Occup Environ Med 1998;55:579–584 579

Correlation between the prevalence of certain Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.55.9.579 on 1 September 1998. Downloaded from fungi and

J Danny Cooley, Wing C Wong, Cynthia A Jumper, David C Straus

Abstract people in certain buildings in 1982. The first Objective—To examine the role of fungi in oYcial study of SBS that examined more than the production of sick building syndrome. one structure was published in 1984.3 Sick Methods—A 22 month study in the United building syndrome has been diYcult to define States of 48 schools (in which there had and no single cause of this malady has been been concerns about health and indoor air identified.1 quality (IAQ)). Building indoor air and Complaints common to SBS include allergic surface samples, as well as outdoor air rhinitis, diYculty in breathing, headaches, flu- samples were taken at all sites to look for like symptoms, and watering of the eyes.4 the presence of fungi or their viable prop- Numerous studies have been carried out in an agules. attempt to elucidate the cause of SBS.35Early Results—Five fungal genera were consist- studies showed that many of the reported ently found in the outdoor air and com- causes of SBS were undesirably high levels of prised over 95% of the outdoor fungi. known respiratory irritants such as nitrogen These genera were Cladosporium and sulphur dioxides, hydrocarbons, and 6 (81.5%), (5.2%), Chrysospo- , known or suspected carcinogens rium (4.9%), Alternaria (2.8%), and As- such as asbestos, radon, formaldehyde, and 7 pergillus (1.1%). At 20 schools, there were tobacco smoke, or chemicals being released by significantly more colony forming units new building materials. per cubic metre (CFU/m3) (p<0.0001) of Although fungal spores are universal atmos- propagules of Penicillium in the pheric components both indoors and outdoors air samples from complaint areas when and are now generally recognised as important 8–13 compared with the outdoor air samples causes of respiratory , there are few and the indoor air samples from non- studies showing which fungi and are 14 complaint areas. At five schools, there associated with IAQ problems. This study were more, although not significant was made possible due to our association with (p=0.10), Penicillium propagules in the air an IAQ company. The uniqueness of this study samples from complaint areas when com- was that the sites were made available because pared with the outdoor air samples and the school oYcials contacted the IAQ com-

the indoor air samples from non- pany. This allowed us access to all the samples, http://oem.bmj.com/ complaint areas. In 11 schools, the indoor data, questionnaires, and occupant generated air (complaint areas) fungal ratios were complaints from schools that were experienc- similar to that in the outdoor air. In these ing IAQ problems. 11 schools atra was isolated Although no one cause for the symptoms from swab samples of visible growth induced by IAQ problems is likely to exist, the Department of under wetted carpets, on wetted walls, or presence of fungi in sick buildings is becoming Microbiology and consistently associated with this problem.4 15–17

behind vinyl wall coverings. In the re- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Immunology, Texas Fungal contamination in indoor environments Tech University Health maining 11 schools, the fungal ratios and 3 has been shown to produce allergies in Sciences Center, CFU/m of air were not significantly 18 19 Lubbock, TX 79430, diVerent in diVerent areas. Many of the occupants of these buildings. Even though USA schools took remedial action that resulted the IAQ company’s investigations were broadly J D Cooley based and in depth, the presence of fungi was WCWong in an indoor air fungal profile that was similar to that outdoors. the primary focus of this study, in which we D C Straus present evidence for the role of Penicillium spe- Conclusions—Propagules of Penicillium cies and species in buildings with Department of and species may be associ- Stachybotrys Stachybotrys IAQ problems. Medicine, Texas Tech ated with sick building syndrome. University Health (Occup Environ Med 1998;55:579–584) Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX 79430, Keywords: fungi; sick building syndrome; indoor air Materials and methods USA quality; spores SURVEY PROCEDURES C A Jumper The 22 month study examined 48 schools that Correspondence to: were experiencing IAQ problems. These were Dr DC Straus, Department Reports about buildings with air related prob- in states along the United States Gulf of of Microbiology and lems have appeared increasingly often after the Mexico and the Atlantic seaboard. The sites Immunology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences early 1970s, although this problem has cer- were surveyed with the following criteria: 12 Center, Lubbock, TX 79430, tainly been with humans for centuries. Sick collection of building characterisation data USA. Telephone 001 806 building syndrome (SBS), a commonly used based on direct inspection and interviews with 743 2523; fax 001 806 743 term for symptoms resulting from problems building occupants; building characterisation 2334. with (IAQ), was first including measurement of temperature and Accepted 16 April 1998 recognised as an important problem aVecting humidity, examination of heating, ventilation, 580 Cooley, Wong, Jumper, et al

and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and transport to the laboratory or streaked undi- Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.55.9.579 on 1 September 1998. Downloaded from physical examination of the building; particu- luted on to agar pH 5.6 plates. At the

lates, CO2, and chemical measurements; in- laboratory, the swab tip was placed into a ster- spection of sites that had been wetted or ile tube containing 10 ml sterile phosphate showed mould growth; swab samples and air buVered saline and vigorously vortexed for one samples taken by an Andersen air sampler; and minute. Samples (100 µl) were pipetted on to administration of a questionnaire to building agar plates (pH 5.6) and spread with sterile occupants, or access to occupant generated rods. The plates were incubated at 22°C and complaints (letters to school oYcials) and 90% relative humidity for up to 14 days. The other complaint surveys conducted by other fungi were identified and the fungal growth on agencies—such as public health departments. the plates was estimated with the following cri- The questionnaire that was administered by teria: 0 CFU, no growth; 1–5 CFU, very light the IAQ company was designed to determine growth; 6–10 CFU, light growth; 11–30 CFU, the areas or rooms in which the occupants had medium growth; 31–50 CFU, heavy growth; complaints about the IAQ. The questionnaire and >50 CFU, very heavy growth. asked for such information as the nature of the complaint, symptom patterns, timing patterns, CARBON DIOXIDE MEASUREMENTS

and observations about building conditions The CO2 content of the air, expressed in parts that might explain the symptoms found. The per million (ppm), was monitored with a Ven-

questionnaire’s answers and comments, along tostat CO2 Sensor (Model 1070/1071, Telaire with the occupant generated complaints and Systems, Delspo, Sweden). surveys from other agencies, were placed into the following categories: (a) type of symptoms; CHEMICAL MEASUREMENTS (b) when do the symptoms start; (c) when do An independent laboratory was contracted by the symptoms go away; (d) when are the symp- the IAQ company to perform sampling for toms worst; (e); pre-existing symptoms (aller- various indoor air components such as formal- gies, , etc); (f) discomfort complaints dehyde, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, (noise, temperature, odours, etc); and (g) com- sulphur dioxide, and carbon monoxide. For- plaint areas (rooms). maldehyde samples were collected with a Non-complaint areas were also identified. Sensidyne/Gastec (Sensidyne/Gastec, Goleta, The minimum criteria for designation as a CA) collector in association with colorimetric non-complaint area were (a) all occupants, indicator tubes with a lower detection limit of whose primary location was the non-complaint 0.1 ppm. Nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, area, had no IAQ complaints, and (b) the sulphur dioxide, and carbon monoxide samples HVAC system was separate from any com- were collected with a MultiRAE PGM-50 gas plaint areas. sampling device (Rae Systems, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The collector was calibrated before MICROBIOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION sampling for each particular component. Out- Air samples were taken with a two stage door and indoor samples were taken in the

Bioaerosol Sampler (Model 2000 Andersen complaint and non-complaint areas. All sam- http://oem.bmj.com/ Samplers, Atlanta, GA, USA) at a calibrated pling was performed in accordance to the flow rate of 28.4 l/min for 5 minutes. During manufacturers suggested use. sampling, the Andersen samplers were placed about 1 m above floor level. Sabouraud’s Dex- MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICULATES, trose agar (SDA) pH 5.6 was used for air sam- TEMPERATURE, AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY pling and swab sampling. Plates were incu- Airborne particles were counted with an APC- bated at 22°C and 90% relative humidity (RH) 1000 Airborne Particle Counter (Biotest Diag- for up to 14 days. The isolated fungi were nostics, Denville, NJ, USA). The APC-1000 on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. identified with standard identification detects particles relative to four thresholds: techniques.20-23 Colony forming units per cubic >0.3, 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 µm. The APC-1000 also metre (CFU/m3) of air were calculated with the measures temperature and relative humidity. formula: CFU/m3 = (number of CFU / ((number of REMEDIAL ACTION IN BUILDINGS Any building materials that showed physical minutes sampled)(1 ft3/minute))) (35.3 ft3/m3) deterioration were removed and replaced. The total fungal CFU/m3 for each air sample Existing microbial contamination on intact and was calculated and the ratio for each organism structurally sound surfaces was cleaned and per sample was determined. The results were treated with an approved disinfectant. The entered according to the area that was sampled remedial measures to the HVAC consisted of (the outdoor air sample areas, the indoor air the removal of visible surface contaminants samples complaint areas or the indoor air sam- and the cleaning of air side surfaces of all inter- ple non-complaint areas) and the average nal air handling surfaces including, but not CFU/m3 and ratio, in terms of percentage, for limited to, fans, coils, drain pans, filter racks, each organism was determined for each area motors, dampers, and specific air ducts. Any examined. damaged or delaminated insulation within the Using sterile swabs, samples were taken from airducts being cleaned and sanitised was areas of visible fungal growth, HVAC systems, replaced. All work areas inside the air handlers, wetted areas, standing water, dead air spaces, air ducts, and equipment rooms were isolated and areas of dust accumulation. The swabs and kept under negative air pressure with high were either placed into sterile plastic bags for eYciency particulate arrestor filtered negative Fungi and sick building syndrome 581

Incidences per 100 employees (95% CI) of reported complaints and symptoms regarding indoor air quality (IAQ) at 48 United States schools between Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.55.9.579 on 1 September 1998. Downloaded from 1994 and 1996

Type of symptom Incidence 95% CI Type of symptom Incidence 95% CI Type of symptom Incidence 95% CI Nasal drainage and congestion 19.8 ±1.3 Discomfort complaints When are symptoms the worst? Itchy or watering eyes 14.3 ±1.1 Odorus 5.2 ±0.4 High humidity 12.0 ±0.9 Contact problems 5.6 ±1.2 Temperature (hot/cold) 7.2 ±0.1 Low humidity 0.0 ±0.0 Headaches 12.5 ±0.6 Noise 0.8 ±0.3 Spring 3.9 ±0.8 Sinus 10.3 ±0.5 Ventilation 6.1 ±0.3 Summer 0.0 ±0.0 Severe 3.4 ±0.4 Fall 2.7 ±0.6 Increased airway 14.3 ±1.0 Onset of symptoms Winter 4.5 ±0.5 Cough 6.5 ±0.6 Entering the building 3.4 ±0.9 Start of school 5.7 ±2.0 Shortness of breath 5.9 ±0.4 Working in the building 11.0 ±1.7 Morning 3.4 ±0.4 Sneezing 6.8 ±1.0 Start of school 11.3 ±1.9 Afternoon 1.1 ±0.3 Dizziness 2.2 ±0.5 Monday 0.8 ±0.3 Fatigue 1.1 ±0.3 When do symptoms go away? Late in week 0.8 ±0.3 Flu-like symptoms 1.8 ±0.6 Never 3.5 ±0 8 No pattern 1.1 ±0.3 Nausea 1.8 ±3.4 Leave work 2.1 ±0.6 Always 2.3 ±0.6 Allergies 17.0 ±1.0 Weekends 4.3 ±0.9 Before remedy Asthma 1.4 ±0.3 Vacations 14.7 ±2.5 IAQ complaints or symptoms 31.3 ±6.8 Other health conditions 1.2 ±0.5 Medications 4.4 ±0.2 After remedy IAQ complaints or symptoms 2.5 ±1.1

air machines to prevent migration of particu- and some cases of pneumonia) (IR 14.3, 95% lates. The cleaning was conducted in accord- CI ±1.0). Over one third of the occupants that ance with the National Air Duct Cleaners registered complaints claimed that an increase Association Standard 1992–01.24 All work was in the relative humidity resulted in an increase done after hours or at weekends. All personnel in the severity of their symptoms (IR 12.0, 95% involved in the remedial work had the proper CI ±0.9). safety equipment and training and the Occupa- At most schools, before the IAQ company’s tional Health and Safety Administration stand- investigations, public health departments had ards were observed. Air and swab samples were conducted investigations and used question- retaken within 60 days and after at least 6 naires. These investigations consisted primarily months of completion of remedial work. of measuring the CO2 in the buildings and increasing the ventilation rates, but with no DATA ANALYSIS success in reducing the IAQ complaints. The Data were analysed by a computer program symptoms from the public health departments’ (Sigma Stat) with the Mann-Whitney rank questionnaires correlated with the symptoms sums test (U test), the Kruskal-Wallis one way obtained from the IAQ company’s question- analysis of varience (ANOVA) (H test), Spear- naire. At all schools, many of the occupants man’s product moment correlation, and that had IAQ complaints had submitted letters Dunn’s multiple comparisons and partial to the school oYcials, detailing their com- 25 correlations. plaints and symptoms. The complaints and symptoms listed in these letters correlated with http://oem.bmj.com/ Results the complaints and symptoms obtained from COMPLAINTS the IAQ company’s questionnaire. Of the 48 schools surveyed, 40 were elemen- After remedial action to any building, tary schools (children aged 5–10). At most of questionnaires were made available to the staff. these sites the school nurse distributed the IAQ They were asked to say if there were any com- company’s questionnaire to only the staV. plaints or symptoms related to the IAQ of the There were 622 occupants that reported IAQ building. There were none or only a few com- symptoms or complaints, which represented plaints concerning the IAQ from the buildings on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 28% of the total staV (students were not that underwent remedial action. Complaints included). With the exception of nausea, there after the action were never registered by more were no significant diVerences between the than 3% of the staV at any school. The overall reported complaints and symptoms at the incidence was 2.5/100 employees (95% CI diVerent sites. All of the sites were combined ±1.1). This represented a significant reduction and the average incidence per 100 employees (p<0.001) in the number of IAQ complaints. along with the 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) are displayed in the table. Nasal drainage and congestion (IR 19.3, 95% CI ±1.3) and CARBON DIOXIDE CHEMICAL AND PARTICULATE itchy and watering eyes (IR 14.0, 95% CI ±1.1) MEASUREMENTS were always the most common complaints, Although CO2 concentrations were higher although all of the symptoms, (with the excep- indoors than outdoors, there were no signifi- tion of nausea) listed in the table were reported cant correlations between the indoor concen- at each site. Most of the occupants registering trations and the complaints or symptoms (data complaints stated that their symptoms were a not shown). All measured constituents were result of either entering or working in the well within the normal acceptable range of a building and most stated that the symptoms school or oYce and there were no significant usually went away during weekends and correlations between the indoor concentrations holidays and returned on entering the building. and complaints or symptoms (data not shown). More than half of the occupants that had IAQ No correlations were found between the complaints also complained of increased respi- outdoor particulate measurements, the indoor ratory infections (such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, complaint areas, and the non-complaint areas. 582 Cooley, Wong, Jumper, et al

800 * 1000 Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.55.9.579 on 1 September 1998. Downloaded from 700 600 ** 500 Outdoor air Indoor air (compliant) 800 ** 240 Indoor air (non-compliant) 220 = SEM * 600 200 * p < 0.05

of air ** ** 3 180 300 of air

3 Cladosporium 160 species 140 250 Penicllium * species 120 Other fungi 60 200 combined = SEM 80 * p < 0.05 150 Colony forming units/m 60 ** p < 0.0001

40 * Colony forming units/m 100 20

0 50 Cladosporium Aspergillus Others Penicillium Alternaria Fungal species 0 Outdoor air Indoor air Indoor air Figure 1 Bar graph of all air samples taken at the 48 schools. samples samples samples complaint non-complaint FUNGI IN OUTDOOR AIR areas areas Five fungal genera were consistently found in Figure 2 Bar graph of all air samples taken at the 20 the outdoor air and comprised over 95% of the schools where Penicillium species were the dominant fungi. outdoor fungi (fig 1). These genera were (81.5%), (5.2%), 3 Cladosporium Penicillium areas, the CFU/m of Cladosporium species Chrysosporium (4.9%), Alternaria (2.8%), and were lower, but not always significantly lower, (1.1%). Other fungi ( Aspergillus Fusarium, Epi- than the outdoor air sample. Penicillium species coccum, Botrytis, Bipolaris, Acremonium, and Aspergillus species were the only fungi iso- Drechslera, Rhizopus, Mucor, and Rhodotorula) lated from the indoor air sample complaint were present in very low numbers and varied areas that had higher CFU/m3 of air when according to location and season. The pre- compared with the outdoor air sample and dominant Cladosporium species isolated from indoor air sample non-complaint areas. All of the outdoor samples was Cladosporium the schools had similar interior temperatures cladosporioides. Several other Cladosporium spe- (23°C). Most complaint sites showed very little cies (such as Cladosporium herbarum and

HVAC maintenance as well as active water http://oem.bmj.com/ Cladosporium sphaerospermum) were also iso- leaks. lated, but these isolates were usually found in At 20 schools (fig 2), there were significant association with . 3 Cladosporium cladosporioides increases (p<0.0001) in the CFU/m of Penicil- The predominant species isolated Penicillium lium species in the indoor air samples of was Penicillium chrysogenum. complaint areas compared with the outdoor air was the most commonly isolated Aspergillus sample and the indoor air samples of non- species from outdoor air samples. With the complaint areas. The swab samples from these

exception of a few sites along the northern on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. sites had very heavy growth of Penicillium Atlantic coast, most of the buildings were in species. The mean (SD, range) indoor relative mild temperate zones, with little or no snowfall, humidity in these complaint areas (IRH-C) and an average relative humidity range of was 50% (12%, 23%–67%), in non-complaint 30%–60%. The rainfall in the survey areas was areas (IRH-NC) 40% (10%, 30%–48%). The not abnormal, with the exception of states sur- mean (SD, range) outdoor relative humidity rounding the southern region of the Gulf of (ORH) was 46% (20%, 22%–81%). Penicillium Mexico, which were experiencing a drought chrysogenum was the dominant in during the survey period. The outdoor tem- 14 of these sites. perature was seasonal, varying from a low near ° ° In the air samples from complaint areas at 5 C to a high of 38 C. five schools (data not shown) there were increases, although not significant (p=0.10), in 3 INITIAL INDOOR AIR SAMPLES the number of CFU/m of Penicillium species. In most of the schools (fig 1), there were In these the IRH-C had a mean (SD, range) of significant reductions in the CFU/m3 of fungi 64% (9%, 54%–70%), the IRH-NC 56% (3%, in the indoor air samples from non-complaint 54%–58%). The outdoor relative humidity had areas compared with the outdoor air sample, a mean (SD, range) of 69% (15%, 60%–86%). but the fungal profiles were similar to outdoor The swab samples from these sites showed very air. In all of the buildings, the CFU/m3 of heavy growth of Penicillium species and heavy Cladosporium species were significantly growth of Cladosporium species, which indi- (p<0.05) lower in the indoor air samples of cated possible fungal growth in the interior and non-complaint areas than in the outdoor air a potential IAQ problem. Penicillium chrysoge- sample. In the indoor air sample complaint num was the most common isolate. Fungi and sick building syndrome 583

At 11 schools (data not shown), Stachybotrys Most of the occupants (90%) in the buildings Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.55.9.579 on 1 September 1998. Downloaded from atra, which was not isolated from any air sam- that we investigated were teachers. Although ples, was isolated from swabs of the visible potential psychological disorders—such as growth taken from under wetted carpets, inte- depression or anxiety—were not directly con- rior painted gypsum board walls, and especially sidered, we did, at most schools, find a high job behind vinyl coverings on gypsum board walls satisfaction and a genuine concern for the wel- that had been wetted in indoor complaint fare of the students. Also, it is diYcult to segre- areas. The indoor air samples from these com- gate the individual pollutant from copollutants plaint areas were not significantly diVerent and other confounders. However, tobacco from the indoor air samples of the non- smoke can be eliminated as a potential complaint areas and had profiles that were confounder as all of the schools prohibited similar to the outdoor air samples. The mean tobacco use on the campuses. (SD, range) of these IRH-C samples was 62% A causal relation is rarely discernible even (5%, 58%–66%). The mean (SD, range) with strong statistical significance. Thus, at outdoor relative humidity was 83% (11%, best, associations can be drawn only between 65%–90%). the exposure and the eVect. Three Aspergillus species ( , Although fungal contamination in indoor , and Aspergillus flavus) environments has been shown to produce were isolated from interior air samples and allergies in occupants of these swab samples in association with the Penicillium buildings,16 18 27 28 the role of fungi in IAQ species, but Aspergillus species (Aspergillus problems has become increasingly controver- flavus) were dominant in complaint areas at sial. Our studies show that Penicillium species only one school. The swab samples from the and Stachybotrys species are strongly associated interior showed heavy to very heavy growth of with SBS. These data show that the Penicillium Aspergillus species, along with medium to heavy species, especially Penicillium chrysogenum, can growth of Cladosporium species and Penicillium adapt to an environment in which humans are species. The indoor relative humidity at this most comfortable. Our studies also support site was 65% and the outdoor relative humidity earlier findings that Penicillium species has was 75%. become an important indoor contaminant.29 In the remaining 11 schools, the fungal ratios This ubiquitous organism’s optimal growth and CFU/m3 of air (outdoor and indoor air occurs between 10° and 25°C. It can grow over samples) were not significantly diVerent. The a wide range of water availability and has low swab samples from the interior of these sites water activity, although sporulation requires a showed heavy to very heavy growth of higher water activity.30 Whereas it is widely Cladosporium species or Penicillium species, stated that relative humidity >70% is needed which indicated possible fungal growth in the for active fungal growth, the water activity of interior. The mean (SD, range) indoor relative the substrate is actually the critical variable.31 humidity was 60% (3%, 56%–64%) and In the complaint areas where Penicillium outdoors it was 60% (2%, 57%–62%). species were dominant, we found (with the

exception of the HVAC system at the fan dur- http://oem.bmj.com/ INDOOR AIR SAMPLES AFTER REMEDIAL ACTION ing cooling) that the range of the indoor Indoor air samples and swab samples were relative humidity was from 23%–67%. Penicil- retaken within 60 days of completion of the lium chrysogenum is apparently capable of remedial action to a building and again at least successfully competing with most conidial 6 months after the action. At all sites the fungal fungi over almost the entire range of water ratios (outdoor air samples compared with availability. Its spores are small (1–5 µm) and indoor air samples) were very similar but the are capable of entering the lower respiratory

fungal CFU/m3 from the indoor air samples tract. It has been shown that bronchial on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. were 50%–90% less (p<0.05) than the outdoor challenges with Penicillium species spores in- air samples (data not shown). The indoor rela- duced immediate and delayed type asthma in tive humidity had a mean (SD) of 44% (5%), sensitised subjects.27 with no site exceeding 57%. The outdoor rela- Stachybotrys species, some of which are tive humidity ranged from 37%–87%. All swab capable of producing potent ,32 samples showed very light to light growth of require abnormally high relative humidity or Cladosporium species and a mixture of other wetted surfaces to grow. This has been species. associated with illness related to buildings and SBS.33 34 It is diYcult to isolate Stachybotrys Discussion species from the air and the presence of All of the IAQ complaints investigated were Stachybotrys may have been overlooked due to generated by the occupants. As the validity of this phenomenon. Our findings suggest that results from questionnaire studies may be when the fungal ecology of complaint air sam- altered by biases introduced by the observer or ples are similar to the outdoor air and by the respondents,26 the results must be care- non-complaint air samples, coupled with ab- fully weighed. Even when observer bias is normally high interior relative humidity and reduced, the bias introduced by the respondent symptoms of SBS, the possibility exists that a remains a potential source of systematic error.26 producing fungus such as Stachybot- A major problem, however, is that it is often rys, may be hidden and growing in the interior diYcult to control independent variables be- of the building. cause of the diversity of the study population, Spores of Cladosporium species probably its motility, or a lack of personal exposure. occur more abundantly world wide than any 584 Cooley, Wong, Jumper, et al

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