacher Southlands High School Headteacher St Michael's C of E High School Mr Jamie Gilliland Planner Mono Consultants Ltd Ms Janet Street Mr Frank Culshaw Mr Chris Leighton Director Peacock & Smith Strategic Land Mr Andrew Thorley Manager Taylor Wimpey UK Limited Ms Mel Wray Secretary Chorley & District Chamber of Trade Ms Joy Worthington Mr David Cowburn Partner Armitstead Barnett Mr B Carroll Ms Holly Gregson Secretary West Pennine Moors Area Management Committee Lancashire Rural Steeri ng Group, Lancashire Economic Mr Rupert Swarbrick Chair Partnership Assistant Mr Graham Lamb Planner G L Hearn Property Consultants Mr Chris Calvert Pegasus Planning Group Ms Bernadette Woods Indigo Planning Assistant Ms Katya Samokhvalova Planner NJL Consulting Planning Mr Matthew Wyatt Assistant JWPC Limited Ms Barbara Leech Project Ms Louise Marsden Manager Contour Housing Group Ltd Mr Alan Craven New Progress Housing Association Regional Development Mr John Wright Manager Places for People Lan d and Planning Mr Tony Stevens Manager Redrow Homes (Lancashire) Limited Strategic Land Mr Tim Williams Manager Miller Homes Mr Stewart Binks Rowland Homes Ltd Mr Stewart Binks McInerney Homes Mr Jack Rostron J Rostron Solicitors Mr Stephen Lancaster Land Director Persimmon Homes Mr Simon Wilson Land Executive Arley Homes Mr Andrew Taylor David Wilson Homes Mr Geoffrey Clark Clark Planning Consultants Ltd Mr Alan Croston Janet Dixon Town Planners Limited Sir/Madam Cunningham Planning Mr Paul Dignan Associate Lea Hough & Co Senior Mr Mike Sherrington Architect Peter Dickinson Chartered Architects Mr Tony Lang RT Design Mr Nick Hayes Director Hayes Architects Ltd Councillor Beverley Murray Councillor Chorley Council Mr Jerome Munro-Lafon URS/Scott Wilson


Mr Chris Cockwill Cockwill & Co. Ltd Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Atkins MEP Mr Dan Mitchell Barton Willmore Sir and Madam L Howarth Crosse Hall Residents, Healey Nab Consultant Mr Damien Holdstock Town Planner Entec UK Ltd (on behlaf of National Grid) Mr George Whelan Pupil St Bedes School Planning Mr John MacCallum Consultant Bell Ingram Design Limited Ms Stanton Ms Hasina Khan The Asian Women's Forum Mr Ayub Patel The Dosti Men's Forum Arts Development Mr Chris Bryan Officer Chorley Council Partnerships Ms Sarah James Manager Chorley Council Ms Kath Whitehead Deafway Ms Eileen Bee Chorley and South Ribble Disability Forum Ms Dorothy Crean Galloways Society for the Blind Sir/ Madam Chorley Deaf and Hard of Hearing Club Mr John Miller Project Oscar Open Access Mr Steve McBride Team Leader Youth Council/ Youth Bank Sir/ Madam Chorley Older People's Forum Mr Peter Fagg Chair Chorley Forum of Faiths Rev John Cree Moderator Churches Together Ms Diane Boyer DPDS Consulting Kirkwells - Town Planning and Sustainable Development Mr Michael Wellock Director Consultants Mr Dave Terry Mr John Bamford Councillor Matthew Crow Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Steve Holgate Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Paul Leadbetter Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Steve Murfitt Councillor Chorley Council North West Sirs Planning Natural England Conservation Mr David Dunlop Officer The Wildlife Trust Ms Jo Turton Director Lancashire County Council Assistant Chief Ms Annie Topping Executive NHS Foundation Trust Planning Mr John Tootell Manager Northern Trust Mr Trevor Adey Savills Mr Tom Carrington Ms Charlotte Boyer Plg Potential Sport England

Mr David Abrahams Mrs Elaine Adams Sir/Madam V Adamson Mrs M Adamson MR and Mrs Addison Mr and Mrs B Ainscough Assistant Sir/Madam Sabaa Ajaz Planner United Utilities, Property Services Mr Robert Allen Ms Sheelagh Almond Mr Andrew Almond Ms Kath Almond Mr Mark Squires Mr and Mrs H Alston Mr Nick Ames Mr and White and Mrs Family S Bellew, E Sir/Madam Broadhurst and Family Sir/Madam K Anderton Mr Allan Anderton Miss J Andrews Sir/Madam R Andson Mr Simon Anten Mr T Anyon Sir/Madam A Armstrong Mrs Louise Armstrong Sir/Madam D Arrowsmith Sir/Madam M Arrowsmith Mr Derek Artis Mr and Mrs William Ashall Mrs Patricia Ashcroft Sir/Madam P W Ashley Sir/Madam M P Ashman Mr and Mrs S and A Ashrafi Mr Andrew Ashton Mr W Ashton Sir/Madam M Ashurst Mr Andrew Ashworth Mr and Mrs C & T Aspden William, Cynthia and Sir/Madam B Atherfold Sir/Madam J Atherton Mr David Atkins Ms Sarah Atkins


Mrs Kathleen Atkinson Mrs S Atkinson Miss Jill Atkinson Mr Steve Ayre Mr and Ball and Mrs Family Sir/Madam A Ball Mr Stuart Ball Paul, Rebecca Sir/Madam and Adam Bamber Mrs Debra Balshaw Mr Matthew Banks Mr Paul Barber Mr Neil Barker Mr Keith Barker Mr Paul Barker Mrs Kath Barnes Mr A Bennett Ms Suzanne Cubbon Mr Mike Vost Coach Education Mr Darran Bowles Officer Bolton Wanderers FC Mr Ronald Jones Mr & Mrs P Wood R Dyson Mr J Heaps Mr Richard Salisbury Ms Jennifer James Monk Mrs Ellen Winstanley Mr R. E Semley Mr & Mrs D Pilkington Ms Alexandra Garnett Mr W. E. Knaggs Mr & Mrs H Cook Mr David Wignall Farrimond - Mrs Clare Waring Ms Jenny Adam Mr Greg Adam Mr Robert Fox Mr Andrew Berry Ms Rachel Brown Mr Robin Fitzgerald Ms Joanne Locke Mr W. F. Hebblethwaite Mr Frank Harrison Mr & Mrs A Moore Mr John Ashcroft

Mrs Cheryl Ashcroft Mr David Holland Mr Chris Heaven Ms Carole Fletcher Mrs Wendy Sockett Senior Planner Colliers International Mr Gordon Kenyon Kenyon Planning Project Construction Mr Simon Hough Manager Carillion Morgan Sindall JV Managing Mr Steve Hoyle Director Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Mr John Harrison Chairman Blackburn Road and Great Knowley Residents' Association Mr K Woan Chairman Chorley and District Natural History Society Mr Paul Sharples Mr John Ferguson Councillor Pauline Phipps Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Dave Rogerson Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Paul Walmsley Councillor Chorley Council Mr Peter Mercer MBE National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups Mrs Lorraine Fullbrook MP Mrs Jean Mellor Mr N Roberts Mr Harold Heaton Mr & Mrs Hart Ms J Watson Mrs M Nuttall Mr Eric Nuttall K Prattley C Sturgess Mr David Ikin Miss M Harrison Mr & Mrs David Melhuish Chair CADNWA Mr Marc Preedy Mr &Mrs Mark Wilson Mr Simon Birbeck Mr Matthew Birbeck Ms Abigail Birbeck Mr Malcom Jolly Mr Trevor Young Mrs Beverley Unsworth Ms Alison Nicholson Mr Peter Willmott Ms Paula Watson Mr David Bowl Mr Andrew Davidson Mrs Lorna Purslow Mr Barry Tollefson Mr & Mrs M Durkin Mr Patrick Phillips Ms Lorraine Alty


Mr Stuart Hart Mr Chris Hebson Mr & Mrs H Winstanley Mrs Jean Taylor Mrs M Beatty Mr A Tunstall Mr Brian Fisher Mr John Taylor Mr Eric Spencer J Ormrod Mrs Sarah Haisley Mr & Mrs J Wilson J Samways Mr Chris Winard Mr Winstanley J Greenhalgh Mr J Hayes Ms Jill Shovelton Mr Phillip Shovelton Mr David Nelson Mr Chris Martin Mr Richard Smith Mr Keith Gerrard Mr James Melling Ms Lynda Adamson C Bennett Mr Alan Thompson Ms Janice Tomlinson Mr David Scholes Mr Peter Harding Mrs S Entwistle Mrs J Hollows M. A. Swift Ms Gillian Riding Mr Bryan Chadwick Mr D Bentham Mrs E Lynch Mr Ian Monk Mr E Gartside G Perry Mrs Mary Wootten R Abel Mrs Birchall Mrs Joan Bromley Mrs Betty Worth Mr & Mrs A Butterworth Mr Paul McVeigh Mr & Mrs C Hough Mr D. A. Holt

Ms Sandra Delaney Ms Sarah Walton Mr Brian Bateman Mrs Sarah Eastham Planning and Mr Brian Sheasby Review Officer Lancashire County Council Mrs Jean Bibby Mrs Hilda Youd Mrs Joan Gardener Mrs Andrea Hibbert Mr Nick Daniel Mr R Bulcock Mr & Mrs R Grayson Mrs M. A. Barker Mr & Mrs H Higginson Mr Philip Peet Mr Les Roberts Mr & Mrs Dowthwaite Mrs Kathleen Judge Mrs Linda Richardson Mrs Barbara Bellingham Mrs Gibson Mrs Mary Hardwick Mrs Jean Killingbeck Mrs Michelle Castle Mrs Nicola Gilder Mrs Elizabeth Green J. A. Cullen Mr Stephen Bell GVA Ltd on behalf of Taylor Wimpey Mr Darren Olane Miss Elaine Jackson Mr David Minton Mrs Sheila Meegan Mrs Patricia Cuerden Mrs Joanne Mitchinson Mr John Taylor Mr & Mrs A Taylor Ms Amy Gregson Mr Ian Kearney Mr John Probert Mr Straughton Mr W. J. Taylor Mr Francis Taylor Mrs Maureen Caunce Mrs Kate Motley Proprieter Parr Hall Farm Mr Brian Threlfall Associate Mr David Diggle Director Turley Associates Ms Joanne Smith Lancashire County Archaeology Service Ms Joanne Smith Lancashire County Ecology Service


SHP Valuers The Emerson Group Loughlin Homes Barrows of Coppull Ltd Mr Nick Alderson Higham & Co Mrs Elaine Almond Mr Nick Atkins Tarmac Ltd Mr R.E Bailey Lea Hough & Co Chartered Surveyors Mr Peter Baillie Mr Peter Banks Mr John Barlow Mrs J Barrow Mr F.E Bond Mr Howerd Booth Mr David Bradley Mr Stuart Brinks Redrow Homes Lancs Ltd Mr J Burrow Conlon Construction Ltd Mr A Cain Mr Rob Cameron Seddon Homes Ltd Mr J Carrol Miss Rebecca Carroll Mr James F Carter Mr D Carter Mr Ashley Collins NJL Consulting Mr Andrew Coney P Wilson & Company Mr H Crompton Ms Rachel Davies Drivers Jonas LLP Mr Alexis De Pol De Pol Associates Mr Graham Dickinson Ms Jane Dickman Savills Ms Janet Dixon Janet Dixon Town Planners Ltd Mr P Dodd Mr E Downs Mr John Duckworth Mrs Betty Duffin Mr Ronald Eden Mr E.H Ellis Fairport properties Ltd Mr Robert Fielden Mr David Fletcher Mr J Forest Croston Rural Action Group Mr J Forrester Mr WS Fulster Red Rock Ltd Mr Chris Green Taylor Wimpey North East Mrs R Green Mr Richard Gregory Ms Kate Grimshaw Lancashire County Council Ms Becki Haines Turley Associates Mr Doug Hann Indigo Planning Mr L.B Hardy

Mr Philip Helm Simply Housing Mr George Hemingway Mr A Hough Ms Susan Inglis Wheelton & Brinscall Bridleways Association Mrs R Jam Steer Ethelston Rural Ltd Mrs Janet Jones Mr John Kearton Ms E Lester Wheelton & Brinscall Bridleways Association Mr Andrew Leyssens United Utilities Property Solutions Mr R.S Limmer Mr A Livesey Mr Lord Mrs Morna Maines Adactus Housing Group Alan & Mr & Mrs Evelyn Marsden Mr Alastair Marsden Mr Paul Marsden W Marsdens & Sons Mr David Marshall Mr Chris Matthews Mr William McCann Mr Alistair McCracken Droyt Products Ltd Mr K Mellis Mr David Miller bloc Limited Mrs Rosina M Monks Mr John Moss Mr F.J Mould Mrs P M Nightingale Mr Philip Noblett Elmwood Construction LLP Mr Matt Olley Bovis Homes (Northern) Ltd Mr Richard Percy Steven Abbott Associates Mrs Sue Potter Mr Richard Purser DPP Mr Gary Ramsbottom Gabbro Developments Ltd Mr K Ramsbottom Mr Dennis Riding Mary - Mrs Elizabeth Roberts P& A Rowley Mr Stephen Rudd Mrs Wendy Salvage Secretary, Adlington Churches Together Mr Ian Shorrock Blackmores Ltd Mr Paul Shuker White Young Green Mr John Simpkin English Partnerships Mrs Amanda Sloan G B Smith Mr Shaun Smith Mark Mr Geoffrey Smithies Mr Bill Sparnon 1st Investments Ltd Mrs P Tattersall


Ms Maureen Taylor Mr John Taylor Mr Paul Tunstall JWPC Ltd Ms Elizabeth Tyson Mr Jonathan Vose Rapleys LLP Mr Michael Walmsley Mr A Walsh Mr Cliff Walsingham Cliff Walsingham & Company Mr R A Waring Mr Chris Watts GVA Grimley Ltd Mr Paul Westhead Mr K Whitaker Ms Emma Wilcock White Young Green Mrs W.K Willeard S L Williams Goodyear and Williams Mr David Williams Paul Butler Associates M Winstanley B Worthington Mr Steve Staines FFT Planning Regional and Local Government Mr Nick Sandford Officer The Woodland Trust Mr Andrew Thompson Morris Homes Ltd Ms Rebecca Ford Mosaic Town Planning Planning Mrs Louise Nurser Manager Lancashire County Council Minerals and Waste Ms Laura Kettle G L Hearn Property Consultants Mr and Mrs S and L Barron Mr Richard Barton How Planning LLP Mr and Mrs M and J Bateson Mr George Batt Mr and Ms C and G Baybutt Mr Jon Bazeley Mr Nigel Bebbington Mr and Mrs Bedford Mr Christopher Beech Mr Michael Beech Mr Peter Beesley Mr Steve Beet Mr Tom Bennett Mr Michael Bennett Dr Roger Bentley Mr Steven Berry Sir/Madam L Bevis Mrs June Martin Mr Christopher Howard Mr Stephen Connell Chorley Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses

Mrs Lesley Atherton Clerk Whittle-le-Woods Parish Council Mr Peter Higham BME Community Development Ms Nicola Jane Hartley Worker Making Space Mrs Carolyn Cross Clerk Charnock Richard Parish Council Mr John Bamber Mrs Marilyn Bamber Ms Jacci Fielding Mr Michael Oxley Mrs Diane Burns Mr Zac West Ms Zara West Mr George Guye Mrs Keren Nelson Councillor Kevin Joyce Councillor Chorley Council John Mr Anthony Johnson Mr Christopher Baybutt James Mr Graham Ashworth Mr Michael Linfoot Mr Andrew Fairclough Hon. Secretary Adlington District Community Association Mr Mervyn Thornhill Mrs Lesley Brownlee Parish Cllr Ian Horsfield Councillor Anderton Parish Council Ms Susan Slamon Mrs Linda Crouch Clerk Adlington Town Council County Councillor Samuel Chapman Councillor Lancashire County Council Mrs Sharen Cook Mr Stephen Cook Mr David Walton Mr R Davison Ms Rachael Bust The Coal Authority Ms Simone Goosey Ms Shelagh Garnett Mrs Marie Thompson Mrs Allison Cain Mr Mohammed Shah Mr & Mrs A Haves Mrs Mollie Ward Mr Peter Ward Mrs Susan Edwards Clerk Coppull Parish Council Mr Phillip Unsworth Mr Peter Iles Lancashire County Council Archaeology Service Mr David Tye Paul Butler Associates on behalf of Village Heritage Homes Mrs Anne Caughey Mr John Caughey


Mr John Proctor Mrs Ilene Booth Mr John Dimsdale Friends of Healey Nab Mr Alan Hubbard National Trust Mr Darren Watmough Ms Samantha Ryan Turley Associates on behalf of Redrow Homes (Ltd) Mr David Bibby Michael Mr John Wingeatt Mr & Mrs D Martland Mr Richard Jennison Chairman CPRE, Chorley Mr & Mrs C Leap Mr John Lamb Coordinator Central Lancashire Friends of the Earth Mr Steven Abbot Mr Stuart Smith Mr Ian Caunce Mr Norman Barker Mr David Morris Mr & Mrs C Cordwell Mr Joseph Boswell Mr William Boswell Mr Thomas Boswell Mr Adrian Hart Mrs Lillian Carr Mrs Joanne Millington Planning & Landscape Associates Ltd on behalf of Doorway Mr David Toft to Value Mr John Rowland Mr Alan Martindale Mrs Janet Cole Mr Michael Putt Mr Brian Longton Mr Paul Sedgwick Sedgwick Associates on behalf of Hollins Strategic Land LLP Ms Linda Wilson Mr Tim Dean Fox Land and Property Ltd Mr David Massam Mr Harry Horsely Ms Janet Maggs Mr & Mrs J Almond Miss Gwyneth Thomas Mr Peter Fenemore Mrs Gillian Simmonds Mrs Nanette Holliday Mr Richard Root Miss Vanessa Carthy Mrs Lesley Hampson Parish Cllr Donald Hoyland Councillor Coppull Parish Council Mr Jeremy Blackwell Mrs Lynne France

Regional Ms Judith Nelson Planner English Heritage Mr Lindsay Hoyle MP Assistant Safeguarding Mr Chris Evans Officer Ministry of Defence Mr Peter Gilkes Peter E Gilkes & Company Mrs Judith Corrigan Planning Mr Philip Carter Liaison Officer Environment Agency Mr John Sturt Osbourne Clarke on behalf of ASDA Stores Limited Mr Stephen Robson Homes and Communities Agency Principal Planning Mr Stephen Benge Officer West Lancashire Borough Council Mr William Harrison SKC Leisure Head of Sales, North West Mr Lance Houghton Team Homes and Communities Agency Planning Mr David Cahill Officer Lancashire County Council Ms Alison Heine Heine Planning Consultancy Associate Planning Ms Rebecca Delooze Director Leith Planning Ltd Mrs Caroline Simpson Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Bigwood Chartered Surveyors Mr Sebastian Tibenham Pegasus Planning Group Mr Alastair Skelton Steven Abbott Associates LLP Ms Jane Dickman Dickman Associates Ltd Mr Simon Mair P. Wilson & Company Mr Jonathan Sharp Land4Homes Ms Amy James HOW Planning Mr Michael Powell Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Discover Leisure Director North Mrs Deborah McLaughlin West Homes and Communities Agency Mr David Bailey Lea, Hough and Co Mr Christie McDonald Steven Abbott Associates LLP Mr Jon Suckley Associate HOW Planning Planning Mr Daniel Whitney Consultant Mosaic Town Planning Mr Richard Wilshaw DPP Managing Mr Marco De Pol Director De Pol Associates Ltd Mr Nick Laister RPS Ms Sarah Williams Indigo Planning Ltd Mr Chris Smith Indigo Planning Ltd Mr Michael Cole Gregory Gray Associates


Appendix 3: Preferred Option representations summary Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Grove Farm, Adlington Mixed use 3 Residents object to housing at this site on HS1.27 Railway Road traffic/congestion/access/amenity/loss of wildlife and housing type grounds, residents also states the site is only accessibly by private car and is not suited to walkers/cyclists and public transport users. Land Adjacent to Adlington Mixed use 3 12 2 HOUSING HS1.28 Bolton Road Residents object to housing and employment use on traffic/congestion/amenity ecology grounds, and it will affect existing EP1.17 residential properties 0 12 2 EMPLOYMENT Site is not suitable for an employment allocation as incompatible with site. The need for additional employment development at this location is highly questionable. Given the ‘backland’ character of the site and its proximity to existing residential uses employment use is likely to be economically unviable given its lack of prominence and main road frontage which is considered necessary to deliver an attractive commercial proposition. Inappropriate access route to the site, the lack of site prominence, lack of main road frontage and site topography.. Residents object to housing and employment use on traffic/congestion/amenity ecology grounds, and it will affect existing residential properties. Also there are already industrial units for sale or rent in the Chorley area. Need to further assess market for new employment floorspace in Adlington.

Land at Babylon Adlington Housing 3 474 2 Development would change the rural character of the area. HS1.29 Lane Loss of mature trees, some of which have TPOs. Loss of the Band Hut which is a practice venue for the local brass band. There are existing traffic problems on Babylon Lane and it is reduced to a single lane for long stretches due to residents parking. Development would make this worse and there would be an increase in potential road traffic accidents, especially as there is a school nearby. Development would lead to the destruction of a valuable wildlife habitat. Services in Adlington such as schools and doctors are already full. The site is enjoyed by residents for recreational use. The site is subject to flooding when it rains and if the site was developed there would be further pressure on the natural drainage system. Development would decrease the value of surrounding properties and

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference lead to overlooking and loss of privacy.

Remainder of Adlington Housing No representations received HS1.30 Fairview Farm Weldbank Adlington Housing 0 0 1 There are a number of other constraints that would impact upon any HS1.31 Plastics subsequent proposals on this proposed allocation, but which we do not consider would prevent the development of the site in principle: These sites border an Ordinary Watercourse and a sufficient buffer should be incorporated into the design. Fairport, Market Adlington Mixed use 1 Agent acting for owner says Policy EP1 should adopt a more flexible and EP1.18 Place proactive approach. The site represents a somewhat unique opportunity in Adlington (including that element within the Local Centre).Such an allocation could set out that development in classes A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 and other main town centre uses would be permitted on that part of the site within the defined Local Centre boundary, and that complementary economic development would be permitted on the remainder of the site Land off The Adlington Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.3 Common land Land off Park Adlington Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.4 Road land Land between Adlington Await Open No representations received --- Bolton Road and Space Study Huyton Lodge Land at/adjacent Adlington --- No representations received --- to White Bear Marina, Park Road Land off Adlington --- No representations received --- Westhoughton Road Red Rose Adlington --- No representations received --- Garage, Westhoughton Road Brook Mill, Adlington --- No representations received --- Brook Street

Land Adjacent Astley Await Open No representations received --- Buckshaw Village Space Study Primary School


Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Chancery Road Astley Await Open No representations received --- Village Space Study Astley Village Astley Await Open No representations received --- Green, Chancery Village Space Study Road

Land at Brinscall Housing 3 Residents object to housing on this site due to traffic/flooding and a decline HS1.48 Drinkwater in amenity and services grounds, also residents state the proposal will Farm, Windsor remove the rural aspect from the village. Drive Land off Heather Brinscall Open space No representations received HW1.8 Lea Drive Disused Railway Brinscall Cycleway No representations received --- Line from overlaps with Brinscall to LCC cycle Abbey Village route Land at Lodge Brinscall Await Open No representations received --- Bank Space Study Commercial Brinscall --- No representations received --- Premises, Hartington Road

Group 4N, Royal Buckshaw Housing No representations received HS1.24 Ordnance Site, Village Euxton Lane Group 1, Former Buckshaw Mixed use No representations received HS1.25 Royal Ordnance Village Site, Euxton Lane Southern Buckshaw Employment 1 Support the allocation of the Southern Commercial Area, for B1, B2 and B8 EP1.16 Commercial Village uses. However, the allocation boundary does not correspond exactly to the Buckshaw Village design Code Master plan boundary and is closest to the new rail station and the proposed swale. Perimeter of Buckshaw Cycleway No representations received --- Buckshaw Village overlaps with Village LCC cycle route

Land Rear of Dog Charnock Housing. No representations received HS1.49 & Partridge, Richard (Previously Chorley Lane discounted at

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Issues & Options, but site now has planning permission) Coppull New Charnock Await Open No representations received --- Road Richard Space Study Park Hall Charnock Await Open No representations received --- Hotel/Camelot Richard Space Study Theme Park

Eaves Green, off Chorley Housing 2 3 Residents object to housing on this site due to traffic/congestion/loss of HS1.1 Lower Burgh wildlife grounds. Residents also object to there being a lack of local services Lane and the site is not within walking distance to a school and housing will detract from the country park feel of the area. The developer and the Home and Community Agency support the allocation. Carr Lane Chorley Mixed use HS1.2 (Vertex Site) 1 EMPLOYMENT EP1.4 Delete employment allocation as site marketed for over 2 years as per planning consent and no market demand. So allocate for housing. Land off Quarry Chorley Housing No representations received HS1.4 Road Cowling Mill, Chorley Housing 1 1 The owner of this site supports the allocation and one objection has been HS1.5 Cowling Brow received just stating they object. . EA state that site is wholly or partly within Flood Zones 3 or 2, defined by PPS25 as having a high and medium probability of flooding respectively. EA state that if satisfied that this site satisfies PPS25 Sequential Test a level 2 SFRA should be produced to consider the risk of flooding before allocating it for development. In the absence of a Level 2 SFRA, the risk of flooding to the site is unknown and it cannot be determined if it is appropriate for residential development. Cowling Farm Chorley Mixed use 8 6 Objections? To employment and housing allocations. 0 support HS1.6 EP1.6 Talbot Mill, Chorley Housing 3 Residents object to housing on this site due to traffic flow/ congestion/ HS1.8 Froom Street access and existing parking problems in the area. Land off Froom Chorley Housing 1 6 Residents object to housing on this site on access/traffic congestion and HS1.9 Street flow/deliverability and the pressure on local services and amenity grounds. They also object as the site is at risk of flooding. The site owner support the allocation. West of Chorley Housing 3 22 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ noise / poor access to HS1.10 Blackburn Road public transport/ wildlife/ flooding and gradient grounds, also residents 98

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference state the allocation would have a negative impact on the countryside and would as a result bring the urban boundary closer. There is also a small holding at one property which bounds the site on three sides and they are concerned their livestock would generate neighbour complaints. The site owner supports this allocation. Blackburn Brow Chorley Mixed use 2 14 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ noise / poor access to HS1.11 public transport/ wildlife/ flooding and gradient grounds, also residents state the allocation would have a negative impact on the countryside and would as a result bring the urban boundary closer. The site owner supports this allocation. Chancery Chorley Housing/ Open 2 141 3 The local highway infrastructure, particularly West Way, struggles to cope HS1.12 Way/West Way space at present. Further development would worsen this. BNE2.12 (Chorley RUFC) The site should be protected from development to retain the separation between Astley Village and Euxton. The site provides a valuable recreation use and should be kept for that use. There are concerns that the site would be developed for more social housing and it is considered that Astley Village has enough. There is enough housing in the area with the development at Buckshaw Village.

Gillibrand Chorley Housing No representations received HS1.13 Hodder Avenue Chorley Housing No representations received HS1.14 Park Mills, Chorley Housing No representations received HS1.15 Deighton Road Commercial Chorley Housing No representations received HS1.16 Premises, Cottam Street Land off Duke Chorley Housing 1 One supporting statement has been received for this allocation stating the HS1.17 Street site is available and the principle of development has been accepted. Lyons Lane Mill, Chorley Mixed use No representations received HS1.18 Townley Street EP1.9 Land at Worthy Chorley Housing/ Open No representations received HS1.19 Street/Buchanan space Street Railway Road Chorley Housing No representations received HS1.20 Initial Textile Chorley Housing 3 Residents support housing on this site as it will improve the look of the HS1.21 Services, area. Harpers Lane Cabbage Hall Chorley Housing No representations received HS1.22

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Fields Rydal House, Chorley Housing The site owners LCC have extended the site area and have submitted a new HS1.23 Chorley Hall site allocation for the new site area. Road Botany/Great Chorley Employment/ 3 22 1 2 owners want the site allocated for Housing and recreation for canal. EP1.1 Knowley Recreation/ Already too much employment in Chorley and area. Ecology and Traffic Green Belt /congestion issues. Loss of views to Pennine Moors. 3 supports with conditions for employment. M61 Botany Bay Chorley Employment 6 11 0 Agent for Botany bay owner wants range of uses re- inserted i.e. EP1.2 (part) A3,A4,C1as per planning consents Botany Bay Village agent says BBV is A1 use and should not be covered by this allocation and applies to their car parks. Already too much employment in Chorley and area. Ecology and Traffic /congestion issues. Land to North Chorley Employment 6 18 0 Area source of . Already too much employment in Chorley and EP1.3 East of M61 area. Ecology and Traffic /congestion issues. 18 objections, 6 supports. Junction (Gale Moss) Carr Lane Chorley Employment 1 SEE HS1.2 ABOVE EP1.4 (Vertex Site) North of Euxton Chorley Employment 0 47 1 2 owners do not want employment. HCA wants housing or mixed use. EP1.5 Lane Other owner wants housing. No demand for employment and site not suitable, separated from Buckshaw and highway issues. Resident objections from Strawberry Fields and local area about protecting site for openness/amenity and traffic issues/congestion. Martindales Chorley Employment 2 Suggest remove allocation. There is an existing 2010 commitment for a EP1.7 Depot, Cowling single storey commercial building (B2) on the site but will not be affected as Brow the site is an old employment site. Site and also parts in existing use ( mainly open storage) protected by Core Strategy Policy 10.Part of existing allocation is embankment and woodland and therefore not viable. EP1.7 is located within Flood Zones 3 and 2, defined by PPS25 as having a high and medium probability of flooding respectively. You should be satisfied that the allocation of this site satisfies the requirements of the Sequential Test as set out in PPS25 and that you can justify this to an Inspector. We are satisfied that as the site is already used for employment purposes, formally allocating it as an employment site would not need to be supported by a SFRA. However, any subsequent proposals to redevelop the site would need to be supported a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) in accordance with PPS25. , which is designated as a Main River watercourse, flows through the centre of site EP1.7. Therefore the site will be subject to


Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Byelaw Control. In particular, no works may take place within 8 metres of the bank top of the watercourse without the prior consent of the Agency. This may affect the viability of any redevelopment proposals for the site as the watercourse runs through the centre of the site. Consent is also required under the Water Resources Act 1991, for any works on, over or within the channel of the watercourse, including construction of surface water outfalls. Land at Ackhurst Chorley Employment 1 Northern Trust support the current proposed allocation for B1, B2, B8 and EP1.8 Park A2 uses but consider it would be appropriate to widen this to include A3, A4, A5, D1 and D2 uses. Consider this would have no detrimental effect on town centre and allow a more flexible site. Bankside House Chorley Employment/ 3 The County Council has withdrawn this site from the process. EP1.10 and Weldbank Open space Training Centre, Weldbank Lane Woodlands Chorley Mixed use 1 LCC support mixed allocation for employment and education. EP1.11 Centre, Road Cross Hall Street Chorley Employment 1 One letter has been received on the employment allocation of this site and EP1.13 states British Waterways will need to be consulted on any plans and the trees along the embankment stabilise it so need to be retained. Flat Iron Car Chorley Retail No representations received EP4.1 Park Bolton Chorley Retail No representations received EP4.2 Street/Pall Mall East of M61 Chorley Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.1 land Southport Road Chorley Playspace No representations received HW1.10 Former Phoenix Chorley --- The site owners for this still want the site considering as part of the site --- MG Rover allocations process and considered for development. Dealership, Bengal Street Astley Park Chorley --- No representations received --- Footpath from Chorley --- No representations received --- Knowley Brow to Higher House Lane Ellerbeck East Chorley --- No representations received --- and West Chorley Social Chorley --- No representations received --- Club, Friday

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Street Ellerbeck, Off Chorley Await Open No representations received --- Wigan Lane Space Study FDC (Holdings) Chorley --- No representations received --- Ltd & Ferax Premises, Moorland Gate, Cowling Brow No representations received Yarrow Mill, Chorley --- No representations received --- Yarrow Road Market Chorley --- No representations received --- Street/High Street/Cleveland Street/Union Street St Georges Chorley --- No representations received --- Institute, Trinity Road Land bounded Chorley --- No representations received --- by Standish Street and Bolton Street Southport Road Chorley Await Open No representations received --- Space Study Buttermere Chorley Await Open No representations received --- Green Space Study Healey Nab Chorley Await Open No representations received --- Space Study Yarrow Bridge Chorley --- No representations received --- Depot Buckingham Chorley --- No representations received --- Street Yard Land South of Chorley --- No representations received --- Crosse Hall Lane Saville Street Chorley --- No representations received --- Devonshire Chorley --- No representations received --- Road/Alker Street


Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Back Lane Clayton Housing 1 One letter of support has been received stating the site is deliverable and HS1.32 Reservoir, Back Brook/Green sustainable but would like the status of the site changed from greenfield to Lane brownfield as it is a covered reservoir which continues the development on site. Radburn Works, Clayton Housing No representations received HS1.33 Sandy Lane Brook/Green Westwood Road Clayton Housing 21 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ loss of wildlife/ loss of HS1.34 Brook/Green visual amenity/ loss of trees and loss of valuable green space grounds, also the site is in close proximity to two primary schools. Land to the Rear Clayton --- No representations received --- of Ley Inn, Back Brook/Green Lane Land to the Rear Clayton Await Open No representations received --- of St Bede’s Brook/Green Space Study Club, off Chorley Old Road

Cuerden Valley Clayton-le- --- No representations received --- Park – Linear Woods Path from A6 to B5256 and Area North of B5256

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Land to East of Clayton-le- Mixed use 6 84* 1 HOUSING HS1.35 Wigan Road Woods The site already has planning permission for 300 houses; no more houses EP1.19 (A49) are needed in the area. The roads cannot cope with any more traffic especially Lancaster Lane and the Hayrick junction. Local schools and doctors are already full. There is a Biological Heritage Site on the site and development would have an adverse impact on wildlife. The site is a greatly valued open space for local residents and development will affect their wellbeing. Nearby Buckshaw Village is far from complete and is scheduled to provide thousands more homes and many already built remain unoccupied. There is concern over the impact the development would have on the road safety in existing developments adjacent to the site due to the increase in traffic. Development would lead to overlooking and loss of views for surrounding houses. Development of this site would lead to Chorley and South Ribble merging. Extensive development of this site is not in accordance with the Core Strategy which states that there should be ‘some growth’ in Urban Local Service Centres. A huge proportion of the housing requirement for Chorley is earmarked for Clayton-le-Woods and this is not consistent with the overall plan. EMPLOYMENT There are concerns over the effect development will have on local infrastructure. The roads cannot cope with any more traffic especially 1 71* 2 Lancaster Lane and the Hayrick junction. Development will lead to disruption to elderly residents at Cuerden Residential Park. There is a Biological Heritage Site on the site and development would have an adverse impact on wildlife. HCA supports the allocation of this site but as an alternative approach consider site for residential –led development with local employment opportunities. The proportion of employment land envisaged does not appear to be specifically justified in this location within the DPD, nor is there evidence of specific employment demand for this site to come forward. It is not clear to what extent the level of employment offer in neighbouring South Ribble has been considered, in addition to the potential large scale employment offer from the Cuerden Strategic Investment Site, located 1.5 miles from the allocation. In addition the provision of large scale B1 development on the site is not in accordance with PPS4 and the


Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference town centres first approach. Redrow object to the inclusion of B2 and B8 uses. The location lends itself more to a high quality business park due to its attractive and premium location near the M61 and M6 and also the urban centres of Chorley and Preston. Furthermore, large sheds and 24hr HGV movements would have significant landscape, highway and amenity impacts. B1 uses would be more compatible with high quality housing, the provision of which will improve the attractiveness of the employment land to commercial developers. Furthermore, if the site were developed in this way, there would be greater potential for shared infrastructure, which would assist in the delivery of employment uses. FLP provide Regeneris Report on Chorley Employment Land Allocations – question quantity of employment land required, weakness of connection between land requirements and employment change, assumptions about the loss of employment land to other uses and projections forward, assumptions about past and future working patterns and rational for a 20% flexibility factor. Raise concerns about methodology of CS 129ha. 2 alternative views of future employment land requirements- take up based method assumed requirement for 103 ha and employment forecast based approach assumes additional 10.5ha required over Plan period. Estimate 120-150ha of employment land is currently in use in Chorley –suggesting a significant proportion of district’s future needs could be met through premises and land currently in use.. Examine scale and size of allocation in context of settlement, spatial planning policies, criteria for defining strategic employment areas and the extent to which the site meets these criteria and significant development constraints. Conclude CLW site is disproportionate as a ULSC and inconsistent with allocations for other ULSC settlements; and scale likely to attract substantial car bourne in –commuting putting pressure on road network, scale of B2 and B8 unsuitable given presence of network of established hedgerows and the proximity of the Cuerden Country Park and the impacts on it. Site has not previously been identified as a major employment site and not subject to strategic employment sites of this type, and fails to meet key criteria outlined in CS policies i.e. not assessed in Employment Land Review and not a major employment location identified in the CS. Site also does not meet many of the conditions used to designate and justify inclusion in NW RES and RSS. CB Richard Ellis Report for FLP concludes CLW site not suitable for major employment development, relating to both projected market demand and characteristics of the site. Includes provision of large scale high quality site

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference in immediate area around Chorley plus availability of sites elsewhere and Chorley itself together with availability of sites in the North West; the broad search areas which tend to come with large scale requirements and the potential for Merseyside to become a more sought after location for B8 uses as a result of new port developments; potential difficulties of large scale B2./B8 development at CLW would bring to CLW in terms of significant HGV movements and prox to Cuerden Country Park. Concludes a masterplanned scheme ( 3,500sqm of office space plus hotel development would be supported by the market) 280 objections, 0 supports

Objections to employment and housing from residents 71 objections, 1 support  The site is a greatly valued open space for local residents and development will affect their wellbeing.  There is enough commercial development at Buckshaw Village.  There is concern over the impact the development would have on road safety in existing developments adjacent to the site due to the increase in traffic.  Too much employment development is proposed on the site. 20 hectares would constitute a ‘Strategic Employment Site’ but the Core Strategy does not propose such an allocation at this site. The site is also located close to the Cuerden Strategic Site.

*NB One of the representations is a petition signed by 403 people.

Burrows (GM) Clayton-le- --- No representations received ---


Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Premises, Wigan Woods Road

Discover Leisure, Coppull Mixed use 1 Representee supports the allocation of part of the site for proposed HS1.36 Chapel Lane residential development. Seeks to reduce the employment allocation. EP1.20 Considers that the site has not been in any traditional employment use as it has been a facility used by a caravan and motor homes sales and servicing business. Whilst people are employed in this form of business, it is a fairly low density employment use and falls within sui generis. Regent Street Coppull Housing No representations received HS1.37 Land at Coppull Housing 1 One resident has objected to housing on this site on traffic grounds and HS1.38 Northenden also the strain on already stretched local services and amenities. Road Coppull Coppull Housing 1 One resident has objected to housing on this site on traffic grounds and HS1.39 Enterprise also the strain on already stretched local services and amenities. Centre, Mill Lane Clancutt Lane Coppull Housing 2 19 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ access/ loss of wildlife/ HS1.40 drainage and lack of children’s facility grounds, also the road is very narrow leading to road safety concerns. Two letters of support have been received stating the site is sustainable and available. North of Hewlett Coppull Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.7 Ave land Blainscough Hall Coppull Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.8 land/ Green Belt Land at Coppull Open space No representations received --- Mountain Road Orchard Heys Coppull --- No representations received --- Farm, Off Park Rd 263 Spendmore Coppull --- No representations received --- Lane

Land Adjacent Croston Housing. No representations received HS1.50 32 Moor Road (Previously discounted at Issues & Options, but site now has planning

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference permission) Croston Timber Croston Housing. 1 One letter of support from the site owner has been received. HS1.51 Works Goods (Previously Yard, Station discounted at Road Issues & Options, but site now has planning permission) Land off Croston Playspace No representations received HW1.30 Riverside Crescent Land off Croston --- No representations received --- Westhead Road Land to the Croston --- No representations received --- north of Brickcroft Lane Land to the east Croston --- No representations received --- of Out Lane Land to the east Croston Await Open No representations received --- of Station Road Space Study Land off Out Croston Await Open No representations received --- Lane Space Study Land off Croston Await Open No representations received --- Coniston Way Space Study Croft Field, Off Croston Await Open No representations received --- Grape Lane Space Study Rear of 81-101 Croston Await Open No representations received --- Station Road Space Study Recreational Croston Await Open No representations received --- Area, off Station Space Study Road

75 Towngate Eccleston Housing 32 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ amenity/ access/ noise HS1.52 and flooding grounds, they also state this site would result in an overdelivery of housing in Eccleston. Land North of Eccleston Housing/ 1 33 3 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ amenity/ access/ noise HS1.53 Bradley Lane Safeguarded and flooding grounds, they also state this site would result in an over land/ open delivery of housing in Eccleston. space


Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Sagar House, Eccleston Housing 1 One resident has objected to housing on this site as they feel Eccleston has HS1.54 Langton Brow had more than its fair share of development. East of Tincklers Eccleston Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.10 Lane land Between Bradley Eccleston Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.11 Lane, 7 Parr Lane land No representations received Lawrence Lane Eccleston Playspace No representations received HW1.32 Parr Hall Farm, Eccleston Housing No representations received --- Parr Lane element discounted, Await Open Space Study Bygone Times Eccleston --- No representations received --- Land Between Eccleston Housing No representations received --- Lydiate Lane and element New Lane discounted. Await Open Space Study Land between Eccleston Await Open No representations received --- Bannisters Lane Space Study and Tincklers Lane Land between Eccleston Await Open No representations received --- Bradley Lane and Space Study Parr Lane Eccleston Village Eccleston Await Open No representations received --- Green Space Study The Hawthorns Eccleston Await Open No representations received --- Play Area Space Study Middlewood Eccleston Await Open No representations received --- Close Play Area Space Study Millennium Eccleston Await Open No representations received --- Green Space Study Land off the Eccleston Await Open No representations received --- Hawthorns Space Study

Land at Euxton Mixed use 3 288 4 HOUSING; The open fields act as a buffer between Euxton and Chorley HS1.41 Sylvesters Farm and they are the last green space separating them. EP1.21 More housing development in Euxton is unnecessary due to the

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference development at Buckshaw Village. Euxton has had more than its fair share of development in recent years and appears to have been targeted to take a disproportionate share of new housing. There is an excess of unsold houses in Euxton and Buckshaw Village. There are not enough school places. The roads cannot cope with an increase in traffic and when the quarry is in operation the area will be gridlocked. Pear Tree Lane is used extensively by horse riders, dog walkers and cyclists etc. and is too narrow and unsuitable for development. Development would lead to a negative impact on wildlife. Euxton is supposed to be a village; more development means it is losing its identity as a village. EMPLOYMENT; HCA say the mixed use allocation includes the provision of 3Ha of employment land (B1, B2 & B8). The scale and location of this employment provision raises questions in respect of demand (especially given the close proximity of the employment offer at Buckshaw Village) and issues around accommodating compatible land uses (the site is surrounded on three sides by the developed residential areas of Euxton and Buckshaw). As proposed, the allocation could result in visually intrusive employment development on the frontage of the site onto Euxton Lane, as well as necessitating access through the mixed use area into the residential part of the site and its connection to existing development and highway. The HCA consider that allocating the entire 0 280 4 site for residential development would be a more sustainable approach and accord with the HCA’s detailed Development Strategy which makes a strong case for the delivery of housing in this location, as well as providing a technically robust assessment to justify development parcels and uses. Such an allocation would also enable development to respect the existing development along Pear Tree Lane. Resident objections to employment cover already employment at Buckshaw and too many empty units, where is the need for more employment as well as transport/ecology, too much development in Euxton issues. 280 employment objections, 4 not stated The open fields act as a buffer between Euxton and Chorley and they are the last green space separating them. More employment development in Euxton is unnecessary due to the development at Buckshaw Village and the number of existing employment units in Euxton. The roads cannot cope with an increase in traffic and when the quarry is in operation the area will be gridlocked. Pear Tree Lane is used extensively by horse riders, dog walkers and cyclists etc. and is too narrow and unsuitable for development. Development would lead to a negative impact on wildlife. 110

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Euxton is supposed to be a village; more development means it is losing its identity as a village.

Land at end of Euxton Housing/ 1 110 4 The access road from Dunrobin Drive onto Wigan Road cannot cope with HS1.42 Dunrobin Drive Green Belt the current level of traffic. It is too narrow and cannot be widened and extra traffic would be dangerous. The site is a wildlife haven and a large number of species use the field due to its proximity to Yarrow Valley Country Park. Development would lead to the loss of the boundary between Euxton and Charnock Richard. The area is poorly served by public transport. A previous proposal to develop the site was refused based on the access being inadequate and the problem has got worse since then. More housing development in Euxton is unnecessary due to the development at Buckshaw Village.

37-41 Wigan Euxton Housing No representations received HS1.43 Road Land at Junction Euxton Open space No representations received --- of Balshaw Lane/Wigan Road Highways Euxton Await Open No representations received --- Avenue Space Study Bredon Ave Euxton Await Open No representations received --- Space Study Adjacent Yarrow Euxton Await Open No representations received --- Valley car park, Space Study Southport Road Adjacent Pear Euxton Await Open No representations received --- Tree Lane Space Study Concrete Works, Euxton --- No representations received --- Wigan Road

Dismantled Heapey Await Open No representations received --- Railway Line Space Study

Bramblewood Heath Await Open No representations received --- Nursey and Charnock Space Study

Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Garden Centre, Wigan Lane

Heskin Green Heskin Await Open No representations received --- Space Study

Rear of New Mawdesley Employment No representations specifically on EP1.22 but a new site suggestion covers EP1.22--- Street part of this site. GT Goodyear land at Gorsey Lane is being proposed by the site owner for mixed use development including retention of existing employment, housing on additional area and retention of part EP1.22 in their ownership.

Copthurst Wheelton Await Open No representations received --- Lane/Kenyon Space Study Lane Copthurst Wheelton Await Open No representations received --- Lane/Kenyon Space Study Lane Old Sand Quarry, Wheelton Await Open No representations received --- Between Kenyon Space Study Lane and Copthurst Lane Black Lion Field, Wheelton Await Open No representations received --- Blackburn Road Space Study Land off Ryefield Wheelton Await Open No representations received --- Space Study

Land off Moss Whittle-le- Housing 4 220 2 Development of the site would wipe out the last green spaces in the area HS1.44 Lane Woods and result in the loss of a beautiful, open green space. Drainage systems in the area are not sufficient and development would add to flooding on Lower Town Lane and Waterhouse Green. Local schools and doctors surgeries are already full. Dunham Drive should not be used for access to the proposed development as the increase in traffic will put the safety of children on the estate at risk and would have a negative impact on existing properties. Development would lead to the loss of a wildlife habitat. The development is not needed due to the amount of development taking place at Buckshaw Village and the number of empty properties there.


Council Support Object Not Summary of respresentations Site Allocation Site Address Settlement Proposed Use Stated/Other Reference Whittle-le-Woods has lost its village appeal and further development would worsen this. The A6 is already extremely busy. There was a lack of consultation on the selection of this site as a preferred housing allocation.

Hill Top Lane Whittle-le- Housing 6 Residents object to housing on this site on access/ poor topography/ HS1.45 Woods wildlife and traffic grounds. This site should only become available when the dangerous quarry is filled in. Land rear of 23 Whittle-le- Housing 3 1 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ congestion/ wildlife and HS1.46 Birchin Lane Woods environmental grounds, and they feel the Village will lose its community and identity if more housing is built. Rear of 243-281, Whittle-le- Housing 1 1 Residents object to housing on this site on traffic/ congestion/ wildlife and HS1.47 Preston Road Woods environmental grounds, and they feel the Village will lose its community and identity if more housing is built. West of M61 Whittle-le- Safeguarded No representations received BNE2.14 Woods land Kem Mill, Kem Whittle-le------Mill Lane Woods Swansey Mill Whittle-le- --- No representations received --- between Woods Swansey Lane and Mill Lane Adj Springside Whittle-le- --- No representations received --- Farm, Moss Lane Woods Land off Watkin Whittle-le- --- No representations received --- Road Woods

Appendix 4: Publication Policy changes

Preferred Changes made to Option Preferred Option Publication Publication Policy policy in Details of Changes Policy Policy Title Policy No. Title Publication DPD? No. Minor changes to policy wording removing Road schemes and development access points Road schemes and ST4 development access Yes from the text following ST3 development access points advice from LCC and proposed schemes updated. Changes made to housing allocations as a result of representations received. Housing site HS1 Housing site allocations Yes HS1 Some sites have been de- allocations allocated and new sites allocated. Policy amended as a result of representations received to allow infill development in Private residential gardens and cover Private residential HS4 Yes HS3 garden development proposals for residential garden development garden development in all locations in accordance with the Framework. Changes made to employment allocations as a result of representations received. Some Employment site employment allocations Employment site EP1 Yes EP1 allocations have been removed as the allocations proposed provision of employment land in the Core Strategy was reduced following the Examination. Policy amended as a result of representations received to cover the redevelopment of all previously developed Redevelopment of Major developed sites in BNE3 Yes sites in the Green Belt in BNE5 previously developed the Green Belt accordance with the sites in the Green Belt Framework. Minor changes have also been made to policy wording. Minor changes to policy wording as a result of representations received to allow proposals that HW4 Valley Parks Yes enhance the recreational HW3 Valley Parks value of Valley Parks and do not detract from their amenity, recreational and wildlife value.


Appendix 5: Publication consultees Salutation First Name Surname Position Organisation MR and Mrs Addison Mr and Mrs Ball and Family Mr and Mrs White and Family Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Secretary Sir/Madam Headteacher Abbey Village County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Adlington County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Adlington St Paul's Primary School Headteacher Albany Science College Sir/Madam Headteacher Anderton County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Anderton St Josephs RC Primary School Sirs Astley Computer Services Limited Sir/Madam Headteacher Astley Park Special School Sirs Barratt Manchester Limited Barrows of Coppull Ltd Bigwood Chartered Surveyo rs Sirs Blackburn Evening Telegraph Sir/Madam Headteacher Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle Gregson Lane County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Brindle St James CE Primary School Sir/Madam He adteacher Brindle St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Data British Gas Trading Limited Management Team Sirs Business Publications Limited Sir/Madam Cass Associates Sir/Madam Headteacher Charnock Richard CE Primary School Sir/Ma dam Headteacher Chorley All Saints CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Buckshaw County Primary School Sir/ Madam Chorley Deaf and Hard of Hearing Club Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Duke St County Infants School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Duke St County Junior School Sir/Madam Secretary Chorley Football Club Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Gillibrand County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Highfield County Primary School Sir/ Madam Chor ley Older People's Forum Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley Sacred Heart RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St George's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Gregory's RC Primary Schol Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St James' CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Joseph's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley St Mary's RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Chorley The Parish of St Laurence CE Primary School Sirs Church Co mmissioners Sir/Madam The Chair Clayton Brook Community House Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton Brook County Primary School

Sir/Madam Secretary Clayton Brook Village Hall Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton -le -Woods CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Clayton -le -Woods Primary School Sirs Community Council of Lancashire Sirs Coopers Taxis Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull & District County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull Parish CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull Parish CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull St John's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Coppull St Oswald's RC Primary School Sir/Madam CPRE, Lancashire Branch Sir/Madam Secretary Croston Sport s & Social Club Sirs Cunnane Associates Sir/Madam Cunningham Planning Head of Regional Department for Transport Rail Group Policy & Delivery Sirs Department of Employment, North West Regional Office Sirs Devonshire & Soli citors Sir/Madam Headteacher Eccleston County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Eccleston St Mary's CE Primary School Sir/Madam Secretary Eccleston Youth & Community Centre Sirs Economy Bag Company Sirs Eric Wright Group Lim ited Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton Balshaw Lane County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton Primrose Hill County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Euxton St Mary's RC Primary Schoo l Sirs Faxman (t/a G Rawlings) Sir/Madam Headteacher Heskin Pemberton's CE Primary School Sirs Higham & Co Sirs John Fishwick & Sons Mr Chief Ambulance Lancashire Ambulance Headquarters Officer Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes Sir/Madam Landmark Associates Loughlin Homes Sirs M J McVerry Sirs Manchester Evening News Sir/Madam Headteacher Mawdesley CE Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Mawdesley RC Primary School Si r/Madam Headteacher Mayfield Special School Sirs Mobile Operators Association Sirs Nat West Sirs National Offender Management Services (NOMS) Sirs National Planning Casework Unit Sirs North West Natural England Planning


Sirs Network Rail Headteacher Parklands High School Sir/Madam Preston & West Lancashire Racial Equality Council Sirs Primrose Holdings Sir/Madam Raw Witts Transport Sirs Red Rose Radio Sir/Madam Headteacher Rivington Primary School Mr Roman Catholic Diocese of Liverpool Sirs Royal Society for Nature Conservation SHP Valuers Mr Silhouette Photography Headteacher Southlands High School Sport England Sir/Madam He adteacher St Bedes RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Chads RC Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Johns CE/Methodist Primary School Headteacher St Michael's C of E High School Sir/Madam Headteacher St Peter's CE Primary S chool Sirs Telewest Communications Ltd Sir/Madam The British Horse Society Sirs Crown Estate The Crown Estate Office Commissioners The Emerson Group Sir/Madam The Homebuilders Federation The Nguzo Saba Centre Si rs The Planning Inspectorate Sirs Town and Country Planning Sir/Madam Headteacher Trinity and St Michael's CE Primary School Sirs Walton & Co Mr Paul Weldbank Plastic Co Ltd Sir/Madam Headteacher Westwood Road County Prim ary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Withnell Fold County Primary School Sir/Madam Headteacher Withnell St Joseph's RC Primary School Mr Steven Abbot R Abel Mr David Abrahams Mr Craig Ackroyd A & H Fine Foods Ltd Mr Greg Adam Ms Jenny Adam Mrs Elaine Adams Mrs M Adamson Ms Lynda Adamson Sir/Madam V Adamson Mrs P A Adamson Fixit DIY & Manchester House Mr Trevor Adey Savills Mr and Mrs B Ainscough Mr Stephen Ainscough Birkacre Nurseries & G arden Centre Ms Lesley Ainscough Ivy House Guest House

Sir/Madam Sabaa Ajaz Assistant United Utilities, Property Services Planner Mr Nick Alderson Higham & Co Mr Alker Mr Max Allam Vice Chair Ethnic Minority Consultative Committee Mr B Alla n Groundwork Wigan & Chorley Mr Robert Allen Mr P Allis Mr B Allman Chorley Group The Ramblers Association Chairman Mr Andrew Almond Mr & Mrs J Almond Mrs Elaine Almond Ms Kath Almond Ms Sheelagh Almond Mr and Mrs H Alston Mr David Alston Brinscall & Withnell Athletic & Recreation Association Ms Lorraine Alty Mr Nick Ames Sir/Madam S Bellew, E and Family Broadhurst M Anderson Mr R Anderson N B Colour Print Ltd Mr Allan Anderton Sir /Madam K Anderton Ms Helen Andrew Miss J Andrews Sir/Madam R Andson Mr Chris Anslow Environment Directorate Mr Simon Anten Mr T Anyon Mrs Louise Armstrong Sir/Madam A Armstrong Mrs Christine Arrowsmith Sir/Ma dam D Arrowsmith Sir/Madam M Arrowsmith Mr Derek Artis Mr and Mrs William Ashall Mr John Ashcroft Mrs Cheryl Ashcroft Mrs Patricia Ashcroft Mr Gary Ashcroft HRT Commercials (Chorley) Ltd Sir/Madam P W Ashley Sir/M adam M P Ashman Mr and Mrs S and A Ashrafi Mr Andrew Ashton Mr W Ashton Sir/Madam M Ashurst Mr Andrew Ashworth


Mr James Graham Ashworth Mr Phil Ashworth Houghton House Aggregates Ltd Mr and Mrs C & T Aspden Mr Ala n Aspden Fern Doors Ltd Mrs J Aston Ms Julie Atha Croft Products (UK) Ltd Sir/Madam William, Cynthia Atherfold and B Sir/Madam P Atherfold The Grange Sir/Madam J Atherton Mrs Margaret Atherton Clerk Hilldale Parish Council Mrs Lesl ey Atherton Clerk Whittle -le -Woods Parish Council Mr David Atkins Ms Sarah Atkins Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Atkins MEP Mr Nick Atkins Tarmac Ltd Miss Jill Atkinson Mrs Kathleen Atkinson Mrs S Atkinson Sir/ Madam M Avison Studio 89 Mr Steve Ayre Sir/Madam K Badd Topflite (North West) Ltd Mr Stephen Bailey Clayton Green Branch Library Mr R.E Bailey Lea Hough & Co Chartered Surveyors Mr David Bailey Lea, Hough and Co Madam Claire Bailey Prontaprint Mr Peter Bail lie Ms Julie Baillie Cedar Farm Galleries Ms Yvonne Baines Bailcast Ltd Sir/Madam G A Bairstow Sundown Bedrooms Ltd Ms Kathryn M Baker Mr Glynn Baker Ace Décor Sir/Madam S Baker P & S Baker (Plant Hire) Sir/Madam W Baldwin Sir /Madam P Baldwin Heskin Fabrication Ltd Mr Stuart Ball Mrs Nora Theresa Ball Sir/Madam A Ball Mr Steve Ball Compound 1 Councillor Kenneth W Ball JP Councillor Chorley Council Mrs Debra Balshaw Mr John Bamber Mrs Marilyn Bamb er Sir/Madam Paul, Rebecca and Bamber Adam Mr John Bamford Mr Robin Bamford RB Contacts Ltd Mr Matthew Banks Mr Peter Banks

Mr Peter Banks Croston Cricket Club Ms Sandra Bannister European Settled Estates plc Mr Paul Barbe r Mr Keith Barker Mr Neil Barker Mr Norman Barker Mr Paul Barker Mrs M. A. Barker Mr Ron Barker Impact Socket Supplies Ltd Mrs Barker VME Electrical Ltd Mr John Barlow Mr John Barlow Barlow Trailers Mr John Bar low Impact UK Design & Print Ms Barbara Barlow The Coach House Mrs W Barnard Ms Andrea Barnard Mrs Kath Barnes Mr Stephen Barnes Chief Executive Pendle Borough Council Mr Geoff Barnett Estates Manager Runshaw College Sir/Madam G Barn ish F & P Wholesale Mr and Mrs S and L Barron Mr Mike Barron Mike Barron Driver Training Mrs J Barrow Mr Richard Barton How Planning LLP Sir/Madam M W Barton John B Lavin & Co Mr Brian Bateman Mr Alexander Bateman The Planning Bureau Limited Mr and Mrs M and J Bateson Mr George Batt Mr Andrew Baxendale Mr Christopher Baybutt Mr and Ms C and G Baybutt Ms Patricia Baylis Wyre HA Mr Jon Bazeley Sir/Madam L Beardsworth Gebworth Construction Ltd Mr Norman Beasant Mr Andrew Beattie MENCAP Mrs M Beatty Mr Joseph Beaumont Beaumont Transport Mr Nigel Bebbington Mr and Mrs Bedford Ms Eileen Bee Chorley and South Ribble Disability Forum Mr Graham Bee The Emerson Group Mr Christopher Beech Mr Michael Beech Mr Peter Beesley Mr Steve Beet Miss Fiona Begbie Flic Flac Gymnastics Club Mr Henry Bell Ayrefield Construction Ltd


Councillor Eric Bell Councillor Chorley Council Mr Jon Bell Chorley Harrier s Mr Stephen Bell GVA Ltd on behalf of Taylor Wimpey Mrs Barbara Bellingham Mr Stephen Benge Principal West Lancashire Borough Council Planning Officer C Bennett Mr A Bennett Mr Michael Bennett Mr Tom Bennett Mr M G Bennett P & M Bennett Ms Linda Benson Manor Products Ltd Mr D Bentham Sir/Madam M L Bentham Euxton Tile Supplies Ltd Dr Roger Bentley Mr Andrew Berry Mr Steven Berry Councillor Julia Berry Councillor Chorley Council Ms Janet Berry Chorley Equestrian Centre Sir/Madam L Bevis Mr David Bibby Mrs Jean Bibby Mr and Mrs Biel Sir/Madam Bigwood Bigwood Chartered Surveyors Ms C Billouin Mr Stewart Binks McInerney Homes Mr Stewart Binks Rowland Homes Ltd Mr and Mrs Birbeck and Family Mr and Mrs Birchall Mr and Mrs Birchall Mr and Mrs Birchall Mrs Birchall Mr Matthew Birkinshaw Planning Officer Pegasus Planning Group Mr Michael Birtwhistle Mr and Mrs A Birtwistle Ms Ann Bishop The Mill Hotel Mr R Bishop The Stripper Ms Miss J Blackburn Nicholsons Mr Daniel Blackledge Mr George Blacklidge Blacklidge Bros Mr Jeremy Blackwell Mr Tony Blake Adlington Nomads Football Club Mr Michael Blaney Sir/Madam F H Bleasdale F H Bleasdale (Timber) Ltd Mr Jonathan Bloor HOW Planning LLP Mr and Mrs Boden Ms Nancy Boevon Ms Cindy Bolton Chief Officer Chorley & South Ribble CVS

Mr F.E Bond Sir/Madam R, G and L Boon Mr Howerd Booth Mr & Mrs Booth Mrs Ilene Booth Ms Tracie Booth Connexions - Chorley Centre Mrs Judith Ann Boothman Mr Joseph Boswell Mr Thomas Boswell Mr William Boswell Ms Claire Botham Early Birds Private Nursery Mr Jack Bothamley J B Publicity Mr Mike Bottomley Savills Mr Andrew Bower Npower Renewables Mr David Bowl Mr Darran Bowles Coach Education Bolton Wanderers FC Officer Ms Diane Boyer DPDS Consulting Ms Charlotte Boyer Plg Potential Sir/Madam D K Boyes Mr David Bradley Councillor Alistair Bradley Councillor Chorley Council Mr John Bradshaw Senior Estate Tarmac Central Limited Surveyor Mr David Braithwaite Sir/Madam G Braithwaite Joiner & Building Contractor Ms Jane Brammer Bus iness Virgin West Coast - Virgin Trains Manager K Breackell Mr Mike Bretherton Mike Bretherton School of Motoring Mr P Bridge Mr G R Bridge McDyre & Co Mr Sallie Bridgen North West Housing Federation North Regional Manager Mrs J M Briml ey Mr Stuart Brinks Redrow Homes Lancs Ltd Mr Mark Brinksman Yorkshire Bank plc Mr Charles R Brittain Ms Helen Brocki Lancashire College Mrs Joan Bromley Mr Nigel Brooke David Walker Chartered Surveyors Mr George Brooks Ms Judith Brooks Mr Allen Brotherton Chorley 3 -Star Junior Tennis Club Ms Rachel Brown Mr B Brown Adelphi Residential Home Councillor Terry Brown Councillor Chorley Council


Mr Andy Brown Senior Planner Colliers CRE Mr David Brown Rivington Village Club Mr Julian Brown Withnell Cricket Club Mrs Lesley Brownlee Mr John Bruck Woodfit Ltd Mr Chris Bryan Arts Chorley Council Development Officer Mr R Bulcock Sir/Madam J H Bullough Planning & Hilton Design Ass ociates Technical Associate Mr Graham Burgess Chief Executive Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Mr Andy Burnett Teslatest Systems Mrs Diane Burns Ms Diane Burns Chorley & S Ribble Making Space Mr J Burrow Conlon Construction Ltd Ms Rachael Bust The Coal Authority Mr & Mrs A Butterworth Mr S J Byron Exec Manager West Lancashire District Council Plng/Devpt Services Sir/Madam D Cadman Eurodiesel Mr A Cadman Walltex Mr David Cahill Planning Officer Lancashire County Council Mr A Cain Mrs Al lison Cain Ms Claire Cain Campaigns Campaign for Real Ale Ltd Officer Mr A Calderbank Brinscall Building & Plumbing Merchants Ms Beryl Caldwell Aarondale Care Centre Mr David Callagham MJH Data Systems Ltd Mr Chris Calvert Pegasus Planning Group Mr Rob Cameron Seddon Homes Ltd Mr Steve Candlin Steve Candlin Properties Sir/Madam L Carnovale Design LSC Mrs Lillian Carr Mr John Carr WAC BM & JA Carr Mrs Joanne Carr Clerk Wheelton Parish Council Mr Tom Carrington Mr J Ca rrol Sir/Madam M J Carrol Ruttle Plant Hire Ltd Miss Rebecca Carroll Mr B Carroll Mr D Carter Mr James F Carter Mr David Carter Head of Group Adactus Housing Group Sustainability Ms Anne Carter Chorley Orthodontic Suite

Mr Philip Carter Planning Liaison Environment Agency Officer Mr Tony Carter L Carter & Son Mr James F Carter Managing Maple Grove Developments/Eric Wright Grp Director Ltd Mr Andrew Carter St Joseph's Parish Centre Miss Vanessa Carthy Sir/Madam Chris Casana Chorley Mrs Michelle Castle Mr A W Catterall Catterall & Wood Ltd Mr John Caughey Mrs Anne Caughey Mr Ian Caunce Mrs Maureen Caunce Councillor Henry W Caunce Councillor Chorley Council Mr L J Caunce Eccleston Junior Football Club Mr Bryan Chadwick Mr John Chadwick Coppull United Football Club Mrs Linda Challender Clerk Horwich Town Council Mr D Chalmers Regional Country Lane & Business Association Director Ms Liz Chamberlain Adlington Cri cket Club Mr David Chapman MA Chartered (Oxon) ARICS Surveyor Sir/Madam G Charlesworth X K Print Ltd Ms Gillie Charlson Gillie Dolls Sir/Madam M Charnock Mr Nick Chatburn AQS Swimming Pools & Spas Ms Julie Clare Clare & Co Mr Geoffrey Clark Clark Planning Consultants Ltd Mr Dave Clark Highways Agency Ms Colin Clarke Brick Technology Ltd Mr David Clarke Community Leisure Services Mr Nick Clarke Wigan Council Ms Mandy Clayton St Gregory's Club Ms May Clements Womens In stitute Mrs Janet Clough Ms Diana Clutton L & L Cruisers Mr Kevin Clutton Marine Propulsion Services Ltd Sir/Madam S Coar Mr Chris Cockwill Cockwill & Co. Ltd Mr Cliff Codona Chairman National Travellers Action Group Mr Paul Coggins Senior Land Russell Homes (UK) Limited Manager Mr Martin R Cogley Mr Dave Colbert Group Director Lancashire County Council Environment (LTP) Directorate Mrs Janet Cole Mr Michael Cole Gregory Gray Associates Mr Chirstopher Collins


Ms Cha rlene Collins Sir/Madam D Collins Equaman Metal Products Ltd Mr Ashley Collins NJL Consulting Mr S Collinson Fairport Containers Ltd Ms Kath Colman JPM Resources (UK) Ltd Mr Andrew Coney P Wilson & Company Mr Stephen Connell Chorley C ongregation of Jehovah's Witnesses Mr Stephen Cook Mr & Mrs H Cook Mrs Sharen Cook Mr Chris Coomer Wholesale Butchers Mr R S Cooper Crossley & Bradley Ltd Ms Linda Cooper Gillibrand Hall Mr Jonathan Cooper The Sunlight Service Gr oup Ltd Mr Richard Cordwell Mr & Mrs C Cordwell Mr Anthony Cornwell A & SA Cornwell Mrs Judith Corrigan Ms Judith Cosgrave Mr David Cowburn Partner Armitstead Barnett Mr Stephen Cowling Painter & Decorator Ms Hilary Cox Crossf ield Saddlery Ms C Coyle Headteacher St Chad's Catholic Primary School Mr Robert Crampton Alumus @ NIS Invotec Ltd Sir/Madam G Crank Clayton Hall Sand Co Mr Darren J Cranshaw Mr Alan Craven New Progress Housing Association Ms Dorothy Crean Galloways Society for the Blind Rev John Cree Moderator Churches Together Mr Chris Creighton Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ms Elaine Cribb That's Mine Sir/Madam J D Critchley Painter & Decorator Mr H Crompton Mr Richard Crompton North ern Prospects Mr E Crompton St Peter's Parish Club Councillor Jean Cronshaw Chorley Council Mrs B Crook Mr Alan Cross A Cross Builders and Joiners Mr Andrew Cross AC Architectural Consultancy Mrs Carolyn Cross Clerk Charnock Richard Paris h Council Sir/Madam M Cross Chorley UPVC Ltd Mr Allen Cross H & R Esp Ltd Mr Howard Cross Matrac Mrs Carolyn A Cross Clerk Wrightington Parish Council Mr Stephen Crossland Chorley Signs Mr Alan Croston Janet Dixon Town Planners Limited Mrs Linda Crouch Clerk Adlington Town Council

Councillor Matthew Crow Councillor Chorley Council Miss Amy Crowther Assistant RSPB Conservation Officer Ms Suzanne Cubbon Mrs Patricia Cuerden Sir/Madam P Cull Property The Diocese of Blackbu rn Manager J. A. Cullen Councillor Magda M Cullens Councillor Chorley Council Mr Mark Cullinan Chief Executive Lancaster City Council Mr Frank Culshaw Mr F Cumpstey Clerk Livesey Parish Council Ms Andrea Dalton Councillor John Dalton Chorley Council Mr John Dalton Head of Planning South Ribble Borough Council & Regeneration Mr Nick Daniel Mrs M Darbyshire Chorley Amateur Swimming Club Ms Gill Darbyshire Yarrow Bridge Garage Mr R C Davey The Secretary Lancashire Association of Par ish & Town Councils Mr Andrew Davidson Sir/Madam P J Davidson C P Davidson & Sons Ltd Sir/Madam J Davies Chorley Coachcraft Ltd Ms Rachel Davies Drivers Jonas LLP Mr Richard Davies Richard Davies Management Services Ltd Mr R Davison Mr Alexis De Pol De Pol Associates Mr Marco De Pol Managing De Pol Associates Ltd Director Mr Tim Dean Fox Land and Property Ltd Ms Sandra Delaney Ms Rebecca Delooze Associate Leith Planning Ltd Planning Director Mr I Desmond Marsdens Solici tors Sir/Madam A Devlin Merrymaids South Lancashire Mr Terry Dickenson Chorley Athletic Club Mr Graham Dickinson Sir/Madam G N Dickinson Councillor David Dickinson Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Doreen Dickinson Councillor Chorley Council Mr Tony Dickinson Thomas Cole Solutions Ms Jane Dickman Dickman Associates Ltd Ms Jane Dickman Savills Mr Ian Dickson Mr B Dickson Lifetrend Developmens Limited, Jones Retirement Homes


Mr David Diggle Associate Turley Ass ociates Director Mr Paul Dignan Associate Lea Hough & Co Ms Denise Dillon Dillon & Blake Hairdressing Sir/Madam J Dillon J Dillon Decorating Mr John Dimsdale Friends of Healey Nab Ms Janet Dixon Janet Dixon Town Planners Ltd Ms Cindy Dixon White Cop pice Cricket Club Mr P Dodd Mr Charles Dodd Dodd Engineering (North West) Ltd Mr Ben Doherty CHM Chauffering Services Mr John Doherty Springfield Nursing Home Ms Bridget Doherty Westbank Dental Practice Ms Bernadette Done CENTRA Mr Ste ve Douglas Peter Mason Associates Ltd Mrs D Downing Mr E Downs Mr & Mrs Dowthwaite Mr John Duckworth Mr Christian Duff All Seasons Leisure Centre Mrs Betty Duffin Mr David Dunlop Conservation The Wildlife Trust Officer Cou ncillor Graham Dunn Chorley Council Mr & Mrs M Durkin Mr Terry Durney CCFA Sir/Madam W A Duxbury Duxbury Builders Ltd R Dyson Sir/Madam G Dyson Norwest Estates Limited, Estates & Property Department Ms Liz Easterbrook HlmP Co - Chorley & South Ribble PCT Headquarters ordinator Mrs Sarah Eastham Mr Bill Eastham George Eastham Insurance Services Ms Amanda Eastwood -Hilton Nature Trail Positive Solutions Ltd Nurseries Sir/Madam Jo Ecob Abram Ashton Mr Ronald Eden Councill or Dennis Edgerley Councillor Chorley Council Mrs Susan Edwards Clerk Coppull Parish Council Mr Andrew Edwards Group News Editor Mr David Edwards Managing for Quality Ltd Sir/Madam C M Effendowicz Dryot Products Ltd Ms Annette Elliott Retail Pla nning The Co -operatives Group Liaison Manager Mr E.H Ellis Fairport properties Ltd Mr Howerd Ellis Fairport Properties Ltd Mr Damien Ellison Bertie's Bike Breakers Sir/Madam K Ellison Springboard Events Ltd

Mrs S Entwistle Mr Entwistle A & M Entwistle Mr Peter Ericson Sirs Hugh Evans Central & West Lancs Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mr Colin Evans Chorley Community Centre Mr Andrew Evans HSS Hire Shops Mr Chris Evans Assistant Ministry of Defence Safeguarding Officer Mr Dr Nigel Evans Petrie Technologies Ltd Mr & Mrs R Everest Mr Jay Everett Senior Planner Storeys:ssp Mr Peter Fagg Chair Chorley Forum of Faiths Mr A Fairclough Adlington & District Community Centre Mr Andrew Fairclough Hon. Secretary Adling ton District Community Association Mrs S Fairclough Chorley Masonic Hall Mr Richard Fairclough Goldseal Windows & Tradeline Sir/Madam A Farnworth Mr Roger Farrell Conismoor Ltd Mrs Clare Farrimond - Waring Mr Howard Faulkner Carr Faulkn er Associates Sir/Madam Chris Fayle Fayle Transport Ltd Mr Ian Fazackerley Leyland Connexions Centre Mr & Mrs C Fearnley Mr Michael Fellows M J Fellows Building Contractor Sir/Madam G W Felton Feltons Service Station Mr Peter Fenemore Mr J Fenton Mr John Ferguson Ms Gillian Ferguson Lancashire Fayre Ms S Fiddler Senior Probation Lancashire Probation Service Officer Mr Robert Fielden Ms Margaret Fielden Ms Jacci Fielding Mrs M. E. Finch Mr John Finlay Mr Austin Finley Greenlight Driving School Ltd Councillor Robert Finnamore Chorley Council Mr Rodney Finnen Chorley Cricket Club Ms Helen Finney Chorley Youth and Community Worker Sir/Madam A J Fish Loughlin Homes Ltd Mr Brian Fisher Mr Ian Fisher Company Lancashire Local Enterprise Partnership Ltd Secretary Mrs Olive Fisher Clerk Rivington Parish Council Mr Ed Fisher Church Warden St Lawrence Parish Church


Sir/Madam H I Fishwick A1 Skips Mr Robin Fitzgerald Mr David Flet cher Ms Carole Fletcher Ms Abigail Fletcher Harvest Housing Group Mrs J Flower Benegraph & Academic Signs Ltd Ms Rebecca Ford Mosaic Town Planning Mr James Ford Parkville Hotel & Truffles Restaurant Mr Alan Forde Eccleston Electric al Services Ms Claire Foreman Adult Education Centre Mr J Forest Croston Rural Action Group Mr Derek Forrest Mr Harry Forrest Mr J Forrest Croston Rural Action Group Mr J Forrester Mr Paul Forshaw ASTIREAL UK Sir/Madam P Forshaw Forshaw Engineering Ltd Mr E Forshaw Heskin FC Mr J Forshaw Clerk Rufford Parish Council Mrs Geraldine Foster Clerk Tockholes Parish Council Mr & Mrs D Fothergill Sir/Madam J R Fowler Stan Fowler (Builders) Ltd Mr Iain Fowler Wainhomes Mr Robert Fox Ms Denise Fox Mawdesley Tennis Club Mrs Lynne France Councillor Christopher France Councillor Chorley Council Mr R Frankland R Frankland & Son Ms Yvonne Franklin Amethyst Photography Mr Alexander Frater Whittle & Clayton -le -Woods Cricket Club Sir/Madam M Frederick Beljon Sales Sir/Madam C Freeborn Runshaw Business Centre Mr David Freeman Menzel (UK) Ltd Ms Rose Freeman The Theatres Trust Mrs K Frith Eccleston Ecumenical Partnership Mrs Lorraine Fullbrook MP Mr Bill Fulster Red Rock Limited Mr WS Fulster Red Rock Ltd Mr Jim Gallagher District Valuer and Valuation Officer Ms Kathy Gallagher Chapel Fold Bed & Breakfast Sir/Madam M L Gallery North West Propshaft & Brakes Ltd Ms Eleanor Gamble Mr Mike Gannon Chorley Golf Club Mrs Joan Gardener Mr Gardener Chorley St James Cricket Club Ms Mrs C Gardner Area Manager Chorley & District Children & Families South Lancashire Practice Team

Ms Alexandra Garnett Ms Shelagh Garnett Ms Sharon Garside Cleopatra's Total Face and Body Care Mr E Gartside Mrs S Gauge Carrington Career and Workwear Ltd Councillor Anthony Gee Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Danny Gee Chorley Council Mr Richard Gelder Clerk Much Hoo le Parish Council Mr Keith Gerrard Mr John Gibson Mrs Gibson Mr Andy Gibson Parkett Borse Ltd Mrs Pauline Gick Mrs Nicola Gilder Mr Peter Gilkes Peter E Gilkes & Company Mr Jamie Gilliland Planner Mono Consultants Ltd Mr Paul Glucklich BDP Design & Print Ms Carol Godfrey Fosgo Ltd Mr Bernard Golding Clerk Withnell Parish Council Councillor Peter Goldsworthy Councillor Chorley Council Mr Max Goode Assistant Fairhurst Development Planner Mr Steve Gooding S & J Ele ctrical Services Mr John Goodwin Carter Jonas LLP Mr William Goodwin Welcome Break Limited Ms Simone Goosey Ms Helen Gorman Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Co -ordinator, c/o HPU Ms Judy Gough Gough Planning Services Sir/Madam D Goulding Mr P G Gower Ms Diane Gradwell Manager Citizens Advice Bureau Mr Michael Graves Chorley Amateur Boxing Club Councillor Marie E Gray Councillor Chorley Council Mr & Mrs R Grayson Mr Colin Green Mrs Elizabeth Green Mrs R Green Mr s P Green Heapey & Wheelton Village Hall Mr Chris Green Taylor Wimpey North East J Greenhalgh Mr Peter Greenwood City Electrical Factors Mr Paul Greenwood Clayton Green Sports Centre Mr Mark Greenwood Croston Corn Mills Ltd Mr Richard Gregory Ms Amy Gregson Ms Holly Gregson Secretary West Pennine Moors Area Management Committee


Mrs Judith Griffin Mr Nick Griffiths Arc Car Wash and Valeting Sir/Madam D W Griffiths H Nightingale & Son Ms Gela Griffiths Deputy Head Mayfield School Ms Lauren Griffiths NJL Consulting Ms Tina Grimshaw Grimshaw Plastering Ms Kate Grimshaw Lancashire County Council Ms Sarah Grinder Research Analyst Fordham Research Ltd Mr Ken Guy Chorley Tennis Club Mr George Guye Mr Dav id Hagan Taylor Young Sir/Madam G Haider Marley Court Nursing Home Mr Steve Hailstone Principal Lancashire College Ms Becki Haines Turley Associates Mrs Sarah Haisley Ms J R Haliday Sir/Madam G M Hall Mr Gary Hall Chief Executive Chorley Council Mrs M Hall Friends of Healey Nab Mr Phil Halsall Chief Executive Lancashire County Council Mr Halton Lucas Engineering Ms Margaret Hamill Bell Group (North West) Miss Rachel Hamilton Planner Broadway Malyan Ms Karen Hamilton Tapeswitch Ltd Sir/Madam C Hamley IGC Independent Gas Co Mr Howard D Hammond Mrs Lesley Hampson Mrs S Jose Hampson Hon Secretary Chorley & District Chamber of Trade Ms Katherine Hancock Katherine Hancock Photography Sir/Madam J Handley Sal Abrasive Technologies Mr Sebastian Hanley Dialogue Mr Doug Hann Indigo Planning Councillor Alison Hansford Councillor Chorley Council Mr Peter Harding Mr Andrew Harding Vibez Music & Discos Mr D A Hardman D Hardman Solar Film Ltd Mr D Hardman External United Utilities Planning Liaison Manager Mrs Mary Hardwick Mr L.B Hardy Mr Tony Harkness Clerk Brindle and Hoghton Parish Councils Sir/Madam P Harley Mr Frank Harrington Frank Harrington Associates Ms Christine Harr is Birchall Blackburn with Berry & Son Miss M Harrison Mr Frank Harrison Ms Julie Harrison Mr John Harrison Chairman Blackburn Road and Great Knowley Residents' Association

Mr M I Harrison Group Property Manager Mr Russell Harrison Harrison Packaging Ms Susan Harrison Lancashire Volleyball Association Mr William Harrison SKC Leisure Mr Adrian Hart Mr Stuart Hart Mr & Mrs Hart Sir/Madam N Hart Anise Mr Peter Hart WE Couplings Ltd Ms Nicola Jane Hartley BM E Community Making Space Development Worker Mr Paul Harwood Harwoods Carpets Mr David Haslam Haslam Printers Ltd Mr James Hatch James E Hatch & Son LLP Mrs Patricia Haughton Mr & Mrs A Haves Mr W C Hawkesworth KSK Contractors Mr J Ha yes Mr Nick Hayes Director Hayes Architects Ltd Mrs M Hayes Millfield Care Home Mr David Hayhurst Chorley Wildcats Mr J Heaps Sir/Madam Nasreen Hearne Visiting Chiropodist Ms Kate Heathcote Womens Institute Mr Harold Heaton Coun cillor Harold Heaton Councillor Chorley Council Mr Chris Heaven Mr W. F. Hebblethwaite Mr Chris Hebson Miss Hegarty O'Riordan & Co Ms Alison Heine Heine Planning Consultancy Mr Philip Helm Simply Housing Mr George Hemingway Miss N Hessey Verde Sports Limited Mr Brian Hibbert Mrs Andrea Hibbert Mr John Hicks JDH Property Development Mr & Mrs H Higginson Ms Margaret Higginson Disklok UK Mr Peter Higham Ms Emma Higham Euromedia Sir/Madam J L Hill Mr Sid Hill Adlington Amateur Rugby League Club Ms Karen E Hill Tecseal Ltd Ms Val Hilton Mr Joseph Hilton Alan Davies (Stainless) Ltd Mrs Doreen Hindle Chorley Panthers Amateur R L Club Mr Jonathan Hindle JWPC


Ms Chrissie Hirst Playmates Ms Laila Hocking Total Damp Proofing Ms Julie Hogan Clayton -le -Woods Community Centre Mr Robert Holden Mr Michael Holden A6 School of Motoring Mr Stephen Holden G & S Auto Electrical Services Ms Wendy Holden Impressed Dry Clea ners Mr J Holden Northern Trust Company Limited Mr John Holding J T Holding & Son Mr Damien Holdstock Consultant Town Entec UK Ltd (on behlaf of National Grid) Planner Councillor Steve Holgate Councillor Chorley Council Mr David Holland Mrs M Holland John Goulding & Co Mrs Nanette Holliday Mrs J Hollows Mr William Holmes J Rainford & Sons Ltd Mr D. A. Holt Ms Karen Holt Community Drug Team Ms Gill Holt Lancashire County Council Learning Difficulties Mr D B Hoole Mr M Hopkins Partner King Sturge LLP Ms Carol Horlock Adams Holmes Association Sir/Madam K Hornby Regent Hosiery Factors Mr B Horrocks Brian Horrocks Fabrications Mr Harry Horsely Cllr Ian Horsfield Parish Councillor Anderton Parish Council Sir/Madam Major Hosting Mr A Hough Mr Graham Hough Mr & Mrs C Hough Sir/Madam M W & G Hough Mr Simon Hough Project Carillion Morgan Sindall JV Construction Manager Mr D I Houghton Brysdale House Mr Anthony Houghton Hoghton Bowling Club Mr Lance Houghton Head of Sales, Homes and Communities Agency North West Team Mr Christopher Howard Ms Lynne Howard Mr Stephen Howard Stewart Longton Caravans Ltd Ms S Howarth Barclay & Mathieson Ltd Sir and L Howarth Crosse Hall Residents, Healey Nab Madam Mr Allan M Howell Lynbrook Office Supplies Ltd Cllr Donald Hoyland Parish Councillor Coppull Parish Council Mr Lindsay Hoyle MP

Mr Steve Hoyle Managing Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Director Mr Alan Hubbard Nat ional Trust Mr James Hubbard Withnell Fold Sports & Social Club Miss J Hudson Lancashire County Netball Association Mr Mark Hughes Chief Executive North West Development Agency Ms Marilyn Hughes Unit Two Systems Mr Ian Hunter Ms Joyce Hunte r Hunter Car Delivery Service Mr Jason Hurley Crumplezone Multimedia Ms Alyson Hurst Delma Developments Dr C Hutchinson HM Inspector Health & Safety Executive (Explosives) Councillor Keith Iddon Councillor Chorley Council Mr David Ikin Mr Peter Iles Lancashire County Council Archaeology Service Ms Pauline Ince North West Specialist Building Supplies Ltd Ms Susan Inglis Wheelton & Brinscall Bridleways Association Sir/Madam G Iozzi Fresco Fresco Mr S Irving Landmark Information Group Ltd Miss Elaine Jackson Mr & Mrs Jackson C N Jackson Astralux UK Ltd J H Jackson Chorley RUFC Mr Martin Jackson Commercial & Business Supplies Ms Amanda Jackson Tigerfish Public Relations Mr Graham Jagger Premier Plumb ing & Electricals Ltd Mrs R Jam Steer Ethelston Rural Ltd Ms Jennifer James Mr Bill James Beta Associates Ms Sarah James Partnerships Chorley Council Manager Ms Amy James HOW Planning Ms Kerry James Kerry James Planning Mr Roy Jefferson MA Director of Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council Mphil MRTPI Planning & Engineering Mr Chris Jeffrey Alfred Hulme Mr Steven Jeffries Ready Mixed Concrete (NW) Ltd Mr David Jenkins Achroma Co UK Mr Richard Jennison Chairman CPRE, Chorley Mr Joh n Anthony Johnson Mr R Johnson Joiner & Builder Mr Peter L Johnson Environmental Services Chorley Mr D P Johnston Harrison & Taylor Mr Johnstone Coppull TV Servicing Mr David Jolly Mr Malcom Jolly


Dr Janet Jones Mr Ronald Jones Mrs Janet Jones Mrs L Jones Chorley Raqueteers Mr Alwyn Jones Coppull Junior Bowling Club Mr Shaun Jones Farrell Heyworth Estate Accounts Mr Ian Jones I Cars Mr B K Jones North West England Conservancy, Forestry Commission Mr Allan W Jones Porter Lancastrian Ms Michelle Jones Rivington Park Independent School Sir/Madam A E Jones The Beeches Nursing & Residential Home Councillor Kevin Joyce Councillor Chorley Council Mrs Kathleen Judge Mr Paul Kavanagh Mike Eng land Timber Co Ltd Mr Ian Kearney Ms Lorraine Kearney Stagecoach Theatre Arts School Mr Andrew Kearns Celebration Electrical Wholesalers Mr John Kearton Mr Paul Kellett Action for Blind People Mr Bryan Kellett Cavendish Upholstery Ltd Mr Brian Kelly Regional Brothers of Charity Services Director of Services Mr Peter Kennedy Drumbeat Mr Geoff Kenyon Mr Gordon Kenyon Kenyon Planning Mr John B Kerfoot Leyland Leisure Sales Trailer Centre Ms Laura Kettle G L Hearn Mr Gra ham Keyte Euxton Villa Football Club Councillor Hasina Khan Councillor Chorley Council Ms Hasina Khan The Asian Women's Forum Mr M J Kilbride MJK Design & Build Ltd Mr Killin David J Killin & Co Ltd Mrs Jean Killingbeck Mr Alan Kind LARA Mr Peter Kinloch Kingprint Limited Mr Phil Kirk Secretary Chorley & District Natural History Society Mr George Kirkby Hoghton Recreation Club Mr W. E. Knaggs Mr Mr Paul Knight Shaw Hill Hotel Golf & Country Club Sir/Madam T Knowles Pu ddletown Pirates (USL Trading Ltd) Sir/Madam M Kordowski Inta Cornici Mr Ron Kucharski Motorun Service Centre Ltd Mr Nick Laister RPS Mr John Lamb Coordinator Central Lancashire Friends of the Earth Mr Graham Lamb Assistant G L Hearn Pro perty Consultants Planner Mr Stephen Lancaster Land Director Persimmon Homes Mr Laurie Lane Planner CB Richard Ellis Ltd

Mr J A Lang A Lang & Son Mr Tony Lang RT Design Sirs A B Langley Bamber Langley Milner Mrs Langrish Greenside Landscapes Mr Ro ger Lathom Mrs J K Lawrenson Councillor Paul Leadbetter Councillor Chorley Council Mr Neil Leadbetter Clerk Tarleton Parish Council Mr & Mrs C Leap Mr David Lee Deep Clean Services Ms Barbara Leech Councillor Roy Lees Councillor Chorley Council Mr Chris Leighton Director Peacock & Smith Ms E Lester Wheelton & Brinscall Bridleways Association Mr John Lewis Coppull Youth & Community Centre Mr Andrew Leyssens United Utilities Property Solutions Mr R.S Limmer Ms Leona Lindars Sly Glass Mr Michael Linfoot Mr Simon Lister Garden Grooming Ms Helen Little Policy Advisor, National Farmers Union Environment and Land Use Mr A Livesey Mr GH Lloyd Bishop Rawstorne C of E Language College Mr Keith Lloyd Ken Moore Construction Services Ms Joanne Locke Sir/Madam H G Locke Federation of Builders Mr Tom Lockwood Architectural Technologist Ms Helen Lockwood Chief Executive Rossendale Borough Council Mr Robin Logie Mr Jim Longbottom Cuerden Vall ey Park Trust Mr Brian Longton Mr Larry Longton Heskins Ltd Mr Lord Mr David Loughlin CDF Supplies Mr Nic Loughlin The Pines Hotel & Hawthorns Bar & Grill Mrs Hilary L Lowe Councillor Adrian Lowe Councillor Chorley Council Counc illor Marion Lowe Councillor Chorley Council Mrs E Lynch Sir/Madam C J Lyon Bentley Nurseries Mr John MacCallum Planning Bell Ingram Design Limited Consultant Ms Janet Maggs Ms Francis Maguire Mr John Maher Bleeper Services Mrs Morna Maines Adactus Housing Group Mr Simon Mair P. Wilson & Company


Mr Ivor Makinson Beaumont Partnership Mr David V Maltman DVM Pigments & Additives Ltd Mr Maqalibhai Operations Stagecoach Ribble Director Mr Chris Markham Chorley Mid -Week Cri cket League Mr Alastair Marsden Mr & Mrs Alan & Evelyn Marsden Ms Louise Marsden Project Manager Contour Housing Group Ltd Ms Dorothy Marsden N R Marsden & Son Father Francis Marsden Roman Catholic St Mary's Church Mr Kevin Marsden W Ma rsden and Sons Mr Paul Marsden W Marsdens & Sons Mr David Marshall Mr Warren Marshall Bellway Homes Ltd (Liverpool) Sir/Madam G Marshall Marshall Demolition Ltd Mr Chris Martin Mrs June Martin Mr Michael Martin Communications Mai ntenance Services Mr Matthew Martin H & A Prestige Packing Co Ltd Mrs Martin Housing & Care Services Mr Alan Martindale Mr & Mrs D Martland Rev Andrew Mashiter Ms Gill Mason Lancashire Playing Fields Association Mr David Massam Mr Paul Mather Chorley Buccaneers American Football Mr George Mather Porter Lancastrian Limited Mr Chris Matthews Mrs H A Matthews Ms Joanne Mawdsley Mr Paul Mawdsley The Mawdsley Consultancy Mr Andrew Mawdsley Thomas Mawdsley Mr Steve Mawson Steve Mawson & Associates Ms Bernice Mayor D Mayor & Son Mr Henry Mayor John H Mayor & Sons Ltd Mr Steve McBride Open Access Youth Council/ Youth Bank Team Leader Mr Alan McCabe Adams & Co Accountants Ltd Mr William McCann Ms Joanne McCarthy Furious Wolf Design Ms Denise McCaughtrie Polestar Creative Ltd Sir/Madam W McClymont Chorley Car Care Centre Mr Alistair McCracken Droyt Products Ltd Mrs D McDermott Eccleston Bowling Club Sir/Madam M McDonald Mr Christie McDonald Steven Abbott Associates LLP Mr Brian McGowan JKS Heating & Plumbing Supplies Ltd Ms Caroline McGuinness Lancashire Locations Sir/Madam W McKenna McKrisps Caterers

Mr Paul McKenna Newbury Print Ltd Mrs Deborah McLaughlin Di rector North Homes and Communities Agency West Mr Alan McLeod Ms Diane McMillan Mr Colin McMillan Rytetype Limited Mr Terry McMullan Terry McMullan Paving Ltd Mr Paul McVeigh Sir/Madam M Meagher Gleadhill House Stud Ltd Mr A Meakin Mrs Sheila Meegan Mr & Mrs David Melhuish Chair CADNWA Mr James Melling Mr K Mellis Mrs Jean Mellor Sir/Madam M Menheniott Mr Peter Mercer MBE National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups Mrs V E Midgley Section The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain Secretary Mr David Miller bloc Limited Mr David Miller Planning Bovis Homes Manager Mr John Miller Community Chorley & South Ribble PCT, Public Health Worker Directorate Mr Alan Miller Fibreglow (UK) Ltd Sir/Madam K Mil ler Ken Miller (Wheelton) Ltd Mr John Miller Project Oscar Mrs Joanne Millington Mr Malcolm Millward Euxton Cricket Club Mr David Minton Mrs Anita Misson Clerk Bispham Parish Council Mr Dan Mitchell Barton Willmore Ms Ruth Mitchell Clayton Brook Community Group Mrs Joanne Mitchinson Mr Stewart Moffatt Ideal Car Supermarket Sir/Madam B Molyneaux Charnock School of Motoring Councillor June Molyneaux Councillor Chorley Council Mr Ian Monk Mrs Ellen Monk Winstanley Mrs Rosina M Monks Mr & Mrs A Moore Ms Geraldine Moore Chief Officer Age Concern Lancashire Ms Gillian Moore Kenmor Construction Products Ltd Ms Elizabeth Moran Thermagas plc Councillor Greg Morgan Councillor Chorley Council Rev David Morgan Church of England Mr J P Morgan Morgan Brothers (Chorley) Ltd Mr Martin Morgan Post Office Counters Ltd


Mr Reg Morley Natural & Historic Environment Service - Highways and Environmental Management Mr David Morris Ms Jacqueline Morri s Mr Henry S Morris Morris Quality Bakers Sir/Madam C Morris Prolec Automaton Services Sir/Madam S Mosalski Welding & Site Services Ltd Mr John Moss Mr Ronald Moss R P Smith & Co Mrs Kate Motley Proprieter Parr Hall Farm Mr F.J Mould Mr Gregory Mullarkey Wallwork & Co Mr P A Mulrooney Clerk Samlesbury & Cuerdale Parish Council Councillor Michael J Muncaster Councillor Chorley Council Mr T I Munn Head of Town Royal Mail Property Holdings Planning Mr Jerome Munro -Lafon URS/ Scott Wilson Councillor Steve Murfitt Councillor Chorley Council Mr N Murgatroyd St Chads Bowlers Mr Noel Murphy North British Landscapes Councillor Beverley Murray Councillor Chorley Council Mr Ian Murray The Hoghton Players Mr Vaseem Nawaz Mrs Olive Neal Mr Mr V J Neill Roadworks British Telecom plc Planning Manager Mr David Nelson Mrs Keren Nelson Ms Judith Nelson Regional Planner English Heritage Sir/Madam B E Newell Shackerley (Holdings) Group Ltd Sir/Madam B G Newe ll Station House Boarding Kennels Mrs Angela Nicholls Clerk Mawdesley Parish Council Ms Caroline Nichols K A Nichols (Electrical) Ms Alison Nicholson Mr Chris Nicolson Financial NIS Group Director Mrs P M Nightingale Ms Anna Nixon Smith Tenon Mr Philip Noblett Elmwood Construction LLP Mr W D Noblett Sec & Dir of Lancashire County Council Medical Operations Committee Mr Brian Norris B & CA Norris Mr H Norris Eccleston Cricket Club Ms Claire Norris Lambert Smith Hampton Mr St eve Norris Lancashire Wolverines Ms Lorainne Norris Chief Executive Preston City Council Sir/Madam S Norris SLR Linings Division of Rema Tip Top UK Ltd Mrs Angela North

Mrs Louise Nurser Planning Lancashire County Council Minerals and Manager Waste Mr Eric Nuttall Mrs M Nuttall Mr Mike Nuttall Chief Executive South Ribble Borough Council Mr Tony Oakes Oakes & Co Ms Judith Oatley Elixir Beauty Salon Sir/Madam M C Oats Malcolm Oats Associates Ltd Sir/Madam D O'Brien Firecraf t Fireplaces Sir/Madam R Odell Logma Systems Design Ltd Mrs I O'Donnell Clerk Lathom Parish Council Mr M Ogden Mick Ogden Diesel Ms Sue Ogden SOS Mr Mike O'Hara Dalziel Ltd Mr Darren Olane Mr Matt Olley Bovis Homes (Northern) Ltd Mr Mark O'Neill True Bearing Ltd Mrs S Orchard Womens Institute Mr Derek Ormerod Mr D Ormerod D & G Builders & Joiners Ltd J Ormrod Mr Michael O'Sullivan Clayton Community Football Club Mr Alex Owen Crown Stage and Theatre Services L td Sir/Madam K Owen Reeds Rains Ltd Mr Michael Oxley Mr Roy Page Prime Resorts Ltd Sir/Madam R Palmer Lands Shell UK Limited Adminstrator Mr Ian Parker Clearwater Consultancy Ltd Mrs M Parker European Care (UK) Ltd Sir/Madam G Parkin Parkin Plant Services Ltd Ms Dea Parkin The Competitive Edge Mr Ron Parkinson Charnock Richard Cricket Club Mrs Mary Parkinson Chorley Marlins Associated Swimming Club Sir/Madam K Parmee Mr Mark Parr Mark Parr Promotions Mr Jonathan Parson s JMP Consulting Mrs Amanda Partington Clerk Ulnes Walton Parish Council Ms Nighat Parveen District Team Operations Manager, Chorley and South Manager Ribble Youth Peoples' Service Mr Ayub Patel The Dosti Men's Forum Ms Rachel Patterson Dev Plan UK Mr Garry Payne Chief Executive Wyre Borough Council Mrs C Pearson Clerk Blackrod Town Council Mr Philip Peet Ms Andrea Peet Ian McCarthy Haulage Mr Richard Percy Steven Abbott Associates Councillor Mark Perks BEd (Hons) Councillor Chorley Council


G Perry Mr Patrick Phillips Councillor Pauline Phipps Councillor Chorley Council Ms Eloise Pickles Jewson Ltd Mr Tony Pickup The Quality Assurance Association Ms Rachael Piers Sanders & Weatherall Mr & Mrs D Pilkington Sir/Madam D Pilkington Assembled Joinery Ltd Sir/Madam M Pilkington Pilkington Oils Ms Kathryn Pilling Stanley H Cross & Co, Solicitors Mr Alister J Pimlott Blackmoor Garage Mr D Platt Bill Beaumont Textiles Councillor Alan Platt Councillor Chorley Council Mr Alan Platt Clerk Croston, Eccleston & Heapey Parish Councils Mrs Debra Platt Clerk Euxton & Astley Village Parish Councils Mr Robert Platt Hybrid Power Ltd Sir/Madam R Ponting Mr Reginal D Pope Anchor Trust Mr Symon Porteous Lovell Jones Mr Mark Porter ASC Timber Supplies Ltd Mrs Sue Potter Ms Sue Potter Ms Margaret Potts Mr Chris Powell Ms Sue Powell North West Housing Forum Mr Michael Powell Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Discover Leisure K Prattley Mrs M Prayle Computer Projects Ltd Mr Marc Preedy Ms Ruth Preger Accent Project Solutions Mr Anthony Prescott DP Cold Planing Ltd Mr W T Preston Chorley & District Sunday League Mrs Maureen Price Clerk Anderton Parish C ouncil Sir/Madam K C Priespner Bell Ingham Ms Maria Pritchard Vic Crompton Ltd t/a 007 Chimney Lining Services Mr John Probert Mr John Proctor Mr Trevor Proctor Mr N Proctor Pinewood Veterinary Practice Mr Derek Prout Croston Su bscription Bowling Club Mr Nigel Pugstey The Planning Bureau Limited Mr Richard Purser DPP Mrs Lorna Purslow Mr M Putsey Principal Preston City Council Planner, Planning Department

Mr Michael Putt Mr Quinn Quinn & Co Mr K Ramsbottom Mr Gary Ramsbottom Gabbro Developments Ltd Mr Peter Ramsbottom Jacquard Weaving Co Ltd Mr Dennis Ramsdale Chorley Sporting Club Sir/Madam H E Randall H E Randall & Son Mr Michael Rawcliffe Rawcliffe's of Chorley Mr Rob Rawlinson Aclan d Bracewell Surveyors Ltd Sir/Madam J K Rawlinson Kirkdale Construction Services Ltd Mr Dan Rear Mawdesley Cricket Club Sir/Madam W Redmayne Readyplant Ltd Sir/Madam M A Redshaw Acland Bracewell & Co Mr F C Reeves Mr J Reeves Reeves Coa ch Services Mr Simon Reid Chorley Cleaning Services Mr Jim Reynolds Croston Black Horse Bowling Club Mr Keith Richard Calsoftware Mr Peter Richards LDF Team West Lancashire District Council Leader Mr John Richardson Mrs Linda Richardson Ms Gill Richardson The Pub Estate Company Limited Sir/Madam Chris Rider BBC Radio Lancashire Mr Dennis Riding Ms Gillian Riding Mrs S Riding Jobcentre Plus Mr Stephen Rigby Esselle Sports Management Mr Steve Rigby RE Developmens L td Ms Jean Rigby Rigby & Partners Mr Karl Rigby Social Inclusion Consultant Mrs E M Rimmer Heskin Village Hall Mr Steve Rimmer Howdens Joinery Co Mr Chris Rinder Next Generation Clubs Ltd Mr Les Roberts Mr N Roberts Mrs Mary -Eliza beth Roberts Mrs J Roberts Casuals Badminton Club Ms Chris Roberts Cliff Walsingham & Company Ms Hilary Roberts County Palatine HA Mr John Roberts Roberts & Co Ms Lynne Roberts The Café @ Cedar Farm Mr Richard Robinson Aquajet Machini ng Systems Ltd Mr Keith Robinson Chorley Civic Society Mr Robinson Leyland Filtration Ltd Sir/Madam A Robinson Recognition Express -Bolton Madam Alison Robinson Runshaw Adult College Sir/Madam J M Robinson S Ollerton Ltd Mr Stephen Robson Homes and Communities Agency


Mr B Rogers Councillor Dave Rogerson Councillor Chorley Council Mr Jeff Rollason Mrs R Rooney Frederick's Ice Cream Ltd Mr Richard Root Ms Jackie Rose Halifax plc Mr Alistair Rose Lancashire Care NHS Trust Ms Laura Ross Stewart Ross Associates Mr Jack Rostron J Rostron Solicitors Mr G N Rothwell Station Commander, Chorley Fire Station Ms Dorothy Rowe Mr Bill Rowland Mr John Rowland Ms Louise Rowland Bailprint Labels Limited Ms Clare Rowles Matthews & Goodman P& A Rowley Ms Dianne Royce Euxton Hall Hospital Mr Paul Ruby Chorley Electrical Traders Ltd Mr Stephen Rudd Mr Steve Rumbelow Chief Executive Burnley Borough Council Councillor Geoffrey Russell Coun cillor Chorley Council Councillor Rosemary Russell Councillor Chorley Council Mrs J Rutlidge Doodles Day Nursery Ms Vivienne Ryan Professional Employee Relations Consultancy Ms Samantha Ryan Turley Associates on behalf of Redrow Homes (Ltd) Sir/ Madam E T Rylance E Rylance & Sons Ltd Mr Mohammed Sajid Muslim Welfare Society Mr Richard Salisbury Mrs W Salvage Adlington Church Together and St Paul's Amateur Players Mrs Wendy Salvage Secretary, Adlington Churches Together Ms Katya Samokhvalova Assistant NJL Consulting Planner J Samways Mr Nick Sandford Regional and The Woodland Trust Local Government Officer Mr Frazer Sandwith King Sturge LLP Mr Paul Sawbridge Alfa Travel and Leisureplex Ltd Ms Elizabeth Scarisbrick Ms Louise Scawthorn Chorley Guardian Mr Robert Schofield Evans Halshaw Mr David Scholes Mr Adam Scott Stratigic Director Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council of Regeneration & Environment Mr Marshal Scott Chief Executive Ribble Valley Borou gh Council

Sir/Madam T Seddon Coppull Moor Lane Nurseries Mr Paul Sedgwick Sedgwick Associates on behalf of Hollins Strategic Land LLP Mr R. E Semley Mr Mohammed Shah Mr Jonathan Sharp Land4Homes Ms Shirley Sharp P Messenger Concrete Products Sir/Madam C Sharp USL Trading Ltd Mr H K Sharples Mr Paul Sharples Ms Janine Sharratt Domino's Pizza Mr C Shaw Specialised Training Mr Brian Sheasby Planning and Lancashire County Council Review Officer Mr Mike Sherrington Sen ior Architect Peter Dickinson Chartered Architects Mr Robert Sherry Robert Sherry & Associates Ltd Mrs J Shorrock Mr Ian Shorrock Blackmores Ltd Mr Phillip Shovelton Ms Jill Shovelton Mr Paul Shuker White Young Green Ms Katherine Shuttleworth Mrs Gillian Simmonds Mr Peter E Simmonds Inland Waterways Association Mr John Simpkin English Partnerships Mrs Caroline Simpson Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Mr P Singleton Kevills Solicitors Mr Alastair Skelton Steven Abbott Associates LLP Ms Susan Slamon Mrs Amanda Sloan Mr Peter Smellie Clerk Anglezarke Parish Council G B Smith Mr Richard Smith Mr Shaun Smith Mr Stuart Smith Ms Sheila Smith Sir/Madam C Smith Secretary AGMA Sir/ Madam J C Smith Blakedale Ltd Mr Shaun Smith Boatel Party Cruises (Chorley) Ltd Mr C J Smith C J Smith Chartered Quantity Surveyors Ms Susan Smith CGS Signs Mrs E A Smith Chorley Friends of the Earth Mr J G Smith Hon Secretary Chorley Histor ical & Archaeological Society Mr Graham Smith Development Planning & Design Services Mr Alex Smith Town Planning Gazeley Properties Manager Mr Paul Smith Land & Planning George Wimpey Manchester Director Ms June Smith Harrison Road Garage


Mr Chris Smith Indigo Planning Ltd Mr C Smith J S Design Associates Ms Joanne Smith Lancashire County Archaeology Service Ms Joanne Smith Lancashire County Ecology Service Mr A Smith Norweb Electric - Estates & Wayleaves Department Ms Sarah Smith Paul Butler Associates Mrs E L Smith Clerk Pleasington Parish Council Ms June Smith Primrose Brides Sir/Madam B Smith Rufford Printing Co Mr Hughie Smith The Gypsy Council Mr Mark Smithies Mr Mark Geoffrey Smithies Mr Alan Snape Mr Eric Snape Councillor Joyce Snape Councillor Chorley Council Councillor Kim Snape Chorley Council Councillor Ralph Snape MBE Councillor Chorley Council Mrs Sandra Sobee Help the Homeless Mrs Wendy Sockett Senior Planner Colliers Internationa l Sir/Madam C G Southern Mawtec Systems Ltd Mrs Glenys Southworth Clerk Bretherton Parish Council Mr Ron Southworth Homes Pets and Gardens Mr Bill Sparnon 1st Investments Ltd Mr Eric Spencer Mr Kerry Springham Presenting Solutions Ltd Mr Mark Squires Mr Steve Staines FFT Planning Sir/Madam F Stallard Ms Stanton Mr Steve Stebbings Lancashire Constabulary Ms Lynne Steen Heskin Hall Antiques Mr Tony Stevens Land and Redrow Homes (Lancashire) Limited Planning Manager Ms Margaret Stewart MC & MA Stewart (Haulage) Ltd Mrs Still Stills Decorators Ms Jeannie Stirling Mrs C Stobbs Bramblewood Nursery Mr Paul Stock North Country Homes Group Limited Sir/Madam P A Stock Pincroft Dyeing & Printing Co Ltd Ms Lorraine Stones Pipers Day Nursery Mr Reverend Michael Storr United Reformed Church Sir/Madam J M Strange JMS Transport Mr Straughton Ms Janet Street Mr John Brian Stringer Charnock Richard Football Club Sir/Madam N Stringfellow Stringfellow Building Contractors Ltd C Sturgess

Mr John Sturt Osbourne Clarke on behalf of ASDA Stores Limited Mr Simeon Stuttard Withnell United Football Club Mr Jon Suckley Associate HOW Planning Sir/Madam L D Summons National Town Post Office Property Holdings Planning Manager Mr Rupert Swarbrick Chair Lancashire Rural Steering Group, Lancashire Economic Partnership Ms June Sweeney Direct Display & Exhibitions Ltd Ms Margaret Sweeney Williams School of Motoring M. A. Swift Sir/Madam J Swinscoe Rallytech Composite Engineering Mrs Glenys Syddall Clerk North Turton Parish Council Mr Andrew Szczepanczyk Mr Martin Talbot Visual Concepts UK Ltd Mrs P Tattersall Mr Francis Taylor Mr John Taylor Mr John Taylor Mr John Taylor Mr W. J. Taylor Mr & Mrs A Taylor Mrs Jean Taylor Ms Maureen Taylor Mr Lee Taylor Charnock Richard Golf Club Ms Janice Taylor Chorley & S Ribble Crossroads Mr Andrew Taylor David Wilson Homes Ms Caroline Taylor Emery Planning Partnership Ltd Ms Suzy Taylor H J Banks & Company Limited, Banks Development Division Mr Ken Taylor Ken Taylor Auto Electrical Services Mr Robert Taylor Plot of Gold Ltd Sir/Madam A Taylor Taylor Transformers Ms Karen Taylor The Diverse Cleaning Co Ltd Mr W J Taylor Chief Executive West Lancashire District Council Mr Michael Taylor -Waring CFA Ms Donna Telford Malthouse Farm Ms Carol Temby Park Hall Hotel Mr Dave Terry Miss Gwyneth Thomas Mr Chris Thomas Chris Thomas Ltd, Outdoor Advertising Consultants Ms Chantel Thomas Community Power, Powergen Ms Lisa Thomason Impression Design Mr Alan Thompson Mrs Marie Thompson Ms Norma Thompson Alexandra Kindergarten


Mrs A Tho mpson Brindle Badminton Club Mr John Thompson Engineering -Support Co UK Ms Sandra M Thompson Finishing Touch Mr Andrew Thompson Morris Homes Ltd Mr Philip Thompson The Planning Bureau Limited Mr Malcolm Thomson Malt Consultants Mr Andrew Thorley Strategic Land Taylor Wimpey UK Limited Manager Mr Mark Thorne TESCO Mr Mervyn Thornhill Mr Brian Threlfall Sir/Madam G Threlfall Talon Nonsk Ltd Mr Sebastian Tibenham Pegasus Planning Group Mr Alan Tickle Walker & Tickle Mr Miles Timperely Director of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Facilities and Estates Ms Sarah Tinsley And the Kitchen Sink Sir/Madam C Titherington Stomhouse Ltd Mr David Toft Planning & Landscape Associates Ltd on behalf of Doorway to Value Mr Adrian Tolan Mr Barry Tollefson Ms Janice Tomlinson Mr John Tootell Planning Northern Trust Manager Ms Annie Topping Assistant Chief NHS Foundation Trust Executive Ms Danielle Toward Chorley Ladies Football Club Mr Arnold J Tracey Mr James C Trebilcock Mr Terry Trelfa Sweeper Hire/B & T Tippers Ltd Mrs Alison Truman Area Planner, British Waterways North Westand North Wales Mr A Tunstall Mr Paul Tunstall JWPC Ltd Ms Teresa Turnbull Mr Turner Mr Pete r Turner Mr Howard Turner Adlington Welding Supplies Ltd Mr Gordon Turner Alan Gordon Engineering Co Ltd Ms Pauline Turner Chorley Nissan Mr Steven Turner Coffee Stop Ms Sheila Turner D & S Turner Ms Angela Turner Jones Day Ms Jo Tur ton Director Lancashire County Council Sir/Madam C Tweedle Westcliffe Homes Ltd Mr Martyn Twigg Colin Buchanan & Partners Mr John Twinn Project Manager Villages in Partnership

Mr David Tye Paul Butler Associates on behalf of Village Heritage Homes Mrs K Tyrer Sage Cottage Properties t/a Shaw Hill Golf Ms Elizabeth Tyson Mr Munir Uddin Daisy Takeaway Sir/Madam S K Uddin Trishna Takeaway Mr Phillip Unsworth Mrs Beverley Unsworth Mr Adam Unsworth Chorley Environmental Acti on Group Mr Peter Van Aardt Plasma Profiling Ms Ann Vanner Mason Gillibrand Architects Sir/Madam M Vitali M V Graphics Mr Jonathan Vose Rapleys LLP Mr Mike Vost Ms Natalia Waddington Alarms 4 You Mr Peter Wagstaff Evergreens Badminto n Club Mr Paul Wainwright Operations Stagecoach in Lancashire Manager Mr John Walkden Jorgus Carpets Sir/Madam M N Walkden Naylor & Walkden Ltd Councillor John P Walker Councillor Chorley Council Mr A J Walker Crusty's Sandwich Bar Mrs Phil Wal lroth Kaemingk UK Mr Michael Walmsley Councillor Paul Walmsley Councillor Chorley Council Mr Philip Walmsley Walmsley Associates Ltd Mr A Walsh Sir/Madam P Walsh Empress Timber Mr Marcus Walsh Whittle Jones Mr Cliff Walsingham Clif f Walsingham & Company Mrs G Walters Chorley Ladies Rounders Mr David Walton Ms Sarah Walton Mr F R Wand County Librarian Lancashire County Council Mr Thomas Warbrick T Warbrick Heating & Plumbing Mr Peter Ward Mrs Mollie Ward Mr S Ward Thermadyne Industries Ltd Mr R A Waring Sir/Madam P Waring Charity Farm Caravan & Camping Park Mr Keith Warren Chairman CADNWA Mr Darren Watmough Mr Philip Watson Ms J Watson Ms Paula Watson Sirs M Watson Estate Adv isor Defence Estates Mr Tom Watson Chair PAICE Mr Chris Watts GVA Grimley Ltd MS Anne Watts St Laurence's Parish Centre


Ms Susan Wawrzyniak E & H Baxendale Ltd Mr D Wayne Clayton PTA Mr Steve Weaver Chief Executive Blackpool Borough Council Mr Ben Weaver Wood Frampton Ms Sarah Webb Sharples Davies Limited Mr D A Webber Mr Toby Webber Chorley Council of Faiths Mr Michael Wellock Director Kirkwells - Town Planning and Sustainable Development Consultants Mr David Welsby Managing Hyndburn Borough Council Director Mr Zac West Ms Zara West Ms Gillian West Wrekamendid Services Ltd Mr Paul Westhead Mr George Whelan Pupil St Bedes School Mr K Whitaker Ms W White Headteacher Holy Cross Catholic High School Mr J Wh ite J White Plastering & Tiling Ms Lynda White MLC Travel Ltd t/a Travel Mercedes Mrs Eileen Whiteford Clerk Clayton -le -Woods Parish Council Ms Kath Whitehead Deafway Mr Daniel Whitney Planning Mosaic Town Planning Consultant Mr Alan Whittaker Clerk Heskin Parish Council Mr Andrew Whittaker Permavision Ltd Mr Frank Whittaker Town Planning Consultants Mrs H Whittaker Whittaker Training Associates Mrs Sue Whittam Clerk Farington Parish Council Mr Mark Whittle Kestrel Windows Ltd Mr St uart Whittle Planning and Design Mr Alan Whitworth Money Matters Mr David Wignall Ms Emma Wilcock White Young Green Mr Daren Wilde Phoenix Radiators Mr Brian Wilding Chordale Wine Merchants Mr S Wildman Fusion Online Limited Sir/Mada m N Wilkinson H & E Abbot Glass Ltd Mr Ian Wilkinson Step N Style Hair Studio Mrs W.K Willeard Mr D F Williams Mr K Williams Business Bradford & Northern Housing Association Procurement Manager (NW) S L Williams Goodyear and Williams Ms Sarah Williams Indigo Planning Ltd Mr Tim Williams Strategic Land Miller Homes Manager Mr David Williams Paul Butler Associates

Mr Tony Williamson Holystone Properties Ltd and Ince Williamson Mr Peter Willmott Mr Richard Wilshaw DPP Dr R A Wilson Mr & Mrs J Wilson Mr &Mrs Mark Wilson Mrs Susan M Wilson Ms Linda Wilson Ms Sarah Wilson Mr Simon Wilson Land Executive Arley Homes Mr Hugh Wilson Bridgewater Meeting Room Trust Mr Tom Wilson BRT Bearings Li mitd Councillor Peter Wilson Councillor Chorley Council Mr Alan Wilson Chair Chorley Pensioners' Association Mr G A Wilson En Qar Ltd Mr Chris Winard Mr Michael John Wingeatt Mr Dennis Winn St George's Church Hall M Winstanley Mr Winstanley Mr & Mrs H Winstanley Mr K Woan Chairman Chorley and District Natural History Society Mr Stephen C Wood Mr & Mrs P Wood Mr Ged Wood Bygone Times Trading Ltd Ms Ella Wood GVA Grimley Ms Julie Wood Wilcock's Farm Car avan Site Mr & Mrs R Woodcock Sir/Madam J W Woodcock Bonney Greenhalgh & Co Ltd Miss Ann Woodhouse Clerk Cuerden Parish Council Mrs Edna Woodrow Clerk Heath Charnock Parish Council Mr David Woods Ms Bernadette Woods Indigo Planning Mr Philip Woodward Chief Executive Fylde Borough Council Mr & Mrs J H Woollard Mrs Mary Wootten Ms Karen Worswick Eye Designs Ltd Mrs Betty Worth B Worthington Ms Joy Worthington Mrs J Worthington Chorley Lift and Crane Service s Ms Joy Worthington D & W Motors and Eccleston Aviation Ltd Mrs D R Worthington Womens Institute Ms Anne Wray Anne Wray Independent Financial Adviser Ms Mel Wray Secretary Chorley & District Chamber of Trade Mr Ian Wray Chief Planner North West Development Agency Mr Sam Wrennall E W Wrennall Contractors Mr M Wright Boyd Wright Projects Limited


Mr John Wright Regional Places for People Development Manager Mr Matthew Wyatt Planning JWPC Limited Assistant Mr F R Yardley FRICS Planning Reeds Rains Director Mrs Hilda Youd Mr Trevor Young Title First Name Surname Job Title Organisation Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sean and Sam Sir/Madam Sir Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Chris Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir Sir/Madam Phil Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam

Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam M Davies Sir C Reid and S M Sir/Madam Jones Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Sir/Madam Mr Steven Abbot Sir/Madam R and M Abel Mr David Abrahams Ms Jenny Adam Mr Greg Adam Mrs Elaine Adams Sir/Madam V Adamson Mrs M Adamson Ms Lynda Adamson Mr Arthur Addison Mrs Ann Addison Mr Scott Ainge Mr & Mrs B Ainscough Assistant Sir/Madam Sabaa Ajaz Planner United Utilities, Property Services Mr Robert Allen Mr Brian Allman Chairman Ramblers Association (Chorley Group) Ms Sheelagh Almond Mr Jeff Almond Mr Andrew Almond Mrs Kath Almond Mr & Mrs H Alston Ms Lorraine Alty Mr Nick Ames S and D Sir/Madam Whitehead and Family S Bellew, E Sir/Madam Broadhurst and Family Sir/Madam M Anderson Sir/Madam K Anderton Mr Allan Anderton Miss J Andrews Sir/Madam R Andson Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr Simon Anten


Mr Simon Antwis Mr T Anyon Sir/Madam A Armstrong Mrs Lousie Armstrong Mrs Yvonne Arpino Sir/Madam D Arrowsmith Mrs Christine Arrowsmith Sir/Madam M Arrowsmith Mr Derek Artis Mr & Mrs William Ashall Mr John Ashcroft Mrs Cheryl Ashcroft Mrs Patricia Ashcroft Sir/Madam P W Ashley Sir/Madam M P Ashman Mrs Sue Ashrafi Mr Sakhr and Mark Ashrafi Mr Andrew Ashton Mr W Ashton Sir/Madam M Ashurst Mr James Graham Ashworth Mr Andrew Ashworth Mr & Mrs C & T Aspden Mr B Atherfold Ms Cynthia Atherfold Mr William Atherfold Sir/Madam J Atherton Mrs Lesley Atherton Parish Clerk Whittle-le-Woods Parish Council Sir/Madam David Atkins Sir/Madam Sarah Atkins Mrs Kathleen Atkinson Mrs S Atkinson Miss Jill Atkinson Mr Steve Ayre Mr David Bailey Lea, Hough and Co Ms Kathryn M Baker Mr Jeffrey Ball Sir/Madam A Ball Mr Stuart Ball Miss P.F Ball Miss Lily Ball Mrs Christine Ball Miss Ivy Ball Miss P.A Ball Mrs Debra Balshaw Mr Paul Bamber Mr Adam Bamber Mr John Bamber Mrs Marilyn Bamber

Ms Rebecca Bamber Mr Matthew Banks Mr Paul Barber Sir/Madam Neil Barker Mr Keith Barker Mrs M. A. Barker Mr Norman Barker Mr Paul Barker Mrs Andrea Barnard Mr Paul Barnes Mrs Kath Barnes Mr Stewart Barron Mrs Lynda Barron Mr Richard Barton Principal Planner HOW Planning LLP Ms Sara Bate Mr Brian Bateman Mr & Mrs M & J Bateson Mr George Batt Mr Christopher Baybutt Ms Gail Baybutt Mr Jon Bazeley Mr Norman Beasant Mrs M Beatty Mr Nigel Bebbington Mr Ben Bedford Mrs Caroline Bedford Assistant Group Mr Graham Bee Planner The Emerson Group Mr Christopher Beech Mr Michael Beech Mr Peter Beesley Mr Steve Beet Mr Stephen Bell GVA Ltd Borough Councillor James Eric Bell Councillor Mr Stephen Bell GVA Ltd Mrs Barbara Bellingham Principal Mr Stephen Benge Planning Officer West Lancashire Borough Council Mr Tom Bennett Mr Michael Bennett Sir/Madam C Bennett Mr A Bennett Mr D Bentham Dr Roger Bentley Mr Andrew Berry Mr Steven Berry Sir/Madam L Bevis Mr David Bibby


Mrs Jean Bibby Mr & Mrs Biel Sir/Madam Bigwood Bigwood Chartered Surveyors Ms Abigail Birbeck Mrs Gillian Birbeck Mr Simon Birbeck Mr Sam Birbeck Mr Matthew Birbeck Mrs Birchall Sir/Madam M and D Birchall Sir/Madam L and I Birchall Sir/Madam S and V Birchall Mr Matthew Birkinshaw Senior Planner Pegasus Planning Group Limited Mr Matthew Birkinshaw Senior Planner Pegasus Planning Group Mr Matthew Birkinshaw Senior Planner Pegasus Planning Group Mr Matthew Birkinshaw Senior Planner Pegasus Planning Group Ltd Mr Matthew Birkinshaw Senior Planner Pegasus Planning Group Mr Michael Birtwhistle Mr and Mrs A Birtwistle Mr Daniel Blackledge Mr Jeremy Blackwell Blakeman- Mrs Samantha Wallace Mr Michael Blaney Graduate Mr Jonathan Bloor Planner HOW Planning LLP Mrs Joy Boden Mr Keith Boden Ms Nancy Boevon Ms Joan Bonneywell Sir/Madam R.G & L Boon Associate Ms Rebecca Booth Planner Leith Planning Ltd Mrs Beryl Booth Mr John Booth Sir/Madam V Booth Associate Planning Ms Rebecca Booth Director Leith Planning Limited Mrs Ilene Booth Borough Councillor Judith Boothman Councillor Mr Joseph Boswell Mr William Boswell Mr Thomas Boswell Sir/Madam J Bothamley Mr Ian Bottoms Sir/Madam B Boult Mr Graham Boult Ms Jean Boult

Mrs Adele Bourne Mrs Ann Bower Mr & Mrs K & B Bowker Mr David Bowl Coach Education Mr Darran Bowles Officer Bolton Wanderers FC Ms Janis Bowyer Borough Councillor Alistair Bradley Councillor Mr Steve Bramall Ms Julie Bramall Sir/Madam A and C Brandwood Sir/Madam K Breackell Regional Operations Mr John Briddon Director Co-operative Food Mrs L Bridge Mrs Donna Briggs Mr M J Briggs Mr Ronald Brimelow Mr & Mrs Bromilee Managing Mr Michael Bromley Director Tunit (BVS Ltd) Mrs Joan Bromley Mr H Brooks Mr John Brooks Mr Martyn Brooks Sir/Madam C Broughton Ms Rachel Brown Mrs Gayle Brown Ms Elaine Brown Sir/Madam P Brown Mr Stewart Brown Mr Frederick Brown Mrs Lesley Brownlee Mr and Mrs M Brownley Mrs Judy Bruck Director Woodfit Ltd Mr Robert Bryce Ms Hannah Bryce Sir/Madam Alex Bryce Mrs Valerie Bryce Sir/Madam C Buckley Senior Planning Mr Robin Buckley Manager Redrow Homes Lancashire Mr R Bulcock Sir/Madam S Bullen Mr & Mrs R Bullen Mr Oliver Bullock Sir/Madam Kate Burgess


Mrs Diane Burns Mr Brian Burns Mrs Beryl Burns Mr & Mrs Burns Ms Adele Burns BHS Lancashire County Bridleways Ms Judith Burton Officer LCC Ms Kim Burton Planning and Local Authority Miss Rachael Bust Liaison The Coal Authority Sir/Madam R and G Butterfield Mr Mike Butters Mr Alan Butterworth Mrs Alice Butterworth Mrs Shirley Butterworth Mr John Butterworth Mr Peter Cahill Mr David Cahill Planning Officer Lancashire County Council General Mrs Andrea Cail Manager Derian House Children's Hospice Mrs Allison Cain Sir/Madam Winifred Calderbank Sir/Madam V and J Calderbank Mr Adam Callaghan Mr Stuart Callaghan Mr Rod Campbell Ms Adele Capaldi Mr Mark Capaldi Mr John Carr Mr John Carr Mrs Lillian Carr Mr Thomas Carrington Sir/Madam M Carson Sir/Madam Rose Carter Planning Liaison Mr Philip Carter Officer Environment Agency Mr and Mrs E and P Carter Miss Vanessa Carthy Mr J Cartwright Mrs Kay Paula Cartwright Borough Councillor Pat Case Councillor Mrs Michelle Castle Mr Simon Catterall Mr John Caughey Mrs Anne Caughey Mr Neil Caunce

Mrs Linda Caunce Mr David G Caunce Mr Joe Caunce Ms Charlotte Caunce Ms Elizabeth Caunce Ms Nicola Caunce Mr & Mrs J Caunce Mrs Natalie Caunce Mrs Maureen Caunce Mr Ian Caunce Sir/Madam M Chadwick Mr Bryan Chadwick Mr Peter Chadwick Ms Sheila Challenger Ms Andrea Chalmers Sir/Madam Emma Chamberlain Mr Thomas Chamberlain Mr & Mrs Chambers Sir/Madam G Chapman County Councillor Samuel Chapman Councillor Lancashire County Council Sir/Madam G Charlson Mr Robert Charmer Mr Simon Cheetham Ms Sharon Cheung Mr Tony Christopher Mr & Mrs E Churchill Sir/Madam P Clark Mr David Clark Mr Mike Clarke Sir/Madam J Clarke Mrs Sue Clarkson Mr Martin Clarkson Mr and Mrs Joseph Clawson Mr David Cleary Mr & Mrs Daniel & Nicola Clegg Miss Dolores Clegg Ms Lorna Clemans Mr David Clifford Sir/Madam B Clough Sir/Madam A Cochrane Mrs Mary Cole Mrs Janet Cole Mr & Mrs A Cole Mr Michael Cole Gregory Gray Associates Sir/Madam E Coleman Mr Ellis Collier Mr Richard Collier Ms Charlene Collins


Mr Christopher Collins Chorley Congregation of Jehovah's Mr Stephen Connell Witnesses Ms Sarah Connolly Mr & Mrs Conroy Sir/Madam A and C Conway Mrs Carole Cook Mr Harry Cook Mr James Cook Mr Stephen Cook Mrs Sharen Cook Miss Clare Cooke Mr Stephen Cooksey Sir/Madam Nicky Cookson Sir/Madam J L Cookson Sir/Madam Sam Cookson Mr Peter Coote Sir/Madam Joanne Corbett Mr Cyril Cordwell Mrs Doreen Cordwell Mr & Mrs C Cork Mrs Colette Cornwell Mrs Judith Corrigan Mr Geoffrey Corry Mrs Julie Corry Ms Janet Cosgrove Sir/Madam K Costello Mr Andrew Costello Miss Rebecca Cotterall Dr C and E Cowburn Sir/Madam S and A Cox Ms Diane Coyle Mrs Linda Crabtree Sir/Madam Natalie Crawford Mr Andrew Crawford Mr Keith Crawshaw Sir/Madam M Critchley Mr Mike Critchley Miss Ruth Critchley Mr John Crompton Ms Julie Crompton Mr Simon Crompton Mr Paul Crompton Mrs Carolyn Cross Parish Clerk Charnock Richard Parish Council Mr Eric Cross Sir/Madam H and H Cross Mr & Mrs Crosthwaite Mrs Linda Crouch Town Clerk Adlington Town Council Mr Adam Crowther

Mrs Colette Crowther Dr Alan Crowther Ms Suzanne Cubbon Mrs Patricia Cuerden Sir/Madam J. A. Cullen Miss Vanessa Culshaw Mr Andrew Cunliffe Mr M Cunningham Cunningham Planning Mrs Bev Cunningham Sir/Madam C Curley Mr Stan Currall Mr Jon Dagger Mr Martin Dainty Ms Joanne Dale Mrs Margaret Dandy Mr Nick Daniel Mr Andrew Davidson Mr Don Davidson Mr and Mrs Davies Sir/Madam D R Davies Mr Nick Davies-Brown Mrs Julie Davies-Brown Mr R Davison Mrs Carol Dawson Ms Yvonne Day Mrs Helen De La Mare Managing Mr Marco De Pol Director De Pol Associates Ltd Mr Tim Dean Fox Land and Property Ltd Mr Gary Dearden Mr Mike Dearden Mrs Margaret Dearden Ms Sandra Delaney Mr Mark Delaney Sir/Madam R Denver County Councillor Michael Devaney Councillor Lancashire County Council Mr Anthony J Dewhurst Mr & Mrs Dewhurst Mr Graham Dickinson Ms Jane Dickman Dickman Associates Ltd Mr Ian Dickson Mr Greg Dickson Planner Turley Associates Associate Mr David Diggle Director Turley Associates Mr John Dimsdale Vice Chairperson Friends of Healey Nab Ms Leslie Dixon Mrs Rosemary Dixon Mr Albert Dobbie


Sir/Madam M R Dobson Mr Iain Dodsworth Sir/Madam J Domella Sir/Madam S Donaghy Mr & Mrs Donnellon Sir/Madam M Donohoe Ms Kathryn Dooley Ms Tracy Doran Ms Ellie Downes Mr & Mrs Dowthwaite Mr Michael Doyle Ms Ann Drinkwater Mr Oliver Drinkwater Sir/Madam G Driver Sir/Madam S Duckworth Sir/Madam T Duddie Mrs Kirsty Dudman Mr Andrew Dudman Sir/Madam B Duerden Sir/Madam C Duff Sir/Madam J Duff Ms Amy Duff Mr and Mrs Duff Mrs Constance Betty Duffin Owner The Pines Hotel Sir/Madam Leah Duffy Conservation Mr David Dunlop Officer The Wildlife Trust Mr and Mrs Dunn Mr Michael Durkin Mrs Linda Durkin Ms Susan Durrad Sir/Madam R Dyson Mr D Earlam Mrs Sarah Eastham Mrs A Eaves Sir/Madam S and D Eckersley Mrs Patricia Jean Edge Mr Chris Edge Associate Barton Willmore Borough Councillor Dennis Edgerley Councillor Mr & Mrs Edmondson Ms Karen Edwards Mrs Susan Edwards Parish Clerk Coppull Parish Council Sir/Madam D B Edwards Mr Neil Edwards Mrs Doris Edwards Sir/Madam D Eldrige Miss Samantha Ellel Ms Louise Ellison

Mrs Kirsty Elston Mr Stuart English Mrs S Entwistle Mr Donald Entwistle Mr Thomas Evans Sir/Madam P Evans Mr Jonathan Evans Assistant Safeguarding Mr Chris Evans Officer Ministry of Defence Mr Ian Facer Mr & Mrs Thomas Fahey Sir/Madam F Fahlin Sir/Madam W Fairclough Mr Andrew Fairclough Hon. Secretary Adlington District Community Assoc Sir/Madam A & M Fairclough Miss Jacky Fairclough Mr A Fairclough Mr & Mrs Fairhurst Mrs Hayley Farnworth Mr Chris Farrell Farrimond- Mrs Clare Waring Sir/Madam W. A. Farrington Mr James Farrow Ms Lindsey Farrow Mr James Farrow Mrs Marie-Therese Feaney Mr & Mrs C. L. Fearnley Mr Peter Fenemore Ms Sarah Ferguson Ms Mildred Fernandez Mr Ciaran Feste Robert & Mr & Mrs Margaret Fielden Ms Jacci Fielding Ms Mary Fifer Mrs D Fifoot Mr Fifoot Mr Steve Fifoot Mrs M. E. Finch Mrs Linda Finch Mr Martin Fisher Eccleston First The Carrington Centre Mr Martin Fisher Chairperson Campaign Mr Brian Fisher Mr Sidney Fisher Mrs Susan Fishwick Sir/Madam P W Fishwick Mr Robin Fitzgerald


Ms Geraldine Fitzgerald Mrs Carole Fletcher Mr Mark Fletcher Sir/Madam J Fogarty Sir/Madam E Foley Mr H W Forgarty Mr & Mrs C Forrest Sir/Madam S Forrest Mr John Forrester John Forrester Ltd Senior Planning Mr David Forshaw Manager Northern Trust Co Ltd/Metacre Ltd Sir/Madam M Forsyth Sir/Madam E Foster Ms Sandra Foster Mr Mark Foster Manager (Technical Regeneration North, Countryside Properties Mr Andrew Fox Standards) (UK) Ltd Mr Robert Fox Mrs Lynne France Mr James Freaney Planning Policy Ms Rose Freeman Officer The Theatres Trust Mr William Fulster Sir/Madam K M Gallagher Mrs Joan Gardener Dr Shelagh Garnett Ms Alexandra Garnett Sir/Madam F Garside Mr E Gartside Mrs Ana Garty Mrs Caroline Gee Mr N Gee Mr Keith Gerrard Mr John Gething Mrs Nadia Ghaffoor Mr S Ghatar Mrs Hazel Gibson Mrs Gibson Croston W. I Sir/Madam A D Gick Mrs Nicola Gilder Mr & Mrs Peter & Janet Gilding Mr Andrew Gilgun Miss Tracy Gilgun Mr Peter Gilkes Peter E Gilkes & Company Sir/Madam S Gimenez Mr Bruce Glaister Mr Bruce Glaister

Development Mr Simon Godley Manager Bolton Council Mr Norman Gold Mr John Barry Goldsbrough Mr Martin Goldup Mr Colin Goldup Ms Olga Gomez Cash Mr Stephen Good Mr Dennis Goodman Managing Mr Geoffrey Goodyear Director Ms Simone Goosey Mr Mark Gordon Miss Christina Gordon Ms Rosie Gorman Sir/Madam S E and S A Gorst Ms Dee Gough Gowdy and Mrs Jean A family Sir/Madam J A Gratton Mr Robert Grayson Mrs Mary Grayson Mrs Elizabeth Green Sir/Madam P Green Mr & Mrs Green Mr Jeff Green Mr Andrew Greenhalgh Sir/Madam S Greenhalgh Mrs Alison Greenhalgh Sir/Madam J Greenhalgh Sir/Madam L and M Greenwell Mr Graeme Greenwood Mrs Norma Greenwood Mr & Mrs Gregg Sir/Madam J Gregory Sir/Madam M and C Gregory Mr John Gregory Ms Amy Gregson Mrs Judith Griffin Mrs Kath Griffiths Mr Mark Griffiths Sir/Madam S & D Grime & Mildett Sir/Madam Pat Grimshaw Sir/Madam D Grisdale Ms Sandra Grogan Mr s Grundy Mrs Diana Guy Mr Geoffrey Guy Mr George Guye


Mr Neil Guyton Sir/Madam M Haddak Sir/Madam P Hailwood Ms Jean Haisley Mrs Sarah Haisley Mr & Mrs R Hall Planning and Conservation Ms Elise Hall Adviser Natural England Ms Jo Hall Mrs Sue Hall Mr Simon Hall Mr Nick Hall Mr Ron Hall Mrs Maureen Hall Mr David Hall Mr & Mrs Halshall Ms Bethany Hamer Mr Ian Hamer Mr Christopher Hamer Mr Stewart Hamer Mr Daniel Hamer Town Planner Lea Hough & Co Mrs Sara Hamer Mr W. D. Hampson Mrs Lesley Hampson Ms Lena Hamre Mr Michael Hanrahan Borough Councillor Alison Hansford Councillor Mr Peter Harding Mrs Louise Hardman Mr F Hardstaff Mr Bob Hardwick Mrs Mary Hardwick Sir/Madam N Harford Mr & Mrs Harlow Mr Darren Haroman Sir/Madam J R Harper Mr & Mrs Harrigan Mr Frank Harrington Frank Harrington Associates Mr G Harris Sir/Madam J Harris Ms Rhona Harris Sir/Madam S A Harris Mr Frank Harrison Blackburn Road & Great Knowley Residents Mr John Harrison Chairman Association Mr Anthony Harrison Mr William Harrison SKC Leisure

Miss M Harrison Sir/Madam B and N Harrison Mr John Harrison Mr John Harrison Borough Planner West Lancashire Borough Council Mr and Mrs Harrison-Holt Mr Elliot Harrison-Holt Mr Stuart Hart Mr & Mrs Hart Mr & Mrs D Hart Mr Adrian Hart Sir/Madam E Hart Mr Michael Hartley Mr Andy Hartley BME Community Development Ms Nicola Jane Hartley Worker Making Space Sir/Madam M Hartley Ms Deanna Hartley-Davis Sir/Madam G, Z and L Harwood Mr Paul Haslam Sir/Madam R Haslam Mr A Haves Mrs June Haves Mrs Jacqueline Hay Mr J Hayes Mrs M Hayes

Mr John Haythornthwaite Ms Sandra Hazeltine Mrs Kathleen Heald Chartered Mr Michael Healey Insurer Miss Linda Heaps Mr J Heaps Mr Harold Heaton Sir/Madam Koren Heaton Mr Darren Heaton Mr Gary Heaton Mr Christopher Heaven Mr W. F Hebblethwaite Mr Chris Hebson Lead Adviser, Land Use Operations Mr Stephen Hedley Team Natural England Ms Alison Heine Heine Planning Consultancy Mr Mike Heming Project Manager Fox Strategic Land & Property Ltd Ms Andrea Hemingway Company Mr George Hemingway Director Professional Amusements Ltd


Mr Malcolm Henderson Mrs Irena Henderson Mr D Hesketh Sir/Madam R Hewitt Sir/Madam A Heyes Sir/Madam R Heyes Mr Philip Heyes Sir/Madam D Heyes Sir/Madam Chris Heyes Mr Rick Hibbert Mrs Andrea Hibbert Sir/Madam P Higgingbottom Mr Hadrian Higginson Mr & Mrs H Higginson Mrs C Higginson Mr Peter Higham Sir/Madam H Hilton Mr Joseph Hilton Mrs Susan Hilton Sir/Madam E Hilton Mr David Hilton Mrs Hilda Hirst Sir/Madam Mavis Hitchen Mrs H Hocking Mr D Hocking Mr Dominic Hodges Mr Stephen Hodgson Mr Mark Hodgson Mr Darran Hodgson Mrs R Hodkinson Mrs Marie Hodkinson Sir/Madam R Hodson Sir/Madam G Hogarth Mr & Mrs Andy & Lisa Hoggard Mr David Holland Mr David Holland Mr Shane Holland Mrs Nanette Holliday Mrs J Hollows Ms Lesley Holt Mr D. A. Holt Sir/Madam E W Holt Mrs Alison Holt Mr Nigel Holt Mr Tony Hood Hooper and Mr & Mrs family Mr Kenneth Horne Sir/Madam D Horrocks

Mr Harry Horsely Councillor Ian Horsfield Anderton Parish Council Mr Carl Hough Miss Sian Hough Ms Joy M Hough Project Construction Mr Simon Hough Manager Carillion Morgan Sindall JV Ms Rebecca Hough Mrs Colette Hough Mrs Linda Hough Sir/Madam J Houghton Mr Terry Houghton Head of Sales, North West Mr Lance Houghton Team Homes and Communities Agency Mr & Mrs B & C Howard Mr Christopher Howard Ms Michelle Howard Mrs Deborah Jayne Howard Sir/Madam Alex Howarth Sir/Madam D Howarth Mrs Gwen Howells Mr Tony Howells Mr and Mrs Howells Sir/Madam M W Howorth Councillor Donald Hoyland Coppull Parish Council Managing Mr Steve Hoyle Director Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Mr Lindsay Hoyle MP Borough Councillor Catherine Hoyle Councillor Mr Alan Hubbard National Trust Mr Alan Hughes Mrs Hughes Mr & Mrs H and J Hull Mr Christopher Hull Strategic Planner Persimmon Homes Ltd Mr David Hulme Mr A. M. Humphrey Mr Peter Hunt Ms Pauline Hunt Mr Lee Huxley Mrs Hyde Mr John Iball Ms Amanda Iddon Mr Michael Iddon Mr Michael Iddon Mr David Ikin Lancashire County Council Archaeology Mr Peter Iles Service


Mr & Mrs John & Sarah Illidge Mr Ken Ingham Mr Damian Irisarri Sir/Madam L and C Ironfield Dr & Mrs E Isaac Sir/Madam E Whitehead and J Horlion Sir/Madam B P Jaborn Ms Audrey Jackson Mr Greg Jackson Sir/Madam J A Jackson Miss Elaine Jackson Mrs Claire Jackson Ms Jennifer James Ms Amy James How Planning Ms Sharon James Ms Victoria Jayne Mrs Margaret Elaine Jefferson Mr Richard Jennison Chairman Chorley CPRE Mrs Sheena Johnson Mr John Anthony Johnson Mr David Johnston Mr & Mrs D Jolly Mr Malcolm Jolly Sir/Madam Claire Jones Mr Peter Jones Mrs Sheila Jones Ms Jacqui Jones Sir/Madam Kathy Jones Sir/Madam M A Jones Mr Ronald Jones Mrs Sheila Jones Mr Peter Jones Mrs Deborah Jones Ms Andrea Jones Sir/Madam A Jones Mr Alan Jones Sir/Madam Chris Joy Borough Councillor Kevin Joyce Councillor Mr John Joyce Mrs Kathleen Judge Mrs M Kane Mrs Michelle Kaye Mr Ian Kearney Mr & Mrs Kearns Sir/Madam P Keene Mrs Lynne Kein Sir/Madam C S Kelly Mr Peter Kelly

Mr Peter Kelsall Sir/Madam G Kelsey Mr Colin Kendall Mr Ian Kennedy Sir/Madam G Kenny Glyn, Kath and Sir/Madam Arran Kent Mr Neil Kenworthy Mr Angela Kenyon Mrs Helen Kerr Mrs J Kerrigan The Lee Rigby Partnership Mrs Jean Killingbeck W.I. Croston Sir/Madam J King Mrs J King Mr Howard King Mrs Joanna Kirk Ms Sheila M Kirk Mr Denis Kirkham Mr John James Kitchin Mr Peter Kitching Sir/Madam V Kitson Mr W. E Knaggs Mr Tony Knight Mr Dieter Koch Christopher Mr Nicholas Kos Mr & Mrs Adrian Kwasnicki Sir/Madam J Gregory and L Cunliffe Ms Evie Lacey Mr Nick Laister RPS Mr Nick Laister RPS Mr John Lamb Coordinator Central Lancashire Friends of the Earth Mr & Mrs Lambert Dr Gillian Lancaster Mr James Lancaster Mr Robin Lancaster Sir/Madam Frances Lancaster Ms Carole Lane Mr Laurie Lane Senior Planner Turley Associates Mr Tony Lang Mrs Nicola Jane Langton Mr Stephen Langton Sir/Madam K G Latchford Mr James Lawrenson Mrs Julie Lawrenson Mr & Mrs Ian Lawson Mr Peter Lawson Mr Philip Lawton Mr D B Laycock


Mr Andrew Leach Mr Gerard Leach Borough Councillor Paul Leadbetter Councillor Mrs Margaret Leap Mr Christopher Leap Mr Kenneth Leap Mrs Jenny Leap Mr Thomas Leipe Wesley Roberts Sir/Madam and Lesley Hays General Dr Robert Letch Practitioner Sir/Madam M Lever Mrs E. Jean Lewis Mr Andrew Lewis Mr Brian Leyden Mr Jonathan Liddell Mr Daniel Lightening Mrs Sharon Lilley Mr & Mrs William Lindow Mr Michael Linfoot Mr Simon Lister Mr & Mrs P. J. Livesey Miss Laura Livesey Sir/Madam N Livesey Mr & Mrs Colin & Dorothy Livesey Mrs Julie Llewellyn Ms Joanne Locke Mr Brian Longton Mr & Mrs Longworth Ms Julie Loosemore Sir/Madam A Lord-Knowles Mr Peter Loughlin Mr Stuart Lovatt Mr & Mrs Lovett Sir/Madam Jeanette Lowe Borough Councillor Marion Lowe Councillor Borough Councillor Adrian Lowe Councillor Lundy and Mr and Mrs Family Mrs E Lynch Miss Gill MacDonald Mr Andrew MacDonald Mr Alex Mackenzie Ms Janet Maggs Ms Frances Maguire Vice Chair Clayton & Whittle Branch Labour Party

Sir/Madam Donna Maher Sir/Madam Peter and Jo Maher Mrs Frances Mainon Mr Simon Mair P. Wilson & Company Ms F Maitland Sir/Madam Janet Makinson Sir/Madam A Makinson Sir/Madam T Makinson Mr & Mrs Makinson Sir/Madam G Malley Mr Barry Manchester Mr Clive Manchester Mrs Marie Marland Dr Francis Marsden Priest St Joseph's, Adlington/ St Mary's, Chorley Mrs Marsden Mr Andrew Marsh Mr Chris Martin Sir/Madam E Martin Sir/Madam M and R Martin Mr Paul Martin Mrs June Martin Mr Alan Martindale Mrs Simone Martland Mr Daniel Martland Mr & Mrs Barry Mason Mrs Evelyn Mason Sir/Madam W Mason Mr Stuart Mason Mr David Massam Mr Trevor Massey Ms Denise Mather Sir/Madam G Mather Ms Sandra Mayers Mr Mike Maynard Mr and Mrs Mick and Kate Mayor Mr Paul McAllion Mrs Jackie M'Cartney Mr Paul McCabe Sir/Madam Irene McCarthy Mr Ian McClelland Mr Paul McCleod Mr Jed McCormick Mr John McCowan Mrs Marie McDermott Planning Consultant Mr Christie McDonald (Associate) Steven Abbott Associates LLP Mr Christie McDonald Steven Abbot Associates LLP


Planning Mr Christie McDonald Consultant Steve Abbott Associates LLP Sir/Madam E McEvoy Mr John McEvoy Mrs Georgina McGinty Ms Joanne McGirr Mr & Mrs John McIver Mr Jonathan McKeever Mr Chris McKenna Mrs Claire McKie Mrs Frances McKinney Director North Mrs Deborah McLaughlin West Homes and Communities Agency Mr Mark Mclean Sir/Madam M McNally Ms Bernadette McQuillan Senior Planner CB Richard Ellis Mr Paul McVeigh Miss Hollie Meadows Mr Meakin Mrs Sheila Meegan Mr & Mrs Mehta Mr & Mrs D Melhuish Chair CADNWA Sir/Madam E Melling Mr James Melling Melling and Mr & Mrs S Family Mrs Jean Mellor Mr William Keith Mercer Ms Gail Mercer Mr Peter Mercer Ms Josephine Mercer Sir/Madam R Merrick Mr Brian Merry Dr John Metcalfe Ms Karen Middleton Mr James Miller Mrs Allyson Miller Mr Ian Miller Mr Miller Mrs Joanne Millington Sir/Madam N Mills Mr David Minton Miskimmin- Dr Esme Lightening Mr & Mrs A Mistry Ms Beverley Mitchell Mrs Barbara Mitchell Mr Gordon M. A Mitchell Sir/Madam Irene Mitchell

Mrs Joanne Mitchinson Mrs Susan Mitten Ms Jill Moltman Borough Councillor June Molyneaux Councillor Mr and Mrs Molyneux Mrs Susan Monk Mr Nigel Monk Mr Ian Monk Monk Mrs Ellen Winstanley Mr Thomas Moore Mr Anthony Moore Mrs Suzanne Moore Mr Brian Moore Sir/Madam C Moran Ms Danielle Moran Mr Mark Moreton Borough Councillor Greg Morgan Councillor Mr Frank Morris Mr David Morris Mrs Anne Morris Mr Kieron Morrow Morrow Brothers Ltd Mr & Mrs L Morrow Ms Sandra Morrow Mrs Faith Moss Mrs Barbara Moss Mr Christopher Moss Mrs Kate Motley Proprieter Parr Hall Farm Mr Kurt Mueller Mr & Mrs I Mullett Mrs Julie Mullins Town Planning Mr Will Mulvany Consultant Sanderson Weatherall LLP Borough Councillor Mick Muncaster Councillor Chorley Councillor Sir/Madam M K Munro Councillor Steve Murfitt Mrs Christine Murphy Mr Cameron Murray Mr & Mrs D Murray Mr Dave & Stuart Naden Mr Clive Narrainen Sir/Madam A Neild Mrs Lee Nelson Mr David Nelson Ms Judith Nelson Regional Planner English Heritage Mrs Keren Nelson


Mr Kevin Newall Mr Paul Newall Ms Carys Newell Mr Richard Newson Mrs Christine Nicholls Sir/Madam D Nichols Mr Peter Nicholson Ms Alison Nicholson Ms Janet Niemiec Sir/Madam K Nighingale Mr & Mrs P Nightingale Mrs P M Nightingale Sir/Madam L Norris Mrs Angela North Sir/Madam J Nuttal Mr Stuart John Nuttall Mr & Mrs E Nuttall Mr Gary Oakes Mr Steven Oakes Mrs Barbara Oates Mrs B Oates Mr Malcom Oats Mr & Mrs O'Brien Mr & Mrs B Ogden Sir/Madam M and S Ogden Mr Paul O'Keefe Mr Darren Olane Sir/Madam P Ollerton Mr & Mrs G Olsson Mr David Onslow Mr Peter O'Riordan Mr Stephen Ormerod Sir/Madam J Ormrod Sir/Madam K Ormrod Mr A Ottley Mr Michael Oxley Sir/Madam M Packwood Mr Frank Paden Ms Jenny Page Head of Planning Beacon Planning Ltd Sir/Madam M Paget Miss Caroline Palin Mrs Joan Palin Mr Richard Palin Mr T F Pammen Mrs Gilphin Pardoe Mr Mick Parker Mr & Mrs Parker Sir/Madam A Parker Sir/Madam H Parker

Miss Caroline Parker Mr and Mrs Parkinson Sir/Madam S Parkinson Ms Gillian Parks Mrs Christina Parnell Mr Mark Parr Mrs Kelly Partington Mrs Amanda Partington Parish Clerk Ulnes Walton Parish Council Sir/Madam C Patterson Mr Denis Payne Mrs Elaine Pearse Sir/Madam K Pearson Sir/Madam C E and M T Peel Mr Stephen Peel Mr Tony Peera Mrs Doreen Peers Mr Philip Peet Mr & Mrs B Pennington Sir/Madam June Penwick Ms Audrey Perfitt County Councillor Mark Perks Councillor Lancashire County Council Sir/Madam G Perry Ms Linda Peters Mrs Jennifer Peterson Pharaoh Mrs Caroline Hesketh Mr Patrick Phillips Borough Councillor Pauline Phipps Councillor Sir/Madam M D Pickering Mrs Beth Pickup Mrs Angela Pilkington Mr David Pilkington Sir/Madam L Pimbley Mrs Majory Pinkett Mrs Debra Platt Parish Clerk Euxton Parish Council Borough Councillor Debra Platt Councillor Chorley Councillor Mr Michael Platt Mr Alan Platt Parish Clerk Eccleston Parish Council Mr Alan Platt Parish Clerk Croston Parish Council Borough Councillor Alan Platt Councillor Chorley Councillor Mr Alan Platt Parish Clerk Heapey Parish Council Mr and Mrs Pope and Family Sir/Madam J Porch Mr Bill Porter Sir/Madam B Porter


Mr Anthony Porter Mrs Sheila Potts Ms Margaret Potts Mr Richard Potts Sir/Madam B Poulton Miss Sally Powell Mr Michael Powell Pegasus Planning Group Mr and Mrs Pratt Sir/Madam K Prattley Mr Marc Preedy Sir/Madam Marjorie Prescott Sir/Madam D Prescott Mrs Christina Preston Mr Derek Price Ms Maureen Price Mr John Probert Mr John Proctor Mrs Lorna Purslow Mr Michael Putt Mrs Jayne Quinn Sir/Madam E W Radford Mrs Marilyn Raeburn Mr S. T Rainford Sir/Madam S M Rainford Mr Philip Rainford Mrs Paula Reid Mr T Reid Sir/Madam C & A Renshaw Mr James Renshaw Mr & Mrs Ribchester Sir/Madam A Richardson Mrs Linda Richardson Mr Philip Richardson Mrs Louise Richardson Ms Shelley Richardson Mrs Barbara Ridding Ms Gillian Riding Mr Ian Riding Ms Carole Riding Mrs Alison Rigby Mr and Mrs N Rigby Mrs Katrina Riley Mr Steven Riley Sir/Madam K Rimmer Sir/Madam L.M and P.A Roberts Sir/Madam B Roberts Mr Nigel Roberts Mr Les Roberts Mrs Nicola Roberts

Mrs Lisa Robinson Sir/Madam H Robinson Mr James Barrie Robinson Mr Antony Robinson Mrs Josephine Robinson Mr & Mrs B Robinson Sir/Madam E Robinson Sir/Madam J Robinson Mr Ian Robinson Mr Mark Robinson Mr & Mrs Robinson Mr John Robson Mr Stephen Robson Homes and Communities Agency Mr Dave Rogerson Mr Jeff Rollason Mr Richard Root Mr Anthony Roscoe Mr Gavin Rose Mr David Rostron Sir/Madam M Rothwell Mr Richard Rothwell Ms Joanne Rothwell Sir/Madam J Rothwell Mr Glenn Rothwell Sir/Madam G Round Mr John Rowland Mr & Mrs B Russell Borough Councillor Rosemary Russell Councillor Borough Councillor Geoffrey Russell Councillor Sir/Madam C Rutter Mr Frank Ryall Ms Samantha Ryan Turley Associates Sir/Madam Caroline Ryan Sir/Madam H Sadler Mr & Mrs A Sagar Homes and Communities Agency Mr Stuart Sage Area Manager (Manchester) Mr Martin Sales Mr Richard Salisbury Mrs Janet Samways Mr John Samways Mr Mark Sanderson Sir/Madam B Sandiford Sir/Madam L Santus Sir/Madam Mary Sawyer Sir/Madam Jeff and Mary Sawyer Mr David Schofield


Mr Malcolm Schofield Mr and Mrs Scholes Sir/Madam K and M Scholes Mr David Scholes Mrs Christine Scott Mrs Patricia Scott Mr Roy Scott Mr & Mrs Seddon Mr Paul Sedgwick Principal Sedgwick Associates Mr Paul Sedgwick Principal Sedgwck Associates Mr Paul Sedgwick Principal Sedgwick Associates Mr Paul Sedgwick Principal Sedgwick Associates Mr Paul Sedgwick Principal Planner Sedgwick Associates Mr Mark Seed Mr Ronnie Semley Ms Kathryn Senior Mr Mohammed Shah Ms Cheryl Shanks Mr Michael Shannon Mr Jonathan Sharp Land4Homes Ms Julie Sharpe Mr Paul Sharples Sir/Madam E Shaw Planning and Mr Brian Sheasby Review Officer Lancashire County Council Ms Shirley Sheldon Mr David Shepherd Sir/Madam D A Sherrington Mr Peter Shimmin Mr Michael Shires Mrs Jennifer Shore Mr Anthony Shorrock Ms Jill Shovelton Mr Phillip Shovelton Mrs Katherine Shuttleworth Sir/Madam A Shuttleworth Mr Richard Silverwood Mrs Gillian Simmonds Sir/Madam S A Simon Mr M Simpson Ms Caroline Simpson Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Mr & Mrs Sinclair ms Edna Singleton Mr Alastair Skelton Steve Abbot Associates Mrs A Skyner Ms Susan Slamon Sir/Madam A Smedley Sir/Madam J Smethurst Mr R J Smith

Mrs Louise Smith Mr Lee Smith Ms Irene Smith Mr David Smith Mr Stuart Smith Mrs Gillian Smith Mr Chris Smith Indigo Planning Ltd Mr G Smith Mrs Marion Smith Sir/Madam J Smith Mr & Mrs Smith Mrs C G Smith Mr Richard Smith Mrs Helen Smith Sir/Madam D Smith-Haughton Mr M.G. Smithies Councillor Joyce Snape Councillor Ralph Snape MBE Mr & Mrs Sofield Mr & Mrs Colin and Alison South Mr Raymond Southworth Mr Harold Southworth Mrs S N Southworth Mr & Mrs Soye Mrs Stephanie Sparrow Mr Matthew Speight Sir/Madam S and K Spence Mr Eric Spencer Mr David Spencer Ms Desrie St Louis Miss Joanne Stacey Mr Samuel Stafford Savills Mrs Deborah Stead Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Mrs Sarah Stephens-West Project Officer Foundation Trust Mr Mick Stewart Ms Jeannie Stirling Mr & Mrs Stirzaker Mrs Lousie Stockdale Mr Martin Stockdale Mr David Stott Mr William Strange Mrs Catherine Straughton Mr Straughton Mr Chris Studley Sir/Madam C Sturgess Mr John Sturt Osborne Clarke Mr Jon Suckley Associate HOW Planning Mr John and Lillian Suggett


Mr & Mrs Summer Mr Paul Sutton Miss Jessica Sutton Mr D. B. Swales Sir/Madam D O Swann Sir/Madam P & G Swarbrick Miss Chloe Sweeney Ms Marian Swift Mr Martin Swindells Sir/Madam S M Swires Mr Andrew Szczepanczyk Sir/Madam S Palin and T Ince Mrs Bernadette Tanham Mr Ian Tansey Miss Susan Tasker Sir/Madam Jennifer Taylor Mr Francis Taylor Sir/Madam Alan Taylor Mr W. J. Taylor Mr & Mrs E & K Taylor Ms Elaine Taylor Miss Caroline Taylor Mr Graham Taylor Mrs Maureen Taylor Mr Shaun Taylor Associate GVA Mr John Taylor Mr Jeff Taylor Mr John Taylor Mr Andrew Taylor Mrs Jean Anne Taylor Mr David Terry Miss Gwyneth Thomas Occupational Ms Christine Thomasson Health Nurse Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service Sir/Madam L Thompson M L and J Thompson Mrs Mavis Thompson Mr Andrew Thompson Mr Alan Thompson Mrs Marie Thompson Mr Mervyn Thornhill Sir/Madam C Thornton Mr Brian Threlfall Mr Sebastian Tibenham Pegasus Planning Sir/Madam A and I Tickle Mr Patrick Tiley Mr Stephen Timms Mrs A Tindall Mr George Tivey

Mr David Toft Planning & Landscape Associates Ltd Miss Rebecca Tohill Mr Adrian Tolan Mr Barry Tollefson Ms Janice Tomlinson Mr Michael Tommony Miss Pauline Tonge Planning Mr John Tootell Manager Northern Trust Co Ltd Mr Simon Toplis Assistant Chief Ms Annie Topping Executive NHS Foundation Trust Mr Alistair Toward Mrs Sarah Toward Mr & Mrs B & C Toward Sir/Madam Craig Rose and Tracey Barnes Mr Richard Travis Mr M Trevena Sir/Madam B Trim Sir/Madam L Trott Area Planner (North West & Ms Alison Truman North Wales) British Waterways Mr Brian Tunstall Mr A Tunstall Sir/Madam I Turnbull Sir/Madam J Turner Assistant Planning Miss Lindsay Turner Consultant De Pol Associates Ltd Mrs Fiona Turpin Ms Rebecca Turton Mr David Tye Paul Butler Associates Mrs Beverley Unsworth Mr Phillip Unsworth Sir/Madam S Unsworth Mr & Mrs Chris Upton Mr & Mrs Vessey & family Planning Mr Jonathan Vose Director Pegasus Planning Group Mr Mike Vost Mrs I Vujovich Dr & Mrs K Wade Sir/Madam P Waine Sir/Madam G Walkden Mr Mark Walker Mrs Angela Walker Borough Councillor John Walker Councillor Chorley Councillor, Chorley Council Mr & Mrs David & Marian Walker


Mr and Mrs T Wallbank Sir/Madam Sara Waller Mrs Marjorie Walmsley Mr Philip Walmsley Mrs Susan Walsh Mr & Mrs Peter and Pamela Walsh Mr David John Walsh Mrs Susan Lynn Walsh Ms Sarah Walton Wilfred & Mr & Mrs Margaret Walton Mr Thomas Walton Mr David Walton Mrs Mollie Ward Mr Peter Ward Mr Robert Wareing Mr & Mrs Geoff & Anne Warhurst Mrs Ruby E.A. Waring Mr Mark Waring Sir/Madam R Waring Mr Michael Warren Mr & Mrs Warren Mr and Mrs Warren Sir/Madam Helen and David Wasilewski Mr Darren Watmough Mr & Mrs Ian Watson Mr & Mrs Watson Sir/Madam M Watson Mrs Robyn Watson Ms Jane Watson Mr Paul Watson Ms Paula Watson Sir/Madam J E Webb Mr & Mrs Russell & Joyce Webster Mr Martyn Webster Mrs Lorna Webster Martin Whittle Sir/Madam and Wendy Gradwell Ms Zara West Mr Dave West Sales Executive Walton Summit Trucks Mr Zac West Mr & Mrs C Weston Sir/Madam J A Wheatley Mr John Frederick Wheeler Mr Jonathan Whitaker Sir/Madam Sam White Mr David White Mr Jason Whitefield Ms Eileen Whiteford Clerk Clayton-Le-Woods Parish Council

Mr John Whitehead Mr Ian Whitmore Planning Mr Daniel Whitney Consultant Mosaic Town Planning Mr Alan Whittaker Parish Clerk Heskin Parish Council Ms Shirley Whittaker Ms Amanda Whittle Mr Ian Whittle Mr Andy Whitwood Mrs Jennifer Whitwood Ms Joanne Whitworth Mr James Widdop Mr David Wignall Mrs M Wilcock Mrs Diane Wild Mrs Sylvia Wilde Ms Kathleen Wilkinson Sir/Madam Barbara Wilkinson Ms Sarah Williams Indigo Planning Ltd Mr Graham Williams Mr Trevor Williams Sir/Madam L Williams Mr Alan James Williams Ms Jane Wills Mr Richard Wilshaw DPP Mrs Alison Wilson Mr Gerrard Wilson Ms Linda Wilson Sir/Madam J and S Wilson Mr & Mrs Mark & Gail Wilson Borough Councillor Peter Wilson Councillor Mr Robert Wilson Mr J Wilson Mrs Eileen Wilson Mr Dean Wilson Mr Chris Winard Mr Michael John Wingeatt Mr & Mrs H Winstanley Ms Sheila Winstanley Mr Winstanley Mr Lee Winstanley Mrs Janet Winter Miss Rebecca Winter Mr Christopher Winter Mr & Mrs A Winterbottom Ms Betty Wolstencroft Sir/Madam J Wolstenurst Mrs Helen Wood


Mr Peter Wood Mr Derek Wood Miss Catherine Wood Sir/Madam D A Wood Mr & Mrs Roger & Sue Woodcock Ms Sarah Woodcock Mr Richard Woodford Partner HOW Planning Mrs Edna Woodrow Parish Clerk Heath Charnock Parish Council Mrs Gurby Woods Parish Clerk Mawdesley Parish Council Mr Howard Woods Mr Daryl Woods Miss Carole Woosey Mrs Glenis Woosey Mrs Mary Wootten Mr Simon Worrall Mr Paul Worrell Miss Helen Worth Mrs Betty Worth Mrs Margaret Wren Sir/Madam M J Wrennall Mr Michael Wright Sir/Madam P Wright Sir/Madam F Wright Mrs Judith Wright Mr Dave Wyche Mr & Mrs A & M Yarwood Sir/Madam J Yates Mr Paul Yates Mr & Mrs G Yates Mrs Hilda Youd Mr & Mrs A N Young Mr & Mrs N Young Mr William Young Mr Trevor Young

Appendix 6: Preferred Option consultees uncontactable

Titile First Name Surname Respondent Number Ms Judith Boothman 248 Sir/Madam A Heyes 1237 Mr Phil 502 Mr Norman Gold 133 Mrs Ilene Booth 158 Mrs Georgina Mc Ginty 271 Sir/Madam W Mason 771 Ms Sandra Foster 501 Mr Hardstaff 1241 Ms Audrey Perfitt 1272 Mrs A Eaves 1223 Mrs Beth Pickup 494 Sir/Madam K and M Scholes 1292 Sir/Madam L.M and P.A Roberts 1277 Sir/Madam P Keene 1224 Ms Sarah Connolly 188 Ms Charlotte Caunce 550 Ms Denise Mather 189 Ms Bev Cunningham 887


Appendix 7: Press and public consultation notices

Issues and Options December 2010 – January 2011

Chorley Guardian 2 February 2011 Chorley Guardian 2 February 2011

Chorley Guardian 26 January 2011 Chorley Guardian 19 May 2010

Issues and Options Parish poster Issues and Options Parish advertisemenmt

Euxton Parish Newsletter December 2010 Astley Village Parish Newsletter December 2010


Euxton Parish newsletter December 2010 Chorley Smile January- March 2011

Chorley Smile January- March 2011 Sites for Chorley Summary leaflet December 2010

Sites for Chorley Summary leaflet December 2010 Sites for Chorley Summary leaflet December 2010

Sites for Chorley Summary leaflet December 2010 In the Know elected Member ezine 19 November 2010


In the Know elected Member ezine 19 November 2010 In the Know elected Member ezine 14 January 2010

In the Know elected Member ezine 14 January 2010 Whittle-Le-Woods Parish website Winter 2010

Preferred Options September – November 2011

Chorley Smile October – December 2011 Chorley Smile October – December 2011

Chorley Guardian 7 September 2011


Publication October- November 2012

Chorley Guardian 24 October 2012